CD Appendix A Excel Instructions and Troubleshooting

CD Appendix A2 Excel Troubleshooting and Detailed
Instructions for Office 2007
Before using this appendix please read CD Appendix A1. If problems persist use this appendix to get exact
The goal of this appendix is to help students resolve any problems they may encounter in using Microsoft
Excel to produce statistical results. For each example we will show the dialog box we completed to produce
the printout shown in the book. We’ll start with the most frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1. When I click the Add-Ins button I do not see Data Analysis Plus. How do I get it?
Answer: Data Analysis Plus is the set of statistical techniques that accompany this book. There are three
ways to put it on the Add-Ins menu.
a. Insert the CD that accompanies the book into the CD drive. If you follow the on-screen instructions the
install software will load Data Analysis Plus onto Xlstart. When you start Excel Data Analysis Plus will
be on the Add-Ins menu. Note that Data Analysis Plus will appear twice in the Add-Ins menu. This is the
result of the way Excel stores add-ins. Click either one.
b. Insert the CD that accompanies the book. If the install routine starts click the Exit button. Open the
folder (Right-click the icon and click Open or Explore. Open the folder Manual Install, then Keller 8,
and Data Analysis Plus 7.0 and find the file Stats.xls, which contain the macros that constitute Data
Analysis Plus. Copy it into the Xlstart folder.
c. Follow instruction 2 but instead of copying Stats.xls into Xlstart simply double-click. You will then be
asked about the macro. Click the Enable Macros button. The drawback to this method is that when you
exit Excel and start it again you will have to repeat the procedure. Methods a and b will keep Stats.xls in
the Xlstart folder.
When you click the Data button and Data Analysis the following dialog box will appear.
Clicking Add-Ins and Data Analysis Plus produces this dialog box
Question 2. How do I get help?
Answer: Excel provides a number of explanations about its various functions. These include the add-ins
listed in the Data Analysis… menu. A separate help file for Data Analysis Plus is also available. It can be
summoned in two ways. First, if you click the help button in any of the Data Analysis Plus dialog boxes the
instructions for that dialog box will appear. Second, if you make an error when using Data Analysis Plus
the appropriate help file will appear giving you the instructions that accompany that procedure. However,
the first time you make an error or click the help button, Excel will ask where the help file is stored. If you
used the install procedure the help file will be stored in XXX.
Question 3: How do I access Excel’s built-in functions?
Answer: The fx is on the fourth level next to A1. After clicking fx Excel will show the next box. (The
actual contents may not be the same as shown here.) Use the help button or follow the instructions provided
in the book.
For each chapter in the book where we use Excel we will provide the actual dialog boxes and their
contents. All readers need do is do exactly as we have done to produce the printouts exhibited in the book.
Chapter 2
Example 2.1
1. Open Xm02-01.
2. Click fx and fill in the dialog box as we have done below.
3. Click OK and complete the next dialog box.
Change the Criteria to 2, 3, 4, and 5 to count the number of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and 7s.
Example 2.4
1. Open Xm02-04.
2. In cell B1 type Bills. In cells B2 to B9 type 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120
3. Click Data, Data Analysis, and Histogram, and complete the dialog box as follows.
The following figure will be produced.
4. Right-click any of the blue rectangles and click Format Data Series. Click Options and the next dialog
box will appear.
5. Reduce the Gap Width to 0. Click anywhere inside the box. Click Chart and Chart Options to make
cosmetic improvements.
Stem-and Leaf Display for Example 2.4
1. Open Xm02-04.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus and Stem and Leaf Display Fill in the dialog box. Note that you
must use one of the increments listed in the Increment box.
Example 2.8
1. Type or import the data into one column. (Open Xm02-08.)
2. Highlight the column of data. Click Insert and Line. Click the first choice.
3. Click Layout and make whatever changes you wish.
Example 2.10
1.Type or import the data. (Open Xm02-10.)
2. Click Insert and PivotTable. The following box will be displayed. Click OK.
3. Click OK. You will then see the following box.
4. Drag the Newspaper field button to the ROW section of the box. Drag the Occupation button to the
COLUMN section. Drag the Reader button to the DATA field. Here is what you get.
5. Right click any number in the table. Click Summarize data by and Count.
To compute row relative frequencies (or various other choices) click Summarize data by, More
Options… and Show values as. Scroll down and click % of rows.
Bar charts for Example 2.10
1. To draw three bar charts, one for each occupation depicting the four newspapers, we need to exchange
Newspapers and Occupations in the pivot table. That is, in the pivot table drag the Newspaper icon to the
column position and the Occupation icon to the row position. The result of these actions is shown next.
Count of Rider Newspaper
Grand Total
4 Grand Total
2. Place the cursor somewhere in the pivot table and click the Chart Wizard. Click Chart, Chart Type,
and select the first chart. (To produce a three-dimensional bar chart, select the last chart.) Click Chart
Options to improve the look of the chart.
If you or someone else has created the contingency table Excel can draw bar charts directly from the table
(without using the PivotTable and PivotChart).
1. Start with a table as shown in Table 2.9 without the row and column totals. (Open Xm02-08A.)
2. Highlight the complete table including the names of the occupations and newspapers.
3. Click the Chart Wizard.
Excel will create 4 bar charts (one for each newspaper) of the occupations. To create 3 bar charts (one for
each occupation) of the newspapers add an extra column to the table (as shown below).
Blue-collar White-collar Professional Extra
Highlight the table and click the Chart Wizard. Delete the extra column. The result will be almost the
same as the one produced from the Pivot Table.
Example 2.12
1. Type or import the data into two adjacent columns. Store variable X in the first column and variable Y in
the next column.
2. Click the Insert and Scatter.
3. To make cosmetic changes click Layout.
Chapter 4
Example 4.2
1. Open Xm02-04.
2. Activate any empty cell. Click fx and select the category Statistical, and the function AVERAGE. This
dialog box will appear. . In the Number 1 box specify the input range of the data (A1:A201). The mean
will appear in the dialog box.
Descriptive Statistics for Examples 4.2, 4.4, and 4.6
1. Open Xm02-04.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis..., and Descriptive Statistics producing the following box. Specify the input
Range (A1:A201) and click Summary statistics
Example 4.12
Follow the instructions for Descriptive Statistics. In the dialogue box click Kth Largest and type in the
integer closest to 50. Repeat for Kth Smallest, typing in the integer closest to 50 as shown next.
Example 4.14
1. Open Xm02-04.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Box Plot. The dialog box below will open. Specify the Input
Range (A1:A201).
Example 4.17
1. Follow the instructions to draw a scatter diagram. Highlight the columns containing the variables. The
first column should store the independent variable and the second column, the dependent variable.
2. Click Insert, Scatter and choose the first graph.
3. To draw the least squares line click Layout, Trendline, and Linear Trendline.
4. To produce the least squares equation click Layout, Trendline, and More Trendline Options….
5. Check the Display Equation on chart box.
Example 4.18
1. Open Xm04-17.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis, and Correlation. Complete the following dialog box by specifying the
Input Range (B1:C10).
Chapter 5
Example 5.1
1 Click Data, Data Analysis, and Random Number Generation. Complete the dialog box in the
following way.
Column A will fill with 50 numbers that range between 0 and 1.
2 Multiply column A by 1,000 and store the products in column B.
3 Make cell C1 active, and click f x , Math& Trig,, ROUNDUP, and Next>.
4 Specify the first number to be rounded.
5 Type the number of digits (decimal places). Click Finish.
6 Complete column C.
Chapter 7
Example 7.10
1. Activate any empty cell. Click fx and select the category Statistical, and the function BINOMDIST.
2. Type the value of x in the Number_s box, the number of trials, n in the Trials box, the probability of
success, p in the Probability_s box, and TRUE to yield a cumulative probability or FALSE for an
individual probability in the Cumulative box (as shown below).
The probability appears on the right side of the dialog box. Clicking OK will print the probability in the
active cell.
Example 7.13
1. Activate any empty cell. Click fx and select the category Statistical, and the function POISSON.
2. Type the value of x and the mean in the first two boxes. In the Cumulative box type TRUE to yield a
cumulative probability or FALSE for an individual probability (as follows).
The probability appears on the right side of the dialog box. Clicking OK will print the probability in the
active cell.
Chapter 8
Example 8.2a
1. Activate any empty cell. Click fx and select the category Statistical, and the function NORMDIST.
2. Type the value of x, the mean, and the standard deviation in the first three boxes. Type true in the
Cumulative box to yield a cumulative probability. (Typing false will produce the value of the density
function, a number with little meaning.)
The probability appears on the right side of the dialog box. Clicking OK will print the probability in the
active cell.
Example 8.3
1. Activate any empty cell. Click fx and select the category Statistical, and the function NORMDINV.
2. Type the cumulative probability, the mean , and the standard deviation in their appropriate boxes.
Example 8.7 c
1. Activate any empty cell. Click f x and select the category Statistical, and the function EXPONDIST.
2. Type the value of x and λ in the first two boxes. Type true in the Cumulative box to yield a cumulative
probability. (Typing false will produce the value of the density function, a number with little meaning.)
The probability appears on the right side of the dialog box. Clicking OK will print the probability in the
active cell.
Chapter 10
Example 10.1
1. Open Xm10-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Z-Estimate: Mean. Fill in the dialog box as shown below and
click OK.
Chapter 11
Example 11.1
1. Open Xm11-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Z-Test: Mean. Fill in the dialog box.
Chapter 12
Example 12.1
1. Open Xm12-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and t-Test: Mean. Complete the dialog box.
Example 12.2
1. Open Xm12-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and t-Estimate: Mean. Complete the dialog box.
Example 12.3
1. Open Xm12-03.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Chi-Squared-Test: Variance. Complete the dialog box.
Example 12.4
1. Open Xm12-03.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Chi-Squared-Estimate: Variance. Complete the dialog box.
Example 12.5
1. Open Xm12-05.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and z-Test: Proportion. Complete the dialog box.
Chapter-Opening Example
1. Open Xm12-00.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and z-Estimate: Proportion. Complete the dialog box.
Chapter 13
Example 13.1
1.Open Xm13-01.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances.
Example 13.2
1.Open Xm13-02.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances.
Example 13.5
1.Open Xm13-05.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means.
Example 13.7
1. Open Xm13-07.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis…, and F-Test Two-Sample for Variances.
Example 13.9
1.Open Xm13-09.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Z-Test: 2 Proportions.
Example 13.10
1.Open Xm13-09.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Z-Test: 2 Proportions.
Example 13.11
1.Open Xm13-09.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Z-Estimate: 2 Proportions.
Chapter 14
Example 14.1
1. Open Xm14-01.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Anova: Single Factor.
Example 14.2
1. Open Xm14-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Multiple Comparisons.
Example 14.3
1. Open Xm14-03.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis. . . , and Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication
Example 14.4
1. Open Xm15-02.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Anova:Two-Factor with Replication.
Chapter 15
Example 15.1
1. Into columns A and B type
2. Activate some empty cell and click fx , Statistical, and CHITEST.
Example 15.2 (Instructions for raw data)
1. Open Xm15-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Contingency Table (Raw Data).
Test for Normality for Example 12.1
1. Open Xm12-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Chi-Squared Test of Normality.
Chapter 16
Example 16.2
1. Open Xm16-02.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Regression.
Example 16.6
1. Open Xm16-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Correlation (Pearson)
Example 16.8
1. Open Xm16-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Prediction Interval.
Chapter 17
Example 17.1
1. Open Xm17-01.
2 Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Regression.
Chapter 19
Example 191.2
1.Open Xm19-02.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
Example 19.3
1. Open Xm19-03.
2 Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Sign Test.
Example 19.4
1.Open Xm19-04.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test.
Example 19.5
1. Open Xm19-05.
2 Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Kruskal Wallis Test
Example 19.6
1. Open Xm19-06.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Friedman Test.
Example 19.7
1. Open Xm19-07.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Correlation (Spearman).
Chapter 20
Example 20.1
1. Open Xm20-01.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Moving Average.
Example 20.2
1. Open Xm20-01.
2. Click Data, Data Analysis…, and Exponential Smoothing.
Example 20.3
1. Open Xm20-03.
2 Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Seasonal Indexes.
Chapter 21
Example 21.1
1. Open Xm21-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Statistical Process Control.
Example 21.2
1. Open Xm21-01.
2. Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Statistical Process Control.
Chapter-Opening Example
1. Open Xm21-00.
2 Click Add-Ins, Data Analysis Plus, and Statistical Process Control.