TEACHER’S NOTE BOOK (TNB) MBA 02 SEMESTER 1 Retail Merchandising‐I Contact Hours – 4 hours per Week Week Unit Topics to be covered 1 Unit1 Introduction Meaning of term Merchandising in different contexts Five rights Merchandising process‐Planning g the merchandise 2 Unit1 Difference between buying and merchandising MERCHANDISING STRUCTURE of a typical retail organization Roles & Responsibilities of Merchandising Dept.‐According to position in hierarchy 3 Unit2 The goals and objectives of retail Merchandiser Immediate objectives Corporate profitability 4 Unit2 Concept of retail merchandising Management system 5 Unit3 Societal impact of retail merchandiser Agent of change, Societal gatekeeper Opinion leader Innovator Role of retail merchandiser in marketing channel 6 Unit4 Retail Merchandise Management Mgt of merch mix Mgt of merchandise budget Components of merchandise mix Merchandise control 7 Unit5 Plng merch variety The compatibility among product lines The physical attributes of each product line. The product lines potential profitability The role branding plays in the success of product lines ABC analysis 8 Unit5 The age of each product within the product life cycle The fashionable nature of each product line The impact of lifestyle on product line acceptance, and The competitive threat facing each product. Controlling Merchandise Variety‐Category Management, 9 Unit6 Fashion Merchandising Style, design, trend and fashion Fashion Life Cycle Four Types of Fashion Cycles‐ flop, fad, ford and classic Three basic Fashion Adoption Theories Basic fashion continuum Transforming basic into fashion 10 Mid sem Unit 7 Planning Merchandising assortment and support Basic stock list 11 Model stock list Never‐out list Controlling merchandise assortment Merchandising Mix Strategies 12 Unit8 Types of Suppliers Types of suppliers Criteria for the Selection of Suppliers Methods for determining how well a potential supplier fits the criteria 13 Unit8 Category Management Definition Category Management 8 Step Process Category Captains 14 Unit 9 Merchandise Management Process Merchandise planning System Key Elements‐Key Elements –Review, Merchandise planning, Range planning and Space planning Bottom‐up planning Top‐down planning Forecasting sales Sales Forecasting for a New Business Sales Forecasting for an Existing Business Types of forecasting 15 Unit10 Developing An assortment Plan Dollar Plan & Unit Plan Measurable Assortment Dimensions ‐ Assortment Factors Assortment Variety Assortment Volume Volume per Assortment Factor Volume per SKU Assortment Diversity Index 16 Unit10 MERCHANDISE PLANNING SYSTEM Staple Merchandise Management System Fashion Merchandise Management System Open‐to‐Buy System Allocation of Merchandise to Stores Analyzing Merchandise Management Performance Fabric & Garment I Contact Hours – 4 hours per Week S.No. Week/ Session Topics 1 Week 1 Introduction o History of Textiles o Background, significance and relevance of textiles industry o Basic functioning of textile industry o Fabric Resources 2 Week 2 3 Week 3 Fiber Study o Textile fiber theory o Fiber classification‐ Natural & Synthetic o Fiber Identification Test Fiber Study o Fibers ‐ Cotton, Linen, Wool, o End‐uses and comparative advantages of fibers 4 Week 4 5 Week 5 6 Week 6 7 Week 7 Fiber Study o Silk, Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, Spandex o End‐uses and comparative advantages of fibers o Assignment‐ Other Natural & Synthetic fibers‐ Characteristics & uses Yarn Construction o Definition of yarn, Yarn twist, Yarn number o Spinning Methods o Classification of yarns: Simple, Fancy/ Novelty, Texturised Yarns o Blending & Mixing of fibers o Case Study Weaving o Introduction o Parts of a loom o Weaving operation o Types of looms o Types of Selvages o Thread Count Weaving o Basic weaves‐ Plain, Twill, satin o Decorative weaves‐ Dobby, Jacquard, Pile, Double weave, Swivel o Weaving defects o Assignment on Basic weave using paper o Project‐ Collection of fabric Swatches 8 Week 8 9 Week9 Knitting o Knitting terms and definitions o Knitting machines o Different types of knits o Knitting Defects Dyeing o Definition of Dyeing o Classification of dyes o Stages & methods of dyeing textiles o Dyeing defects o Tie & dye , Batik Mid Term Exam 10 Week 10 11 Week11 Week12 o Definition of printing o Comparison of dyeing & Printing o Methods of Printing o Types of Printing Finishes o Definition of Finishes o Types of Finishes‐ Primarily & Functional o Preparation of Fabrics‐ Cotton Other decorative Fabrics construction Methods 12 Printing o Braiding o Netting o Laces o Crocheting o Macramé o Quilting o Embroidery Bonded & Coated fabrics o o o o 13 Week13 Difference between felts & Non ‐ woven Uses & characteristics Methods of manufacture Coated fabrics New Technologies related to Textiles o Introduction o New Fibers o Nano Technology o Smart Textiles 14 Week14 New Technologies related to Textiles o Smart Textiles o Student presentation on new technology 15 Week 15 Traditional Indian textiles o Group Presentation‐ Collect information related to traditional textiles, Handicrafts of any one Indian State 16 Week16 Traditional Indian textiles o Group Presentation‐ Collect information related to traditional textiles, Handicrafts of any one Indian State Module: Communication Skills Contact Hours : 2 hours per week S.No. 1 Week/ Session 1 Topics Unit I Fundamentals of communication -Introduction, types, role of communication in business 2 2 Unit II Communication Process -Communication cycle, stages in communication 3 3 Unit III Communication Barriers -types of barriers, ways to overcome barriers 4 4 5 5 Unit III (Contd.) Communication Barriers - 7 Cs of communication, Tips for effective communication Unit III (Contd.) Communication Barriers -class activity 6 6 Unit IV Language Proficiency -Nouns, Pronunciation 7 7 Unit IV (Contd.) Language Proficiency -Use of Idioms, Quotations 8 8 Unit V Building Vocabulary -Active, Passive Vocab., common problems,vocab. learning 9 9 Mid Term Exam 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 Unit VI Oral Communication I – Speaking Skills - Style ,substance, delivery of speech Unit VII Listening skills -Voice Control Unit VII (contd.) Listening Skills -Class Activity Unit VIII Written Communication I - Letters -Types of letters, formats Unit VIII (contd.) Written communication I– Letters -tips for writing letters 15 15 16 16 Unit IX Written Communication II- E mailing -Introduction, types Unit IX(contd.) Written communication II – E Mailing -E Mail Etiquette Marketing Management Contact Hours: 4 hours per week Week 1 2 Unit Content 1 UNIT 1‐ What is marketing ?, Definition of Marketing Management, Process of Marketing , Difference between Marketing and Marketing Management, Concept of Market, Scope of Marketing (What is marketed ?,Who markets ?) 1 & 2 UNIT 1‐ Structure of Flows in a Modern Exchange Economy, Key Customer Markets, Needs, Wants, and Demands, Customers vs. Consumers, Customer Value , Marketing Concepts (Production, Product, Selling, Marketing, Holistic), Difference between ( Marketing & Selling), Marketing Myopia. UNIT 2 – Environment (Why it is important ?), Micro Environment (customers, the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics), 3 2 UNIT 2 – Macro Environment (Physical Environment, Social Environment, Cultural Factors, Demographic Factors, Science and Technology, Economic Forces, Political Environment, Legal Forces), The Internal Environment, Strategic Planning, Market‐oriented strategic planning, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces model, BCG matrix Class discussion – Case Study UNIT 2 – Macro Environment The Marketing Process, Marketing Information Systems, Consumer Behavior, Application of Consumer Behavior in Marketing, Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior – (Psychological Factors , Personal Factors, Social Factors). 4 2 & 3 Class discussion – Case Study UNIT 3 – Segmentation – Definition, need, scope, Bases of segmentation (Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioral), 5 3 UNIT 3 – Targeting ‐ criteria, Full market coverage, Single‐segment concentration, Multiple segment specialization, Individual marketing, , Positioning‐ Value proposition, point of parity, point of difference, perceptual map, competitive advantage, Key Variables for Positioning, Repositioning, positioning problems. Class discussion ‐– Case Study, Discuss Tata Nano 6 4 UNIT 4 – Product ‐ What is a Product?, Product classification (on the basis of Durability and Tangibility), Product Classification ( on the basis of Consumer goods),Levels of Product, Product Differentiation, Product Life Cycle, Product life cycle strategies, Style, Fashion, and Fad Life Cycles. Class discussion – Case Study 5 UNIT 5 – New Product Development – Process/Stages of New product development, Product Mix Pricing, Product line pricing, Optional‐ feature pricing, Captive‐product pricing, Two‐part pricing, By‐product pricing, Product‐bundling pricing, 7 levels of Product Hierarchy, Product‐Line Length, Line Pruning, Co‐Branding and Ingredient Branding, Labeling, Warranties and Guarantees. 8 6 UNIT 6 – Pricing – Definition, Skimming, Setting the Price ‐ Step 1: Selecting the Pricing Objective, Step 2: Determining Demand, Step 3: Estimating Costs, Step 4: Analyzing Competitors’ Costs, Prices, and Offers, Step 5: Selecting a Pricing Method, Step 6: Selecting the Final Price, Pricing Strategies 9 Class discussion – Case Study, Revision before Mid Term, Quiz & Doubts regarding Term End project 7 10 11 MID TERM EXAM 7 UNIT 7 ‐ Distribution: Channel Selection (Place) ‐ What work is performed by marketing channels?, Channel Levels, Channel Design, Analyzing Customers’ Desired Service Output Levels, Establishing Objectives and Constraints, Identifying Major Channel Alternatives‐ (Types of Intermediaries, Number of Intermediaries), Evaluating the Major Alternatives, Channel Management Decisions. 12 13 8 8 UNIT 8 – Promotion and Personal Selling ‐ Promotional Tools , Sales Promotion, Promotion at different stages of the PLC. Growth of sales promotion, Reasons for increase in Sales Promotion, Forms of Consumer Sales Promotion‐ (Coupons, Contests/sweepstakes, Samples/trial offers, Premiums, Bonus Packs, Price off, Frequency Programs, Bundling offers), UNIT 8 – Promotion and Personal Selling ‐ Personal Selling‐ (Designing the Sales Force, Sales Quotas, Evaluating Performance, Sources of Information, Formal Evaluation) Class discussion – Case Study 14 9 UNIT 9‐ Marketing of Services‐ Categories of Service Mix, Difference between physical goods and services, Types of Marketing in Services, Managing Service Quality Class discussion – Case Study 15 10 UNIT 10 – latest Trends in Marketing ‐ Cause Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Surrogate Marketing, Covert Advertising, Experiential Marketing, Stealth/Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing, Contextual Marketing, Permission Marketing, Ambush Marketing, Political Marketing, Sports Marketing, Neuro Marketing, Green Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Rural Marketing, E‐Commerce : Marketing in the digital age 16 Project Presentation, Latest marketing news in Indian and International Marketing, Marketing strategies in Indian Retailing. Accounts and Finance Contact Hours: 2 hours per week Unit UNIT-I Contents GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE A. General Accounting Concept, Meaning B. Business Entity Concept C. Dual Aspect Concept D. Going Concern Concept ----------------------------------------------------E. Money Measurement Concept F. Cost Concept G. Accounting Period Concept week 1 2 PRINCIPLE OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING -------------------------------A. Accounting Equation B. Accounting Terminology C. Double Vs Single Entry --------------------------------------------------D. Rules Of Double Entry E. Journals, Ledgers, Journal Entry From Accounts --------------------F. Practical Problem ---------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 5 RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS A. Types of Errors ----------------------------------------------------------B. Rectification Of Errors C. Practical problem -------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 INCOME STATEMENTS BASIC BALANCE SHEET -------------------A. Meaning & Significance B. Preparation Of Balance Sheets ----------------------------------------C. Practical Problems ---------------------------------------------------- 8 10 UNIT-II UNIT-III UNIT-IV UNIT-V UNIT-VI FINAL ACCOUNTS WITH ADJUSTMENTS A. Introduction and significance of trading Account ( With Adjustment) B. Significance of Profit & Loss accounts ( With Adjustment) C. Practical question with Balance sheet ( With Adjustment) ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT i. Ratio Analysis – Meaning, Objectives ---------------ii. Types of Ratio-Liquidity, Profitability, Turnover & Solvency Ratio. iii. Practical Problems ----------------------------------- Mid Term Examination 11 12 13 14 15 9 Managerial Economics Contact Hours: 2 hours per week Unit UNIT-I UNIT-II UNIT-III UNIT-IV UNIT-V Contents Concept of Economics Types of Economics 1. Socialistic Economy 2. Capitalistic Economics 3. Mixed Economy Diffrence between Socialistic, Capatalistic and Mixed Economy Merits and Demerits of Economy NATURE AND SCOPE OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Introduction of economics Macro and Micro Economics Basic Economic Problems Central Problem of Economics How to solve the Central Problem ANALYSIS OF MARKET AND DEMAND ELASTICS Introduction Analysis of Market Demand Importance of Elasticity concept Price Elasticity of Demand Measuring Price Elasticity from a Demand function Cross – Elasticity of Demand Income – Elasticity of Demand Some estimates of Demand Elastics Assumptions of law of Demand Exception of Law of Demand Practical Application of Law of Demand THEORY OF PRODUCTION Introduction Some basic concept – Meaning of Production Short term & Long term Laws of Production The Laws of Return to Scale through production function, Degree of Production function and Returns to Scale THEORY OF COST AND REVENUE Introduction Types of cost Graphical representation of different cost Cost concepts Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 UNIT-VI UNIT-VII Economics of Scale Diseconomies of Scale Some empirical cost functions MARKET STRUCTURE AND PRICING DECISIONS Introduction Kinds of Market Definitions of Perfect Competition Characteristics of Perfect Competitions Price Determination under perfect competition Definition of Monopoly Features of Monopoly Price determination of Monopoly Market Difference between perfect Market, Monopoly Market and Monopolistic Market Oligopoly Market - Introduction Features of Oligopoly Market Difference between Oligopoly and Oligopoly Market MACROECONOMICS AND ITS AGGREGATES3 Define aggregate demand Aggregate Supply Determination of Income Concept of excess Demand Concept of deficit Market How to control the excess Demand How to control deficit Demand Mid Term Examination 11 12 13 14 15 9 Organizational Behaviour/Human Resource Management Contact Hours: 4 Hours per week S.No. 1. Week/ Session Week‐1 Topics Unit‐1 Introduction of organizational behavior ∙ ∙ Define organizational behavior. Trace the historical roots of organizational behavior. Discuss the emergence of contemporary organizational behavior, including its precursors, the Hawthorne studies, and the human relations movement 2. Week‐2 ∙ ∙ contemporary organizational behavior—its characteristics, concepts, and importance. Identify and discuss contextual perspectives on organizational behavior. 3. Week‐3 Unit-2 Foundation of OB 1. Understand the dimensions of individual behavior. 2. Identifying the factors for the formulation of Individual behavior 3. Understand the meaning of Personality and various theories associated with it 4. Week‐4 components of attitudes and the sources for the formation of attitudes Identify the factors which influence perceptions and also understand the types of errors committed while perceiving 5. Week‐5 meaning of various motivational theories and its application in organizations 6. Week‐6 Unit-3 Nature of Human Resource Development Feature of Human Resource Management Feature of Human Resource Development 7. Week‐7 Feature of human resource planning Limitations of Human Resource Planning. 8. Week‐8 Unit-4 Recruitment , Selection, Promotion &Transfer Job analysis , job description, and job specification 9. Week‐9 steps in recruitment process. 10. Week‐10 11. Week‐11 Understand the prerequisites of a good recruitment policy. Describe the various sources of recruitment. Understand and define selection and its process. MID-TERM EXAM selection process so as to make it effective. Explain how the final selection decision is made. 12. Explain the Different Types of Promotion, basis of Promotion and promotion policy Understand the Conditions for Demotions Explain the Policy and Procedure of Transfer and know the Different Types of Transfers Week‐12 Understand the Conditions for Demotions Explain the Policy and Procedure of Transfer and know the Different Types of Transfers 13. Week‐13 Unit-5 Career and succession planning Compensation management. 14. Week‐14 Components of compensations-minimum wages, fair wages, living wages other forms. 15. Week‐15 Industrial relations & Employee Benefits, grievance redressal procedure, collective bargaining, training and development importance 16. Week‐16 Unit-6 Good HR practices. ELEMENTS OF FASHION Contact Hours: 4 Hours per week S.No. Week Topics 1 Week 1 Fundamentals and Definition of Fashion Reasons for purchasing fashion Various perspectives towards fashion and clothing o Psychological o Social o Cultural Fashion Industry – Indian and Global perspective Contemporary Fashion Trends Components of Fashion : Style, Change, Acceptance, time 2 Terminologies of Fashion: o Fad o Classic o High Fashion o Mass Fashion o Haute Couture o Prêt‐ e porter o Knock Offs o Fakes o Other common fashion glossary Elements of Design Week 2 3 o o o Week 3 Dot Lines: Types and effects Shape/ Silhouettes: Types and effects 4 Week 4 o Texture : Types and effects o Pattern: Methods of creation and Types Class Activity: Exercises on various Elements of Design 5 Week 5 Introduction to Color o Dimensions of Color Story o Color Schemes and Harmony o Color Symbolism o Color Wheel o Consumers and psychology of color 6 o o o o Week 6 Color Names Forecasting with color cycle Color Research Sources of Color Ideas and Patterns Class Activity : Understanding the behavior of colors/ Color related exercises 7 Principles of Design : Effect on clothing and design in general Proportion: planning the shapes and space Balance: asymmetrical and symmetrical. Types – Formal, Informal and radial Repetition: – through repetition, alternation, progression and gradation Emphasis: using contrast colours and background Week 7 Harmony Rhythm 8 Week 8 Class Activity on analyzing the effect of the Principles on a particular design 9 Week 9 Factors influencing fashion demand Market Segmentation with respect for fashion 10 11 Mid Term Examinations Week 10 Week 11 Fashion Movement Fashion Life cycle Stages of the Fashion Life Cycle Consumer identification with fashion cycles Theories of Fashion Change/ Directional theories of fashion o Trickle Up theory of fashion change o Trickle Down theory of fashion change o Trickle Across theory of fashion change 12 Week 12 Fashion Forecasting Forecasting in Apparel Planning and Scheduling Fashion centers 13 o o o o o o Week 13 Paris London New York Japan Italy India 14 15 Classification of basic men’s wear, Women’s wear, Kid’s wear Design and Range Development Process Presentation design as a creative process. Trend reporting Trend Map Presentation techniques Week 14 Week 15 16 Week 16 Mood Board, Range Development Fabric board Color Board Class Discussion Introduction to Retail Contact Hrs: 2.0 hrs per week Week Detail Unit Undertaken Week 1 Unit 1 Topics to be covered Introduction to Retailing Comprehend and use appropriate retailing terminology in the work environment Appreciate the importance of retailing in the economy Week 2 Unit 1 Appreciate the importance of the Retailer, his functions in the trade and the services that a retailer provides for Understanding key retailing functions Week 3 Unit 2 Recognize and evaluate career opportunities in the retail setting Week 4 Unit 2 Identify the prerequisites for successful retailing. Understand the concept of retail marketing equation Appreciate the benefits of segmenting markets Understand the criteria for market segmentation Examine the dimensions on which markets can be segmented Understand the concept of retail marketing mix Retail image Describe the various types of distribution channels and discuss their roles in retailing. Enumerate the factors affecting choice of a distribution channel Week 5 Unit 3 Week 6 Unit 4 Appreciate the role of a retailer in the distribution chain and society Week 7 Unit 5 Understand the Guidelines to be implemented in a retail operation to achieve ultimate success in it. Theories of retail development The concept of the retail life cycle Week 8 Unit 6 Week 9 Unit 7 Indian retail sector profile Benefits of Modern Retail Factors for growth of retail in India Growth drivers of retail in India Week 10 Week 11 Mid term examination Unit 7 Indian retail opportunity and Challenges faced by Indian Retailers FDI in Indian Retail Future projections Week 12 Unit 8 Identify the retail consumer and the need for studying consumer behavior Understand the basic characteristics of an Indian consumer Week 13 Unit 8 Week 14 Unit 9 Identify major demographic, socio‐ economic and lifestyle trends in India and discuss their influence on consumption of retail goods and services Indicate the importance of consumer security and consumer protection in India Elucidate the significance of legal compliances in store operations Week 15 Unit 9 Identify the various product related regulations and rules Week 16 Unit 10 Insights into the retail organization and various formats used in retailing. Understand the concepts of independent, multiple, franchise forms of ownerships.