Section Five pp. 1 Section Five: Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Periodicity Reading: Tro Chapters 7 and 8 Recommended Problems: Mastering Chemistry Online Homework Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction Electromagnetic radiation exhibits wavelike properties which can be depicted in the following representation below: 1. 2. 3. The wavelength, λ (lower-case Greek letter lambda), is represented by number 1, or the peak-to-peak distance, and is generally in units of meters (although usually converted to nm). The number 2 represents the amplitude, or the height of the wave above/below the center line. Finally, the number 3 represents the node, or the point at which an electron occupying an orbital will NOT be found (to be discussed in more detail later). The number of cycles per second is called the frequency, denoted with the symbol ν (the Greek letter nu), and expressed in units of s-1 of Hz (Hertz). Both light and waves can be characterized by wavelength and frequency, and all electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light (c). Max Planck first analyzed data from the emission of light from hot, glowing solids. He observed that the color of the solids varied with temperature. Furthermore, Planck suggested that a relationship exists between energy of atoms in the solid and wavelength. This led to the following equation: νλ = c This equation has multiple interpretations. If the wavelength is long, there will be fewer cycles of the wave passing a point per second; thus, the frequency will be low. Conversely, for a wave to have a high frequency, the distance between the peaks of the wave must be small (short wavelength). In summary, an inverse relationship exists between frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation as the speed of light is always constant. Energy can be released (or absorbed) by atoms in discreet chunks (also known as quantum or photons) of some minimum size; that is, energy is quantized and emitted/absorbed in whole number units of hν. Collectively, we say that: Section Five pp. 2 E = hν = hc/λ where h = Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J s), ν = frequency, λ = wavelength, and c = speed of light (3.0 x 108 m/s). Energy (E) is generally expressed in units of Joules (J), where this actually implies J/atom. Problem #1: Yellow light exhibits a wavelength of approximately 570 nm. Determine the frequency of this light and the total energy of the photon being emitted in units of J and kJ/mol. Problem #2: When an electron beam strikes a block of copper, x-rays with a frequency of 2.0 x 1018 Hz are emitted. How much energy is emitted at this wavelength by (A) an excited copper atom when it generates an x-ray photon; (B) 1.00 mol of excited copper atoms; and (C) 1.00 g of copper atoms? Problem #3: A minimum energy of 495 kJ/mol is required to break the oxygen-oxygen bond in O2. What is the longest wavelength of radiation that possesses the necessary energy to break the bond? Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic waves are produced by a combination of electrical and magnetic fields which are at right angles to one another (i.e. perpendicular). The various types of waves include: radiowaves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, cosmic Section Five pp. 3 rays, and gamma rays. All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light; they differ from one another by their corresponding wavelengths and frequencies. Increasing Frequency (ν) and Energy (E) Radio Micro IR Visible (ROYGBV) UV X-ray Cosmic Gamma Increasing Wavelength (λ) Problem #4: Arrange the following types of photons of radiation in order of increasing speed: infrared radiation, visible light, x-rays, and microwaves. Which form of radiation possesses the longest wavelength? Which form of radiation possesses the largest amount of energy per photon? Photoelectric Effect Consider incident radiation which consists of a stream of photons of energy hν. Once these particles strike the surface of a metal, the energy is absorbed by an electron. If the energy of the photon is less than the energy required to remove an electron from the metal, then an electron will NOT be ejected. Moreover, the energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a metal is called the work function (Φ) of the metal. However, if the energy of the photon is greater than the work function, then an electron is ejected with a kinetic energy equal to the difference between the energy of the incoming photon and the work function. That is, KEelectron = ½ mv2 = hν - hνo where m = mass, v = velocity, h = Planck’s constant, and ν = frequency. These results, known as the photoelectric effect, can be summarized alongside with Einstein’s theory: 1. 2. 3. An electron can be driven out of the metal only if it receives at least a certain minimum energy, Φ, from the photon during the collision. Therefore, the frequency of the radiation must have a certain minimum value if electrons are to be ejected. This minimum frequency depends on the work function and hence on the identity of the metal. Provided a photon has enough energy, a collision results in the immediate ejection of an electron. The kinetic energy of the ejected electron from the metal increases linearly with the frequency of the incident radiation according to the equation ½ mv2 = hν hνo. Section Five pp. 4 Problem #5: Calculate the ionization energy of a rubidium atom, given that radiation of wavelength 58.4 nm produces electrons with a speed of 2450 km/s. Problem #6: The energy required for the ionization of a certain atom is 3.44 x 10-18 J. The absorption of a photon of unknown wavelength ionizes the atom and ejects an electron with velocity 1.03 x 108 m/s. Calculate the wavelength of the incident of radiation. Problem #7: The ionization energy of gold is 890.1 kJ/mol. Is light with a wavelength of 225 nm capable of ionizing a gold atom in the gas phase? Section Five pp. 5 de Broglie Relation and the Wave-Particle Duality of Matter If electromagnetic radiation has a dual character, could it be that matter, which has been regarded as consisting of particles, also have wavelike properties? On the basis of theoretical observations, Louis de Broglie suggested that all particles should be regarded as having wavelike properties. Therefore, it was proposed that: λ = h/p = h/mv where λ = wavelength, h = Planck’s constant, p = linear momentum (in units of kg m/s), m = mass (kg), and v = velocity (m/s). BE CAREFUL: v is velocity and NOT frequency (ν). Beginning chemistry students often confuse these symbols! Problem #8: If an electron travels at a velocity of 1.000 x 107 m/s and has a mass of 9.109 x 10-28 g, what is its wavelength? Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Heisenberg determined that there is a fundamental limitation to just how precisely one can know both the position and the momentum of a particle at a given time. That is, Δx • Δp > h/4π where x = the location of particle, p = linear momentum, and h = Planck’s constant. This relationship means that the more precisely we know a particle’s motion, the less precisely we can know its momentum, and vice versa. The uncertainty principle implies that we cannot know the exact path of the electron as it moves around the nucleus. It is therefore not appropriate to assume that the electron is moving around the nucleus in a welldefined orbit. Problem #9: An electron with a mass of 9.109 x 10-31 kg is known to have an uncertainty of 1 pm in its position. Determine the uncertainty in its speed. Section Five pp. 6 Bohr Model Bohr proposed a model that included the idea that the electron in a hydrogen atom moves around the nucleus only in certain allowed circular orbits. Furthermore, Bohr concluded the following as applied to the bright-line spectrum of hydrogen: 1. Hydrogen atoms exist in only specified energy states given by the Rydberg energy equation: E = -2.178 x 10-18 J (Z2/nfinal2 - Z2/ninitial2) 2. 3. 4. where E = Energy (J), Z = atomic number, and n = orbital level. Hydrogen atoms can absorb only certain amounts of energy, and no others. When excited hydrogen atoms lose energy, they lose only certain amounts of energy, emitted as photons. The different photons given off by hydrogen atoms produce the color lines seen in the bright-line spectrum of hydrogen. The greater the energy lost by the atom, the greater the energy of the photon. The problem with classical physics of the time was that an electron orbiting a nucleus would lose energy and eventually collapse into the nucleus. In Bohr’s model, an electron can travel around a nucleus without radiating energy. Furthermore, an electron in a given orbit has a certain definite amount of energy. The only way an electron can lose energy is by dropping from one energy level to a lower one. When this happens, the atom emits a photon of radiation corresponding to the difference in energy levels. However, electrons in higher levels cannot drop to a lower level if that level is filled. Because no electrons can move to a lower level, none of them can lose energy. The atom is energetically stable and is said to be in its ground state. Atoms can absorb energy from an outside source (such as heat from a flame or electrical energy from a source of voltage), causing one or more of the electrons within the atom to move to higher energy levels. When electrons are moved to these higher levels, the atom is said to be in an excited state. However, the atom is energetically unstable, so it will not remain in an excited state for a long period of time. Eventually, electrons return to lower levels. As they do so, energy is given off in the form of quanta. Problem #10: Determine the energy of the line in the spectrum of hydrogen that represents the movement of an electron from a Bohr orbit with n = 6 to n = 4. Problem #11: Determine the wavelength of light that must be absorbed by a hydrogen atom in its ground state to excite it to the n = 2 orbit. Section Five pp. 7 At first, Bohr’s model appeared to be very promising. The energy levels calculated by Bohr closely agreed with the values obtained from the hydrogen emission spectrum. However, when Bohr’s model was applied to atoms other than hydrogen, it did not work at all. It was therefore concluded that Bohr’s model is fundamentally incorrect for atoms with more than one electron. Schrödinger Equation Erwin Schrödinger proposed the theory of quantum mechanics which suggested that an electron (or any other particle) exhibiting wavelike properties should be described by a mathematical equation called a wavefunction (denoted by the Greek letter psi, ψ). Specifically, he developed a mathematical formalism to describe the hydrogen atom as a wave. This infamous equation (which involves differential calculus!) gives the probability of finding an electron at some point in a three-dimensional space at any given instant but gives no information about the path the electron follows (recall Heisenberg). The region in space where there is a probability of finding an electron is known as an orbital, and in the Schrödinger equation, the wavefunction (squared mathematically) is used to calculate the probability of finding an electron in space. Structures of Atoms 1. Principle Quantum Number (n): specifies the energy level of an electron and labels the shell of an atom 2. Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l): specifies the subshell of a given shell in an atom and determines the shape of the orbitals in the subshell p s d f Section Five pp. 8 3. Magnetic Quantum Number (ml): identifies the individual orbitals of a subshell of an atom and determines the orientation in space 4. Spin Quantum Number (ms): distinguishes the two spin states of an electron n l Orbital Designation ml # of orbitals 1 2 3 4 5. Pauli Exclusion Principle: No two electrons can have the same four sets of identical quantum numbers. Moreover, when two electrons (and NO MORE THAN TWO!) occupy the same given orbital, their spins must be different. Problem #12: How many subshells are there for n = 6? How many total orbitals are there in the shell with n = 6? Section Five pp. 9 Problem #13: Write the subshell notation and the number of electrons that can have the following quantum numbers if all the orbitals of that subshell are filled: A. n = 3; l = 2 B. n = 5; l = 0 C. n = 7; l = 1 D. n = 4; l = 3 Problem #14: How many electrons can have the following quantum numbers in an atom: A. n = 3, l = 1 B. n = 5, l = 3, ml = -1 C. n = 2, l = 1, ml = 0 D. n=7 Problem #15: Which of the following sets of quantum numbers {n, l, ml, ms} are allowed and which are not? For the sets of quantum numbers that are incorrect, state what is wrong. A. {2, 2, -1, -½} B. {6, 0, 0, +½} C. {5, 4, +5, +½} Problem #16: What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have these quantum numbers? A. n=3 B. n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0 C. n = 5, ms = +½ D. n = 2, l = 1 Section Five pp. 10 Many-Electron Atoms We have to examine the balance of attractions and repulsions in the atom to explain why subshells of a given shell have different energies. As well as being attracted by the nucleus, each electron in a many-electron atom is repelled by the other electrons present. As a result, it is less tightly bound to the nucleus than it would be if those other electrons were absent. We say that each electron is shielded from the full attraction of the nucleus by the other electrons in the atom. The shielding effectively reduces the pull of the nucleus on an electron. The effective nuclear charge, Zeff, experienced by the electron is always less than the actual nuclear charge, Z, because the electron-electron repulsions work against the pull of the nucleus. Note that the other electrons do not “block” the influence of the nucleus; they simply provide additional repulsive coulombic interactions that partly counteract the pull of the nucleus. Finally, an s-electron of any shell can be found very close to the nucleus, so we say that it can penetrate through the inner shells. A p-electron penetrates much less. Because a p-electron penetrates less than an s-electron through the inner shells of the atom, it is more effectively shielded from the nucleus and hence experiences a smaller effective nuclear charge than an s-electron does. That is, an s-electron is bound more tightly than a p-electron and has a slightly lower (more negative) energy. In a many-electron atom, because of the effects of penetration and shielding, the order of energies of orbitals in a given shell is typically s < p < d < f. 6. Aufbau Principle: The procedure for arriving at the ground-state electron configurations of atoms and molecules in order of increasing atomic number. To proceed from one atom to the next, we add a proton and some neutrons to the nucleus and then describe the orbital into which the added electron goes. 7. Hund’s Rule: Whenever orbitals of equal energy (degenerate) are available, electrons occupy these orbitals singly before pairing begins. 8. Core vs. Valence electrons: inner vs. outermost electrons (latter contained within outermost shell) 9. Diamagnetic vs. Paramagnetic species: former has all its electrons paired and is slightly repelled by a magnetic field; latter has one or more unpaired electrons and is attracted into a magnetic field Problem #17: Determine the ground-state electron configuration for each of the following elements (see the last page of this section for a sample orbital energy diagram): A. sulfur B. cesium Section Five pp. 11 C. polonium D. rhenium E. vanadium Problem #18: Predict the number of valence electrons present in each of the following atoms (include the outermost d-electrons): A. Bi B. Ba C. Mn D. Zn Problem #19: Determine the ground-state electron configuration for each of the following ions: A. Al+3 B. Tc+4 C. Ra+2 D. I- E. Ir+ F. Ru+4 G. Mo+2 H. Co+3 Section Five pp. 12 Problem #20: Predict the number of valence electrons present for each of the following ions: A. In+ B. Tc+2 C. Ta+2 D. Re+ Problem #21: Give the ground-state electron configuration and number of unpaired electrons expected for each of the following ions: A. Ga+ B. Cu+2 C. Pb+2 D. Se-2 Problem #22: For each of the following ground-state ions, predict the type of orbital that the electrons of highest energy will occupy: A. Fe+2 B. Bi+3 C. As+3 D. Os+ Periodic Trends 1. Ionization Energy – energy needed to remove an electron from gaseous atom Section Five pp. 13 2. Atomic Radius 3. Electron Affinity – energy released when an electron is added to gaseous atom 4. Electronegativity – the electron pulling power of an atom when it is part of a molecule (denoted with the Greek letter χ) 5. Metallic Character Section Five pp. 14 Problem #23: Arrange the following in terms of DECREASING first ionization energy: Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne Problem #24: Why is the first ionization energy of aluminum slightly lower than the first ionization energy for magnesium? Problem #25: Why is the second ionization energy for sodium so much greater than its first ionization energy? Problem #26: Arrange the following in terms of DECREASING atomic (or ionic) radii: O+, O, O- Problem #27: Give a reason why the electronegativity for F is so much greater than the electronegativity for Fr. Section Five pp. 15 APPENDIX TO QUANTUM MECHANICS Orbital Energy Levels: __ __ __ 6p __ __ __ __ __ 5d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4f __ 6s E n e r g y __ __ __ 5p __ __ __ __ __ 4d __ 5s __ __ __ 4p __ __ __ __ __ 3d __ 4s __ __ __ 3p __ 3s __ __ __ 2p __ 2s __ 1s Example of Ionization Energies: Al(g) → Al+(g) + eAl+(g) → Al2+(g) + eAl2+(g) → Al3+(g) + eAl3+(g) → Al4+(g) + e- I1 = 580 kJ/mol I2 = 1815 kJ/mol I3 = 2740 kJ/mol I4 = 11,600 kJ/mol