Course Overview Content Area: World Language Grade/Course Title: Spanish B – 8th Course description: Course Title: Spanish 1-B Students continue the development of communicative language skills, through the advanced levels of communication, interpretation, presentations to audiences of listeners in the target language and advanced assessments. Competency Goals: COMMUNICATION PRESENTATIONAL - The learner will derive and contribute information from thematic topics in the target language. CULTURES- The learner will continue to learn and contribute acquired knowledge, assimilate and participate in varying opportunities within the target language and culture. COMPARISONS- Through varying media and activities, the students will be able to compare and contrast language and cultures. COMMUNITIES - The learner will assimilate all of their language learning through cultural competence, which will be demonstrated within and beyond the school community and within their lives. CONNECTIONS- The learner will be able to use applications of the World Language, and apply acquired knowledge of the target language, as well as relate it to the real world. **CT STATE STANDARDS (2012) Learning Goals (reference to appropriate national or state standards): Reviewing, reinforcing and building upon vocabulary, reading, writing, and describing their world around them in the target language. (Standard 2.2,2.3) Proficient in writing, discussing, expressing, and reporting on specific topics. (Standard 1.4,1.5) Demonstrate TPR (Total Physical Response) based on prior knowledge of common classroom expressions and commands. (Standard 1.2) Create directions in Spanish, exchange directions and find locations through the usage of more specific prepositions. (Standard 2.3) Application of basic general questions in Spanish; creation and completion of daily schedules, passports, identification forms, and job applications. (2.2,2.3) Communicate and express themselves through the production of short paragraphs using the present tense, irregular verbs (stem-changing, and irregular “yo”), prepositions and adjectives likes or dislikes, specifically descriptive. (Standard 1.3) Exhibit, an expanded awareness, acceptance and appreciation of the diverse culture through multicultural endeavors through field trips, music and dance. (Standard 2.1,2.2) Decode new vocabulary words in second language acquisition through the recognition and usage of various grammar formations such as cognates, synonyms, antonyms. (Standard 4.1) Course Content: Topics: School and Education Personal Identification Community and Neighborhood Present Tense Verbs Clothing Adjectives Food Family, Home and Friends Occupations List/Names of Common Assessments: Vocabulary/Grammar Quizzes and Tests Presentations of dialogs and skits Interviews of friends, family and community Thematic Projects: Brochures, Food Menus, Family Trees Discussion and celebrations of cultural diversity Map identification of Spanish speaking countries and capitals Dictations to assess spelling and grammar Major Resources: Technology, Handouts (provided by the teacher), Current textbook: NONE RECOMMEND RESEARCH & REVIEW FOR ADOPTION OF NEW TEXT BOOK SERIES THAT IS MORE ALIGNED WITH STUDENTS INTEREST.