MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE 34556462 (1996) Stereological Methods: A New Approach in the Assessment of Pulmonary Emphysema B.A.M. HEEMSKERK-GERRITSEN,J.H. DIJKMAN, AND A.A.W. TEN HAVE-OPBROEK Department of Pulmonology, University of Leiden, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands (BA.M.H.-G.,J.HD., AA.W.TSI.-0.); Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis, California 95616 (A4.W.T.H.-0.) KEY WORDS Stereology, Morphometry, Mouse lungs ABSTRACT In order to develop a reliable and sensitive method for studying the development and progression of pulmonary emphysema, we compared stereological indices with the usual index for grade of emphysema, i.e., the mean linear intercept (Lm), in elastase-induced emphysema in mice. The Lm and stereological indices, including volumes of total lung tissue (V(lt)),airspaces (V,,,), and surface area of alveolar walls were determined in B-p.m, H&E-stained, parafinembedded lung sections from elastase- (n = 7) or saline-treated (n = 8) mice. The indices were measured by point counting, using Cavalieri's principle (V(lt)and V(air))or by counting intersections of alveolar walls with test lines of a known length (S,,, and Lm). Elastase treatment resulted in a significant increase of Lm and of V(air),both indicating airspace enlargement, and in a significant decrease of V(lt)and S(alv), indicating destruction of alveolar walls. Between each of the stereological indices and the Lm, significant correlations were found when all lungs were included, but not when the emphysematous lungs were considered separately. We conclude that stereological methods can be powerful morphometric tools for studying pulmonary emphysema development and progression, since they give information not only about the grade of airspace enlargement but also about the grade of destruction of alveolar walls. Based on this unique property, stereological methods also allow a distinction between pulmonary emphysema and unrelated conditions with dilatation of airspaces only. 0 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. INTRODUCTION Pulmonary emphysema is defined as a condition of the lung characterized by abnormal, permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchiole, accompanied by destruction of their walls, and without obvious fibrosis (Snider et al., 1985). Severity of emphysema in humans and animal models is usually evaluated by calculating the average distance between the alveolar walls, i.e., the mean linear intercept (Lm). The Lm allows a rapid and reliable assessment of pulmonary emphysema. A disadvantage of this method, however, is that the Lm is only an expression of airspace enlargement, and does not reflect destruction of the alveolar walls. This means that the Lm cannot be used to distinguish between pulmonary emphysema and other unrelated conditions in which there is an increased airspace dilatation without destruction. In the aging lung, for example, the Lm is increased without apparent destruction (Escolar et al., 1994; Thurlbeck, 1967a; Verbeken et al.,1992). Other morphometric indices for emphysema, such as the destructive index (DI) and the number of destroyed alveolar attachments to the airways (AA), which focus on alveolar wall destruction, are available but have been shown to be less sensitive in emphysema models (Eidelman et al., 1990). Therefore, we have been searching for a reliable and sensitive method to quantitate the two major aspects of emphysema, i.e., airspace enlargement and destruction of the alveolar walls, for our ongoing studies of emphysema development and progression. 0 1996 WILEY-LISS, INC. Stereological methods as described by Weibel(1970) have been shown to be useful tools for estimating surface areas and volumes. Based on the idea that destruction of the alveolar walls leads to a decrease of volume and surface area of the alveolar walls, and that airspace enlargement leads to an increase of volume of the airspaces, we hypothesized that these methods may be powerful tools in the evaluation of grade of emphysema during the development and progression of this disease. In the present study we investigated the applicability of stereological methods in elastase-induced emphysema in mice, and compared these methods with the more classical index, the Lm. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and Intratracheal Instillations Young adult female, inbred, Swiss-type (CPB-S) mice (age 2-3 months), weighing 0.03 f 0.002 kg (mean f standard deviation), were used for the experiments. Emphysema was induced in seven mice by intratracheal instillation of porcine pancreatic elastase (144 U/mg; Calbiochem, La Jolla, CAI dissolved in saline. The administration took place on days 1 , 5 , and 8, Received July 9, 1995; accepted August 24, 1995. Address reprint requests to B.A.M. Heemskerk-Gerritaen,Respiratory Biology Group, Departmentof Anatomy and Embryology, University of Leiden, P.O.Box 9602, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. STEREOLOGICAL METHODS TO ASSESS EMPHYSEMA each time as a single dose of 1.2 mgkg body weight (BW). The control group consisted of eight mice, which received a similar volume of only saline according to the same schedule (days 1,5,and 8). Intratracheal instillations were done as described previously (Otto-Verberne et al., 1992). Briefly, the mice were anesthetized by C02 asphyxiation. Animals were held in an almost upright position by suspending them on their front teeth. To visualize the trachea, the tongue was extended from the mouth using forceps, and the light tip of a flexible cold light fibr-optic was placed against the skin at throat level. By looking into the throat, the white cartilaginous rings of the trachea could be seen in an otherwise transparent pink surrounding. As soon as the mice started to gasp for breath, the trachea was quickly intubated with a 20gauge blunt needle attached to an automatic Hamilton syringe (CR-700),(Hamilton Company, Reno, Nevada) and 50 pl of elastase or saline were instilled into the lungs. The mice were kept in an upright position for a few seconds until they regained consciousness. Morphometric Evaluation After 8 weeks, the mice were sacrificed by indenting the cerebellum and exsanguinated by cutting the vena cava. The lungs with the trachea were excised carefully. After intubation of the trachea, the lungs were inflated with Bouin's fixative at a pressure of 20 cm HzO for 3 hours, resulting in stable fixation of both saline- and elastase-treated lungs. Left and right lungs were separated, and the air was removed using a vacuum pump. The lungs were stored in the same fixative overnight, dehydrated, and embedded in paraffin. Five-pm sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The Lm was calculated according to Dunnill (1962) and Thurlbeck (1967b),using the light microscope with a x 4 0 objective lens and a x 8 ocular lens, the latter lens containing a crossed hairline of known length. For each left lung ( = one lobe) and each right lung ( = four lobes), three sections obtained from different levels were examined. Per section we evaluated 10 randomlyselected fields. Lm was calculated using the equation: Lm = (N x l)SI(pm), where N is the number of times the crossed hairline is placed on the lung, 1 is the length of the hairline, and 81is the total number of intersections counted. Lm was calculated for left and right lungs separately. Lm for the two lungs represents the mean of left and right lung Lm values. Total lung volume was estimated as described previously (Gundersen et al., 1988;Michel and Cruz-Orive, 1988),using Cavalieri's principle. Briefly, systematic parallel sections from different levels a known distance "t" apart were used to estimate the volume unbiasedly and efficiently by point counting. To do this, a test system with 40.57 test points per cm2was superimposed at random on each section of lung. We counted the points coinciding with the lung, i.e., airspaces and nonairspaces. To estimate total volume of the lung we used the equation: V(,-) = 557 t x A x 8P1(cm'), where V(l-) is the total lung volume, t is the distance between the sections, A is the area represented by one point, and SPl is the total number of points coinciding with the lung. The V(lung)was calculated for the left and right lungs separately. The Vlung)for the two lungs represents the sum of the lek and right lung V(lun) values. Volume density and absolute volume of total lung tissue (defined here as all lung tissue without air spaces, i.e., parenchyma, blood vessels, airways, lobular septa, and pleura) were estimated in the sections mentioned above, using a multipurpose test system with 0.91 test points per cm2, and test lines with a length of 0.269cm per test point and an Olympus BH-2 microscope with a projection arm (Olympus Optical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Volume density of the total lung was determined by dividing the total tissue (Vv number o i points coinciding with lung tissue by the total number of points coinciding with the reference space (i.e., the entire lung), as in the equation: where ZP1,is the total number of points coinciding with lung tissue, and 8P1is the total number of points coinciding with the entire lung. The VV(lt,lung)was calculated for the left and right lungs separately. The VV(lt,lun for the two lungs represents the mean of the left anckright lung Vv(lt,lun ) values. Absolute volume of the total lung tissue (V(lt))was calculated by multiplying volume density with total lung volume (V(lung)), as in the equation: V(lt) = VV(lt,lung) x 3 V(1ung)(cm )* The Vat) was calculated for the left and right lungs separately. The V for the two lungs represents the sum of the left anrright lung VOt)values. Volume density of the airspaces and absolute volume of the airspaces (VV(air,lun) and V air), respectively) was determined as described &r total iung tissue, using the equations: ZPaifiPl, and V(air) = VV(air,lung) x V(1ung) (cm3), VV(air,lung) = where SP, is the total number of points coinciding with airspaces. The VV(air,lun) and the V(air)were calculated for the left and rigfit lungs separately. The VV(air,lunglfor the two lungs represents the mean of the left and nght lung VV(air,lung) values, and the V for the two lungs represents the sum of the left a n H g h t lung V(air)values. For estimation of surface area of the alveolar walls (S(alv)), the same test system and microscope were used. We counted the intersections (I) of the test lines with the alveolar walls. To estimate the S(alv)we used the equation: 558 B.A.M. HEEMSJSERK-GERRITSENET AL. where S(alv)is the total absolute surface area of the alveolar walls, p/l is the ratio of test point number to test line length for the test system used, M is the final magnification, XI is the total number of intersections between alveolar surfaces and test lines on the sections counted, 8Pl is the total number of test points in the lung (tissue and airspaces)on the sections counted, and V(lun) is the total volume of the lung. The S(alv)was calcu7ated for the left and right lungs separately. The S(alv)for the two lungs represents the sum of the left and right lung S(alvvalues. In order to test tke reproducibility of both the conventional and stereological methods, all parameters were measured a second time, with an interim of 6 weeks. Data Analysis * Results are expressed as mean Standard Deviation. Differences between the saline- and elastasetreated groups were analyzed statistically by using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. Correlations between morphometric indices and between first and second measurements were made by linear regression. P < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS Morphology Representative micrographs of mouse lung tissue sections are shown in Figure 1. Comparison of salinetreated animals (Fig. 1A) and elastase-treated animals (Fig. 1B,C) showed the presence of centrilobular (Fig. 1B)or panlobular (Fig. 1C)emphysematous lesions in the latter group of animals. Morphometry Results of the various morphometric measurements and calculations for the saline- and elastase-treated groups are listed in Table 1.Elastase treatment had no impact on the body weight of the mice. In salinetreated mice the mean body weight was 0.031 f 0.003 kg, whereas the mean body weight in elastase-treated mice was 0.03 f 0.002 kg. For elastase-treated animals the V lung) showed a significant increase compared to the sahne-treated mice (P < 0.05). Decrease of volume of total lung tissue (i.e., the VY(lt,lung) and the V(lt))in elastase-treated animals was significant (P < 0.005 in both cases). Accordingly, the volume of the airspaces in the lungs of elastase-treated animals increased significantly (P < 0.005 for the Vv alrzlung),and P < 0.05 for the V(air)).T h e S(alv)decrease6 significantly (P < 0.01) in elastase-treated mice. The Lm in these animals was significantly higher (P < 0.005). The most intriguing data are visualized in Figure 2. The significant elastase-induced decrease of volume of total lung tissue is shown in Figure 2A (Vv(lt,lung)) and Figure 2B (V(lt)).The significant increase of volume of the airspaces in elastase-treated animals is shown in Figure 2C (VV(airlung)) and Figure 2D (V(air)).Figure 2E shows the significant elastase-induced increase in S(alv),and the significant increase in Lm values in elastasetreated animals is shown in Figure 2F. As shown in Table 2, first and second measurements of all parame- Fig. 1. Micrographs of mouse lung tissue sections, showing salinetreated lungs with normal architecture (A), and elastase-treated lungs with centrilobular (B)or panlobular (C) emphysematous lesions. H&E staining. Bars, 150 pm. ters observed were significantly correlated (P 5 0.002 in all cases). In Table 3, various morphologic indices were compared with the Lm. Correlation coefficients were given for all lungs examined (n = 151,and for emphysematous lungs separately (n = 7). Some of these correlations are illustrated in Figure 3. The value of the 559 STEREOLOGICAL METHODS TO ASSESS EMPHYSEMA TABU 1 . Lkta of lung mrphometry obtained in elastase-treated and saline-treated m u s e lungs by stereologic and conventional methods' ~~~ ~~~ BW (kg) Stereologic methods VOUng)b m 3 ) VV<lt.lung) (96) V,lt) (mm3) VV,.Iung) (%) Saline (n = 8) 0.031 2 0.003 Elastase (n = 7) 0.03 2 0.002 372.21 f 72.91 25.40 2 3.60 93.56f 17.05 74.60 2 3.60 278.65 61.21 459.10 2 80.82 483.12 2 12.05 2 56.72 2 87.95 2 426.41 2 306.492 * Vmr) (mm3) S(d")(cm2) Conventional methods Lm (um) ~~~ 38.60 2 1.65 ~ ~ ~~ 106.05 2.88 15.88 2.88 97.94 100.11 78.802 30.98 ~ Statistical Analvsis NS P < 0.05 P < 0.005 P < 0.005 P < 0.005 P < 0.05 P < 0.01 P < 0.005 ~ 'BW,body weight; V(lug), total lung volume; VV~~,J,,,,~), volume density of total lung tissue; V,l,), volume of total lung tissue; VV(~~,J-). volume density of airspaces; V(ab), volume of airspaces;S,,,), surface area of alveolar walls; Lm,mean linear intercept; NS, not sigmficant (P 2 0.05). TABU 2. Correlations between first and second measurements of all pammeters obtained in elnstase-treated and saline-treated m u s e lungs by stereologic and conventional methods' Parameter All lungs examined (n = 15) r = 0.993 (P = 0.000) r = 0.826 (P = 0.000) r = 0.729(P = 0.002) r = 0.826 (P = 0.000) r = 0.928 (P = 0.000) r = 0.768 (P = 0.001) 'Lm, mean linear intercept;Vv(lt I volume density of v,,,), volume*Y'total lung tissue; volume density of a i r s p m ; V oy), volume of airs e , (alv), surface area of alveolar wai'i total lung tissue; VV(rirly VV(lt,lun) and the V(lt)(Fig. 3A) decreased significantly (P = OfbOO and P = 0.005, respectively), with an increasing Lm in all lungs examined, In connection with ) and the Vcair) (Fig. 3B) this the value of the VV(air,lun increased significantly (P = 6.000 and P = 0.002 respectively), with an increasing Lm in all lungs examined. The s(+)(Fig. 3C)showed a negative, significant correlation unth the Lm (P = 0.004). When elastasetreated animals were considered separately, the correlations were not so pronounced. With the exceptions of the VV(lt,lunand the VV(air,lung), no significant correlations were found between the stereologic indices and the Lm in elastase-treated lungs. Because of the minimal divergence of the Lm in saline-treated mice, it was hardly possible to study the correlations between the Lm and the other indices in these animals. In Figure 4, the V(air)was plotted against the V(lt) (Fig. 4A) and against the Scalv) (Fig. 4B). A Significant correlation was found between the V(air)and the V(lt in saline-treated animals (F = 0.852, P = 0.007). $he other correlations were not found to be significant. DISCUSSION In the present study we compared in elastase-induced emphysema in mice a conventional, though fast and reliable, method for measuring the grade of emphysema, namely calculation of the mean linear intercept, with stereological methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the latter methods have been applied to emphysema. As presently shown, intratracheal instillation of elastase in mouse lungs results in a characteristic panlobular or centrilobular emphysema, a finding consistent with previous reports (Otto-Verberne et al., 1992; Valentine et al., 1983). Although not developed for measuring grade of emphysema, stereological methods appear to be reproducible, sensitive, and efficient. They correlate with the Lm. However, a significant advantage of stereological methods over the Lm is that they permit measurements of both airspace enlargement and destruction of alveolar walls, even simultaneously, which means that they yield a more complete picture of the grade of emphysema without consuming more labor time of the investigator. Our findings that in elastase-treated animals the total lung tissue volume (Vat)) as well as the surface area of the alveolar walls (S(alv)) is decreased indicates destruction of the alveolar walls. Airspace enlargement in elastase-treated animals is shown by an increase of volume of the airspaces (V(air9. Another advantage of stereological methods is that they are more objective: by taking parallel sections from different levels a known distance apart, sampling is done in an unbiased and efficient way (Gundersen and Jensen, 1987). Furthermore, this way of sampling provides a clear picture of the entire lung, which means that local emphysema will not be easily overlooked. In our opinion this may be important, especially since it is known that centrilobular emphysema in human lungs is more frequently observed in the upper lobes (Saetta et al., 1985);we also found centrilobular emphysema in our experimental mouse model (as well as panlobular emphysema) (current study; Otto-Verberne et al., 1992). The present study does not provide arguments for rejecting the Lm. The small spreading of Lm in salinetreated animals and the lack of overlap of measurements might suggest that the Lm represents a morphometric index that discriminates easily between saline- and elastase-treated lungs. We expect, however, that normal or saline-treated lungs may also show some natural variations. As demonstrated by the B.A.M. HEEMSKERK-GERRITSENET AL. 560 30 ' 25 ' - 150 - 100 - 0 0 0 8 t 2o *** *** 0 0 i n 8 - 50 0 0 Saline 100 Y v (nir,lunp) ( 8 ) 90 80 - *** 8 7- - 0 6 --9- 70 60 - - 600 - ** 400 300 200 - 0 500 0 0 0 8 -8- 0 0 0 Saline ;(ah) (em2) Elastase Saline * 600 8 500 400 700 Elnstnse - 50 700 Snline Elastase 150 Elastase *** - 0 0 % 0 0 0 300 100 - 50 - 8 200 0 100 0 0 Saline Elastase Fig. 2. A Volume density of total lung tissue (VV,lt.,wrp)) in salineand elastase-treated animals. Each symbol represents the value for a single animal. Horizontal lines represent group means. B Absolute , as in A. C:Volume density volume of total lung tissue (V,,,,)displayed of airspaces (VV(air,lung)), displayed as in A. D Absolute volume of 0 0 0 + 8 Saline Elastase 63 airspaces (V,,,), displayed as in A. E: Surface area of alveolar walls (S,,,,,), displayed as in A. F: Mean linear intercept (Lm),displayed as in A. A-F, *P< 0.01, **P< 0.05,***P< 0.005 (nonparametric MannWhitney test). 561 STEREOLOGICAL METHODS TO ASSESS EMPHYSEMA T A B U 3. Correlations between m r p h m e t r i c pammeters obtained in elastase-treated and saline-treated m u s e lungs by stereologic and conventional methods' Group parameters r Lm vs. V,,,, r Lm vs. VV(air,une, Lm ~ 8 V<eir) . r Lm vs. S,,,) Lm vs. Vv,,,,w) All lungs examined Emphysematous lungs (n = 15) (n = 7) = -0.815 (P = 0.000) r = -0.936 (P = 0.002) = -0.678 (P = 0.005) r = -0.480 (NS) r = 0.815 (P = 0.000) r = 0.936 (P = 0.002) r = 0.737 (P = 0.002) r = 0.545 (NS) = -0.690 (P = 0.004) r = -0.577 (NS) 'Lm,mean linear intercept; VV,,,lunb, volume density of total lung tissue; V(lt) volume density of airspaw; V(ar,, volvolume of total lung tissue; V& ume of airspaces; S,l, surface &a of alveolar walls; NS, not significant (P 2 0.05). 30 \ 0 l@O 2@@ greater spreading, stereological indices in particular may be very suitable for detecting such natural variations. At first glance, the overlap of measurements of SJalv), V(air),and especially of V,,,) may give the impression that it is difficult to make the distinction between saline- and elastase-treated lungs in the stereological approach. However, it is important to realize that one of the components of the V,,,) and of the V(air is the volume of the total lung (V(lmg)).It is clear tkat the increase of the V(lung)in elastase-treated animals leads to an underestimation of the decrease of the V(lt)and to an overestimation of the increase of the V(air).When the volume densities of the total lung tissue and the airspaces (Vv(lt,lung) and VV(air,lun )) are considered, the differences between saline-treate8 and elastase-treated animals are definitely more pronounced. Furthermore, IS0 when combinations of stereological indices are used, e.g., V(lt) F d V(+,).(Fig. 4A), and S dv)and V(air)(Fig. 4B),an easier distinction between the two treatments 0 200 is possible. This latter phenomenon is interesting because it allows distinction between emphysematous and nonemphysematous control lungs on the basis of the combination of airspace enlargement and destruction of the alveolar walls. Based on their all-round properties, stereological methods represent valuable tools for solving differential diagnostic questions. We are aware of the fact that the V(!t) also covers nonparenchymal tissue, i.e., tissue that is not directly involved in the pathogenesis of emphysema (i.e., blood vessels, airways, and pleura). However, because elastase disrupts the elastic fiber network, especially in the alveolar walls (Snider et al., 1986), and because the volume of nonparenchymal lung tissue in centriacinar and panacinar emphysematous lungs is not different from that in normal lungs in humans (Cardoso et al., 1993), we assume that a difference in the V,l,) reflects mainly a difference in the parenchymal tissue, and not a difference in the nonparenchymal tissue. As expected, in normal lungs the VCair) is related to the S(dv)and to the V An increase of volume of the airspaces is attended by an increase of volume of the total lung tissue and the surface area of the alveolar Fig. 3. A: Relationship between mean linear intercept (Lm) and walls. In emphysematous lungs this relationship is volume of total lung tissue (V,,,,)in saline-treated (0)and elastaseclearly disturbed. An increase of airspace volume is treated (0) animals. Broken line is the regression line for all lungs attended neither by an increase nor by a decrease of examined ( r = -0.678, P = 0.005). Continuous line is the regression line for elastaee-treated animals (r = -0.480, P not significant (NS)). total lung tissue volume or surface area of the alveolar B: Relationship between Lm and volume of airspaces (V,,,,,),diswalls. However, this does not necessarily imply that played as in A. Correlation coefficients are 0.737 (P = 0.002) for all the main event in elastase-induced emphysema is air- lungs examined, and 0.545 (NS)for elastase-treated animals. C: Re- I@ lationship between Lm and surface area of alveolar walls (S,,,,), displayed as in A. Correlationcoefficients are -0.690 (P= 0.004)for all lungs examined, and -0.577 (NS)for elastase-txeated animals. 562 1so B.A.M. HEEMSKERK-GERFUTSEN ET AL. V(ll) (1.1.3) I I 120 O 0 a ' 0 N a ' 0 90 components of the definition of pulmonary emphysema, destruction of alveolar walls and enlargement of airspaces. Therefore, they are also valuable tools for differential diagnostic purposes. We conclude that the stereological indices are not directly more sensitive than the Lm; they can, however, definitely contribute to a better insight into the entire pathogenesis of pulmonary emphysema. For this reason we employ stereological methods in all our current studies, which focus on emphysema development and progression and parenchymal regeneration in mice and in humans. Ii.e., 0 60 30 0 0 100 2.0 300 400 so0 600 V(air) (mm3) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to J.J.M. Boex for technical assistance, to Dr. J. Hermans for statistical advice, and to J. Lens for photographic assistance. This work was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Asthma Foundation. REFERENCES 400 I I 0 100 200 300 400 so0 600 V(air) (mm3) Fig. 4. A Relationship between volume of airspaces (V,,,,,) and volume of total lung tissue (V(ltJ in saline-treated (0)and elastasetreated ( 0 ) animals. Continuousline is the regression line for elastasetreated animals (r = 0.613,P = 0.106).Broken line is the regression line for saline-treated animals (r = 0.452,P = 0.309).B Relationship between V,, and surface area of alveolar walls displayed as in A. Correlation coefficientsare 0.852 (P = 0.007)for salinetreated animals, and 0.314 (P= 0.493)for elastase-treated animals. space enlargement. Since the accumulation of points of emphysematous lungs in general is shifted to the right and downwards (Fig. 4A,B), it is clear that there is airspace enlargement (i.e., increased airspace volume), accompanied by destruction of the alveolar walls (i.e., decreased total lung tissue volume and decreased surface area of the walls). In summary, we studied the possibility of using existing stereological methods in evaluations of grade of elastase-induced emphysema in mice, and compared the results with classical calculation of the Lm. Stereological methods are as easy to perform; however, contrary to the Lm method, they address the two major Cardoso,W.V.,Sekhon,H.S.,Hyde,D.M., andThurlbeck, W.M. (1993) Collagen and elastin in human pulmonary emphysema. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 147:975-981. Dunnill, M.S. 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