Synonyms and Antonyms

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Learning Objective: to understand and use the terms synonyms and antonyms.
Synonyms and Antonyms
A synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another.
For example: a synonym for huge could be gigantic or enormous.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given word.
For example, an antonym for big would be little, or for fat would be thin.
Task 1
Find a synonym for each of the adjectives highlighted and write it on the line.
1. An angry man _________________
6. A clever child __________________
2. A large dog __________________
7. A small cake ___________________
3. An attractive lady _____________
8. A dirty cloth ___________________
4. A sore finger _________________
9. An expensive coat _______________
5. A happy tune _________________
10. A bad taste ___________________
Task 2
Find an antonym for each of the adjectives highlighted and write it on the line.
1. A stupid question ________________
6. A lengthy speech _______________
2. A sharp knife _________________
7. A glossy magazine ______________
3. A distant relation ______________
8. Modern tools _________________
4. A brave soldier ________________
9. A loud noise __________________
5. Rough bark of a tree ____________
10. A strong man ________________
Task 3
Make a list of synonyms for each of the following.
Task 4
Re-write the story replacing the words highlighted with a synonym.
Write your new story in your book.
On Monday it was my father’s birthday. While he was sleeping I sneaked upstairs and put his
card and present neatly on the bed. When he awoke he noticed it at once. “How kind of you,
what a lovely gift!” he said as he hurriedly opened it, to find a new sweater.
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