Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College Principles of Marketing

Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College
Principles of Marketing (94-707)
Meets T/TH
Session A 3:00-4:20
- Location HBH 1001
Session B 4:30 - 5:50
- Location HBH 1001
Professor: Ari Lightman
Office Location: HBH 2107c
Office Hours T, W, TH by apt.
- e-mail:
Teaching Assistant: Rachel Hite
Course Description
Marketing as a science and as a profession is changing rapidly. Organizations are beginning
to see the value in bringing different departments into strategic marketing and
implementation. This is especially relevant with the challenge of understanding and
analyzing data on customers, product offerings, and channels. Today, marketing is to some
extent defined outside the traditional marketing department, so how can the next
generation of marketers address this challenge? This course provides an overview of
marketing concepts focusing on definitions, mechanics, and practices. We will cover the
basics of marketing but also delve into marketing’s role within various departments across
the enterprise including supply chain logistics, sales force automation and public relations.
We will touch upon some of the other offerings provided at the Heinz College and Carnegie
Mellon focused on specific marketing channels and processes. This course is a prerequisite for students who wish to take 93-821 Arts Marketing and Public Relations and
recommended for any advanced marketing classes.
Course Objectives
Understand the elements of marketing products and services
Assess and compare marketing campaigns based on different attributes
Apply knowledge in developing a strategic marketing plan
Exhibit ability to break down a marketing program by process
Describe current changes to marketing brought on by new technologies
Required Text
There is no required text for this class. A suggested free online resource is “Principles of
Marketing” by Jeff Tanner and Mary Anne Raymond.
Attendance and Participation
This class is geared around class discussion and participation. In order to participate,
students need to be present, so attendance is required. Excuses will always come up but
they need to be communicated to the professor and associated TA ahead of time.
Participation includes active involvement in discussion, presenting materials to the class,
and sharing experiences around the subject of marketing.
Submitting Assignments
Students are required to submit their assignment (individual and team) through
Blackboard (BB) the day before the assignment is due. Students have until midnight to
submit their assignments. Files are required to be submitted in Portable Document Format
(PDF) and named in this manner: firstname_lastname_or team #_section_assignment#.pdf
(example: ari_lightman_A3_HW1.pdf).
Grades will comprise individual as well as team based effort:
Class Participation
Case #1
Final Exam
*Note: Your team grade will reflect your individual contribution. Each team will be asked
to evaluate team members. Evaluations can either bring up or down your team grade and
are an essential part of teamwork. This is used to factor out free ridership within teams
Assignments: Individual assignments are available on Blackboard. Assignments should be
one page (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins). Appendices can be used to support
your analysis.
Class Participation: This is inherently a subjective assessment but will take the following
factors into account:
• Preparation, especially around assigned readings
• Ability to coherently present arguments and contribute to a discussion
• Ability to share information based on previous experience
Cases: Your case analysis grade is based on a 3-4-page write-up (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1
inch margins). Your team will have an option to analyze and write up one of two cases. Your
write-up should address the issues raised in the case narrative and associated discussion
questions. However, you are encouraged to go beyond the set of questions that I give you to seed
the discussion and to use additional resources to research possible outcomes. Cases will be
discussed in class during the next available lecture period. (Note: Please make sure you read
both cases)
Final Exam: The final exam will consist of groups submitting a strategic marketing plan for a
division of a well-known company. The teams should divide into roles and focus on specific
elements of bringing a new or revised product to market. Close attention will be paid to
comments, ability to build on, and respond to conversation around a particular issue.
Instructions for each assignment and case analysis will be posted to Blackboard and the rubric
will be provided in class. Assignments and case analysis are due on the dates stipulated by the
instructor on the syllabus or in class. They will not be accepted past the due date and time unless
a religious observance or a documented medical condition prevents on-time submission and the
student has consulted with the instructor in advance for approval of an alternate deadline.
Academic Conduct
Students are subject to Carnegie Mellon University’s policies on academic integrity. Plagiarism
is a serious offense and can result in failing the course and other disciplinary action. Plagiarism
includes, but is not limited to:
• Presenting another writer’s work as your own;
• Cutting and pasting content verbatim without using quotation marks to indicate a direct
quote or paraphrasing content without citing the source in-text using parenthetical
references, footnotes, or endnotes in addition to listing each source on the Works Cited,
References, or Notes page in a manner consistent with the format detailed in an approved
style guide;
• Providing incomplete or incorrect information about the source cited.
Schedule of Classes and Assignments
Introduction, Team Formation
What is Marketing?
Strategic Planning
Tom’s of Maine
Creating/Managing Gannett Digital
Consumer Behavior VideoMining
Ind HW #1
Market Segment
Pew Research + Quiz on Millennials
Targeting and
Ind HW #2
9/ 24
Research and
Big Data
Pricing, Supply
Ind HW #3
Guest Presenter: Rebecca Granne, VP Global Corporate Branding and Consumer
Solutions at Mylan Pharmaceuticals
Advertising &
Case Assignment
Marketing Transformation
Aiming to build cust. Loyalty… Quiz
Engagement &
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Mastering Dig. Marketing
Class schedule and assignments are subject to change.
Important Dates:
9/4 – Last day to Add/Drop for Mini I
10/1 – Guest Presenter
10/23 – Strategic Marketing Plans and Team Evaluations (COB)
Resources for Final Project
CMU Library Databases
Advertising Age: Complete access to AdAge magazine articles online
Consumer Reports: Rates consumer products and reports on consumer surveys
IBIS World: In-depth industry market research reports with analysis, data,
conditions, segmentation, market share, primary companies, and outlook for over
700 industries in the US.
MarketLine: Profiles of companies, industries, and countries, often containing SWOT
and 5 forces analysis; also covers M&A and financial deal activity, and market data
on a number of consumer products.