Short CV- John B. C. Findlay
Education :
1972 PhD. (Biochemistry)- University of Leeds, UK
1968 B.Sc.(Biochemistry-1 st
Hons.)- University of Aberdeen, UK
Research and Professional Experience
2008-14 Adjunct Professor, NUI Maynooth, (75% 2008-14)
2011- Senior Research Fellow, University of Leeds
1990-11 Professor of Biochemistry, University of Leeds
1988-90 Reader in Protein Biochemistry, University of Leeds
1983-88 Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Leeds
1974-83 Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Leeds
1972-74 Research Fellow/Departmental Tutor, Harvard University
Mentoring and Supervision
Over 100 PhD students and 50 post-doctorals
Commercialisation Activity
Leeds PCT/GB00/00517 Modified Calycins
PCT/GB01/03813 Calycins 2
• Final filing 2012: Agents for Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes,
PCT/EP2012/071286 .
• Filed GPCR and yeast-based Biosensor Platform
Spin-out : Precision Proteins Traded modestly but profitably - Shut down on move to Ireland.
Editorships: Journal of Molecular Signalling (USA, 2006-08), Molecular Membrane Biology
(UK, 1994-98, Peptide Letters (UK,1994- ), Journal of Analytical Biochemistry (USA, 1994 -
98), Journal of Supramolecular Structure (UK, 1994 - 98), Receptors & Channels
(Netherlands, 1993 – 96), Biochemical Journal (UK, 1990 - 95).
More Recent External Committees:
2011 Chairman University of Brussels- Chemistry Review Panel
2011 Chairman Portuguese Research Council , Biological Sciences
2007 Chairman EPSRC – Review Panel in bioinformatics
2007 President’s Appointing Panel – Technical University, Cyprus
2005 Research Council of Greece – Institute Evaluations
2005 Swedish Research Council – Senior Fellowships
2004,11 Grant Review Panel- Portuguese Research Council
2003 BBSRC-Evaluation panel in Bioinformatics and e-Science
2001-3 Rapporteur, EU Council of Ministers Benchmarking Committee for Human
Resources in Science
Senior management Experience :
2008-9 Chairman – EC Marie Curie- CO-FUNDS
2007- Chair/Vice-Chair – EC Marie Curie – Innovative Training Networks
2005-09 Chairman and Co-ordinator, EU EST-site involving 30 partners
2000-06 Chairman of COST D22, an intra-European consortium on Protein:Lipid
1999- Chairman of EU Marie Curie \individual Fellowships
1997-01 Chairman, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds
1995-97 Research Director, School of Biological Sciences, Leeds
Total Publications :-Book editor and contributor 2; book chapters 8; invited reviews 16; research publications 240 and 3 patents. (J. Biol. Chem. 12; Biochemistry 11; Nature 4; J.
Mol. Biol. and J. Prot. Res. 3; Prot. Sci., J. Cell Biol, PNAS, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2 each,
More Recent Relevant Publications:-
• Young,P. Leonard, S.F and Findlay, JBC Analysis of the effect of a novel therapeutic for
Type 2 Diabetes on the proteome of a muscle cell line- Proteomics – submitted (2015)
• Young, P. and Findlay, John.B.C. The Effect of Retinol Binding Protein on the
Proteome of C2C12 muscle cells. Diabetes/Metabolism Research- in review (2014)
• Breen, C., Martin, D. and Findlay John B. C.
Expression, purification and characterization of the vitamin A transporter/RBP receptor – PLoS One in press
• Renske Hesselink and John B.C. Findlay . Expression, characterization and ligand specificity of lipocalin-1 interacting membrane receptor (LIMR) Molecular membrane
Biology Vol. 30, No. 5-6 , Pages 327-337 (2013)
• Chapman KL, Findlay JB.
The Melanocortin 4 Receptor: Oligomer formation, Interaction
Sites and Functional Significance. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1828: 535-42. (2013)
• Chapman, K.L., Findlay, J.B.C., Kinsella G.K., G Protein Coupled Receptors –
Exploiting Flexible Conformations”, European Pharma. Rev., 17, 4, (2012).
• J. Findlay, G. Kinsella, R. Devine, T. Velasco Torrijos and J. C. Stephens, C. Fishwick
New compounds for the treatment of diabetes, PCT/EP2012/071286 .
• Ward, N.A., Hirst, S., Williams, J., Findlay, J.B.C*., Pharmacological Chaperones for the
MC4 Receptor Biochem Soc Trans, 40(4):717-20. (2012)
• André Nogueira da Costa, Renée S. Mijal, Jeffrey N. Keen, John B.C. Findlay* ,
Christopher P. Wild Proteomic analysis of the effects of the immunomodulatory mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol. Proteomics, , 11(10):1903-14. 2011
• Nogueira da Costa A, Keen JN, Wild CP, Findlay JB. An analysis of the
phosphoproteome of immune cell lines exposed to the immunomodulatory
mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol . Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1814 (7): 850-857 (2011
• Campos Sandoval, J A; Redondo, C; Kinsella, G; Pal, A; Jones, G; Eyre, G; Hirst, S;
Findlay, J* . Fenretinide derivatives act as disrupters of serum Retinol Binding Protein
(sRBP) interactions with Transthyretin (TTR) and the sRBP Receptor. J. Med. Chem.,
54(13):4378-87. 2011
• Chapman,K., Kinsella, G.K., Cox,A., Donnelly,D. and Findlay,J.B.C*. J Mol Biol, 401 ,
433-50, 2010
• Wysocka-Kapcinska,M, Campos Sandoval, J.A, Akos, P and Findlay, J.B.C*
Expression And Purification of RBP in P.pastoris. J. Prot. Expression and Purif.
32 (2010)
• Harrison, M.A., Jones, R.P., Durose, L.J., Phillips, C., Keen, J.N. and Findlay, J.B.C*. A site-directed cross-linking approach to the characterization of subunit E-subunit G contacts in the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase stator. Mol. Membr. Biol . (Epub May 2010).
• Redondo C, Vouropoulou M, Evans J and Findlay JBC*. The identification of the Retinol
Binding Protein interaction site and functional state of RBPs for the membrane receptor.
22 (4), 1043-1054 (2008)