Power Positioning - Corporate Visions

Customer Message Management System
Power Positioning™
Create one voice to
differentiate your company
in every conversation.
Traditional messaging and marketing fall short in
helping customers make decisions about your
products and services. The problem is that messages
are too high-level and fail to speak to the customers’
challenges, or too low-level — filled with “who
we are,” “what it does,” and “how much it costs.”
Customers have trouble seeing your real value.
What’s needed is a disciplined process that starts
and ends with the customer, is synchronized to the
customer buying process, and produces messages
that can be used consistently and powerfully in
customer conversations — whether used in person,
over the phone, on the web, published in marketing
communications, used in a tradeshow, or promoted in
story form by your executives and leaders.
“Corporate Visions helps us create messages
and sales tools that line up with how our sales
people are being trained to sell. In a pilot survey
of sales people, 95% said the new tools will help
them better position our offerings, and 84%
said it would improve their ability to position our
offerings as a solution—not just a product.”
— Brandon Zurlo, Director Worldwide Marketing &
Communications, MasterCard
In this workshop you’ll create a message that your
sales team can’t wait to tell, your customers want to
hear, and your competition can’t touch.
What You Gain
At the completion of the Power Positioning
Workshop™ and Conversation Roadmap™ process,
you will have three things that you can start
using right away to improve sales and marketing
• Your message will be consistent, powerful, and
will work the way your best salespeople work
• You’ll have the content that you need to fuel
sales support, sales training and marketing
• And your consultative sales process will be
reinforced with your company’s message
Why It Works
The Power Positioning process is documented in
a book called Customer Message Management:
Increasing Marketing’s Impact on Selling. It has been
widely used by companies across industries and
global regions, and is recommended by the American
Marketing Association as the leading way to integrate
marketing and sales.
Power Positioning
The Power Positioning Workshop blends creativity
with discipline in a cross-functional workshop with
product, marketing and sales subject matter experts
working collaboratively to create a customer-focused
field message.
The Power Positioning Conversation Roadmap
documents your messaging content in a way that
makes sense to both sales and marketing, so that
it can be used to develop marketing and sales tools
that get used in consultative customer conversation
and throughout the customer buying cycle.
Conversation Roadmap
Targeted Conversation
Power Positioning is the first and only messaging
workshop that combines a proven marketing
messaging process and a proven sales messaging
process in an approach that both Marketing and
Sales can agree to use.
The Power Positioning Workshop is a three-day
facilitated exercise with the people who are having
consultative conversations with customers in a
targeted industry, about a targeted solution. This
typically includes salespeople, marketing, and
product experts. Ideal group size is 10 –15 people.
The Workshop:
Business Objective 1
Pain Point 1
Pain Point 2
Pain Point 3
Power Position®
Power Position®
Power Position®
One-Minute Message
• Defines your company’s Power Positions ™
• Identifies the “pain points” that are holding
customers back from achieving their goals, and
then maps your solutions, proof points and value
to create your differentiated story
• Takes messaging downstream into consultative
customer conversations with probing questions,
industry facts, diagnostic questions, “what if…”
solution scenarios, and one-minute messages
• Creates a spoken brand message — the missing
content between brand and product messages
• Gives sales and marketing an opportunity to “try
on the messages” during the Workshop
The Conversation Roadmap approach is
documented, published and promoted by the
American Marketing Association as the best way for
companies to structure the typically unstructured
process of sales message creation.
It provides an agreed-upon template and technique
for delivering field-ready customer messages with
greater clarity, consistency and quality across all of
your sales interactions.
The Conversation Roadmap:
• Guides and documents input
• Directs content creators to produce field-level
messaging components
Power Positioning
Conversation Roadmap™
What if you could create messages that were
adopted and used in a consistent, high quality
fashion across your sales channel — regardless of
skill level?
• Ensures the right conversation content is
developed to support sales tool development
• Serves as a “source document” that can be
leveraged across a range of communications
• Provides a repeatable, enterprise process for
message creation and delivery
894 Incline Way | Incline Village, NV 89451 | 1.800.360.SELL (US only) | 1.775.831.1322 | www.CorporateVisions.com
© 2008 Corporate Visions Inc. — Conversation Roadmap, Corporate Visions, Customer Message Management, Power Messaging Toolkit, Power Positioning,
Power Position, Power Positioning Conversation Roadmap, Power Positioning Workshop are registered trademarks of Corporate Visions Inc.