Show and Tell Roster Term 3 2014 2 Hakea Show and Tell presentations should go for approximately two minutes. Please encourage your child to practise their presentation so that they feel confident in front of the class group. We encourage the children to stand up straight, make eye contact, speak clearly and at a volume that their audience will be able to hear their information. The children can use diagrams, power points, photos, pictures and any other visuals to help them present their information to their audience. Thank-you for your help and support. We really appreciate it. Monday Piper Jessica Ned Matilda Tuesday Ansuiya Zari Jack Kamela Wednesday Joey Zoe Tamara Kate Thursday Jean Felix Emily William Anna Friday Yianni Petros Chelsey Isaac Show and Tell Topics Term 3 Week 2 Find a picture of something that looks ‘weird’ and explain to the class what it is. Week 3 Find a seed from a plant and explain how the seed will grow into the adult plant and what it will look like. Week 4 Find a poem that you like and recite it to the class and explain why you like the poem. Week5 Design a fantasy character and describe its attributes – What it looks like, what it can do, what it eats etc. Make your diagram big enough for your audience to see. Remember to label the diagram and give it a title. Week 6 Write your own prayer of ‘Forgiveness’. Be prepared to read it to the class. Week 7 Choose a marine creature and describe its lifecycle. Week 8 Compose an Acrostic Poem – The letters of the topic are written vertically. Each letter of the topic word therefore forms the first letter of the word beginning each line. Some acrostic poems use only single words for each line while others use a phrase. Acrostic poems can be rhymed or unrhymed. Week 9 Compose your own Haiku poem – This poetry form consists of three lines. Each line has a specific number of syllables. 1st line: 5 syllables, and tells where 2nd line: 7 syllables, and tells what 3rd line: 5 syllables, and tells when Week 10 Free Show and Tell. Bring something of your choosing to present to the class. Be prepared to speak about the item you have chosen for at least 2 minutes.