2014 General Surgery Medicare Reimbursement Coding Guide Effective January 1, 2014 Medicare National Average Rates and Allowables (Not Adjusted For Geography) PHYSICIAN AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac 60540 Adrenalectomy, partial or complete, or exploration of adrenal gland with or without biopsy, transabdominal, lumbar or dorsal (separate procedure); $1,079.70 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 60545 Adrenalectomy, partial or complete, or exploration of adrenal gland with or without biopsy, transabdominal, lumbar or dorsal (separate procedure); with excision of adjacent retroperitoneal tumor $1,242.33 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 60650 Laparoscopy, surgical, with adrenalectomy, partial or complete, or exploration of adrenal gland with or without biopsy, transabdominal, lumbar or dorsal $1,216.54 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare CPT™* HCPCS Code APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC ADRENALECTOMY APPENDECTOMY 44950 Appendectomy; $654.48 0153 Peritoneal and Abdominal Procedures $1,836.39 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare +44955 Appendectomy; when done for indicated purpose at time of other major procedure (not as separate procedure) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $85.97 NA NA Packaged into Payment for Other Services Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 44960 Appendectomy; for ruptured appendix with abscess or generalized peritonitis $891.63 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare BARIATRIC – LAPAROSCOPIC GASTRIC BYPASS 43644 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; with gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy (roux limb 150 cm or less) $1,768.21 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43645 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; with gastric bypass and small intestine reconstruction to limit absorption $1,890.37 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare BARIATRIC – LAPAROSCOPIC GASTRIC BANDING Carrier Priced 0130 Level I Laparoscopy $2,930.99 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; placement of adjustable gastric restrictive device (eg, gastric band and subcutaneous port components) $1,139.17 0132 Level III Laparoscopy $5,365.42 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; revision of adjustable gastric restrictive device component only $1,302.16 43659 Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, stomach 43770 43771 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description 43772 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; removal of adjustable gastric restrictive device component only 43773 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; removal and replacement of adjustable gastric restrictive device component only 43774 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; removal of adjustable gastric restrictive device and subcutaneous port components *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC $973.31 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare $1,295.71 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare $980.47 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare Carrier Priced Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare BARIATRIC – LAPAROSCOPIC SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY 43775 Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; longitudinal gastrectomy (ie, sleeve gastrectomy) MISCELLANEOUS GASTRIC PROCEDURE (INCLUDING REVISIONS) 43842 Gastric restrictive procedure, without gastric bypass, for morbid obesity; vertical-banded gastroplasty $1,182.51 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43843 Gastric restrictive procedure, without gastric bypass, for morbid obesity; other than vertical-banded gastroplasty $1,303.95 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43845 Gastric restrictive procedure with partial gastrectomy, pyloruspreserving duodenoileostomy and ileoileostomy (50 to 100 cm common channel) to limit absorption (biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) $1,998.91 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43846 Gastric restrictive procedure, with gastric bypass for morbid obesity; with short limb (150 cm or less) Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy $1,644.98 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43847 Gastric restrictive procedure, with gastric bypass for morbid obesity; with small intestine reconstruction to limit absorption $1,836.28 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43848 Revision, open, of gastric restrictive procedure for morbid obesity, other than adjustable gastric restrictive device (separate procedure) $1,965.24 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43860 Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis (gastrojejunostomy) with reconstruction, with or without partial gastrectomy or intestine resection; without vagotomy $1,670.06 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43865 Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis (gastrojejunostomy) with reconstruction, with or without partial gastrectomy or intestine resection; with vagotomy $1,741.70 Inpatient Procedure, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43886 Gastric restrictive procedure, open; revision of subcutaneous port component only $369.69 0329 Level IV Skin Repair $2,260.46 $1,248.73 43887 Gastric restrictive procedure, open; removal of subcutaneous port component only $332.08 0328 Level III Skin Repair $1,371.19 $757.47 43888 Gastric restrictive procedure, open; removal and replacement of subcutaneous port component only $468.56 0329 Level IV Skin Repair $2,260.46 $1,248.73 43999 Unlisted procedure, stomach Carrier Priced 0141 Level I Upper GI Procedures $670.47 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 74246-26 Radiological examination, gastrointestinal tract, upper, air contrast, with specific high density barium, effervescent agent, with or without glucagon; with or without delayed films, without KUB $35.11 (Professional Fee) 0277 Level II Digestive Radiology $151.23 $83.54 77002-26 Fluoroscopic guidance for needle placement (eg, biopsy, aspiration, injection, localization device) $28.30 (Professional Fee) NA NA Packaged into Payment for Other Services Packaged Service/ Item Adjustment of gastric band diameter via subcutaneous port by injection or aspiration of saline Carrier Priced NA NA NA NA S2083+ CHOLECYSTECTOMY 47562 Laparoscopy, surgical; cholecystectomy $669.53 0131 Level II Laparoscopy $3,648.49 $2,015.50 47563 Laparoscopy, surgical; cholecystectomy with cholangiography $727.56 0131 Level II Laparoscopy $3,648.49 $2,015.50 47564 Laparoscopy, surgical; cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct $1,134.51 0131 Level II Laparoscopy $3,648.49 $2,015.50 47600 Cholecystectomy; $1,089.01 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 47605 Cholecystectomy; with cholangiography $1,145.97 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 47610 Cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct; $1,278.16 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC 47612 Cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct; with choledochoenterostomy $1,293.92 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 47620 Cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct; with transduodenal sphincterotomy or sphincteroplasty, with or without cholangiography $1,404.97 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare COLECTOMY 44140 Colectomy, partial; with anastomosis $1,370.58 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44141 Colectomy, partial; with skin level cecostomy or colostomy $1,867.44 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44143 Colectomy, partial; with end colostomy and closure of distal segment (Hartmann type procedure) $1,702.30 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44144 Colectomy, partial; with resection, with colostomy or ileostomy and creation of mucofistula $1,811.92 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44145 Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) $1,700.51 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44146 Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis), with colostomy $2,171.94 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44147 Colectomy, partial; abdominal and transanal approach $1,992.46 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44150 Colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy; with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy $1,917.24 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44151 Colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy; with continent ileostomy $2,197.01 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44155 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileostomy $2,139.34 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44156 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with continent ileostomy $2,358.57 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44157 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileoanal anastomosis, includes loop ileostomy, and rectal mucosectomy, when performed $2,231.76 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44158 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J), includes loop ileostomy, and rectal mucosectomy, when performed $2,300.54 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44160 Colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy $1,269.92 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare CYSTECTOMY 51550 Cystectomy, partial; simple $984.05 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51555 Cystectomy, partial; complicated (eg, postradiation, previous surgery, difficult location) $1,291.41 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51565 Cystectomy, partial, with reimplantation of ureter(s) into bladder (ureteroneocystostomy) $1,314.70 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51570 Cystectomy, complete; (separate procedure) $1,503.84 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51575 Cystectomy, complete; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes $1,850.61 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51580 Cystectomy, complete, with ureterosigmoidostomy or ureterocutaneous transplantations; $1,927.27 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51585 Cystectomy, complete, with ureterosigmoidostomy or ureterocutaneous transplantations; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes $2,145.79 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51590 Cystectomy, complete, with ureteroileal conduit or sigmoid bladder, including intestine anastomosis; $1,966.67 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51595 Cystectomy, complete, with ureteroileal conduit or sigmoid bladder, including intestine anastomosis; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes $2,227.46 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 51596 Cystectomy, complete, with continent diversion, any open technique, using any segment of small and/or large intestine to construct neobladder $2,391.53 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC ESOPHAGECTOMY 43107 Total or near total esophagectomy, without thoracotomy; with pharyngogastrostomy or cervical esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty (transhiatal) $2,625.45 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43108 Total or near total esophagectomy, without thoracotomy; with colon interposition or small intestine reconstruction, including intestine mobilization, preparation and anastomosis(es) $4,793.45 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43112 Total or near total esophagectomy, with thoracotomy; with pharyngogastrostomy or cervical esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty $2,777.70 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43113 Total or near total esophagectomy, with thoracotomy; with colon interposition or small intestine reconstruction, including intestine mobilization, preparation, and anastomosis(es) $4,685.62 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43116 Partial esophagectomy, cervical, with free intestinal graft, including microvascular anastomosis, obtaining the graft and intestinal reconstruction $5,422.14 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43117 Partial esophagectomy, distal two-thirds, with thoracotomy and separate abdominal incision, with or without proximal gastrectomy; with thoracic esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty (Ivor Lewis) $2,548.79 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43118 Partial esophagectomy, distal two-thirds, with thoracotomy and separate abdominal incision, with or without proximal gastrectomy; with colon interposition or small intestine reconstruction, including intestine mobilization, preparation, and anastomosis(es) $3,727.72 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43121 Partial esophagectomy, distal two-thirds, with thoracotomy only, with or without proximal gastrectomy, with thoracic esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty $2,969.35 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43122 Partial esophagectomy, thoracoabdominal or abdominal approach, with or without proximal gastrectomy; with esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty $2,637.99 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43123 Partial esophagectomy, thoracoabdominal or abdominal approach, with or without proximal gastrectomy; with colon interposition or small intestine reconstruction, including intestine mobilization, preparation, and anastomosis(es) $4,856.50 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43124 Total or partial esophagectomy, without reconstruction (any approach), with cervical esophagostomy $3,958.06 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare GASTRECTOMY 43620 Gastrectomy, total; with esophagoenterostomy $2,005.00 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43621 Gastrectomy, total; with Roux-en-Y reconstruction $2,314.51 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43622 Gastrectomy, total; with formation of intestinal pouch, any type $2,357.86 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43631 Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with gastroduodenostomy $1,479.84 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43632 Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with gastrojejunostomy $2,072.35 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43633 Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with Roux-en-Y reconstruction $1,958.43 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 43634 Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with formation of intestinal pouch $2,167.28 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare HEMORRHOID 46083 Incision of thrombosed hemorrhoid, external $108.90 / $178.04 0164 Level II Urinary and Anal Procedures $211.10 $116.62 46220 Excision of single external papilla or tag, anus $122.16 / $209.56 0155 Level II Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,419.93 $784.40 46221 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal, by rubber band ligation(s) $195.59 / $272.25 0148 Level I Anal/ Rectal Procedures $472.86 $173.74 46230 Excision of multiple external papillae or tags, anus $178.04 / $279.06 0155 Level II Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,419.93 $784.40 46250 Hemorrhoidectomy, external, 2 or more columns/groups $320.26 / $466.77 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC 46255 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, single column/group; $360.38 / $510.83 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46257 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, single column/group; with fissurectomy $428.80 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46258 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, single column/group; with fistulectomy, including fissurectomy, when performed $472.86 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46260 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, 2 or more columns/ groups; $483.97 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46261 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, 2 or more columns/ groups; with fissurectomy $536.63 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46262 Hemorrhoidectomy, internal and external, 2 or more columns/ groups; with fistulectomy, including fissurectomy, when performed $564.93 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 44204 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis $1,579.43 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44205 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy $1,374.52 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44206 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with end colostomy and closure of distal segment (Hartmann type procedure) $1,801.53 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44207 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) $1,878.55 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44208 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) with colostomy $2,044.77 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44210 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy, with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy $1,850.25 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44211 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy, with ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J), with loop ileostomy, includes rectal mucosectomy, when performed $2,304.12 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 44212 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy, with ileostomy $2,130.02 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare LAPAROSCOPIC COLECTOMY OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY 50220 Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach including rib resection; $1,062.50 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50225 Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach including rib resection; complicated because of previous surgery on same kidney $1,219.05 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50230 Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach including rib resection; radical, with regional lymphadenectomy and/or vena caval thrombectomy $1,302.52 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50234 Nephrectomy with total ureterectomy and bladder cuff; through same incision $1,322.22 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50236 Nephrectomy with total ureterectomy and bladder cuff; through separate incision $1,489.51 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50240 Nephrectomy, partial $1,345.50 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50543 Laparoscopy, surgical; partial nephrectomy $1,513.51 50545 Laparoscopy, surgical; radical nephrectomy (includes removal of Gerota’s fascia and surrounding fatty tissue, removal of regional lymph nodes, and adrenalectomy) $1,364.85 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50546 Laparoscopy, surgical; nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy $1,221.92 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 50548 Laparoscopy, surgical; nephrectomy with total ureterectomy $1,370.22 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 0131 Level II Laparoscopy $3,648.49 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC PANCREATECTOMY 48140 Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal, with or without splenectomy; without pancreaticojejunostomy $1,593.40 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48145 Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal, with or without splenectomy; with pancreaticojejunostomy $1,663.61 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48146 Pancreatectomy, distal, near-total with preservation of duodenum (Child-type procedure) $1,914.01 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48150 Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with total duodenectomy, partial gastrectomy, choledochoenterostomy and gastrojejunostomy (Whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy $3,169.24 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48152 Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with total duodenectomy, partial gastrectomy, choledochoenterostomy and gastrojejunostomy (Whipple-type procedure); without pancreatojejunostomy $2,941.41 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48153 Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with near-total duodenectomy, choledochoenterostomy and duodenojejunostomy (pylorus-sparing, Whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy $3,158.14 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48154 Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with near-total duodenectomy, choledochoenterostomy and duodenojejunostomy (pylorus-sparing, Whipple-type procedure); without pancreatojejunostomy $2,953.95 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48155 Pancreatectomy, total $1,851.68 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 48160 Pancreatectomy, total or subtotal, with autologous transplantation of pancreas or pancreatic islet cells Medicare Non-Covered Service PROSTATECTOMY Prostatectomy, perineal, subtotal (including control of postoperative bleeding, vasectomy, meatotomy, urethral calibration and/or dilation, and internal urethrotomy) $1,110.87 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55810 Prostatectomy, perineal radical; $1,339.41 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55812 Prostatectomy, perineal radical; with lymph node biopsy(s) (limited pelvic lymphadenectomy) $1,635.67 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55815 Prostatectomy, perineal radical; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric and obturator nodes $1,792.57 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55821 Prostatectomy (including control of postoperative bleeding, vasectomy, meatotomy, urethral calibration and/or dilation, and internal urethrotomy); suprapubic, subtotal, 1 or 2 stages $888.05 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55831 Prostatectomy (including control of postoperative bleeding, vasectomy, meatotomy, urethral calibration and/or dilation, and internal urethrotomy); retropubic, subtotal $960.41 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55840 Prostatectomy, retropubic radical, with or without nerve sparing; $1,359.48 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55842 Prostatectomy, retropubic radical, with or without nerve sparing; with lymph node biopsy(s) (limited pelvic lymphadenectomy) $1,456.20 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55845 Prostatectomy, retropubic radical, with or without nerve sparing; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes $1,662.89 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55866 Laparoscopy, surgical prostatectomy, retropubic radical, including nerve sparing, includes robotic assistance, when performed $1,765.35 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45110 Proctectomy; complete, combined abdominoperineal, with colostomy $1,904.34 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45111 Proctectomy; partial resection of rectum, transabdominal approach $1,118.39 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45112 Proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal, pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis) $1,941.24 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45113 Proctectomy, partial, with rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J), with or without loop ileostomy $2,049.78 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45114 Proctectomy, partial, with anastomosis; abdominal and transsacral approach $1,852.04 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45116 Proctectomy, partial, with anastomosis; transsacral approach only (Kraske type) $1,612.74 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 55801 RECTAL PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC 45119 Proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis), with creation of colonic reservoir (eg, J-pouch), with diverting enterostomy when performed $2,012.17 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45120 Proctectomy, complete (for congenital megacolon), abdominal and perineal approach; with pull-through procedure and anastomosis (eg, Swenson, Duhamel, or Soave type operation) $1,628.50 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45121 Proctectomy, complete (for congenital megacolon), abdominal and perineal approach; with subtotal or total colectomy, with multiple biopsies $1,770.36 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45123 Proctectomy, partial, without anastomosis, perineal approach $1,153.49 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45126 Pelvic exenteration for colorectal malignancy, with proctectomy (with or without colostomy), with removal of bladder and ureteral transplantations, and/or hysterectomy, or cervicectomy, with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s), or any combination thereof $2,949.65 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45130 Excision of rectal procidentia, with anastomosis; perineal approach $1,126.63 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45135 Excision of rectal procidentia, with anastomosis; abdominal and perineal approach $1,402.10 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45136 Excision of ileoanal reservoir with ileostomy $1,881.77 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45150 Division of stricture of rectum 45160 Excision of rectal tumor by proctotomy, transsacral or transcoccygeal approach 45171 $405.16 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 $1,041.01 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 Excision of rectal tumor, transanal approach; not including muscularis propria (ie, partial thickness) $615.08 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 45172 Excision of rectal tumor, transanal approach; including muscularis propria (ie, full thickness) $835.03 0150 Level IV Anal/Rectal Procedures $2,501.31 $1,381.77 45190 Destruction of rectal tumor (eg, electrodesiccation, electrosurgery, laser ablation, laser resection, cryosurgery) transanal approach $713.23 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 45395 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctectomy, complete, combined abdominoperineal, with colostomy $2,045.12 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45397 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis), with creation of colonic reservoir (eg, J-pouch), with diverting enterostomy, when performed $2,219.22 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45400 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctopexy (for prolapse) $1,187.53 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45402 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctopexy (for prolapse), with sigmoid resection $1,579.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45562 Exploration, repair, and presacral drainage for rectal injury; $1,144.54 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45563 Exploration, repair, and presacral drainage for rectal injury; with colostomy $1,676.87 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 45990 Anorectal exam, surgical, requiring anesthesia (general, spinal, or epidural), diagnostic $110.33 0155 Level II Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,419.93 $784.40 45999 Unlisted procedure, rectum Carrier Priced 0148 Level I Anal/ Rectal Procedures $472.86 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 46700 Anoplasty, plastic operation for stricture; adult $671.32 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 46705 Anoplasty, plastic operation for stricture; infant $495.07 46706 Repair of anal fistula with fibrin glue $174.10 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 0149 Level III Anal/Rectal Procedures $1,909.22 $1,054.69 PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC 46710 Repair of ileoanal pouch fistula/sinus (eg, perineal or vaginal), pouch advancement; transperineal approach $1,124.84 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 46712 Repair of ileoanal pouch fistula/sinus (eg, perineal or vaginal), pouch advancement; combined transperineal and transabdominal approach $2,099.93 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare SPLENECTOMY 38100 Splenectomy; total (separate procedure) $1,177.14 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 38101 Splenectomy; partial (separate procedure) $1,186.09 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +38102 Splenectomy; total, en bloc for extensive disease, in conjunction with other procedure (List in addition to code for primary procedure) $268.31 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 38120 Laparoscopy, surgical, splenectomy $1,073.97 0131 Level II Laparoscopy $3,648.49 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare THORACIC – DIAGNOSTIC 32096 Thoracotomy, with diagnostic biopsy(ies) of lung infiltrate(s) (eg, wedge, incisional), unilateral $835.39 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32097 Thoracotomy, with diagnostic biopsy(ies) of lung nodule(s) or mass(es) (eg, wedge, incisional), unilateral $835.75 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32098 Thoracotomy, with biopsy(ies) of pleura $788.82 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32100 Thoracotomy; with exploration $844.70 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 0685 Level III Needle Biopsy/ Aspiration Except Bone Marrow $757.76 $418.60 $757.76 $418.60 Biopsy, pleura; percutaneous needle $90.63 / $153.68 32405 Biopsy, lung or mediastinum, percutaneous needle $107.47 / $452.08 0685 Level III Needle Biopsy/ Aspiration Except Bone Marrow 32601 Thoracoscopy, diagnostic (separate procedure); lungs, pericardial sac, mediastinal or pleural space, without biopsy $320.61 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32604 Thoracoscopy, diagnostic (separate procedure); pericardial sac, with biopsy $499.37 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32606 Thoracoscopy, diagnostic (separate procedure); mediastinal space, with biopsy $479.67 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32607 Thoracoscopy; with diagnostic biopsy(ies) of lung infiltrate(s) (eg, wedge, incisional), unilateral $320.97 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32608 Thoracoscopy; with diagnostic biopsy(ies) of lung nodule(s) or mass(es) (eg, wedge, incisional), unilateral $394.05 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32609 Thoracoscopy; with biopsy(ies) of pleura $271.90 0069 Thoracoscopy $2,640.12 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare 32110 Thoracotomy; with control of traumatic hemorrhage and/or repair of lung tear 32400 THORACIC – EXCISION $1,507.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32120 Thoracotomy; for postoperative complications $902.73 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32140 Thoracotomy; with cyst(s) removal, includes pleural procedure when performed $1,027.40 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32141 Thoracotomy; with resection-plication of bullae, includes any pleural procedure when performed $1,587.67 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32150 Thoracotomy; with removal of intrapleural foreign body or fibrin deposit $1,040.29 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32151 Thoracotomy; with removal of intrapulmonary foreign body $1,037.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32160 Thoracotomy; with cardiac massage $814.61 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32440 Removal of lung, pneumonectomy; $1,623.85 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC Removal of lung, pneumonectomy; with resection of segment of trachea followed by broncho-tracheal anastomosis (sleeve pneumonectomy) $3,332.95 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32445 Removal of lung, pneumonectomy; extrapleural $3,667.18 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32480 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; single lobe (lobectomy) $1,533.93 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32482 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; 2 lobes (bilobectomy) $1,642.83 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32484 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; single segment (segmentectomy) $1,488.08 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32486 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; with circumferential resection of segment of bronchus followed by broncho-bronchial anastomosis (sleeve lobectomy) $2,437.38 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32488 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; with all remaining lung following previous removal of a portion of lung (completion pneumonectomy) $2,491.12 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32491 Removal of lung, other than pneumonectomy; with resectionplication of emphysematous lung(s) (bullous or non-bullous) for lung volume reduction, sternal split or transthoracic approach, includes any pleural procedure, when performed $1,524.62 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +32501 Resection and repair of portion of bronchus (bronchoplasty) when performed at time of lobectomy or segmentectomy (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $254.70 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32650 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with pleurodesis (eg, mechanical or chemical) $688.87 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32651 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with partial pulmonary decortication $1,132.36 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32652 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with total pulmonary decortication, including intrapleural pneumonolysis $1,720.21 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32653 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with removal of intrapleural foreign body or fibrin deposit $1,094.74 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32654 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with control of traumatic hemorrhage $1,215.83 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32655 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with resection-plication of bullae, includes any pleural procedure when performed $989.43 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32656 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with parietal pleurectomy $826.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32658 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with removal of clot or foreign body from pericardial sac $739.02 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32659 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with creation of pericardial window or partial resection of pericardial sac for drainage $756.94 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32661 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with excision of pericardial cyst, tumor, or mass $826.79 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32662 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with excision of mediastinal cyst, tumor, or mass $926.02 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32663 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with lobectomy (single lobe) $1,452.26 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32442 32664 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with thoracic sympathectomy 32665 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with esophagomyotomy (Heller type) $878.73 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare $1,263.11 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32666 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with therapeutic wedge resection (eg, mass, nodule), initial unilateral $901.66 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +32667 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with therapeutic wedge resection (eg, mass or nodule), each additional resection, ipsilateral (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $164.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +32668 Thoracoscopy, surgical; with diagnostic wedge resection followed by anatomic lung resection (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $164.07 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare PHYSICIAN CPT™* HCPCS Code Procedure Description *MPFS (CF=$35.8228) Fac/Non-Fac AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER HOSPITAL OUPATIENT APC Classification APC Descriptor **APC Rate ***ASC THORACIC – HERNIA 32800 Repair lung hernia through chest wall $976.89 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare THORACIC – PLEURAL 32036 Thoracostomy; with open flap drainage for empyema $803.86 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32124 Thoracotomy; with open intrapleural pneumonolysis $961.84 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32200 Pneumonostomy, with open drainage of abscess or cyst 32215 Pleural scarification for repeat pneumothorax $1,173.91 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare $828.22 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32220 Decortication, pulmonary (separate procedure); total $1,643.55 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32225 Decortication, pulmonary (separate procedure); partial $1,030.62 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32310 Pleurectomy, parietal (separate procedure) 32320 Decortication and parietal pleurectomy $950.74 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare $1,655.01 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32505 Thoracotomy; with therapeutic wedge resection (eg, mass, nodule), initial $964.35 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +32506 Thoracotomy; with therapeutic wedge resection (eg, mass or nodule), each additional resection, ipsilateral (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $163.71 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare +32507 Thoracotomy; with diagnostic wedge resection followed by anatomic lung resection (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) $163.71 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 32540 Extrapleural enucleation of empyema (empyemectomy) $1,800.10 Inpatient Procedures, not reimbursed in outpatient or ASC by Medicare 49405++ Image-guided fluid collection drainage by catheter (eg, abscess, hematoma, seroma, lymphocele, cyst); visceral (eg, kidney, liver, spleen, lung/mediastinum), percutaneous $220.31 / $886.26 0037 Level IV Needle Biopsy/ Aspiration Except Bone Marrow $1,223.25 Not reimbursed in ASC by Medicare NOTES: + S-Codes are not valid for Medicare payment Modifier -26 Professional Component Multiple Procedure Discounting – Multiple surgical procedures furnished during the same operative session are discounted. 50% is paid for any other surgical procedure(s) performed at the same time. The above National Average APC and ASC (Freestanding) Rates represent the reimbursement amounts paid directly to the facility for the technical portion of the procedure. The Physician (surgeon) would separately receive the professional fee (MPFS Allowable) for the procedure performed. ++ CY 2014 CPT Code Manual parenthetical instruction: CPT 32201 (Pneumonostomy; with percutaneous drainage of abscess or cyst) has been deleted CY 2014. For percutaneous image-guided draining of abscess or cyst of lungs or mediastinum by catheter placement, use CPT 49405 (Image-guided fluid collection drainage by catheter (eg, abscess, hematoma, seroma, lymphocele, cyst); visceral (eg, kidney, liver, spleen, lung/mediastinum), percutaneous); new code added for CY 2014. TABLE REFERENCES: *PFS Relative Value File, RVU14A (12-19-13), effective January 1, 2014 **January 2014 HOPPS Addenda A and B (12-19-13), effective January 1, 2014 ***January 2014 ASC Addendum AA, BB, DD1, DD2, and EE (1-2-14), effective January 1, 2014 ICD-9-CM Volume 3 Hospital Procedure Codes Procedure Code* Description ADRENALECTOMY 7.22 Unilateral adrenalectomy 7.29 Other partial adrenalectomy 7.3 Bilateral adrenalectomy APPENDECTOMY 47.01 Laparoscopic appendectomy 47.09 Other appendectomy 47.11 Laparoscopic incidental appendectomy 47.19 Other incidental appendectomy 43.82 Laparoscopic vertical (sleeve) gastrectomy 43.89 Open and other partial gastrectomy 44.31 High gastric bypass BARIATRIC Procedure Code* Description 44.38 Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy [Bypass: gastroduodenostomy, gastroenterostomy, gastrogastrostomy. Laproscopic gastrojujenostomy without gastrectomy NEC] 44.39 Other gastroenterostomy without gastrectomy [Bypass: gastroduodenostomy, gastroenterostomy, gastrogastrostomy. Gastrojujenostomy without gastrectomy NOS] 44.5 Revision of gastric anastomosis 44.68 Laparoscopic gastroplasty [Banding. Silastic vertical banding. Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG)]** 44.69 Other repair of stomach 44.95 Laparoscopic gastric restrictive procedure 44.96 Laparoscopic revision of gastric restrictive procedure 44.97 Laparoscopic removal of gastric restrictive device(s) 44.98 (Laparoscopic) adjustment of size of adjustable gastric restrictive device 44.99 Other operations on stomach 45.51 Isolation of segment of small intestine 45.91 Small-to-small intestinal anastomosis 88.1x Other x-ray of abdomen 51.21 Other partial cholecystectomy 51.22 Cholecystectomy 51.23 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 51.24 Laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy 45.61 Multiple segmental resection of small intestine 45.62 Other partial resection of small intestine 45.63 Total removal of small intestine 45.71 Open and other multiple segmental resection of large intestine 45.72 Open and other cecectomy 45.73 Open and other right hemicolectomy 45.74 Open and other resection of transverse colon 45.75 Open and other left hemicolectomy 45.76 Open and other sigmoidectomy 45.79 Other and unspecified partial excision of large intestine 45.82 Open total intra-abdominal colectomy 45.83 Other and unspecified total intra-abdominal colectomy 48.61 Transsacral rectosigmoidectomy 48.69 Other resection of rectum CHOLECYSTECTOMY COLECTOMY CYSTECTOMY 57.6 Partial cystectomy 57.71 Radical cystectomy 57.79 Other total cystectomy ESOPHAGECTOMY 42.40 Esophagectomy, not otherwise specified 42.41 Partial esophagectomy 42.42 Total esophagectomy GASTRECTOMY 43.5 Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to esophagus 43.6 Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to duodenum 43.7 Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to jejunum 43.81 Partial gastrectomy with jejunal transposition 43.89 Open and other partial gastrectomy 43.91 Total gastrectomy with intestinal interposition Procedure Code* 43.99 Description Other total gastrectomy HEMORRHOID 49.43 Cauterization of hemorrhoids 49.45 Ligation of hemorrhoids 49.46 Excision of hemorrhoids 49.49 Other procedures on hemorrhoids LAPAROSCOPIC COLECTOMY 17.31 Laparoscopic multiple segmental resection of large intestine 17.32 Laparoscopic cecectomy 17.33 Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy 17.34 Laparoscopic resection of transverse colon 17.35 Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy 17.36 Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy 17.39 Other laparoscopic partial excision of large intestine 45.81 Laparoscopic total intra-abdominal colectomy OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY 55.4 Partial nephrectomy 55.51 Nephroureterectomy 55.52 Nephrectomy of remaining kidney 55.54 Bilateral nephrectomy PANCREATECTOMY 52.51 Proximal pancreatectomy 52.52 Distal pancreatectomy 52.53 Radical subtotal pancreatectomy 52.6 Total pancreatectomy 52.7 Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy PROSTATECTOMY 60.3 Suprapubic prostatectomy 60.4 Retropubic prostatectomy 60.5 Radical prostatectomy 60.61 Local excision of lesion of prostate 60.62 Perineal prostatectomy 48.50 Abdominoperineal resection of the rectum, not otherwise specified 48.51 Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection of the rectum 48.52 Open abdominoperineal resection of the rectum 48.59 Other abdominoperineal resection of the rectum 48.61 Transsacral rectosigmoidectomy 48.62 Anterior resection of rectum with synchronous colostomy 48.63 Other anterior resection of rectum 48.64 Posterior resection of rectum 48.69 Other resection of rectum 48.99 Other operations on rectum and perirectal tissue 41.42 Excision of lesion or tissue of spleen 41.43 Partial splenectomy 41.5 Total splenectomy 41.93 Excision of accessory spleen 41.94 Transplantation of spleen 41.95 Repair and plastic operations on spleen RECTAL SPLENECTOMY Procedure Code* 41.99 Description Other operations on spleen THORACIC 32.20 Thoracoscopic excision of lesion or tissue of lung 32.21 Plication of emphysematous bleb 32.22 Lung volume reduction surgery 32.29 Other local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of lung 32.30 Thoracoscopic segmental resection of lung 32.39 Other and unspecified segmental resection of lung 32.41 Thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung 32.49 Other lobectomy of lung 32.50 Thoracoscopic pneumonectomy 32.59 Other and unspecified pneumonectomy 32.6 Radical dissection of thoracic structures 32.9 Other excision of lung 33.20 Thoracoscopic lung biopsy 33.24 Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus 33.25 Open biopsy of bronchus 33.26 Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy of lung 33.27 Closed endoscopic biopsy of lung 33.28 Open biopsy of lung 33.29 Other diagnostic procedures on lung or bronchus 34.06 Thoracoscopic drainage of pleural cavity 34.20 Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy 34.21 Transpleural thoracoscopy 34.22 Mediastinoscopy 34.23 Biopsy of chest wall 34.24 Other pleural biopsy 34.25 Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy of mediastinum 34.26 Open mediastinal biopsy 34.27 Biopsy of diaphragm 34.28 Other diagnostic procedures on chest wall, pleura, and diaphragm 34.29 Other diagnostic procedures on mediastinum 34.3 Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of mediastinum 34.4 Excision or destruction of lesion of chest wall 34.51 Decortication of lung 34.52 Thoracoscopic decortication of lung 34.59 Other excision of pleura NOTES: **Code also any synchronous laparoscopic gastroenterostomy (44.38). The ICD-9-CM Hospital Procedure Codes listed above may be used in the MS-DRG Classifications (See Inpatient DRG Payment Rates Table) The appropriate MS-DRG classification is also dependent on the diagnosis code, demographics, sex and possible co-conditions. TABLE REFERENCES: * 2014 Hospital ICD-9-CM Volume 3, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification, Sixth Edition Inpatient DRG Payment Rates Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay (Days) National Average Payment** Adrenal and Pituitary Procedures w CC/MCC 5.9 $14,762.86 Adrenal and Pituitary Procedures w/o CC/MCC 2.7 $8,455.22 MS-DRG* MS-DRG Title ADRENALECTOMY 614 615 APPENDECTOMY 338 Appendectomy w Complicated Principal Diag w MCC 9.5 $18,104.58 339 Appendectomy w Complicated Principal Diag w CC 6.0 $9,927.16 340 Appendectomy w Complicated Principal Diag w/o CC/MCC 3.5 $6,809.30 341 Appendectomy w/o Complicated Principal Diag w MCC 6.3 $12,655.29 342 Appendectomy w/o Complicated Principal Diag w CC 3.5 $7,520.91 343 Appendectomy w/o Complicated Principal Diag w/o CC/MCC 1.9 $5,427.26 BARIATRIC 619 O.R. procedures for obesity w MCC 7.7 $20,994.52 620 O.R. procedures for obesity w CC 3.2 $11,250.62 621 O.R. procedures for obesity w/o CC/MCC 2.0 $9,147.11 987 Non-extensive O.R. procedure unrelated to principal diagnosis w MCC 11.2 $19,383.39 988 Non-extensive O.R. procedure unrelated to principal diagnosis w CC 6.4 $10,180.60 Non-extensive O.R. procedure unrelated to principal diagnosis w/o CC/MCC 3.0 $6,048.97 989 CHOLECYSTECTOMY 411 Cholecystectomy w C.D.E. w MCC 11.3 $20,859.97 412 Cholecystectomy w C.D.E. w CC 7.6 $13,721.25 413 Cholecystectomy w C.D.E. w/o CC/MCC 5.0 $9,986.89 414 Cholecystectomy Except by Laparoscope w/o C.D.E. w MCC 10.6 $20,999.16 415 Cholecystectomy Except by Laparoscope w/o C.D.E. w CC 6.7 $11,699.51 416 Cholecystectomy Except by Laparoscope w/o C.D.E. w/o CC/MCC 4.1 $7,694.90 417 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy w/o C.D.E. w MCC 7.5 $14,373.70 418 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy w/o C.D.E. w CC 5.0 $9,590.20 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy w/o C.D.E. w/o CC/MCC 3.1 $7,098.12 419 COLECTOMY 329 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w MCC 14.6 $29,735.66 330 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w CC 8.5 $14,852.17 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w/o CC/MCC 4.9 $9,499.73 331 CYSTECTOMY 653 Major Bladder Procedures w MCC 15.4 $34,541.20 654 Major Bladder Procedures w CC 8.9 $17,946.25 655 Major Bladder Procedures w/o CC/MCC 5.5 $12,568.29 707 Major Male Pelvic Procedures w CC/MCC 4.1 $10,592.95 708 Major Male Pelvic Procedures w/o CC/MCC 1.6 $7,497.71 749 Other Female Reproductive System O.R. Procedures w CC/MCC 8.4 $15,217.54 Other Female Reproductive System O.R. Procedures w/o CC/MCC 2.8 $6,294.87 750 ESOPHAGECTOMY 133 Other Ear, Nose, Mouth and Throat O.R. Procedures w CC/MCC 5.3 $10,337.19 134 Other Ear, Nose, Mouth and Throat O.R. Procedures w/o CC/MCC 2.4 $5,558.33 326 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w MCC 14.9 $32,485.24 327 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w CC 8.0 $15,425.75 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w/o CC/MCC 3.4 $8,563.09 328 GASTRECTOMY 326 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w MCC 14.9 $32,485.24 327 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w CC 8.0 $15,425.75 328 Stomach, Esophageal and Duodenal Proc w/o CC/MCC 3.4 $8,563.09 MS-DRG* MS-DRG Title Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay (Days) National Average Payment** HEMORRHOID 347 Anal and Stomal Procedures w MCC 8.5 $14,604.53 348 Anal and Stomal Procedures w CC 5.1 $7,878.74 349 Anal and Stomal Procedures w/o CC/MCC 3.0 $5,123.36 LAPAROSCOPIC COLECTOMY 329 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w MCC 14.6 $29,735.66 330 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w CC 8.5 $14,852.17 331 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures w/o CC/MCC 4.9 $9,499.73 OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY 656 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Neoplasm w MCC 9.3 $20,426.74 657 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Neoplasm w CC 5.4 $11,750.55 658 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Neoplasm w/o CC/MCC 3.1 $8,742.30 659 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Non-Neoplasm w MCC 10.3 $19,748.18 660 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Non-Neoplasm w CC 5.6 $10,918.89 Kidney and Ureter Procedures for Non-Neoplasm w/o CC/MCC 2.8 $7,791.75 661 PANCREATECTOMY 405 Pancreas, Liver and Shunt Procedures w MCC 14.5 $31,510.91 406 Pancreas, Liver and Shunt Procedures w CC 7.6 $16,045.73 407 Pancreas, Liver and Shunt Procedures w/o CC/MCC 5.1 $11,099.84 628 Other Endocrine, Nutrit and Metab O.R. Proc w MCC 9.6 $19,437.33 629 Other Endocrine, Nutrit and Metab O.R. Proc w CC 7.2 $12,348.49 630 Other Endocrine, Nutrit and Metab O.R. Proc w/o CC/MCC 3.8 $7,796.97 PROSTATECTOMY 665 Prostatectomy w MCC 11.7 $18,218.83 666 Prostatectomy w CC 6.2 $9,883.66 667 Prostatectomy w/o CC/MCC 2.6 $5,190.05 707 Major Male Pelvic Procedures w CC/MCC 4.1 $10,592.95 708 Major Male Pelvic Procedures w/o CC/MCC 1.6 $7,497.71 RECTAL 332 Rectal Resection w MCC 13.2 $27,299.83 333 Rectal Resection w CC 7.4 $14,189.28 334 Rectal Resection w/o CC/MCC 4.3 $9,191.77 SPLENECTOMY 799 Splenectomy w MCC 12.9 $29,368.54 800 Splenectomy w CC 6.8 $14,634.69 801 Splenectomy w/o CC/MCC 3.5 $9,267.74 THORACIC 163 Major Chest Procedures w MCC 13.4 $29,550.07 164 Major Chest Procedures w CC 6.7 $15,128.81 165 Major Chest Procedures w/o CC/MCC 4.0 $10,406.20 166 Other Resp System O.R. Procedures w MCC 11.2 $21,308.27 167 Other Resp System O.R. Procedures w CC 6.6 $11,517.99 168 Other Resp System O.R. Procedures w/o CC/MCC 3.9 $7,598.04 820 Lymphoma and Leukemia w Major O.R. Procedure w MCC 17.1 $34,089.41 821 Lymphoma and Leukemia w Major O.R. Procedure w CC 6.9 $13,933.51 822 Lymphoma and Leukemia w Major O.R. Procedure w/o CC/MCC 2.8 $7,154.37 981 Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis w MCC 13.1 $28,603.00 982 Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis w CC 7.6 $16,531.15 983 Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis w/o CC/MCC 3.8 $10,127.24 NOTE: * One DRG per patient is assigned to each inpatient stay. TABLE REFERENCES: ** FY 2014 Final Rule, Federal Register, Vol. 78, No. 160, Monday, August 19, 2013, Table 1A-1E. National Average Payment Rate is based upon the National Average Operating Standardized Amount ($5,370.28) plus the Capital Standard Federal Payment Rate ($429.31). ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Dx Code** Description ADRENALECTOMY 227.0 Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland 255.x* Disorders of the adrenal glands APPENDECTOMY 540.0 Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis 540.1 Acute appendicitis with peritoneal abscess 540.9 Acute appendicitis without mention of peritonitis 541 Appendicitis, unqualified 789.00 Abdominal pain, unspecified site 278.00 Overweight and obesity 278.01 Morbid obesity 278.02 Overweight 539.01 Infection due to gastric band procedure 539.09 Other complications of gastric band procedure 539.81 Infection due to other bariatric procedure 539.89 Other complication of other bariatric procedure BARIATRIC 997.49 Other digestive system complication V12.29 Personal history of other endocrine, metabolic, and immunity disorders V53.99 Fitting and adjustment, other device V85 Body Mass Index (BMI), Kilograms per meters squared V85.0 Body Mass Index less than 19, adult† V85.1 Body Mass Index between 19-24, adult V85.2x* Body Mass Index between 25-29, adult V85.3x* Body Mass Index between 30-39, adult V85.4x* Body Mass Index 40 and over, adult V85.5x* Body Mass Index, pediatric 278.00 Overweight and obesity CHOLECYSTECTOMY 574.xx* Cholelithiasis 575.xx* Other disorders of the gallbladder 153.x* Malignant neoplasm of the colon 209.13 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the ascending colon 209.14 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the transverse colon 209.15 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the descending colon 209.16 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the sigmoid colon 209.53 Benign carcinoid tumor of the ascending colon 209.54 Benign carcinoid tumor of the transverse colon 209.55 Benign carcinoid tumor of the descending colon 209.56 Benign carcinoid tumor of the sigmoid colon 211.3 Benign neoplasm of colon 230.3 Carcinoma in situ of colon COLECTOMY Dx Code** Description CYSTECTOMY 188.x* Malignant neoplasm of the bladder 596.9 Unspecified disorder of the bladder ESOPHAGECTOMY 150.x* Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 211.0 Benign neoplasm of esophagus 230.1 Carcinoma in situ of esophagus 530.85 Barrett’s esophagus GASTRECTOMY 151.x* Malignant neoplasm of the stomach 531.xx* Gastric ulcer 532.xx* Duodenal ulcer HEMORRHOID 455.x* Hemorrhoids 569.4x* Other specified disorders of rectum and anus LAPAROSCOPIC COLECTOMY 153.x* Malignant neoplasm of the colon 211.3 Benign neoplasm of colon 235.2 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of stomach, intestines, and rectum 560.0 Intussusception 560.1 Paralytic ileus 560.30 Impaction of intestine, unspecified 560.9 Unspecified intestinal obstruction 569.82 Ulceration of intestine 569.83 Perforation of intestine OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY 189.x* Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 209.24 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the kidney 236.91 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney and ureter 593.x* Other disorders of kidney and ureter 157.x* Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 577.x* Diseases of the pancreas PANCREATECTOMY PROSTATECTOMY 185 Malignant neoplasm of prostrate 600.00 Hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS) 600.01 Hypertrophy (benign) of prostate with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.10 Nodular prostate without urinary obstruction 600.11 Nodular prostate with urinary obstruction 600.20 Benign localized hyperplasia of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.21 Benign localized hyperplasia of prostate with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.3 Cyst of prostate 600.90 Hyperplasia of prostate, unspecified, without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary symptoms (LUTS) 600.91 Hyperplasia of prostate, unspecified, with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary symptoms (LUTS) RECTAL 154.0 Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction 154.1 Malignant neoplasm of rectum 211.4 Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal 235.2 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of stomach, intestines, and rectum 455.x* Hemorrhoids Dx Code** Description 569.1 Rectal prolapse 569.41 Ulcer of anus and rectum 569.42 Anal or rectal pain SPLENECTOMY 159.1 Malignant neoplasm of spleen, not elsewhere classified 197.8 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organs and spleen 200.77 Large cell lymphoma, spleen 289.4 Hypersplenism 289.50 Disease of spleen, unspecified 289.59 Other diseases of spleen 865.xx* Injury to spleen THORACIC 162.x* Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 197.0 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung 235.7 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of trachea, bronchus, and lung 239.1 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of respiratory system 492.x* Emphysema 510.x* Empyema 511.x* Pleurisy 512.xx* Pneumothorax and air leak 518.xx* Other diseases of lung 786.xx* Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 793.11 Solitary pulmonary nodule 793.19 Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field NOTES: * Check 4th or 5th digit. TABLE REFERENCES: ** 2014 Hospital ICD-9-CM Volume 1 and 2, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification, Sixth Edition Supply Codes Dx Code** Description BARIATRIC-BAND ADJUSTMENTS A4208 Syringe with needle, sterile 3 cc, each A4215 Needle, sterile, any size, each J7030 Infusion, normal saline solution , 1000 cc J7040 Infusion, normal saline solution, sterile (500 ml=1 unit) J7050 Infusion, normal saline solution , 250 cc REFERENCE: CMS 2014 Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File Updated – 11/25/2013 Disclaimer: The information contained in this guide is provided to help you understand the reimbursement process. It is not intended to increase or maximize reimbursement by any payer. We strongly recommend that providers consult their payer organization with regard to local reimbursement policies. The information contained in this guide is provided for information purposes only and represents no statement, promise or guarantee by Covidien concerning levels of reimbursement, payment or charge. Similarly, all CPT HCPCS and ICD-9-CM codes are supplied for information purposes only and represent no statement, promise or guarantee by Covidien that these codes will be appropriate or that reimbursement will be made. ICD-9-CM is based on the official version of the World Health Organization’s Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases. CPT codes and descriptions only are copyright 2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT does not include fee schedules, relative values or related listings. The source for this information is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Reimbursement rates reflected in this guide are Medicare National Average rates as published by CMS at the time of printing, and do not reflect provider payment adjustment factors such geographic adjustment, participation as a Disproportionate Share or Teaching Hospital, participation in the CMS Shared Service (ACO) program, or Value Base Purchasing adjustments. The content provided by CMS is updated frequently. It is the responsibility of the health services provider to confirm the appropriate coding required by their local Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), carriers, fiscal intermediaries and commercial payers. All Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) five-digit numeric codes, descriptions, numeric modifiers, instructions, guidelines and other material are copyright © 2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Code associations and values have been reviewed and validated by NMD Healthcare, Inc. COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, Covidien logo and positive results for life are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. ™* Trademark of its respective owner. ©2014 Covidien. 3.14 US140139 5920 Longbow Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-2300 [t] 800-255-8522 [us] www.covidien.com/reimbursement