Rowville Rail Feasibility Study Project Scope This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. © State of Victoria 2011 Authorised by the Victorian Government, 121 Exhibition St, Melbourne Victoria 3000. If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio please telephone Public Affairs Branch, Department of Transport on (03) 9655 6000. Contents 1. Purpose 1 2. Project history 1 3. Background 1 4. Project objectives 2 5. Consultation & communication 2 6. Project leader 3 7. Study scope 3 8. Project deliverables 5 9. Governance 6 1 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of the Rowville Rail Feasibility Study and provide an understanding of the objectives, extent of the study, timing, consultation and communications methodology, project deliverables and project governance arrangements. 2. Project history A rail line to Rowville was one of the rail network developments proposed in the 1969 Melbourne Transportation Plan, although it had been discussed for many years prior to that. The 1969 plan proposed a train line be built from Huntingdale railway station through Rowville to Ferntree Gully on the Belgrave line, providing a link to the areas of Monash University, Waverley Park, Stud Park and Rowville. It was one of several rail proposals that did not proceed at that time. Investigations were also conducted as part of the Scoresby Transport Corridor EES (1998) which examined options for light rail or bus rapid transit to accompany the Scoresby Arterial (which was later built as East Link). In 2004 Knox City Council released a pre-feasibility study which suggested the option of a single track rail configuration between Huntingdale and Stud Park Shopping Centre via North Road and Wellington Road. 3. Background On 17 February 2011, the Minister for Public Transport announced that work would begin on the Rowville Rail Feasibility Study. The study, to be conducted by independent consultants, is expected to take two years to complete. Project description With Melbourne’s continuing strong growth it is important the Government explores a range of options for providing high-quality, highcapacity public transport across the city. The study is an investigation of a 12 kilometre rail line between Huntingdale railway station and Rowville that will serve residents in the eastern suburbs and the large numbers of students accessing Monash University. It will include engineering, architectural and operational investigations as well as extensive consultation with the public. Project benefits The detailed planning investigations will enable the Government to understand the feasibility of building a rail line to Rowville. The study will provide greater understanding of a range of aspects, including patronage projections, constructability and costs. 2 Rowville Rail Feasibility Study Project Scope 4. Project objectives The key objectives of the Rowville Rail Feasibility Study are to: ❯❯ explore improved integrated transport and land use opportunities, and broader economic, social and environmental outcomes ❯❯ understand future patronage demand in the medium and long term within the Monash and Knox municipalities to ensure the cost effectiveness of planning ❯❯ provide a frequent, clean, reliable, and higher capacity mode of public transport service, for the Knox and Monash communities; 5. Consultation and communication strategy Community consultation A key part of the Rowville Rail Feasibility Study is to engage with key stakeholders, business, industry and the community. Early engagement will add value to the study process through assessing the community’s travel needs and their perspective on current and future transport requirements for the local area and surrounds. ❯❯ provide a concept for the proposed Rowville railway line interfacing with the existing Dandenong rail corridor at Huntingdale railway station A range of engagement tools and techniques will be used as part of the study process, including community workshops and drop in sessions, targeted interviews with key stakeholders and a public submission process. ❯❯ ensure that the interface to the Dandenong rail corridor integrates with all operational and strategic plans for the existing and future rail network. Significant public consultation will be an integral part of the study. The study team will hold facilitated community and stakeholder meetings, led by the study Project Leader. The study will investigate integrated transport solutions centred on the rail link to Rowville, to ensure that the railway stations are easily accessible by as many modes of transport as possible (for example walk, cycle, bus, taxi, car). Appropriate opportunities will be identified by the study team to provide major community and stakeholder briefings throughout the progress of the study. The study will also undertake comprehensive and inclusive consultation with key stakeholders and the local community that: Stakeholder consultation ❯❯ considers the local needs and interests of stakeholders ❯❯ considers the needs and interests of stakeholders who are users of the wider transport network including business The following organisations will be amongst those consulted during the study: ❯❯ Train operators – V/Line, Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) ❯❯ VicRoads ❯❯ Linking Melbourne Authority (LMA) ❯❯ provides timely, relevant and accurate information about the study ❯❯ Monash University ❯❯ facilitates contact and input from the community ❯❯ City of Knox ❯❯ gives the public the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the study. ❯❯ City of Monash ❯❯ Shopping centres and businesses in the local area. 3 Communications strategy and plan Phase 1: Option development The study team will prepare a communications strategy and plan in accordance with Department of Transport requirements and consider IAP2 guidelines. The communications strategy and plan will determine an appropriate approach to public consultation. ❯❯ an options identification and assessment for the Rowville rail line 6. Project Leader ❯❯ engineering and architectural concept plans The study team will be led by a Project Leader who will be the single point of reference and key liaison with the Department of Transport. The Project Leader will: ❯❯ coordinate and manage work undertaken by the study team ❯❯ be the key person involved in briefing and accompanying Department of Transport to stakeholder consultation meetings ❯❯ lead briefings on study direction outcomes to the Department of Transport Executive and Minister for Public Transport ❯❯ be well regarded in the transport industry and bring sufficient skill and knowledge to the role ❯❯ provide expert opinion and judgement drawn from tangible experience ❯❯ lead discussions from a transport, land-use and community perspective. 7. Study scope The Rowville Rail Feasibility Study will be delivered in two phases. This project scope is for Phase 1 only. The major tasks of Phase 1 are: ❯❯ a multi-criteria evaluation matrix for the assessment of the rail options ❯❯ desktop investigations including reviewing existing reports ❯❯ a high level constructability proposal and concept of operations plan ❯❯ high level costing, demand forecasting, economic analysis and risk analysis ❯❯ public communication and community consultation ❯❯ a feasibility report The study will give consideration to minimising the social, economic and environmental impacts of construction, operations and maintenance of the proposed Rowville rail line. Rail options assessment The study team will examine a range of options and determine the feasibility, cost and risk associated with each station location and rail alignment. The study will address the: ❯❯ location of stations, stabling and turn-back facilities along the Rowville rail line ❯❯ connection at Huntingdale and proposed track configurations ❯❯ operational strategies ❯❯ engineering and architectural concepts for the vertical and horizontal alignments and any road grade separation options Phase 2 will develop more detailed proposals subject to the findings of Phase 1. ❯❯ engineering and architectural concepts for stations, including Station Access and Mobility Plans Cost and duration ❯❯ preliminary (desktop) geotechnical investigations Total Cost: $2 million (includes Phase 1 & Phase 2) Duration: Phase 1 mid 2011 – mid 2012 Phase 2 mid 2012 – mid 2013 ❯❯ grade line and cross section options (including combinations of tunnel, cut and cover, at-grade and elevated structures) 4 Rowville Rail Feasibility Study Project Scope ❯❯ high-level analysis of the constructability of the rail line ❯❯ rolling stock and stabling facilities requirements ❯❯ high-level assessment of rail network implications including rolling-stock, signalling, traction and track requirements elsewhere to enable the Rowville service ❯❯ the need for further infrastructure including indicative placement of infrastructure ❯❯ traction power considerations ❯❯ a concept timetable ❯❯ an overview of the impact of the project in the context of the Transport Integration Act 2010 Infrastructure ❯❯ concept of operations including a high level timetable ❯❯ desktop investigations to identify the location of existing assets including but not limited to: ❯❯ impacts and implications of the rail line on: –– currently proposed projects –– other future rail capacity improvement projects –– local bus network –– nearby roads ❯❯ economic appraisal including a concept costing of the rail line ❯❯ patronage forecast and demand analysis ❯❯ identify implications for urban design and development through identifying: –– affected properties and land-use impacts –– high-level land use or redevelopment opportunities that may be created by the project. Concept of operations The study team will conduct necessary investigations with operational input from the Department of Transport to identify the current and planned service patterns on the Rowville rail line and existing Dandenong rail line. This will include investigating and identifying: ❯❯ current and planned service patterns and options for different service patterns ❯❯ opportunities and implications for the introduction of new rail services into the existing rail network –– rail infrastructure (e.g. track, structures, signalling, power, communication) –– roads (e.g. signals, structures, buildings, land boundaries) –– utilities (e.g. water, power, gas, petrochemical, communications etc) –– major civil structures, buildings, including indicative land boundaries and access points. ❯❯ structural asset assessment for condition and structural adequacy of any assets likely to be impacted by design, construction, operation or maintenance of the rail line ❯❯ a signalling concept plan identifying the implications of a fixed signal block system and new generation signalling design ❯❯ an electrification concept plan for the Rowville rail line and interfaces including potential sites for substations. ❯❯ desktop geotechnical assessment to inform concept design, including: –– high level foundation techniques, –– excavation (including mechanical excavation, blasting and tunnelling), –– treatment of excavated material, –– any specialist tunnel boring or drilling equipment requirements. 5 Environmental High level constructability ❯❯ groundwater and surface water conditions, outlining constraints and recommendations for integration with rail engineering works ❯❯ comment on construction staging methodology/program ❯❯ cost estimate for the proposed works; ❯❯ the potential future need for dilapidation surveys ❯❯ comment on noise and vibration issues and provide potential mitigation measures ❯❯ high level analysis and commentary on site contamination ❯❯ comment on fire, ventilation and emergency considerations ❯❯ desktop flora and fauna survey and review recent literature ❯❯ conduct high level traffic analysis and advise of implications on the network. ❯❯ cultural and heritage investigations. Commercial, demand forecasting and economic analysis ❯❯ undertake high level demand forecasting ❯❯ undertake economic analysis using the Australian Transport Council Guidelines as reference ❯❯ consider and provide comment on legal or commercial implications (e.g. EastLink, commercial tenancies) Engineering and architectural concept plans ❯❯ provide an overview of the proposed new stations including the location, proposed catchments, and concept plans ❯❯ identify possible railway station upgrades required including station, platform and building modifications ❯❯ comment on the need for further track works, civil works, bridge/culvert modifications and develop concept plans ❯❯ identify level crossing modifications on the network as a result of changes to operational service patterns of the proposed Rowville rail line ❯❯ grade line plan and typical cross sections ❯❯ consideration of rolling stock requirements and stabling facilities. Sustainability and accessibility ❯❯ consider opportunities for sustainable transport infrastructure (e.g. solar powered shelters, water saving devices, solar orientation, natural ventilation, regenerative braking systems) ❯❯ consider other sustainable modes of transport including walking and cycling (e.g. shared paths, access, over and underpasses etc); and ❯❯ consider accessibility issues including Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (“DSAPT”) and Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (“DDA”). 8. Project deliverables The study team will provide a feasibility report summarising the conclusions of the work. The report may be used for preparing internal Department of Transport submissions for preliminary design and funding. The report will also provide a basis for Phase 2 of the feasibility study which will progress the rail link through concept design to preliminary design. 6 Rowville Rail Feasibility Study Project Scope 9. Governance The study will be the responsibility of an independent study team appointed by the Department of Transport. The Project Leader will be required to lead briefings on study direction outcomes to the Department of Transport and Minister for Public Transport as required. The Project Leader will also provide expert opinion to lead discussions from transport, land-use and community perspective. A Government steering group will be set up to facilitate resolution of issues during the project and will include representatives from the study team, Department of Transport (Public Transport Division), Department of Treasury and Finance and Department of Premier and Cabinet. Further information Website Email Phone 1800 078 387 DOT5996/11