Syllabus/What we will be doing in Spanish I: Places we will focus on for cultural impact of Spanish
TO BETTER MEET THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS. No HW for 6 th grade. 7 th and 8 th must study Vocab. Cards.
Nueva York - Preliminary: Why Spanish? Greetings, Introductions, Saying where you are from, numbers
1-10 then 1-30, Dates, The Spanish alphabet, Exchanging phone numbers, Days of the week, The weather, Classroom phrases, colors, basic body parts
Estados Unidos - Unit 1: ¿Que te gusta hacer? After school activities, snack foods and beverages, describing self and others SER and uses of GUSTAR with an INFINITIVE, Definite and indefinite articles,
Noun and Adj. agreement Weather expressions and more on snack foods
Mexico - Units 2: Vamos a la escuela: Daily schedules, telling time, numbers 11-100, the verb TENER and Present tense of Regular AR verbs, Describing classes, describing location, expressing feelings, the verb ESTAR and the verb IR – comparing and contrasting ESTAR and SER since both mean “to be” (two ways of saying “is”), Class subjects , adj. agreement and telling time.
Puerto Rico - Unit 3: Comer en familia, meals and food, asking questions, family, giving dates, numbers from 200-1000, GUSTAR with Nouns compare and contrast GUSTAR with INFINITIVES. Present tense of
ER and IR verbs. Possessive Adj, and Comparatives, (review all numbers)
Expaña - Unit 4: En el Centro: Clothing ,Shopping, Places and events: Getting around town; ordering in restaurant Stem-Changing Verbs (Boot verbs) e>ie and o>ue sometimes e>i. , Direct Object Pronouns, expressions with the verb TENER (Ex: In Sp. We say “I have hunger” – Yo tengo hambre- instead of “I am hungry”.
Ecuador y Peru - Unit 5: Bienvenido a nuestra casa: Vivimos aqui y Una fiesta en casa - Describing a house, household items, furniture, SER and ESTAR and ordinal numbers, Planning a party and doing chores, more irregular verbs and Affirmative “tu” commands, verb phrase TENER QUE + INFINITIVE,
Interrogative words (used since day 1) colors, clothing, location words
La Republica Dominicana - Unit 6: Mantener un cuerpo sano: ¿Cual es tu deporte favorito? La salud. –
Sports, Staying healthy, parts of the body, the verb jugar – to play, SABER and CONOCER both mean to know, must know when to use each one. The Personal “a”, Gustar with nouns and comparatives.
Introduce the Preterit AR verbs
Argentina – Unit 7: Una semana fenomenal. Un dia de parques y diverciones – Sending e-mails, talking about the computer and using it to communicate about events that are fun, places of interest, making phone calls, introduction to the Preterit of ER and IR verbs . The Preterit of Irregular verbs Ir, Ser, and
Hacer, also pronouns after a preposition, More on Noun/Adj agreement and places around town.
Costa Rica - Unit 8: Una rutina diferente: Estoy pensando en las vacaciones: Daily routines; Vacation plans, discussing vacation and leisure activities, Reflexive verbs, Present Progressive, more on direct and indirect Object Pronouns, and Demonstrative adjectives, Present Progressive with classroom objects.
Syllabus for 6 th grade – Scope and Sequence - One term long class. – No homework for 6 th graders.
Teacher reserves the right to change the syllabus to better meet the needs of students.
Sixth grade will focus on the Thematic Unit #1 as found in the Georgia Standards. This includes the following:
Why Spanish? Careers in Foreign Language, Why study a foreign language, Pronunciation, Colors,
Introduction into the Hispanic World, Greetings, farewells, and Courtesy Expressions, Classroom
Expressions, Numbers 0-31, Introduction to Telling Time, Basic Body Parts, Classroom Objects, Dates,
Weather, Seasons and Calendar with Holidays.