World War I Vocabulary - VGregorySocialStudies

World War I Vocabulary
Define the following terms, people, places, agreements, or concepts.
Make sure that you are only using a definition that is applicable to
this time period. Most terms can be found in Chapter 30 of the textbook
or other outside sources. All terms must be handwritten, neatly. If I
cannot read your handwriting, I will not grade your paper.
1. 18th Amendment
2. Allied Powers
3. Associated powers
4. Balance of power
5. Balkan Powder Keg
6. Big Bertha
7. Big Four
8. Committee on Public Information
9. Convoy system
10. David Lloyd George
11. Dogfights
12. Doughboys
13. Election of 1916
14. Espionage Act
15. Eugene Debs
16. First Battle of the Marne
17. Fourteen Points
18. Franz Ferdinand
19. John J. Pershing
20. George Creel
21. Georges Clemenceau
22. Henry Cabot Lodge
23. Herbert Hoover
24. Influenza
25. International Workers of the
26. Irreconcilables
27. Kaiser Wilhelm II
28. League of Nations
29. Liberty Bonds
30. Lusitania
31. Poison gas
32. Schlieffen Plan
33. Sedition Act
34. Selective Service Act
35. Socialist Party
36. Theodore Roosevelt
37. Total war
38. Treaty of Versailles
39. Trench warfare
40. Triple Entente
41. Unrestricted submarine
42. Vittorio Orlando
43. Vladimir Lenin
44. War Industries Board
45. Woodrow Wilson
46. Zimmerman Note
Note the following items will be on the test, but are not a part of the
vocabulary list.
 14 million dead
 African American soldiers
 Outcomes of WWI – Europe & the US
 US neutrality
 War Labor Board
 Women in WWI
Know for potential discussion questions:
 Failure of the Versailles Treaty to pass the senate
 Methods used by the Committee on Public Information
 Goals & provisions of the 14 points as compared to the Versailles
 Effect of trench warfare & new weapons creating a stalemate in Europe
 Unrestricted submarine warfare
US & Neutrality
Factors the led to the outbreak of war in Europe & the factors that
led to US involvement
How did Wilson’s dream of world peace fail – discuss 14 points, Paris
Peace Conference & Versailles Treaty