takehome apwh test ch 21-23 due 3/18 (not accepted late)

1) The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in
A) 1245.
B) 1337.
C) 1453.
D) 1519.
2) The head of the Ottoman central bureaucracy was the
A) vizier.
B) dhimmi.
C) eunuch.
D) caliph.
3) What was the chosen language of the Ottoman court?
A) Greek
B) Arabic
C) Persian
D) Turkish
4) Which of the following groups represented such extreme conservatism within the Ottoman
Empire that reform was frustrated?
A) Janissaries
B) Artisans
C) Merchants
D) Sultans
5) Why was the battle of Chaldiran in 1514 so important?
A) The battle established the military supremacy of the Safavid over the Ottomans and
marked the end to eastern expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
B) The Safavid were dealt a devastating defeat that checked the westward advance of
Shiʹism and decimated the ranks of the Turkic warriors who had built the Safavid
C) The combined armies of the Safavid and Ottomans defeated the Mughal armies and
ended the policy of expansion undertaken by the Mughal emperors of India.
D) The defeat of the Safavid by a Western army reduced the Islamic empire to economic
dependency on the West and military inferiority to the other Muslim empires.
6) After Chaldiran, the official language of the Safavid Empire became
A) Turkish.
B) Persian.
C) Arabic.
D) Hindi.
7) The capital of the Safavid empire under Abbas the Great was
A) Tabriz.
B) Baghdad.
C) Mosul.
D) Isfahan.
8) The founder of the Mughal dynasty was
A) Timur.
B) Akbar.
C) Babur.
D) Nadir Khan Afshar.
9) What was the outcome of the Din-i-Ilahi?
A) Accepted by Hindus who benefitted from the lenient policies of Akbar, the new religion
was rejected by the Muslims.
B) Accepted by Muslims who saw it as a means of cementing the authority of the Mughals
over the traditional Hindu rulers, the new religion was rejected by Hindus.
C) The new religion was widely accepted during Akbarʹs lifetime and became the state
religion of the Mughal empire.
D) By Akbar’s death in 1605, the Din-i-Ilahi was rejected by both Muslims and Hindus.
10) What was the impact of Aurangzeb’s religious policies?
A) Aurangzeb’s religious policies gravely weakened the internal alliances between Hindus
and Muslims and disrupted the social peace that Akbar had established.
B) Aurangzeb’s religious policies succeeded in removing Buddhism from India.
C) The emperor succeeded in reestablishing the political and social dominance of the Hindu
majority in India.
D) Aurangzeb’s introduction of Christianity to India began the process by which millions of
Indians were converted to the new religion.
11) Whose voyages of exploration opened the way for the Europeans to the Indies?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Francis Xavier
D) Ponce de Leon
12) Which of the following products was associated with the Arab zone of the Asian sea trading
A) Glass
B) Cotton textiles
C) Paper
D) Porcelain
13) Which of the following products was associated with the Indian zone of the Asian sea trading
A) Tapestry
B) Cotton textiles
C) Carpets
D) Paper
14) What trade did the Portuguese intend to monopolize within the Asian trading network?
A) Slaves
B) Ivory
C) Spices
D) Cotton textiles
15) Among which of the following groups did Roman Catholic missionaries enjoy some success?
A) The animists of the southern Philippines
B) Hindu Brahmins
C) The Chinese
D) Outcaste groups in Indian coastal regions
16) Which of the following was NOT a European contribution to the Asian sea trading network?
A) The addition of new routes, including the link to Europe around the Cape of Good Hope
B) The introduction of sea warfare into the Asian trade network
C) The establishment of new trading centers such as Goa, Calicut, and Batavia
D) The establishment of an exchange of new crops and diseases similar to the ʺColumbian
Exchangeʺ with the Americas
17) Why did the Chinese abandon the commercial voyages of the Zhenghe expeditions?
A) Many of the ships were lost as a result of poor ship design and inadequate sailing
B) The size of the fleets was so limited that they could not compete with the greater capacity
of the European voyages.
C) There was little of value for the Chinese to import in trade, and the voyages were
expensive to carry out.
D) The trade with foreign regions produced a negative balance of trade for China that
drained bullion from imperial coffers.
18) In what year was the Tokugawa Shogunate founded, marking the reestablishment of central
government in Japan?
A) 1593
B) 1603
C) 1733
D) 1853
19) Which of the following statements concerning the political philosophy of the Enlightenment is
most accurate?
A) Enlightenment philosophies were creatures of the monarchs who were their patrons and
supported the powers of the kings.
B) Although the Enlightenment philosophers were generally opposed to the authority of the
church, they argued that only monarchy could insure stability for the masses.
C) Enlightenment thinkers challenged regimes that did not grant full religious freedom or
that insisted on aristocratic privilege.
D) Enlightenment intellectuals were the firmest supporters of the church left in European
20) Which of the following was NOT a cause of the American Revolution?
A) Britain’s attempts to impose new taxes and trade controls after 1763
B) A desire to overthrow the older colonial leadership
C) The British invasion of the Mississippi River Valley
D) Restriction on free movement into the frontier areas
21) Which of the following was a lasting reform passed during the initial, moderate phase of the
French Revolution?
A) Universal male suffrage
B) The introduction of Protestantism
C) Peasants were freed from all traces of manorialism
D) Universal military conscription
22) In what year did a European alliance finally crush the French empire?
A) 1809
B) 1811
C) 1815
D) 1822
23) Which 19th-century European political group listed below would espouse the following
ʺAs long as property is controlled by private individuals, inequality will exist. It is
the role of the state to manage property for the benefit of all citizens.ʺ
A) Radicals
B) Socialists
C) Liberals
D) conservatives
24) What piece of legislation gave the vote to many members of the middle class in Great Britain?
A) The Reform Bill of 1832
B) The Great Charter of 1848
C) The Franchise Act of 1811
D) The Corn Laws
25) Louis Pasteur was responsible for the
A) development of the telegraph.
B) discovery of germs.
C) creation of the first French department store.
D) invention of the birth control pill.
26) What British conservative prime minister was responsible for extending the vote to
working-class males in 1867?
A) Viscount Castlereagh
B) George Canning
C) Benjamin Disraeli
D) William E. Gladstone
27) What German conservative was responsible for the unification of Germany in 1871?
A) Otto von Bismarck
B) The Elector of Hanover
C) King Joseph II
D) Klemens von Metternich
28) Who proposed evolution in 1859 as the basis of biological development?
A) Charles Darwin
B) Karl LeBlanc
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Nils Bormann
29) American exceptionalism suggests that the United States
A) developed on its own terms with only incidental contact with Europe.
B) depended exclusively for its cultural development on Europe.
C) had no cultural relationship of any kind with Europe.
D) achieved its cultural foundations from Native Americans.
30) Which of the following countries was NOT a member of either the Triple Alliance or the Triple
A) Russia
B) France
C) Britain
D) The United States