Caesar Vocabulary Packet

 Name _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Period __________________ Julius Caesar: Vocabulary Act I “Words To Own” Chart: Fill out the chart below legibly. Word Part of Definition Find 1 synonym and Speech 1 antonym. Unable to bear fruit; Barren unable to bear children Reproached; scolded Chidden Inactive; lazy Idle Significant; harbinger Portentous of future events An absolute ruler, Tyrant often oppressive Create your OWN sentence. Name _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Period __________________ Julius Caesar: Vocabulary Act 2 “Words To Own” Chart: Fill out the chart below legibly. Word Part of Definition Find 1 synonym and Speech 1 antonym. To beg Beseech About to occur Imminent To win Prevail Honorable; noble in Valiant action Face; appearance Visage (also: ghost or apparition) Create your OWN sentence. Name _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Period __________________ Julius Caesar: Vocabulary Act 3 “Words To Own” Chart: Fill out the chart below legibly. Word Part of Definition Find 1 synonym and Speech 1 antonym. Satisfied; pleased Appeased Chests or boxes used Coffers for keeping valuables To drive forward Compel One who conspires Conspirator or plots against Spitefulness; Malice showing evil Create your OWN sentence. Name _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Period __________________ Julius Caesar: Vocabulary Act 4 “Words To Own” Chart: Fill out the chart below legibly. Word Part of Definition Find 1 synonym and Speech 1 antonym. A punishment or Chastisement scolding A flag showing Ensign allegiance or nationality Needing immediate Exigent action To worry Fret Believe something to Presume be true Create your OWN sentence. Name _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Period __________________ Julius Caesar: Vocabulary Act 5 “Words To Own” Chart: Fill out the chart below legibly. Word Part of Definition Find 1 synonym and Speech 1 antonym. Sought revenge Avenged Outward behavior Demeanor Misinterpreted or Misconstrued understood incorrectly Irritable; bad-­‐
Peevish tempered Dangers; risks Perils Create your OWN sentence. 