4th Quarter Study Guide Asia I. Physical Geography: A. relative

4th Quarter Study Guide
I. Physical Geography:
A. relative location
B. physical features
C. three sub regions of Asia
1. where do most people live in each sub-region and why
D. location of countries – major one’s emphasized
II. Developed vs. Developing
A. what criteria can be used to tell if a country is developed or developing?
III. Cultural Hearths
A. India
1. Originally along the Indus River
2. Conquered by the “Aryans”
3. Conquest paired with other agricultural factors led to migration to the
Ganges River Valley
4. Blending of “Aryan” beliefs and existing cultures led to Caste System
a) Originally four castes
b) Some of the “rules” associated with the Caste System include:
You worked the same job as your parents, education only for the
higher castes, it dictated where you lived, where you could go, an
who you could interact with,
5. Hinduism and Buddhism started here
a) Several common features including: non-violence (ahismsa),
belief in reincarnation, and meditation to study
6. Colonized by Great Britain / English – what effect did this have?
B. China
1. Along the Yellow and Yangtze River
2. Great achievements of ancient China include: Compass, block writing,
paper, character writing
3. Established the “Silk Road” from East Asia to the Mediterranean Sea
4. Confucius influenced society with his teachings: what were his teachings?
5. Dynasties: what is a dynasty?
IV. Miscellaneous
A. Modern vs. Traditional in socities: role of women, jobs, acceptable position in
B. Be able to read and interpret a cartogram (symbolic representation of data)
and climograph (curved line and bar graph)
Be smart, look through all of your warm-ups for patterns and probable