NewTransit Media is a joint venture of Richard Shaw and Michael Jones of The Jones Group, two veteran professionals in film and video production, marketing and communications. They have joined forces to leverage their combined experience with rail, transit, government and technology projects to serve the transit sector, including transit agencies, consultants and industry. Collectively they have worked for a wide range of clients that include SANDAG, The Port of Long Beach, Motorola and the City of Phoenix. North America and the world are experiencing a proliferation of rail projects to meet the 21st Century challenges of road and airport congestion, energy consumption and pollution. The social and economic benefits of rail transit are real—including increased tourism, job creation, economic development and trade, infrastructure cost-effectiveness and a viable alternative for local commuters as well as business or leisure travel between cities hundreds of miles apart. NewTransit Media recognizes the many issues— and opportunities—that large, new infrastructure projects face, from initial concept, buy-in by multiple constituencies and environmental impacts, to funding, construction, operations and building or growing rider ship. NewTransit Media specializes in providing communication, video production or marketing services to meet the specific needs of government agencies and the private sector involved with rail or transit projects. NewTransit Media can also provide pro-active, creative solutions such as outreach programs to consumers, government and the media; mitigate complex issues such as project opposition; maintain ballot initiative momentum; and increase revenue generation at the fare box or advertising on buses and trains. Contact NewTransit Media for a confidential discussion of your project or objectives. © 2009 - NewTransit Media - All Rights Reserved