My World History Chapter 4 “Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Name: _____________________________ Date: __________________ H.W.#: ______
My World History
Chapter 4 “Ancient Egypt and Nubia”
Section 3 – Egypt and Nubia
Terms to understand when reading:
1. Nubia – an ancient land also referred to as Kush by the Egyptians. It was located south of Egypt in
what is now northern Sudan. It was a powerful and wealthy kingdom, similar in many ways to its
neighbor Egypt. Over several centuries, the Nubians fought Egyptians and by 700 B.C. the Nubian
king Piye defeated the Egyptians. Nubia ruled Egypt for 100 years until the kingdom went to war with
the Assyrians and lost their Egyptian territory. They retreated to Nubia, and weakened by war with the
Romans, Nubia finally fell to the African kingdom of Axum (present day Ethiopia).
2. commerce – is a business transaction involving the buying and selling of goods and services.
ivory – a hard, white material that comes from the tusks of elephants. Ivory was/is used to make many
different, highly desired objects and jewelry. However, the acquisition of such treasures comes at a
high, inhumane cost as the elephants are brutally killed for their valuable tusks. Today, most countries
in Africa and Asia have outlawed the killing of these beautiful, endangered animals for their tusks, yet
illegal poaching (killing of animals for reasons of trade) continues. It appears that ivory has not lost its
high desirability since the days of ancient Egypt. In fact, “About 36,000 elephants in Africa were
slaughtered last year [2013] despite a ban on ivory.”
4. ebony – a rare, beautiful black wood found primarily in West Africa in ancient days. The Nubians
traded heavily with their own goods of iron, gold, and cloth to obtain this wood. They would then trade
this desirable natural material with the Egyptians. It was/is used to make long lasting furniture,
ornamental objects, and jewelry. The wood can be polished to a clear shine. Ancient Egyptians used
the product for many items, and as the picture below reveals, it was a strong wood in which to carve
hieroglyphics. Today, the ebony forest areas have been over-harvested and, as a result, the future
growth of this wood is threatened. Most countries have restrictions on cutting down this rare wood.
interdependence - This term refers to the need of two countries to rely on one another for essential
resources needed and luxury goods for the growth of each nation. In ancient days, Egypt traded its
surplus of grain for desired gold from Nubia. It was a type of win-win situation, where the two
countries got what they needed or desired without warfare. Today, the United States has
interdependence with many other countries: For example, the U.S. exchanges trade with China for
many items. One of America’s greatest exports to China, oddly enough, is scrap metal and waste
paper—crude oil, agricultural products, and aircraft are also top trade items. In return, China exports
machinery, toys, sporting goods, and many other inexpensively made products to the U.S. As long as
political relations stay good between nations, interdependent trade usually flourishes.
6. Meroitic script – Considered to be one of the world’s first alphabets. Though scholars have cracked the
code of the alphabet, they still have not figured out how to read the words the letters form.
Directions: The following terms and questions need to be answered in neatly written, well-structured sentences
on lined paper or they may be typed. You must rephrase each question in your response. Do not begin any
response with a pronoun or the word because. All class work and homework must state your name,
homework number, date, chapter and section.
A. Combine the following terms from your text into well-developed sentences that relate to the ancient
lands of Egypt and Nubia:
1. merchants and commerce:
2. cataracts and the Nile River:
B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to rephrase the question.
1. Why did Egypt develop interdependence with Nubia? How did this trade with Egypt affect the culture of
2. Why was travel more difficult for Nubians than Egyptians?
3. Why did the relationship between Egypt and Nubia change from being friendly traders to enemies?
What happened to change this relationship?
4. List at least three major accomplishment of the Nubian civilization.
5. Extra Credit: How did the geography of ancient Nubia shape its civilization?
C. Summarize the main idea of this section (completely in your own words) in either one or two fully developed sentences. 