Human resource management: a case study approach

Human resource management: a case study approach - chapter 13
Quiz questions (answers can be found at the bottom of the page)
1 According to Herzberg's 2 Factor Theory, intrinsic rewards are motivating factors. Which
of the rewards listed below are intrinsic rewards?
a) Pay
b) Job security
c) Recognition
d) Personal fulfilment
e) Pensions
f) Celebrations
2 Which of the following statements about job evaluation is true?
a) Job evaluation is usually an objective process
b) Job evaluation is about finding out the relative value of a job
c) Job evaluation is a substitute for a job analysis
d) Job analysis is always an analytical process
3 What is the 'new pay' as described by Edward Lawler?
a) A direct link between company performance and individual pay
b) Tailoring pay to what individuals contribute to the organisation
c) Set as a result of consultations with the trade unions
d) More popular in Europe than traditional pay systems
4 Which of the following statements about inequity in pay systems is untrue?
a) The pay gap between senior managers and other employees has increased over
the past 30 years
b) Organisations sometimes reward senior managers for poor performance
c) Employees are often blamed when it is the manager's fault
d) Performance appraisals are a fair and equitable way of allocating reward
5 Performance-related pay is a way of linking an individual's pay progression to:
a) Their length of employment with the organisation
b) His/her level of performance (a rating of competence)
c) The time they have spent at work
d) The difference in his / her efforts to that of other workers
6 Which one of the following benefits is least costly to a company? Assume an employee
has a salary of £30,000 p.a.
a) Childcare vouchers (20% of cost)
b) A leased car
c) Private medical insurance
d) A final salary pension scheme
e) A season ticket loan
Quiz answers
1.recognition, celebrations, personal fulfilment. 2.b. 3.b. 4.d. 5.b. 6.d.