Alamo Heights High School

Alamo Heights High School
Spanish III Pre-AP Immersion 201
Señora Martha Rodriguez (ph# 820-8850)
Course Description
This course will provide experiences that will enable the student to achieve the three overarching course
objectives: to use Spanish for effective day- to- day communication; to use Spanish to acquire new
knowledge in a variety of fields; and to develop understanding of the cultures of the many people who
speak Spanish.
In this course the students will deepen and extend their knowledge in a variety of academic disciplines
through the medium of Spanish. The course takes a thematic approach, so students will look at each topic
from the perspectives of the humanities, the social sciences and science. Students will learn of the
contributions of contemporary as well as historic figures from the Spanish-speaking world in the fields of
art, literature, music, science, and trade. This course moves students from a focus on language used to
explore, investigate, describe, discuss and analyze information about other cultures, to ultimately
synthesize and gaining richer, deeper understanding both of oneself and of the cultures of the diverse
world where Spanish is spoken.
Texts: Supplemental texts and reading materials
Types of Activities:
1. Each unit is designed to provide a knowledge base of basic facts and vocabulary relevant to the topic,
extensions viewing the topic from differing disciplinary perspectives, application to an individual or
group project, and sharing of projects with the class. Finally, students integrate their knowledge in a
culminating panel discussion, essay or other experience.
2. Extensive readings of short stories, poetry, reference materials, and newspaper and magazine articles,
will serve as input for the student to develop proficiency and for vocabulary study.
3. Oral activities as in class discussion will develop fluency. Therefore, the student will be expected to
communicate in the target language at all times.
4. Journal writing and directed writing tasks will increase fluency and accuracy of written expression.
5. Listening tasks as in classroom instruction, television, radio, videos/movies and music will build realworld competence in comprehension.
6. Community based interviews and interactions; as well as creative role-play activities will build
knowledge of Spanish in realistic situations.
Grammar review
 A review of Spanish grammar is integrated into the course program with a special focus on complex
sentence structures.
Vocabulary study
 Students will maintain personalized vocabulary lists related to the topics and stories we are
reading in class, and will be responsible for learning the words and integrating them into their
communicative use of the language. Vocabulary quizzes will be given to students regularly. In
addition, study of word origins will increase students’ word attack skills.
Class Materials:
 blue or black pen
 a highlighter of any color
 two of the following for class use: markers or construction paper or tissue box or paper towel
 Red pen for corrections
 Binder with college ruled line paper
 Composition book 100 sheets
 Language Lab fee ($10/yr) – Please bring by second week of school.
 National Spanish Exam fee $5.00 before Jan
// $7.00 Feb. 201
Tests, essays, projects, presentations
Daily participation, daily work, quizzes and homework
** REMEMBER** All late work will receive a grade reduction. I follow school policy on makeup work. See
Alamo Heights Student Handbook. Tutoring is available mornings and after school by appointment.
Class rules:
Students are expected to respect self, others and property.
Show appropriate behavior, inappropriate behavior is defined as anything you do that might interfere
with: your ability to learn, a classmate's ability to learn, my ability to teach. SPEAKING SPANISH
40% of grade
60% of grade
Turn in homework due when you were absent, and make up missed assignments immediately.
If you are absent the day before (and only the day before) a previously announced quiz or test, you will
take the quiz or test with your class.
If you are absent the day of a test (and that day only), you must make up the test the next day. For
longer absences, you must see me to set up a reasonable time. This is your responsibility, and
needs to be taken care of outside of class time.
If work is not made up within the designated time, it will count as zero.
All make up policies apply to excused absences. Work missed while students are truant will receive 0.
Parents: If you would like me to have your email on file, please send me an email with your child’s name
and class period on it. Thank you!
IMPORTANT: you must receive and average of 70 by the end of the year to receive credit for the course. Therefore it is very important that you ask questions and get extra help if needed. My goal is that you experience the language through Communication, Comparisons, Connections, Communities and Cultures. Let’s have a great year! Please review this syllabus with your parent, sign below and bring back to class. Student name & period date Parent name date Organización del Año Escolar 2015-­‐2016 **Sujeto a cambio en base al rendimiento** Otoño 2015 Unidad 1 -­‐ Así soy yo Vocabulary -­‐ Lo que me gusta hacer Grammar -­‐ Review Gustar pattern verbs. Comparisons Present tense review Adjective agreement Writing – Comparing and contrasting Reading -­‐ Como la vida misma – Rosa Montero News Articles: Read a news article, in Spanish, about a well-­‐known individual (entertainment/sports , etc) Project/Major Activities: Student will introduce himself/herself to the teacher using technology i.e. Capzles, Power Point, etc. Students will compare and contrast the short story to a similar/different experience in their lives. Unidad 2 – El español como lengua mundial Vocabulary -­‐ fonética, léxico, sintaxis, morfología, semántica. Tiras cómicas, el humor en la lengua. Uso regional de sinónimos i.e. jugo vs. zumo Grammar -­‐ Sentence structure analisis. Proper uses of Ser & Estar Gender and Number Writing – Formal and informal writing formats. Project/Major Activities: Write a thank you note to guest speaker. In groups, role-­‐play the differences between formal and informal ways of addressing an audience. Complete the Unit packet. UNIT 3 La herencia hispana – Hispanic Heritage HOLIDAY / CULTURE FOCUS – Hispanic Heritage Month Essential questions: How and why does the U.S.A. celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in September and October? (Readings and class activities on La Independencia de EEUU y M éxico; How do the history and observation of Christopher Columbus and Independence differ in the U.S., Mexico, Spain and other countries? Who are some prominent figures in the Spanish speaking world, and what contributions have they made throughout history? Vocabulary -­‐ Talking about challenges -­‐ Historias personales, Herencia hispana, personalidades. Grammar -­‐ Preterit-­‐imperfect of non-­‐action verbs Grammatical reflexives Lo+adj; lo que+ verb for abstract ideas Writing: Formal and informal writing formats Project/Major Activities: Día de los Muertos – Barrilete/Papalote. Create an informal writing product about this unit. Unit 4 – Mega Maravillas Vocabulary: Fenómenos naturales, eventos geográficos, cinecatástrofe. Erupciones volcánicas, medidas preventivas, amenazas de los asterioides, sistemas de alerta. Maremotos, terremotos, huracanes, ecosistemas, etc. Grammar -­‐ Uso del “se” impersonal when explaining natural disasters. Present perfect Review of preterit and verbs with special meaning in preterit. Impersonal “se” for instructions. (como se prepara la comida) Past progressive Writing -­‐ Reading -­‐ Comparing and Contrasting Literary terms will be reviewed/learned La tormenta – Pablo Neruda.. En una tempestad – José María Heredia. News Article -­‐ BBC Mundo Project/Major Activities: student will work with a partner simulating one of nature’s extremes. Expository analysis of one or more phenomena. END OF FALL SEMESTER
SPRING SEMESTER 2016 UNIT 5 – Historias Cortas – Short Stories Reading: “Cajas de Cartón,” “El árbol de oro”, y “La luz es como el agua” Writing: Essay format and development. Project/Major Activities: In groups you will create a vocabulary Wordle and a “book review” using Animoto for each story. Students will write an essay elaborating on a specific theme from one of the stories. Unit 6 – El Arte – Una ventana y espejo Vocabulary -­‐ tema, composicion, perspectiva, luy y colores, medio, estilos, escuelas, significado. Abstracto, claro, dibujo, acuarela, paisaje, primer plano, fondo, etc. Grammar -­‐ Comparisons of equality and superlatives. Passive voice with se (review), The Subjunctive Mood -­‐ INFLUENCE: hopes and wishes, recommendations. -­‐ Commenting and Expressing Doubts Painters -­‐ El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Picasso. Reading: “ El afrancesado “ Project/Major Activities: Investigation about Goya – how personal and historic events impacted his art. Informal wirting: Student will write a comparison between two works of art from the authors studied in this unit. Group project: El Arte en San Antonio. UNIT 7 -­‐ Ponte al día – News and media Vocabulary – medios de comunicación – electrónicos -­‐ tradicionales, sociales los cuatro medios de comunicación más utilizados -­‐ la prensa, la radio, la television, la red Grammar -­‐ Indicative with expressions of certainty; subjunctive with expressions of doubt. Subjunctive with expressions of doubt. Haber – hay, hubo, había, habrá Indefinite expressions Gender of nouns Subjunctive vs. indicative “hacer” with time expressions. Writing -­‐ News articles Project/Major Activities: Write a school related news article (about a team/play/band/interest group, etc.) In groups, create a short video about the various school events you wrote your article and act as the main reporter. UNIT 8 – Inmigración Vocabulary – economía, salir adelante, oportunidades, tarjeta verde, indocumentados exilio, etc. Gramática -­‐ Conditional verb form. Past subjuntive Readings -­‐ Y no se lo tragó la tierra – Tomás Rivera Un inmigrante poeta – Porfirio López Lira Project/Major Activities: Students will write an essay contrasting the short story with the video about “niños inmigrantes”. Students will interview a Spanish speaking member of the community who migrated to the U.S. and put together a presentation about the interview. UNIT 9 Huellas del pasado – The Historic and Legendary past Vocabulary -­‐ For recognition while reading stories and legends. Eventos históricos Grammar -­‐ Preterit and imperfect in storytelling Preterit vs. imperfect Por vs. para Reading -­‐ Leyendas latinoamericanas Project/Major Activities: Write and create a QR Code recommending, or not, each “leyenda”and why. Record response to questions to other reviews using Google Voice. Spring semester final 