Earn 3 Semester Credits in 3 weeks – Online University of Phoenix Teacher Education Classes (most classes are 3 weeks and 3 credits, $498) All dates listed are course start dates. Prefix Course Name Weeks Price Dec Jan ADM/502 School Finance 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 ADM/503 Personnel Administration in Education 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 ADM/504 Public School Law 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 ADM/510 Charter School Administration 3 $498 N/A 1/22 ADM/520 The Superintendency 3 $498 N/A 1/8 ADM/535 Education Leadership: Issues for Women 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 ADM/541 School Based Management 3 $498 N/A 1/8 ADM/545 Special Education Program Administration 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 ADM/560 Ethics in Education 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 BLE-ED/501 Experiencing Multicultural Art 3 $498 N/A 1/22 BLE/530 Foundations of Instruction for LEP Students 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 BLE/531 Assessment of Limited English Proficient 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 BLE/532 Linguistics 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 BLE/537 Methods of Bilingual Education 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 SEI/501 Structured English Immersion 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 SPAN/502 Spanish for Educators, Part 1 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 SPAN/503 Spanish for Educators, Part 2 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 TESL/533 Methods for English as a Second Language 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 TESL/534 School, Community and Culture 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 TESL/535 Teaching Reading and Writing to LEP Students 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 CED 514 Elementary Methods of Teaching Technology 3 $498 N/A 1/8 CED/515 Secondary Methods of Teaching Technology 3 $498 N/A 1/22 CED/528 Discovering the World of Multimedia 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 CED/529 Internet for Educators 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 CED/531 Teaching with the Internet 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 CED/537 1/8,1/22 Web Authoring for Educators 3 $498 12/11 CED/540 Presentation Pizzazz 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 CED/550 Technology Integration in P-12 Curriculum 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 COUN/530 Foundations for Individual Counseling Techniques 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 COUN/531 Foundations for Group Facilitation 3 $498 N/A 1/22 COUN/532 Overview of School Counseling 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 COUN/533 School Counseling Theories 3 $498 N/A 1/8 COUN/534 Legal and Ethical Issues in School Counseling 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 COUN/535 Assessment Methods of School Counseling 3 $498 N/A 1/8 EDD/503 Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Classroom 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 EDD/507 Preventing School Violence 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 EDD/513 Communication Techniques for the Educator 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 EDD/516 Overview of the Community College 3 $498 N/A 1/8 EDD/526 No Child Left Behind 1 $166 12/18 1/15,1/29 EDD/585 Introduction to Middle School: Curriculum and Instruction 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 EDU/504 Critical Thinking Skills for Gifted & Talented Students-NEW! 3 $498 N/A 1/22 EDU/552 Effective Schools: Restructuring for the Future 3 $498 N/A 1/8 EDU/566 Adolescent Psychology 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 EDU/580 Organization and Administration 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 HED/580 Health and Nutrition for the Classroom Teacher 2 $332 12/11 1/8,1/22 HIS/501 US Constitution 1 $166 12/18 1/15,1/29 LBR/500 Information Technology in School Library Media Centers 3 $498 N/A 1/22 LBR/501 Foundations of Library and Information Science 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 LBR/502 Selecting and Evaluating Resources for School Library Media Centers 3 $498 N/A 1/22 LBR/503 Administration of School Library Media Centers 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 LBR/504 The Role of the School Library Media Center in the School Community 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 LBR/505 Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning 3 $498 N/A 1/8 MED/500 Methods of Teaching Elementary Language Arts 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 MED/503 Methods of Teaching Elementary Social Studies 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 MED/506 Methods of Teaching Elementary Mathematics 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 MED/509 Methods of Teaching Elementary Science 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 MED/510 Methods of Teaching Elementary Art 3 $498 N/A 1/22 MED/512 Secondary Mathematics Methods 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 MED/520 Methods of Teaching Secondary Art 3 $498 N/A 1/8 MED/522 Teaching Math Through Art 3 $498 N/A 1/8 RDG/508 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 RDG/511 Decoding of Reading Skills 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 RDG/513 Elementary Reading Methods 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 RDG/514 Primary Reading Methods 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 RDG/515 Secondary Reading Methods 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 RDG/516 Children's Literature and Cultural Diversity 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 RDG/518 Phonological Theory and Classroom Application 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 SPE/525 Special Needs Children in Early Childhood Education 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 SPE/530 Characteristics of Speech and Language Disorders 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 SPE/532 Teaching Students with Gifts or Talents 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 SPE/534 Guidance and Counseling for Students with Gifts or Talents 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 SPE/535 Characteristics of Severe Disabilities 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 SPE/536 Enhancing Creativity in Students with Gifts or Talents 3 $498 12/4 1/8,1/22 SPE/580 Inclusion and Mainstreaming 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 VTE/501 Cooperative Education Programs in Vocational/Technical Education 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 VTE-ED/510 Curriculum and Instruction 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 VTE-ED/530 Secondary Methods for Classroom Teachers 3 $498 12/11 1/8,1/22 VTE-ED/570 Educational Foundations 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 VTE-ED/571 Growing and Learning Theories 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 VTE-ED/578 Classroom Management 3 $498 12/18 1/15,1/29 5 WEEK SINGLE COURSES - $750 per course WKS Price Dec Jan ENG/491 American Literature to 1860 5 $750 12/18 1/29 ENG/492 American Literature since 1860 5 $750 12/11 1/15 HIS/110 US History to 1865 5 $750 12/18 1/29 HIS/120 US History 1865 - 1945 5 $750 12/11 1/15 HIS/145 The American Experience since 1945 5 $750 12/18 1/29 SPE/513 Orientation to the Exceptional Child (New Version-replaces SPE/504) 6 $750 12/11 1/8,1/22 6 WEEK SINGLE COURSES - $750 per course SPE/506 Special Education Methods 6 $750 12/11 1/8,1/22 SPE/512 Special Education Assessment and Interpretation 6 $750 12/18 1/15,1/29 SPE/521 Characteristics of Learning Disabilities 6 $750 12/18 1/15,1/29 SPE/531 Characteristics of MR and Developmental Disabilities 6 $750 N/A 1/8 SPE/544 Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 6 $750 N/A 1/8 SPE/556 Characteristics of Physical and Health Disabilities 6 $750 N/A 1/15 SPE/579 Inclusion Strategies for the Special Educator 6 $750 N/A 1/15 CUR/578 MAT/517 Evaluation and Assessment of Curriculum 6 $750 N/A 1/8 Survey of Special Populations 4 $500 N/A 1/8 MAT/521 Maintaining an Effective Learning Climate 6 $750 N/A 1/15 MAT/530 MAT/539 Curriculum Constructs & Assessment: Reading and Language Arts 8 $1,000 12/11 1/22 Curriculum Constructs and Assessment: Secondary Teaching Methods 6 $750 N/A 1/8 MAT/542 Reading Methods for Secondary Settings 6 $750 N/A 1/15 MAT/544 Curriculum Constructs and Assessment: Secondary Math. 6 $750 12/11 1/22 MAT/546 Curriculum Constructs and Assessment: Secondary English/Lang. Arts 6 $750 N/A 1/15 MAT/547 Curriculum Constructs and Assessment: Secondary History/Soc. Science 6 $750 12/18 1/29 MAT/548 Curriculum Constructs and Assessment: Secondary Science 6 $750 12/18 1/29 Continuing Teacher Education courses are $166 per credit For more information or to enroll, call Todd Driggs 1-800-214-5830 or visit us at www.uopx.com/nd6