7th grade PreAp Math syllabus Miss Toothaker toothakerp@lisd.net Welcome to 7th grade and Miss Toothaker’s math class. I am excited about the new school year and the opportunity to foster deeper connections with my students. It should be a productive year as we continue to explore mathematical relationships together. 1. Curriculum: Focal points for 8th grade math are numerical representations and relationships, computations and algebraic relationships, geometry and measurement, and data analysis and personal financial literacy. *Please note: PreAp math students will take the 8th grade STAAR test on March 31. 2. Students accepting the challenges and rigor of Pre-Ap classes are also adhering to the responsibilities of a Pre-Ap student. Curiosity, creativity, and commitment to the course, and a strong work ethic are key character traits for success in advanced placement classes. Students should be willing to practice until something is right understanding it might not be easy the first time. 3. Cell phones: Cell phones should be turned off, silenced, or left at home/locker. Students will not need their phone in class; texting during class is at NO time acceptable for ANY reason. 4. Tools to be successful in 8th grade math: a. Monitor grades often on Skyward b. Have several study partners (meet to work on homework together, study for tests, quiz one another on review content) c. Commit to the course with your time, attention, and actions. There is no place for discipline issues. d. Take careful and neat notes. We will refer to them often throughout the course of the year, and you will be allowed to use them on certain quizzes/tests. e. Class information, agenda, and updates can be found on edmodo.com. Group code to join for students is 9wq2bu. ****Parents: please see student edmodo page for your corresponding parent code to join. f. COMPLETE ALL HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS. Work must be shown as modeled in class. Incomplete and/or missing work is subject to point deduction or given no credit (with the option to redo for a late grade). g. Pearson Online Homework: if you have Wifi problems at home remember Lamar opens by 7:45am each morning and stays open late in the evenings (especially during sporting events) so take advantage of these opportunities. There are several local establishments that also offer free Wifi. h. Homework: Students should NOT save all homework for the night before it is due. Instead complete half the first night (30-45 minutes) and half the second night (3045 minutes). i. Sign up for reminders about the course on Remind 101: Text @lmsapmath to 81010 5. Tutoring before school at 8:15 (except Wednesday) or after school until 4:30 (I have duty after school on Mon, Wed, and every other Fri). This time is for asking questions, clarifying concepts from homework, and getting absent work. Attending tutoring on the assignment’s due date is not an excuse for incomplete assignments. If I am not available, please see Ms. Simpson (next door). 6. Check edmodo/google calendar for absent work. It may be necessary for you to also pick up certain absent assignments before school during tutoring (Absent work will not be handed out during class). With the block schedule, it is crucial to not get behind due to absent work. 7. Correct test/quiz grades with scores below a 70. Test/quiz grades must be made up within TWO weeks of receiving the initial grade. Students who fail an online Pearson TEST will be required to come in for tutoring to take an online Pearson Re-Test. 8. Late work: students may submit late work the following class period for a maximum score of 70 (two days late for a maximum of a 50) 9. Grades: Grades are weighted as follows: Daily 20% (homework & warmups) Quizzes 30% (regular checks for content comprehension) Tests 50% (2-3 per nine weeks) 10.Think Through Math: LISD has decided to renew our contract with Think Through Math. Students will be required to complete a series of lessons every two weeks. This is weighted as a QUIZ grade. -Think Through Math is done mostly outside of class, however as an incentive extra credit coupons are awarded for class leaders. Think Through Math is compatible with Ipads. 11.Lamar Middle School teachers use a collaborative behavior management plan to foster a safe and successful learning environment. This plan includes a team approach, teaching expectations across all classes, tiered consequences for multiple behavior infractions, recognition and rewards for appropriate behavior and demonstrating good citizenship. 12.Classroom Supplies: binder, math spiral, pencil, pen, notebook paper, earbuds, stylus, and charged Ipad. 13.Apps for Ipad: -Edmodo (free) -Educreations (free) -Classkick (free) -Skyward (free) -Khan Academy (free) -BaiBoard (free) -ThingLink (free) -Virtual Nerd Mobile Math (free) **Notablility: this is my preferred note-taking App. It is my STRONG recommendation that students purchase this App. I will use this App in class and have the capability to share my notes with absent students digitally.