Draft - Discretionary Financial Top-Up Policy for Major Adaptations

Discretionary Financial Additional Policy for Major Adaptations
Adults and Children’s Services
1. Purpose of Policy
To clearly define the circumstances in which additional funding from Devon
County Council will be considered, the process for consideration of the level
of funding, and the mechanism for payment of additional funding.
2. Background
Major structural works to the property of an individual who has a disability are
usually funded via Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) following an assessment of
need by an Occupational Therapist (OT). All alternative options will be
considered to meet the assessed need before a major adaptation is
considered necessary and appropriate e.g. equipment, minor adaptations,
house move etc. A DFG is mandatory, in certain circumstances, to provide
“access to essential facilities” (Ref: Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act 1996) and is administered by the District or Borough
2.1 For DFG applications where the client is an adult there is a financial
test of resources (TOR) undertaken by the District Council. This TOR applies
a national formula that identifies a financial amount that the formula indicates
an individual is able to contribute towards the works. For Adults, any
assessed contribution, must be available before any DFG monies are used.
All options for meeting an assessed contribution will be explored with the
family before any additional funding requested from DCC will be approved.
2.2 For DFG applications where the client is a child there is no financial
assessment (TOR) for DFG funding.
2.3 For both Adults and Children, there is an upper mandatory grant limit of
£30,000 and the grants (and any TOR) are administered by local District or
City Councils. The District/City Councils are required to take into account
factors such as the size, value and condition of the property, in relation to the
whole scheme (not just in relation to the size of the grant) and must agree that
the works are both “necessary and appropriate” (in consultation with the social
services authority) and “reasonable and practicable”. (Ref: Housing Grants,
Construction and Regeneration Act 1996)
3. DCC Policy for funding Additional funding for Adults and Children.
The DCC policy for considering any additional funding for either an adult or
child is to consider the total family’s income and outgoings; including
mortgages, loans, credit cards and disability related expenditure.
4. Circumstances in which Additional Funding will be considered.
Where there is a shortfall in funding for example:
 To top up a mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
 To provide funding where discretionary funds have not been awarded
by the District Council
 To provide funds where the client may be unable to meet their
assessed contribution
Notes: This applies to owner occupiers, Registered Providers (housing
association) or privately rented tenancies only. Where the property is owned
by the District/City Council we would expect that, as the landlord, they would
be responsible for contributing up to £30k before any additional funding
request is made to the Panel. Alternatively, they would support their tenant in
applying for DFG funding.
5. Process for Application for Consideration of Funding (Adults and
5.1 If it is identified that a major adaptation to the property is required
following an assessment of need completed by the Occupational Therapist in
conjunction with the individual and/or family:
The Occupational Therapist will complete a Statement of Need and,
having considered all alternatives to major adaptations, will agree with
the individual and/or family, a proposed adaptation solution. This might
require joint visits with OT and district technical officers and/or
architects or with Children’s cases, final agreement from the ICS
clinical panel.
The district council has responsibility for gathering the information
required to calculate a financial assessment to determine the
individual’s contribution.
A Factsheet* will be left with the family which sets out the options the
family/individual might have in terms of meeting this shortfall (eg. equity
release, personal loan, use of savings). * In development April 2015.
If an applicant has an assessed contribution that the district council
believe they are unlikely to be able to meet, they will advise the
applicant that they could apply to Devon County Council for
consideration for Additional funding. An additional funding application
form can be obtained from Care Direct.
If it is likely that an application to DCC for additional funding will be
made, the district council will obtain consent from the individual to
share the financial assessment (FERRET) with Devon County Council.
District Council staff will advise applicants that where an individual, or
immediate family who live in the property to be adapted, have savings
or other savings investments (premium bonds, ISAs) of 50% in excess
of the cost of the works then it is unlikely that additional funding from
DCC will be granted. For example
cost of works is £4500 and
applicant has savings of £7,000.
6. Additional Funding Financial Consideration process.
6.1 The Professional Lead OT will review the proposed schedule of works
along with the financial information provided to consider whether the evidence
provided indicates:
 All reasonable options have been considered regarding the raising of
additional finance by the individual/family
 Whether there is disposable income that could potentially be utilised to
fund a loan, either from the panel or privately.
Where it is clear that there are no financial options or they have already
indicated that they can meet some but not all of the shortfall, the panel will
consider how best to support the individual/family in meeting the shortfall;
through a possible grant or loan.
The panel will apply the following “affordability” calculation to guide their
decision making; however, the Panel reserves the right to apply discretion in
exceptional circumstances.
6.2 DCC Additional Funding “affordability” calculation:
Devon County Council will, after taking account mortgage and loans, calculate
what the remaining weekly income equates to and compare this to the adult
and child allowances for the household. An additional 25% will be added to
ensure there is additional weekly income for one off payments and any
disability related purchases.
For example a couple both over 18 with 2 children would have the following
Couple = £111.45
Child 1 £ 56.25
Child 2 £ 56.25
Total = £223.95 + 25% = £279.94 allowance per week
If the actual income = £350 per week, then there is an expectation that the
difference (in this example £70 per week) could be used either to contribute to
an increased mortgage or a privately arranged loan.
7. Types of funding support from DCC as Additional Funding (Children
and Adults)
 Provision of a non-repayable grant
 Provision of an interest free loan - repayment timescales offered will
be dependant upon the size of loan and individual financial
 A combination of the above.
 In each case DCC will confirm the funding decision in writing to the
Guidance for Completion of the Application Form: Additional Funding
from Devon County Council for Major Adaptations.
In addition to the financial information provided as part of the DFG FERRET
financial assessment, the County Council requires further financial information
in order to make a decision whether to award any additional funding:
If the house to be adapted is owner occupied, a reasonably accurate
current market valuation will be necessary, if possible provided by the
applicant. e.g. Zoopla valuations.
Details of any mortgage, term of mortgage, years left to pay, monthly
Details of any loans, including the term of loan, date of end of loan, and
if a fixed loan, the amount paid per month
If the house to be adapted is social/affordable housing owned by a
registered provider, details of the Registered Provider landlord.
Name of Applicant: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Additional financial information to support panel application (where works are expected to exceed £30k and/or where clients are not in receipt of means tested
Source of loan/debt e.g.
Mortgage (including
other properties)
Reason for loan/debt
Initial loan
Period of
Date loan
Current amount
Any other financial considerations: ………………………………………………………………………………..................................................................
If you have a mortgage please confirm type (repayment, interest only, endowment): …………………………………………………………………………
If you have a mortgage, please confirm current value of outstanding amount plus expected finish date:….………………………………………………..
Current estimated value of property: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Registered Provider Landlord Details:
Landlord Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………….
This information should be emailed to: Mitzie Slater or sent by post to Devon County Council, Finance Team, Room 180, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QL