11. Synonym and Antonym Words

11. Synonym and Antonym Words
Read and listen to scene 1 of the play (track 4). Now look at the words below and find the word in the text
which is a synonym (word with the same meaning) (S) or an antonym (word with the opposite meaning (A).
Write the relevant sentence from the script on the second gap. The first one has been done for you.
1. interested (A)
Mercutio: Are we going to the party, to see Rosaline, or are we staying here to get bored?
2. speak (S)
3. love (A)
4. hero (A)
5. everybody (A)
6. forget (A)
7. good-looking (S)
8. fantastic (S)
9. perhaps (S)
10. always (A)
This activity is designed to be used in conjunction with a performance of IPA Productions’ Romeo and Juliet.
For more information, visit www.ipaproductions.com.
11. Synonym and Antonym Words
Teaching notes
20–30 minutes
Skills Focus
Listening, reading (possibly speaking).
To increase vocabulary by not only learning the words used within the play but also to encourage students to
think about new words related to them.
Suggested post activity
Ask the students to work with a partner to find five new words from the scene. They should then write the
synonym/antonym of the word. Get students to swap words with another pair or present them on the board to
the other students. This could be done as a game with students scoring points for correct answers.
1. interested - bored
2. speak - talk
3. love - hate
4. hero - coward
5. everybody - nobody
6. forget - remember
7. good-looking - pretty
8. fantastic - great
9. perhaps - maybe
10. always - never
This activity is designed to be used in conjunction with a performance of IPA Productions’ Romeo and Juliet.
For more information, visit www.ipaproductions.com.