Spanish 3 - Olney Friends School

Spanish 3
Last updated 11/20/15
Repaso de Gramática: Parte Uno
Description: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the following: gustar and verbs like gustar, indefinite and negative words, object pronouns and commands. Content/Skills: Students will be able to conjugate gustar and verbs like gustar using the appropriate indirect object pronouns. They will be able to use indefinite and negative words correctly in sentences. They will be able to distinguish direct objects from indirect objects and use direct and indirect object pronouns appropriately. They will also be able to conjugate verbs in the imperative in the tú, usted and ustedes forms. Demonstration for Mastery: 90% on Grammar Review Exam: Part One Demonstration for Mastery with Honors: 97% on Grammar Review Exam: Part One Prerequisites: All Spanish 2 Letters. Resources: Connie; Spanish Textbooks; Websites, such as, etc. Last updated 11/20/15
Repaso de Gramática: Parte Dos
Description: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the following tenses: preterit, imperfect, future and conditional. Content/Skills: Students must be able to conjugate regular and commonly used irregular verbs in the preterit, imperfect, future and conditional tenses. They will also need to know the uses of the preterit and the imperfect and be able to choose the correct tense depending on context. Demonstration for Mastery: 90% on Grammar Review Exam: Part Two Demonstration for Mastery with Honors: 97% on Grammar Review Exam: Part Two Prerequisites: All Spanish 2 Letters. Resources: Connie; Spanish Textbooks; Websites, such as, etc. Last updated 11/20/15