Office Use Date Received: Flat Fee Invoice Sent: Payment Received: Meeting: Added to checklist: APPLICATION FOR REACCREDITATION 1. Name of medical transport service: 2. Mailing Address: 3. Name and Address of Hospital (if hospital affiliated): 4. Telephone: Business: FAX: 5. Description of Service: (Check each that applies to your service) Types of Service Transports Request Accepted for - RW RW (ALS) Burns RW (Critical Care) Cardiac FW (ALS) IABP FW (Critical Care) Trauma Ground (BLS) Pediatric (PICU) Ground (ALS) High Risk OB Ground (Critical Care) Adult Medical Escort (Basic Care) Neonatal Medical Escort (Advanced Care) 6. Size of the Service: Total number of transports in most recent fiscal year- RW: Total number of bases: located) FW FW: G G: (A base is defined as any place aircraft/ambulance and medical crew are Total number of dedicated aircraft/ambulance(s): (Dedicated aircraft/ambulance(s) are used for more than 1 transport per month for any consecutive six month period) 7. Air Taxi Certificate Holder and Ambulance Owner/Operator: Rotorwing - FAA Cert #: (Company Name): (Address): Fixed Wing - FAA Cert #: (Company Name): (Address): Ambulance: 8. (Owner/Operator): Principle Administrative Contact: Contact phone number: Program Website: Name: Title: Contact email address: