EverFi - Financial Literacy Program

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EverFi - Financial Literacy Program
The Illinois Bankers Association has partnered with EverFi, Inc., the nation’s leading financial literacy provider, to bring
a virtual personal finance curriculum to students through sponsorships of local high schools.
What is the EverFi Platform?
EverFi’s award-winning financial literacy platform uses
the latest in new media technologies to create a
highly interactive experience for students, including
“adaptive pathing,” 3-D gaming, social networking,
online animations, video and messaging tools. After
successfully completing each learning module, students
are certified in hundreds of core financial topics,
including banking, savings and budgeting, mortgages,
credit cards, financing higher education, stocks, 401(k)
plans, credit scores, insurance and taxes.
How Does a Bank’s Sponsorship of the EverFi
Program Work?
The EverFi financial literacy platform is completely
underwritten by Illinois banks and savings institutions
that partner with their local high schools to bring this
important program into the schools at no cost to the
school or the state of Illinois. Financial literacy education
is mandated as part of consumer education curriculum
in Illinois high schools, and this program enables high
schools to meet all of the requirements under Illinois law.
A bank’s sponsorship is a win-win for all involved.
Students receive quality financial education. Banks
not only benefit from the opportunity to enhance their
existing financial education initiatives, but they also
can private-label and brand the web-based platform,
increasing their visibility as a community leader while
creating a positive public relations image and marketing
opportunity through new relationships.
Member bank participation is based on a “first come,
first served” basis, and each high school may only be
sponsored by one bank.* IBA member banks also receive
a discount on pricing. EverFi works directly with member
banks and Illinois high schools to launch the program
and to develop a public relations strategy that best suits
the bank.
How Involved Does the Sponsor Need to Be?
As an EverFi sponsor, a bank can be as involved or
hands-off as they would like to be. Aside from the
funding, a sponsor has no obligation for any further
Who Approaches the Schools to Get Them On Board?
Everfi has a team of school specialists who implement,
train and fully support the platform. If there is an
existing relationship between a bank and a school,
an introduction will go a long way to expedite the
implantation process. EverFi will pitch the program to
schools, determine the best integration for a school’s
unique curriculum and infrastructure, education/train
administration and teachers on the platform, manage
implementation of the platform, service and support
school usage year-round.
Are There Tracking and Reporting Capabilities?
Yes. Each instructor account can track the students’ log-in
times, activity progress, pre- and post-assessment scores
and the number of times tests are attempted. Teachers
can track this information on the individual or aggregate
level. EverFi will supply the sponsor with ongoing
information around milestones, such as a school’s launch
or a school becoming certified.
How Do I Get Started?
To learn more, please contact EverFi’s Ryan Swift, ryan@
everfi.com, at 202-251-2400 or the IBA’s Julie Clark,
jclark@ilbanker.com, at 800-783-2265.
Connect with Us
800-783-2265 or 800-878-2265
Compliance Hotline: 800-GO-TO-IBA
IBA Compliance Connection ®: gotoiba.com
Vault™ - Understanding Money
The IBA has partnered with EverFi, Inc., the nation’s leading financial literacy provider, to bring you Vault™. Vault™
incorporates multiple evidence-based learning theories to build students’ knowledge and skill sets for making good
financial decisions, even at a young age. The 2.5-hour curriculum is designed for students in 4th through 6th grade and
aligns with both state and national standards published by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
Saving, budgeting, or even earning money may not be
top of mind for most preteens, yet the financial knowledge
they have now will set the tone for the decisions they make
in their future. Today’s youth lack the basic understanding
of personal finance that is necessary for future financial
achievement, confidence, and well-being. In this economy,
teaching personal finance at an early age is more
important than ever.
Vault™ can help. This interactive, new media program was
specifically designed to introduce financial literacy skills
early in a child’s cognitive development and empower
children to cultivate good financial habits that will stay with
them throughout their lives.
Most importantly, we partner with socially responsible
organizations that are committed to supporting financial
education, allowing us to offer this entire learning platform
FREE to schools and students.
The Power of Preventative Education
Our Approach
• Highly interactive design
• Personalized to track every student
• Assessments, data, and analysis
Our Platforms
• Award-winning
• Web-enabled for instant implementation
• Private-label branding for sponsors
Our Strength
• Proven efficacy
• 10+ year track record in producing student
knowledge gains
The Educational Experience
Best-of-Breed Content
Vault™ covers six easy-to-follow learning groups that
map to both state and national educational standards
for financial literacy. Interactive lessons focus on skill
building and decision-making, from learning how to
control spending, to going to trusted adults for financial
Rich Assessment Data
Each learning group contains assessments that measure
student knowledge gains throughout the program. This
data can be shared with parents and the community at
Certification Ceremonies to demonstrate the impact of the
Highly Adaptive Real-Life Simulations
Upon completing a learning group, students “unlock” a
game and are invited to apply their learning in a variety
of story-based activities and simulations. These activities
challenge students to make choices in real-life scenarios to
best achieve important goals around saving, job
planning, and budgeting.
Personalized Goal-Setting and Planning Tools
Customized tools and activities allow students to
brainstorm creative ways they can start to earn money
and begin to think about their long-term career goals.
Sponsor Benefits
• Bring financial education to life for young adults
through a program that quickly scales across
• Maximize visibility within your footprint by privatelabeling the platform in local schools and hosting
launch events and certification ceremonies at these
• Demonstrate the program’s impact on student
knowledge gains, using platform data.
To learn more about the Vault™ program and sponsorship opportunities, please contact EverFi’s Ryan Swift,
ryan@everfi.com, at 202-251-2400 or the IBA’s Julie Clark,
jclark@ilbanker.com, at 800-783-2265.