Breaking News: Zeek Rewards Closes It Doors – Popular Penny


Published based on Breaking News: Zeek Rewards Closes It Doors – Popular

Penny Auction

Breaking News: Zeek Rewards Closes It Doors –

Popular Penny Auction

Government watchdogs investigate legitimacy of the penny auction.

A long queue outside of Zeek Rewards Office on the 31st July eager to start their business.

Breaking News: Zeek Rewards closes it doors

Very popular online penny auction website called and their affiliate arm called Zeek

Rewards , officially closed its office for undisclosed reasons. As another step was taken, very soon after both of the sites became offline: and were offline as of

9 p.m.

Zeek Rewards cancels Events

Additionally on the upcoming Wednesday there was supposed to be a company recognition event – “red carpet” and it was cancelled. Just before the sites were closed there were announcements made to monitor the website for any forthcoming news.

For some people the news did not come as a surprise as there were many complaints and inquiries submitted by members in the past six months. As a result both and Zeek

Rewards have already been investigated by the North Carolina Attorney General’s office.

The problem for Zeek Rewards were already visible when the company made an announcement to cancel all ‘training, recruitment or leadership calls ‘ on Monday. Zeek

Rewards justified the cancellation because of ‘planning’, but they did not share what they were planning.

Zeek Rewards Problem with the business model

“The problem was that with members re-investing their returns back into their point balances, it was completely unrealistic to imagine that Zeek Rewards would continue to experience infinite customer growth to give the daily bids being handed back to it to real customers.

Indeed it is common knowledge that this did not happen in real-time, with the company drowning in excess points it could not give away, a point queue was formed with Zeek Rewards giving away points as it acquired customers.

Despite member’s points having not been given away however, the company continued to pay members a return. With points not given away, this fuelled speculation that the Zeek Rewards daily returns were infact generated by the money being invested by members, rather than via customers using bids in the Zeekler auctions.” quoted by:

Zeek Rewards Affiliate members

Very shortly after Zeek Rewards closed headquarter, both of the websites, Zeek Rewards and Zeekler auction sites, became

unavailable online. Zeek members have started to log problems with cashing out the profits generated by the penny auction.

According to officials represented by the company, has more than 200,000 retail bidders. It seems to be not confirmed on how many affiliates in total that Zeek has. Some of the online reports claim that they have had more than 700,000.

Is there an alternative for Zeek Rewards?

I have been personally approached to look at Zeek Rewards at least 10 times and in few cases it was hard to walk away since the person who approached me was very reputable and well earned. But fortunately, couple of months ago I set some criteria that I always check against before diving to any business. And Zeek Rewards did not meet 2 of the criterias and I walked away. Here is my list.


has to be wireless – that means I can do it from any location around the world


has to add value to end user – it is important to me, if not I will sabotage it long term


has to have leverage – I love to get paid not only for my own effort


I have to learn new skills – since I am putting my time, I want more than just money,

I want to become better.

If you want to find out what meets our criteria and would like to learn more, please click Ten Ten

Formula & let’s talk.

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Here’s To Your Success

Marcin Marczak

Skype: marcmar1979

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