INFORMATION VIETNAM – JAPAN EXHIBITION ON SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZERS WE warmly welcome all exhibitors (52 Vietnamese and 62 Japanese companies) to participate in the “Vietnam – Japan Supporting Industries Exhibition” (SI Exhibition) scheduled on 15 ~ 17 September 2011 at Cultural Palace, Hanoi including 20 Japanese exhibitors coming from Japan in particular. Different from other normal trade fairs, 62 Japanese exhibitors here as a role of the BUYERs will display their products that they wish to procure or to be supplied in Vietnam. It is the 4th time, such SI Exhibition co-hosted by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) is held in Hanoi. It is an activity, which is under the co-operative framework of the Vietnam-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA) signed by the two Governments in December 2008 and took effect from 1st October 2009. This year, the “SI Exhibition” will be co-located at the same time with other two specialized exhibitions: “Industrial Components & Subcontracting Vietnam 2011” hosted by Hanoi Trade Promotion Center and “Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2011” hosted by Reed Tradex Thailand aiming at providing more chances for exhibitors to find reliable partners for their business needs. We wish all exhibitors and visitors great success and fruitful achievements. August 2011 This catalogue is used for the forum on Aug 11st 2011 only INFORMATION VIETNAM – JAPAN EXHIBITION ON SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES 日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ) ●VIETNAM-JAPAN Exhibiton On Supporting Industries (SI EXHIBITON 2011)- EXHIBITORS BOOTH PLAN S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50 S51 S52 REED TRADEX CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER EXIT EXIT S05 S18 S19 S20 S21 S26 S31 S35 S39 S14 S15 S16 S17 S25 S30 S34 S38 S24 S29 S33 S37 S32 S36 S04 S03 S02 □Seller 53 Booth S10 S11 S12 S13 S23 S28 S06 S07 S08 S09 S22 S27 S01 S53 JETRO KITA KYUSHU Business Maching Booth Indstrial Components ○●SI EXHIBITION 2011 B26 & Subcontracting Vietnam 2011 B16 B17 B18 B19 B35 B43 B51 B27 B12 B13 B14 B15 B34 B42 B50 B58 B33 B41 B49 B57 B32 B40 B48 B56 B31 B39 B47 B55 B30 B38 B46 B54 B03 B29 B37 B45 B53 B02 B28 B36 B44 B52 Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2011 B25 B24 B23 ■Buyer 58 Booth B08 B09 B10 B11 B04 B05 B06 B07 B22 B21 B20 MAIN ENTRANCE REGISTRATION AREA B01 ENTRANCE ENTRANCE JICA JETRO INFORMATION BOOTH Site: Hanoi International Center of Exhibition (I.C.E), Cung Van Hoa (Culture Palace) ●Address: 91 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Vietnam ■ JAPANESE BUYER 58 BOOTH (RED COLOR) □ VETNAMESE SELLER 53 BOOTH (BLUE COLOR) B01 ADVANEX (VIET NAM) LTD. B31 NIDEC TOSOK (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. S01 A LONG CORPORATION S30 PHO YEN MECHANICAL JSC. B02 ASTEE HORIE VN CO., LTD. B32 NITTO DENDKO TAPE MATERIALS (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. -HANOI BRANCH S02 AUTOMOBILE AND MOTORCYCLE PARTS MANUFACTURING HUNG YEN CO., LTD. S31 PHUC LAM MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. B03 AZUMA VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMPANY B33 NOA VIETNAM S03 AVIATION HIGH-GRADE PLASTIC JSC. S32 PHUONG VI CO., LTD. B04 BROTHER INDUSTRIES (VIETNAM) LTD. B34 PENTAX VN CO., LTD. S04 BAC VIET TECHNOLOGY JSC. S33 PRECISION MECHANICS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER JSC. B05 BANDO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. B35 PREC CO., LTD. S05 COSMOS INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. S34 QUANG PHO TECHNICAL & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. B06 CANON VIETNAM CO.,LTD. B36 RHYTHM PRECISION VIETNAM CO., LTD. S06 CUONG HAU CO., LTD. S35 SONG CONG DIESEL LIMITED COMPANY B07 DENSO MANUFACTURING VIETNAM CO.,LTD. B37 REOR CONVEYOR CO., LTD. S07 ANMI. TOOLS CO., LTD. S36 TAN CONG QUANG CO., LTD. B08 DAIDO AMISTAR VIETNAM B38 RK ENGINEERING CO., LTD. S08 DONG ANH C & F JOINT STOCK COMPANY S37 TAN PHONG PLASTICS JSC. B09 DAIWA LIGHT ALLOY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. B39 RORZE ROBOTECH CO., LTD. S09 DUY KHANH ENGINEERING CO., LTD. S38 THANG LONG METAL WARES JSC. B10 ENOMOTO CO., LTD. B40 RYONAN ELECTRIC VIETNAM CO., LTD. S10 EXPORT MECHANICAL TOOL STOCK COMPANY S39 THANG LONG PACKING IMPORT-EXPORT AND PRODUCTION JSC. B11 ENSHU SANKO VIETNAM CO., LTD. B41 SAKURA SONIC VIETNAM CO., LTD. S11 FC HOA LAC CO., LTD. S40 THIEN MY VINH PHUC ONE MEMBER CO., LTD. B12 FOSTER ELECTRIC (BAC NINH) CO., LTD. B42 SANALLOY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. S12 FOUR P CO., LTD. S41 TIEN THINH CO., LTD. B13 FUJIKIN VIETNAM CO., LTD. B43 SHIBASAKI INC. S13 GIAI PHONG RUBBER CO., LTD. S42 TRI CUONG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. B14 FUJISLATE.CO.,LTD. SHIOGAI SEIKI VIETNAM CO.,LTD. / S14 HAI HA MECHANICAL MANUFACTURING AND TRADING CO., LTD. S43 VAN XUAN CO., LTD. B15 FUJIYA CO., LTD. SHIOGAI ASIA TRADING CO., LTD. S15 HAI VAN PRECISION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD S44 VCAMTECH CO., LTD. B16 HOKURIKU MACHINERY CLUB JSC. B45 SHIMANE NAKABAYASHI CO., LTD. S16 HANEL PLASTICS JOINT STOCK COMPANY S45 VF DECOLLETAGE CO., LTD. B17 NICCHU CO., LTD. B46 SSS CO., LTD. S17 HANOI MOULD TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. S46 VIET AN JSC. B18 HONDA LOCK VIETNAM CO., LTD. B47 SUGIYAMA KOGYO CO.,LTD. S18 HANOI PLASTICS JOINT STOCK COMPANY S47 VIET EMPIRE CASTINGS CO., LTD. B19 HONG KONG WACOH SEIKO LTD B48 SUMIDEN TOMITA SHOJI CO., LTD S19 HOANG PHUC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. S48 VIET HA CO., LTD. B20 HONDA VIETNAM CO., LTD. B49 SUMITOMO WIRING SYSTEMS, LTD. S20 HUNG DUNG CO., LTD. S49 VIETNAM CNC AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION JSC. B21 HOTTA DENKI CO., LTD. B50 TAMAYOSHI VIETNAM CO., LTD. S21 HUY THANH COMPANY LIMITED S50 VIETNAM HTMP MECHANICAL CO., LTD. IIJIMA PRESS CO., LTD. / B51 TOTO VIETNAM CO., LTD. S22 KIM LONG PRODUCTION AND TRADING SERVICE CO., LTD. S51 VINAVIT CO., LTD. ROYAL TECHNO CO., LTD. (KII) B52 TOYOTA MOTOR VIETNAM CO., LTD. S23 LEGROUP MANUFACTURING &TRADING JSC. S52 VINH DUONG PRIVATE ENTERPRISE SHINWA CORPORATION / B53 TANAKA SANGYO CO., LTD. S24 MACHINERY SPARE PARTS NO.1 JSC (FUTU 1) S53 CATHACO., LTD. YUMINO METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (KII) B54 VIET NAM NIPPON SEIKI CO., LTD. S25 MAI VAN DANG CO., LTD. B24 IWASAKI ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING VIETNAM CO., LTD. B55 VIETNAM BANDAI CO., LTD. S26 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & METALLURGY JSC. B25 KINGJIM (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. B56 VIETNAM JAPAN GAS CO., LTD - HANOI BRANCH S27 MIDA PRECISION MOLD CO., LTD. B26 KITZ CORPORATION B57 YH SEIKO VIETNAM JSC. S28 NGO GIA TU ONE MEMBER CO., LTD. B27 KTC (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. B58 YODOGAWA RASENKN MFG. CO.,LTD S29 O.N. PRECISION CO., LTD. B28 MATEX (VIETNAM) LTD. B59 YUNOX CO.,LTD B29 MINAMI DESIGN CO., LTD. B30 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ASIA PTE LTD. B44 B22 B23 EXHIBITORS LIST Company Name Page INFORMATION Company Name Page ADVANEX (VIET NAM) LTD. 1 A LONG CORPORATION 63 ASTEE HORIE VN CO., LTD. 2 AUTOMOBILE AND MOTORCYCLE PARTS MANUFACTURING HUNG YEN CO., LTD. 64 AZUMA VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMPANY 3 AVIATION HIGH-GRADE PLASTIC JSC. 65 BANDO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. 4 BAC VIET TECHNOLOGY JSC. 66 BROTHER INDUSTRIES (VIETNAM) LTD. 5 COSMOS INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 67 CANON VIETNAM CO.,LTD. 6 CUONG HAU CO., LTD. 68 DAIDO AMISTAR VIETNAM 7 DONG ANH C & F JOINT STOCK COMPANY 69 DAIWA LIGHT ALLOY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 8 DUY KHANH ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 70 DENSO MANUFACTURING VIETNAM CO.,LTD. 9 EXPORT MECHANICAL TOOL STOCK COMPANY 71 ENOMOTO CO., LTD. 10 FC HOA LAC CO., LTD. 72 ENSHU SANKO VIETNAM CO., LTD. 11 FOUR P CO., LTD. 73 FOSTER ELECTRIC (BAC NINH) CO., LTD. 12 GIAI PHONG RUBBER CO., LTD. 74 FUJIKIN VIETNAM CO., LTD. 13 HAI HA MECHANICAL MANUFACTURING AND TRADING CO., LTD. 75 FUJISLATE.CO.,LTD. 14 HAI VAN PRECISION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD 76 FUJIYA CO., LTD. 15 HANEL PLASTICS JOINT STOCK COMPANY 77 HOKURIKU MACHINERY CLUB JSC. 16 HANOI MOULD TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 78 HONDA LOCK VIETNAM CO., LTD. 17 HANOI PLASTICS JOINT STOCK COMPANY 79 HONDA VIETNAM CO., LTD. 18 HOANG PHUC MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 80 HONG KONG WACOH SEIKO LTD 19 HUNG DUNG CO., LTD. 81 HOTTA DENKI CO., LTD. 20 HUY THANH COMPANY LIMITED 82 IIJIMA PRESS CO., LTD. 21 KIM LONG PRODUCTION AND TRADING SERVICE CO., LTD. 83 IWASAKI ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING VIETNAM CO., LTD. 22 LEGROUP MANUFACTURING & TRADING JSC. 84 KINGJIM (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. 23 MACHINERY SPARE PARTS NO.1 JSC (FUTU 1) 85 KITZ CORPORATION 24 MAI VAN DANG CO., LTD. 86 KTC (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & METALLURGY JSC. 87 MATEX (VIETNAM) LTD. 26 MIDA PRECISION MOLD CO., LTD. 88 MINAMI DESIGN CO., LTD. 27 NGO GIA TU ONE MEMBER CO., LTD. 89 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ASIA PTE LTD. 28 O.N. PRECISION CO., LTD. 90 NICCHU CO., LTD. 29 PHO YEN MECHANICAL JSC. 91 NIDEC TOSOK (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. 30 PHUC LAM MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 92 NITTO DENDKO TAPE MATERIALS (VIETNAM) CO., LTD. 31 PHUONG VI CO., LTD. 93 NOA VIETNAM 32 PRECISION MECHANICS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER JSC. 94 PENTAX VN CO., LTD. 33 QUANG PHO TECHNICAL & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 95 PREC CO., LTD. 34 SONG CONG DIESEL LIMITED COMPANY 96 REOR CONVEYOR CO., LTD. 35 TAN CONG QUANG CO., LTD. 97 RHYTHM PRECISION VIETNAM CO., LTD. 36 TAN PHONG PLASTICS JSC. 98 RK ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 37 THANG LONG METAL WARES JSC. 99 RORZE ROBOTECH CO., LTD. 38 THANG LONG PACKING IMPORT-EXPORT AND PRODUCTION JSC. 100 ROYAL TECHNO CO., LTD. 39 THIEN MY VINH PHUC ONE MEMBER CO., LTD. 101 RYONAN ELECTRIC VIETNAM CO., LTD. 40 TIEN THINH CO., LTD. 102 SAKURA SONIC VIETNAM CO., LTD. 41 TRI CUONG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 103 SANALLOY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 42 VAN XUAN CO., LTD. 104 SHIBASAKI INC. 43 VCAMTECH CO., LTD. 105 SHIMANE NAKABAYASHI CO., LTD. 44 VF DECOLLETAGE CO., LTD. 106 SHINWA CORPORATION 45 VIET AN JSC. 107 SHIOGAI ASIA TRADING CO., LTD. 46 VIET EMPIRE CASTINGS CO., LTD. 108 SHIOGAI SEIKI VIETNAM CO.,LTD. 47 VIET HA CO., LTD. 109 SSS CO., LTD. 48 VIETNAM CNC AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION JSC. 110 SUGIYAMA KOGYO CO.,LTD. 49 VIETNAM HTMP MECHANICAL CO., LTD. 111 SUMITOMO WIRING SYSTEMS, LTD. 50 VINAVIT CO., LTD. 112 SUMIDEN TOMITA SHOJI CO., LTD 51 VINH DUONG PRIVATE ENTERPRISE 113 TAMAYOSHI VIETNAM CO., LTD. 52 TANAKA SANGYO CO., LTD. 53 TOTO VIETNAM CO., LTD. 54 TOYOTA MOTOR VIETNAM CO., LTD. 55 VIETNAM NIPPON SEIKI CO., LTD. 56 VIETNAM BANDAI CO., LTD. 57 VIETNAM JAPAN GAS CO., LTD - HANOI BRANCH 58 YH SEIKO VIETNAM JSC. 59 YODOGAWA RASENKN MFG. CO.,LTD 60 YUMINO METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 61 YUNOX CO., LTD. 62 Organization Page JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (JICA) 114 VIETNAM TRADE PROMOTION AGENCY (VIETRADE) 115 JAPAN EXTERNAL TRADE ORGANIZATION (JETRO) 116 ORGANIZATION 01 JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Organization Profile Since joining the Colombo Plan in 1954, Japan has been providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries through ODA, aiming to contribute to the peace and development of the international community and thereby help ensure Japan’s own security and prosperity. JICA is in charge of administering all Japanese ODA such as technical cooperation, ODA loans and grant aid in an integrated manner, except contributions to international organizations. JICA, the world’s largest bilateral aid agency, works in over 150 countries and regions and has some 100 overseas offices. President : Mrs. Sadako Ogata Date founded : 1 October 2003 Capital : 7,705.8 billion yen as of 31 March 2011. Staff : 1,664 staff as full-time employees as of 31 March 2011. They are supplemented at any one time by thousands of Japanese experts and young and senior volunteers on both short-term and long-term contracts. Organization Activities 1. Background of JICA’s activities for SME/SI development in Vietnam The development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Supporting Industries (SIs) is one of the essential issues for the achievement of promotion of economic growth and international competitiveness of Vietnam. As the Japanese largest ODA-implementing agency, JICA Vietnam office is aggressively implementing various kinds of ODA activities for SME/SI development as follows. v 2. JICA’s activities for SME/SI development in Vietnam A) Improving SME policies and promoting public SME support measures Counterparts: MPI/ Agency for Enterprise Development, MPI/ The Assistance Center for SMEs Cooperation: Dispatching Japanese experts, providing training courses in Japan for administrative officials B) Financial support for Vietnamese SMEs Counterparts: State Bank of Vietnam and Vietnamese commercial banks Cooperation: Providing Yen-Loan for SME finances, providing training courses for bankers C) Industrial human resource development and establishment of skill testing system Counterpart: MOLISA/ General Department of Vocational Training, Hanoi University of Industry Cooperation: Dispatching Japanese experts, providing training courses in Japan for staff, providing equipment D) Lectures for Vietnamese companies on Japanese business management Counterparts: Vietnam Japan Cooperation Center (Hanoi, HCMC) Cooperation: Dispatching Japanese experts, providing business courses for Vietnamese companies E) Technical transfer to Vietnamese companies by Japanese engineers Counterpart: MPI/ The Assistance Center for SMEs (Hanoi), Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCMC) Cooperation: Dispatching Japanese experts, providing consultation and advices for Vietnamese companies Contact Information Person in charge Position Address (Office) Tel Fax Email Website : : : : : : : Mr. TAKAYUKI HAYASHIDA Senior Project Formulation Advisor, Vietnam Office 16th Floor, Daeha Business Center, 360 Kim Ma Str., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi City, Vietnam +84-4-3831 5005 +84-4-3831 5009 114 ORGANIZATION 02 VIETNAM TRADE PROMOTION AGENCY Organization Profile Devoted to: - Enterprises’ success - Trade & industry’s steady development - Optimization of every resource The Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) is a governmental organization of Vietnam responsible for national regulation of trade and investment promotion for development of industry and trade. VIETRADE provides a wide spectrum of services to assist Vietnamese and foreign enterprises in their business development and expansion. Organization Activities - Proposing to the government on policies and measures for the development of business support activities, national branding programs, and investment for development of industry & trade - Providing business information to trade support institutions and enterprises, - Conducting market research and analyses for the purpose of formulating national trade promotion policies, - Assisting Vietnamese and foreign enterprises to identify business opportunities, customers, suppliers and partners through dispatching trade missions abroad, hosting foreign business missions to Vietnam, and organizing business meetings, seminars and conferences for Vietnamese and foreign enterprises, - Regulating, in coordination with relevant authorities, all commercial advertising activities, sales promotion activities and trade fairs in Vietnam, - Administering the National Branding Program; assisting Vietnamese enterprises in building, promoting and protecting their product brands, - Administering, in coordination with relevant authorities, the National Trade Promotion Program, - Assisting and guiding local industry & trade departments, trade support institutions in Vietnam, and overseas trade representative offices in trade promotion and in investment promotion for industry development, - Training Vietnamese enterprises and trade support institutions in trade promotion and in investment promotion for industry development, - Producing trade & industry television programs, and - Cooperating with international and foreign organizations in trade promotion and in investment promotion for industry development. Contact Information Address (Office) : 20 Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi City, Vietnam Tel : +84-4-3936 4792 Fax : +84-4-39369 491 Email : Website : 115 ORGANIZATION 03 JAPAN EXTERNAL TRADE ORGANIZATION Organization Profile Japan External Trade Organization is a Governmental-related Organization under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI). With 36 regional offices throughout Japan and 72 overseas offices in 54 countries in the world, JETRO’s main function is to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. In the 21st century, JETRO has shifted toward strengthening foreign direct investment (FDI) into Japan and helping Japanese firms, espeacially SMEs expand their businesses into overseas markets. With the aim of contributing to further development of economic relations between Vietnam and Japan and to the achievement of the prosperity in the region, the Representative Office in Hanoi has been conducting and invloving in many various activities that brought mutual benefits to entrepreneurs of the two countries since its establishement in 1993. Organization Activities - Hold workshops guiding new laws and regulations on Vietnam’s business and investment issues for existing Japanese enterprises who are operating in Vietnam, - Receive Japanese study missions from Japan for investment and business opportunities in Vietnam, - Provide Japanese investors particularly SMEs with office space and facilities free of charge to promote their business and investment in Vietnam, - Offer expert consultation with the latest legal writings and information relating to tax, customs, labor and investment procedures to Japanese investors who wish to invest or do business in Vietnam, - React to inquires from local and Japanese companies seeking information about potential partners, - Hold business matchings in various fields, - Organize demand – supply exhibitions on supporting industries, - Create business chances for Vietnamese importers by inviting them to visit specialiized trade fairs and production bases in Japan in fields of foodstuff, beverage, agriculture and supporting industries, - Make a comparative survey of investment-related costs in major cities in the region and in Asia every year, - Conduct an annual survey of current operation of the Japanese-affiliated firms in Asia and Oceania. Contact Information JETRO Hanoi Office JETRO Ho Chi Minh Office Address (Office) : Address (Office) : Floor 2, 63 Ly Thai To Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Floor 14, Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyen Hue Str., Hanoi City, Vietnam District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel : 84-4-3825 0630 Tel : 84-8-3821 9363 Fax : 84-4-3825 0552 Fax : 84-8-3821 9362 E-mail : E-mail : Website: http// 116