The Spanish American War When is it appropriate for the US to send soldiers to fight and face death on foreign soil? • • • • • • • • • • • To assist an ally of the United States To protect territory close to US borders To stop human rights abuses To acquire resources To gain power To acquire territory To improve national security To spread or protect American values/morals To fight against tyrannical governments Under no circumstances is it appropriate Other (Explain) Trouble in Cuba • 1868 demand for independence and an end to slavery • American investment huge; nervous • 1895 another rebellion; Marti • 1896 reconcentration camps Weyler’s Reconcentration Policy The Cuban Holocaust 225,000 Cuban civilians died in 18 months 1896-97 Heading Toward War • Newspapers and magazines mass media • Yellow journalism spurs anti-Spanish feeling • 1898 de Lome letter • USS Maine • Teller Amendment Push to War American Newspapers React Pulitzer Hearst THE WORST INSULT TO THE UNITED STATES IN ITS HISTORY De Lôme McKinley is: weak and catering to the rabble, and, besides, a low politician, who desires to leave a door open to me and to stand well with the jingoes of his party. A “Splendid Little War” • Starts in the Philippines • Dewey destroys the fleet • Moves to Cuba • Rough Riders and San Juan Hill • US is an imperialist power • Platt Amendment The Beginning The End-Treaty of Paris 1898 The Anti-Imperialist League Processing • Which of the reason listed in the Preview do you think best applies to the Spanish-American War? Why? • Do you think the US was justified in sending troops to Cuba and the Philippines to fight against Spain? Why or why not? • Did US actions in the war promote or hinder the advancement of ideals of opportunity and democracy? In what ways? • How did the war reflect the new role of the US as a world power?