Advanced Computer Applications Exam

Advanced Computer Applications – Final Exam
1. When each frame of an animation is different, this is called:
a. Frame-by-frame animation
b. Shape Tweening
c. Frames per second
d. Layer Stack
2. Which HTML tag attribute allows you to change the color of text?
a. color
b. background-color
c. format-text
d. foreground-color
3. In animation, “FPS” stands for
a. Frame Position Standard
b. Frames Per Second
c. First Place Scene
d. Flow Per Second
4. When a movie continuously plays, it is referred to as:
a. Looped Playback
b. Test Movie
c. Timeline
d. Frames per second
5. In Dreamweaver, which menu would you use to add a layer to your web page?
a. Edit
b. View
c. Insert
d. Modify
6. In Flash 8, which menu would you use to hide the Properties Inspector pane?
a. Modify
b. Site
c. Commands
d. Window
7. In Flash 8, to transform a shape as shown below, which type of modification would you use?
a. Crop
b. Rotate
c. Resize
d. Skew
8. In Flash 8, which icon makes a layer invisible?
9. In Flash, which key can you hold down to force the oval tool to draw a perfect circle?
a. Ctrl
b. Shift
c. Alt
d. Tab
10. In Flash 8, which of the tools below allows you to modify a gradient?
11. In Flash 8, which of the tools below allows you to skew an object?
12. In Flash 8, which of the tools below will allow you select a portion of an object?
13. An animation which transitions from one shape to another is called:
a. Keyframe
b. Frame-by-frame animation
c. Shape Tweening
d. Layer Properties
14. How do you remove a frame?
a. Choose Edit >Timeline >Remove Frame
b. Right click the frame and choose Delete
c. Choose Modify > Timeline > Delete Frame
d. Choose Edit > Delete
15. In which program can you create animations like Flash 8?
a. Internet Explorer
b. Adobe After Effects*
c. Macromedia Fireworks
d. Microsoft word
16. What must you insert to make a change in the animation?
a. Keyframe
b. Frame
c. Layer
d. Frame rate
17. If you plan on moving a shape or object across the stage, you should use this feature to help
guide the movement:
a. Locking layers
b. Hiding layers
c. Grouping objects
d. Onion Skinning
18. In Dreamweaver, which menu would you use to change the location of your local root folder?
a. Edit
b. Commands
c. Site
d. Window
19. Visual hints of how an animation has changed from each frame are called:
a. Alpha
b. Shape Tweening
c. Onion Skinning
d. Scrub Head
20. Which of the following is correct HTML code?
a. <div><table><td><tr><p>This is some text</p></td></tr></table></div>
b. <table><tr><td><div><p>This is some text</p></div></td></tr></table><div>
<li><ul>This is some text</ul></li>
d. <table><div><strong>This is some text</strong></div></table>
HTML Activity
Create a new web page using Notepad (go to Start > All Programs > Accessories). Write the HTML
code needed to create a complete webpage containing the following:
• A web page title using the <title> tage
A table with two rows and three columns
A heading at the top of the body which says, “Excel Final” using the <h1> tag
Any image
A hyperlink to any external web site
A background color other than white (modify the <body> tag to make this work)
Create a new flash document that incorporates TWO of the techniques listed below. Your animation
must be at least 24 frames in length (or two seconds using 12fps as a frame rate). Everything else is up
to your creative interpretation. When finished, save this file in Flash 8 as “flash final”
Pick at least two to include:
Frame-by-frame animation
o where one shape moves from frame-to-frame
Single Shape Tween
o where one shape turns into a different shape
Multiple Shape Tween
o where several shapes turn into different shapes at the same time
Motion Tween
o where a movie clip symbol moves across the stage
Animated Symbol
o where a the symbol uses a tween of some kind
Overlay Blend Mode
o where a photograph is colored in using a bitmap image and an overlay blend