Chapter 4 Vocabulary Guide – ISLAMIC EMPIRES This is a list of terms mentioned in Chapter 4 which may appear on the chapter 4 test in some form. It is a checklist only so you will recognize the terms when you see them. Abbas’ Influence on the Economy Abbasids Abbasids’s Government Organization Akbar Akbar’s Religious Policy Al-Idrisi Al-jabr Al-Khwarizmi Arabic Texts Ar-Razi Astrolabe Babur Baghdad Berbers Bureacracy Caliph Calligraphy Collapse of the Mughal Empire Converting Córdoba Crossroads Location Differences Between Sunni and Shia Effect of Exchanging Beliefs and Customs Effects of Trade and Tolerance on the Muslim World Emperor Esma’il Hagia Sofia Hindu Ibn Buttutah Ibn-Sina Imam Indian Ocean Influence of Córdoba University Islamic Art Janissaries Latin Minaret Mosque Mughal Muhammad Muslim Merchants & Trade Omar Khayyám Ottoman Empire Persian Empire Safavid Shah Shia Shiism Spread of Islam, 600’s to 1600’s Successor Sufism Sultan Sunni Textiles Tolerance Tolerance of Jews in Córdoba Translate Turkish Mulsims Urdu Valley of Al-Ukaydir