U.S. History Midterm Review

U.S. History Midterm Review
Unit One: Progressivism and Reform
Key Vocabulary:
 Clayton Antitrust Act
 Urban- Rural Population
 Jane Addams
 Jacob Riis
 Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Chapters 8 & 9
Chapter 10, Chapter 7:4
Key Vocabulary:
 Imperialism
 Spanish American War
 Panama Canal
 Open Door Policy
 Neutrality
 Sedition Act/Espionage
 Unrestricted Submarine
Zimmerman Note
Mechanized warfare
Archduke Franz
14 Points
League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles
No Man’s Land
Trench warfare
War of
What were some causes of WWI and reasons for American neutrality
Events leading to the outbreak of WWI in Europe and reasons for U.S. involvement
What was the domestic impact of WWI: women’s suffrage, restriction of civil liberties, expansion of the
Unit Three: Growth of Industrial and Urban America
Key Unit Vocabulary:
 Industrial Revolution
 Labor unions/organized labor
 Monopolies
 Carnegie
 Rockefeller
 Bessemer Process
The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
Henry Ford
Poor working conditions
Assembly line
Triangle Shirtwaist
Factory Fire
What negative issues were created by America’s industrial and urban transformation?
Analyze the impact of Henry Ford’s assembly line on the production of automobiles and the auto industry’s
impact on Michigan
Unit Two: Expansionism and WWI
Women’s Christian
Temperance Union
Child labor
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food & Drug Act
Great Migration
Assembly line
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Women’s Christian
Temperance Union
Chapter 11, Chapter 7:2
19th Amendment
Collective Bargaining
Henry Ford
What factors led to the American Industrial Revolution and what was the response of labor?
How did cities change as a result of urbanization?
What were the goals of the progressive movement?
Unit Four: The Roaring Twenties
Key Vocabulary:
 Roaring twenties
 Credit
 Prohibition
 Harlem Renaissance
Chapter 12
Mass Consumption
Scopes Trial
Sacco and Vanzetti
National Origins Act
Key Vocabulary:
 Overproduction
 Alphabet Soup (CCC,
 Bonus Army
 Hoovervilles
 Herbert Hoover
Dust Bowl
New Deal
Court Packing Plan
Social Security Act
Chapter 13 & 14
100 Days
The Reconstruction
Finance Corporation
National Industrial
Recovery Act
What were domestic and international causes of the stock market crash: buying on margin, speculation,
overproduction, agricultural crisis, wages, Treaty of Versailles, tariffs.
What was the impact of the stock market crash: Hoover versus FDR’s response, life during the Depression.
What were the long term effects of the New Deal
Unit Six: World War II
Key Vocabulary:
 Neutrality Acts
 Appeasement
 Pearl Harbor
 Germany First
 Allied powers
Religious fundamentalists
Jazz Age
How did the assembly line affect the economy and culture: auto industry, Great Migration, middle class,
rise in the standard of living?
Unit Five: The Great Depression and the New Deal
Chapter 15 & 16
Axis powers
Manhattan project
Internment camps
Genocide/ Final solution
Invasion of Poland
Rosie the Riveter
Nuremberg Trials
Pacific Island campaign:
island hopping
Describe the reasons for the outbreak of war in Europe and reasons for U.S. involvement
Describe U.S. changes on the home front: roles of women and minorities, social impact, mobilization for
war, rationing. (War Labor Board, War Production Board, Office of Price Administration)