Grand Conversations

Grand Conversations
1. Read book - independently or teacher reads aloud
2. Prepare for conversation – students draw pictures or
write in reading log
3. Small-group conversations (optional) - can be a
small-group Grand Conversation or preparation for
class Grand Conversation
4. Begin conversation – if small group, use circle; if
class, students sit so everyone can see each other
– Teacher asks “Who would like to begin?” or “What
are you thinking about?”
– Student makes comment – other students take turns
talking about idea introduced by student
Grand Conversations
5. Continue conversation – student introduces a new
– Students talk about it, make connections, provide
details, and read excerpts from story to make a point
– No more than three comments per student until
everyone has spoken at least once
6. Teacher asks questions to direct students to aspects
of story that were missed or to make comparisons
7. Conclude conversation – teacher summarizes /
draws conclusions
8. Reflect on conversation - students write in reading