BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL FIRST TRIMESTER STUDY GUIDE SEVENTH GRADE TUESDAY DECEMBER 2 WRITING & GRAMMAR WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3 SPANISH PRE-ALGEBRA SCIENCE THURSDAY DECEMBER 4 GEOMETRY WRITING & GRAMMAR (T. KEYLA LOPEZ) TOPICS PAGES Parts of Speech Nouns Types of Nouns: (Warriner’s Online Text Book 25-29 / Work Book 25-28) Common and Proper Nouns Concrete and Abstract Collective Nouns Pronouns and Antecedents (Warriner’s Online Text Book 30-33/ Work Book 29-34) Types of Pronouns: Personal Pronouns (Subject Pron., Object Pron., Possessive Pron.) Reflexive Pronouns Intensive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Relative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns Adjectives Types of Adjectives: Article Adjectives (Warriner’s Online Text Book 34-38 / Work Book 35-38) Demonstrative Adjectives Common and Proper Adjectives Noun Adjectives Verbs Kinds of verbs: (Warriner’s Online Text Book 45-53/ Work Book 46-51) Helping Verbs and Main Verbs Action Verbs and Linking Verbs Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs Study from notebook, Warriner’s online Text Book, Warriner’s Work Book, and from previous tests. Students will have to write a narrative essay that will be developed in class during review week. For reference: Write Source 97-135 PRE-ALGEBRA (T. CARLOS PALAU) LESSON PAGE COMMENTS 1.1 5 Expressions and Variables 1.3 16 Order of Operations 1.4 22 Comparing and Ordering Integers 1.5 29 Adding Integers 1.6 34 Subtracting Integers 1.7 42 Multiplying and Dividing Integers 1.8 47 The Coordinate Plane 2.1 63 Properties and Operations 2.1A 69 Converting Between Systems of Measurement Review The Math tests and handouts done in class along the trimester. Please study the conversion. ESPAÑOL (T. YISEL GÓMEZ) TEMA S PÁGINAS Funciones del lenguaje p. 24 Silaba p. 66 Reglas de acentuación p. 68 Diptongo, hiato y triptongo p. 70 Estructura de la palabra p. 40 Formación de la palabra p. 42 Partes de la oración p. 90 y apuntes Signos de puntuación p. 46 Sustantivo: Clasificación p. 92 Accidentes p. 96 Clasificación p. 98 Accidentes p. 102 Adjetivo: Desinencias verbales Antónimos y sinónimos Homónimos y parónimos Comprensión lectora SCIENCE (T. JULIO MORALES) TOPICS PAGES 1. Characteristics of Life pages 9 to 15 2. Classifying Organisms pages 19 to 23 3. Exploring Life pages 27 to 30 4. Cells and Life pages 43 to 47 5. The Cell pages 51 to 57 6. Moving Cellular Material pages 61 to 65 7. Cells and Energy pages 69 to 72 8. The Cell Cycle and Cell Division pages 85 to 93 9. Levels of Organization pages 97 to 104 10. Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis pages to 117 to 125 11. Asexual Reproduction pages 129 to 136 GEOMETRY (T. ADISS VERGARA) TOPICS PAGES 1.1 Identify Points Lines and Planes Pages 2-7 1.2 Use Segments and Congruence Pages 9-12 1.3 Use Midpoint and Distance Formulas Pages 15-20 1.4 Measure and Classify Angles Pages 24-29 1.5 Describe Angle Pair Relationship Pages 35-39 1.6 Classify Polygons Pages 42-47 2.1 Use Inductive Reasoning Pages 64-68