
Ancient Egpyt and Nubia
Section 5: The Cultures of Nubia
Nubia and Egypt
Egyptians called Nubia Ta Sety, or “land of the bow.” They valued the region’s mineral resources
and traded with Lower Nubia. Upper Nubian kingdoms ruled by Kushites rivaled Egypt for control
of these resources.
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Mapmaster: The Kingdoms of Nubia: Resources
The Kerma Culture
The kingdom of Kerma was noted for its artisans and gained great wealth by controlling trade
between Egypt and Central Africa. The Egyptians later ruled Nubia, and the two cultures
influenced each other.
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Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Section 5: The Cultures of Nubia
Napata and Meroë
From their capital at Napata, the Kushites began to take Egyptian lands in the late 700s B.C.
They ruled all of Egypt for a short time before retreating and moving their capital farther south to
Meroë. The iron ore deposits nearby allowed them to make iron weapons, which they used to
control trade routes and gain wealth.
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Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Section 5
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Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Section 5
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