
Name_______________________________________________________________ Period __________
AP World History Ch 21 Reading Study Guide P. 468-492
1. How did Babur use new military technology to overcome a numerically superior foe? Pg. 468
2. What were the three important Muslim Empires in period of 1450-1750? Pg. 468
3. Which Ottoman Turk leader conquered Constantinople? How did he accomplish this? Pg. 469
(Timeline P. 470)
4. When was the Ottoman Dynasty founded? __________
5. When did they capture Constantinople? __________
6. In what years did the Safavid Empire rise in Persia? __________
7. What were the years of the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent? __________
8. When were the first and last Ottoman sieges of Vienna? __________ & __________
9. When did the Safavid Empire fall? __________
10. What other areas did the Ottomans capture over the next two centuries? Pg. 470
11. What major Mediterranean islands did they capture? Pg. 470
12. Which two Italian merchant powers were driven from the Eastern Mediterranean? Pg. 471
13. Who were the Janissaries? What role did they play in the Empire? Pg. 472
14. What is Stearns assessment of the early Ottoman sultans? Pg. 473
15. What was the title given to royal officials who headed the imperial administration? What happened to their authority
over time? Pg. 473
16. What did the Ottomans do with their newly acquired capital at Constantinople? Pg. 473
17. Why did Constantinople/Istanbul become such an important trading hub again? Pg. 474
Borrowed from Mr. Walker
18. What was the ‘problem’ with the size of the Ottoman Empire? Pg. 475
19. What happened to later sultans? What vices did some of them engage in? Pg. 475
20. In what ways did the Ottomans lose their military edge? Pg. 476
21. What was the impact of Spanish silver on the Ottoman economy? Pg. 477
(Document: An Islamic Traveler Laments the Muslims’ Indifference to Europe, Pg. 477)
22. Why is the author so very concerned that Muslims will ignore developments in Europe? (Reading, Pg.477)
23. Based on our studies, why was it so easy for Muslims to feel superior to Europeans? (Reading, Pg.477)
24. How did conservative attitudes hamper Ottoman scientific and technological development? Pg. 477
25. What was the preferred sect of Islam followed by the Persian Safavids? Pg. 478
26. Who was the leader of the Safavids? What were his followers called? Pg. 478
27. Where did the Ottoman and Safavid Empires clash in 1514? Pg. 478
28. What was the outcome of the battle? What were the impacts of this victory? Pg. 479
29. How did Shah Abbas I (the Great) organize and develop his army? Pg. 479
(Thinking Historically: The Gunpowder Empires & the Shifting Balance of Global Power, Pg 480)
30. What was “made clear” by the Battle of Chaldiran? (Reading, Pg.480)
31. What was the impact of new weapons technology on old-fashioned stone and timer fortresses? (Reading, Pg.480)
32. In what ways did leaders in Japan & China retreat (eventually) from new weapons technology? (Reading, Pg.480)
Borrowed from Mr. Walker
33. How were smaller European nation-states able to rival these 3 massive Muslim Empires? (Reading, Pg.480)
34. Why/how did Shi’ism become integral to Iranian identity (even to this day)? Pg. 481
35. What building projects and internal improvements did Abbas I undertake during his reign? Pg. 482
36. What economic challenges were faced by both the Ottman and Safavid Empires? Pg. 482-483
37. What social disadvantages were faced by women in these empires? Pg. 483
38. Describe the rapid decline of the Safavid Empire. Pg. 484
39. Why did Babur initially conduct raids into Northern India? Pg. 484
40. How did this lead to the foundation of the Mughal Empire? Pg. 484
41. Who were some of Akbar’s contemporary rulers around the world? Pg. 485
42. Why do you think Stearns asserts that Akbar was “one of the greatest leaders in history”? Pg. 485
43. How did Akbar reform government and (attempt to reform) religion? How did Hindus benefit? Pg. 485
44. What social reforms did he carry out? How did women benefit? Pg. 486
45. What were some of the varying European impressions of Mughal India? What goods were traded? Pg.486
46. Why are Jahangir and Shah Jahan known as great patrons of the arts and architecture? Pg. 487
47. Why did Shah Jahan have the Taj Mahal built? Pg. 488
48. How did Nur Jahan amass power at court? How did she die? Pg. 489
49. How did the status of women decline in the middle years of the Mughal Empire? Pg. 490
Borrowed from Mr. Walker
Borrowed from Mr. Walker