Lights and sirens! - NSW Ambulance


excellence in care


lights and sirens!

All drivers can help paramedics arrive at an emergency as quickly as possible by following a few simple rules.


For all medical emergencies dial Triple Zero (000) immediately and ask for Ambulance

Watch oUt For lights and sirens When driVing

You could save a life by following these simple rules:

> Give way when you hear a siren or see flashing lights as soon as it is practical and safe.

> It is preferable for drivers to move to the left.

> Slow down once out of the way of the ambulance.

> Don’t panic.

> Don’t break traffic rules.

> Be aware that occasionally there are two or more emergency vehicles responding to an incident.

> Check mirrors carefully before moving back into the lane.

> Never tailgate an ambulance responding to an emergency.

Be aWare oF distractions

> It is extremely important to concentrate when driving.

> New cars have good sound proofing which may make it difficult for the driver to hear the siren of an ambulance.

> Loud speakers for stereo systems and hands free mobile phones can also be a distraction.

First aid coUrses

The Ambulance Service of New

South Wales encourages everyone to learn first aid. This can give you the confidence to assist when someone is injured or ill. To enrol in a first aid course contact an accredited provider listed with the

Workcover Authority.

This information is a guide only on the understanding that the Ambulance Service of New South Wales shall have no liability arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information and whether caused by reason of any error, negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the information or otherwise.

For further information please contact:

Ambulance Service of New South Wales

Locked Bag 105, Rozelle NSW 2039

Tel: (02) 9320 7777 Fax: (02) 9320 7800

24 hr Complaints Hotline: 1800 269 133
