International market research for DESIGNA

International market
research for DESIGNA
Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Latin America and Eastern Europe
European Project Semester
Submitted by:
Heike Beckmann
Nicole Patiño
Georgi Dinev
Daniel Sandino
“The purpose of this project was to identify new and/or unexplored markets, in the car parking
manufacturing field, such as the Latin American and Eastern European markets where, as a
matter of fact, the presence of the strongest manufacturer groups was demanded and in some
specific cases like Brazil and Ukraine, imminent...”
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Marketing research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH in Latin America
and Eastern Europe
The purpose of this project was to identify new and/or unexplored markets, in the car parking
manufacturing field, such as the Latin American and Eastern European markets where, as a
matter of fact, the presence of the strongest manufacturer groups was demanded and in some
specific cases like Brazil and Ukraine, imminent.
To achieve this task, a literature and online research of indicators, like number of cars per
thousand inhabitants and the GDP for those particular countries (among others), was carried out
with the purpose of creating a portfolio that, by the aid of academic business tools like the
McKinsey matrix, facilitates the decision of entry strategies for those particular cultural niches.
Additionally, a questionnaire supported by an online survey tool was written in four different
languages to create a picture of the current state of the market according to major actors in the
business; the possible future commercial partners.
The result of research shows that, between the studied countries and due to the fact that it is the
one with the biggest market size and also because it will host the next Football’s World Cup in
2014, Brazil is the most attractive market and the place where, in a short term period, companies
like DESIGNA should look.
Finally, this study will allow car parking manufacturers and more particularly DESIGNA GmbH to
orientate the efforts in a wise way, not only to generate market strategies for Sao Paulo and Rio
de Janeiro but also to study possible roads to proceed or to avoid different latitudes.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Table of Contents
List of figures ...............................................................................................................................iii
List of tables ................................................................................................................................ v
Preface....................................................................................................................................... vi
Introduction ......................................................................................................................- 1 -
Relevance of the topic .................................................................................................- 1 -
Description of the project .............................................................................................- 1 -
Structure of the report ..................................................................................................- 2 -
Market analysis ................................................................................................................- 7 2.1.
Description of DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH .................................................- 7 -
Objective 1: Development of mature West-European markets ................................ - 14 -
State of the art of the car parking technologies (inter-mobility) ........................ - 14 -
Evolution of traffic............................................................................................ - 23 -
Urban and architectural evolution .................................................................... - 31 -
Relevant legislative developments .................................................................. - 34 -
Problems ......................................................................................................... - 34 -
Conclusion 1 ................................................................................................... - 35 -
Objective 2: Analysis of developing markets ........................................................... - 36 -
Selection of the countries ................................................................................ - 36 -
Selection of indicators ..................................................................................... - 39 -
Detailed analysis of market indicators for each country ................................... - 43 -
Portfolio-Analysis ............................................................................................ - 61 -
Survey of potential customers ......................................................................... - 90 -
General conclusion and recommendations for DESIGNA ............................................. - 117 -
Bibliography & references ............................................................................................ - 120 -
Appendix ...................................................................................................................... - 125 -
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
List of figures
FIGURE 1 NEW PARKING STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... - 15 FIGURE 2 TRAVOLUTION PROJECT .......................................................................................................... - 18 FIGURE 3 MOTOROLA HANDHELD DEVICE MC659B ................................................................................. - 19 FIGURE 4 THE SITRAFFIC EPOS ............................................................................................................. - 21 FIGURE 5 I PARKED HERE ...................................................................................................................... - 23 FIGURE 6 NUMBER OF CARS IN GERMANY FROM 2001 TO 2010................................................................. - 24 FIGURE 7 CARS PER THOUSAND INHABITANTS IN GERMANY FROM 1998 TO 2009 ........................................ - 25 FIGURE 8 SHARE OF CAR TRAFFIC IN TOTAL PASSENGER TRANSPORT IN GERMANY FROM 1999 TO 2008 ....... - 26 FIGURE 9 NUMBER OF CARS PER THOUSAND INHABITANTS IN GERMANY FROM 2000 TO 2030....................... - 28 FIGURE 10 NUMBER OF CARS IN GERMANY FROM 2010 TO 2030............................................................... - 29 FIGURE 11 EUROPEAN POPULATION BY AGE GROUP 1950-2050................................................................ - 30 FIGURE 12 THE BEST CITIES FOR BUSINESS............................................................................................. - 32 FIGURE 13 FASTEST IMPROVING EUROPEAN CITIES .................................................................................. - 33 FIGURE 14 ARGENTINIAN MAP ............................................................................................................... - 43 FIGURE 15 BRAZILIAN MAP .................................................................................................................... - 46 FIGURE 16 COLOMBIAN MAP .................................................................................................................. - 48 FIGURE 17 MEXICAN MAP ...................................................................................................................... - 50 FIGURE 18 ROMANIAN MAP ................................................................................................................... - 51 FIGURE 19 BELARUSIAN MAP ................................................................................................................. - 55 FIGURE 20 BULGARIAN MAP .................................................................................................................. - 58 FIGURE 21 UKRAINIAN MAP ................................................................................................................... - 60 FIGURE 22 BCG MATRIX ...................................................................................................................... - 62 FIGURE 23 MCKINSEY MATRIX .............................................................................................................. - 64 FIGURE 24 HOW TO USE THE EXCEL PROGRAM........................................................................................ - 70 FIGURE 25 MARKET SIZES IN LATIN AMERICA AND EASTERN EUROPE ........................................................ - 71 FIGURE 26 MARKET SIZES IN CITIES - LATIN AMERICA .............................................................................. - 72 FIGURE 27 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS FOR LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE ........................................ - 74 FIGURE 28 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH FOR LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE ........................................ - 75 FIGURE 29 MCKINSEY MATRIX - LATIN AMERICA (NATURAL WEIGHT).......................................................... - 76 FIGURE 30 MCKINSEY MATRIX - EASTERN EUROPE (NATURAL WEIGHT) ..................................................... - 77 FIGURE 31 MCKINSEY MATRIX- LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE (NATURAL WEIGHT) ........................... - 77 FIGURE 32 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS - EIGHT COUNTRIES ....................................................................... - 79 FIGURE 33 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH - EIGHT COUNTRIES ....................................................................... - 80 FIGURE 34 MCKINSEY MATRIX - LATIN AMERICA ...................................................................................... - 82 FIGURE 35 MCKINSEY MATRIX - EASTERN EUROPE .................................................................................. - 83 FIGURE 36 MCKINSEY MATRIX- LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE ........................................................ - 83 FIGURE 37 MARKET SIZE - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA .................................................................. - 85 FIGURE 38 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA ................................................ - 86 FIGURE 39 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA................................................ - 87 FIGURE 40 MCKINSEY MATRIX FOR SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA ...................................................... - 89 FIGURE 41 RESULT OF QUESTION 1 ...................................................................................................... - 105 FIGURE 42 RESULT OF QUESTION 2 ...................................................................................................... - 106 FIGURE 43 RESULT OF QUESTION 3 ...................................................................................................... - 107 FIGURE 44 RESULT OF QUESTION 4 ...................................................................................................... - 108 FIGURE 45 RESULT OF QUESTION 5 ...................................................................................................... - 108 -
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
FIGURE 46 RESULT OF QUESTION 6 ...................................................................................................... - 109 FIGURE 47 RESULT OF QUESTION 7 ...................................................................................................... - 110 FIGURE 48 RESULT OF QUESTION 8 ...................................................................................................... - 111 FIGURE 49 RESULT OF QUESTION 9 ...................................................................................................... - 112 FIGURE 50 RESULT OF QUESTION 10 .................................................................................................... - 113 -
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
List of tables
TABLE 1 CAR DENSITY IN W ESTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE IN 2008 ......................................................... - 27 TABLE 2 MARKET SIZES IN LATIN AMERICA AND EASTERN EUROPE ............................................................ - 70 TABLE 3 MARKET SIZES IN CITIES - LATIN AMERICA .................................................................................. - 71 TABLE 4 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS FOR LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE............................................ - 73 TABLE 5 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH FOR LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE............................................ - 74 TABLE 6 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS - EIGHT COUNTRIES ........................................................................... - 79 TABLE 7 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH - EIGHT COUNTRIES ........................................................................... - 80 TABLE 8 MARKET SIZE - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA ...................................................................... - 84 TABLE 9 MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA ................................................... - 86 TABLE 10 BUSINESS UNIT STRENGTH - SIXTEEN CITIES OF LATIN AMERICA ................................................. - 87 TABLE 11 CONTACT LIST FOR ARGENTINA ............................................................................................. - 102 TABLE 12 CONTACT LIST FOR BRAZIL ................................................................................................... - 103 TABLE 13 CONTACT LIST FOR COLOMBIA .............................................................................................. - 104 TABLE 14 CONTACT LIST FOR MEXICO .................................................................................................. - 104 TABLE 15 CONTACT LIST FOR BULGARIA AND UKRAINE ........................................................................... - 105 -
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
This project was based upon a research of new markets for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik
GmbH during a period of about 15 weeks between February and June of 2011. The company
was looking for a recommendation of the best market to get in of countries from South America
and Eastern Europe.
We were a group of four students with different nationalities; Germany, Bulgaria and Colombia
who got the assignment to act as a consultants for the company by making a deep research of
some indicators related to the car parking system industry.
We would like to thank our supervisor; Ms. Ute Vanini for her help, her advices and all her
support, thanks to her we made a successful project.
We would also like to thank Dr. Thomas Waibel, Ms. Gabriela Brille, Mr. Stefan Koch and the
rest of the members of the DESIGNA staff for giving us the opportunity to work in this project
and for all their support.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
1. Introduction
Relevance of the topic
Car parking became an unquestionable need for lots of people that, for different reasons, decide
not to use public transport. As fast as the number of cars increases, the need of places to park
those cars also grows. From the simple parking space on the street to the titanic parking
buildings, the car parking industry has become a constantly growing business for the car park
operators and therefore for the producers of car parking systems.
Thus, market research and the development of business policies became a primary need for
companies producing car parking systems, e.g. DESIGNA. In that order of ideas, our project will
be focused on the research and study of the different features of this economic segment looking
up mainly to those countries involved in a developing process as the Eastern European and the
Latin American countries, then, with the aid of this obtained information, create a portfolio that
helps the company decide about the entrance into those studied markets and to create a pool of
entrance policies.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Description of the project
The project, from the beginning, has been basically structured in three main parts as follows:
Present and future of the car parking industry
In this first part we tried to have an approach to the car parking industry world focused at the
beginning in the technical field, the past and the future of the different products, in order to
understand how the offer has evolved as fast, and some times faster, as the client needs
changes. Then, we tried to understand how the automotive industry will evolve to derive some
expectations about the business of car parking systems. Finally, we discuss some laws that are
currently affecting this industry.
Marketing research for Eastern Europe and Latin-America
As a main objective of our project, we start by defining some target markets in as much as the
first objective description established the whole world as research field. As impossible and
ineffective as it can result to work on a large target as the whole world, the team proposed to the
company to aim at some smaller areas where the research process can achieve some more
tangible results. That is how, as a result of a negotiation it has been decided that the main
objective of the research will be the East of Europe and Latin America, more specifically:
Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine for Europe and Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico
for America.
Moreover, cities had been chosen in each country by relevance using some indicators as
population, density, number of cars, quality of public transport, minimal national income as well
as some other indicators that can be found in the Appendix 1.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
As a next step we began the internet research of competitors and possible clients in those
specific markets; parking managers, retailers and producers, main competitors of the company,
have been the main interest of our research but also the big constructions projected in the future
that may use these parking systems. The result of the research of competitors can be found in
the Appendix 2 as a list of principal competitors and retailers.
Structure of the report
As we can see in the Appendix 3, our planning includes even the first presentation and the work
on it. We can see as well that we started our internet research for DESIGNA attacking the first
goal: Identifying future developments in the car parking industry in Central Europe, even before
our kick-off in the company.
The next phase of our planning went through DESIGNA product training. The training session
was oriented to give us an overview of the DESIGNA products and services, how they work and
how they improve them in order to respond to the customer requirements.
The third step on our planning was the kick-off. The meeting started with a presentation about
the company, from the Managing Director of DESIGNA Dr. Thomas Waibel, and ended with a
presentation of our project proposal. At that meeting the people who attended were: our team,
our supervisor Ute Vanini, Mrs. Gabriela Brille, Dr. Thomas Waibel and Mr. Stefan Koch- Sales
Manager. During that meeting we also agreed that the most convenient time for our fortnight
meetings with DESIGNA staff should be on Monday, instead of Friday like we thought at the
beginning. Those meetings were important for us because, if something was unclear we had the
chance to ask them for help, or just to give us feedback on the work that we have done so far in
order to keep us on the right way.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
The 4th activity as you can see with purple colour is our group meetings each Friday in order to
complete the weekly report for our university supervisor. Our meetings with her were for every
Monday, in order to know what we are going to discuss she wanted our weekly report (with the
progress we have done) on Friday.
With a green colour we can see when we started our second goal which was: Analysis of new
markets in the car parking system industry. Because of the fact that DESIGNA operates around
the globe, we had to focus our research on a specific region rather than the whole world. On our
kick-off meeting we proposed to the senior staff in DESIGNA and they accepted that we are
going to work on Latin America and Eastern Europe because of our place of origin we have
better understanding about those markets.
We decided every team member to research two countries. After a short briefing with some of
the senior managers we chose to work on Colombia and Mexico (Daniel), Brazil and Argentina
(Nicole) from Latin America and Romania and Belarus (Heike), Bulgaria and Ukraine (Georgi)
from Eastern Europe. We couldn’t complete that goal for our mid-term report and second
presentation, so we just had to present our progress until then. Actually the research for that
goal took more than we planned.
On our project proposal the third goal which is “Development of market entry strategies” was
optional, if we have time and we hadn’t so we had no other choice than to leave it undone.
Because of our delay with the second goal we also were behind with writing the final report.
RACI Matrix
The RACI Matrix shows responsibilities for a task or set of deliverables. For example who is
responsible for doing the work; who will be accounted for it; who will be consulted for it; and who
will be informed once it has been completed. In our RACI matrix the people concerned were:
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
DESIGNA, Mrs. Vanini, Heike, Daniel, Georgi, Nicole, EPS group, Jonas Rose. The following
activities were planned: first presentation, product training, company kick-off, internal group
planning, contact with company supervisor, weekly reports, fortnight review, list of evolutions of
the car parking system industry, research of evolution graphic in the transport system, short
analysis of the expected city growth and the impact in the parking system industry, list of laws
that concern the parking industry, list and analysis of 20 to 30 cities in Eastern Europe and Latin
America, list of main competitors in Eastern Europe and Latin America and brief analysis of their
products, mid-term report, second presentation, final report, final presentation, Conflict
Management, Time Management Trouble and Organizational Trouble.
The whole RACI Matrix you can find in Appendix 4.
Weekly working plan
Our team was advised by Mrs. Vanini to write the weekly reports on excel chart, because it’s
easier to understand the information and to set and monitor our weekly objectives. Our first two
reports however, were long and written in word documents and we decided to change the layout
with chart reports where you can put the same information in one page.
In our chart reports we created six sections: Goals, Activities, Responsible, Time, Results and
The first report, showed four weekly goals: meeting with our supervisor, research on the
DESIGNA competitors, research for new indicators and appointment with the sales department
in DESIGNA the following week.
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 5.
The second chart report, showed 7 goals: completing the indicator’s chart, Meeting our
supervisor Mrs. Ute Vanini, group discussion about the best structure for the mid-term report,
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
writing the mid-term report, completing the report and sending it to our supervisor for feedback,
correcting the report thanks to the feedback we got back and as a last goal we set objectives for
the next week.
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 6.
The third chart report, showed 4 goals: creating power point presentation, based on our midterm report, the second activity was to present our findings in front of the EPS students and the
university supervisors, the third goal was research for new indicators and the last goal was
again to clarify our tasks for the next week.
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 7.
The fourth chart report, showed 4 goals: Developing a portfolio, the second goal was to
complete the indicator’s chart, the third goal was to create questionnaires for the car parking
retailers and car parking operators and the final weekly goal was to compare competitor skills
with DESIGNA skills.
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 8.
The fifth chart report, showed 4 goals: the first one was the project structure, second goal was
to contact the companies who are currently operating in those new markets and who can be
potential DESIGNA partners. The next goal was to create a list of contacts to send the
questionnaire and as a last weekly goal was to send the questionnaire.
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 9.
The sixth chart report, showed 4 goals: The first goal was to make the report structure, the
second weekly goal was to start writing the report, the third goal was to include some of the
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
information we had on the mid-term report. The last weekly goal was to clarify task for the next
The whole chart you can find in Appendix 10.
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
2. Market analysis
Description of DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
General Description
The DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH is one of the market leaders in the area of
development, production, installation and service of fully-automated car parking systems.
DESIGNA is a company belonging to the Management Trust Holding AG in Wien, Austria which
has around 2800 employees and yearly turnover of approximately 500 Mio €. The commercial
activities of the MTH group are focused in:
• Industry
• Retail
• Private Equity
• Consulting
The Managing Director is Dr. Thomas Waibel, whereas the company headquarter is located in
Kiel, in the Faluner Weg 3, DESIGNA has eight subsidiaries in seven different countries. These
subsidiaries are:
Cergy St. Christophe, France
DESIGNA Italia S.r.l.
Bolzano, Italy
AMG Impianti S.r.l.
Bolzano, Italy
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Sunbury-on-Thames, United Kingdom
DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Vienna, Austria
Budapest, Hungary
DESIGNA Access Corporation
Tucker - Georgia, USA
DESIGNA Parking & Access s.r.o.
Prague, Czech Republic
Since their market entry in 1951 DESIGNA established a market presence in 60 countries
worldwide. They have a turnover of 50 Mio € per year with 250 employees working for them
internationally. The field of application of DESIGNA reaches from airports, over hotels and
shopping centers, to hospitals. Their references in these fields are coming from all over the
Dublin Airport, Ireland
Dubai Airport, Terminal 1, United Arabian Emirates
Hamburg Airport, Germany
Hotel Radisson, Frankfurt, Germany
Hotel Park Plaza, Wroclaw, Poland
Hotel Mercure, Paris, France
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Shopping Centers:
Ka De We, Berlin, Germany
Mid Valley Mega Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mall of Emirates, Dubai, United Arabian Emirates
Bethanien Krankenhaus, Heidelberg, Germany
When DESIGNA was founded on the 11th of January in 1951 as the “DESIGNA – Signal- und
Werbemittelgesellschaft mbH” in Kiel-Projensdorf there were just three employees working for
the two company founders, Heinz Bula and Gerhard Vogel. Beginning with the production of
traffic and advertising signs, only around 30 years ago they entered the market of car parking
systems. From then until now, through constant development DESIGNA was able to match their
customers’ desires and today their systems are used for the management of parking in over
6000 complexes throughout the world.
Here are some of the major steps in the history of DESIGNA taken from their homepage
1951 Establishment of DESIGNA GmbH in Kiel as a manufacturer of signs and
advertising materials
1956 Launch of production of mechanical parking meters at VDO in Frankfurt
1970 Introduction of the first automatic parking system (tickets, tokens)
1975 Introduction of the first fully automated parking system (Parkmaster 80)
1987 Introduction of the first fully automated parking system with centralized programme
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
1991 Merger of DESIGNA GmbH and VDO Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH to form DESIGNA
Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
1996 Takeover of their French agent, TIME S.A.
1997 Foundation of subsidiary companies in Italy, Austria and the United Kingdom
2001 Foundation of subsidiary companies in the United States and Hungary
2004 Introduction onto the market of the PM ABACUS system
2006 Introduction onto the market of SLIMPARK
2007 TIME DESIGNA renamed DESIGNA France
2008 Introduction of the MID management system
2009 DESIGNA sets new standards in the parking sector with the introduction of ASP. In
summer over 50 systems are connected to a central server and networked with one
Products and Services
DESIGNA has two main products in the section of fully automated car park managing systems,
they are called PM Abacus and Slimpark.
PM Abacus
The PM Abacus system is suitable especially for medium-sized systems from 5 to 25 terminals.
Its open structure enables the customers to incorporate these into larger networks in the future.
To be in a market leading position in terms of technology DESIGNA owes to these outstanding
features of PM Abacus. Being the state-of-the-art car parking system PM Abacus is still
completely compatible with the Parkmaster 100, the already proven system it was based upon.
At the Entrance/Exit Control Terminals ENT/EXT 120 the entry or exit event is registered and a
new data set is generated, if necessary. A ticket is issued or withdrawn or depending on the
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
chosen technology - a chip card is read. PM Abacus can operate either magnetic side-strip or
center-strip tickets and it additionally supports barcode technology as well as diverse noncontact and contact chip cards.
There is an Automatic Pay Station APS 120 available, which supports the payment process with
an intuitive and convenient user interface in various currencies or cashless, but you can also
order the Manual Pay Station MPS 120.
The Abacus Barrier PB 120 features a compact design and high stability and is available with a
straight or an articulated barrier arm.
A PC with a Windows operating system, on which the DESIGNA software applications for the
control and monitoring of the system are installed, is working as the Database Server /
Workstation. The SQL database can be implemented either here or on a separate server.
The Data Control Center autonomously controls a group of devices within a parking area,
independent of the status of the workstation.
As ticket technologies there are available magnetic strip tickets, barcode tickets, EC or Credit
Cards, RFID (Hand-free customer identification) and LPR (License plate recognition system).
For the magnetic strip tickets you can choose between center and side strip tickets. The
advantage of center strip tickets is that they are readable from all sides, so it makes no
difference which way you feed it into the reader. This fact makes the process of ticket reading
much faster and more uncomplicated.
The barcode technology works with a printed barcode on the ticket which is being scanned when
paying or leaving the car park. It is suited the best for less complex applications and especially
for short-term parkers.
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PM Abacus also works with EC or Credit Cards, which gives the possibility of direct payment,
without having to stop at the pay station when you want to leave.
RFID (rapid frequency identification) is a system for hand-free customer identification. It works
with a RFIDtag which is put onto a smart card. This smart card is put behind the windscreen and
is recognized by the receiver while approaching the barrier. This way the barrier opens without
having to open the window the system is especially convenient for season parkers.
One of the main components of LPR (license plate recognition system) is a camera which is
installed at the entrance and exit of the car park. This camera scans the license plates and after
comparing them to a list of customers, if the permission to enter is given, opens the barrier.
Different software applications can be purchased for the PM Abacus system. With WinOperate
for example you can control and monitor all operations which are done in the system.
WebReport is a tool through which you have the possibility to access all the important statistics
and evaluations by encrypted internet access from all over the world. The tariff structure can be
configured by the car park operator through WinTariff. Furthermore, there is WinPos which is an
application for taking payments manually.
Slimpark is a unique, professional and economic parking system which is especially suited for
small car parks. As components it has the entry, the exit and the pay station, the system is able
to handle up to seven different components. It is quickly and easily installed and at the same
time so efficient, that it fulfills all of the requirements placed on a complete parking system.
Slimpark uses the barcode technology, which can process both short term parker tickets and
season parker cards. For the reduction of the requirement for maintenance and spares, as well
as the associated costs, Slimpark is limited to a minimum number of moving components.
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DESIGNA offers customer service for their products, as well as they sell replacement parts and
consumables like tickets. Also you can book a product training, where you learn everything you
need to know about the service of your system.
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Objective 1: Development of mature West-European markets
2.2.1. State of the art of the car parking technologies (inter-mobility)
In the last years, the growth of the cities has forced the automobile sector to produce more and
more cars in order to supply people’s needs of mobility. This fact involves the evolution of the
car parking systems because the growing number of cars has to be kept somewhere. At the
beginning, parking a car was an easy task due to the small number of cars driven; the most
effective way was to leave the car in a parking lot which was controlled by the government and
there was not even a fee for it.
The increasing number of cars needed a new organization in big cities where the people drove
to the office and left the car in commercial zones during the whole day, blocking the park lots for
possible customers of the shops. Due to this fact, there were installed some mechanical
machines called “Parking Meter” which made the driver pay a small fee (only with coins)
depending on the time he/she left the car in this commercial zone. The “Parking Meters” are still
in use in certain zones of the cities and there are also some companies producing this device
but is not so common to find them.
Nowadays there are more advanced control systems for parking; the construction of buildings,
stadiums, airports, hospitals, hotels, etc. make the parking market grow and lead to the
development of new devices, providing the driver with information for more security and comfort.
For example: by a new software designed for mobile phones, the driver can easily get to know
where to find a parking, how much he/she has to pay for an hour and which types of discounts
he/she can get.
DESIGNA, with its products has found a solution for parkings with a small number of slots as
well as for parkings with thousands of slots. For the first case the company offers SLIMPARK as
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a smart solution. Starting at the entrance there is a machine which provides the driver with a bar
code ticket. Once this task is done a barrier is opened, giving the parking access to the driver.
Then, for the payment of the service there are two different ways; the Automatic Pay Station
(PAY) is a machine provided with a bar code scanner for ticket reading, it accepts coins, bank
notes and credit or debit cards, also has a receipt printer using thermal printing technology, this
receipt is printed once the driver has paid the fee and it is necessary to leave the parking by
putting it in the exit machine which has powerful bar code scanner and opens the barrier to let
the driver out.
For the second case DESIGNA has the PM ABACUS, regarding to the hardware this system
works the same way as the SLIMPARK, but it was necessary to develop complete software that
allows the administrators to have control of their parking. Every transaction that occurs during
the parking process is assigned to the respective ticket in a central SQL database and made
available for the reporting system. Statistics, warnings, general management and predictions
can be done in real time which means that the controller or even the owner can open a barrier,
be informed about a failure on the system or even program the maintenance schedule of a
technician without needing of displacement. Even the assistance call when you push the
information button in the pay machine can be answered in another country by the same person
that makes the repair command for another parking elsewhere.
Figure 1 New Parking structure
Source: Daniel Sandino
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Nevertheless, all those improvements were not made only for the parking owners, direct clients
of DESIGNA, but also for the parking users themselves often directly concerned to those
evolutions and more important even principal source of feedback.
The improvements and new features are countless but maybe the most remarkable are:
The license plate reader camera: At the beginning only one more of the new options in
the car parking systems but now required for security reasons in a few countries. The
system is composed by basically video camera and image treatment software that reads
the license number in the front of your car and if its numbers match with a subscriber
number or to a credit card the system automatically enables the entrance of the car
without need of getting out of the car or open the window.
Radar: It is basically composed by a radar from 0,3m to 1,5m range that reads a badge
that the subscriber to a monthly contract has in the review mirror and automatically
opens the barrier allowing the car to get in or out at will.
Credit card direct payment: If you do not want to take a ticket and you also want to pay
with your credit card, a credit card reader is placed in the entrance and exit machines, so
you just have to put your credit card in the machine and it automatically charges the bill
to your bank account.
Despite DESIGNA has such a product variety, the demand of new products and services is
growing, the companies engaged in the parking market are developing new technologies in
order to adjust their products to the drivers needs. These needs may vary according to several
factors that govern the society, depending on the location, culture, social status, etc.
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Companies as Skidata, Audi, Scheidt & Bachmann, Siemens and Zeag are some of the
companies that are improving their products and systems. Below we list some of those new
As a result of the cooperation between Audi and Scheidt & Bachmann, there is a new
service called “Travolution Project” that offers the driver useful information via the MMI
on-board monitor regarding the number of vacant parking lots available and the parking
fees payable. The aim of this project is to enable motor cars to communicate with traffic
signals, car parking facilities and petrol stations. The advantages of this product are
showed below:
Car drivers get useful information via the MMI on-board monitor such as the number of
vacant parking slots and parking fees payable
Quick & comfortable without a parking ticket
No time-consuming payment procedure
The motor vehicle is the unique identification of the car driver
Payment is proceeded e.g. via a credit card or direct debit mandate
Payment is confirmed comfortably using the MMI control knob
Receipt is automatically dispatched via email
No loss of parking ticket
Reduce of wait in queues
Feeling of security enhanced
MMI car on-board monitor is used as a communication platform for the car parking facility
and facilitates addressing customers in a targeted manner
Payment feature at the exit enables transparent and fair billing of the parking period
correct to the nearest minute both for the car driver and the operator of the car parking
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Favourable impact on the traffic flow within the car park: Queues at the exit reduced
Sustained reduce of operational costs (no parking tickets, decreased number of pay
Figure 2 Travolution project
The company ZEAG has designed an automatic Pay Station In-lane, it is a friendly and
easy station that accepts payment from parking customers while they are in their cars.
This machine should be installed at the exit of the parking and it offers the possibility to
pay with prepared cards, bank cards, credit cards, pre-coded tickets and tokens, it also
counts with the lost tickets option and it is provided with a security system to avoid
fraudulent operations.
Skidata developed a contactless entry and exit for parking, it is one of the favourite car driver
products, it is the easiest way to access to a parking, no waste of time, no windows to open and
no tickets. The system consists of a scanner and transponder that adhere to the vehicle’s
windshield for hands-free access. This product is environmentally-friendly because it avoids the
use of tickets and reduce the maintenance cost that other technologies carry on with. Many car
parking companies are using this technology due to the facility. Depending on the company, the
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scanner could use Ultra High Frequency reader or a Radio Frequency Identification System.
Skidata is also offering a mobile service called “Mobile.Gate” it is a phone and at the same time
a ticket dispenser and cash register. The technical description of this product is showed below:
Hardware: Symbol/Motorola Handheld Device MC659B including Bluetooth
Zebra belt printing device RW220
Figure 3 Motorola Handheld Device MC659B
Flexible handheld solution for parking facilities.
This device can be used for entrance, payment and exit at SKIDATA parking
The handheld device functions as a ticket dispenser and cash register combined
in one device
Enables wireless mobile ticket issuing and payment collection upon exit
Complete overview and monitoring similar to permanently installed devices
Full integration into Parking.Logic
Mobile.Gate is seamlessly integrated into Parking.Logic
System extensions and mixed operations are possible
Login with normal parking system credentials
No additional user administration for Mobile.Gate
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Normal parking system user credentials can be used
User dependent language
The application language can be switched depending on user properties during
Easy to use also for multi-lingual staff
Facility comprehensive usage
One Mobile.Gate device is not bound to one single parking facility; it can be used
for multiple parking facilities.
Choose the facility to connect with during login procedure
Entrance mode
In this mode short term tickets can be printed at the mobile printer
The short term tickets are containing all the necessary information like normal
term tickets issued on a normal entrance column including a machine
readable barcode
In the background the transaction will be treated as normal short term ticket
entrance by the parking system
Counting can be activated or deactivated.
Mobile short term ticket production and occupation counting as usual
Different entrance ticket types
Up to 6 different ticket types are available and can be chosen during ticket
production e.g. for normal cars, trucks, motor-bikes, busses.
The right ticket for every customer - Mobile.Gate
Customizable tickets
Customer CI logo can be printed on every ticket produced
Let Mobile.Gate be part of your corporate identity
Exit Cashiering Mode
In this mode the handheld can be used for scanning the barcode on the short
term tickets
The serial number of the ticket can be entered manually too
Afterwards the tariff is calculated online and displayed at the handheld
Mobile cashiering of short term tickets with built in barcode scanner on the move
Convenience counts - give your customers the possibility to pay the parking tariff
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To contribute against global warming, greenhouse effect and support the use of electrical
cars, Siemens has developed a charging station called “The Sitraffic Epos”, besides
offering a charging plug for electric cars; it also provides a payment system and an infoterminal. This is a modular system which can be configured as a sole charging point or
as a station with up to ten satellite connections, it can be installed anywhere where
multiple electric cars need to be charged, i.e. in public places, where it can be combined
with car park ticket machines.
Figure 4 The Sitraffic Epos
I PARKED HERE: This service is made for those car drivers who do not remember
where they have parked their car; it records their parking place, showing the information
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in the moment when they decide to look for it. With this application it is also possible to
add a parking meter alarm and search-find a car park near from your location. The
application works by Skyhook system using Nokia maps or Google maps it was designed
for Nokia mobiles but now is able to all kind of phones. There is a short explanation of
this service and the phones which can use this service below:
I Parked Here finds your current location in seconds. No more waiting on slow
GPS. The coordinates of you parking place will be automatically saved in
seconds. I Parked Here gives you the Skyhook Wireless location system. This
means I Parked Here works like an ultra super-fast GPS.
Supported Phones:
Nokia N95
Nokia E55
Nokia N95 8GB
Nokia 6710 Navigator
Nokia N96
Nokia E71x
Nokia N78
Nokia 5800
Nokia N82
Nokia N97
Nokia E90
Nokia N97 Mini
Nokia E71
Nokia X6
Nokia N79
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic
Nokia N85
Samsung I550
Nokia N86 8MP
Samsung G810
Nokia E75
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Figure 5 I parked here
2.2.2. Evolution of traffic
To analyze the evolution of traffic in the future in Europe, we first started to search for
information about the car density and the expected development of it in the future. We could find
data about the expected evolution in Germany, but unfortunately we didn’t find this kind of data
for Europe. Therefore, we decided to have a look at the expected demographic development for
Europe instead.
Current traffic status in Germany and Europe
First we will have a look at the current status in Germany, which is described in the Figure 6 to
Figure 8.
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Figure 6 Number of cars in Germany from 2001 to 2010
In the Figure 6 you can see, that in 2001 there were 43.7 Mio cars in Germany, that means over
the half of the people in Germany had a car. This number steadily increased until 2007, when it
reached 46.5 Mio cars. This means an increase of 6.4 % in 6 years. Between 2007 and 2008
there was a huge drop in the number of cars to 41.2 Mio because the rules of calculation were
changed in this year and temporary laid up cars weren’t taken into account anymore. So the
numbers of 2007 and 2008 are not comparable. After 2008, there is again a rise in the number
of cars, so that in 2010 it reaches 41.7 Mio cars, which is an increase of 1.2% in 2 years. This
shows that the trust in the economy is still there and the number probably will rise more in the
next years.
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Figure 7 Cars per thousand inhabitants in Germany from 1998 to 2009
In the Figure 7 is shown the number of cars per thousand inhabitants from 1998 to 2009 in
Germany. In 1998 there were 508 cars per thousand inhabitants, which means more than every
second person in Germany had a car. The following years the number increased more or less
steadily until 2006 to 565 cars per thousand inhabitants. Then there is again the big decrease of
cars between 2006 and 2007 to 500 cars per thousand inhabitants, as we already saw it in
Figure 6. The difference in the decrease, compared to Figure 6, is because in Figure 6 the data
was collected at the first of January every year and in Figure 7 it was collected at the end of the
year. Like in Figure 6 as well, you can also see an increase of the numbers here in the last 3
years, to 509 cars in 2009.
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Figure 8 Share of car traffic in total passenger transport in Germany from 1999 to 2008
Figure 8 shows the share of car traffic in total passenger transport, if you look at the chart you
will see a big decrease of the percentage after 2004, which in fact is not as big as it looks,
because it depends on the label of the axis. When you look at it you will see that in the overall it
just changes in 1.2 %, between 85 and 86.2 %, that means the share is on a quite constantly
high level.
To get to know the current status in Europe, we have a look at the car density in Western and
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Table 1. As you see most of the Central and Western Europe countries are above the average
of the European Union (470 cars /1000 inh.). This shows that the density of cars is already very
high in this part of the world, what implicates two results. The first is, there are already many
cars which means a high need of car parks also and therefore a big market for DESIGNA. But
on the other hand it also implicates that there is not so much potential to develop because the
market is almost saturated.
Table 1 Car density in Western and Central Europe
in 2008
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Traffic development in Germany and demographic changes in
The Figure 9 and Figure 10 contain the information about the future development in car traffic in
Germany until 2030, whereas Figure 11 is about the demographic changes in Europe until 2050.
In Figure 9 you see the estimated development of cars per thousand inhabitants in the next
years, there a steady grow to see until 2030. In 2015 it should rise to 558 cars per thousand
inhabitants, increasing even more to 568.5 cars in 2020. From 2020 to 2030 it should increase
by 5 cars to 573.5 cars per thousand inhabitants, but the numbers stagnate more and more
coming to 2030.
Figure 9 Number of cars per thousand inhabitants in Germany from 2000 to 2030
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Figure 10 Number of cars in Germany from 2010 to 2030
Figure 10 shows the development of the number of cars in Germany in millions, here we see
also a rise until 2020 to 45.1 Mio, but after that in 2030 the number of cars decreases to 44.8
Mio. This fall wasn’t seen in chart 1, because the population of Germany will also decrease from
2020 to 2030.
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Figure 11 European population by age group 1950-2050
Source: United Nations Population Division, DESA (2007): World Population Prospects: The
2006 Revision (
The demographical changes in Europe are most visible in the group between 15 and 59 years,
where you can see a huge decrease after 2010. This group also is the main target group,
because they are most likely to have a car. The decrease in the group from 0 to 14 years is
without relevance for us because they are not permitted to drive a car. The only group with
increasing numbers is the one of 60 years and older. Since there is no age limit for driving
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permits in Europe, and the mobility of older people is increasing this leads to a bigger number of
people driving a car. If this is enough to compensate the loss of people in the overall, we have to
2.2.3. Urban and architectural evolution
The urban evolution is strongly related with the current and future demographic and economic
change which could also be seen as a potential challenge, because driving force in this
competitive world are the people and a key goal for the business is to attract and retain the
human resources. The economic crisis and uncertainty lead many companies to go bankrupt
and otherwise in industrial cities jobs are reduced and unemployment rises. As a result of that
more and more young people are moving from the affected areas to areas where they can find
personal and professional realization. This leads to shrinking of the population in some areas
and growing in others.
The Urban Evolution in CEE predetermines city expansion which must face the demand of new
improvements, supermarkets, schools/universities and etc. As you can see in the Figure 12
below the best cities for business are either European capitals or either other big and important
centres. The success of those places is hidden in their strategy of finding, attracting and
managing investments.
On a leading position in this survey stays London, which continues establishing strong positions
into the global picture especially after the heavy banking crisis which affected the city. Also as
it’s shown in the chart London, Paris and Frankfurt occupy the first three places over eighteen
years, this makes them not only profitable business places but also save and secure in terms of
working and living.
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The internal migration to those cities brings many problems for solving as well. One of the main
challenges that the local government is facing in this megacities is their transportation
infrastructure. The constant growth of people leads to increasing vehicle usage and huge traffic
jams especially during the peak hours. The local train and bus interchanges are often crowded
and busy making the time travel route almost impossible to predict. The city centres usually face
problem of not enough parking spaces which makes the anyway difficult to pass area blocked by
parked vehicles.
Figure 12 The best cities for business
In Figure 13 below a statistic of the fastest improving European cities is shown. This chart tells
us the names and the speed of the development of the cities. As we can see the best business
cities (ranked by companies asked which city they think is doing the most to actually improve
themselves) doesn’t mean fast improving at the same time. The progress vary trough the years
affected by economical and political changes.
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Figure 13 fastest improving European cities
The measurement (at Figure 12 and Figure 13) is made upon comparing 4 main factors: Easy
access to markets, customers or clients, replacing the availability of qualified staff, the quality of
telecommunications and transport links with other cities. Overall those four factors are very
important and essential when it comes to the decision of locating a business.
The local government also plays a huge role in this process because it often has limitations in
financial and human resource plans, and could be affected by private or political interests. The
financial problems influencing the local government could be subsided by the European fund
program which usually just partly helps to solve the difficult situation. But in order to acquire
those funds, the local governments have to integrate an action plan which in most of the cases
seems like formality rather than difficult application. Millions of Euro constantly help, different EU
members to stabilize their politic and subsidize internal development programs such as
improvement of road network, farming, studying and so on. Also in this process the local
authorities have a role of middle organization linking the executors (which could be private
actors) with the EU funds. The local government in that case feels great pressure trying to
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ensure that the money is spent in a correct manner and at the same time usually have limited
control on the private shareholders.
2.2.4. Relevant legislative developments
Thanks to the help of experts from DESIGNA, we found two main legislations concerning the
company in the central European market. The first one is called “CE” which is a certificate
indicating that the product meets the legal requirements described in the applicable directive(s).
Also “CE” could be used for product testing. All products with “CE” marking have free access to
the entire European Economic Area. Products without “CE” marking can’t be legally traded
within EEA. For more information see Appendix 13
The second Law concerning DESIGNA is called “ISO 9001:2008” and is for the scope:
development, production, distribution, installation, service and support and support of automatic
systems for car park revenue control management and have implemented and maintained a
quality management system. The whole information about “ISO 9001:2008” you can find here: 13/04/2011
2.2.5. Problems
We did not find recent information. Some of the information is from 2009 even 2005.
Sometimes we didn’t know even the date of the publication and the source of this
Due to the lack of information accessible about the future development of traffic in Europe,
we had to concentrate on the prognosis of population instead.
Heike tried to make a library research but it was not successful because of the date of
release of this information.
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2.2.6. Conclusion 1
The car parking system technologies are evolving fast, DESIGNA, with its range of
products can offer an excellent service but should also look up to the new technologies
development. The competitors are offering a range of attractive services and DESIGNA
should not stay behind.
Concerning to the advanced technology of electrical vehicles, designed to contribute
against global warming, the necessity of chargers around the city will increase during the
next years. DESIGNA should think in the possibility of producing hardware able to let the
driver park and recharge the car at the same time. In order to reach this goal, it is
necessary for the company to invest in R&D, so that, they could also be at forefront of new
products and services.
Looking at the evolution of traffic there is to say, that even if there will be less young
people living in Europe, the amount of cars is not dropping considerably, because of the
higher mobility of the old people. Nevertheless, a change in requirements to car parking
systems has to be considered. For older people it is more important that systems are easy
to use, for example wider entry and exit lanes or guided ways to free parking spaces, as
well the parking spaces should be bigger. Furthermore, the pay station should be provided
with larger buttons and writing, for a more comfortable use even if the sight or the motor
activities are getting worse.
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Objective 2: Analysis of developing markets
2.3.1. Selection of the countries
As has been told in the project description, we had to decide which countries should be studied
in order to reduce the aim of the research, hence, there is a short analysis/description of those
chosen countries and the reason why they have been chosen:
We decided to make our research in Brazil because it is the largest country in Latin America,
consequently; there should be more possibilities to develop a market strategy for DESIGNA. The
main cities in Brazil are always improving, for example: during the past two years there was a
construction of a new metro station in Sao Paulo also, there is an incredible number of projects
to construct in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador de Bahia like skyscrapers, museums, residential
towers with shopping centres, office buildings, etc. this fact could be mentioned as our first
result, additionally we found some companies which could be possible partners, but that will be
considered in the next phase of our project.
It is important to mention the fact that Brazil will host the Fifa World Cup in 2014, the whole
country is involved in this event, the airports, stadiums and hotels will need to be constructed
and reconstructed, put simply there is a huge opportunity for DESIGNA to enter in this market
and establish their position in South America.
Following the order, we chose Argentina, the second largest country in South America. In our
research we found that this country has the highest number of cars (1 car per each 4
inhabitants) in Latin America and is the one producing the biggest amount of cars per year since
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2007 in South America. The public transport in big cities like Buenos Aires and Cordoba is well
organized but still, the people prefer to drive the car. As a result, the parking market is growing,
giving DESIGNA the opportunity to commercialize their products there.
There is also a notable evolution in Argentina on account of their recover from the devaluation
money crisis they suffered in 2002; this fact makes the country a potential market for every kind
of business.
This country has been chosen not only because it has a very important position in the centre of
America, what makes of it a neuralgic point for business and off course for the real estate
market, but also because two of the team members are originally from there, which is a very
important card for the cultural analysis of the research and the future development of entry
strategies. Colombia is also an important country because it is placed in a high developing zone
where enormous malls and skyscraper are projected for the next ten years.
As one of the largest countries in Latin America and one of the biggest producers of cars of the
continent, Mexico is for sure essential for this segment of the economy. As well, there are cities
in these countries like Monterrey where, due to an inefficient public transport system, most of the
people have decided to use their own vehicles; this particular phenomena makes of Monterrey
the city with the highest number of cars on the street and, for sure, one of the cities where
parking areas are really needed, a big and non completely satisfied market.
During the market research on Bulgaria and Ukraine, our group found very interesting data
concerning the parking industry. Using English, Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian languages for
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gathering information began PESTEL based analysis of the current situation in those markets.
We stopped our attention on Bulgaria because of the fact that the country is a new member in
the European Union and one of the EPS students actually is from there and could give better
image of the current practices in the country. As a result of urbanization more people are moving
to the big cities, trying to find better conditions for living. The traditional way of transportation in
the country is by car, which the people find more reliable and convenient. In fact Bulgaria for the
first part of 2010 was on first place from Europe by construction of shopping centres which again
tells us about the growing investments in the cities. The three biggest cities there are Sofia (the
capital), Plovdiv and Varna. The capital and Varna really have necessity of building new car
parks, because at the moment those cities feel great need of such places.
For that market research Ukraine was chosen because of the fact that DESIGNA doesn’t have
much information about their parking system market and also because of the fact that the
country is a potential new member of the European Union. Ukraine also has big population as
well with growing demand in the automobile industry as a general. Important centres are Kiev
(the capital), Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv and Donesk. The focus here also is in the closer future
(2012) and particularly the European football championship which will take place in Ukraine.
Currently this event brings lots of investments to those cities in order to improve their
infrastructure such as: transport network, airports, stadiums and hotels. Those projects are seen
from DESIGNA as good news for a possible market entry from the company and also
establishing strong positions in the country.
We have chosen Romania for the Eastern European countries because it is the seventh largest
country of the European Union measured by population. Budapest, where 1.94 Mio of the almost
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22 Mio inhabitants of Romania are living, is the sixth largest city of the EU. Therefore, and
because the next smaller city, named Timisoara, has just around 312 thousand inhabitants, we
should concentrate on Bucharest in our project. Furthermore, Bucharest’s GDP per person is
around 92% of the EUs average, hence more than twice of the GDP of Romania in average.
This good working economy is one of the reasons why there are planned many projects, like
commercial centres and amusement parks, for the next years.
The main reason for choosing Belarus was that for the DESIGNA Staff it is more or less an
empty patch on the map, which they would like to have more information about. From the over
9.5 Mio inhabitants of Belarus almost 19% are living in its capital Minsk, and even more in the
surroundings of it. Other big cities in Belarus are Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk, but in comparison
to Minsk they have less than one third of its population. Talking about Belarus, of course the
political situation has to be considered, on the one hand the government sticks to Soviet-era
policies like, state ownership of the economy, but on the other hand it forces prestige projects
like stadiums, especially in the capital Minsk.
2.3.2. Selection of indicators
In order to analyze the chosen countries we decided to look for indicators which should help us
judging the size of the market and the market growth. The reasons for choosing these indicators
were as follows:
Population: With the population of the cities we have the opportunity to judge the
possible size of the market. The more people are living in the cities the more possible
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users for car parks exist. Furthermore, bigger cities need more airports, hospitals, hotels
and shopping malls which are the main customers for a car parking system producer.
Area: The area indicates the need of cars in a city. If there are many people living in a
small area, like in Manhattan or the city of London, they tend to use more the public
transport system than buying a car. On the opposite there are other American cities
which are located in a much bigger area, where it is more convenient to use a car
because of the long ways to go.
Population per km²: To look at the population per square kilometer helps to compare
the cities with each other even if they have huge differences in population or area.
Public transport: Also, we had a look at the public transport system to judge the
possibilities of the population to use public transport. The better the public transport
system is the more people are using it, which reduces the need of car parking systems.
Passengers in public transport: The number of passengers in public transport shows
the efficiency of the current transport system. How many people are already using it and
even more important how many people are therefore not using it and need to park their
car when they go into the city.
Price per travel in public transport: The price for the public transport system is a good
indicator for the availability of the public transport. If the bus rides, for example, are
cheap, you would rather use the bus than buying a car.
Number of commuters: The number of commuters, this means the number of people
that work in the city but live in the surroundings, influence directly the needed parking
spaces in the center. A high number of commuters goes along with many cars which
need to be parked safely during the day.
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Number of cars: Of course, the number of cars is the most important indicator to look for
when you are interested in the market for car parking systems. It is a direct indicator for
the size of the market.
Cars per thousand inhabitants: Again, like for the population, to look at the cars per
thousand inhabitants is a more objective way to compare the number of cars for cities
with high differences in the size of the population.
Density of cars (cars / km²): The density of cars is important because it measures the
cars per square kilometer, and gives a good overview of the car parks needed in a
certain area, and therefore the possible size of the market.
Price for parking: We looked at the price for parking because it indicates which kind of
systems would be possible to sell. If you earn more with operating a car park, you can
install a more expensive system.
GDP: The Gross Domestic Product is an indicator for the productivity of the city and
therefore, the money which is available for new construction projects, which most of the
times means new car parks needed.
GDP/Person: With the Gross Domestic Product per person we can compare the GDP for
cities of different sizes, to have a more objective view on the strength of the economy.
Per capita income per month: The per capita income per month defines the money the
people have to spend for a car and for parking it. The less they earn, the more
improbable it is that they will earn their own car.
Minimum wages: The minimum wages are not only an indicator for the money the
people have to spend, but also for the kind of system the customers are likely to buy. If
the price for a working hour is low, the car park owners prefer not to buy a high
technological system instead they will buy just a basic system and hire more people to do
the rest of the job.
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Number of existing and planned airports: The more airports a city has, the more car
parks they will need. Furthermore, airport car parks are prestige projects for the car
parking system producers because they often use the latest technologies and are always
open for new ideas.
Air traffic volume: The size of an airport is measured by the air traffic volume, meaning
the number of passengers per year. And of course, the more passengers use the airport,
the more have to park their car there.
Parking lots at airports: The number of parking lots at the airports also gives us a
better overview of the size of the airport and the car parks needed.
Land use plan: In the indicator land use plan we have a look at the planned new
constructions in the cities. For Example if there are big events in the next years, for which
there have to be build new stadiums or hotels with parking facilities.
Competitors: And of course we had a look at the competitors because a big presence of
competitors indicates a good market. Furthermore we have to compare DESIGNA to its
competitors to judge their chances for a successful market entry.
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2.3.3. Detailed analysis of market indicators for each country
Figure 14 Argentinian Map
After Brazil, Argentina is the second largest country in South America; it is also the second
producer of cars and the second with the highest number of cars in the area. Argentina suffered
the worst crisis of its history in the years 2001/02. Since then, it has experienced a strong
recovery, which even surpassed the highest levels of GDP before the fall, creating a cycle of five
years of recovery and growth as never before throughout the twentieth century. Nevertheless,
for DESIGNA, to open a market there has advantages and disadvantages.
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For the company, the more partners around the world they have, the better it is for their
references, however, when it comes to Argentina we are talking about a difficult market to reach.
It does not mean that there are not possibilities there; it only means that the car parking market
is growing slowly.
The analyze of the indicators has shown us how, for instance, that the public transport in
Argentina is quite cheap but the quality in cities like Rosario or Mendoza is not the best they
could have and in a city like Buenos Aires, where the public transport service is in fact well
organized, the people still prefer to drive their cars.
In regard to the land use plan, we can say that Argentina, as the rest of the countries in South
America is a country with a constant development but we could not find qualitative information
except, for some news which told about the construction of skyscrapers, residential complex and
the reconstruction of Mendoza’s airport. It may be that they are not publishing this kind of
information on the internet and this fact can be an indicator for DESIGNA of the obstacles.
In addition, by the evaluation of the competitors, we found a huge number of companies
producing car parking systems. These companies are also selling their products in some Latin
American countries. This fact, could be taken as an advantage for DESIGNA if they want to find
partners there but could also be an impediment to get into the market if these companies are not
interested in becoming partners. However, we recommend DESIGNA to get in contact with them
and for this assignment we prepare a list with the main competitors that can be found in the
Appendix 2 List of competitors.
To sum up, Argentina is a country where DESIGNA can find partners for the car parking systems
but they will face many difficulties because there are many competitors and the fees for the
public transport are cheap. Besides, Argentina is still recovering from its 2002 crisis and it will
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take a few years until economy gets regulated, in this case, it will be better to wait for a couple of
years and focus in the opportunities they may have in Brazil.
From all the indicators we have searched for, we can get to the conclusion that Brazil is the
country with the highest opportunities for DESIGNA. It is the largest country in South America,
with the highest number of cars, its GDP occupies the 10th position in the world ranking and it is
the 4th in economical. Its economy is the major in the American continent after USA and Canada,
its currency; “El Real” keeps 15 years of stability above the dollar and the euro.
During the past five years, Brazil has developed a tourist policy, providing the country with new
infrastructure. The tourism has become a rapidly expanding sector and one of the principal
income sources. Besides, its political stability influences its economical growing process.
Due to the World Cup in 2014, there is a reconstruction plan for 13 airports around the country.
To reach this objective, there will be an investment of 3.500 million of USD. Below, there is a list
of the cities hosting the World Cup and a map pointing them to have a better view of the
geographic situation:
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Salvador de Bahía
Porto Alegre
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Figure 15 Brazilian map
Equally important is the reconstruction of the stadiums in these cities, with capacity between
45.000 and 87.000 spectators, there will be an investment of 1.830 millions of USD. Regarding
the shopping centers, there are more than 80 constructions to be inaugurated during 2011 and
2012. Also, the construction and reconstruction of hotels will carry an investment of 544, 5
millions of USD. Finally, the construction of residential buildings, administrative centers,
skyscrapers and museums are indicators of new parking that will be build from now until the next
3 years.
Furthermore, the public transport is another important indicator that we analyzed; compared to
the other countries we researched for, Brazil has the highest fee, besides, the quality and
quantity in some cities are not the best and it makes difficult the access to the cities for those
who live in the suburbs and must go to work or to study in the city every day. It lead us to the
conclusion that the people prefer to drive by car than paying this amount of money for an
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insufficient service and at the same time, increases the number of cars, leading to the necessity
of constructing new parkings or to habilitate some places for this purpose.
Concerning the competitors, we found in our research some producers of hardware and
software of car parking systems, there are some national producers but there are also big
companies from Germany and Switzerland which sell their products there.
It does not represent a huge problem; there are still some cities where foreign companies have
not arrived yet, subsequently, the possibilities to find partners there are higher.
Moreover, there are many companies from the whole world which want to invest in Brazil and
surely, the country is open to negotiate.
More important and interesting for DESIGNA, is the parking system into the cities i.e. how they
operate. The new technologies in car parking system are arriving fast to Brazil; nevertheless,
there is still a huge percentage of valet parking. This system is quite common in South America
because it generates jobs and that could be one of the problems that DESIGNA has to confront.
To become this kind of parking in a parking operating automatically, the company should make
sure that the employees find another job before they install the machines and the employees are
not needed anymore.
Despite the difficulties DESIGNA may face, we still recommend them to try to find partners in
Brazil; it is the best time to make business in this country not only because of the World Cup in
2014 and all that it entails, but also for its swift development and growth and the fact that the
competitors are not so strong due to the size of the country.
Source: Reasons to invest in Brazil (in Spanish).
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Figure 16 Colombian map
Placed in the center of the American continent, sharing frontiers with Ecuador, Peru, Brazil,
Venezuela and Panamá and with access to two oceans, Colombia has a privileged position in
the continent and a high developing market that grows every day as fast as its population and
the per capita income. Therefore, there is in Colombia, at least in the ten biggest cities, a culture
of big malls and shopping centers, like the Centro Mayor mall with 248.000 m² and the Santa Fé
mall with 215,000 m², which requires the construction and management of enormous paying
In the list of renovation we have also Bogotá’s international Airport, El Dorado, under a project of
renovation and expansion that includes the parking areas around the airport where, for sure, it
will be needed a renovation of parking systems. We know that one of the three parking operating
in this moment there is managed by Parking International.
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Accordingly, Bogotá, main focus of our Colombian research, has a population over the
8’000,000 of inhabitants and as much as Medellin, Santiago de Cali and Barranquilla (and most
of the capitals of Colombia), the city is composed also by some small cities added to the capital
for the expansion of this one, e.g. in Bogotá, cities like Soacha, Chia and Suba has been added
to the capital. The main problem with these phenomena is that most of people living there, work
in the commercial pole placed in the center of the capital producing an important number of
commuters and raising the demand of parking and the price/hour of theme; however, providing
this problem, the government decide to regulate the price of parking/hour in 10 USD per hour
On the other hand, due to the lower minimum salary, in Colombia there is a culture of service,
that makes that services like valet parking, where the need of performing electronic parking
systems is not required, are provided by the biggest Car Parking Operators like Parking
International and City-Parking, the biggest parking groups in Colombia. Nevertheless, the proof
that there could be a potential market is that those big groups use technologies of Amano and
Skidata in their parking.
It has to be said also that, at the moment of writing this project, there have been already a
primary contact between DESIGNA and the Car Parking Operator placed in Medellin OléParking but there is not actual feedback from this first contact.
To conclude, even if there is hurry to enter into this market, there are some of the most important
manufacturer groups of Car Parking Systems like Amano and Skidata selling their products in
the biggest cities and there are some other local producers like Global Control Systems LTDA
among others. It may be wise to contact directly the big Car parking operators like Parking
International, City-Parking SA and Aparcar SA because they are those who can actually need
the company’s product.
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Figure 17 Mexican map
This is, without any doubt, one of the most developing countries from whole Latin America;
Cities like Mexico City with a population of more than 20 million of inhabitants and other like
Monterrey where the density of cars is almost of 2 thousand cars per square meter, the biggest
from our whole research. At the same time we found that Mexico and Brazil are the biggest car
manufacturers in the continent, something really attractive for a Company like DESIGNA.
On the infrastructural field, we discover that Mexico is, from the Latin American countries, the
one which has the biggest number of projected skyscrapers in the biggest cities, Mexico City,
Guadalajara, Monterrey and Puebla. From this it can be implied that the need of high performing
parking systems is an obvious need and that it can be the factor that may support the entrance
of the company in this market.
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It has to be said also that the presence of big American groups in Mexico is a fact but also it is
important to notice that Skidata and Amano are present in this market which means that this is
not a closed market and that the entrance is an option.
We consider, however, that the entrance into South American markets should be a priority
before considering the entrance in the Center of America because of the actual opportunities
that may facilitate the entrance in those markets i.e. the World Football Cup 2012 in Brazil and
the project of renovation of the Colombian International airport “El Dorado” among others.
Figure 18 Romanian Map
Searching for the indicators for Romania was challenging dew to the language barrier. Despite
being a member of the European Union since 2007, much information weren’t accessible in
English which made the search for it quite difficult.
Romania has a population of almost 22 million people, from which 1.9 million are living in the
capital city, Bucharest. The three next smaller cities, which we choose for our research, are Iasi,
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Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara, they all have about 300.000 Inhabitants. Looking at the population
per square kilometre, you can see that Bucharest isn’t only the largest city in Romania but also
by far the most crowded one. With 8.528 inhabitants per km² it is more than twice as densely
populated as Iasi with 3.289 inhabitants per km². Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca are following with
2.416 and 1.707 inhabitants per km².
The public transport system is one of the largest in Europe; it contains a metro, buses, trams,
trolley buses, light rails, a private minibus system and taxis. Only with the metro, trams, trolley
buses and buses around 2.5 million passengers get transported everyday. In Iasi there are two
main operators for public transport, which are named RATP Iasi and Unistil, they provide about
150 buses and 150 trams for the transport of approximately 128.000 passengers per day. The
public transport network in Cluj-Napoca includes 321 km, where 3 tram lines, 6 trolley bus lines
and 21 bus routes are used, additionally there is the service of private bus companies. In
Timisoara the public transport system consists of 10 tram lines, 8 trolley bus lines and 20 bus
Romania has a total number of cars of around 4.2 million, which makes 197 cars per thousand
inhabitants, the density of cars, which is measured in cars per km², is 17,7. More interesting are
the numbers for Bucharest, unfortunately the most actual number we found was from 2008 with
985.000 cars. Consequently, in Bucharest are 514 cars per thousand inhabitants and the density
of cars is 4320 cars/km². The only other numbers which were available were from Cluj-Napoca
with 175.000 cars in total, leading to a density of cars of 975 cars/km². The high number of cars
per thousand inhabitants of 571 shows that in not so densely populated cities more people are
owning cars, because of the longer ways to go. The average price for parking in the city centre
of Bucharest is 123 USD per month.
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The average income per month in Romania is about 487 USD, in Bucharest it lays above the
average for the whole country with 513 USD. Whereas, in the other three examined cities the
monthly income is below the national average, with 360 USD in Iasi, 401 USD in Cluj-Napoca
and 396 USD in Timisoara. These numbers are calculated for the regions and not for the cities
themselves. The minimum wage in Romania is around 165 € per month.
The Gross Domestic Product was just available for Romania in total, for which it was numbered
with 253.300 million USD. Whereas, the GDP per person for the whole country is just 11.500
USD, the number for Bucharest is much higher with 27.344 USD and thereby almost reaches
the average of the European Union (approximately 30.500 USD). Also, in the Regions of ClujNapoca and Timisoara the GDP per person is significantly higher than in the national average
with 26.934 USD, respectively 25.121 USD.
Bucharest has two airports, the Henri Coanda Airport with 4.9 million passengers per year and
the Aurel Vlaicu Airport with 2.1 million passengers per year. The other three cities all have one
airport each; the Iasi International Airport had 164.000 passengers in 2010, whereas the ClujNapoca International Airport and the Timisoara international Airport had both around 1million
passengers in 2010. With 500 parking spaces at the Henri Coanda Airport and 300 at the Aurel
Vlaicu Airport in Bucharest there are 800 parking lots at the airports in total. In Timisoara they
have around 600 parking lots at the airport, which is a quite high number compared to the
numbers in Bucharest.
As the capital city and the biggest city in the country Bucharest is certainly the most evolving city
in Romania. For example, they are building the “Divertiland” near Bucharest, which is an
amusement park containing a 40.000 m² water park, a 40.000 m² adventure park, a 37.000 m²
sports club and a 20.000 m² indoor park. For this facility with 30 hectare in the overall 2000
parking places will be needed. Another building project which is planned is a commercial centre
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called “Galleria Bucharest” which should include an area of 54.000 m² and will be completed in
The competitors of DESIGNA which are already present in Romania are SWARCO TRAFFIC
Hungary KFT, FAAC S.p.A. from Italy, Villa Pro from the Slovak Republic and Metric Group LTD
from the UK.
SWARCO TRAFFIC Hungary KFT is the result of merging SWARCO SIGNELIT and VILATISIGNALBAU HUBER. It is part of the SWARCO Group which fields of application are urban
traffic management, interurban traffic management, parking and detection.
FAAC S.p.A. is a company from Italy with 860 employees, which is present in the market for 46
years now. It has 13 subsidiaries and is selling its products in 100 different countries.
Villa Pro is a small company from the Slovak Republic founded in 1994, which is present in the
market of seven different countries.
The Metric Group Ltd from the UK have installed more than 60.000 parking machines in over 45
countries worldwide. In more than thousand towns and cities around the world more than one
million car parking spaces get controlled by their systems.
Considering all the indicators, there is to say that if you want to invest in Romania it is definitely
recommended to start in Bucharest. The huge gap of population between the capital and the
other Romanian cities leads to the conclusion, that there are much more building projects in the
capital than in the other cities. But Bucharest also has one of the best working public transport
systems in Europe, which a lot of people are using. Romania is an open developing European
country and the competitors which already entered the market show that there is a market.
However, the size of the market is the question because there are these huge differences
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between the cities. However, a market entry in Bucharest could be worth considering, but there
are not many possibilities to widen the business to whole Romania.
Figure 19 Belarusian map
While searching for the indicators for Belarus, we had the big problem that most internet pages
didn’t give any or just very few information in English.
Belarus is a country with around 10 million inhabitants, because of its size the density of
population is just 46 per square kilometre. The capital city Minsk with 1.8 million inhabitants is
considerably bigger than the second largest city Gomel (Homyel) with 483.000 inhabitants. The
other two cities looked upon were Mogilev (Mahilyow), which has 358.000 inhabitants, and
Vitebsk (Vitsyebsk) with 348.000 people living in it. The density of inhabitants in Minsk is 5.964
inhabitants per square kilometre, whereas in Homel it is about 4.274 inhabitants per km², in
Mogilev it is 3.240 inh./km² and in Vitebsk it is 3.620 inh./km².
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The public transport system of Minsk contains of 8 tramway lines, over 70 trolley bus lines and
over 100 bus lines, this way 4.3 million passengers get transported per day. In Gomel they have
over thousand city buses and trolley buses, which are enabling the 210 million passenger rides
per year (2006). 115 buses, 102 trolley buses and 575 taxi cabs are providing the 134.6 million
passenger rides per year in the public transport system of Mogilev. The only information
obtainable for the public transport in Vitebsk was that they have a tram and trolley buses.
In 2005 there were 170,5 cars per thousand inhabitants, if you consider the population of 2010 it
would lead to a total number of cars of about 1,6 million. The average price for a day of parking
is 6 USD and for a month it is 120 USD.
The per capita income in Belarus is 313 USD per month, but the minimum wage is just about 90
USD per month. The Gross Domestic Product of Belarus is 128.400 million USD, what makes a
GDP per person of 13.400 USD.
Minsk has two airports, the Minsk National Airport and the Minsk-1 Airport. The Minsk National
Airport had around 1 million passengers in 2009 and it offers 743 parking lots. The other three
cities all have one airport, but there was no information to be found about the passenger
numbers or the parking facilities.
Most of the new constructions in Belarus are located in Minsk, its capital. In 2014 the Ice Hockey
World Championship will take place in Minsk, therefore Ice Hockey Arenas have to be build and
reconstructed. As well, there will be constructed a sports and entertainment complex called
“Yelnitsa”, which will cover a total land area up to 75 hectares.
The competitors in Belarus are Green Center from the Czech Republic and FAAC from Italy,
FAAC is represented through KOR Ltd a subsidiary of them.
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Green Center is a small company with 30 employees, being 19 years in the market, they have
two subsidiaries and are selling their systems in 15 different countries.
As already told for Romania, FAAC S.p.A. is a company from Italy with 860 employees, which is
present in the market for 46 years now. It has 13 subsidiaries and is selling its products in 100
different countries.
As we experienced during our research, getting information about Belarus is quite difficult,
therefore, the results we got are not very meaningful. But even with this few numbers we can
conclude, that the market for car parking systems in Belarus is not very big. Furthermore, the
political situation in Belarus has to be considered, with the political way President Alexander
Lukashenko is taking, new sanctions of the European Union and the USA against Belarus are
probable to come. On the one hand, there are many prestige building projects especially in
Minsk, but on the other hand the government is likely to support their state-owned companies to
get the contracts. Overall, we wouldn’t recommend entering the Belarusian market.
Bulgaria is a country, which recently joined the European Union and as such great opportunities
are open for it. With a population of 7.351.234 the country is ranked on the 16th place in Europe.
The three main cities, which we have researched, are also the three most important for the
country: Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. Many people by internal migration are currently moving to
those cities in order to find jobs, and also the salaries are higher than in the rest of the country.
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Figure 20 Bulgarian map
The capital of the Republic of Bulgaria is Sofia. The city plays not only an important role for the
region but also for the whole country. The estimated population by the official census for 2011 is
1. 317. 672 million people, in one statement of the Bulgarian Prime Minister, there are a few
indicators showing in fact that in the capital live around 2 million people, which is more than 20%
of the whole country population.
The public transport is well organized with regular bus lines, fast and cheap metro service, taxis,
and traditional tram and trolley lines. The total passengers using public transport per day is
around 1.6 million, which makes it reliable and convenient for many citizens. In fact in Bulgaria
most of the people prefer to drive a car rather using other options for transportation, but
regarding the travel spending, many people garage their vehicles in front of their residence.
An interesting fact is that in Sofia there’re around 950 000 cars or in other words on every one
thousand inhabitants there are 721 cars. With a density per square kilometre of 1930.00, this for
the city infrastructure is too high. During the peak hours many people stuck in kilometres of
traffic jams. On top of that there are around 50 000 people, who live outside Sofia and come to
work during the day and go on the night, which puts additional weight on the road system.
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For the first six months for 2010, Bulgaria was on the leading position of mall construction in
Bulgaria is an attractive country for business, and currently brings a lot of money from foreign
investments. In those three main cities, there is a demand for car parking’s; planned four
constructions of big car parking’s in Sofia for the next few years.
When we have a look on the competitors, in Bulgaria there is just the Italian company “Beninca”,
having a subsidiary there. The rest of them operate through retailers, which on one hand is good
for DESIGNA, because potentially can find strong distributor to sell its products.
As a general recommendation I say that Bulgaria is not an attractive market for DESIGNA GmbH
There are not planned any airport constructions in the future.
In the last 5-6 years there were built too many shopping centres and there is not such a demand
at the moment. As you can see in Appendix 1, the national minimum salary in Bulgaria is 120
euro, and this money is barely enough for food and bills. The unemployment rates are very high
also exceeding 10%. The petrol prices are very high, compared to the lifestyle and how much
the people earn; many people prefer to use public transport instead of their private cars. The
parking prices especially in Sofia are so high, leading many people to keep their cars in a
garage and travel by public transport.
Ukraine is a high motivated country to join the European Union, which means that during the next
few decades the country will require intensive economic and infrastructural development. With a
population of 45.939.820 the country is one of the biggest in Europe. The five cities described in
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the report are not only the largest, but also the most business attractive: Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk,
Lvov and Odessa.
Figure 21 Ukrainian map
The most attractive city in case of Business and also an important center for Ukraine is the
capital Kiev, with almost 2.8 million people population, which predetermines the city as a high
complex in case of urbanization and internal planning. There is a very fast increasing number of
cars in Kiev with over 1.000.000, which leads to a demand of constructing new car parking’s as
well. The average price of parking in Ukraine is around 0.50 euro cent.
There is a high percentage of people using public transportation: around 1.38 million people a
day in Kiev. We can find explanation for that fact in the cheap fares like: $8 a month ticket for
buses and trolleybuses.
The national minimum salary barely reaches 81 euro a month, which place the country on one of
the last positions in Europe by this indicator.
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The road network is in a very bad condition, built during the Soviet Union. Thanks to the EU
2012, Ukraine is in a re-construction process of the infrastructure: the roads are getting better,
which mean that the people will be more comfortable using cars than before.
When we have a look on the competitors in Ukraine, their way of working is mainly by retailers
instead of subsidiaries, which from one hand is good for DESIGNA, because potentially can find
strong distributor to sell its products in the region.
Thanks to the Football Cup, thirteen stadiums in Ukraine are either under re-construction or
construction to meet the demand of the visitors. Improvements are seen on the Airports and the
hotel industry.
Look at Appendix 14 about details for future construction in Ukraine and the preparations for EU
here you can find The European 2012 investment plan:
2.3.4. Portfolio-Analysis
At the beginning of the project, we decided to focus the research only in Latin America and
Eastern Europe; nevertheless, we still have a group of eight countries with particular features
that we have to score and range, in order to define the ways to approach (or not) to those
markets. Accordingly, it is important to find a tool to measure and compare them as a way to
highlight the strengths and weakness of each business unit. Therefore, we decide to create a
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portfolio of countries using one of the two most widely used charts, the Boston Consulting Group
and the McKinsey matrix:
The BCG Matrix
Developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the BCG Growth Share Matrix is a popular
approach to product portfolio planning. The matrix is defined by two factors: Relative Market
Share (the company's market share relative to the competition) and market growth. To use the
matrix, place each individual product in your company's portfolio into one of the four quadrants
and then do the same for your competitors' products. The result has implications for brand
positioning and market share.
Figure 22 BCG Matrix
BCG Growth Share Matrix
The matrix has four distinct quadrants:
• Stars. A star is a product in a high growth market that controls a sizeable share of that
market. Stars tend to generate strong revenues. Over time, as growth slows, stars
become cash cows if they hold their market share and dogs if they don't.
• Cash cows. A cash cow commands a large share of a slow growth market. The more the
company invests in cash cows, the greater the return. Cash cows tend to pay the
dividends, the interest on debt and cover the corporate overhead.
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• Dogs. A dog has a low share of a slow growth market. Dogs often report a profit even
though they are net cash users. They are essentially cash traps.
• Question marks (sometimes called wildcats). A question mark is a product with a low
share of a high growth market. Their cash needs are great because of their growth, but
generate little in return because their market share is low. Question marks are difficult to
turn into stars because the cost of acquiring market share compounds the cash needs.
They may be big winners if backed to the limit, but most often, they fail to develop a
leading market position before growth slows and become dogs.
The purpose of this tool is to help you balance your product portfolio. Ideally, you would
eliminate any dogs, while keeping the others in a kind of dynamic equilibrium. The cash
generated by cash cows can then be used to turn question marks into stars, which, in turn, may
become cash cows. As noted above, many of the question marks will become Dogs, which
means you'll need to compensate for these failures by improving margins on the stars and cash
One of the underlying assumptions of this model is that higher rates of profit are directly related
to high market share. This isn't always the case, as indicated by the low cost leader position on
Bowman's strategy clock.
The BCG Matrix is the most common and widely used tool to compare different business units;
nevertheless, we decided to use the McKinsey Matrix due to the fact that in the BCG Matrix, the
market attractiveness is not directly visible and because the measure of the market growth is not
a direct result of the analysis of the studied indicators.
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The McKinsey Matrix
The GE/McKinsey Matrix was developed in the 1970s by the management consulting firm
McKinsey & Co. as a tool to screen General Electric’s large portfolio of strategic business units
(SBUs). The idea behind the matrix (a.k.a., the GE Business Screen or GE Strategic Planning
Grid) is to evaluate businesses along two composite dimensions: industry attractiveness and
industry strength. Conceptually, this matrix is similar to the BCG Growth-Share Matrix in that it
maps SBUs on a grid of the industry and, at the same time, marks their competitive position. The
GE/McKinsey Matrix improves on the BCG approach in two ways: 1) it utilizes more
comprehensive axes (the BCG matrix uses market growth rate as a proxy for industry
attractiveness and relative market share as a proxy for the strength of the business unit); and 2)
it consists of nine-cells rather than four, allowing for greater precision.
Figure 23 McKinsey Matrix
GE/McKinsey Matrix
Industry attractiveness and SBU strength are calculated by first identifying the criteria for each,
determining the value of each parameter in the criteria, and multiplying that value by a weighting
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factor. The result is a quantitative measure of industry attractiveness and the SBU’s relative
performance in that industry. The industry attractiveness index is made up of such factors as
market size, market growth, industry profit margin, amount of competition, the degree of
seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in demand, and industry cost structure. The industry
attractiveness index consists of factors like relative market share, price, competitiveness,
product quality, customer and market knowledge, sales effectiveness, and geographic
Each SBU can be portrayed as a circle plotted on the matrix, with the information conveyed as
• Market size is represented by the size of the circle.
• Market share is shown by using the circle as a pie chart.
• The expected future position of the circles is indicated by an arrow.
The sample diagram shows the relative position of an SBU with a market share of 65%. The
arrow in the upward right position indicates that the SBU is expected to lose strength relative to
competitors, and that the business unit is in an industry that is projected to become increasingly
less attractive. The tip of the arrow indicates the future position of the centre point of the circle.
Both axes are divided into three segments, yielding nine cells. The nine cells are grouped into
three zones:
The Green Zone consists of the three cells in the upper left corner. If the SBU falls in
this zone, it’s in a favourable position with relatively attractive growth opportunities. This
position indicates a "green light" to invest and grow this SBU.
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The Yellow Zone consists of the three diagonal cells from the lower left to the upper
right. A position in the yellow zone is viewed as having medium attractiveness.
Management must therefore exercise caution when making additional investments in
this SBU. The suggested strategy is to protect or allocate resources on a selective
basis rather than growing or reducing share.
The Red Zone consists of the three cells in the lower right corner. A harvest strategy
should be used in the two cells just below the three-cell diagonal. These SBUs
shouldn’t receive substantial new resources. The SBUs in the lower right cell shouldn’t
receive any resources and should probably be divested or eliminated from a firm’s
There are strategy variations within these three groups. For example, within the Red Zone, a
firm would be inclined to quickly divest itself of a weak business in an unattractive industry,
whereas it might perform a phased harvest of an average SBU in the same industry.
While the GE/McKinsey Matrix represents an improvement over the relatively simplistic BCG
Growth-Share Matrix, it still encompasses a limited view of the competitive landscape. The
matrix doesn’t take into account interactions among SBUs or the core competencies that lead to
value creation. For these and other reasons, some believe the matrix is better suited for
providing an overview of the current market rather than serving as a resource allocation tool.
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As this chart is basically built by the score of some indicators to evaluate the market
attractiveness, the comparison of the company with the main competitor in each particular
market and one specific indicator that represents the size of the market. Each dimension was
measured as follows:
Market attractiveness
The attractiveness of a market is the result of comparison of different indicators (features) in the
group of countries of study, i.e., the score, from 0 to 5, of a group of indicators using as a
reference for each indicator the best country in this field. Some of those indicators are objective
and some others are the result of a subjective analysis. In the same way, even if we had the
information of at least four of the most important cities for each studied country, we only used
the information from the biggest cities because we decided that it would be in general the most
representative value. Accordingly, we are actually measuring the market attractiveness of the
biggest cities assuming that it is representative of the market attractiveness of the countries.
The chosen indicators are:
→ Population
→ Inhabitants/km²
→ Percentage of passengers using public transport
→ Number of cars
→ Cars per 1000 of inhabitants
→ Density of cars
→ Gross Domestic Product
→ Per capita income
→ Land use
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→ Average price/Hour of Parking
→ # of airports
→ # of passengers/year
→ # of slots in airport’s parking
→ Price of public transport
It is important to know that, even if we tried to use all of these indicators for each country, it was
impossible to find the all those indicators, i.e., we use, for some countries 14 indicators and for
others only 13 or even 9, hence, it is important to give the correct weight to each indicator so the
score remains balanced. Thus, even if we accord the same relevance to every feature, we have
to assure that we will have a perfect balance at the end, which means, 100% of weight.
Business unit strength
This dimension has been obtained from the comparison between the company, DESIGNA
GmbH and the strongest company in the market. This comparison was made using the following
Number of employees: Represents often the size of the company
Turnover: indicates the financial health of the company
Internationalisation: Shows the presence of the company in other countries.
Technical Strength: Which kind of technologies are they producing in the present
Number of references: all those big projects where the name of the company has
been involved on as an indicator of the strength of the company’s image.
Number of subsidiaries companies: Present the number of companies that depend
on the as an indicator of economical strength
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Number of years in market: This indicates not only that the company is sound and
that it has been well managed but also, the more the company has been on the
market, the more the company can be recognized by the potential clients.
Alike, those indicators will be also affected by a weight that should be defined, as before, by the
DESIGNA’s marketing team as follows:
As each indicator is different, its relevance is different also and so, the weight that it has should
be different as well. That is the reason why, with the aid of the DESIGNA’s marketing team, we
choose the appropriate weight for each indicator, however, for experimental purposes we made
also the portfolio giving the same weight to each indicator.
Accordingly, a weight of 80% should be divided between the next indicators:
Market Attractiveness:
Cars per 1000 of inhabitants
Density of cars
Per capita income
Average price/Hour of Parking
Business unit strength
Number of employees
Technological strength
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For this purpose, we create an Excel chart that allows us to modify the weights automatically
only changing some parameters in the dynamic table. Following, in the Figure 24, it can be
found the description of the different parts of the table and the way to use it:
Figure 24 How to use the Excel program
Market size
Between all the possible indicators, The number of cars was the one that represent the most the
size of the market because the need of parking is proportional to the number of cars, i.e., the
bigger the number of cars, the bigger the need of parking. Of course, because we are comparing
only the market attractiveness of the biggest cities, the market size is the one of those cities.
Consequently, the markets sizes are:
In Latin America and Eastern Europe
Table 2 Market sizes in Latin America and Eastern Europe
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Figure 25 Market sizes in Latin America and Eastern Europe
In the more important cities - Latin America
Table 3 Market sizes in Cities - Latin America
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Figure 26 Market sizes in Cities - Latin America
We can see from the Figure 25 & Figure 26 that:
Sao Paulo has the biggest market size.
Cities in Latin America have bigger Market size than cities in the East of
In Latin America, the cities with biggest Market size are those from Brazil.
From the analysis of the indicators and the size of the market, we create two groups of charts,
one with the “natural” weights and another one with the balanced weights. In each group of
charts there are three charts: the Easter European portfolio, the Latin American portfolio and the
international portfolio. We decided to split this charts because we know that it is impossible to
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find resemblances between the countries from Europe and those from America, nevertheless,
we also made the chart with the eight countries to support that thesis.
The charts and the analysis of those charts can be found below:
Not balanced portfolio
Before having the balanced charts we made a portfolio that will be used as a reference to
compare the balanced portfolio and conclude about the incidence of the weights.
All the tables can be found on the Appendix 15 or in the Excel program named “McKinsey
matrix- natural weight”
Market attractiveness
Table 4 Market attractiveness for Latin America & Eastern Europe
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Figure 27 Market attractiveness for Latin America & Eastern Europe
In the Figure 27 we can see that Sao Paulo has the most attractive market (with the natural
weight) but Bucharest and Kiev have also an attractive market. Nevertheless, Latin American
and Eastern European Markets should be analyzed separately.
Business unit strength
Table 5 Business unit strength for Latin America & Eastern Europe
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Figure 28 Business unit strength for Latin America & Eastern Europe
It is important to say that: being the third most important group in the business in Europe and
considering the fact that the presence of the company in Latin America is almost zero, to find
Minsk and Bucharest in the first position in the Figure 28 is not a big surprise and proves
somehow, that the results obtained with this method are correct.
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McKinsey Matrix
Figure 29 McKinsey matrix - Latin America (Natural weight)
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Figure 30 McKinsey Matrix - Eastern Europe (Natural weight)
Figure 31 McKinsey Matrix- Latin America & Eastern Europe (Natural weight)
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From the Figure 29 it is possible to say that the Brazil (Sao Paulo) is the most attractive Market
because it has an enormous market and because of its position in the matrix and even if in
Argentina (Buenos Aires) the company seems to be strong, the market needs a strong
investment to improve the attractiveness, the problem with this investment is that the profits of
this investment is not only for DESIGNA but also for the competitors.
On the other hand, in Figure 30 it is shown that Romania is an interesting old known market
where the company is strong enough and the market is attractive, however, the size of the
market is not outstanding and it can result in a problem because of a future extinction of the
market. Also it is important to say that the East of Europe is the field for other European and
especially German and Czech groups, fact that can result in a very competitive market.
Balanced portfolio
Once the weights have been defined, we made again the McKinsey Matrix for the eight chosen
countries (the biggest cities from those countries) but also, as a request from the DESIGNA’s
marketing team during the last meeting in the 23rd of May, for the sixteen studied cities from
Latin America.
Eight countries (biggest cities)
All the tables can be found on the Appendix 16 or in the Excel program named “McKinsey
matrix-Balanced Chart”
Market attractiveness
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Table 6 Market attractiveness - Eight countries
Figure 32 Market attractiveness - Eight countries
Business unit strength
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Table 7 Business unit strength - Eight countries
Figure 33 Business unit strength - Eight countries
Once the balanced Matrix has been created, it is easy to see comparing the that the main
implication of this change take place in the market attractiveness where, the city of Kiev lose all
the attractiveness and falls from the third position to the seventh position. That can prove that, in
this particular case, the indicators that indicates an attractive market were the wrong ones and
that they may probably lead the company to mistake it as a good choice when, in reality, it was a
dangerous one. i.e., before the application of those weights, the way forward regarding this
particular country was to invest directly when in reality, the wisest decision may be to wait and
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follow the evolution of this market that may be either, in an evolutionary process or in recession
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McKinsey Matrix
Figure 34 McKinsey matrix - Latin America
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Figure 35 McKinsey matrix - Eastern Europe
Figure 36 McKinsey Matrix- Latin America & Eastern Europe
Sixteen cities of Latin America
As told at the beginning of this chapter, it was asked to make a chart only with the sixteen
studied cities in Latin America; however, it was not possible to find information about the number
of cars for Puebla and Barranquilla, the indicator used to define the market size, therefore, those
cities had to be excluded from the matrix but the results of Market attractiveness and Unit
business strength can be found in the Figure 38 and Figure 39.
All the tables can be found on the Appendix 17 or in the Excel program named “Natural
Portfolio-McKinsey matrix - Latin America”
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Market Size
Table 8 Market size - Sixteen cities of Latin America
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Figure 37 Market size - Sixteen cities of Latin America
It is possible to get from the Figure 37 that the number of cars in Sao Paulo is at least three
times bigger than the number of cars in Mexico City, a city with a bigger population. From a
statistic point of view, this enormous difference may reflex a problem of source in the research
either for Sao Paulo or for the rest of the cities (Improbable).
Market attractiveness
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Table 9 Market attractiveness - Sixteen cities of
Latin America
Figure 38 Market attractiveness - Sixteen cities of Latin America
The distribution of the Market attractiveness in the Figure 38, even if it shows also the high
attractiveness of Sao Paulo, has a more normal behavior face to the Figure 37 where, as
discussed before, there is a clear problem of information.
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Business unit strength
Table 10 Business unit strength - Sixteen cities of
Latin America
Figure 39 Business unit strength - Sixteen cities of Latin America
Because it was a difficult duty to find information about competitors for each city, we
assumed, like in the Figure 39, that the main competitor for the biggest city is also the
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main competitor for the rest of the cities in the country. The reason for this assumption is
that, in a presence of lack of suppliers in the smallest cities, normally it will be the biggest
from the main city the one who will take these new markets.
The previously mentioned fact is also the reason why the score for the Business unit
strength is the same for all the cities of the same country.
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McKinsey Matrix
Figure 40 McKinsey Matrix for sixteen cities of Latin America
To summarize, from the Figure 40 we can imply that, obviating the vertical distribution between
cities from the same country, it remains Brazil and especially Sao Paulo, the city that attracts all
the attention, because it is in the optimum spot to initiate a deeper research of commercial
partners (maybe another EPS project for the next semester). Alike, as it was explained in the
description of the country, Brazil will host the next Football World Cup, and for this reason, it is
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and will be the centre of biggest investments in infrastructure in airports, hotels, sport centres
and so on.
2.3.5. Survey of potential customers
For our marketing research project for DESIGNA it has been strictly necessary for us to get to
know the competitors of the company. They gave us a brief description of their major national
and international competitors but, this information was not enough for us, we wanted to go
deeper and get to know all the competitors DESIGNA might have in the countries we chose.
While we searched for the competitors we realized that there are some companies which might
become DESIGNA retailers, they are small companies with knowledge in parking systems and it
would be interesting to contact them in order to get to know the products they are using. For the
company, this is a valuable information so that, if in a certain country or city there are
competitors, that means that the market is open and the possibilities to enter could be higher or
lower depending evidently on the competitors.
It has not been easy to find this information for the Eastern European countries, but so far we
know that there is a developing market, regarding the Latin American countries, the competitors
are controlling the area, but there are still some regions to cover. We have made a list with more
than 50 competitors for the 8 countries we are researching for and you can find it in the
Appendix 2.
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Construction of questionnaire & contact
Construction of questionnaire
For DESIGNA, it is quite important to know which kind of market they will face up to. As we
mentioned before, there is a current market in the Southern American and Eastern European
countries where we focused our research but there are certain conditions which make the
market attractive or not attractive. For example, depending on the number of cars in the cities
and in their infrastructure, there could be a higher number of parkings, giving more opportunities
Perhaps, these parkings are using technologies provided by the competitors or simply, they do
not have any kind of technology, they can make the whole parking process manually, we mean;
tickets made by hand and payment directly to a person. These, for instance, is information that
DESIGNA must know, in order to evaluate their possibilities inside those markets.
For this reason, we searched for this information in the big cities where we thought it would be
easier to find. Unfortunately, this was not the result and we had to look for a different method of
research. Consequently, we designed two questionnaires with 12 questions. These
questionnaires have been separated in two main fields with the purpose of being send to:
Car parking operators
Car parking retailers
It was necessary to separate them because, from each one, we need to have different
information. We have consulted the DESIGNA staff about our ideas and they gave us a positive
feedback about them. As a result, we wrote the following questions:
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Questionnaire for car parking operators:
1. What kind of technology are you currently using?
a. Manual
b. Semi-automatic
c. Automatic
d. Other: _____________________
With the results of this question we have made a statistic of how many parkings use some kind
of technology or any. For the countries where the statistic shows a major number of parking
operating manually, the possibilities for DESIGNA are higher.
2. Who is the manufacturer of these systems?
a. Amano
b. Federal APD
c. Scheidt & Bachmann
d. Skidata
e. Other (Please specify): __________________
This question gave us an idea of how the main competitors of the company are situated on the
markets we analyzed. For DESIGNA, this indicates the possibility to enter those markets in the
same manner the competitors did.
3. From whom do you purchase those systems?
a. Direct from the manufacture
b. Through their head office or subsidiaries
c. From a local distributor
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d. Other (please specify) __________________
This question provided us with information about existing retailers in those places or the
methods the competitors are actually using to sell their products there.
4. What are the main reasons for purchasing these technologies?
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Easy contact with distributor
d. Another reason: __________________________
It is necessary to know the strengths of the competitors, in order to improve DESIGNA’s
strengths (if they have to) and to compare their products with DESIGNA’s products and services.
5. For how long have you been using these technologies?
a. 0 – 5 years
b. 6 – 10 years
c. 11 – 15 years
d. More than 15 years: __________________
As a result of this and the last question, we were able to evaluate for how long have the
competitors been into those markets and how the car parking operators response to their
6. How many parking do you operate?
a. 1- 3 parking
b. 4 – 5 parking
c. 6 – 10 parking
d. More than 10 parking: ______________
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With the results of this question we got an idea of the size of the market
7. What is the average size of the parking you operate?
a. 0 – 50 slots
b. 51 – 100 slots
c. 101 -150 slots
d. 150 -200 slots
e. More than 200 slots: _______________
This is one of the most important questions, depending of the size of the parking, DESIGNA will
offer a certain product of their brand, for example, if the parking has less than 50 slots then the
best option is SLIMPARK, otherwise, PM ABACUS will be the right option.
8. For how long have you been in the market?
a. 0 – 5 years
b. 6 – 10 years
c. 11 -11 years
d. 16 – 20 years
e. More than 20 years: _____________
With this question, we could see the evolution of the car parking in the different countries, if the
majorities are between 0 and 5; it means a growth on the market.
9. Do you know DESIGNA and its range of products and services?
a. Yes
b. No
In case of negative answers, DESIGNA should start making a marketing campaign in those
countries they decide to open their market.
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10. Are you interested in getting information about DESIGNA and its range of products and
a. Yes
b. No
This is a way to let the car parking operators know about DESIGNA, their products and their
11. For feedback purposes please indicate the name of the company you represent. (Optional)
There are many companies which prefer not to give the name. But, the ones which wrote it, have
been registered in a data base we prepared for DESIGNA
12. Finally, if you have any question, please write it down and leave us a contact address or
number and our team will be happy to answer it as fast as possible.
The last part of the questionnaire gave the car parking operators the possibility to ask us about
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Questionnaire for car parking system retailers
1. What kind of technology are you currently selling?
a. Semi-automatic
b. Automatic
With the results of this question, we got to know what kind of technology is more common in
those countries.
2. Who produces those systems?
a. Amano
b. Federal APD
c. Scheidt & Bachmann
d. Skidata
e. Other: _______________________
This showed us which of the main competitors is selling more products in South America and
Eastern Europe.
3. For how long have you been selling these technologies?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10-15 Years
d. More than 15 Years
The answer of this question indicates quality of products, client satisfaction and shows how good
the association between producers and retailers is.
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4. What is your target market?
a. Big parking (more than 5 units/gates)
b. Small parking (less than 5 units/gates)
Just as the question number 7 in the questionnaire for car parking operators, this has clarified
the products DESIGNA should offer.
5. For which kind of projects are you selling these products?
a. Airports
b. Hospitals
c. Malls
d. Hotels
e. Other: ________________________________
Comparing the retailer’s references with DESIGNA’s references, we could evaluate their
possibilities into those markets.
6. Could you please name some big projects you have been involved in?
These are also references that helped us to know what kind of clients this company has and
analyze if it worth for DESIGNA to make business with them.
7. How many products do you sell per year?
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This is one of the most important questions for us; it gave us an idea of how big the company is
and have an idea of their turnover.
8. For how long have you been in the market?
a. 0-10 Years
b. 10-25 Years
c. More than 25 Years
The answer of this question indicates the growth of the market.
9. What are the main reasons for selling these technologies?
As a result of this, we had evaluated the competitor’s strengths.
10. Are you interested in getting some information about DESIGNA, its technologies and
a. Yes
b. No
We had offered some information about DESIGNA, due to the fact that is “new company” in
those markets and most of the companies have never heard about it.
11. Do you have any questions for us? Please do not hesitate to contact us
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To conclude the questionnaire, we gave the companies the possibility to contact with us, in case
they want to have more information or want to know the results of our statistics.
In order to make some successful statistics, we have used a website which allows us to have a
register of all the answers online, offering 15 different types of graphics for each question. Also,
it also makes easier for the companies to give an answer because they do not have the
necessity of printing the questionnaire, scan it and send it again.
With the purpose of send both questionnaires to the different countries, it was necessary to
translate them in different languages:
As a consequence, we have six questionnaires for all the possible contacts.
We have sent a letter of presentation attaching the link to the questionnaire. Those letters are
available in the Appendix 18 and Appendix 19. Also, the following links are the different
questionnaires in each language:
Car Parking Operators, English
Car Parking Operators, Spanish
Car Parking System Retailers, English
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Car Parking System Retailers, Spanish
Car Parking System Retailers, Bulgarian
Car Parking Operators, Portuguese
More important than preparing the questionnaire, was finding enough contacts in order to send it
to the car parking operators and the car parking system retailers. We have searched for possible
contacts in the eight countries we chose and this research was basically made via internet,
searching in the yellow pages and the official websites of the main cities of each country.
Once we finished the research, we prepared a list with possible contacts and presented it to the
DESIGNA staff. It was necessary for us to have their feedback before we send the questionnaire
and for them it was equally important to have knowledge about the contacts because we had to
use the name of the company and in some cases that would not be convenient for them.
As a result, they advised us not to contact companies which may actually be competitors
although, we can get some answers, they could provide us with wrong information on purpose to
make our research unsuccessful.
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However, in the list we got from the yellow pages, there were many companies without a contact
email, the only possibility of contact was through telephone calls and as we knew how difficult it
is to have a conversation for more than 3 minutes with someone from a company, we decided
that the best way to reach them was calling, in order to ask for an email. Afterwards, we sent a
letter of presentation with the link directly to the questionnaire in the corresponding language of
the country.
In total, we have sent 60 emails to the different contacts. To have a register of those emails, we
made a database, separate by countries, including the name of the company, the telephone
number and the contact email. Besides, it includes the companies which whom the contact was
not possible to reach.
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Table 11 Contact list for Argentina
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Table 12 Contact list for Brazil
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Table 13 Contact list for Colombia
Table 14 Contact list for Mexico
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Table 15 Contact list for Bulgaria and Ukraine
Result of the questionnaire
As a result from the 60 questionnaires we have sent, we got 12% of answers from the car
parking operators. This percentage is not the best we could get but it is enough it has provided
us with invaluable information. Below, we split those answers in graphics:
1. What kind of technology are you currently using?
Figure 41 Result of question 1
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Through this chart we can see that there are many parking working without any technology, that
means those parking are operated manually. On the other hand, there is a 33% of semi
automatic parking and a small percentage of totally automatic. This results is a good indicator for
DESIGNA, they could take advantage of this fact to sell their products in those parking where
the technologies will be needed.
2. Who is the manufacturer of these systems?
Figure 42 Result of question 2
The result of this question has given us information that we did not have before. It is clear that
the main competitors like Amano and Skidata are in those countries and it proves that there is
an existing market there.
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3. From whom do you purchase those systems?
Figure 43 Result of question 3
The car parking operators can buy their hardware directly from the manufacturer but it is more
common and easy to buy them from a local distributor. Accordingly, there are possible retailers
which might be interesting for DESIGNA to contact.
4. What are the main reasons for purchasing these technologies?
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Figure 44 Result of question 4
This result shows the facilities that the car parking operators have to contact the distributors. As
a consequence, the distributors must have a qualified selling system and knowledge of the
5. For how long have you been using these technologies?
Figure 45 Result of question 5
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On the other hand, the car parking operators have not used the technologies for more than ten
years, this means that the competitors have not been into those markets for a long time.
6. How many parking do you operate?
Figure 46 Result of question 6
This answer helped us to get to know the size of the market. From these results we can deduce
that, in those countries, there are many parking build as a family business, reason why they do
not manage more than three parking.
7. What is the average size of the parking you operate?
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Figure 47 Result of question 7
This is one of the most important indicators for DESIGNA, it shows that 50% of the parking have
less than 100 slots, in consequence, they have possibilities to sell more products from
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8. For how long have you been in the market?
Figure 48 Result of question 8
Despite the fact that there has been parking for more than 20 years, is also possible to see that
there is a growing market in those countries.
9. Do you know DESIGNA and its range of products and services?
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Figure 49 Result of question 9
As we knew before, DESIGNA had not made any contact with those countries, as a
consequence, this is an unknown company for them.
10. Are you interested in getting information about DESIGNA and its range of products
and services?
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Figure 50 Result of question 10
As mentioned previously, the car parking operators who answered this questionnaire, have their
parking as a family business, reason why they do not want information from DESIGNA but there
is the possibility to get to them by making a marketing campaign and having direct contact with
11. For feedback purposes please indicate the name of the company you represent.
- City car
- Rodriguez y compañia
- Aritec SA
- Eduardo Sanchez & Asoc
To conclude; the most important is the knowledge of the growing market in those countries. The
main competitors have already set a business there but there are possibilities to find retailers
which might be interested in some other technologies. Despite the difficulties to contact them,
the data base we gave to DESIGNA will be useful in case they decide to go into those countries.
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Regarding DESIGNA’s possibilities, we can say that SLIMPARK will be the most successful
product there; nevertheless, DESIGNA needs to show its services and references to be known
as one of the most important companies in the car parking systems industry.
Language barrier: During our research we faced language problem because of the fact that
our research included gathering data from countries using 6 different languages, and all that
information that we were trying to find is written in the following languages: English,
Bulgarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Belarusian. When we attacked the second
objective of our plan, which is analysis of Eastern European and Latin American markets for
car parking systems, Nicole found some difficulties during her online research and the
phone interviews in Brazil because of the fact that she speaks English and Spanish, but in
Brazil spoken language is Portuguese. Heike faced many difficulties with the research on
Romania and Belarus and as a result of that she couldn’t find some of the indicators. Georgi
also was in a similar situation about Ukraine. Like the others, he couldn’t find some of the
indicators even when he speaks Bulgarian which is quite close language to the Ukrainian.
Not enough information on the matter in Google, for example missing few indicators: The
East European countries are not used to publish information about the infrastructure and
city planning online, which made our research very slow and even with a lot of missing
indicators. Also it is not easy to find information about cities with population less than 1
million, and only 2 cities out of 16 in our research for Eastern Europe have more inhabitants
than 1 million.
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Different time-zones: causing difficulties making phone interviews with Latin America. In
order to contact potential car parking operators and retailers Nicole had to stay in the office
until 18:00 because at that time in Latin America is morning.
To contact car parking operators for Nicole it was possible only in Argentina, where she
made approximately 30 calls and just got 8 e-mails back to send the questionnaire, most of
the people didn’t have time, didn’t have an e-mail and also the majority didn’t answer the
phone at all.
No recent information. Some of the information is from 2009 even 2005.
Different data on the matter in the different sources.
We had to use information from unofficial sources like forums and news articles.
Incomplete information and missing information. For example when we tried to find the
number of commuters.
Sometimes we didn’t even know the date of the publication and the source of this
During our research for the company strengths, Georgi could not find the indicators online
for the biggest potential competitor in Ukraine called CAME S.p.A. That’s why he had to
phone them and ask but he got rejected again, telling him that they don’t have time to
answer questions such as how many people work within the company and so on. That
problem led him to leave CAME S.p.A. and analyse FAAC S.p.A.
Sometimes no web-sites at all, for example the smaller airports in Belarus and some
parking in Latin America especially in Argentina.
A lot of the people that we have contacted (around 30 questionnaires sent and 7 answers
received) during our research phase refused to give information. ( This problem was
Occupied with English lectures: Heike, Daniel and Nicole,
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Occupied with German course: Daniel, Nicole and Georgi.
Occupied with additional lectures (Strategic Management and Marketing): Georgi. All these
extra activities, we have to agree that take huge amount of time and energy, which in real
scenario, could be spend on project work.
Old Microsoft version in DESIGNA leading to problems and making the team to use their
own laptops. All the computers in our office are with Microsoft office packet 2003 which is
very different from 2010 which all know how to use. Having this office also reflected if we
were working from home, at the beginning we were forgetting to save the document in 2003
version and we couldn’t open them at work.
Our own laptops cannot be plugged in DESIGNA’s internet network.
We received a flip chart a month after our kick-off in DESIGNA and before that it was
difficult for us to draw our weekly plan on small pieces of paper.
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3. General conclusion and recommendations for DESIGNA
Due to the analysis result of the portfolio by the McKinsey criteria, Brazil is the most
attractive country between the studied countries, because it is the one which has the
biggest market size, it is the most attractive and apparently it is a market where the
company is strong. For more and detailed information about those results, please read the
chapter “Detailed analysis of market indicators for each country”.
Even if Ukraine is not, from the McKinsey matrix, the best placed country for investment,
we think that, because of the European Football Cup in 2012 and the big investments
oriented to the renovation in infrastructure in this country, it should be also a target market
for DESIGNA, but, there is only one year remaining for developing an entry strategy. It is
important to consider that there is not much time remaining to enter, but if they do, they will
have strong references, becoming a more attractive car parking systems manufacturer
We recommend to read the whole chapter “Detailed analysis of market indicators for each
country” but here there are the main conclusions about each country:
“Argentina is a country where DESIGNA can find partners for the car parking
systems but they will face many difficulties because there are many competitors and
the fees for the public transport are cheap. Besides, Argentina is still recovering
from its 2002 crisis and it will take a few years until economy gets regulated, in this
case, will be better to wait for a couple of years and focus in the opportunities they
may have in Brazil.”
“Despite the difficulties DESIGNA may face, we still recommend them to try to find
partners in Brazil; it is the best time to make business in this country not only
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because of the World Cup in 2014 and all that it entails, but also for its swift develop
and growth and the fact that the competitors are not so strong due to the size of the
“It has to be said also that the presence of big American groups in Mexico is a fact
but also it is important to notice that Skidata and Amano are present in this market
which means that this is not a closed market and that the entrance is an option.”
“We consider, however, that the entrance into South American markets should be a
priority before considering the entrance in the Center of America because of the
actual opportunities that may facilitate the entrance in those markets i.e. the World
Football Cup 2012 in Brazil and the project of renovation of the Colombian
International airport “El Dorado” among others.”
“Even if there is hurry to enter into this market, there are some of the most important
manufacturer groups of Car Parking Systems like Amano and Skidata selling their
products in the biggest cities and there are some other local producers like Global
Control Systems LTDA among others. It may be wise to contact directly the big Car
parking operators like Parking International, City-Parking SA and Aparcar SA
because they are those who can actually need the company’s product”
“As a general recommendation I say that Bulgaria is not an attractive market for
DESIGNA GmbH because:
In the last 5-6 years there were built too many shopping centres and there is not
such a demand at the moment. As you can see in Appendix 1, the national
minimum salary in Bulgaria is 120 euro, and this money is barely enough for food
and bills. The unemployment rates are very high also exceeding 10%. The petrol
prices are very high, compared to the lifestyle and how much the people earn; many
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people prefer to use public transport instead of their private cars. The parking prices
especially in Sofia are so high, leading many people to keep their cars in a garage
and travel by public transport.”
“Considering all the indicators, there is to say that if you want to invest in Romania it
is definitely recommended to start in Bucharest. The huge gap of population
between the capital and the other Romanian cities leads to the conclusion, that
there are much more building projects in the capital than in the other cities. But
Bucharest also has one of the best working public transport systems in Europe,
which a lot of people are using. Romania is an open developing European country
and the competitors which already entered the market show that there is a market.
However, the size of the market is the question because there are these huge
differences between the cities. However, a market entry in Bucharest could be worth
considering, but there are not many possibilities to widen the business to whole
“As we experienced during our research, getting information about Belarus is quite
difficult, therefore, the results we got are not very meaningful. But even with this few
numbers we can conclude, that the market for car parking systems in Belarus is not
very big. Furthermore, the political situation in Belarus has to be considered, with
the political way President Alexander Lukashenko is taking, new sanctions of the
European Union and the USA against Belarus are probable to come. On the one
hand, there are many prestige building projects especially in Minsk, but on the other
hand the government is likely to support their state-owned companies to get the
contracts. Overall, we wouldn’t recommend to enter the Belarusian market.”
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4. Bibliography & references
State of the art of the car parking technologies(inter-mobility)
• 21.03.2011, 21.03.2011 23.03.2011 22.03.2011
bile-gate/Mobile.Gate-en.pdf 23.03.2011 24.03.2011
Evolution in the transport structure
Shell Pkw-Szenarien bis 2030, Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Hamburg, 2009
Eurostat, 21.03.2011
United Nations Population Division, DESA (2007): World Population Prospects: The 2006
Revision, 04.04.2011
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Flensburg, 25.03.2011
Urbanisation and legislation
•, 21.03.2011, 22.03.2011, 22.03.2011, 22.03.2011
Romania and Belarus
• , 28.03.2011
, 28.03.2011 , 28.03.2011 , 28.03.2011
om=&ucat=4& , 29.03.2011 , 28.03.2011
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2011 , 29.03.2011 , 06.04.2011 , 06.04.2011 , 06.04.2011 , 06.04.2011 , 06.04.2011 30.03.2011 30.03.2011 , 29.03.2011 (Public Transport Bucharest),
27.04.2011 (Number of
cars Cluj-Napoca), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport Cluj-Napoca),
27.04.2011 (Public Transport Iasi), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport Timisoara),
27.04.2011 (Number of cars Bucharest), 27.04.2011 (Bucharest airports), 27.04.2011 (Iasi
Airport), 27.04.2011 (Cluj-Napoca Airport), 27.04.2011 (Timisoara Airport),
27.04.2011 (Minsk National Airport), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport Minsk), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport Gomel), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport Mogilev),
27.04.2011 (Public Transport Vitebsk), 27.04.2011 (Public Transport statistics Bucharest), 27.04.2011 (Bucharest Metro), 28.04.2011 (Public transport Iasi), 28.04.2011 (passengers public
transport Minsk), 28.04.2011 (passengers public
transport Mogilev), 28.04.2011 (public transport Mogilev), 28.04.2011
- 121 -
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(parking prices), 29.04.2011
•, 31.03.2011 - number of cars in Sofia, 31.03.2011 - number of cars in sofia, 31.03.2011 - construction of a stadium in Varna, 31.03.2011
-visok_bvp_ot_sredniia_za/ - GDP Sofia, 31.03.2011 - construction of four big parking’s in Sofia,
31.03.2011 - Plovdiv, 31.03.2011 - Varna, 31.03.2011 - Sofia, 31.03.2011
Information about Kharkiv (population, city land, transportation and esc)
•, 30.03.2011, 30.03.2011, 30.03.2011
Information about Kiev
•, 29.03.2011, 29.03.2011, 29.03.2011, 29.03.2011,29.03.2011, 29.03.2011,29.03.2011, 29.03.2011,
29.03.2011, 29.03.2011
Information about Odessa
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2011, 28.03.2011
Information about Lviv
•, 28.03.2011
Information about Donesk
•, 28.03.2011, 28.03.2011, 28.03.2011
Marketing research for the Eastern Europe and Latin-America
• 30.03.2011
• 31.03.2011
• 05.04.2011
• 29.03.2011
• 07.04.2011
• 05.04.2011
• 28.03.2011
• 28.03.2011
• 30.03.2011
• 29.03.2011
ml 28.03.2011
• 30.03.2011
• 30.03.2011
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ema_para_construcciones_antisismicas&id=794 31.03.2001
• 31.03.2011
• 04.04.2011
• 04.04.2011
• 04.04.2011
Sources without outcome for Romania and Belarus: Official Website of Gomel, Information only in Belarussian,
28.03.2011,en/ : Official Website of Mogilev,
29.03.2011 : Official Website of Vitebsk, Only in Belarussian, 29.03.2011 : Official Website of Cluj-Napoca, Information in
Romanian, 28.03.2011 : Official Website of Timisoara,29.03.2011 : Ministry of Transport and Communications of the
Republic of Belarus, 30.03.2011 : Official Website of Iasi,
29.03.2011 : Ministry of Economy of the
Republic of Belarus, 30.03.2011 :National Company for Motorways and National Roads in
Romania, 27.04.2011 , 27.04.2011
2009/ , 27.04.2011 :State-owned enterprise BELAERONAVIGATSIA, 27.04.2011 only in Belarusian, 28.04.2011 : Public Transport Company in Cluj-Napoca only in
Romanian, 28.04,2011
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5. Appendix
APPENDIX 1 CHART OF INDICATORS ..................................................................................................... - 126 APPENDIX 2 LIST OF COMPETITORS ...................................................................................................... - 138 APPENDIX 3 PLANNING ....................................................................................................................... - 150 APPENDIX 4 RACI’S MATRIX ............................................................................................................... - 151 APPENDIX 5 FIRST WEEKLY REPORT ..................................................................................................... - 152 APPENDIX 6 SECOND WEEKLY REPORT ................................................................................................. - 158 APPENDIX 7 THIRD WEEKLY REPORT .................................................................................................... - 159 APPENDIX 8 FORTH WEEKLY REPORT ................................................................................................... - 159 APPENDIX 9 FIFTH WEEKLY REPORT ..................................................................................................... - 159 APPENDIX 10 SIXTH WEEKLY REPORT ................................................................................................... - 160 APPENDIX 11 SEVENTH WEEKLY REPORT .............................................................................................. - 160 APPENDIX 12 EIGHTH WEEKLY REPORT ................................................................................................ - 160 APPENDIX 13 CE LEGISLATION ............................................................................................................ - 162 APPENDIX 14 FUTURE CONSTRUCTIONS IN UKRAINE .............................................................................. - 166 APPENDIX 15 NATURALLY BALANCED ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS ............................................................... - 171 APPENDIX 16 BALANCED ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS, EIGHT COUNTRIES .................................................... - 178 APPENDIX 17 BALANCED ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS, SIXTEEN CITIES – LATIN AMERICA .............................. - 184 APPENDIX 18 LETTER AND QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CAR PARKING OPERATORS ............................................ - 194 APPENDIX 19 LETTER AND QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CAR PARKING RETAILER ................................................ - 196 -
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Appendix 1 Chart of indicators
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Appendix 2 List of competitors
Controlar eléctronica Ltda
o Web site:
o Address: Calle 64C N° 97a-41
o Phone: +57 1 7912566
o Web site:
o Address: Calle 64C N° 97a-41
o Phone: +57 1 5447391
o e-mail:
o Web site:
o Address: Carrera 19C N° 86-30 Antigua Country
o Phone: +57 1 (6109200)-(6109191)
o e-mail:
o Annotations: Exclusive distributor for Colombia of NICE, the Italian company
APRIMATIC and also the Italian company DITEC.
Aparcar Ltda
o Web site:
o Address: Crr 85 N° 17-21
o Phone: +57 1 (2343434)-(7676767)
o e-mail:
o Annotations: They use the AUTOPARK® system which is a brand from the
Global Control Systems company
Global Control Systems LTDA
o Web site:
o Address:
o Phone: +57 1
o e-mail:
o Annotations: I tried to contact the company using this e-mail address but it
doesn’t work and the website is under construction (05/04/2011)
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
o Web site:
o Address: Cr 43A N° 1A Sur-29
o Phone: +57 4 (6041841)-(6041842)-(6041963)
+57 318 7070901 Bogotá
+57 317 4326040 Cartagena
+57 318 3118587 The rest of the country
o e-mail:
o Annotations: I have been contacting a lot of Colombian companies in the last two
days and I fall over this company OleParking in Medellín. The commercial
responsible Omar Felipe Moreno answered my e-mail really quickly and seams to
be interested in the DESIGNA products but he told me that they have already got
contact with you and with Mr Bernd Michael Von Stumberg whom I know doesn’t
work anymore in the company.
ING DIT (ingenio digital)
o Web site:
o Address: Cr 38 N° 9-32
o Phone: +57 1 7319544
o e-mail:
o Annotations: The main product of this company are the biometrical systems so
they can became retailers for DESIGNA
MASENET LTDA [Related with Adceda Systems Ltda]
o Web site:
o Address: Cr 36 N° 25-40
o Phone: +57 1 (3681814)-(3685658)-(2443373)
+57 311 8984663
o e-mail:
o Annotations:
o Web site:
o Address: Transv. 113F N° 64-31
o Phone: +57 1 14401298
o e-mail:
o Annotations: I´ve already seen this brand on the street
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
o Web site:
o Address:Cr 19 N° 7-50
o Phone: +57 1 4083787
o e-mail:
o Annotations:
JV Parking {From JV inversiones}
o Web site:
o Address: cr. 46 N° 93-15
o Phone: +57 1 4813750
o e-mail: @
o Annotations: They are related to Italian and North-American systems but I don’t
know the name of the companies
o Web site:
o Address: Cr 36 N° 25-40
o Phone: +57 1 (7538510)-(3440129)-(3408608)
o e-mail:
o Annotations: ADCEDA is the agent of DATA PARK INC, the North-American
group in Colombia and is also the agent of AMANO Mc GANN, the Japanese
group. The company is also related with Inger Soll Rand Co. and Acrosoft LLC,
both of theme from US.
APD de Colombia S.A.
o Web site:
o Address: Cr. 58 128 B-25
o Phone: +57 1 2719689
o e-mail:
o Annotations: APD works with MABIC technologie which is an Spanish company,
it is also related with Tomsed Corporation, Gateway Ticket System and Apollo
Securyty System Colombia
o Web site:
o Address: Cr. 85b N° 24-16
o Phone: +57 1 4161265
o e-mail:
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Castaliz LTDA
o Web site:
o Address:Cll 154 15-24 Villa Magdala
o Phone: +57 1 333333662
o e-mail:
o Annotations:
Automatic Parking Devices de Colombia SA
o Web site:
o Address: Cr 58 128 B 25
o Phone: +57 1 6208820
o e-mail:
o Annotations:
Controles Inteligentes LTDA
o Web site:
o Address: Call 100 17°-36 of 201
o Phone: +57 1 6219262
o e-mail:
o Annotations: They produce apparently their own devices and more important
even is that they are the suppliers of one of the biggest parking companies in
Colombia, Parking International
o Web site:
o Address: Calle José Frontera 2050 – A Col. Florida,
Monterrey NL CP 64810
o Phone: +52 8183597105
o e-mail:
o Annotations: They say in their web site that they sell the best devices from
ISISA {Internacional de sistemas de identificación, seguridad y administracion SA de CV}
o Web site:
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Address: Dr cross N° 460 Nte
Monterrey, NL Mexico CP 64000
Phone: +52 (83432002)-(83432003)
+52 18002847472
Fax: +52 83431197
Annotations: ISISA use equipments from Secom International INC from the US
Secom International INC
Los Angeles
9610 Bellanca Avenue
Los Angeles. CA 90045
o Web site:
o Address: Prisciliano Elizando N° 1211 Co
Francisco Madero CP 64560
o Phone: +52 181(83549899)-(835531343)
o e-mail:
o Annotations: They don´t use any automatic device bur they can probably do it
because they work in the adecuation of parking areas
Access Kontroll Technology
o Web site:
o Address 1: Vereda de tamarindos N° 320, Col Victoria
Guadalupe, NL Mexico
o Phone 1: +52 8183585050
o Address 2: Javier Rojo Gómez N° 514 Col.
Guadalupe del Moral, Mexico DF
o Phone 2: +52 5556866566
o e-mail:
o Annotations: They have made the parking of the international Airport of
Monterrey and they are the main distributors of SKIDATA in Mexico
Sistema Nacional de Operación de Estacionamientos
o Web site:
o Address 1: Cd. Juárez
o Phone 1: +52 16566182238
o Address 2: Guadalajara
o Phone 2: +52 3338232216
o Address 3: Mazatlán
o Phone 3: +52 6699130061
o Address 4: Mexico DF
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Phone 4: +52 55331528
Address 5: Monterrey
Phone 5: +52 8183404603
Annotations: Use of Magnetic Autocontrol hardware
Grupo Besser Amaro
o Web site:
o Address: Av. Niños Heroes 1102, esq. Donato Guerra
CP 44180
o Phone: +52 3336135820
o e-mail:
o Annotations:
Proytec S.R.L.
o Web site:
o Address: Villate 4155, Munro
Buenos Aires
Phone: +54 11 51971583
Address 2: ItLa Perla Malagueño
Phone 2: +54 3514982847
Sictranscore Latinoamerica
Sistemas Integrados de Control S.A.
Web site:
Address: Santa Rosa 1718 - Florida - B1602CKF
Pcia Buenos Aires - Argentina
Phone: +54-11-4791-1161
o Web site:
o Address: Santo Domingo 2708
C. A. de Buenos Aires - Argentina - C1293AGH
o Phone: 054 - 011- 4303-6505 / 054 - 011 - 4303-6436
o Email:
- 143 -
International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
o Web site:
o Address: Francisco Acuña de Figueroa 544
Buenos Aires – Argentina
o Phone: (+5411)4863-5700
Desarrollo Especial S.R.L.
o Web site:
o Address: Galicia 361 (C1414EBE)
Buenos Aires – Argentina
o Phone: (5411)4854-5125
o Email:
Inexcel S.R.L.
o Web site:
o Address: Viamonte 1716-5º Piso of.24
o 1055-Buenos Aires
o Phone: (+5411)4373-4584
o Email:
Dinap SRL
o Web site:
o Address: Perú 1042
Buenos Aires
o Phone: (+5411)4300-3217
o Phone 2: (+11)14-5637-3630
o Email:
o Web site:
o Address: Hipolito Yrigoyen 1516 Piso 6
Buenos Aires
o Phone: (+5411)5415-7807
o Email:
NEW Sistemas e Equipamentos para Comércio, Estacionamiento, Segurança.
o Web site:
o Phone: (+55)(21)2656-2043
o Phone 2: (+55)(21)3770-6143
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Magnetic Autocontrol LTDA
o Web site:
o Address: Rua Lauzane, 599
04782-010-Sao Paulo
o Web site:
o Address: Rua Padre João Gonçalves, 131
CEP 05432-040 - Pinheiros
São Paulo – SP
Phone: +55 11 5660-8500
Phone 2: +55 11 5668-9613
Phone: (11) 3812-2002 | 2ª a 6ª, das 8h às 17h
Phone 2: (11) 9286-2292 | Apoio 24 horas
Flora Park
o Web site:
o Address: Rua XV de Novembro, 229
Sl.32 - Centro, Sorocaba-SP
o Phone: (15) 3232-2555
o Email:
Swarco Traffic, Hungary
o Web site:
o Address: H-1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 150.
o Phone: +36-1-8830924 F. +36-1-8830960
o Email:
GREEN Center s.r.o. :
o Web site:
o Address: Zenklova 39
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
o Phone: +420 266 090 090 Fax: +420 266 311 069
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Web site:
Address: Via Calari, 10
40069 Zola Predosa(BO) Italy
Phone: +39 051 61724 Fax: +39 051 758518
Villa Pro s.r.o.:
Web site:
Address: Chrapčiakova 1
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Phone: +421 (0) 534196171
Annotations: Romania representative: D I E X I M E U A R S.R.L . ,
Phone 2: 40 722711638
Metric Group LTD:
o Web site:
o Address: Westmead Industrial State
Westlea, Swindon
Phone: +44 (0)1793 647821 Fax: +44 (0)1793 647821
o Web site:
o Address: Via Calari, 10
40069 Zola Predosa (BO)
o Phone: 0039 051 61724 Fax. 0039 051 758518
o Email:
o Web site:
o Address: гр. ПЛОВДИВ
ул. Богомил 30
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Phone: 032/ 63 55 67
GSM: 0888/ 630 840
o Email:
o Website:
o Address: Via Calari, 10
40069 Zola Predosa,
Bologna – Italy
Phone: +3905161724
Fax: 0039051758518
o Website:
o Address: 30 Bogomil Street,
Plovdiv- Bulgaria
Phone: +359 888 630 840
Annotations: Official representative for Bulgaria of the Italian company FAAC
o Website:
o Address: Via Capitello, 45
36066 Sandrigo (VI), Italy
Phone: +39 0444 751030
Fax: +39 0444 759 728
o Website:
o Address: 102 Oborishte Street, Sofia
Phone: +359 29442236
Fax: +359 29442256
Annotations: Subsidiary of Beninca in Bulgaria.
• SAAV- Bulgaria
o Website:
o Address: Boulevard “P. Qvorov” 60, Sofia- Bulgaria
o Phone: +359 896 693 159
o E-mail:
o Fax: 02 962 78 78
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International market research for DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH
Annotations: Distributor of Beninca products in Bulgaria.
• BFT S.p.A
o Website:
o Address: Via di Vico, 44
36015 Schio (VI) – Italy
o Phone: 0445 696511
o E-mail:
• Rimpex
o Website:
o Address: 23 A Liublqna Street, flat 1
o Phone: (02) 9559296
o E-mail:
o Annotations: BFT SPA partner in Bulgaria
• Came Group- Italy
o Website:
o Address: Via Martiri della Liberta, 15
31031 Dosson di Casier
Treviso- Italy
o Phone: +39 04224940
• Assist- Bulgaria
o Website:
o Address: Sofia 1331, Boulevard Europe 176, Bulgaria
o Phone: (02) 824 1 824
o Annotations: Distributor of Came in Bulgaria.
• TOB “CAME Ukraine”
o Website:
o Address: 03141, Kiev, “M. Amosova 2, office 4
o Phone: (044) 270 48 18
o E-mail:
o Annotations: Official representative in Ukraine of the Italian company CAME
Cancelli Automatici
• Syntech- Ukraine
o Website:
o Address: 02002, Marina Raskovoi, 21, floor 3, Kiev- Ukraine
o Phone: (044) 531-93-23
o E-mail:
o Annotations: Distributor of parking systems ORION ZAEG in Ukraine ( FAAC
company took over ZAEG)
• VIrtech- Ukraine
o Website:
o Address: 03127, Kiev
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o 150 A Zabolotnogo Street
o Phone: (044) 222 664 35850012
o Annotations: Works with Came systems , NICE systems and BFT
• OOO Lemus
o Website:
o Address: Kiev
o Phone: (044) 353 66 70
o E-mail:
o Annotations: Operates with CAME AND NICE systems
• Parking Bud Service
o Website:
o Address: Autoparkova 7 street, Kiev- Ukraine, 02121
o Phone: 044 563 9165
o Annotations: Waiting for more details.
• GREEN Center s.r.o.
o Website:
o Address: Zenkova 39, 180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
o Phone : +420 266 090 090
o E-mail:
o Website:
o Address: 227 Botevgradsko shoes boulevard,
1517 Sofia- Bulgaria
o Phone: +359 2 945 4885
o E-mail:
Address: 03680, 72 Qmskaq street,
Kiev- Ukraine
o Phone: +380 (44) 461 79 69
Annotations: FAAC and CAME products.
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Appendix 3 Planning
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Appendix 4 RACI’s Matrix
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Appendix 5 First weekly report
This report will be divided in two parts which are a brief summary of the Friday’s training session
and the new program proposed by the team to face the objectives of the project.
1. Friday’s training session
The training session was oriented to give us an overview of the DESIGNA products and
services, how they work and how they are improving them in order to respond to the costumers
requirements. In that order, we will first of all describe the basic car parking structure to get
finally into the detail of each one of the company products.
The car parking structure:
For the naked eye there is nothing incredibly strange in the way we park every day; you arrive to
the parking entrance, take the ticket from the machine and before leaving, if you are one from
the 95% of good people, you will probably go to the pay point (or pay machine) and pay the
fares to make the barrier to open (as you can see in the figure 1), but as a matter of facts, there
is always a 5% of people that will try to leave the park yard without paying the ticket and some
employees from the parking that will happily help them to leave it for a few Euros.
Figure 1: Traditional Parking structure
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There is nothing more problematic if you are a parking owner, than people using your business
for free, but fortunately there are some improvements made not only to avoid that to happen but
also to offer clients a better, faster and more comfortable service thanks to a whole new
structure showed in the figure 2.
Figure 2: New Parking structure
This new structure is linked by a TCPIP net (standard communication web) to have a normalized
and cheap connection and to let the main server to be connected to the WWW (Word Wide
Web) so it can be controlled in a virtual plane. Furthermore, thanks to the telecommunication
improvements there can be park fields all over the word controlled by a main master server
working under the command of really useful and approachable software.
Statistics, warnings, general management and predictions can be done in real time which means
that the controller or even the owner can open a barrier, be informed about a failure on the
system or even program the maintenance schedule of a technician without needing of
displacement. Even the assistance call when you push the information button in the pay
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machine can be answered in another country by the same person that makes the repair
command for another parking elsewhere.
Nevertheless all those improvements were not made only for the parking owners, direct clients
of DESIGNA, but also for the parking users themselves often directly concerned to those
evolutions and more important even principal source of feedback.
The improvements and new features are countless but maybe the most remarkable are:
The license plate reader camera: At the beginning only one more of the new options in
the car parking systems but now required for security reasons in a few countries. The
system is composed by basically a video camera and a image treatment software that
reads the number of license in the front of your car and if its numbers match with a
subscriber number or to a credit card the system automatically enable the entrance of the
car without need of getting out of the car or open the window.
Radar: It is basically composed by a radar from 0,3m to 1,5m range that reads a badge
that the subscriber to a monthly contract has in the review mirror and automatically
opens the barrier allowing the car to get in or out at will.
Credit card direct payment: If you do not want to take a ticket and you also want to pay
with your credit card, a credit card reader is placed in the entrance and exit machines, so
you just have to put your credit card in the machine and it automatically charges the bill
to your bank account.
Furthermore, those advances in the industry have not been made only in the technical level but
also in the way these services are offered to the costumer. Below we list some of those new
services offered by the owners to the costumers thanks to the DESIGNA and other companies in
the market:
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Parking reservation: Now the clients can make the reservation of a parking slot by
calling or by internet and can link the reservation to a license plate or to a credit card.
Parking slot available: Siemens create and put in the market a small gadget, that can
be placed over each parking slot, to show the controller of the parking how many and
which parking slots are available.
iPhone Apps ™: The user can now find their cars or a free slot in a big parking, using
these new and common tool.
Finally but maybe most important improvement is the controlling software development that has
evolved from the point of opening and close the barrier to a full control over the parking structure
and production of statistic analysis to help the owners to identify the source of different results
that normally would be impossible to recognize.
2. New program proposed by the team to face the objectives of the project
First Goal:
Identify the future developments in the car parking industry
1. Evolution of the car parking system industry
New technologies
New services
Change in costumers needs and values
2. Evolution in the transport system in a 5-10-20-50 years horizon
Number of Vehicles
Number of new parking requested
3. Urban and architectural evolution
Urban development program
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Big constructions in the future
4. Changes in law that affect or may affect parking system industry
Future laws {in term of application}
Current laws
1. At least five of each {with a brief analysis}
2. Evolution graphics with analysis
3. Short analysis of the expected city growth and the impact in the parking system industry
4. List of laws that concern the parking system industry
Second Goal:
Analysis of new markets in the car parking system industry
Proposal: To focus the research in the Latin America and Eastern Europe market due to
the nationalities of the team members.
1. Cities
Which cities are interesting?
Why are they interesting?
2. Competitors
Who are they?
Where are they?
What do they offer?
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3. Clients
What do they need/want?
Socio-cultural and economical characteristics
1. List and analysis of 20 to 30 Cities in Eastern Europe and Latin America.
2. List of main competitors in Eastern Europe and Latin America and a brief analysis of their
3. Socio cultural and economic study of client’s usage of at least 20 pages.
Third Goal:
Development of market entry strategies
1. Analysis of the target markets
2. Proposal of entry strategies
Cultural approach
Price rates
Size of the market
2. Approach strategy for a chosen market of at least 10 pages.
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Appendix 6 Second weekly report
This report summarizes the team work over the past week.
As we know every Monday the group has a meeting with their university supervisor in order to
inform her about the progress, any difficulties and feedback for old activities. Also the group this
week started to attack their second goal (Analysis of new markets in the car parking system
industry). During the kick off meeting on the 23 all the senior managers from DESIGNA agreed
the project proposal for focusing the research at Latin America and Eastern Europe markets. So
as follow (due the different origin) Heike and Georgi focused on East Europe and Nicole and
Daniel at Latin America. Thanks to the help of their supervisor they all agreed that like a first
step should find indicators concerning the car parking industry in those new markets and collect
the date in excel document. After this meeting the group made another meeting this time with
some of the people working in the sales and marketing department. Thanks to their help the
group found where DESIGNA has blank spots and where should be focused the research.
Georgi- doing research for Bulgaria and Ukraine, Heike- Romania and Belarus, NicoleArgentina and Brazil, Daniel- Mexico and Columbia. They had to search vie internet indicators
(Population, size of city area, density, public transport, number of cars, cars/1000, GDP, Land
plan and Competitors) concerning the parking industry in the main cities of those countries. In
order to get this information the group interacted with the local languages and had to deal with
Portuguese, Ukrainian, Spanish, Belarusian and Bulgarian.
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Appendix 7 Third weekly report
Appendix 8 Forth weekly report
Appendix 9 Fifth weekly report
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Appendix 10 Sixth weekly report
Appendix 11 Seventh weekly report
Appendix 12 Eighth weekly report
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Appendix 13 CE legislation
CE approval and CE certificate
Products that are brought onto the European market must meet the essential requirements of
the European product CE marking certification directives. The manufacturer or European
importer of products is responsible to follow the essential requirements that are implemented in
the European product directives. Only if the product complies with the essential requirements of
the applicable directive (s) and carried out according the process of CE certification, the CE
mark can be legally affixed to a product.
CE certification experts provide information with regard to the European directives that are
applicable for a product. The CE certification experts can indicate the most efficient manner for
carrying out the CE certification, CE marking and CE approval of a product. After following this
advice the CE mark can be brought onto a product.
Within one day a free quotation can be made for carrying out of complete CE marking
certification, part certification or product testing. (19)
CE Books and CE Software
The CE marking is a mark that should be legally applied to products that must comply to the
European New Approach Directives. The CE marking logo (CE) indicates that the manufacturer,
his authorized representative (situated in the European Union) or importers products from
outside the European Union) of products meet the statutory requirements described in the
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applicable European directive (s). All products with a CE marking have free access to the entire
market within the European Economic Area (EEA). Products that do not comply with the
European directives and are not affixed with the CE marking cannot be legally traded within the
EEA. (20)
CE marking by manufacturer or notified body for CE mark
What is CE marking?
CE marking is a certification mark that must be legally affixed to products that must be in
compliance with the essential requirements out of the European New Approach Directives. 'CE'
stands for 'Conformité Européenne'. With the mark, the manufacturer, his authorized
representative or the importer (also for products imported from outside the European Union)
indicate that the product meets the legal requirements described in the applicable directive (s).
All products bearing the CE marking have free access to the entire market within the European
Economic Area (EEA). Products that are not in compliance with the essential requirements out
of the European Directives and further have no CE marking cannot be legally traded within the
Which countries belong to the European Economic Area (EEA)?
The following countries are part of the European Economic Area (EEA): All EU members.
Who applies the CE-marking?
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This is different for each product. For a large number of products with a low safety risk, the
manufacturer can determine whether it meets the essential requirements out of the related
Directives as long as the procedures are correctly followed.
Products with a higher risk should be tested and verified by an external examination institution,
also known as a Notified Body (Notified Body).The Technical File
The Technical File (TF) contains relevant information that must indicate that the essential
requirements out of the applicable directive (s) have been met. The TF must be available for the
competent authorities of the Member States for at least 10 years after the date of construction of
the machine or, in the series production, the last unit produced. For the manufacturer, his Page
authorized representative or the importer, the TF also is used as technical evidence that can
offer possibilities of defence during a liability claim. The contents of the TF must be in
compliance and in accordance with the directives established for the products. In general a TF
includes the following:
• A general description of the product;
• A risk assessment to identify health and safety requirements on the applicable product;
• Design and fabrication drawings;
• Detailed technical information on key aspects of the product;
• A list of standards and essential requirements that are met;
• reporting of calculations and tests;
• Certificates and test reports;
• User Manual;
• In series production, the internal rules that are adhered to ensure accordance with the Directive
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What penalties exist for non-compliance with the CE marking?
If a product unlawfully is affixed with the CE marking the government has the power to take
economic measures as well as criminal measures. Products can for example be withdrawn from
the market and penalties can be imposed. Based on the law on economic crime the Prosecutor
even imposes imprisonment of manufacturers, importers or its authorized representative. (21)
Planning Chart
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Appendix 14 Future constructions in Ukraine
Project information
Site area: 8100 sq. m.
Total apartment living area: 12883 sq. m.
Number of apartments: 90
Non-residential area: 4598 sq. m.
Parking area: 6580 sq. m.
Number of car parks: more than 177
Class of construction: “Premium-class”
While aristocrats may no longer be a part of our everyday lives the aspiration to the best that life
can offer is in everyone’s dreams. For this reason a new elite hous¬ing development set in the
prestigious centre of Kiev is called the «Aristocrat». This project was worked over labori¬ously
with many adjustments, each fine detail designed to perfection. Pechersk Aristocrat is a luxury
complex of some 90 exclusive apartments set within an ideal location.
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The Pechersk district is situated in the business area of Kiev with panoramic views of the city
and Kiev hills. The district has a developed infrastructure, whilst the development is close to all
amenities such as the children’s cafe, dental clinic, beauty parlour, laundry and dry-cleaning
centre, residents club, billiard hall, children’s game room; elite lady’s wear boutique, exercise
room, even a room for washing dogs and is within walking distance of mainline metro stations.
For leisure time with family or sport activities a quiet internal court yard with wonderful landscape
gardening may be used. The grounds are closed and guarded round the clock. In the court yard
of the house there will be a large children’s game complex, dog exercise area, tennis court and
volleyball court which during winter period turns into a skating rink.
Project design provides that at the lower floors on the Schorsa Street side will be office
premises, including bank and notary office. Parking area will be placed near the office premises.
Residents will be able to put their cars in two-level underground parking (two car places per
apartment are provided for).
Aristocrat provides a range of one to five room apartments featuring 3 meter high ceilings,
stained windows and large glazed verandas to create that open feeling. Each apartment will
have a utility room with washing machine/dryer and ironing board, several storerooms, fitted
wardrobes, at least two bathrooms (three bathrooms for four and five room apartments).
Special attention is paid to the design of the Master bedroom each of which is fitted with
spacious wardrobes and en-suite bathrooms. The Master Bedroom is partitioned somewhat by a
separate door. Moreover, an additional water cleanup system, garbage shredder in the kitchen,
multi-zone air-conditioning system, «intelligent home» service system, integrated multi level
security system, are just some of the advantageous benefits.
Experts in the residential real estate market agree that the main characteristics that determine
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the attractiveness of investments in real estate lie in the location and quality of construction of
the property. Traditionally, property in the Pechersk district are considered to be the most
attractive in Kiev due to the historical and cultural monuments, largest business centre and the
proximity of governmental bodies, museums, theatres, and parks.
High demand for deluxe class housing is caused, on the one hand, by a lack of real estate at such level
(city analysts estimate that only 40-50 % of the segment buyers needs are presently met). Therefore when
we understand that these developments by Pagoda are unique in Kiev and that in a few years from now
there will be no such offers in the market at all then the potential for investors is clear.
Location: Street Timirjazevskaja, 36, Pechersk district, Kiev
Site area: 0,27 hectares
Total building space: 15 660 sq. m. Useful area: 13 213 sq.m.
Number of floors: 9 floors plus under¬ground parking
Number of parking places: 106
Right of site use: contract of rent for 5 years
Is it possible to combine the business dynamics of a major city, the sound of foliage beyond your
window and a blossoming garden? Yes, if this is the Timiriazevsky Centre.
Timiriazevsky – a class A Business Centre will be located in the prestigious Pechersk district of
Kiev at Street Timirjazevskaja 36. This is one of the most respected areas of the capital’s centre,
characterized by its sense of tranquillity. The luxury private residences and the magic beauty of
the Botanical Gardens will surround your business and create the very best working conditions
for your staff.
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Timiriazevsky Business Centre is located on a hill with panoramic views of the Botanical
Gardens of the National Academy of Sciences. Timiriazevsky Business Centre lies on Street
Timirjazevskaya in close proximity to the business hub and with low traffic volumes while at the
same time being close to the main highways of the capital: Street Kikvidze, Avenue Druzhby
Narodov, highway Naddneprovsky. The Business Center has split-level parking located on the
first floor.
The business centre has eight floors of office space offering approximately eleven thousand
sq.m. The open plan lay-out allows maximum flexibility and the rational use of floor space. Each
floor houses five separate office premises with an area ranging from 190 to 500 sq.m. and
equipped with toilets, kitchens and their own reception rooms. Individual terraces enable
employees to enjoy fresh air during working breaks. Total area of office premises on a floor
comprises 1450-1600 sq.m.
Conferences and seminars are held in the main conference hall situated on the ground floor.
Leisure facilities include a billiard hall, spacious cafe, fitness-centre, and SPA complex.
Sophisticated control systems are installed to ensure safety and comfort in the most effective
way and thus achieve minimum consumption of energy and resources.
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Timiriazevsky Business Center will be equipped with fully automated engineering systems as
well as installation of telephones, fiber-optic telecommunication channels, high-speed Internet;
safety and security systems, fire-prevention parking systems, elevators and all premises of the
business center, installation of cold and hot water, heat and electric power consumption meters
in all premises; integrated air conditioning ventilation systems
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Appendix 15 Naturally balanced analysis of indicators
Market attractiveness Charts
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Business Unit Strength
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Appendix 16 Balanced analysis of indicators, eight countries
Market attractiveness
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Business strength
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Appendix 17 Balanced analysis of indicators, Sixteen cities – Latin America
Market attractiveness Charts
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Business Unit Strength
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Appendix 18 Letters and questionnaire for Car Parking Operators
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Daniel Sandino and within my studies, a practical semester is required. I am
preparing a marketing research for DESIGNA GmbH (, one of the biggest car
parking system manufactures in the world. I prepare this within a team of international students
from Bulgaria, Colombia and Germany at the University of Kiel The goal of our student project is
to find new markets for DESIGNA. In order to complete our research, we would like to ask some
questions regarding your actual car parking system:
1) What kind of technology are you currently using?
• Manual
• Semi-automatic
• Automatic
• Other (Please Specify):
2) Who produces those systems?
• Amano
• Federal APD
• Scheidt & Bachmann
• Skidata
• Other (Please Specify):
3) From whom do you purchase those systems?
• Direct from the manufacture
• Though their head office or subsidiaries
• From a local distributor
• Other (Please Specify):
4) What are the main reasons for purchasing these technologies?
• Price
• Quality
• Easy contact
• Another reason? Please let us know:
5) For how long have you been using these technologies?
• 0-5 Years
• 6-10 Years
• 11-15 Years
• More than 15 Years
6) How many parking do you manage?
• 1-3 parking
• 4-5 parking
• 6-10 parking
• more than 10 parking
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7) What is the average size of the parking you manage?
• 0-50 Slots
• 51-100 Slots
• 101-150 Slots
• 151-200 Slots
• more than 200 slots
8) For how long have you been in the market?
• 0-5 Years
• 6-10 Years
• 11-15 Years
• 16-20 Years
• More than 20 Years
9) Do you know Designa and its products?
• Yes
• No
10) Are you interested in getting more information about Designa and its products?
• Yes
• No
11) For feedback purposes please indicate the name of the company you represent. (Optional)
12) Finally, if you have any question, please write it down and leave us a contact address or
number and our team will be happy to answer it as fast as possible.
If you prefer, we will also be happy to answer your question via a conference call.
Thanks for your attention, have a nice day.
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Appendix 19 Letter and questionnaire for Car Parking Retailer
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Daniel Sandino and within my studies, a practical semester is required. I am
preparing a marketing research for DESIGNA GmbH (, one of the biggest car
parking system manufactures in the world. I prepare this within a team of international students
from Bulgaria, Colombia and Germany at the University of Kiel The goal of our student project is
to find new markets for DESIGNA. In order to complete our research, we would like to ask some
questions regarding your actual car parking system:
1) What kind of technology are you currently selling?
• Manual
• Semi-automatic
• Automatic
• Other (Please Specify):
2) Who produces those systems?
• Amano
• Federal APD
• Scheidt & Bachmann
• Skidata
• Other (Please Specify):
3) For how long have you been selling these technologies?
• 0-5 Years
• 6-10 Years
• 11-15 Years
• More than 15 Years
4) What is your target market?
• Big parking (more than 5 units/gates)
• Small parking (less than 5 units/gates)
5) For which kind of projects are you selling these products?
• Airports
• Hospitals
• Malls
• Hotels
• Other (Please Specify):
6) Could you please name some big projects you have been involved in?
7) How many products do you sell per year? (optional)
8) For how long have you been in the market?
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• 0-5 Years
• 6-10 Years
• 11-15 Years
• 16-20 Years
• More than 20 Years
9) What are the main reasons for purchasing-selling these technologies?
• Price
• Quality
• Easy contact
• Another reason? Please let us know:
10) Do you know Designa and its products?
• Yes
• No
11) Are you interested in getting more information about Designa and its products?
• Yes
• No
12) For feedback purposes please indicate the name of the company you represent. (Optional)
13) Finally, if you have any question, please write it down and leave us a contact address or
number and our team will be happy to answer it as fast as possible.
If you prefer, we will also be happy to answer your question via a conference call.
Thanks for your attention, have a nice day.
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Señor/ Señora:
Mi nombre es Nicole Patiño, estudiante de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Kiel
(Alemania) y para finalizar mis estudios debo realizar un semestre de prácticas. Estoy
preparando una investigación para DESIGNA GmbH ( una de las
empresas más grandes en cuanto a producción de sistemas de aparcamiento. Con la
colaboración de un equipo de estudiantes de Bulgaria, Colombia y Alemania desarrollamos un
proyecto con el fin de encontrar nuevos mercados para DESIGNA. Para completar nuestra
investigación, nos gustaría formularle algunas preguntas con respecto a su sistema de
aparcamiento actual.
Para responder este cuestionario, por favor ingrese a la siguiente página web:
Si usted lo prefiere, también podríamos llamarle para responder las preguntas vía telefónica.
Gracias por su atención, que tenga un buen día.
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Estimados Senhores,
Estimadas Senhoras,
Eu me chamo _______________ e sou estudante em_______________. Parte integral de
meus estúdios é um semestre prático.
A presente estou preparando uma investigação de mercadotecnía para a empresa DESIGNA
Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH ( ) uma das maiores empresas no mercado
mundial para sistemas de gerência, contrôle e cobro de estacionamentos.
Estou conduzindo esta investigação em uma equipe de estudantes internacionais de Bulgaria,
Colômbia e Alemanha na Universidade de Sciências Aplicadas de Kiel / Alemanha.
O objetivo do projeto é encontrar novos mercados para a empresa DESIGNA.
Para poder completar nossa investigação de marketing, gostariamos submeter um questionário
de perguntas em relação à seus sistemas de gerência, contrôle e cobro de estacionamentos
atualmente em uso na sua empresa/organisação.
Para responder ao questionário, por favor clique no link abaixo
Seríamos muito agradecidos se os estimados senhores nos podriam ajudar nesse projeto
preenchendo o mencionado questionário.
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