Essential Question: Do belief systems unite or divide people

Essential Question: Do belief systems unite or divide people?
Beliefs of
Hinduism (76)
Many Gods
No single founder
One of most complex religions
Starts in India
Examples of Gods:
 Brahma-the Creator
Sacred Texts
Goal of life
Karma and
Vishnu-the Preserver; Shiva—the destroyer
Vedas and Upanishads (Bhagavad-Gita)
Atman=essential self, another name for brahman
Moksha=union with Brahman (ultimate goal of Hinduism
Reincarnation= rebirth of the soul into another bodily form, allows people to work
towards moksha
Karma=actions of a person’s life that affect his or her fate in the next life (what
goes around comes around)
Dharma=religious and moral duties
o Duties are based on:
 Class, occupation
 Gender, age
Complex Caste
System (86)
Ahisma= non-violence
o All things and people are part of Brahman so they should be respected
Aryans divided society into 4 classes based on occupation
Non-Aryans were outcasts
Many Castes
Many castes and subcastes evolve over time (hundreds of castes and thousands of
Caste is based on spiritual purity (how close someone is to achieving moksha)
o Determined by your Karma
Caste rules govern every aspect of life (how people eat, dress, earn a living)
Can’t marry outside your caste or eat with people from a different caste
High castes must protect themselves from “polluted” lowers caste members
Untouchables-lowest caste (outcasts)
o Harsh life
o Only allowed to do “impure” jobs such as digging graves and cleaning
o Forced to live apart and avoid contact with higher castes
o Had to make noise so others new they were coming
Complex Rules
Effects (87)
Creates stable social order
Can only change your caste through reincarnation
Gave people a sense of identity and interdependence (jobs, leaders)
o Each caste has a special role in society
o Castes depend on each other for their needs
Caste system adapts to changing conditions (absorbs foreigners and new
Essential Question:
 How does Hinduism unite people?
How does Hinduism divide people?