Shifting The Paradigm Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report “Cool Music Downloads, But Uncool Quality…” “Paying an arm and a leg for a short text…” ”Getting a new mobile number feels like a real gamble...” Shifting The Paradigm ”Calling abroad is a nail-biting experience...” “Their tariffs are non negotiable…” “Browse with your handset, the bill will make you sad…” Contents 1 2 4 5 6 10 12 13 Theme Bakrie Telecom at a Glance Vision Mission Recognitions Coverage Area Financial Highlights & Operational Share Highlights Report to Shareholders Report of the Board of Commissioners Shifting The Paradigm BTEL Business Model Disruptive Innovation – Our DNA Shifting The Paradigm 28 30 34 38 40 46 47 50 56 59 Industry Overview Review of Operating Results Financial Review Additional Important Information Business Development 60 Report of the Board of Directors 20 22 24 26 Management Discussion and Analysis Event Highlights 14 16 18 44 Operational Review Products and Services Sales and Marketing Networks and Infrastructure Human Resources 62 78 80 81 Sustainability Report Corporate Governance Audit Committee Report Risk Management Committee Report Remuneration and Nomination Committee Report 82 84 88 Control Systems Risk Management Corporate Social Responsibility 90 Corporate Data 92 94 96 97 98 100 101 102 Board of Commissioners Profile 103 Financial Reports Board of Directors Profile Senior Management Profile Organization Structure Gerai Esia Name and Addresses of Supporting Professional Definitions and Abbreviations Responsibility for 2009 Annual Reporting Shifting The Paradigm The Year 2009 was a year where BTEL made numerous breakthroughs in the national telecommunication industry. Like great innovators, every step taken by the Company always leaves footprints that are followed by competitors. In that year, BTEL changed the paradigm of the operator that determines everything, to a paradigm where the customer can choose the type of telecommunications product or service, according to their respective preferences. That is exactly why the year 2009 is referred to as the year when BTEL was “shifting the paradigm”. Bakrie Telecom at a Glance PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. (BTEL or the Company) is a fixed wireless access (FWA) with limited mobility) service provider using CDMA 2000 1x technology. BTEL is known for its innovative and exciting products and services that always leads the market through Esia, Wifone, Wimode, EsiaTel and SLI Hemat 009 brands. The Company was incorporated in 1993 under the name of PT Radio Telepon Indonesia. In 2003, the Company changed its name to PT Bakrie Telecom. Bakrie Telecom was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in February 2006 under the ticker symbol BTEL. In 2007 the Ministry of Communications and Informatics issued BTEL a license for nationwide operation, followed by a license to conduct international direct dial (IDD) service. The following year, BTEL got a licence to provide direct long distance (DLD) service. As of the end of 2009, BTEL subscribers had reached 10.6 million, spread across 79 cities and supported by 3,677 base transceiver station (BTS) networks. Service to customers is provided through two call centers, 90 Gerai Esia and more than 98,000 sales outlets throughout Indonesia. Timeline 1993 2003 2004 2005 Founded as PT Ratelindo, a PT Bakrie & Brothers subsidiary with a fixed line telephony business using E-TDMA technology Migrated to CDMA 2000 1x technology and changed its name to PT Bakrie Telecom • Introduced FWA with limited mobility services under the Esia name in the Jakarta, Banten and West Java (JBJB) areas • Launched “Talk Time” campaign • Launched “Esia Hujan Duit” campaign 2 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report • Extended coverage to various new regions 2006 2007 2008 2009 • Conducted a Rp 605 billion IPO Stock Offering on the Jakarta Stock Exchange • Introduced Wimode, a USB modem for internet access • Conducted Rp 3.0 trillion rights issue • Launched SLI Hemat 009 service • Introduced Rp 1 per character SMS service • Obtained additional frequency for the JBJB region • Introduced Wifone, a wireless home telephone with features similar to handphones • Secured US$ 145 million syndicated loan lead-arranged by Credit Suisse • Issued Rp 650 billion bonds • Obtained a national FWA and IDD license • Introduced several thematic handsets, each with its own uniqueness • Obtained a DLD license • Finalized the sale and leaseback transaction for 543 towers • Won third place in the “2009 Investment Award” • Won “Best CDMA Operator 2007” Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 3 Vision Mission Vision To create a better life for Indonesians by providing them information connectivity. Mission To provide affordable and high quality information connectivity. 4 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Recognitions 1. “Top Brand Award 2009” for the Top of Mind Share, Top of Market Share and Top of Commitment Share in the Prepaid & Postpaid CDMA category 2. “Best Brand Award 2009” for Best CDMA Brand operator, from MARS Research Institute and SWA Magazine 3. Five awards for “The First Annual Contact Center and Customer Service Awards” from Omni Touch International: - Best of the Best Award for “Best Use of IVR to promote The Company “ - Gold Award for “Best Revenue Generation” - Gold Award as “The Best Asking For The Business” - Silver Award for “Best Use of Customer Name to Build Rapport “ - Silver Award for “Best Use of Upsell” 4. Seven awards for the “Best Contact Center 2008” from the Contact Center Association Indonesian: - Platinum Award for “The Best Business Contribution” - Gold Award as “Best Operational CC below 100 seats” - Gold Award as “The Best Back Office Support” - Platinum Award for “The Best Quality Assurance” - Two Bronze Award as “The Best Agent Inbound & Outbound “ - Silver Award as “The Best Manager of above 100 seats” 5. 6. “The Best Contact Centre of the Year” from the Asia-Pacific Contact Centre Association Leaders 7. “The Best Tariff” in the Indonesian Cellular Show Awards 2009” 8. ”Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) in 2008” for the category of FWA Prepaid and Postpaid SIM Cards, from SWA Magazine and Frontier 9. “Most Recommended Brand by Customer” by SWA Magazine 10. “The Best in Marketing Campaign” and “The Best Innovation in Marketing “ by Marketing Magazine 11. ”Gadget Award 2009” for the Best Provider of CDMA, from Gadget Magazine 12. “Market Challenger of the Year” from Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Telecom Award 13. “Investment Award 2009” for the third best company in the Domestic Investment Agency category, from the Investment Coordinating Board, Republic of Indonesia, and Bisnis Indonesia Daily Three awards from the Center of Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty: - Golden Star Award for Service frontliners, Call Center - Silver Service Star Award for frontliners, Call Center - Supervisor Service Star Award for frontliners, Call Center Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 5 Event Highlights 6 23 January 29 January 2 February Joint promotion with Sriwijaya Air by offering special discounts for Esia subscribers who travel with Sriwijaya Air. Award ceremony of “Isi Ulang Bawa Rejeki”, a program to enhance loyalty among prepaid subscribers. Awarding scholarships to 12 student achievers from Bakrie School of Management, Class of 2008. 7 April 15 April 4 May Official ceremony for the inauguration of service in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera. The launch of SLI Hemat 009 Service. Introduction of Esia Pelita Jaya basketball team. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 27 February 6 March 20 March Town Hall Meetings as a means of socialization and communication for all BTEL employees. Donating basic necessities to flood victims in Solo, Central Java. The launch of Rp 5,000 Starter Pack in Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Surabaya and Makassar. 19 May 16 June 17 June The launch of new Esia 8 starter pack. AGM approved the Company’s performance for the year 2008. Official ceremony for the beginning of Gerakan Bandung Hijau (Taman Esia). Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 7 Event Highlights 8 19 July 23 July 26 August Umroh with five lucky pairs of Hape Esia Hidayah subscribers. The launch of HapESIAga, a loss insurance program in collaboration with ACE Insurance. The launch of Esia Bispak program. 6 October 7 October 11 November Offering relief for Padang Earthquake Recovery by providing free phone call and SMS services among Esia users from cities in West Sumatra to Jakarta. The launch of Esia Suka Suka starter pack. Market Challenger of the Year Award from Frost & Sullivan. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 28 August 10 September 14 September Official ceremony for the inauguration of service in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Donating zakat to 1,000 orphans and underprivileged people, while breaking the fast together. Award ceremony of Gosok Pasti Untung program. 24 November 9 December 16 December The launch of Hape Esia Musik. Named third Best Company in the domestic investment company category during 2009 Investment Awards, sponsored by the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board. The launch of Hape Esia Online. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 9 Coverage Area Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Jabodetabek & Banten West Java Central Java East Java, Bali & Nusra 1 Jakarta 1 Bandung 1 Yogyakarta 1 Surabaya 2 Bogor 2 Cirebon 2 Semarang 2 Malang 3 Serang 3 Tasikmalaya 3 Solo 3 Mojokerto 4 Karawang 4 Garut 4 Ungaran 4 Denpasar 5 Sukabumi 5 Indramayu 5 Salatiga 5 Sidoarjo 6 Rangkasbitung 6 Purwakarta 6 Klaten 6 Gresik 7 Cianjur 7 Boyolali 7 Bangkalan 8 Kuningan 8 Tegal 8 Lamongan 9 Subang 9 Purwokerto 9 Gianyar (Nusa Tenggara) 10 Sumedang 10 Magelang 10 Pasuruan 11 Majalengka 11 Pekalongan 11 Jember 12 Temanggung 12 Kediri 13 Demak 13 Madiun 14 Kudus 14 Singaraja 15 Cilacap 15 Banyuwangi 16 Purwodadi 16 Mataram 17 Wonosari 10 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Gross Operating Revenue 2009 9% 3% 9% 18% 61% 2008 11% 4% 7% 13% Region 5 Northern Sumatera Region 6 Southern Sumatera Region 7 Voice Pamasuka SMS (Papua • Maluku • Sulawesi • Kalimantan) 1 Medan 1 Lampung 1 Makassar 2 Padang 2 Palembang 2 Banjarmasin 3 Pekanbaru 3 Jambi 3 Banjarbaru 4 Batam 4 Metro Lampung 4 Martapura 5 Binjai 5 Balikpapan 6 Pariaman 6 Samarinda 7 Pematang Siantar 7 Tenggarong 8 Kisaran 8 Pontianak 9 Bukittinggi 9 Manado 10 Tanjung Pinang VAS, Data, Internet Non Usage Interconnection Service 10 Tondano 11 Tomohon 12 Airmadidi 13 Singkawang 14 Sangata 15 Batulicin Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 65% 11 Financial Highlights Number of Subscribers (in million) 2005 12,500 10,606.9 10,000 7,304.5 7,500 3,820.7 2,500 486.6 05 06 07 08 09 2009 Total Gross Operating Revenue 403.8 919.9 1,672.0 2,805.3 3,435.6 243.8 607.9 1,289.9 2,202.3 2,742.6 29.8 291.5 545.4 822.8 1,269.1 Net Income 0 2008 Net Operating Revenue EBIT 1,547.5 2007 Statements of Income (in billion Rupiah) EBITDA 5,000 2006 Basic Earnings per Share (99.9) 138.8 318.3 378.6 288.4 (144.3) 72.7 144.3 136.8 98.4 (16.1) 3.9 7.7 5.2 3.5 - 3.9 7.4 5.2 - Cash and Cash Equivalents 254.3 239.4 295.7 501.6 715.7 Other Current Assets 141.8 288.0 631.3 1,806.7 1,016.1 Total Non-Current Assets 1,126.6 1,689.7 3,737.2 6,237.7 9,704.5 Total Assets 1,522.6 2,217.1 4,664.2 8,546.0 11,436.3 199.5 299.5 514.4 1,067.5 2,062.0 Diluted Earnings per Share Balance Sheets (in billion Rupiah) Minutes of Usage (in millions of minutes) 20,000 18,448 15,000 12,637 10.000 5,309 5,000 684 06 Total Non-Current Liabilities 483.5 422.2 2.274.6 2,396.4 4,337.4 Total Liabilities 682.9 721.7 2,789.0 3,463.9 6,399.3 Total Equity 839.6 1,495.4 1,875.2 5,082.1 5,036.9 13,279.4 18,816.1 18,953.7 28,482.4 28,482.4 60.4 66.1 77.1 78.5 79.8 7.4 31.7 32.6 29.3 36.9 (24.7) 15.1 19.0 13.5 8.4 Number of Shares Outstanding (million) 2,202 Ratios (%) 0 05 Total Current Liabilities 07 08 09 Net Operating Margin EBITDA Margin EBIT Margin Net Profit Margin Gross Operating Revenue (in billion Rupiah) 4,000 3,435.6 2,805.3 3,000 2,000 7.9 8.6 4.9 2.9 Current Ratio 198.5 (35.7) 176.1 180.2 216.2 84.0 Debt to Equity 61.9 31.6 121.1 48.3 96.1 Net Debt to Equity 31.6 15.6 105.3 38.4 82.0 ROA (9.5) 3.3 3.1 1.6 0.9 ROE (17.2) 4.9 7.7 2.7 1.9 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1.672.0 919.9 1,000 403.8 0 05 06 07 08 09 Operational Highlights EBITDA (in billion Rupiah) Number of Subscribers 1,500 1,269.1 1,250 822.8 750 545.4 500 291.5 250 29.8 0 05 12 06 07 08 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 09 486,604 1,547,557 3,820,701 7,304,543 10,606,901 Prepaid 351,826 1,414,920 3,695,817 7,196,518 10,515,715 Postpaid 134,778 132,637 124,884 108,025 91,186 BTS (units) 235 408 1,200 2,772 3,677 ARPU (Rp) 117,000 71,000 53,000 42,000 33,000 Prepaid 71,000 57,000 47,000 42,000 33,000 Postpaid 159,000 145,000 144,000 137,000 110,000 684 2,202 5,309 12,637 18,448 Minutes of Usage (in millions of minutes) Share Highlights BTEL Share Performance Index/Price (Rp) Volume (in million) 500 – – 4,500 450 – – 4,000 400 – – 3,500 350 – – 3,000 300 – – 2,500 250 – – 2,000 200 – – 1,500 150 – – 1,000 100 – – 500 50 – –0 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 09 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 08 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 07 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 06 0– Volume (in million) Closing Price Market Capitalization 2007 420 18,953,676,867 7,960,544,284,140 Closing Price Shares Outstanding Market Capitalization 2008 51 28,482,417,579 1,452,603,296,529 2009 147 28,482,417,579 4,186,915,384,113 Price Movement Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Highest 300 465 460 490 2007 Lowest 245 160 275 405 Closing 290 410 400 420 Highest 420 335 310 185 2008 Lowest 330 255 210 50 Closing 340 265 250 51 Highest 53 166 160 163 2009 Lowest 50 50 123 110 Closing 51 130 141 147 Chronology of Shares Listing Type of Listing Public Offering Company Listing Rights Issue Date of Listing 3 February 2006 3 February 2006 29 February 2008 Total Shares 5,500,000,000 18,779,415,495 28,482,417,579 Bond Information Bonds Name Bakrie Telecom Bond I Nominal Amount 650,000,000,000 Rating id A- Interest Rate 11.90 p.a. Maturity Date 4 Sept 2012 Shareholders (per 31 December 2009) 60.41% 39.59% Public PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 13 Report to Shareholders • Report of the Board of Commissioners • Report of the Board of Directors 12 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report With SLI Hemat 009, get premium quality voice with minimal cost, save up to 77% on international calls! Report of the Board of Commissioners Dear Honored Shareholders, During 2009, which was not easy for the Indonesian telecommunications industry in general, BTEL successfully recorded significant steps forward. Thus heartened, we would like to present our remarks in this Annual Report of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. 2009 Achievements The Commissioners recorded satisfactory performance in the year 2009 from the addition of new subscribers to total 10.6 million, followed by an increase in revenues to Rp 3,435.6 billion. Operational area now covers 79 cities and supported by 3,677 BTS, most of which are already co-located. The Company also introduced the 009 SLI Hemat service that provides a new alternative for Indonesian residents in making international calls. One thing which BTEL is always proud of is its ability to continually come up with a variety of innovations. In 2009, the Company stormed the market with a Shifting The Paradigm strategy. While the old paradigm in the telecommunications industry was where operators decide everything, the BTEL paradigm allows the customer to be able to choose their telecommunications services according to their individual preferences. Understanding that the communication needs of each person are different is in line with the BTEL vision to provide a better life for the Indonesian people by providing information connectivity. In 2009, the Company adopted the Faster, Better and Cheaper (FBC) culture as a manifestation of an organization that always wants to be the leader in its field. Through the FBC program, every employee is given the opportunity to contribute what, why and how BTEL could be faster, better and cheaper than its competitors. 16 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report “In accordance with the BTEL goal to be a good governed company, the role of the Board of Commissioners is becoming increasingly important in the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance through its oversight function.” Corporate Governance In accordance with the BTEL goal to become a good governed company, the role of the Board of Commissioners is becoming increasingly important in the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance through its oversight function. The Board of Commissioners monitors and evaluates the implementation of strategic policies of the Company through reports of the Board of Directors and Committees. The Board of Commissioners also performs monitoring duties through periodic meetings and oversees the work of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and the Risk Management Committee. Another important task is to ensure that BTEL complies with all applicable regulations in the telecommunications industry and in the capital markets. In order to ensure strict implementation of best practices for corporate governance, the Company also began to implement enterprise risk management (ERM) and establish an internal audit division to encourage the creation of evaluation mechanisms as well as effective and efficient control. The Future of BTEL Going forward, with the evidence of improvement in the Indonesian economy, we believe that with our experience, a strong balance sheet, adequate resources, strong brand and solid management, BTEL will continue to grow in coming years. On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, we congratulate and thank the Board of Directors of the Company for performance deserving of pride during the year 2009 that consistently creates added value to the Company. With this stellar performance, it is expected that for the year 2010 and onwards, the Company can continuously improve. We also wish to thank all shareholders, employees, subscribers and business partners for the continuous support that they have provided. For and on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, Bobby Gafur S. Umar President Commissioner April 2010 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 17 Report of the Board of Directors Dear Honored Shareholders, 2009 was a very challenging year. Following the tariff war which occurred throughout 2008 as well as the impact from the global financial crisis, 2009 was a period which, while it has showed signs of recovery, remained rather difficult for business in general. Nonetheless, mobile and fixed wireless telecommunications is still a very promising industry in Indonesia. Supported by the improving economic indicators and also the development of the Indonesian telecommunications industry itself, we remain optimistic that the situation in the future will be even better. 2009 Performance During 2009, BTEL was able to maintain a good momentum of growth. The number of subscribers grew 45.2% to 10.6 million, with operating revenues increasing 22.5% to reach Rp 3,435.6 billion. Of these revenues, fixed voice services, including interconnection revenues, remained the largest contributor with a 69.8% share. While the contribution of non-voice services increased to 26.9%. This was in accordance with the Company’s objectives to reduce its dependence on voice services. Yet, a significant increase in depreciation expenses and financial charges caused net income to decline by 28.0% to Rp 98.4 billion from Rp 136.8 billion. During 2009 BTEL successfully expanded its coverage to include 79 cities across Indonesia. The number of BTS has reached 3,677, where most are co-located or leased from third parties. This is in line with the Company’s objective to remain focused on its core business as a provider of telecommunication services as well as the implementation of the asset light strategy. In this regard, BTEL has also completed a sale & leaseback transaction involving 543 towers valued at Rp 390 billion. In the same year, the company also launched the SLI Hemat 009, offering IDD services at a significant discount over the earlier duopoly operators, which will benefit subscribers greatly in coming years. Shifting The Paradigm Before, the paradigm within the telecommunications business was that the operator decided everything for the subscribers. “BTEL understands that people have different needs for communication. Based on this, BTEL has done Shifting the Paradigm, where subscribers can now choose their own type of telecommunications products or services, based on personal preferences. 18 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report “BTEL understands that people have different needs for communication. Based on this, BTEL has done Shifting the Paradigm, where subscribers can now choose their own type of telecommunications products or services, based on personal preferences” BTEL’s new paradigm is the paradigm that provides greater flexibility to subscribers. For example, the flexibility to be able to choose their own phone number, pay the SMS based on the number of characters sent, try other operators’ tariff plans, choose the handset and its application based on the needs as well as other high quality innovative products and services that are still the cheapest. Corporate Governance Not simply implementing the principles of corporate governance, BTEL is on the path towards becoming a good governed company. This is shown by numerous applications of best practices for corporate governance, such as the evaluation of adequate infrastructure, facilities, resources and competence for the ongoing implementation of enterprise risk management (ERM). The Company also has established an internal audit division in order to provide a control mechanism that will ensure efficient and effective use of resources as well as in accordance with the applicable compliance standards. In terms of quality management systems, BTEL was the first telecommunications company that implemented ISO 9001:2008 standards at the national level. As a proof of recognition for the direction BTEL chose in becoming a good governed company, BTEL won third place in the 2009 Investment Award, sponsored by the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) for the category of domestic investment companies. Human Resources In 2009, BTEL began to implement a Faster, Better and Cheaper (FBC) corporate culture, which includes six values: integrity, innovation, teamwork, winning spirit, operational excellence and customer addicted. Basically, the application of FBC changes the paradigm from simply answering what influences objectives and results, to answering a series of processes of what, how, why, when and where. The Company’s HR development always strives to follow the technological trends and the dynamic developments of the telecommunication business, by focusing not only on quantity but also on the quality of human resources. To achieve this goal, the company has introduced a talent management program, mapping the competencies and performance of employees in the ranks of managers and above. In order for education and training activities to run smoothly, BTEL has also opened a training center in 2009. Future Outlook After passing through a challenging year in 2009, BTEL is now preparing to strategically step forward. Indonesia is a country with a tremendous potential market. BTEL is currently preparing for broadband wireless access (BWA) services that will be launched gradually in several major cities in 2010. The BWA services is intended to answer the market needs for a technology that can upload and download with much higher speeds than are currently possible. This step will also optimize the composition of the Company’s revenue contributors, currently still dominated by voice services. Moreover, the company also will continue to strengthen its network systems, especially in high traffic areas. By continuing to adopt the budget operator business model supported by a series of innovative products and services that are high quality and affordable, BTEL will always be on a higher level compared to others. This stems from the Company’s mindset as the disruptive innovator in the Indonesian telecommunications industry. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all stakeholders, management, employees, business partners as well as the government for all of the support over the years. We look forward to bright and blessed future. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Anindya Novyan Bakrie President Director April 2010 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 19 Shifting The Paradigm • BTEL Business Model • Disruptive Innovation – Our DNA • Shifting The Paradigm 16 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report GSM 1 GSM 2 GSM 3 No GSM tariff can beat Esia’s terrific tariffs Shifting The Paradigm BTEL Business Model The key to the exceptional performance achieved by BTEL thus far has been its budget operator business model, which can be summarized by its five main elements: First, by making the service simple, easily understood and easy to use so it can be enjoyed by everyone. Second, providing innovative services at affordable prices and with value for money. Third, the focus inherent in creating a strong brand in the minds of the public. Fourth, a diverse customer mix. Fifth, maintaining efficient operating costs and capital expenditures. Simple & Easy BTEL offer services at an affordable cost – yet it is reliable and easy to use. We believe that this is the proper way to position ourselves in the telecommunications market in Indonesia today, where the public demand for quality affordable telecommunications services is still very strong. With the majority of the population of Indonesia in medium to lower income economic segments, users are naturally concerned about monthly telecommunications expenses. This is revealed by the fact that up until the end of 2009, more than 99% of BTEL service users are prepaid subscribers. Further, with no fixed monthly subscription fee, customers can also budget just how much they are willing and able to pay for mobile telecommunications with the purchase of our vouchers that are available in various denominations, even starting from Rp 1,000. This pattern is also beneficial to the Company as it means that cash would be received by the beginning of a transaction, which would minimize any potential of payment delays. As the result of the tariff war between operators, customers are now faced with a variety of confusing tariff schemes, with rates constantly changing and valid only at certain hours. In contrast, the BTEL rate has been virtually unchanged since it was first introduced in 2005 and continues to be valid for the whole day. Affordable and Value for Money Despite its focus on voice services and SMS, BTEL offers a complete package of telecommunications services, at affordable prices and with extra value. As mentioned earlier, customers can call to fellow Esia subscribers at cheaper fixed rates of only Rp 50 per minute. If the duration of a call exceeds one hour, rates will decrease to Rp 1,000 per hour. BTEL Customers can also receive benefits through a variety of inexpensive but good quality handset bundling packages. In 2009, BTEL continued to expand its collection of thematic handsets, each of which is equipped with a variety of special features in accordance with its market share. Thematic handsets are now available at prices ranging between Rp 299,000 to Rp 699,000. BTEL Customers can also enjoy an SMS service that is affordable and provides more value through our Rp 1 per character SMS program rolled out in 2008. Apart from the low cost, this program also offers a more equitable concept to users, with the cost of SMS charged according to the length of messages sent and not simply based on delivery. Known and Trusted Brand Brand power is crucial for BTEL as a budget operator. Thanks to its growing reputation over the years, Esia has become a strong brand in the minds of consumers. This has also become an important factor in maintaining customer loyalty, as reflected in our churn rate, which is below the industry average. This is also supported by the results of market research conducted by some of the world’s leading independent marketing consultants, such as Taylor Nelson Sofres and Roy Morgan. Their research indicates that BTEL has positioned itself well, especially for the criteria considered important by consumers, including brand recognition by a wider community, a brand recommended to friends and relatives, the lowest tariffs, value for money and the brand most highly recommended by frontliners. BTEL also continues to strengthen its brand position through various on-target creative and marketing activities, such as hosting the ESIA Music City Street Festival & Concert in Bandung, as part of the Hape Esia Music promotion. 22 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Shifting The Paradigm A Diverse Customer Mix In addition to targeting new users who had never previously owned a mobile telephone, BTEL aims for three other segments: switchers, i.e. users who previously had GSM or another brand of CDMA handset, but have now switched to Esia after learning of its advantages, dual users, who normally also have a GSM handset but use Esia to make calls, and first-time users, namely first-time customers who have only begun to use mobile telephones. Switcher and dual-user customer types were also more profitable for the Company because they exhibit a higher level of use than that of an entirely new user. Up until the end of 2009, approximately 33% of our customers are first-time Esia users, while 67% are a combination of dual users and switchers. Maintaining Efficient Operating Costs and Capital Expenditures As a budget operator, whose competitive advantage is derived from affordable tariff, every step BTEL takes should always accord priority to cost efficiency, both in terms of capital and operational outlays. This has been Company policy since the Company was first established, from the selection of technology to controlling operating costs. CDMA 2000 1X technology enables a 35% more efficient level of spectrum usage than that of GSM technology. The costs involved in CDMA upgrading to a higher generation are also relatively cheaper than those for GSM. Use of the 800 MHz frequency also allows much higher productivity. To serve the same coverage area, an operator at this frequency requires a fewer number of BTS than the more widely used 1900 MHz frequency. The Company has a fixed wireless network access with limited mobility, which means that BTEL service cannot be used outside its given telephone number area codes. But this also means that BTEL network construction can focus only on cities which have denser population levels and higher economic activity. In terms of operating costs, one of the techniques employed by BTEL is known as the asset light strategy. Being a provider of telecommunications services, BTEL has decided to focus on its core business activities and transferred the management of its telecommunication towers to a third party. Following a sale & leaseback transaction for 543 towers, as of December 2009, approximately 94% of its towers were already co-located or leased from tower operators. Still, as a budget operator, BTEL management realized that they could not afford to entirely ignore various advances in the telecommunications sector. That’s why in its business development BTEL has always been open to consideration of various new opportunities, both in terms of products and services, including data business and other VAS. Of course, such planning will be executed without deviating from the budget operator business model principles. • Focus on prepaid subscribers • A simple tariff plan Simple and Easy • Complete telecommunications services at affordable prices • Good quality handset with affordable prices Affordable and Value for Money Known and Trusted Brand • Build strong brand • Develop creative marketing activities • Targeting dual user and switcher segments other than first-time users A Diverse Customer Mix Maintaining Efficient Operating Costs and Capital Expenditures • Giving priority to cost efficiency • Applying the asset light strategy Budget Operator Business Model Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 23 Shifting The Paradigm Disruptive Innovation – Our DNA Disruptive Innovation is our DNA. In biology, DNA is the genetic material that holds the blueprint for all activity in every living cell. This means that the entire strategy, innovation and all activities that have been and will be conducted by BTEL are sourced from there. In other words, Disruptive Innovation is our way to change old paradigms in the telecommunications industry. Some forms of Disruptive Innovation have become important steppingstones in the course of BTEL history, among others are: Introducing the concept of “talktime” instead of “pulses”. While conventional pulse billing shows only how much it has cost the user, the concept of talktime is more equitable and transparent, where subscribers know how long their call lasts based on how much they spend. This BTEL concept is translated into “Rp 50 per minute all day, every day”, a feature which has remained consistent since 2005. 24 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Shifting The Paradigm Next is the range of quality and affordable handset bundling packages. It started from 2006, when Esia launched refurbished handset packages, complete with numbers, for a retail price under Rp 300,000. In the third quarter of 2007, BTEL re-created the buzz with a new handset package selling for Rp 199,000. In 2008, BTEL began to introduce several thematic handset packages, each with its unique features. Third is the launch of the Rp 1 per character SMS service. This global first concept was primarily aimed at the many groups that use the SMS heavily, such as teenagers and students. Since its launch in 2008, SMS revenues have continued to increase their contribution to total Company revenue. In the year 2009, BTEL shifted the paradigm in the telecommunications industry once again, particularly in terms of understanding what the customer wants. If previously it was the operators who determined everything, including tariffs, handset features, phone numbers. Esia now provides more flexibility for its customers, allowing them to design their own telecommunications products or services, in accordance with their respective preferences. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 25 Shifting The Paradigm Shifting The Paradigm In our contemporary world, we acknowledge a paradigm in which the operator decides everything for the customer, starting from the method of determining the tariff (which is always claimed to be the cheapest), the availability of numbers, imposed SMS tariff, available features, control over incoming and outgoing calls, long distance and overseas rates and much more. BTEL understands that the communication needs of each person will be different. Based on this understanding, throughout 2009 the Company facilitated several breakthroughs in order to change the old paradigm where the operator determines everything into a new paradigm, in which customers are given the discretion to select telecommunication products or services according to their own preferences and needs. Types of products and services that play a role in the dynamics of BTEL in shifting the paradigm include the following: Description Old Paradigm Esia Bispak is a service that provides prepaid customers the opportunity to try other GSM rates from their Esia number without changing cards. Customers must accept rates set by the operator. Esia Bispak service is available to all prepaid Esia users. This was confusing because every operator claimed to be the cheapest. BTEL Paradigm Provides more flexibility for customers to choose which tariff is the cheapest. This service is intended to answer once and for all, which operator has the lowest tariff, after customers experience it themselves. The Esia billing system will automatically change to follow changes in other GSM operators. Esia Suka-suka is the world’s first starter pack sold without any predetermined number. Numbers are fixed by the operator and the customer can only receive what are available. Allows the customers freedom to choose their own numbers according to their own desires, such as by name, birth date, wedding anniversary or an easy to remember repetition of numbers. The SMS tariff is calculated on a flat per delivery basis regardless of the length of the messages. Gives control to customers to determine their own SMS charges. This product is intended for all potential Esia customers, where the selection of a number can be made by calling *228, through the www. website or coming directly to Gerai Esia . Rp 1 per character SMS is the first innovation in the world where the SMS rate is calculated based on the number of characters sent. The calculation of these rates applies for SMS to all national operators, including to other Esia subscribers. 26 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Provides more sense of fairness to customers. This service pioneered the emergence of a new short but clear SMS language, which is mainly used among young people. Shifting The Paradigm Description Old Paradigm Hape Esia Online is a smartphone equipped with a QWERTY keypad, 2.4 inch QVGA screen and digital camera that can be used as an MP3 player or internet modem. The application package has been determined by the operator and the customer must accept the entire package, including ones that are not needed. Answering the market demand for a full featured, mobile internet capable, high quality but still affordable handset. Handphone can call to or receive calls from anyone. Customers have the power to restrict outgoing or incoming calls for reasons of cost or security. Contains a variety of email applications, chat and social networking, such as Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk and Esia Messenger, a special application that allows Hape Esia Online users to perform real time chat and exchange photos with each other. BTEL Paradigm Customers have the freedom to choose which applications they need and only pay for applications they actually use. Is also able to download songs, music info, function as a mobile karaoke, deliver news, play Esia Hidayah Islamic applications as well as many others applications from Esia Shops and Games. The Whitelist is an Esia feature that can restrict outgoing calls to a maximum of nine desired numbers. Blacklist is an Esia feature that can block incoming calls from up to nine unwanted numbers. This feature is especially useful for handsets that are used by employees or small children. Both of these features can be accessed by calling *666 or via SMS. SLI Hemat 009 is a new international direct dialing (IDD) service from BTEL. This service can be accessed from all national operators, by entering 009 + country code + the destination number. Hape Esia Musicbox & Idolaku is a series of thematic handsets equipped with a camera and Opera Mini browser, designed specifically for music fans. For years, Indonesians could only choose between two operators providing IDD services or by using a lower quality VoIP facility. This service marks the end of duopoly era in Indonesia’s IDD services. Currently, more music fans buy poor quality pirated CDs or download music illegally, because the prices of original songs are still relatively expensive. Customers can now get their favorite songs in the official original format at an affordable price. Customers can only choose RBT for themselves and can not share it with others. Giving a gift in the form of RBT will make a subscriber’s calling experience a new warm and pleasant expression of friendship. Customers can now access a clear channel quality voice connection, but with prices up to 77% cheaper than those of other operators. Allows customers to download thousands of songs from four of the largest music labels in Indonesia at only Rp 1,000 for 30 songs, including lyrics, chords and can also be used for karaoke. Click 2 Give is an innovative feature for ring back tone Esia, which allows customers to send a specific ring back tone (RBT) to others without having to know the code of the song. Every song that is sent will be charged on a weekly or monthly basis. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 27 Operational Review • Products and Services • Sales and Marketing • Networking and Infrastructure • Human Resources 22 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Use Esia Online and get unlimited internet access with a range of licensed applications and affordable packages Only voice and SMS? Operational Review Products and Services BTEL provides voice, data, and value added services (VAS) through a local fixed wireless network limited to one particular area. However, BTEL customers can still communicate to other areas, even to foreign countries. BTEL is well known for its range of products and services, which are simple but full of innovation, often bringing out a new paradigm in the national telecommunications industry. Currently, BTEL offers five main brands, which are Esia, Wifone, EsiaTel, Wimode and SLI Hemat 009. 1. Esia Esia is a wireless telecommunication service based on CDMA 2000 1x technology, with service limited to a certain area code. Esia services can be divided into two categories, namely: • Esia Prepaid Service, which uses a system of payment through the purchase of a starter pack or talk time vouchers. • Esia Postpaid, where the amount of usage is paid at the end of a monthly period. Becoming an Esia subscriber can be done by purchasing: • Esia Starter Pack, where customers buy numbers of their own choice to be used with handsets they already have or will buy. • Hape Esia Bundling Package, where customers choose a package of their choice with a number or RUIM Esia already included. 2. Wifone Wifone is a wireless home phone service that has many features similar to mobile phones. Wifone is able to fulfill the needs for faster and better connectivity without a difficult process or dependence on infrastructure. BTEL offers both Wifone prepaid and postpaid services. 3. Wimode Wimode is a high speed internet service that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. In addition it can also be used for telephone calls to and from home phones, a cellular facility, long distance calls, international calls, SMS and other value added services like content download or choosing a ring back tone. 4. EsiaTel EsiaTel is the name for the Esia prepaid phone used specifically for telephone kiosks. This product is ideal for businesses because it does not require a large space. 5. SLI Hemat 009 SLI Hemat 009 is an international direct dialing service with a 009 access code that can be accessed by all users of telecommunication channels. This service offers superior sound quality because it uses a clear channel voice connection without compression and does not use an Internet network. SLI Hemat 009 offers discount rates, calculated per second and applicable all day long. 30 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review Thematic Handsets From the product side, BTEL also provides a range of high quality handsets at affordable prices. Since 2008, the Company began introducing thematic handsets, each with its unique features tailored to the needs of its target market. Esia thematic handsets series include, among others: 1. Hape Esia Merdeka Inspired by Indonesia’s Independence Day, this handset has a look designed to capture the spirit and unity of Indonesia. Also featured are Independence Day inspired wallpapers as well as national song ringtones. 2. Hape Esia Hidayah Esia handset specifically targeted toward Muslims, loaded with Islamic nuanced features, such as a complete Quran with Arabic letters and Indonesian translations, Adzan pray time reminder, wallpapers as well as Islamic song ring tones. 3. Hape Esia Kasih An Esia handset for Christians, with religious features like the Word application, which contains the Old and New Testaments, Holy Prayers, ringtones and wallpapers praising Peace. 4. Hape Esia Slank A handset specifically designed for fans of the band called Slank, better known as Slankers. This handset is equipped with exclusive Slank content, including ringtones, ring back tones and wallpaper. 5. Hape Esia Fu A Chinese philosophy-nuanced handset with Fengshui application that contains fortune guidelines for business and everyday life, fortune cookies with useful tips to guide everyday life and a Fu calendar containing information on good days as well as predictions related to romance, career, health and home. 6. Hape Esia Musicbox, Musicbox 2.0 and Idolaku These handsets are specially designed for the music enthusiast. They provide the customer with the convenience to download thousands of songs at a rate of just Rp 1,000 for 30 songs. Downloaded songs already include lyrics and chords, and can even be used for karaoke. 7. Hape Esia My style My style and FM This trendy handset is the cheapest in its class. This Handset features Facebook, Vivanews, karaoke and music info applications. There are also a variety of traditional games such as Congklak and Gobak Sodor. 8. Hape Esia Slim A thin, lightweight and slim Hape that is the cheapest in its class. This Hape is equipped with Vivanews features and a variety of games. 9. Hape Esia Online An Esia handset specifically intended to meet the needs for the mobile web. In addition to email and chat, this handset also loaded with many top social networking applications, such as Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk and Opera Mini microbrowser, whereby customers are free to choose only the applications they want. All of these are official applications and not web links. This handset also has the ability to download songs, music info, mobile karaoke, online news, Esia Hidayah Islamic applications, Esia Shop and games. Tariff As a budget operator, BTEL’s competitive advantage mainly lies in its more affordable tariff when compared to other operators. 1. Telephone tariff to other Esia numbers Since its initial launch, Esia has consistently offered a Rp 50 per minute (+VAT) flat tariff for calls to other Esia numbers, which is applicable all day long. 2. Telephone tariffs to other operators The Esia tariff for calls to GSM numbers is very competitive compared to those of other operators, either GSM or CDMA. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 31 Operational Review 3. Esia Bispak Esia Bispak is a service that provides prepaid subscribers the opportunity to try the tariffs of several GSM operators’ numbers without the need to replace their Esia cards, so customers can prove by themselves which tariff is really the cheapest. The BTEL system will automatically adjust to any changes in GSM tariff being tested by the Esia subscribers. 4. Rp 1 SMS tariff per character A revolutionary breakthrough from Esia, where SMS tariffs are no longer calculated based on delivery, but rather by the number of characters sent. Thus, customers can determine how much SMS charge they want to spend. This tariff applies to all operators in Indonesia. 5. Esia Cheapest Rates These tariffs only apply to areas outside JBJB. There are four types of tariffs, namely: Rp. 40 per minute for local calls to fellow Esia numbers, Rp 80 per minute for local calls to other CDMA operators or PSTN, Rp 480 per minute for local calls to GSM operators and Rp 800 per minute for calls to any GSM phone number all over Indonesia and the world, using VOIP. 6. 01010 Prefix By using the 01010 prefix to making a long distance calls to Esia numbers anywhere in Indonesia, Esia subscribers can enjoy local tariffs. 7. 01010 VOIP By making an international calls via the 01010 prefix, Esia sunscribers can enjoy special tariffs. 8. Esia Gratis Rame-Rame (Closed User Group) Special rates for voice and SMS among group members, friends or family of Esia card users that have been previously registered. Calls between registered members become free and only require periodical top-up fees. The tariff innovation mentioned above also supported by convenience and flexibility to become Esia subscribers, by launching innovative starter pack such as: 1. Suka-Suka Starter Pack The world’s first starter pack without a predetermined number. Esia subscribers can now choose their number, based on their individual preference. 2. SP 8 Starter Pack This limited edition starter pack for Jabodetabek regions does not use the “9” prefix like ordinary Esia numbers but starts with “8” as a lucky number. This Esia 8 offers unique and affordable rates, especially for those who often call to other operators. Subscribers only need to remember three different tariffs: Rp 80 per minute to all Esia numbers all over Indonesia, Rp 480 per minute to all other local numbers apart from Esia (including all GSM numbers) and Rp 800 per minute to any other number in the world by using VOIP. 3. Esia Termurah Starter Pack These starter packs are sold together with the Esia Termurah tariff, especially for areas outside JBJB. Value Added Service In addition to voice services and innovative products mentioned above, there are many other programs that bring additional benefits to Esia subscribers in the form of value added services (VAS). 1. Esia Whitelist An Esia service product that gives subscribers the ability to exercise control over their outgoing calls, by restricting calls to a maximum of 9 desired numbers. 2. Esia Blacklist An Esia service product that gives subscribers the ability to exercise control over incoming calls by restricting calls from up to 9 undesirable numbers. 32 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review 3. Click2Give An innovative feature for ring back tones (RBT) from Esia. Subscribers can share an RBT with others without needing to know the song code. RBT recipients will receive an SMS notification on the RBT and the sender. 4. Invite Friends, Get Talktime Any subscribers who can get a friend to use Esia will get talktime bonus amounting to Rp 5,000. 5. Receive Ads, Get Talktime Obtaining information while getting talktime bonus. Product Service offerings through SMS with Rp 50 per SMS talktime bonus. A ring back tone service to advertise with talktime bonus of Rp 2,000 per month. 6. Selling Content, Get Talktime Customers can create their own ring back tone and allow others to activate it. For this a customer will get talktime bonus talktime of Rp 3,000 per month or Rp 1,000 per week. 7. Zona Untung Esia Providing a variety benefits in the form of discounts from various merchants that work together with Esia. 8. Non Stop SMS Nonstop SMS packages that give the freedom to send unlimited number of SMS to other Esia subscribers. 9. Esia Data Package 678 Esia data service package with an affordable tariff. For only Rp 5,000, subscribers can access data for 100 minutes or the equivalent of Rp 25,000 when calculated using the normal Esia data tariff. 10. Ring Back Tone Customers can choose from a variety of ring back tones from various collections of songs that can be activated by simply sending an SMS. 11. DV8.88 An innovative value added voice and SMS based package. DV8.88 is a voice portal with a technology that can recognize the Indonesian language and can be used to enjoy content online or downloaded directly to the handset. 12. Press Star Activating ring back tones becomes much more practical by simply pressing the star sign while listening to the desired ring back tone from other Esia subscribers. 13. Minta Lagu 101 Simply by calling 101, a customer can talk directly with a CRM officer and request to activate songs to be used as ring back tone. 14. TTM (Find Your Friends) The newest and most comprehensive mobile chat service. Can be used to make new friends or just to chat without the need to provide a phone number, so that privacy is maintained. 15. Esia Transfer (Talktime Transfer) Customers can transfer and sell talktime anywhere and anytime, simply by sending an SMS. 16. Esia Transfer (Transfer Active Period) Active period can be transferred to other BTEL subscribers simply by sending an SMS. 17. Esia GOGO Allows subscribers to use their Esia numbers outside of their area code. This service can be activated simply by sending an SMS or by calling *6060. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 33 Operational Review Sales and Marketing Distribution Channels In line with the conditions of the highly dynamic telecommunications market, BTEL is faced with the challenge of being able to choose the most efficient channel of distribution, one that will reach all end users as quickly as possible. Throughout this time, the distribution patterns that have proven capable of supporting optimal growth of the Company are through direct and indirect distribution. In general, a direct distribution channel allows BTEL to interact directly with customers, such as through Gerai Esia (Esia outlets), corporate (B2B) road shows and alternative channels such as roadside kiosks or sales stands in large supermarkets. By the end of 2009, the Company has 90 Gerai Esia spread across Indonesia, 41 of which are managed directly by Esia, while the rest are managed by third party partners. Indirect distribution is a channel through authorized Esia dealers spread across Indonesia. Indirect distribution has proven to be a significant contributor to earnings in general. There were 202 dealers nationwide by the end of 2009 while the number of outlets reached 98,132. BTEL determines the number of dealerships based on market conditions and on the performance of those dealers. In addition to remaining focused on traditional distribution channels, the Company also continues to develop alternative distribution channels. BTEL works together and fosters good relations with all distribution channel components, from large to small outlets, so that ultimately it is the customer who benefits. BTEL Direct Channel Roadshow & Event Gerai Indirect Channel Alternative Channel Corporate Distributors/ Dealers Outlets End User Chart of BTEL Distribution Patterns Distribution Area Distribution channels of BTEL products are divided based on regions. There are currently seven regions defined throughout Indonesia, namely, Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), West Java, Central Java, East Java, Pamasuka (Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi, Kalimantan), Southern Sumatra and Northern Sumatra. Each region encompasses a number of areas, where distribution of Esia products directly extends to all of those areas. The BTEL distribution system continuously takes into account the profit that can be obtained by each dealer from the aspect of pricing schemes, distributed products, coordinated efforts to help dealer sales and incentives that will be given. To ensure all of these run smoothly, BTEL imposes strict controls in order to avoid any overlapping between indirect and direct distribution in market areas. Incentive System In general, incentives can reduce dealers’ actual costs in obtaining BTEL products. These incentives are offered so the dealers can be more motivated in selling Company products. In addition to cash, BTEL also provides incentives in the form of fun activities such as travel, both domestically and abroad. At the outlet level, incentives are paid in cash based on activation or in a form of competition, where the largest selling outlets will be rewarded. Incentives can be calculated based on activation, such as through starter packs or handset bundling packages, where the higher the number of activations, the greater the incentive received by the dealer. Incentives can also be calculated based on the number of top-ups. Through a profit sharing scheme called Toast, dealers will receive a sum of money as an incentive each time there is a top-up within the first six months from activation. 34 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review Besides incentives at the dealer level, BTEL also gives incentives at the outlet level such as cash incentives for activation. An example is the Gajian Esia program that is given directly for frontliners. There are also incentives in the form of competition prizes, where outlets with the highest sales will win. All of BTEL incentive programs are open to those known as Kawan Esia which comprise all dealers, outlets and frontliners that are registered Esia subscribers. Thus, the Company ensures that all Kawan Esia not only obtain benefits from merely being sellers, but also users. Customer Relationship Management The role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in general is to receive and deal with various inputs from customers; these may be questions, requests or complaints, and may come through any BTEL channel, including contact centers, SMS 9009, email or directly through Gerai Esia. CRM also serves to provide input about what might be needed, desired or offered to the customer, in accordance with the voice of customer (VoC), educating customers about BTEL products or services (or it can also be used to conduct customer satisfaction surveys). Previously, CRM only provided information for customers: BTEL has shifted this paradigm into a CRM that provides solutions to customers. BTEL CRM is committed to providing fast, accurate and satisfactory solutions for the customer as manifested by the name Esia Solutions with a primary focus on: • Providing solutions to customers • Come up with new innovations • Retaining customers through a loyalty program Furthermore, BTEL CRM also analyzes customer needs and then takes a proactive stance through providing solutions. For example, the Minta Lagu 101 song request service, where customers can choose a musical ring back tone (RBT) without having to know the code of the song. Other examples of BTEL CRM services currently provided are: • Service for prepaid customers (* 999) • Service for postpaid subscribers (* 333) • Delivery service (91001234) • Premium services (*990) • Football Quiz (168) BTEL has also created several innovative services that distinguish it from its competitors, such as the Top-up Reminder, a service that reminds subscribers to buy additional talktime when their balance is almost gone or is near the end of its active period. There is also the Menu Untung Esia loyalty program, where CRM works together with selected merchants who provide discounts or other benefits for BTEL customers. This unique offering can be enjoyed by simply showing an SMS or an Esia cell phone. Along with the increasing number of customers and broadened service territory, BTEL CRM services are currently provided through: • 2 call centers in Jakarta and Surabaya • 41 Gerai Esia in 31 cities • Point of contact numbers, such as: *999, *333, *990, 101 91009999, 91001234 As a result of their numerous efforts, BTEL was awarded national and international level CRM recognition during 2009: • “The Best Business Contribution” from the Indonesian National Contact Center Association (ICCA) • “The Best Revenue Generation” from Omnitouch • “Golden Service Star Award” for front-liners of the Center for Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty (CCSL) • “The Best Contact Center of the Year” from the Asia Pacific Contact Center Association Leaders Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 35 Operational Review Brand Management Throughout 2009, BTEL booked excellent results in a number of important aspects of brand awareness. To gauge market perception on BTEL products and services on a nationwide level, and especially for the JBJB areas, Taylor Nelson Sofres and Roy Morgan were amongst the international marketing consultants employed by BTEL to conduct research. Below are their findings for 2009: Spontaneous Brand Awareness For spontaneous brand awareness, Esia consistently ranks as the foremost brand in JBJB. For the same category on a national level, Esia currently ranks third and is moving on an upward trend. 105 95 95 85 85 National JBJB 75 65 55 75 65 55 45 45 35 25 35 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q08 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 Cheapest Tariff Esia still leads in the overall representation of cheapest tariffs in the JBJB area. On the national level, Esia is also the leader in providing the cheapest tariff. 90 70 80 60 70 50 National JBJB 60 50 40 30 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q08 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 40 40 35 35 30 30 National JBJB Most Recommended Brand In the JBJB area, Esia strengthened its position as the most recommended brand for friends and relatives due to its consistency in maintaining its perception as the brand with the cheapest tariff. On the national level, Esia still places in the top two brands as most recommended for friends and relatives. 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 36 25 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 Source : Brand Health Tracking, 2009 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Operational Review Brand Market Share The strong awareness for the Esia brand has resulted in a stable increase in its brand market share. In the JBJB area, the Esia brand market share has grown to 38.9% at the end of 2009 from 25.8% at the end of 2008, while on the national level, Esia brand awareness has also grown consistently. 50% 40% 30% National JBJB 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q08 Source : Brand Share, 2009 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Source : Brand Share, 2009 Most Recommended Esia is one of the top 3 brands most recommended by sales frontliners. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Source : Trade Survey, IPSOS 2009 GSM A GSM B GSM C CDMA A ESIA Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 37 Operational Review Networks and Infrastructure In line with its mission to provide best quality affordable services, BTEL has developed a national end-to-end network based on packets or IP in 2009. Through the development of an IP based network, bandwidth usage and transmission costs for both within a city and between cities will become more efficient. For the core network, the Company has put in place a next generation network (NGN) system, where all network elements will be interconnected via IP-based networks and protocols. As for the access network, IP BTS and software routing radio will be immediately implemented. For core network, the mobile switching center (MSC) pool has also been implemented to improve network reliability, especially in a city like Jakarta that has more than one MSC. Network Capacity BTEL coverage area can be generally divided into Jakarta-Banten-West Java (JBJB) and non JBJB. As conditions differ from each region, the Company has adopted a development strategy in accordance with the respective characteristics of each region. With network utilization reaching 70-80%, development strategy in JBJB focuses on efforts to increase capacity and expand coverage. As for non JBJB, a region where network utilization is still below 30%, the Company has focused on optimizing the existing network. In addition, capacity building efforts are also aimed at larger cities where there is the prospect of high traffic. Those targeted apart from JBJB include, among others, Medan, Surabaya and Semarang. With a network capacity that can serve up to 25.1 million subscribers, it is evident that BTEL has capacity that is already more than sufficient for the short- to medium-term. The Company is continuously monitoring the network utilization rate, so that capacity increase can be done in a timely manner when required. BTS Management By 2009, BTEL BTS have reached 3,677, of which nearly all were co-located towers leased from third parties. This is in line with the objectives of the Company in keeping focused on its core business as a provider of telecommunication services, as well as the implementation of an asset light strategy. The adoption of the co-location model will accelerate BTS on air time as well as providing convenience and flexibility in selecting BTS 38 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review locations. Benefit were also felt in terms of financial, where capital expenditure have been significantly reduced. During the year, BTEL has also completed sale & leaseback transactions for a total of 543 towers, valued at Rp 390 billion. Transmission Management BTEL currently implements a network technology using a decentralized approach. That is, the greater part of traffic is transmitted and terminated at its respective local area. Accordingly, the Company does not need to build or operate any large capacity inter-city transmission network from the beginning; rather, development can be planned and carried out based on the realities of traffic growth. One way of developing a network that is both rapid and efficient is to lease it from another operator or from network access providers. In line with the rapid growth in traffic demand, BTEL is also actively building fiber optic cables, particularly in the Greater Jakarta and Bandung areas. Throughout 2009, the Company has added another 100 km of new fiber optic network, which bring a total of 405 km, including a submarine cable running from Batam to Singapore. Construction of the network also aims to help fulfill commitments relating to the SLI license granted to BTEL and to support government programs, synergized with future internal objectives, such as the Palapa Ring Consortium. Given its function, all of the transmission networks that are critical in nature must have a backup. In implementation, the approach taken is to establish a protection ring on every transmission or on traffic that is deemed vital. Another way is to use networks from several different providers as a measure of risk diversification. Switching Continuing onward from the previous year’s network development, additional NGN technology switching has been implemented in 2009 in addition to the MSC Pool method to ensure even traffic distribution among each MSC, which in turn will improve overall MSC performance. In addition, the potential risk of outage from a maintenance shutdown or damage to a particular MSC will be eliminated, as traffic from the troubled MSC will be automatically switched to another MSC. During 2009 BTEL completed an optical ring network connecting five central offices in Jakarta. Through this technology, BTS rehoming work no longer has to involve physically moving the transmission connection in the MSC and BSC, but can be carried out using software. This method not only reduces the error rate, but also expedite the working process. In the same year, we also completed our next-generation home location register (HLR) equipped with a larger capacity but physically smaller than previous generations. Through sophisticated technology, the HLR will be able to unify multiple broadband services such as Wimax, GSM, CDMA and LTE onto a single platform, while energy and space requirements will become more economical and efficient. By the end of 2009, BTEL already own 46 MSC and 67 BSC . Access to International Networks Following the launch of the SLI Hemat 009 IDD services, BTEL has partnered with several overseas operators for the supply of both outgoing and incoming international traffic. While domestic operators, international access using 009 were opened as well. For ease of customer service, BTEL has also added two new international gateways, in Medan and Surabaya, supplementing two earlier ones set up in Jakarta and Batam. Value Added Services (VAS) BTEL implements new systems to support VAS in 2009, the first being an intelligent network with a capacity of up to 12 million BHCA, operating in Surabaya. There is also an SMS device with the ability to support up to 33 million BHSM. This is the system used to support Esia Rp 1 per character SMS service. Further, a customized personal ring back tone device that can support up to four million customers. Through this new system, subscribers can duplicate ringtones from other subscribers simply by pressing the asterisk on their phones. An on the air (OTA) device allows changing the profile through the customer handset, where until the end of the year, these devices have a capacity of 1400 provisionings per hour. BTEL successfully launched its Suka Suka Esia products through this system, allowing customers the freedom to choose their own phone numbers. Network Operations Center BTEL Network Operations Center monitors and manages their network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The operational control center is also used to detect and warn of any interruptions in the network. Traffic will then be diverted to an alternative network so as to minimize customer downtime. There is also a remote backup system for data recovery. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 39 Operational Review Human Resources HR Management Function Structure at BTEL Generally, human resource management functions are divided into two main divisions, namely, development and operations. The development section covers new employee recruitment, organizational development, performance appraisal, employee development, the introduction of corporate values, talent management and other related functions. The operational section includes payroll, personnel administration, management of industrial relations and employee communications. Training and HR Development BTEL continually strives to create and develop competent human resources (HR), possessing the managerial and functional capabilities that enable it to maintain steady growth and sustainability of the organization on an ongoing basis. To achieve this goal, the planning and development approach BTEL has decided upon is a holistic one, as the Company views HR as human capital that must be maintained and continuously upgraded, since it is one of the main pillars of organizational development. To be able to contribute optimally, the Company thus seeks to develop quality human resources through training and development programs at all levels of rank. The Company looks upon human resources development as an investment, and not as a cost element that must be reduced as much as possible. The human resources development program itself will continue to follow technological trends and developments in a dynamic telecommunications business. As mentioned earlier, the development of human resources runs parallel with the development of the telecommunications business itself. Therefore, in addition to networks and technologies, training is oriented toward organized efforts to improve sales and refine customer service, which include customer services, sales management and service excellence. No less important are the regular training sessions held in an effort to enhance leadership skills and hone soft skills like negotiation techniques, presentation skills etc. 40 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review Training sessions are held not only at BTEL headquarters, but also at other locations around the country, to ensure all employees have a fair chance to develop themselves according to both career and organizational needs. To support all such training and human resource development activities, the budget allocation is based on organizational needs in anticipation of technological developments and increased competition. Talent Management Program In addition to recruiting new personnel, the Company also seeks to keep reliable employees, while continually upgrading their capabilities so that employee loyalty and commitment will be maintained. One way this is carried out in BTEL is by introducing a talent management program. The program begins by identifying talent through our acceleration center, where the competence and performance of employees within the ranks of managers and above are mapped in order to achieve a full picture of their level of competence. The next stage is to customize an individual development program to enhance competency, so a candidate will be ready to occupy a higher position. Personal development programs include the provision for training aimed at a specific job assignment as well as coaching & counseling, carried out by an appropriate supervisor. Training Center In order for education and training activities to be more focused, as well as confirming a realization of management’s commitment toward the importance of human resources for the organization, in 2009 the BTEL Training Center was inaugurated. This center will serve as a media to prepare competent human resources through effective and appropriate training programs. With this Training Center, various educational and training programs can be done, whether in the form of seminars, workshops, even the ones that require computers as well. Its close proximity to the head office also makes it easy for employees to participate in a training program. Performance Management System BTEL strongly emphasizes the importance for every employee in giving his or her best for the Company. Implementation of such an approach is known as performance-based management where each employee is assigned a specific target at the beginning of each year, in which the achievement will be evaluated at the end of the year. Remuneration given to employees will be based on their level of performance and contribution. To enhance the quality of performance management, BTEL continually seeks to sharpen and align individual performance and work units with overall company performance. The work program associated with these initiatives involves more in-depth and refreshing of performance planning and evaluation processes, for all heads of working units through workshops as well as using the performance of individual work units as the basis for individual performance evaluation. The results achieved from the implementation of the evaluation system include an increased awareness and a sense of responsibility among heads of business units in monitoring and evaluating the performance of all their staff, while enhancing a proprietory sense for the overall performance management process. Faster, Better and Cheaper During 2009, BTEL began to implement a corporate culture known as Faster, Better and Cheaper (FBC), which includes six values, namely: 1. Integrity 2. Innovation 3. Cooperation 4. Winning Spirit 5. Operational Excellence 6. Dependence on Customers Faster signifies the spirit and ability to work productively, more quickly than competitors, carrying out planning well and apply it rapidly with meaningful results. Better means the spirit and ability to provide better quality services and products to BTEL customers that are superior to that of competitors. Cheaper implies spirit and ability that are able to work effectively and efficiently. As a budget operator, BTEL must be able to provide high-quality products and services – at lower tariffs than its competitors. Application of this protocol commenced through an FBC Plan Workshop for the managerial level and above, paralleled by training for supervisors down to the line level. FBC implementation involves certain measurable results, understood by all parties, is easily digested and directly affects business results. More fundamentally, the application of FBC changes the paradigm of simply determining what effect it wields on objectives and results into the process of answering a series of “what, how, why, when and which”. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 41 Operational Review Remuneration System Remuneration systems are implemented based on two criteria, namely, competitiveness and fairness. Competitiveness means that BTEL will try to come up with remuneration that is competitive within the industry, while fairness means that employees will receive a compensation package according to their qualifications and performance. To improve the remuneration system at BTEL, the Company regularly participates in salary surveys and endeavors to formulate a competitive and fair remuneration system, as well as encourages employees to show their optimal performance by using survey results as reference. As described above, the Company puts strong emphasis on performance, thus the amount of salary adjustment, as well as bonuses and incentives, will be highly dependent on the performance and contribution of each individual, although the achievement of the Company as a whole would also be a consideration. One of the programs related to this initiative is the introduction of a new incentive system for the sales division, in an effort to boost sales performance. Implementation of the new incentive system that utilizes more measurable parameters and business-oriented growth have motivated employees to be more focused in reaching their target. Human Resources Support System The Company has undertaken various efforts to provide services to employees more effectively and efficiently. Various initiatives are being developed to provide work convenience to employees and with a quicker process. Through the automation of a personnel administration system, an employee can file medical claims, leave requests, training forms and other material through online and without paper documents, while the superior and related parties can also approve directly through online. This will undoubtedly speed up the administrative process. Furthermore, through an integrated HR system, the accuracy of employee data will also be enhanced. BTEL manages employee relationships and sustains communication between levels through several initiatives: • development of a web-based employee communication medium that allows all employees to access program news (BTEL Portal) • Organizing various gatherings as venues for management and employee communication • Provide sport facilities and coaching • Nurture employee communities related to channel various hobbies and interests, such as Esia Pojok Foto, Esia Bikers, Majelis Taklim and others. 42 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Operational Review BTEL HR Demographics As a dynamic organization that pioneers many business breakthroughs, BTEL is an organization whose employees are generally youthful, dynamic and highly educated. The tables below illustrate demographics based on age, education and occupation: Number of Employees by Age 2008 2009 7% 6% 45% 49% 48% 45% 18 - 29 years (821) 50 - 55 years (7) 18 - 29 years (785) 50 - 55 years (4) 30 - 39 years (744) > 55 years (1) 30 - 39 years (835) > 55 years (1) 40 - 49 years (92) 40 - 49 years (128) Number of Employees by Education 2008 2009 10% 8% 6% 6% 20% 21% 62% 65% S2/S3 (98) SMU (170) S2/S3 (106) SMU (148) S1 (1,039) SMP (2) S1 (1,144) SMP (1) D1-D4 (356) D1-D4 (354) Number of Employees by Level 2008 2009 1% 1% 4% 4% 13% 59% 13% 59% 23% 23% Board of Directors (6) Manager (210) Board of Directors (6) Manager (224) Executive Vice President (5) Supervisor (381) Executive Vice President (6) Supervisor (395) Vice President (19) Staff (980) Vice President (21) Staff (1,033) General Manager (64) General Manager (68) Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 43 Management Discussion and Analysis • Industry Overview • Review of Operating Results • Financial Review • Additional Important Information • Business Development 36 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report The choice is in my hands! 9301, 02 or any numbers I like. There are 1001 to choose from Esia Suka-Suka Management Discussion and Analysis Industry Overview The Year 2009 can be said to be a year of recovery for the telecommunications sector in Indonesia. Following the tariff perception war which occurred during the previous year, tariffs began to stabilize in 2009. With increasing competition, talks about consolidation, especially involving operators with a relatively small market share, continued throughout the year. In addition, some operators needed to restructure their subscriber base by focusing on the number of active subscribers who truly contribute to revenue. This was because in the midst of the tariff war, there were quite a number of new subscribers who only used their phones at certain tariff free hours. 2009 was also the year of rapidly growing data services. This was mainly triggered by the rampant growth of BlackBerry in the Indonesian market. Producers, both premium and low-end, competed to introduce new handsets with mobile Internet capabilities that can be used for email, chatting or to access various social networking sites. The growth of the data business was also marked by the development of BWA services. Most operators now offer packages bundling BWA in with the modem. From the regulatory side, the year 2009 was the end of an era controlled by the duopoly of Telkom and Indosat IDD services, with the introduction of SLI Hemat 009 dari BTEL. Interconnection tariffs among operators have not changed, one of the reasons being because the industry is still in a recovery phase. However, the government made a breakthrough by standardizing telecommunications service quality parameters in order to guarantee user satisfaction. For the future, operators may be subject to sanctions or penalties if they do not meet these criteria. 46 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis Review of Operating Results I. Customer Growth By the end of 2009 BTEL subscribers had reached 10.6 million, for an increase of 45.2% over the previous year’s 7.3 million. This growth was the result of a sharp increase in the number of prepaid subscribers which amounted to 46.1% during the period, rising from 7.2 million to 10.5 million. The increase was primarily attributable to increases in the number of prepaid Esia subscribers from 7.0 million to 10.4 million, or equivalent to 47.4%, supported by strong branding, affordable and innovative services as well as improving network quality. Conversely, the number of postpaid subscribers decreased by 15.5%, to 91.2 thousand from 108.0 thousand. This was mainly due to the reduced number of Wifone, EsiaTel, and Ratelindo postpaid subscribers, where some of them became prepaid subscribers. Meanwhile, the number of postpaid Esia subscribers amounted to 54.8 thousand, or grew by 2.4%, from 53.6 thousand in 2008. Subscribers 2008 2009 Change Prepaid 7,196,518 10,515,715 46.1% Esia 7,046,046 10,382,840 47.4% Wifone 145,666 131,232 -9.9% Esiatel 4,806 1,643 -65.8% 108,025 91,186 -15.6% 53,613 54,833 2.3% Wifone & ratelindo regular 44,396 26,778 -39.7% Esiatel & ratelindo wartel 10,016 9,575 -4.4% 7,304,543 10,606,901 45.2% Postpaid Esia Total II. Tariff For both prepaid and postpaid subscribers in the JBJB regions, Esia carries a net tariff of Rp 50 per minute flat. This tariff has been implemented since 2005 and is applicable for the whole day. As for off net calls, the tariff charged will vary depending on the destination number (PSTN or mobile), the destination distance (Zone 1 - 3) and the calling time (peak or off peak). Particularly for customers outside JBJB, Esia SP Termurah is available, offering local calls at a net tariff of just Rp 40 per minute, Rp 80 to the local PSTN, Rp 480 per minute to other local operators and Rp 800 per minute for a number anywhere in the whole world, including international calls through voice over internet protocol (VoIP). In the year 2009, Esia also introduced SLI Hemat 009 services. The tariff varies according to destination countries, ranging from Rp 49-169 per second and is applicable for the whole day. In addition to voice services, Esia features a rate of Rp 1 per character for SMS to all national carriers and Rp 1,000 per SMS to foreign operators. As for data access services, Esia imposes a tariff of Rp 250 per minute. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 47 Management Discussion and Analysis Prepaid JBJB Postpaid Non JBJB On-net Tariff (Rp per minute): Local and DLD (using 01010) 50 40 50 250 80 250 1,000 Off-net PSTN tariff (Rp per minute): Local Distance Direct Dialing: Zone 1 (<200 km) Peak 1,000 800 Zone 1 (<200 km) Off Peak 909 800 636 Zone 2 (200-500 km) Peak 2,273 800 2,091 Zone 2 (200-500 km) Off Peak 1,364 800 1,091 Zone 3 (>500 km) Peak 2,273 800 2,091 Zone 3 (>500 km) Off Peak 1,364 800 1,091 800 480 636 Zone 1 (<200 km) Peak 1,545 800 1,727 Zone 1 (<200 km) Off Peak 1,364 800 1,717 Zone 2 (200-500 km) Peak 2,727 800 2,545 Zone 2 (200-500 km) Off Peak 1,818 800 1,818 Zone 3 (>500 km) Peak 2,727 800 2,545 Zone 3 (>500 km) Off Peak 1,818 800 1,818 Off-net GSM tariff (Rp per minute): Local Distance Direct Dialing: IDD rates (Rp per second): Asia dan United States 49 49 49 Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Other Asia 69 69 69 Europe and Middle East Africa 99 99 99 119 119 119 Other countries in the Americas 149 149 149 Oceania 169 169 169 SMS: SMS to all national operators (Rp per character) SMS to overseas operators (Rp per SMS) WAP/ Data Access (Rp per minute): 1 1 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 250 250 An interconnection tariff is charged for calls between operators. This tariff will be paid to the operator receiving the call by the operator where the call originates. The rates vary for calls from PSTN to mobile and vice versa. Call Type Interconnection Revenue (Termination) (Rp/minute) Interconnection Charges (Origination) (Rp/minute) FWA to FWA and PSTN to PSTN: Local Rp 73 Rp 73 DLD Rp 137 Rp 560 International Rp 612 N.A. PSTN to Selular: Local N.A. Rp 261 DLD N.A. Rp 380 Selular to PSTN: 48 Local Rp 203 N.A. DLD Rp 203 N.A. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis III. Usage Patterns BTEL recorded Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) at approximately Rp 33,000 for the year 2009, 21.8% lower than the Rp 42,000 of the previous year. This was primarily the result of the rapid growth of the Company. In line with increasing subscribers, the percentage of net traffic during the period also increased from 89.7% to 91.8%. And because on net tariffs are much lower than those between operators, ARPU also experienced a decline. ARPU for prepaid subscribers was much lower than postpaid. This is because almost all prepaid subscribers come from the lower middle economic class and below, whose usage levels are lower than those of postpaid subscribers. Expansion into new cities also contributed slightly to the decline in ARPU, where the level of usage of new subscribers in the city is still relatively low compared to the subscribers in the cities that Esia already serves. ARPU 2008 2009 Prepaid 42,000 33,000 Postpaid 137,000 110,000 Blended 42,000 33,000 During the year 2009, BTEL recorded 18.4 billion outgoing minutes of usage (MoU) or an increase of 46.0% from the previous year, which amounted to 12.6 billion minutes. Minutes of Usage (in million minutes) 2008 2009 12,636 18,448 IV. Service Areas By the end of 2009, BTEL’s services already covered 79 cities, compared to 55 cities in the previous year. 17 of these cities were in the JBJB area, while the rest were scattered around various other areas of Indonesia. The level of population and economic activity is a determining factor in choosing a new city. Coverage Number of City 2008 2009 55 79 JBJB 27% 22% Non JBJB 73% 78% In order to develop its service territory, BTEL is continually adding new networks, while strengthening existing networks. During the year 2009, the number of base stations increased by 905 to 3,677. In line with the asset light strategy that was applied to the Company, approximately 94% of BTS tower sites are leased from tower operators. BTS Number of BTS 2008 2009 2,772 3,677 JBJB 57% 66% Non JBJB 43% 34% Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 49 Management Discussion and Analysis Financial Review Discussion on financial performance in this section refers to the BTEL Financial Statements for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2009 which have been audited by Public Accountant Tjiendradjaja & Handoko Tomo with Unqualified Opinion, which is presented in this Annual Report. Application of PSAK 30, which also adopted from the IFRS, making the reclassification and adjustments to certain accounts in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009 related to the tower rental expenses to lease account. Based on this accounting standard, a lease is classified into financial lease or operating lease based on the substance not the form of contract. Asset under capital lease is recognized if the lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership. I. Profit and Loss Analysis Operating Revenues The Company’s gross operating revenue derived primarily from telecommunications services revenue and interconnection services revenue. Telecommunications services revenue comes from prepaid services of Esia, EsiaTel and Wifone products, and postpaid services of Esia, Wifone, EsiaTel and Ratelindo products. Meanwhile, net operating revenues consist of gross operating revenues after deduction of interconnection expenses and discounts, which consist of sales commissions paid to distributors and sales agents, free talk time for the subscribers and the results of the revenue sharing scheme with content providers. Gross Revenue (in billion Rupiah) 2008 2009 Change Prepaid: Esia 2,278.5 2,943.5 Wifone 53.8 50.3 29.2% -6.5% Esiatel 3.2 1.6 -50.0% Esia 90.5 75.6 -16.5% Wifone & Ratelindo Reguler 63.7 43.7 -31.4% Esiatel & Ratelindo Wartel 14.2 3.2 -77.5% 2,503.9 3,117.9 24.5% 301.4 317.7 5.4% 2,805.3 3,435.6 22.5% (284.4) (241.1) -15.2% Postpaid: Telecommunications Service Revenue Interconnection revenue Gross Operating Revenue Interconnection expense Discounts Net Operating Revenue 50 (318.7) (451.9) 41.8% 2,202.2 2,742.6 24.5% BTEL posted a 22.5% increase in gross operating revenues to Rp 3,435.6 billion in 2009 from Rp 2,805.3 billion in 2008. This was mainly attributed to 24.5% increase in telecommunication service revenues to Rp 3,117.9 billion from Rp 2,503.9 billion. Most of this revenue comes from Esia prepaid services, which increased to Rp 2,943.5 billion from Rp 2,278.5 billion. During the same period, BTEL also recorded net interconnection revenue amounting to Rp 76.6 billion, more than four times higher than the Rp 17.1 billion marked in 2008. This is partly a result of the change in the calculation of interconnection tariffs implemented since April 2008 and the changing composition of the incoming and outgoing calls, along with increasing the number of subscribers. Discounts increased 41.8% to Rp 451.9 billion from Rp 318.7 billion the previous year. This increase primarily reflects a higher discount price for customers, coupled with the revenue sharing portion for the value added service providers (VAS), along with increasing contribution of VAS to total revenue. Therefore, net operating revenues also grew by 24.5%, rising to Rp 2,742.6 billion from Rp 2,202.3 billion. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis The following table shows revenues from telecommunications services based on services provided. Gross Operating Revenue (in billion Rupiah) Voice 2008 2009 Change 1,822.1 2,081.9 14.3% SMS 357.0 610.8 71.1% VAS, Data, Internet 209.4 311.4 48.7% Non Usage 115.4 113.8 -1.4% Interconnection Service 301.4 317.7 5.4% 2,805.3 3,435.6 22.5% Total 2008 2009 Voice % to Gross Operating Revenue 65.0% 60.6% SMS 12.7% 17.8% VAS, Data, Internet 7.5% 9.1% Non Usage 4.1% 3.3% Interconnection Service Total 10.7% 9.2% 100.0% 100.0% Revenue from voice services grew by 14.3% to Rp 1,822.1 billion from Rp 2,081.9 billion and remained as the largest contributor to BTEL revenue. However, the proportion of revenues from voice services to the Company’s gross revenues during 2009 decreased from 65.0% to 60.6%. At the same time, revenues from non-voice services like SMS and VAS, data and Internet experienced a significant growth of 71.1% and 48.7%. As a result the percentage of revenues for both services to total revenue also rose respectively to 17.8% and 12.7%, from 12.7% and 7.5% respectively. This is in line with company strategy to increase the revenue contribution from non-voice services, in order to reduce the dependence of voice revenue. Operating Expenses During the year 2009, BTEL booked operating expenses of Rp 2,454.2 billion or 71.4% of gross revenue. This figure reflects an increase of 34.6% over the previous year which amounted to Rp 1,823.7 billion or 65.0% of gross revenue. However, following the efficiency measures undertaken, BTEL successfully reduced the percentage of several components of operating expenses to gross revenue to a lower level. Depreciation expense includes depreciation charges on BTEL network equipment and other fixed assets, including installation and construction charges, throughout the useful life of the respected fixed assets. Depreciation expenses increased 126.5% to Rp 979.2 billion from Rp 432.4 billion. The sharp increase was mainly the result of network expansion, particularly in the JBJB area. These amounts include reclassifications of leases associated with PSAK 30. The contribution of depreciation expense to gross revenue also increased from 15.4% to 28.5%. Operating & maintenance expenses include electricity charges, leases, frequency licenses, insurance and royalties to the Directorate General of Posts and Telecommunications, while maintenance expenses primarily include costs for maintenance and repair. Operating and maintenance expenses decreased 5.5% to Rp 506.1 billion from Rp 536.6 billion, primarily due to rent expenses and repair and maintenance expenses being lower after the implementation of PSAK 30. As a result, its contribution to gross revenues also declined, from 19.1% to 14.7%. General and administrative expenses consist of professional fees, rental of office buildings, transportation, electricity, telephone and water, office supplies and office maintenance. General & administrative expenses increased 26.3%, moving to Rp 224.9 billion from Rp 178.0 billion. The increase was in line with the rapid BTEL subscriber growth. When compared with the gross revenue, its percentage increased slightly from 6.3% to 6.5%. Employee expenses consist of salaries and employee benefits, medical benefits, meal allowances and employee training. Personnel costs increased 20.7% to Rp 291.0 billion from Rp 241.0 billion, due to the hiring of new employees to support the Company’s expansion and adjustment of employee compensation. When compared with gross revenue, personnel expenses decreased from 8.6% to 8.5%. Marketing and selling expenses include advertising expenses, promotion and exhibition. Sales and marketing expenses increased 6.5% to Rp 451.5 billion from Rp 423.9 billion. Although BTEL initiated many advertising and promotional activities, especially in new areas, the Company Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 51 Management Discussion and Analysis reached its efficiency cost target. Viewed from the percentage of gross revenue, sales and marketing expenses decreased from 15.1% to 13.1%. Operating Expenses (in billion Rupiah) 432.4 979.2 536.6 506.1 -5.7% General and administrative 178.0 224.9 26.3% Personnel 241.0 291.0 20.7% Sales and marketing 423.9 451.5 6.5% 11.8 1.4 -87.7% 1,823.7 2,454.2 34.6% % to Gross Operating Revenue 2008 2009 Depreciation 15.4% 28.5% Operating and maintenance 19.1% 14.7% General and administrative 6.3% 6.5% Personnel Sales and marketing Other operating Operating Expenses EBITDA EBITDA / Gross operating revenue 8.5% 13.1% 0.4% 0.0% 65.0% 71.4% 2008 2009 822.8 1,269.1 29.3% 36.9% Change 54.2% Operating Income Operating income decreased 23.8% to Rp 288.4 billion in 2009 from Rp 378.6 billion in 2008. This decline was primarily due to operating expenses that rose higher than operating revenues, along with the expansion of networks to support additional city coverage. Hence, the operating income margin was also down from 13.5% to 8.4%. Operating Income (in billion Rupiah) Operating Income Operating Income / Gross operating revenue 2008 2009 378.6 288.4 13.5% 8.4% Change -23.8% Other Income/Charges Net other charges decreased by 28.9% to Rp 142.7 billion in 2009 from Rp 200.6 billion in 2008. This decrease was primarily due to foreign exchange gains amounting to Rp 97.9 billion compared to a loss of Rp 44.5 billion in the previous year. On the other hand, net financial expenses increased by 67.3% to Rp 220.4 billion from Rp 131.8 billion. Other Income (Charges) (in billion Rupiah) Financing charges - net 2008 2009 (131.8) (220.4) Change 67.3% Gain (loss) on foreign exchange - net (44.5) 97.9 n/a Provision for doubtful accounts (12.5) (10.6) -15.1% Amortization of deferred gain Others - net Other Charges - net 52 8.6% 15.1% 126.5% EBITDA BTEL booked EBITDA of Rp 1,269.1 billion for the year 2009, or 54.2% higher compared Rp 822.8 billion in 2008. The increase was partly the result of the implementation of PSAK 30. As a result, the EBITDA margin also increased significantly from 29.3% to 36.9%. EBITDA (in billion Rupiah) Change Operating and maintenance Operating Expenses 2009 Depreciation Other operating 2008 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report - 5.6 n/a (11.8) (15.2) 28.1% (200.6) (142.7) -28.9% Management Discussion and Analysis Profit Before Tax Profit before tax declined 18.2% to Rp 145.7 billion in 2009 from Rp 178.1 billion in 2008. For the same period, the deferred tax expense increased 14.8% to Rp 47.3 billion from Rp 41.2 billion, most of which came from tower sale & leaseback transactions. Net Income BTEL posted a net profit of Rp 98.4 billion at the end of 2009 or down 28.0% from Rp 136.8 billion of the previous year. This figure reflects a net profit margin of 2.9%, lower compared to 4.9% in previous years. This decrease was the result of increased operating and financial expenses, in line with network expansion and the application of PSAK 30. Net Income (in billion Rupiah) Net Income Net Income / Gross operating revenue 2008 2009 136.8 98.4 4.9% 2.9% Change -28.0% II. Balance Sheet Analysis Assets Total assets reached Rp 11,436.3 billion by the end of 2009, or 33.8% higher compared to the Rp 8,546.0 billion a year earlier. Balance Sheet (in billion Rupiah) Cash and cash equivalents 2008 2009 Change 501.6 715.7 42.7% Other current assets 1,806.7 1,016.1 -43.8% Total Current Assets 2,308.3 1,731.8 -25.0% Fixed assets - direct ownership 5,303.3 6,408.3 20.8% - 2,906.4 n/a Fixed assets - indirect ownership Other non current assets 934.4 389.8 -58.3% Total Non Current Assets 6,237.7 9,704.5 55.6% Total Assets 8,546.0 11,436.3 33.8% Current assets decreased 25.0% to Rp 1,731.8 billion in 2009 from Rp 2,308.3 billion in 2008. This decrease was primarily caused by a 48.5% reduction in short-term investments to Rp 557.8 billion from Rp 1,083.0 billion, as these were used to finance capital expenditures throughout the year. On the other hand, cash and cash equivalents increased by 42.7% to Rp 715.7 billion, driven by cash generated from operating activities and a new short-term bank loan from Credit Suisse. For the same period, non-current assets rose 55.6% to Rp 9,704.5 billion from Rp 6,237.7 billion, fueled by the increase in fixed assets of 75.6% to Rp 9,314.7 billion from Rp 5,303.3 billion. This increase comes from the addition of fixed assets under capital lease amounting to Rp 2,906.4 billion into total assets, following the application of PSAK 30. Liabilities Total liabilities increased by 84.7% to Rp 6,399.3 billion in 2009 from Rp 3,463.9 billion in 2008. Balance Sheet (in billion Rupiah) Short-term bank loan 2008 2009 Change - 235.0 n/a 1,067.5 1,533.8 43.7% - 293.2 n/a Total Current Liabilities 1,067.5 2,062.0 93.2% Long-term debts 2,279.1 1,713.2 -24.8% 117.4 284.9 142.8% - 2,339.3 n/a Total Non Current Liabilities 2,396.4 4,337.4 81.0% Total Liabilities 3,463.9 6,399.3 33.8% Other current liabilities Current maturities of Obligation under financing leases Other non-current liabilities Obligation under financing leases Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 53 Management Discussion and Analysis Current liabilities increased 93.2% to Rp 2,062.0 billion in 2009 from Rp 1,067.5 billion in 2008. The increase was primarily due to a new short term bank loan amounting to Rp 235.0 billion, plus current maturities of obligation under financing leases amounting to Rp 293.2 billion from the adoption of PSAK 30. In line with this growth, trade payables increased by 80.4% to Rp 947.0 billion from Rp 522.9 billion. Non current liabilities increased by 81.0% to Rp 4,337.4 billion in 2009 from Rp 2,396.4 billion in 2008 where Rp 2,339.3 billion were recorded as finance lease liabilities in accordance with PSAK 30. As of December 31, 2009, total short-term and long-term debt, including obligation under financing lease of the Company, amounted to Rp 4,882.5 billion, mostly denominated in United States dollars. Debt (in billion Rupiah) 2008 Short-term bank loan Change - 235.0 n/a 1,589.7 1,308.0 -17.7% Bonds 644.7 646.1 0.2% Vendor financing 220.0 60.9 -72.3% Short-term loans Obligation under financing leases Total 2009 - 2,632.4 n/a 2,454.3 4,882.5 98.9% - US$ 145.0 million represents a credit facility arranged by Credit Suisse maturing in 2012. The loan principal is fully hedged. - US$ 25.0 million represents short-term bank loans, also arranged by Credit Suisse. - Rp 650.0 billion came from proceeds of the BTEL Rupiah Bond due in 2012. Bonds BTEL I IDR Bonds Rating Agency Pefindo Rating idA- Stable Outlook Rating Date 1 July 2009 - Approximately US$ 6.5 million, equivalent to Rp 60.9 billion, is a vendor financing facility from Huawei Tech. Investment Co. Ltd. - Rp 2,632.4 billion is a finance lease obligation, in line with the application of PSAK 30. Equity Total equity at year end 2009 amounted to Rp 5,036.9 billion, relatively the same when compared with the Rp 5,082.1 billion in the previous year. III. Cash Flow Analysis 54 Cash flows from operating activities Total net cash received from operating activities represents cash received from customers, net of payments to suppliers, operating expenses, as well as incoming and outgoing cash in connection with income and interest expense and taxes. As of December 31, 2009, net cash provided by operating activities amounted to Rp 1,143.1 billion, higher by 90.5% over the Rp 600.1 billion of the previous year. This reflects an increase in cash receipts from operating activities of 39.7% to Rp 1,440.9 billion, in line with subscriber growth during the period. Cash flows from investing activities Total cash used for investing activities in general is used to pay for purchases and installation of equipment in connection with the development of network capacity and quality of the Company. As of December 31, 2009, net cash used for investment amounted to Rp 531.3 billion, down sharply by 84.4% compared to Rp 3,408.2 billion in the previous year. This decrease was caused by the Company receiving proceeds from the sale of fixed assets of Rp 390.0 billion in 2009, plus the withdrawal of short-term investments amounting to Rp 521.8 billion to fund capital expenditures. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis Cash flows from financing activities Total cash provided by and used for financing activities represents cash arising from the issuance of new shares and the conversion of warrants and cash from the issuance of bonds and revenues from long-term bank debt and cash used for principal payments on bank borrowings. As of December 31, 2009, net cash used for financing activities amounted to Rp 397.8 billion, most of which was finance lease payments amounting to Rp 662.8 billion. This was a sharp contrast from 2008 when the company actually received Rp 2,938.4 billion proceeds from rights issue I. Statements of Cash Flows (in billion Rupiah) Net cash flows provided by operating activities 2008 2009 Change 600.1 1,143.1 90.5% Net cash flows used in investing activities (3,408.2) (531.3) -84.4% Free cash flow (2,808.1) 611.8 -121.8% 3,014.1 (397.8) -113.2% Net Increase of cash and cash equivalents 206.0 214.0 3.9% Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 295.7 501.6 69.7% Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 501.6 715.7 42.7% Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities IV. Capital Expenditures During the year 2009, BTEL spent capital expenditure of approximately US$ 153.5 million, equivalent to Rp 1.4 trillion, when calculating the middle rate of Bank Indonesia per December 31, 2009 of Rp 9,400 per US$. This position is lower than the US$ 221.8 million (equivalent to Rp 2.4 trillion, using the middle rate of Bank Indonesia per December 31, 2008 of Rp 10,950 per US$). More than half of our capital spending is used for network expansion and the remainder is used for developing various facilities and other support. As for as the source of the funds, approximately 60% comes from the rights issue in 2008 and another 40% comes from vendor financing and internal cash of the Company. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 55 Management Discussion and Analysis Additional Important Information I. Changes in Accounting Policies The Company adopted PSAK No.30 (Revised 2007) regarding Rent (“PSAK 30 Revised”). According to PSAK 30 Revised, a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership to the lessee are classified as a finance lease. At the beginning of the lease term, finance leases are capitalized at the fair value of the leased property or at present value of minimum lease payments, if the value is now lower than the fair value. Minimum lease payments are apportioned between the finance charges and the reduction of the outstanding liability so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the balance of obligations. Finance charges appear on the income statement. Leased assets held by lessees under finance leases are recorded as fixed assets and depreciated over the useful life of the leased asset or the lease term, whichever is shorter, if there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. In the case of a sale & leaseback transaction, finance lease transactions are treated as two separate transactions, i.e. transactions of sales and lease transactions. Any excess proceeds from the carrying value are deferred and amortized over the lease term. Leases that do not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership are classified as operating leases. Relating to BTEL financial statements 2009, the Company has adopted PSAK No. 30 (revised in 2007) under the account of “Lease”. Thus, all leases represent a significant shift of all the risks and benefits associated with goods that are leased to the lessees, to be classified as a finance lease (financial lease). As a result of the implementation of PSAK 30 Revised, in BTEL financial statements 2009, the rental cost of BTS has been changed from rental fees to depreciation and interest costs. These changes are not applied retroactively to the financial statements for 2007 and 2008. Accordingly, 2009 financial statements can not be compared directly with previous financial statements. II. Transactions With Related Parties In the normal course of business, the Company entered into transactions with related parties. Nature of relationship and transactions with related parties were as follows: 56 Nature of Related Parties Nature of Transactions PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Shareholders Trade payable PT Bakrie Communications Shareholders Service PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara Affiliate Service PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Affiliate Rental Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR Affiliate Service PT Catur Swasakti Utama Affiliate Rental PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari Affiliate Rental PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi Affiliate Service PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna Affiliate Service PT Bakrie Corrugated Metal Industry Affiliate Service PT Rasuna Caturtama Corporation Affiliate Service Sales of Services BTEL provide various telecommunications services to PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama (formerly known as PT Catur Swasakti Utama) and PT Bakrie Communications. BTEL derived revenues from the sale of services to these related parties of Rp 0.2 billion in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Rental BTEL rents office space at Wisma Bakrie from PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama and incurred rental expenses of Rp 4.6 billion for 2008 and Rp 5.0 billion for 2009. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis Trade Payables BTEL has entered into contracts with PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara for installation of antennas at 38 locations in the JBJB area. BTEL has also been involved in several transactions as described in Notes 15 and 32 in the Notes to the Financial Statements with Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi, PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama, PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari, PT Rasuna Caturtama Corporation, PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna and PT Bakrie Corrugated Metal Industry. Total trade payables to these related parties were Rp 1.9 billion at December 31, 2008 and Rp 2.0 billion on December 31, 2009. III. Extraordinary Events There were no unusual conditions during 2009 that need to be reported. IV. Dividend Policy Pursuant to appropriate laws and regulations, the payment of dividends must be approved by shareholders at the AGM, based on proposals from the Board of Directors. Payment of 15% to 25% cash dividends (net income after tax) is planned and will be conducted with respect to its implementation, considering the level of financial health, the level of capital adequacy and further funding requirements for the business. In considering the level of financial health, the level of capital adequacy and funding requirements for further business expansion, BTEL will not distribute dividends to shareholders resultant from the accumulation of BTEL retained earnings as it is still in deficit. V. Realization on the Uses of Proceeds from Rights Issue In February 14, 2008, the Company obtained the Effectivity Notice of its Rights Issue I. Through the rights issue, in February 29, 2008, BTEL issued 8,638,079,352 shares with nominal value Rp 100 per share which were offered at Rp 350 per share. As of December 2009, the proceeds, after deducting the costs of issuance, had been allocated as follows: Allocation of Utilization of Proceeds Based on Prospectus (in billion Rupiah) Development of telecommunication networks Proposed Realization 1,736.5 1,736.5 Addition of a backbone network 500.3 500.3 Development of supporting devices of telecommunication 706.4 706.4 2,943.2 2,943.2 Total VI. Exchange Controls Currently, Indonesia only implements limited foreign exchange controls. The Indonesian Rupiah is basically exchanged freely. However, to maintain stability and prevent acts of speculation by foreign parties, Bank Indonesia has adopted a regulation (No. 7/14/PBI/2005) which can be described as follows: - Limiting the amount of movement in domestic banks to foreign banks or foreign branches of banks for no reason (such as a clear trade or investment). - Bank Indonesia also has the authority to obtain all information and data on foreign exchange activities of all persons and legal entities residing in Indonesia or planning to stay in Indonesia for a period of one year. - Bank Indonesia also requires banks and companies that hold total or annual gross revenues of at least Rp 100 billion to report all their foreign exchange activities, if the activity is not completed through a bank or non bank financial institutions in Indonesia. Transactions that have been reported include receipts and disbursement of funds through overseas accounts. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 57 Management Discussion and Analysis VII. Significant Agreements Below are significant BTEL agreements and commitments that have been executed. The comprehensive description is there in the Notes to Financial Statements 2009 number 39. The parties who have concluded agreements and commitments are as follows: Third parties: - PT Huawei Tech. Investment (Huawei) - PT Indosat Tbk. - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. - PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. - PT Telekomunikasi Selular - PT Komuniksi Selular Indonesia dan PT Metro Selular Nusantara - PT Hutchinson CP Telecommunications - PT Smart Telecom - PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia - Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd. - Ceragon Networks Inc. - Perjanjian Konsorsium, Konstruksi dan Pemeliharaan Palapa Ring - PT Mora Telematika Indonesia - PT Cipta Inti Perkasa Related parties: - PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara - PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama VIII. Contingencies On June 18, 2008, the Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (KPPU) issued decision No. 26/KPPU-L/2007 to the Company to pay a penalty amounting to Rp 4,000,000,000 to the State Treasury for violations of Article 5 of Law No. 5 year 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. The Company filed an appeal against the decision of KPPU on July 23, 2008 to the South Jakarta District Court. The case is still pending as of the date of completion of financial reports. IX. Changes in Government Regulations The Government has proposed a new regulation that may affect BTEL business, namely the convergence of telecommunication and broadcasting, and a new technology mobile virtual network (including a Next Generation Network). The scope of application of this rule is not clear, but it can affect business operations, cash flows, financial condition and results of operations of the Company. X. Significant Events After Balance Sheet Date There are no significant events after the material date. XI. Other Important Information Based on the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) dated December 16, 2008, as recorded in Notarial Deed No. 27 of Agus Madjid S.H. Notary in Jakarta. the Boards of Commissioners, Directors and Shareholders approved the plan to divest a maximum of 543 telecommunication towers and their supporting facilities. 58 The Company decided to focus its business operation as a network and telecommunication service provider and plans to transfer its telecommunication tower management to a professional third party in 2009. To perform the Tower Sale Transaction, the Company is required to obtain approval or submit written notification to the creditors in relation with the asset sale transaction. On May 14, 2009, the Company and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama (STP) signed a sale and purchase agreement for 543 telecommunication towers and their supporting facilities. The sales process will be divided into 4 batches. On September 30, 2009, the Company has delivered all telecommunication towers (543 Towers) and their supporting facilities for the fourth batch. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Management Discussion and Analysis Business Development Wireless Broadband Access Sharpening competition, especially for voice and SMS services in the Indonesian telecommunications industry, has pointed to data and internet service access as a key to future growth. Toward that end, BTEL is currently preparing to bring forward broadband wireless access (BWA) service that to be launched in phases in several major urban centers. The selected technology will be EV-DO, which is the next stage of the current CDMA 2000 - 1X technology utilized by the Company that will undergo both software as well as hardware upgrade. The provision of BWA services intends to answer consumer demand for higher upload and download speeds than currently used technology allows. With a still modest current internet users market penetration in Indonesia of approximately 16% of the total population or roughly 38 million people, the Company perceives very good prospects for this service. Before long, BTEL believes that revenues from BWA can provide a significant contribution for the Company.. Network Utilization for Corporate Solutions Looking at the amount of unused capacity on existing networks and supported by licenses already obtained, BTEL has taken the initiative to increase network utilization by providing services with greater bandwidth capacity for corporate customers. These services are expected to become a source of new revenue for the Company. The service will include high-speed data access and dedicated private line that can be used for video conferencing. BTEL sees that dedicated data access has become a fundamental business tool for corporate customers everywhere, particularly for setting up multiple local area networks (LAN), such as between the head office and branch offices. Customers that access real time online data for 24 hours mainly use permanent communications platforms. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 59 Sustainability Report • Corporate Governance • Audit Committee Report • Risk Management Committee Report • Remuneration and Nomination Committee Report • Control Systems • Risk Management • Corporate Social Responsibility 50 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Pop Jazz Express yourself, with your favorite music and artists through Esia Music Box Rock Classic Sustainability Report Corporate Governance Basic Principles As a well-established and reputable business, BTEL has developed its basic principles and set a foundation, embodying concepts of GCG as applied to: 1. Optimizing the value of the Company through maximum implementation of the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness, imbuing the Company with healthy competitiveness, both nationally and regionally. 2. Supporting corporate management in a clean, transparent and professional manner as well as independency of each BTEL unit, such as Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, General Meeting of Shareholders and all other employees. 3. Encouraging corporate management in its decision making and implementations to be based on high moral integrity and in compliance with prevailing laws and regulations. 4. Encouraging BTEL’s awareness and social responsibility toward the community and environmental sustainability, especially in areas around the Company. While, externally, the implementation of GCG in BTEL is evidenced from the legal framework that serves as the basis for GCG implementation in the Company, namely: Business Entity • • • • Operational Act No. 40/2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies Act No. 8/1995 concerning Capital Markets Act No. 8/1997 regarding Company Documents Articles of Association GCG Implementation • • • • 62 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. • • • • Act No. 13/2003 on Labor and Employment Act No. 23/1997 on the Environment Act No. 8/1999 on Consumer Protection Act No. 5/1999 regarding Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unhealthy Business Competition • Operations Act, i.e., Act No. 36/1999 on Telecommunications Act No. 7/2006 on Ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption Act No. 28/1999 on the Implementation of a nation free of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Act No. 31/1999 and Law No. 20/2001 on the Eradication of Corruption Regulations of Bapepam Sustainability Report A sustainable approach to compliance and application of the principles and practices of good corporate governance is a matter of conviction for the entire BTEL’s Board of Directors and Commissioners. Both these governing bodies have continuously become part of the culture of ethics and the Company’s integrity in conducting business responsibly. In an effort to establish such an ethical culture, one rich in integrity, strict implementation of GCG has been applied in BTEL. The scheme for implementation concept using logical framework to develop GCG is as follows: INTEGRITY PACT Structure of the Guidelines: how they were determined and the commitment to carry them out CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE OF CONDUCT Integrated Financial Systems Operations, which will then automatically detect any violations that occur in the various BTEL units Statement of determination and commitment to undertake all duties and responsibilities consistent with applicable regulations Rules for behaving properly, ethically, honestly and responsibly FOIS 1. Integrity Pact (IP) IP is a commitment by management and employees to fulfill all duties, obligations and responsibilities in accordance with applicable regulations within the company. The commitment was confirmed as of August 1, 2006, through the signing of the BTEL Integrity Pact on August 1 2006, and continued with the formulation of the Company’s IP Module, which is a detailed manual of rules, covering all aspects of proper and effective IP implementation in the Company, working towards the realization of the company as an effective integrity environment in Indonesia. 2. Corporate Governance (CG) Good Corporate Governance is generally defined as the process and structure adopted by the organs of the Company to enhance business success and accountability of the Company in realizing shareholder value over the long term, with due regard to the interests of other stakeholders, based on legislation and the ethical values. The level of achievement must meet all requirements, demonstrating propriety and regularity in its operations in accordance with CG concepts. BTEL relies upon five basic principles to ensure the achievement of Good Corporate Governance (GC), namely: Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness. 3. Code of Conduct (CoC) A code or rules of conduct includes the obligations and restrictions applied by BTEL that govern working relationships both internally, referring to interaction between management, management with employees, between employees and external relationships with third parties. 4. Financial-Operational Integrated System (FOIS) FOIS within the logical framework has the function to translate GCG and CoC principles into action by focusing on detailed and symmetrical check between operational activities in the field with a proper financial aspects related to budgeting, spending and accounting. The actual function of FOIS is to prevent any deviations that might allow corrupt practices, whether conducted by insiders or insiders working together with outside parties. There are two things to be considered in the implementation of FOIS: the actualization of policies, rules and SOPs in accordance with set regulations and the supervision of financial & operational aspects in an integrated manner. At an operational level, BTEL has various policies and regulations in place, such as authority restrictions (BTEL approval authority), a quality management system (BTEL-QMS), guidelines and procedures in work units and implementation guidelines that will help employees in their work and activities in accordance with the specified rules in such a manner that fraud may be avoided as much as possible. To get obtain an integrated control system of financial and operational aspects, BTEL has Risk Management, Corporate Internal Audit and Audit Quality in place to anticipate any risks that might arise, conduct investigations of fraud potential and analyze possible discrepancies and recommend solutions for the problem. A fundamental GCG concept is the set of principles known as TARIF (Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, Fairness). Description of TARIF is as follows: Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 63 Sustainability Report – Transparency Basic Principles To maintain objectivity in conducting business, BTEL provides material and relevant information in a way that is easily accessible and can be understood by all stakeholders. BTEL takes the initiative to disclose not only issues and concerns covered by legislation, but may also be important for decision making by shareholders, creditors and other stakeholders. Implementation Principles 1. BTEL provides information in a timely, adequate, clear, accurate, comparable and easily accessible manner to all stakeholders in accordance with their rights. 2. The information disclosed includes, but is not limited to, the vision, mission, objectives and strategies of BTEL, financial condition, management composition and compensation, controlling shareholders, share ownership by members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners and their family members in BTEL and other companies, risk management systems, internal control system and implementation of GCG and its level of compliance or important events that could affect BTEL conditions. 3. The principle of disclosure adopted by BTEL is not reduce the obligation to comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Company in accordance with statutory regulations, the rule of privacy and personal rights. 4. BTEL policy is conveyed in writing and appropriately communicated to stakeholders. – Accountability Basic Principles BTEL must be accountable for its performance in a transparent and fair manner. In order to accomplish such an objective, BTEL must be properly managed and still accomodate the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders. Accountability is a necessary prerequisite to achieving sustainable performance. Implementation Principles 1. BTEL defines job descriptions and responsibilities of each organ and of all employees clearly and in line with the vision, mission, corporate values and corporate strategy. 2. BTEL believes that all organs and employees are qualified to carry out their duties, responsibilities and roles in the implementation of same. 3. The Board of Commissioners and Directors ensure the existence of an effective internal control system in managing BTEL. 4. BTEL imposes performance measures for corporate, work units and individuals, including the Board of Commissioners and Directors, consistent with BTEL business objectives, following an effective system of rewards and punishment. 5. In performing its duties and responsibilities, each BTEL organ and all employees must adhere to business ethics and the Code of Conduct established jointly by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. – Responsibility Basic Principles BTEL complies with legislation and fulfils responsibilities towards society and the environment so that business sustainability can be maintained over the long term, in the effort to be recognized as a good corporate citizen. Implementation Principles 1. BTEL organ adhere to principles of prudence, to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, statutes, by-laws and internal policies, as well as BTEL ethical standards. 2. BTEL fulfils its social responsibility toward the community and surrounding environment, especially around the Company’s working areas through adequate planning and implementation. 64 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report – Independency Basic Principles To accelerate the implementation of GCG principles, BTEL is managed independently, so that each organ operates in balance and cannot be intervene by other parties Implementation Principles 1. Each organ of BTEL avoids domination by any party, not influenced by specific interests, staying free from any conflict of interest as well as external pressure, so that decisions can be made objectively. 2. Each organ of BTEL performs its functions and duties in accordance with their regulations and legislation, and does not attempt to dominate or shift responsibility to any other. – Fairness and Equality Basic Principles In conducting its activities, BTEL always considers the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders as defined by principles of fairness and equality. Implementation Principles 1. BTEL provides the opportunity for stakeholders to provide input and express opinions in the interest of the Company, with open access to information in accordance with the principles of transparency within the scope of their respective capacities. 2. BTEL provides fair and equal treatment to stakeholders in accordance with the benefits and contribution given to the Company. 3. BTEL provides equal opportunities in recruitment, career development and carrying out duties professionally, without distinction of race, religion, race, class, gender or physical condition. Business Ethics Business ethics is the basis of behavior or operational philosophy adhered to by all BTEL employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, in order to create a clean organization. The concept of business ethics in BTEL refers to how each individual or the Company can act fairly, in accordance with applicable laws and does not depend on individual or the company’s importance or social standing within the community. Business ethics principles adhered to include: 1. Principle of Autonomy This refers to the attitude and the human ability to make decisions and act upon his/her own impetus in deciding what is the best thing to do. 2. Principle of Honesty There are three aspects to this Principle: Honesty in terms of an agreement or contract, honesty in offering quality goods and services at a fair price and honesty in internal working relationships within a company. 3. Principle of Fairness Obliges equal treatment for each individual according to objective and rational criteria. Fairness demands that no parties are deprived of their rights and interests. 4. The Principle of Mutual Benefit This principle demands that the business is run in a way that benefits all parties. In a competitive business, this implies that business competition should aim for a win-win solution. 5. The Principle of Moral Integrity Internalized within business people or company, the aim is to conduct business while maintaining one’s reputation or that of the Company. In other word, this principle serves as an encouragement for an individual or the company to be the best. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 65 Sustainability Report Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Concept PREPARATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GCG The concept and process of planning, implementation and evaluation are summarized in the BTEL GCG implementation roadmap as illustrated in the following: GCG Good Corp. Governance GGC Good Governed Company Compliance with the provisions and regulations (both voluntary and mandatory) of corporate governance GCC Good Corp. Citizen Effective control of the business operation, especially in terms of aspects of business risk CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Being an ethical and responsible citizen of both the industrial and social communities THE VALUE CREATION PROCESS 2008 - 2009 2010 - 2011 After 2011 GCG Implementation Roadmap for BTEL Description: - Period of 2008 - 2009: GCG (Good Corporate Governance). Conforming to the rules and regulations (mandatory or voluntary) in corporate governance. - Period of 2010 - 2011: GGC (Good Governance Compliance). Exerting effective control over business operation, especially aspects of business risks. - Period after 2011: GCC (Good Corporate Citizen). Namely, to become known as ethical and socially responsible industry member and citizen. At implementation level, until the end of 2009, BTEL have successfully create and implement: 1. Implementation guidelines for Audit Committee (Audit Committee Charter) 2. Implementation guidelines for Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Nomination & Remuneration Committee Charter) 3. Implementation guidelines for Risk Monitoring Committee (Risk Committee Charter) 4. Implementation guidelines for Committee for Corporate Governance (CG Committee Charter) 5. Integrity Pact module 6. Company regulations 7. BTEL Quality Management System (BTEL-QMS) 8. Internal Control System (Corporate Internal Audit) 9. BTEL Integrity Program and Best Performance Award as a form of assessment of compliance, ethics and performance. 10. Enterprise Risk Management 11. Periodic internal quality survey 12. The adoption of Faster, Better, Cheaper (FBC) concept in operational activities 13. Formulation of management policies and procedures a. Related business process mapping b. Implementation of management policies on business processes c. Formulation of Standard Operating Procedures Corporate Governance Structure Corporate governance structure consisting of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Committees assisting the Board of Commissioners, and Corporate Secretary. 1. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) 66 AGMS is the body holding the highest power and authority in the Company. AGMS has the authority to appoint and dismiss members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, to evaluate their performance, approve amendments of Articles of Association, approve the Annual Report and determine the form and amount of remuneration for Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report During the year 2009, BTEL held one AGMS, which took place on June 16, 2009 with the following resolutions: • To approve and and accept the report of Board of Directors, in the course of the financial administration for fiscal year 2008. • To approve and ratify the balance sheet and profit and loss statement for fiscal year ending on December 31, 2008, and to fully acquit and discharge the members of Board of Directors and the member of Board of Commissioners for their management and supervision during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008, insofar as the management and supervision are reflected in the balance sheet and profit and loss statement along with the public accountant report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. • To approve the use of net profit generated during the fiscal year 2008 for operational needs and capital expenditure, and not to distribute profit or dividend to shareholders. • To authorize the Board of Directors to appoint and determine a public accounting firm to audit the books for the year 2009 and determine the honorarium. • To approve the reappointment of all members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company whose tenure have expired , for the following tenure in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, and to authorize the Board of Commissioners to determine salaries and allowances for members of the Board of Directors and honorarium for members of the Board of Commissioners. 2. Board of Commissioners a. Duties and Responsibilities The Board of Commissioners is responsible for overseeing the operational management of BTEL as conducted by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions adopted in the Articles of Association, AGMS resolutions, and applicable rules and laws, and provides advice to the Board of Directors as necessary. The Board of Commissioners plays an important role in implementing the principles of Good Corporate Governance through its supervisory function. Board of Commisioner monitors and evaluates the implementation of the Company’s strategic policy through reports from Board of Directors and the Committees. During the year 2009, the Board did not find any violations of the laws or regulations in the financial or telecommunications sector. b. Membership and Terms of Office The Board of Commissioners consists of at least two persons: one Chairman and one or more Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners’ tenure commences from the date of the AGMS and terminates at the closing of the third AGMS following the appointment. Composition of the Board of Commissioners per December 31, 2009 is as follows: Name Position Term of Office Bobby Gafur S. Umar President Commissioner 2009 - 2012 Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Independent Commissioner 2009 - 2012 Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta Independent Commissioner 2009 - 2012 Nalinkant Amratlal Rathod Commissioner 2009 - 2012 Ambono Janurianto Commissioner 2009 - 2012 c. Board of Commissioners Meetings During the year 2009 the Board of Commissioners held two meetings with the following details: Date of Meeting Agenda Attendance 5 February 2009 Discussion of Company Performance during the year 2008 Attended by all members of the Board of Commissioners except for Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta 15 June 2009 Preparatory discussions on the accountability of implementation of duties by the members of the Board of Commissioners for fiscal year 2008 Attended by all members of the Board of Commissioners To assist the Commissioners in carrying out their duties, three Committees were established, namely, the Audit Committee, the Risk Management Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 67 Sustainability Report 3. Board of Directors a. Duties and Responsibilities The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Company, including risk management and implementation of Corporate Governance, at all levels of the organization. The Board of Directors’ responsibilities also include implementation of internal control structure, internal audit function and taking actions based on the findings of internal audit, in accordance with the directives of the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Directors must develop a business strategy that includes an operating plan and budget, along with implementation of accounting practices and bookkeeping, in accordance with the provisions of a public Company. The Board of Directors are also required to account for the performance of their duties to the shareholders, through the AGMS. b. Membership and Term of Office The appointment of Directors is set forth in the Articles of Association, stating that the members are to be appointed by the AGMS, for the period commencing the date of AGMS and terminates at the closing of the third AGMS following the appointment, without limiting the rights of the AGMS to dismiss them at any time. Composition of the Board of Directors per December 31, 2009 is as follows: Name Anindya Novyan Bakrie Position Term of Office President Director 2009 - 2012 Frederik Johannes Meijer Deputy President Director 2009 - 2012 Muhammad Buldansyah Deputy President Director 2009 - 2012 Rakhmat Junaidi Director 2009 - 2012 Juliandus Lumban tobing Director 2009 - 2012 Jastiro Abi Director 2009 - 2012 c. Board of Directors Meetings During the year 2009 the Board of Directors held 12 meetings with the following details: Date of Meeting 68 Agenda Attendance 23 January 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Reports for the December 2008 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 10 February 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the January 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 11 March 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the February 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 20 April 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the First Quarter of 2009 - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 12 May 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the April 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 22 June 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the May 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 14 July 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the June 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 19 August 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the July 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 15 September 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the August 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 20 October 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the September 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 17 November 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the October 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors All Directors were in attendance 15 December 2009 - Financial and Operational Review Report for the November 2009 period - Review of all reports from the Directors - Preparation for the Finalization of AOP 2010 All Directors were in attendance Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report d. Joint Meetings During the year 2009, Board of Commissioners and Directors held two meetings with the following details: Date of Meeting Agenda Attendance 5 February 2009 Progress of business and corporate finance activities for the year 2009 - All Directors were in attendance - All Commissioners were in attendance except for Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta 15 June 2009 Discussion of plans for the AGM to be held on 16 June 2009 All Directors and Commissioners were in attendance 4. Remuneration Policy for the Commissioners and Directors The Board of Commissioners and Directors receive compensation in the form of salaries, allowances and facilities. Remuneration for Board of Commissioners and Directors was initially discussed Remuneration and Nomination Committee’s meeting. Their recommendations were put to the AGMS for approval. In regards to the remuneration for Board of Directors, the AGMS authority can be delegated to the Board of Commissioners. For the year ending December 31, 2009, the remuneration package of Commissioners and Directors, consisting of fees, incentives, insurance, bonuses and other facilities and benefits amounted to Rp. 16,816,270,886, compared to the previous year of Rp. 15,824,341,131. 5. Committees There are no provisions in the Articles of Association regulating the establishment, duties and authority of the committees that assist the Board of Commissioners. One committee that is mandatory for a public Company is the Audit Committee, in accordance with Bapepam regulations IX.1.5 on the Formation and Charter of the Audit Committee. Other committees are formed and delegated authority by the Board of Commissioners to assist the supervision of the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of Article 121 of Limited Liability Company Laws, and also demonstrate the good faith of the Company in implementing the principles of GCG. - Audit Committee Duties and Responsibilities The Audit Committee is responsible for giving opinions to the Board of Commissioners on the Report or other matters submitted by the Board of Directors to the Board of Commissioners, to identify the issues that might require the attention of the Board of Commissioners, and to perform other tasks related to the duties of the Board of Commissioners, among them being: a. To review financial information to be released by the Company, including financial reports, projections, and other financial information. b. To review the Company’s compliance with laws and regulations of the capital markets and other relevant regulations associated with corporate activities. c. To review the audit result of internal auditors. d. Report to the Board of Commissioners on the various risks faced by companies and risk management practices by the Board of Directors. e. To review and report to the Board of Commissioners on complaints relating to BTEL as a public company. f. Maintain confidentiality of documents, data and corporate information. Membership and Term of Office The Audit Committee consists of three members: one Chairperson, who is also an Independent Commissioners and two independent members. All members of the Audit Committee meet the independence criteria of expertise and integrity as stipulated by various regulations. Composition of Audit Committee per December 31, 2009 are as follows: Name Position Term of Office Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Chairman 2009 – 2012 Leo J. Susilo Member 2009 – 2012 Yansen Pasaribu Member 2009 – 2012 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 69 Sustainability Report Ai Mulyadi Mamoer (CV can be viewed in the Board of Commissioners’ profiles) Yansen Pasaribu, CPA Member of the Audit Committee since June 1, 2006. Chairman of the Offices of Certified Public Accountants Yansen Pasaribu from 1995 - 2009. Has over 20 years experience in accounting, auditing and taxation. Member of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (No. Reg. IAPI: 711) and a member of the Tiga Pilar Kemitraan. Experience in the field after joining KPMG from 1989 - 1995. Awarded a degree in Economics from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1991 and registered as an Accountant (No. Reg. Accounting Country D-8968) and as an Indonesian Certified Public Accountant (CPA) No: C-000,070 from IAPI in January 2009. Leo J. Susilo Member of the Audit Committee since June 2009. Managing Partner of Wimconsult, a consulting firm specializing in the field of corporate governance, business ethics, risk management and performance improvement. Experience as a member of the Board of Directors in various subsidiaries of Astra Group, among others being PT Denso Indonesia, EDS Manufacturing Indonesia, Astra Consulting Services and PT United Tractors Tbk. He also served as a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Risk Oversight Committee of PT (Persero) Semen Baturaja. Currently still a Chartered Member of the Indonesian Institute of Commissioners and Directors (LKDI) and is one of the facilitators in the training program for Commissioners and Directors held by LKDI. A member of IKAI (Indonesian Institute of Audit Committee) and also Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Business Ethics Center at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). Further, also a lecturer in the Executive MBA program of the School of Business and Management at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM - ITB). Earned a Bachelor’s of Engineering Degree from Bandung Institute of Technology and a Bachelor’s of Law from the 17 Agustus 1945 University and a Magister rerum publicarum from Hochschuele fuer Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer, Germany. Audit Committee Meetings In performing its duties, the Audit Committee has conducted several meetings internally and with all parties related to their performance of duties. The total number of meetings held by the Audit Committee in 2009 was 34, with an average attendance of each member of the Audit Committee of 96%. - Risk Management Committee Duties and Responsibilities The Risk Management Committee is responsible for assisting the Board of Commissioners in matters that include activities such as the following: a. Evaluate risk management policies and provide assessments of risk limits (risk appetite and risk tolerance) as set by the Board of Directors. b. Evaluate the adequacy of infrastructure, facilities, resources and competence for the implementation of enterprise risk management (ERM). c. Ensure the implementation of ERM programs covering risk identification, risk assessment, risk treatment and risk monitoring are carried out in accordance with internationally recognized risk management standards. d. Request and collect regular reports from Management regarding business risks that include, but are not limited to: • Technology Risks • Regulation Risks • Operational Risks • Strategic Risks • Business Competition Risks • Financial Risks • Social Risks e. Conduct discussions, evaluations, verifications and submit recommendations on risk management mentioned on the previous point and report the results to the Board of Commissioners. f. If necessary, the Risk Management Committee can communicate with the Audit Committee with regards to audit results related to risk assessment and compliance. g. If required, the Risk Management Committee, with the approval from the Board of Commissioners may invite an independent outside party to audit the implementation of ERM. 70 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Membership and Term of Office The Risk Management Committee consists of two persons: one Chairperson and one member. Composition of the Risk Management Committee as of December 31, 2009 is as follows: Name Position Term of Office Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta Chairman 2009 – 2012 Ambono Janurianto Member 2009 – 2012 Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta (CV can be viewed in the Board of Commissioners’ profile) Ambono Janurianto (CV can be viewed in the Board of Commissioners’ profile) Risk Management Committee Meeting The total number of meetings held by the Risk Management Committee in the year 2009 was two times, with an average attendance of each member of the Risk Management Committee of 75%. - Remuneration and Nomination Committee Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of this Committee are associated with the system of nomination and remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and Directors. For the tasks associated with the system of nomination of the Directors and the Board of Commissioners, the committee’s responsibilities are: 1. Formulate job competency criteria for members of The Board of Commissioners and Directors to be used as a criteria during the selection process. 2. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners ways to cooperate with the Director who supervises the field of human resources in conducting an internal assessment process (a fit and proper test) in order to obtain candidates for the Board of Directors from within the company. 3. Monitor and supervise the coaching system and process for leadership candidates in the Company. 4. If necessary, recommend to the Board of Commissioners methods and processes for selecting candidates for the Board of Directors from outside the company. 5. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners the method and the process of selecting members of the Independent Commissioners, as representative of minority shareholders. 6. Formulate criteria for job competency for members of the Committees to be used as selection criteria for prospective members and provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning methods and the selection process. For the tasks associated with the system of remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and Directors, the tasks of the Committee: 1. With the permission from the Board of Commissioners and Directors and on behalf of the company, to participate in salary surveys for the executive level and to obtain benchmarks in preparing remuneration proposals for the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Committee members. 2. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners methods, techniques and implementation processes during individual performance appraisals for each member of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Committee member. 3. Draft salaries and allowance system proposals for the Board of Commissioners, Directors and members of the Committees, as well as submit recommendations regarding: a. Assessment of salaries and allowances system. b. Performance appraisals and bonuses. c. Stock options. d. Pension system. e. Periodically review the type and amount of remuneration paid to members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors. 4. Carry out other tasks requested by the Board of Commissioners. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 71 Sustainability Report For and on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the authority to take action as follows: 1. Communicate and obtain information from the Directorate of Human Resources about: a. Management coaching and development systems, particularly for leadership candidates. b. Review the current remuneration system for the Board of Commissioners, Directors, members of the Committee and other senior management. c. Individual data (curriculum vitae) of senior managers, one level below Director. 2. With the Board of Commissioners and Directors’ approval, hiring outside experts, especially to carry out psychological assessments and salary surveys. Membership and Term of Office Remuneration and Nomination Committee consists of two persons: one Chairperson and one member. Composition of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee as of December 31, 2009 are as follows: Position Term of Office Bobby Gafur S. Umar Name Chairman 2009 – 2012 Nalinkant A. Rathod Member 2009 – 2012 Bobby Gafur S. Umar (CV can be viewed in the Board of Commissioners) Nalinkant A. Rathod (CV can be viewed in the Board of Commissioners) Remuneration and Nomination Committee Meeting The total number of meetings held by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee in 2009 is one time, with an average attendance of each Remuneration and Nomination Committee member of 100%. Information Disclosure 1. Corporate Secretary The Corporate Secretary has the duty and responsibility, among others, to keep track of any development in the capital markets, particularly regarding applicable regulations, providing services to the public for any information related to the company, providing input to the Board of Directors in compliance with the provisions of Law Number 8 of 1995 on Capital Markets, including its implementation of regulations, as well as serving as a liaison or contact person between BTEL, Bapepam LK and the public. BTEL Corporate Secretary position currently held by Harry Prabowo. He became the Corporate Secretary and Vice President of the Legal Department of the Company since July 2006, Harry worked as a Legal Advisor in Ongko Sidhartha & Partners Law Firm, and also held several positions at PT Mobile Phones Nusantara and PT Astra Graphia Tbk. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in International Law from the University of Indonesia. During 2009, correspondence emitting from the Corporate Secretary related to the stock market supervised by IDX and Bapepam LK is as follows: Date 5 January 72 Document Number 0109/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 From Harry Prabowo Intended For Bapepam LK Concerning Report on buy back of BTEL shares as of December 30, 2008 6 January 0320/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Disclosure of Information 13 January 0905/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam Report on Buy Back of BTEL Shares dated January 5 - 9, 2009 15 January 1036/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Report on Use of Rights Issue funds for the period of Quarter 4 2008 15 January 1084/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Use of Rights Issue Funds 15 January 1114/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Buy Back of BTEL Shares Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Date 16 January Document Number 1191/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 From Harry Prabowo Intended For Concerning Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Disclosure of Information regarding BTEL’s winning in the DLD tender selection 19 January 1298/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Agustinus Harimurti Bapepam LK 20 January 1414/EST-06/CorpSec/I/2009 Agustinus Harimurti Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on buy back of BTEL Shares as of January 19, 2009 Report on buy back of BTEL Shares January 12 – 16, 2009 3 March 4711/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Explanation to BEI concerning volatility 18 March 5727/EST-05/Finance/III/2009 Harry Setiawan (GM Accounting & Tax) Bapepam 27 March 6322/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Written Explanation regarding Financial Statements of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk as of December 31, 2008 27 March 6337/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 27 March 6377/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Financial Statements of PT BakrieTelecom Tbk as of December 31, 2008 30 March 6504/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of PT BakrieTelecom Tbk Financial Statements as of December 31, 2008 Document Report on debt data / foreign exchange liabilities Submission of Financial Statements of PT BakrieTelecom Tbk as of December 31, 2008 31 March 6540/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Disclosure of Information 31 March 6587/EST-06/CorpSec/III/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Proof Report on the advertisement of PT BakrieTelecom Tbk Financial Statements as of December 31, 2008 14 April 7561/EST-06/CorpSec/IV/2009 Agustinus Harimurti Bapepam LK Report on Use of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Rights Issue Funds 15 April 7665/EST-06/CorpSec/IV/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Press Release regarding BTEL’s Initiation on 009 International direct line service 30 April 8677/EST-06/CorpSec/IV/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Covering letter on interim financial statement 1 May 8720/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 1 May 8721/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Submission of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk 2008 Annual Report 4 May 8805/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 4 May 8886/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk 2008 Annual Report Submission of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk 2008 Annual Report Notification on the planning of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 6 May 9053/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Interim Unaudited Financial Statements 8 May 9150/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Submission of Public Expose Material 15 May 9703/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Submission of Public Expose Results 18 May 9839/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 18 May 9847/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of AGM Notification 19 May 9895/EST-06/CorpSec/V/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification on AGM to Shareholders 1 June 10983/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Proof Report on the advertisement of AGM Notification in Bisnis Indonesia and Investor Daily Newspapers Proof Report on the advertisement of AGM Notification to shareholders 1 June 11009/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Announcement of AGM dated in June 16, 2009 2 June 11128/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of AGM announcement in Bisnis Indonesia and Investor Daily Newspapers 4 June 11422/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 4 June 11443/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Disclosure of Information of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Disclosure of Information of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk 16 June 12838/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Press Release dated in June 16, 2009 17 June 12894/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification of the results of AGM and Proof Report on the advertisement in news media 17 June 12914/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification of results of AGM dated in June 16, 2009 17 June 12920/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of AGM results in Bisnis Indonesia and Investor Daily Newspapers 30 June 13915/EST-06/CorpSec/VI/2009 Agustinus Harimurti Indonesia Stock Exchange Officials who are authorized to access IDXNET Online (e-Reporting) 10 July 14745/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Explanation concerning Stock exchange requirement on the confirmation of Media Release Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 73 Sustainability Report Date 74 Document Number From Intended For Concerning 14 July 14987/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of the PEFINDO rating result 14 July 14989/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 14 July 14990/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of debt rating result 14 July 14991/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Notification of the appointment of Public Accountants 15 July 15066/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Report on Use of Rights Issue Funds fo the period of Quarter 2 2009 15 July 15084/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Use of Rights Issue Funds 15 July 15099/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Public Notification for the appointment of Public Accountants 27 July 15898/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 27 July 15902/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Submission of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk 2009 interim financial statements 28 July 15964/EST-06/CorpSec/ VII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification for submission plan on mid year limited review financial statements at the end of August 2009 27 August 17867/EST-06/CorpSec/ VIII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 27 August 17899/EST-06/CorpSec/ VIII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Revision on the submission of mid year financial statementsthrough IDX Reporting 11 September 8981/INT-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK Submission of debt rating result Submission of mid year 2009 financial statements Notification for submission plan on mid year limited review financial statements at the end of August 2009 The submission of 1st semester financial statements as of June 30, 2009 14 September 19146/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Interim Financial Statements as of June 2009 14 September 19153/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Disclosure of Information to the public concerning Bakrie Telecom performance in 1st semester 2009 15 September 9138/INT-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Written explanation on PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Financial Statement s as of June, 30, 2009 15 September 19283/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof report submission on the advertisement of Interim Financial Statements dated in 15 September 2009 15 October 21008/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 15 October 21063/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on use of Rights Issue funds for the period of Quarter 2 2009 26 October 21967/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification for limited review process of Financial Statements for Quarter 3 2009 27 August 17867/EST-06/CorpSec/ VIII/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 27 August 17899/EST-06/CorpSec/ VIII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Revision of submission plan on mid year financial statements 2009 through IDX reporting 11 September 8981/INT-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 14 September 19146/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange The submission of 1st semester financial statements as of June 30, 2009 14 September 19153/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Disclosure of Information to the public concerning Bakrie Telecom performance in 1st semester 2009 15 September 9138/INT-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Written Explanation regarding Financial Statements of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk as of June 30, 2009 15 September 19283/EST-06/CorpSec/IX/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Proof Report on the advertisement of Financial Statements dated in September 15, 2009 15 October 21008/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Bapepam LK 15 October 21063/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Report on Use of Rights Issue funds for the period of Quarter 2 2009 26 October 21967/EST-06/CorpSec/X/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Notification for limited review process of Financial Statements for Quarter 3 2009 23 November 24177/EST-06/CorpSec/XI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Explanation on stock transaction volatility based on IDX letter dated in November 20, 2009 26 November 11490/INT-06/CorpSec/ XI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange The submission of limited review financial statements 26 November 24494/EST-06/CorpSec/ XI/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange The submission of limited review financial statements 12 November 25664/EST-06/CorpSec/ XII/2009 Harry Prabowo Indonesia Stock Exchange Reply letter on Stock exchange requirement on the confirmation of Media Release dated in December 10.2009 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Report on Use of Rights Issue funds for the period of Quarter 2 2009 Revision of submission plan on mid year financial statements 2009 The submission of 1st semester financial statements as of June 30, 2009 Report on Use of Rights Issue funds for the period of Quarter 2 2009 Sustainability Report 2. Investor Relations As a public company, BTEL has an Investor Relations division that is responsible for building and maintaining good relationships between the Company and the capital markets community, including stock analysts, investment managers and all shareholders, both internal and external. The main task of this Division is to provide accurate and timely information about BTEL to these stakeholders, to be used in making their investment decisions regarding the Company. Dissemination of information is carried out through various media, such as investor relations mailing lists or the corporate website www. Information dissemination is also facilitated by participating in various events, such as public exposure or road shows at home and abroad. In addition, BTEL management active encourages visits from analysts or investment managers. Investor Relations BTEL currently held by Wim Andrian. Roadshow Date Program Organizer Place Indonesia Telecommunication Day Deutsche Bank Singapore Public Expose Bursa Efek Indonesia Indonesia 9 June Local Roadshow Danareksa Indonesia 10 July Singapore Roadshow Nomura Singapore 2 November Indonesia Corporate Day Macquarie Singapore 4 November Indonesia Investor Conference Citigroup Indonesia 11 February 12 may Company Visit Institutions State 12 January Date Hwang DBS Vickers Research Malaysia 13 January Argyle Street Management Limited Hongkong 13 January JP Morgan Singapore 19 January Fortis Indonesia Indonesia 19 January Nomura Singapore Singapore 20 January ABN AMRO 29 January Asia Kapitalindo Securities Indonesia 2 February Fidelity International Hongkong 10 February RBS Indonesia 11 February Credit Suisse Indonesia 12 February Mitsubishi UFJ Hongkong 13 February Capital World Investors Hongkong 19 February Bank of America - Merrill Lynch India 1 April UBS Indonesia 3 April Morgan Stanley Hongkong 7 April Credit Suisse Singapore 14 April BNP Paribas Indonesia 28 April Danareksa Indonesia 13 May Danareksa Indonesia 14 May NISP Sekuritas Indonesia 19 May Speedwell Advisors (Nezu Capital Ltd ) Hongkong 15 June ABN AMRO Singapore 16 June Bank of America - Merrill Lynch Singapore 16 June Cazenove Asia Hongkong 16 June Fuh Hwa Securities Taiwan 16 June HSBC Asset Management Taiwan Taiwan 9 July Citigroup Bangkok 9 July Employees Provident Fund Malaysia 9 July Fidelity International Hongkong Hongkong 16 July JP Morgan 16 July KAF-Seagroatt & Campbell Securities Sdn Malaysia 17 July Macquarie Indonesia 21 July CIMB-GK Malaysia 29 July Manulife Asset Management Indonesia Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 75 Sustainability Report Date 1 September Institutions State Alliance Bernstein Hongkong Ltd Hongkong Indonesia 1 September Avenue Capital 2 September Asia Kapitalindo Securities Indonesia 3 September Macquarie Indonesia 9 September Nomura Singapore 16 September Maple Brown Abbott Australia 16 September Morgan Stanley Hongkong 16 September Oaktree Capital Management US, New York 16 September Orbis Investment Advisory ltd UK 12 October Ciptadana Securities Indonesia 13 October T Rowe Price Singapore 21 October Macquarie Indonesia 26 October Bank Mandiri Indonesia 17 November Bank of America - Merrill Lynch Singapore 23 November CIMB-GK Malaysia 24 November Goldman Sachs Singapore 25 November Macquarie Singapore 26 November Kresna Graha Sekurindo Indonesia 2 December Hwang DBS Vickers Research Malaysia 9 December UBS Indonesia 16 December BNP Paribas Taiwan Following its activities in the capital markets, the Company’s stock were also covered by a number of analysts inform both local and foreign securities. During 2009, there were a total of 12 research reports published. Analysts Research and Recommendations Date Recommendation Buy 9 December Ciptadana Securities 4 December CIMB Securities Buy 3 December Danareksa Sekuritas Buy 2 December Samuel Sekuritas Hold 30 October Macquarie Securities Outperform 14 October UBS Securities Sell 17 September Mandiri Sekuritas Buy 17 September Deutsche Bank Hold 14 September Credit Suisse Underperform Morgan Stanley Equalweight 18 August 76 Institutions 15 July NISP Sekuritas Sell 26 June Kresna Sekuritas Buy Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Committee Report Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 77 Sustainability Report Audit Committee Report The Audit Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. carries out its duties in accordance with the guidelines set in the attachment of the Decree of Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam LK), No. Kep-29/PM/2004 dated 29 September 2004, which is to review financial statements, including monitor the activities of external auditors, review the activities of internal auditors, review the issuers’ compliance with the capital market regulations and other laws, review the implementation of risk management and report as well as review complaints relating to the issuer. In performing these duties the Audit Committee has conducted a number of meetings, both internally and with all parties relevant to the implementation of the above tasks. The total number of meetings that have been held by the Audit Committee in 2009 was 34, with an average attendance of 96%. The summary of the Audit Committee report is outlined below. Financial Information The Audit Committee continuously pays attention and examines all annual and quarterly financial statements. The integrity and quality of this financial information has been judged satisfactory and in accordance with GAAP and Bapepam LK regulations. External Auditors In performing the duties and responsibilities to support the oversight function of the Board of Commissioners on the audit activities done by external auditors, as promulgated in the Audit Committee Charter point 10.a regarding the relationship with parties associated with the external auditor, and also based on the Manual of the Audit Committee from the Indonesian Audit Committee Association (IKAI), the Audit Committee has carried out the following: a. Provide recommendations on the appointment or dismissal of external auditors b. Review the letter of assignment c. Review the scope of work and audit planning d. Review the external auditors’ report and public accountant management letter e. Monitor the performance of external auditors in compliance with SPAP, PSAK, Code of Ethics and Bapepam LK regulations. For the fiscal year 2009, the public accounting firm Tjiendrajaja & Handoko Tomo has been appointed as independent auditors of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. During the audit process, the Audit Committee is to provide input and monitor the activities of the external auditor in performing its duties, through seven meetings that have been conducted up to the publication of the audit results for 2009. Internal Auditor The Internal Auditor is an important partner of the Audit Committee in performing its duties. In this respect, the Audit Committee always pays special attention to the audit plan during the year, the audit report and monitors recommendations and acts on internal auditor findings. The Audit Committee continuously reviews and observes the internal audit reports conducted in regional offices. If there is a significant finding, the Audit Committee invites the head of internal audit and the head of the unit where the findings was found to clarify and to ensure that the recommendations and follow-up will be implemented by the relevant unit. When necessary, findings of irregularities and its follow-up, will be reported to the Board of Commissioners. Compliance with regulations The Audit Committee has reviewed the implementation of regulatory compliance with Bapepam regulations performed by the Corporate Secretary and compliance with other laws, performed by the Legal Division. All compliance obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled and a “compliance map” has been created. Based on this map, the Legal Division will conduct monitoring and the result will be presented during the Audit Committee periodic meeting. Risk Management Implementation of risk management is still at an early stage, but a special division has been formed to handle the implementation of risk management. Training and familiarization has been initiated in the fourth quarter of 2009 and will be continued according to the plan. Ernst & Young, an external consultant, is helping BTEL in implementing the risk management system. 78 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Implementation of Good Corporate Governance This task is in fact not the duty of the Audit Committee as stipulated in Bapepam Decree No. Kep-29/PM/2004 dated 29 September 2004 mentioned above. But due to the absence of Good Corporate Governance Committee, the duty to conduct a review of the implementation of GCG by the Board of Commissioners has been delegated to the Audit Committee. In general, governance practices are already well under way; all necessary SOPs are well documented and can be accessed electronically by all parties as needed. These good governance practices have received recognition from several external parties. Nevertheless, there are still opportunities for improvement that can be implemented, namely the formalization of application guidelines at the Board level and also the preparation of the Company’s Business Ethics Guidelines. Others The Audit Committee found no material complaints against the Company that require the attention of the Audit Committee to conduct any further review. It is also necessary to state that the Audit Committee also provides recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors regarding the implementation of a Whistle Blowing System, to strengthen the implementation of the Integrity Pact in PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. To support the implementation of integrity, the Company held the “BTEL Best Performance and Integrity Award 2009” program, the award ceremony for which will take place in 2010. Conclusion Based on the above observation and review, the members of the Audit Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. are of the opinion that there are no significant findings or significant issues that need to be reported to the Board of Commissioners. The Audit Committee is confident of the integrity of financial reporting and transparency in management processes implemented during fiscal year 2009. Jakarta, April 2010 Audit Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Chairman Leo J. Susilo Member Yansen Pasaribu Member Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 79 Sustainability Report Risk Management Committee Report The Risk Management Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. performs its duties in accordance with the manual of the Risk Management Committee for the implementation of risk management. In performing these duties, the Risk Management Committee hold meetings with all parties related to the implementation of the above tasks. The total number of meetings held by the Risk Management Committee in 2009 was two, with an average attendance by the members of the Risk Management Committee of 75%. During the Risk Management Committee meeting with the Board of Commissioners and Directors in 2009, The Risk Management Committee recommended the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Business Process Enhancement that refer to the industry standards, Management has responded to the input from the Risk Management Committee regarding the implementation of ERM by forming the Risk Management Division. The training and orientation phase started in the fourth quarter of 2009 and is still proceeding according to plan. ERM implementation is carried out with the support of Ernst & Young Consultants. Management has also followed up on Risk Management Committee input regarding business process enhancement by setting up a special team involving all functions of the Company. This business process enhancement is assisted by KPMG Singapore, as the consultant. Jakarta, April 2010 Risk Management Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta Chairman Ambono Janurianto Member 80 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Remuneration and Nomination Committee Report The Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. performs its duties in reviewing and evaluating remuneration policies, including providing recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning the remuneration policy for the Board of Commissioners and Directors. In 2009 this Remuneration and Nomination Committee has conducted meetings with all relevant parties, to share the implementation of the above tasks. The total number of meetings held was one, with members’ attendance level of 100%. During the Remuneration and Nomination Committee meeting with the Board of Commissioners and Directors in 2009, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee submitted recommendations for remuneration policy related to bonuses and salary increases for the Board of Commissioners and Directors based on merit for their work in 2009. In providing its recommendations, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee has taken into account the achievement of company and individual targets. Jakarta, April 2010 Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Bobby Gafur S. Umar Chairman Nalinkant Amratlal Rathod Member Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 81 Sustainability Report Control System In line with the implementation of best practices in corporate governance, the Company has also adopted an internal control system supported with full commitment from management. With the implementation of internal control, there is clear separation of the functions and responsibilities of each employee as stated in the job description that continues to evolve along with the development of organizational structures. Standard operating procedures (SOP) are also continuously developed in line with changes to support operational effectiveness. BTEL has also implemented risk assessment procedures to be carried out through direct interviews with division heads from each unit. Determination of risk, based on the work activities performed in the unit, relies on the existing SOP. In order for the the internal control process to run smoothly, communication and information dissemination to all levels of the organization is to be carried out systematically. This is accomplished through holding weekly internal meetings in each division, and if there is important information for all employees, it will be communicated through an official email from management. Monitoring activities to ensure that the control system runs smoothly during 2009 are enforced through periodic operational audits in each work unit, at both central and regional offices, in accordance with the 2009 audit plan. Audits are conducted by verifying the documents and through direct implementation in the field. In order for control systems to continue functioning properly, there must be a continuous improvement and development effort. Both initiatives are implemented through the involvement of all related parties during the evaluation process of systems and procedures to be applied within the company and by receiving input to improve control systems of the current SOP. 82 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Internal Audit As a properly-managed company and on the path to becoming a good governed company in accordance with the principles of corporate governance, BTEL has also established an Internal Audit division. This formation is also in line with the Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam LK Number Kep-496/BL/2008 dated 28 November 2008, Regulation No. IX.I.7 on the Establishment and Guidance of the Internal Audit Unit Charter. The existence of the internal audit function encourages the creation of control mechanisms that will ensure proper use of resources efficiently, effectively and in accordance with applicable compliance standards. In general, the internal audit task is to evaluate the capabilities, effectiveness, compliance and quality performance of duties performed by all work units in the Company. The internal audit function is to: 1. Assist the President Director in order to effectively safeguard the investments and assets of the Company. 2. Encourage the implementation of more effective oversight inherent to the company in implementing corporate governance 3. Carry out its function, internal audit reporting directly to the President Director. In the year 2009, BTEL also has issued the Internal Audit Charter which defines the content outline: 1. The purpose and scope of internal audit work 2. The structure and position of the internal audit 3. Authority and responsibility of internal audits 4. Accountability of Head of Internal Audit in his job capacity, as he reports to the Audit Committee 5. Independence 6. Continuity and neutrality, including the prohibition against an internal auditor to hold multiple roles 7. Code of ethics for internal audits 8. Requirements for internal auditors During the year 2009, the focus of internal audit work was the supervision and control of work and adherence to SOPs, particularly for the Sales/Commerce divisions in every region. The following table contains a summary report on the implementation of BTEL internal audit during the year 2009. Audit Period February - November 2009 Main Problem Solutions & Follow Up Consignment sales in all region. Create an SOP and its legal basis. Remittances from sales in all region. All proceeds from sales are recorded in sales admin and accounting, while a better control system is created for improvement. The Company has appointed Irene Elfrida Sandra Yanti Octaviana as Head of the Internal Audit division. Appointed as Head of Corporate Internal Audit from 2009. Previously served as GM Treasury from March 2005 until 2008 as well as various managerial positions in the financial directorate in Indosat and Satelindo from 1995 until February 2005. Received a degree in Economics from Tarumanegara University in 1991 and Qualified Internal Audit certification (QIA) from the Internal Audit Foundation (YPIA) in February 2010. Independent Auditors BTEL uses the services of Tjiendradjaja & Handoko Tomo Public Accounting Firm, located at Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.26, 2nd Floor, Jakarta 12120, Indonesia, as independent auditors who audited the BTEL financial statements for the period ending December 31, 2009. The firm conducted one audit on the financial statements as of December 31, 2009, and did not receive other assignments. This firm does not have any connection or special relationship with the Company. Total audit costs for the BTEL financial statements were Rp 320 million. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 83 Sustainability Report Risk Management Risk Management is an important factor in the implementation of good corporate governance. BTEL has identified the risk potentials inherent in the business environment and planning, as well as the possible impact on the achievement of company objectives. We have also taken steps to mitigate those risks. Supported by the parent company, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk., BTEL conducts a risk management procedure known as Risk Self Assessment, which assists the Company in evaluating the risk exposure of every business process. All employees involved in the business processs play active roles in the identification, evaluation and controlling of risks in an effort to build strong team coordination and commitment to manage risk and implement business processes. Enterprise Risk Management Implementation As part of BTEL commitment to prioritize risk management as an important part of its business, the Company has initiated the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system with the assistance of Ernst & Young as an independent consultant from December 2009. The goal of this ERM implementation is for BTEL to be able to identify and manage risk by developing a solid risk management and control system. Ultimately, a solid risk management and control system will enable the Company to better achieve its goal of increasing value for its stakeholders and as well to be a safeguard in achieving both the short and long term objectives of the Company. The responsibility for overseeing and evaluating risk at BTEL lies with the Commissioners and Directors through an ERM organization which includes the existence of supporting committees at the Commissioners and Directors’ levels. 84 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report The risk management function comes under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Responsibility for managing strategic risk is also with the Directors. However, the risk management unit will assist and coordinate the process of identifying, evaluating and controlling such risks. Moreover, the company established a Risk Management Committee in 2006. The role of the Risk Management Committee is to provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners as a control function in order to ensure the existence and effective operation of an integrated risk management process. The Risk Management Committee oversees the implementation of ERM and provides recommendations to ensure adequate implementation of ERM. The BTEL Risk Officer is responsible for assisting the risk management unit in coordinating the activities of risk management and for consolidating and analyzing all the risk information in BTEL, particularly those risks included in the category of significant risk. BTEL Risk Management Framework The purpose of Risk Management • To define the principles and concepts of risk management which will provide basic direction for all levels of employees in implementing, evaluating and developing the effectiveness of ERM in BTEL. • To provide direction on the process and risk management activities in BTEL to support the achievement of the vision, mission and objectives of the Company. Risk Management Philosophy BTEL understands the importance of commitment to protect its business, including human resources, physical and financial assets by developing an proactive and sustainable ERM framework to support the Company’s efforts in maintaining growth in a well controlled environment to enhance stakeholder value. Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance To assess how much risk is acceptable to the Company in order to maximize the results from the existing risks or those that may occur. BTEL risk tolerance is reflected in risk evaluation. in a form of impact and likelihood of risks that have been agreed and formulated in the ERM. A risk with an impact greater than “High” cannot be tolerated and should be dealt with immediately. Scale Impact Low (2) Medium (3) High (4) Very High (5) MEDIUM HIGH HIGH SIGNIFICANT SIGNIFICANT Very High (E) Very Low (1) HIGH SIGNIFICANT SIGNIFICANT LOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH SIGNIFICANT LOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH SIGNIFICANT LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM SIGNIFICANT Medium (C) Cautionary area Low (B) Low MEDIUM Very Low (A) Medium Scale Likelihood Significant High LOW High (D) Color Coding Management enhancement priority area Monitoring area Risk Diagram Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 85 Sustainability Report Vision and Mission of Risk Management The vision of BTEL risk management is to become the number one telecommunications operator in Indonesia and a major player at the regional level through ERM implementation, to ensure effective and efficient risk evaluation, understanding and mitigation. The mission of BTEL risk management is to ensure and continue the operations of BTEL in providing quality connectivity at affordable tariffs for the Indonesian people by identifying and mitigating threats to improve shareholders’ return on investment, as well as to increase employees’ welfare. Risk Management Process The risk studies conducted are in general based on the main strategic goals of BTEL that have been outlined by senior and executive management. The Company identifies significant risks on a continuous basis. Significant risks which may impact negatively on the Company are identified after business or strategic goals are set. In measuring risks, BTEL has a corporate risk assessment criteria from an impact and likelihood point of view, which is uniform in nature and encompasses various areas relevant to business activities in BTEL. BTEL grades and evaluates risk based on the consequences or effects and possibility or frequency or risk occurrence. After risk is identified and evaluated, management decides on the actions to take to eliminate, mitigate, accept or shift the identified risk so that it remains within BTEL tolerance levels. The creation of a risk mitigation plan aids in the identification, controlling and reporting of the control status on each risk. Moreover, a risk mitigation plan assists the Company in allocating available resources to manage main or critical risks. To obtain the latest and most accurate information on a risk in order to be able to create better decisions, BTEL conducts risk controlling and reporting. The main goal of risk controlling and reporting is to motivate the risk owner to take responsibility in managing risk and making it a main part of his/her everyday activity. BTEL has identified and evaluated risk as part of its main strategic goal. As a result of this risk management process, BTEL has identified 60 types of risks faced by the Company, which are divided into 32 risks in the significant category, 19 in the high category, 6 in the medium category and 3 in the low category. Among the significant risks faced by the Company that must be understood and mitigated are the following: • Political and Goverment Risk The telecommunications industry is a highly regulated industry. Any changes in government regulations will affect the Company’s operations. BTEL anticipates this risk by preparing contingency plans to deal with an unsupportive political environment. In addition, BTEL optimizes the performance of related units in performing their functions in monitoring compliance with applicable regulations. • Competitive Risk With many players in the telecommunications sector, BTEL faces stiff competition. BTEL anticipates a competitive environment by improving service and product innovation. 86 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report • Risk of Dependence on Network Interconnection BTEL operations are very dependent on interconnection agreements with cellular, fixed and cordless phone networks as well as related infrastructure owned by competitors. Interconnection unavailability may result in the disruption of service to customers and the loss of potential revenue. To reduce this risk, BTEL pays careful attention to its relationship with governments and other operators to ensure the availability of continuous interconnection. • Foreign Currency Risk BTEL operates in Indonesia with revenues denominated in Rupiah. On the other hand, some BTEL liabilities are denominated in foreign currencies. Fluctuations of foreign currency exchange rates toward Rupiah will directly impact the Company’s profitability. BTEL reduces this risk factor by entering into transactions to hedge the loan principal. • Fraud and Revenue Reduction Risk Within BTEL financial and operational activities, there may appear the risk of fraud. Fraud includes embezzlement or other irregularities, whether sourced from external or internal parties, and this could affect BTEL financial and operational activities. With many market innovations undertaken by BTEL, risks arising from fraud have a potentially negative impact that must be taken into account if they occurred for long periods and in large quantities. This could lead to damage of revenues and profits. BTEL takes precautions against fraud by implementing revenue assurance for the prevention of revenue losses. Revenue assurance conducts inspection of records, the thoroughness of the transaction and the billing system as a whole. The testing procedure also applies to new products and services, before a commercial launch. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 87 Sustainability Report Corporate Social Responsibility As a domestic company specializing in wireless based telecommunications, BTEL is continually required to expand the coverage of its network. The most common form of network is towers that are usually erected in built-up residential areas. Facing this as an operational reality, from the beginning of its operations BTEL understood that the Company must position itself as part of the community. This positioning was then expanded beyond locations where there were towers, to encompass all operational aspects of the Company including office locations, gerai (outlets) or employee residential neighborhoods. By positioning itself as a company that became an integral part of the community, BTEL Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities have always focused on providing benefits to the wider community. This is in line with the philosophy of the founder, the late H. Achmad Bakrie, who stated “Every rupiah generated by Bakrie must yield benefits to the people.” To achieve this goal, BTEL ceaselessly strives to build cooperation with all stakeholders and to respect the traditions and cultures of local communities, in ensuring appropriate CSR activities. Aside from this, BTEL also cooperates with third party partners with sterling reputations. At BTEL, CSR is a direct responsibility of the Corporate Communication Unit, which is responsible for mapping the needs and assigns priority to every activity in each region by establishing harmonious relationships between stakeholders in the area and the Company. One CSR concept created by BTEL is the Reaching Out Community and Kids (ROCKS). What makes this concept different from other CSR activities is the direct participation from BTEL employees to become members of ROCKS volunteers. BTEL realizes that its employees are also members of the community and would naturally want to participate in social activities for the common good. Therefore, BTEL also provides time, training and separate facilities for ROCKS volunteers. In general, CSR activities are divided into three parts that have long, medium and short term views. For the long term, CSR activities are intended to provide added value to people’s lives with programs that are appropriate. For the medium term, programs are intended to provide benefits through transfer of knowledge. While for the short term, CSR measures are aimed to provide assistance based on the current needs within the community. BTEL CSR approach targets People, Education and Planet. This goal is translated into every CSR activity undertaken by taking into consideration the interests of the surrounding community, where every activity must have knowledge value for its recipients and can build the community and encourage all aspects within that community to become better and more advanced. 88 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Sustainability Report Schematically, the CSR work programs is as follows: Project New Social Media Public Relation Media Placement ATL & BTL BTEL CSR work programs are categorized into six approaches: 1. Cause Promotion, where BTEL supports social activities initiated by both the Government and non government partners of BTEL. – Provision of 1000 blankets to the earthquake victims in West Java. – Provision of logistic assistance in the areas of the earthquakes in West Sumatra and West Java. – Logistical & telecommunication equipment aid in Situ Gintung in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross. 2. Cause Related Marketing, where BTEL donates the proceeds from sales for various social activities in the community. – Assistance in constructing mosques and schools in Padang from sales of Hape Esia Slank. – Giving Infaq for five social institutions from sales of Hape Esia Hidayah. – 1.000 cellphones for teachers in Bali from sales of Hape Esia Bali. 3. Corporate Social Marketing, where BTEL coordinates activities that support changes in society, especially in education, environmental and disaster preventive measures. For this activity, BTEL works together with several third parties. – Fun Science in collaboration with education facilitators. This activity provides basic knowledge of telecommunications to school children aged 7-12 years through attractive media and delivered in a fun way. – One man, One Tree program in cooperation with Radar Kediri. – Gerakan Mudah Membaca Al-Quran in collaboration with the Sygma Foundation. This is a two day seminar in learning how to read the Qur’an quickly, given to representatives from 16 religious schools in West Java. – Islamic Motivation Workshop for teachers. – Workshop on prospects of the handset counter business, pulse and handset technicians in cooperation with Ponsel Magazine. 4. Corporate Philanthropy, in which BTEL donates directly to the communities around its business environment. – Independence Day donations in the areas where BTEL BTS are located – Sacrifices for Lebaran Haji – Construction of public facilities such as mosques, toilets etc. – Zakat and Waqaf Al-Quran movement – Mass Circumcisions – Free medical treatment for orphans – Blood Donation – Anti drugs awareness programs 5. Community Volunteering, in which BTEL initiated and encouraged the formation of volunteers from within BTEL to actively participate in their respective community. This volunteer team is then equipped through special training before they are deployed. Teams of BTEL volunteers have been deployed directly alongside PMI to several disaster areas such as flood in Solo and Situ Gintung as well as earthquake in Tasik and West Sumatra. 6. Socially Responsible Business, in which BTEL encourage economic growth In the community by formulating a small business model in telecommunications. − Uber ESIA in collaboration with Grameen Foundation During the year 2009, the Company budgeted more than Rp 4.5 billion to support its CSR activities. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 89 Corporate Data • Board of Commissioners Profile • Board of Directors Profile • Senior Management Profile • Organization Structure • Gerai Esia • Name and Addresses of Supporting Professional • Definitions and Abbreviations • Responsibility for 2009 Annual Reporting 78 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report You can say a lot in just a few words pay only for what you send Corporate Data Board of Commissioners Profile Bobby Gafur S. Umar Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta President Commissioner Independent Commissioner Independent Commissioner Indonesian citizen, 42 years of age. Served as An Indonesian citizen, 64 years of age. An Australian citizen, 54 years of age. Served as President Commissioner of the Company since Chairman of the Audit Committee since June Independent Commissioner of the Company 2003. Currently also serves as Managing Director/ 1, 2006 and Independent Commissioner of the since 2005. Currently also serves as Chairman of CEO of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. since June Company. Served as Secretary General of Tiga Essential Value Associates Pte., Ltd. since 2003. 2009 and President Director of PT Bakrie Indo Pilar Kemitraan – an anti-corruption coalition Previously served as Chairman of Arthur D. Little Infrastructure since March 2008 as well as several between the government, private sector and Asia, from 1997 to 2003. From 1980 to 1992 was other positions as a Director and Commissioner in civil society. Also serves as trustee for Indonesia a Senior Marketing executive at Pepsico, for other Bakrie Group companies. Previously served Procurement Watch (IPW), a member of the the United States and Europe, Mars (UK) and as Vice President Commissioner of PT Bakrie & Executive Board of Transparency International Kellogg (Australia). From 1992 to 1997 served Brothers Tbk. during the period February 2008 Indonesia (TI-Indonesia), a member of the as Senior Practitioner at Booz, Allen & Hamilton until May 2009, and was a President Director of Indonesian Society of Telematics (MASTEL), (London, Sydney, Singapore) and Executive the same company from August 2002 until March founder and member of the Executive Board of Chairman of Arthur D Little Asia. Holds a Master’s 2008. Other previously held positions include the Indonesian Society of Entrepreneurs (MEI) Degree in Business from the Indian Institute of Operational Director of PT Bakrie Sumatera and a member of the Society of Indonesian Management, Ahmedabad, India, awarded in Plantations Tbk. from June 2000 until August Commissioners. Other positions held include 1980, and a Bachelor’s from IIT Bombay, India, 2002. From November 2006 to the present, was being a member of the Integrity Committee in awarded in 1979. appointed as the Chairman of the Committee Bulog, Pertamina and Jamsostek and previously on Manufacturing and Production in Indonesian an expert advisor to the President Director and Engineer Association. From 2008, served as a Coordinator of expert advisor at PT Telkom, as member of Agribusiness Sector Assessment a Commissioner of PT Ratelindo, the Board of division in the Indonesian Listed Companies Trustees of Perum Pos dan Giro and the Head Association. Business of Planning at the Ministry of Tourism, Post Administration (MBA) Degree from the University and Telecommunications. Holds an Economics of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, degree from the University of Padjadjaran, awarded in 1995. Bandung, and a Master’s Degree from Michigan Holds a Master of State University, Founder and Member of Team 45 of the National Integrity Council. 92 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Corporate Data Nalinkant Amratlal Rathod Ambono Janurianto Commissioner Commissioner An Indian citizen, 60 years of age. Served as An Indonesian citizen, 50 years of age. Served as Commissioner of the Company since 2005. Commissioner in 2003. In addition, he currently Currently also serves as a Commissioner of also holds positions in several companies, PT Bumi Resources Tbk and Managing Director including serving as Director of PT Bakrie of Capital Managers Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore. & Brothers Tbk., since April 2005, President Previously held various positions at Precision Director of PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation, Products Ltd. (India) (1970-1973), ICICI Ltd. since June 2000, Commissioner of PT Kilang (India) (1976-1979), Ashok Leyland Ltd. (India) Vecolina since September 2001, Commissioner (1979-1981), PT Texmaco Indonesia Jaya (1981- of PT Bakrie Plantations Pasaman since June 1982) and PT Tripatra Engineering (1982-1987). 2001, and Commissioner of Agro since August Has also been involved in Bakrie & Brothers Group 2000. Holds an Economics degree (SE) majoring over the 1993-2001 period, holding various key in Management, from Parahyangan Catholic positions, including Managing Director and University Bandung in 1986. Chief Operating Officer of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. Holds Bachelor of Commerce degree from Andhra University in India, and in 1976 became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (CA). Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 93 Corporate Data Board of Directors Profile Anindya Novyan Bakrie Frederik Johannes Meijer Muhammad Buldansyah President Director Deputy President Director Deputy President Director An Indonesian citizen, 36 years of age. Served as A Dutch citizen, 40 years of age. Served as An Indonesian citizen, 47 years of age. Served President Director of the Company since 2003. Deputy President Director of the Company as Deputy President Director of the Company Currently also serves as President Commissioner of since 2007 in charge of Commercial. Previously since 2007 in charge of Network Operation. PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV), since 2009, worked in various positions in PTT Telecom/ Previously served as System Engineer AT&T as Chief Operating Officer at Capital Managers KPN Royal Dutch Telecom in The Netherlands, Network Systems International, the Netherlands Asia Pte. Ltd. since 2001, as Commissioner and England and Indonesia, Unisource NV in the and Saudi Arabia, during the period from 1988 Chairman of PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne) Netherlands, and PT Telkomsel in Indonesia. until 1992; System Engineering up to managerial since 2007 and President Director of PT Vision Holds a degree in International Business level at AT&T Network Systems Indonesia Media Asia (VIVA) since 2008. Previously served Studies from Hanzenhogeschool Groningen, (Lucent Technologies Indonesia) in the period as President Director of PT Cakrawala Andalas the Netherlands, specialized in Marketing at 1992 to 1996 and Director of Networks at Televisi (ANTV) from 2002 until 2009, as Deputy Middlesex Poly-University, London, England and PT Excelcomindo Pratama in the period 2005 to the Chief Operating Officer and Managing Telecommunications Marketing Executive Course until 2006. Holds an Electrical Engineering Director of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk during the at INSEAD, France. degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), period 1997 until 1999 and as Financial Analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc., New York, USA from 1996 until 1997. Other currently held positions include Vice Chairman of Telecommunications, Information Technology and the Media at Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), following the end of his term of office as Chairman of the Standing Committee of Telecommunications in the same organization in 2008 and also a member of the Advisory Board during the Asia Pacific Media Forum (APMF) from 2003 to the present. Holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree majoring in Global Management from Stanford Graduate School of Business, California, USA, awarded in 2001, and a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University, USA, awarded in 1996. 94 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report awarded in 1988. Corporate Data Rakhmat Junaidi Juliandus Lumban Tobing Jastiro Abi Director Director Director An Indonesian citizen, 38 years of age. Served as An Indonesian citizen, 46 years of age. Juliandus An Indonesian citizen, 38 years of age. Served Director of the Company since 2003. Currently A. Lumban Tobing graduated from the Faculty as Director in charge of finance since 2007. serves as Director in charge of Corporate of Law, University of Pajajaran in 1990. Worked Previously served as CFO for the Company Services (intercarrier, regulatory and corporate as Trade Representative at the Embassy of the from 2004 until 2007, as a Director at PT Bakrie communications). Previously served as Finance Republic of Indonesia in England in 1981, before Swasakti Utama from 2002 until 2004, holding Director of PT Radio Telepon Indonesia during starting his career at the Ministry of Trade in various managerial positions in the Corporate the period of 2002 until 2004 and General 1991. Joined Kusnandar & Co. Law Firm and Banking division, Credit Recovery Unit, Trade Manager Finance & Legal in PT Radio Telepon PT Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Indonesia as Legal Finance at HSBC during the years 1998 until 2002 Indonesia from 2001 until 2002 and Manager of Advisor, prior to joining the Bakrie Group. Starting and PT Astra International Tbk from 1997 until PT Skytel from 1994 until 1995. Holds a Bachelor his career in the Bakrie Group as a Corporate 1998. Holds Bachelor of Engineering degree from of Economics degree majoring in Accounting Legal Advisor, with particular responsibility for the University of Diponegoro in 1995, MEngSc from Perbanas Jakarta in 1997. Other held debt restructuring, in 1999 and has served as from Queensland University of Technology in positions include Secretary General of the Director of PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama from 2001 Australia in 1997 and an MBA from the University Telecommunication Interconnection Clearing until 2003. In June 2004 was appointed Director of Western Australia in 2005. Association (ASKITEL) for the period from 2005 of Legal and HR Administration, as well as until 2008. Corporate Secretary at PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, a holding company of Bakrie group, until June 2008. From 2005 to the present, has joined Bakrie Telecom as the Director who supervises the Legal Directorate. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 95 Corporate Data Senior Management Profile Amit Bose Ahmad R. Widarmana Triharry D. Oetji Head of Strategic Initiative EVP Supply Chain Management EVP HR & GA An Indian citizen, 54 years of age. Served as Head An Indonesian citizen, 39 years of age. Previously An Indonesian citizen, 42 years of age. Previously of the Strategic Initiative of the Company since served as Vice President of Capital Managers Asia served as Chief of Human Capital Management 2006. Previously served as President of Reliance Pte., Ltd., as Senior Manager of the Indonesian of HCM SCS Astragraphia Technologies. Holds Infocom (India), President of Tata TeleServices Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) and Manager a Business Administration degree from the (India), Pepsi’s Vice President of Marketing in of corporate and remedial divisions at PT Bank University of Parahyangan, Bandung, and a the field of Asian and retail distribution and Finconesia. Holds a Bachelor of Economics (SE) Master of International Management from Bond consumer marketing at Unilever India. Holds an degree majoring in Management from the University, Australia. MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung. Ahmedabad, India. Ridzki Kramadibrata Irfandi Firmansyah Irwan Anwar EVP Marketing, Product and CRM EVP Sales EVP Network Services An Indonesian citizen, 40 years of age. Served An Indonesian citizen, 45 years of age. Served as An Indonesian citizen, 46 years of age. Graduated as Executive Vice President of the Company EVP Sales of the Company since 2008. Previously from Bandung Institute of Technology, majoring since 2008 in charge of Marketing, Products, and he worked in various positions in Telkomsel, with in telecommunications. Began his career as CRM. Previously worked in various positions in last position being Vice President of Java and Bali an Instrument Engineer for South Sumatra PT Satelindo in Indonesia, MCI Communications in Area Telkomsel. Holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy at PT Schlumberger Oil Service Company. the United States, Skha Consulting, and PT Smart degree from Bandung Institute of Technology. In 1996, became Vice President for Network Telecom in Indonesia. Holds an Economics degree Development and Network Operations Center in from the University of Padjadjaran, a Diploma in PT Excelcomindo Pratama. Prior to joining Bakrie Business from UC Berkeley and an MBA from State Telecom in May 2009, was the Head of Network University of New York at Buffalo, USA. Services at PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia. 96 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Corporate Data Organizational Structure Board of Commissioners Audit Committee President Commissioner Bobby Gafur S. Umar Risk Management Committee Remuneration and Nomination Committee Independent Commissioner Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Independent Commissioner Rajsekar Kuppuswawimitta Commissioner Nalinkant Amratlal Rathod Commissioner Ambono Janurianto Board of Directors President Director Anindya Novyan Bakrie Deputy President Director (Commerce) Frederik Johannes Meijer Finance Director Jastiro Abi Deputy President Director (Network Services) Muhammad Buldansyah Legal Director Juliandus Lumban Tobing Director of Corporate Services Rakhmat Junaidi Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 97 Corporate Data Gerai Esia Jabodetabek Gerai Wisma Bakrie Gedung Wisma Bakrie Lt. Ground Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B1 Jakarta 19920 Gerai Roxy Mas Ruko ITC Roxy Mas, Blok D2 No. 4-5 Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari, Jakarta Gerai Fatmawati Ruko ITC Fatmawati Blok A1 No. 22-23 Jakarta Selatan Gerai Cempaka Mas Rukan ITC Cempaka Mas Blk A-30-31 Jl. Letjen Suprapto, Jakarta Pusat Gerai Cileduk CBD Cileduk Mall Blok BT B01A, Cileduk - Tangerang Gerai Istana Plaza Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto 121-123 LG D-1, Bandung Gerai Pondok Gede Jl. Pondok Gede Raya No. 18-I Lubang Buaya, Jakarta Timur Gerai BEC Istana BEC, Jl.Purnawarman 13-15 LU J 03-08 - Bandung Gerai Ciputat Jl. RE. Martadinata Km. 27 Blok A No. 11, Ciputat Gerai Tasik Ruko Tasik Indah Plaza No. 41 Jl. HZ Mustofa 345, Tasikmalaya Gerai Cipayung Jl. Raya Puncak Km. 17. Cipayung Puncak - Bogor Gerai Cirebon Jl. Siliwangi No.34, Cirebon Gerai Cikarang Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 13 Cikarang Kota Gerai Cinere Ruko Cinere Blok M No. 20, Cinere Gerai Soreang Jl. Raya Soreang No. 21 Rt. 01/04 Ds. Pamekaran - Soreang Gerai Pluit Muara Karang Ruko Muara Karang Blok A4 Utara No. 79 B, Pluit Gerai Jatinangor Jl. Raya Jatinangor Km. 25 No. 69 Jatinangor Gerai Cibinong Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmaja No. 82A Cibinong Gerai Sumedang Jl. Mayor Abdurrahman No. 108 Kota Kaler - Sumedang Gerai Bogor Jl. Pajajaran No. 41 (samping dokter 24 jam), Bogor Gerai Cibubur Ruko Cibubur Point Blok A No. 3, Cibubur Gerai Kuningan Jl. Siliwangi No. 124, Kuningan Gerai Serang Jl. A. Yani No. 45 B Cipare - Serang Gerai Cililitan Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 292 E, Cililitan Gerai Garut Jl. Cimanuk No. 89, Garut Gerai Karawang Jl. Tuparev No. 377 E, Cinagoh Karawang Kota Gerai Kebon Jeruk Jl. Lapangan Bola No. 3 A2, Kebun Jeruk Gerai Purwakarta Jl. Taman Pahlawan No. 33, Purwakarta Gerai Sukabumi Jl. A Yani No. 24, Sukabumi Gerai Mangga Dua Mangga Dua Square Lt. 3 Kavling 08 Mangga Dua Gerai Subang Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata No. 51, Subang Gerai Cimone Tangerang Jl. Gatoto Subroto Km. 2,5 Cimone - Tangerang Gerai Cilegon Jl. Ahmad Yani Km. 1 No. 6 Cilegon - Banten Gerai Cengkareng Pusat Niaga Puri Agung Blok SE II No.11 - 13, Cengkareng Gerai Cikupa Jl. Gatot Subroto KM 5.5 Kp Ledug Rt 03 Rw 06 No. 1, Cikupa Gerai Pulo Gadung Ruko Pulo Gadung Trade Center Blok 8-I No. 26, Pulo Gadung West Java Gerai Depok Jl. Margonda Raya No. 27, Depok Gerai Bekasi Komp. Kalimalang Komersial Center Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 5-6, Bekasi Gerai Serpong Komp. WTC Matahari BSD, Ruko No. 5825 Jl. Raya Serpong Gerai DAGO Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda 155, Bandung 98 Gerai BSM Bandung Super Mall, L1 Unit B 162 Jl. Gatot Subroto, Bandung Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Gerai Surapati Jl. PHH. Mustopa No. 39, Surapati Bandung Gerai Cianjur Jl. DR. Muwardi No. 80 (By Pass), Cianjur Gerai Indramayu Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 151, Indramayu Gerai Kopo Jl. Kopo Sayati No. 98A, Kopo, Bandung Corporate Data Central Java Gerai Semarang - MT Haryono Jl. MT. Haryono 878, Semarang Gerai Semarang - Simpang Lima Plasa Simpang Lima Lt. 2, Semarang Gerai Solo Jl. Adisucipto No. 28, Solo Gerai Yogyakarta Jl. Diponegoro No. 64, Yogyakarta Gerai Purwokerto Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 618 Purwokerto Gerai Tegal Jl. Gajah Mada No. 33, Tegal Gerai Ungaran Jl. Diponegoro 745 Ruko Ungaran Square Gerai Boyolali Jl. Pandanaran No. 186, Boyolali Gerai Jember Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 97, Jember Gerai Pematang Siantar Jl. Sutomo No. 292, Pematang Siantar Gerai Kediri Jl. Kili Suci No. 79A-79B, Kediri Gerai Binjai Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 192, Binjai, Medan Gerai Lamongan Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 28 Lamongan Southern Sumatera Gerai Pasuruan Jl. Raya Soekarno Hatta No. A-11 Pasuruan Gerai Mojokerto Jl. Mojopahit 436B, Mojokerto Gerai Palembang Jl. POM IX Komp. Ruko Palembang Square R.116 - 117, Palembang Gerai Sidoarjo Jl. Diponegoro No. 2, Mall Ramayana Sidoarjo Gerai Pekanbaru Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 50 Persimp. Juanda, Pekanbaru Gerai Plaza Marina Plaza Marina Lt. 3 No. A2 B1, Surabaya Gerai Jambi Jl. MH. Thamrin (Komp. Ruko - seberang Mall Kapuk) Jambi Gerai Gresik Jl. Usman Sadar No. 173, Gresik Gerai Wonogiri Jl. A. Yani No. 172A - Wonogiri Gerai Batu Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 36 Batu - Malang Gerai Magelang Jl. Ahmad Yani Ruko Armada Estate Blok A2 No. 3, Magelang Gerai Madiun Jl. Kolonel Mahadi No. 62 Madiun, Jawa Timur Gerai Pekalongan Jl.Diponogoro no.43C, Pekalongan Gerai Singaraja Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 94D, Kaliuntu Singaraja - Bali Gerai Cilacap Jl. Brigjen. Katamso No. 19, Cilacap Gerai Lampung Jl. Ahmad Yani No.16, Bandar Lampung Gerai Mataram Jl. Panca Usaha No. 21 C, Mataram East Java Gerai Metro Jl. Pagar Alam No. B 5b Ruko Sumur - Metro Lampung Pamasuka Gerai Makasar Jl. Botolempangan No 34 A/B, Makassar Gerai Balikpapan Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 565 - 566 Balikpapan Gerai Banjarmasin Jl. Ahmad Yani Km. 7,2 No. 269/3A-B Kertak Hanyar, Banjarmasin Northern Sumatera Gerai Surabaya - Darmo Jl. Raya Darmo No. 112, Surabaya Gerai Surabaya - WTC Gedung WTC Lt. I Galeria Jl. Pemuda 27-31, Surabaya Gerai Malang Jl. Letjen. S. Parman No. 82-84, Kav 5-6 Malang Gerai Bali Jl. Teuku Umar No. 77, Denpasar Gerai Medan Monginsidi Jl. Mongonsidi No. 18, Medan Gerai Samarinda Ruko Permata Kaltim Jl. Pahlawan No. 28-29, Samarinda Gerai Medan Millenium Jl. Kapt Muslim Komp. Ruko Plaza Blok A-5, Medan Gerai Pontianak Pontianak Mega Mall, Blok B-8 & B-9 Jl. Ahmad Yani, Pontianak Gerai Batam Kompleks Sakura Anpan Blok E No. 3 Nagoya - Batam Gerai Manado Ruko Boulevard, No. 6-7 Jl. Piere Tendean, Manado Gerai Padang Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 40, Padang Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 99 Corporate Data Name and Addresses of Supporting Professional Securities Administration Bureau PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar Mayapada Tower 10th Floor Suite 02 B Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 28 Jakarta 12920 Telp : (+62-21) 521 2316, 521 2317 Fax : (+62-21) 521 2320 Email : Independent Auditor Tjiendradjaja & Handoko Tomo Registered Public Accountants Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 26, Lantai 2 Jakarta 12120 - Indonesia Telp : (+62-21) 720 2605 Fax : (+62-21) 727 88954 Rating Agency PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) Setiabudi Atrium, Lantai 8, Suite 809-810 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62 Jakarta 12920 Telp : (+62-21) 521 0077 Fax : (+62-21) 521 0078 Listed Shares PT Bursa Efek Indonesia Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower 1 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190 Telp : (+62-21) 515 0515 Fax : (+62-21) 515 0330 100 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report Corporate Data Definitions and Abbreviations ARPU : Average Revenue per User, or the average revenue per subscriber. MSC : Mobile Switching Center, a central telephony device to manage telephone traffic, as well as controlling BSC. Anak Perusahaan / : Companies whose financial statements are Subsidiaries consolidated into the Company in accordance with accepted accounting standards in Indonesia. Perseroan / Bandwidth The Company domiciled in Jakarta, established under the laws of : The width of the frequency band, which is a measure of capacity of a communications network. Bapepam LK : Capital Market and Finance Institutions Supervisory Agency as stipulated in Article 3, Capital Market Law. BSC : Base Station Controller, the device that controls radio channels, regulates and allocates a mobile phone signal from BTS to BTS or BTS to MSC. BNBR : PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk., a listed limited liability company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, as a majority shareholder of the Company. BTS : Base Transceiver Stations, i.e. radio signal receiving and transmitting device. Call Center : Customer service telephone center. CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access, namely, a multiple access radio system for digital voice and data transmission, where users share frequencies through unique codes. Churn Rate CRM : The total number of disconnected customers of the Company network either unilaterally or not over a period, divided by the number of subscribers at the end of the period, divided by the number of months in the period, and expressed as a percentage. : Customer Relationship Management, namely service management for customers intended to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, supported by professional human resources, integrated business processes, as well as efficient and effective technologies. : PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk., a limited liability company, the Republic of Indonesia. PMA / FDI : Foreign Direct Investment. PMDN : Domestic Investment. PSTN : Public Switch Telephone Network, i.e. fixed telecommunications network that is used for providing domestic telephone services. ROA : Return on Assets is the ratio of net income to total assets within the same period. Roaming : A mobile service enabling subscribers of to use their own or another operator’s network outside of their original area. ROE : Return on equity is the ratio of net income to total equity within the same period. RUIM : Removable User Identification Module, i.e., a card inserted into a mobile handset to identify the customer within a CDMA network. RUPS : Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS). RUPSLB : Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) Seluler / Cellular : Mobile wireless access network not limited to a DPS : List of Shareholders. E-TDMA : Extended Time Division Multiple Access, namely, multiple access telecommunication technology allowing users to share frequencies divided into time slots. SLI / IDD : International Direct Dialling. SLJJ / DLD : Domestic Long Distance. EBIT : Earnings Before Interest and Tax. SMS : Short Messaging Service, i.e. a service for sending EBITDA : Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation. Gerai Esia : Sales and service outlet for all Company products. GSM : Global System for Mobile Communications, which is a European mobile telecommunications system standard. STLR : Fixed wireless radio. HMETD/Rights : Pre-emptive Rights to purchase a security. Talktime : The length of time for voice connection. IHSG : Indonesia Composite Stock Price Index. USO : Universal Service Obligation, the obligation to JBJB : Jakarta, Banten and West Java. develop a telecommunications infrastructure in less- KSEI : Indonesian Central Securities Depository. developed regions. Limited Mobility : A fixed wireless access phone network limited to a specific area of operation. MMS : Multimedia Messaging Service, a service which allows customers to send multimedia data. particular area of operation. and receiving data in the form of text to and from a mobile phone. Starter pack : Starter pack containing a RUIM card for sale to new customers. VAS : Value Added Services. VoIP : Voice Over Internet Protocol, namely, internet-based voice connection service. Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 101 Responsibility for 2009 Annual Reporting This Annual Report, including the accompanying financial statements and related financial information, is the responsibility of the management of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. and has been signed by members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOBBY GAFUR S. UMAR PRESIDENT COMMISSIONER AI MULYADI MAMOER INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONER RAJ MITTA INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONER NALINKANT A. RATHOD COMMISSIONER AMBONO JANURIANTO COMMISSIONER BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANINDYA NOVYAN BAKRIE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR FREDERIK J. MEIJER DEPUTY PRESIDENT DIRECTOR RAKHMAT JUNAIDI DIRECTOR 102 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report MUHAMMAD BULDANSYAH DEPUTY PRESIDENT DIRECTOR JASTIRO ABI DIRECTOR JULIANDUS A. LUMBAN TOBING DIRECTOR Financial Reports Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report 103 90 Bakrie Telecom 2009 Annual Report PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NERACA 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan / Notes 2009 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures as of December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2008 2007 ASET ASET LANCAR Kas dan setara kas Investasi jangka pendek Piutang usaha (setelah dikurangi penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu sebesar Rp20.724.887.463 pada tahun 2009, Rp26.396.142.509 pada tahun 2008 dan Rp37.294.180.760 pada tahun 2007) Persediaan Uang muka Biaya dibayar di muka Pajak dibayar di muka ASSETS 2b,3,34 2c,4,34 2d,5 2f,6 7 2g,8 2t,31a Jumlah Aset Lancar 715.672.709.550 557.798.068.808 501.639.725.742 295.662.862.220 100.026.567.865 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments 94.468.973.285 27.663.062.467 17.752.614.593 114.655.247.894 203.798.590.848 120.970.886.696 35.757.977.390 22.685.668.068 334.291.480.640 209.949.908.089 102.985.581.076 18.426.917.943 48.955.156.754 206.602.524.580 137.718.053.139 Trade receivables (net of allowance for doubtful accounts of Rp20,724,887,463 in 2009, Rp26,396,142,509 in 2008 and Rp37,294,180,760 in 2007) Inventories Advances Prepaid expenses Prepaid taxes 1.731.809.267.445 2.308.318.245.852 910.377.663.577 Total Current Assets 39.745.869.788 31.856.593.772 27.402.489.199 327.378.215.300 123.024.653.054 ASET TIDAK LANCAR Kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya 2b,13,34 Uang muka pembelian aset tetap 9 Aset tetap (setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan sebesar Rp2.341.074.914.428 pada tahun 2009, Rp1.421.272.376.692 pada tahun 2008 dan Rp988.911.391.930 pada tahun 2007) 2h,2i,2j,2k,10 Beban ditangguhkan 2m,11 Taksiran tagihan pajak penghasilan 2t,31b Aset derivatif 2o,12 Jaminan 2l,34 9.314.678.257.934 45.615.970.187 69.978.503.322 5.303.281.246.648 43.942.823.519 523.739.071.687 7.456.409.314 Fixed assets (net of accumulated depreciation of Rp2,341,074,914,428 in 2009, Rp1,421,272,376,692 in 2008 and Rp988,911,391,930 3.307.202.072.332 in 2007) 10.318.245.034 Deferred charges 30.289.564.291 Estimated claims for tax refund 249.221.762.416 Derivative assets 6.327.344.783 Security deposits Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar 9.704.465.781.310 6.237.654.360.240 3.753.786.131.109 Total Non-Current Assets 11.436.275.048.755 8.545.972.606.092 4.664.163.794.686 TOTAL ASSETS JUMLAH ASET Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. NON-CURRENT ASSETS Restricted cash in banks Advances for purchase of fixed assets The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements. 1 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NERACA 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan / Notes 2009 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures as of December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2008 2007 KEWAJIBAN DAN EKUITAS KEWAJIBAN LANCAR Pinjaman bank jangka pendek Hutang usaha Pihak ketiga Hubungan istimewa Hutang lain-lain Pendapatan diterima dimuka Uang muka pelanggan Beban masih harus dibayar Hutang pajak Kewajiban jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang usaha Pinjaman bank Hutang sewa pembiayaan LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 14,34 - - 15,34 2e,15,32 16,34 2q 17 18 2t,31c 945.027.120.392 1.952.203.668 8.068.617.691 34.212.754.408 165.852.158.369 8.670.528.405 522.930.230.802 1.894.722.185 6.969.793.120 81.472.910.478 55.830.572.733 6.465.373.667 186.579.573.237 4.867.117.654 9.960.205.069 19.720.021.045 41.518.821.506 158.028.365.094 7.477.326.258 15 19,34 60.908.437.400 241.007.514.670 149.022.531.748 26.241.460.486 72.369.578.778 - 2h,2i,20 293.151.533.364 - - Current maturities of long-term loans Trade payables Bank loans Obligation under financing leases 2.061.971.871.520 1.047.845.748.888 500.521.008.641 Total Current Liabilities 2t,31e 2r,33 164.639.066.027 25.150.416.079 117.366.753.301 19.632.287.930 13.845.874.291 2i 95.126.334.737 - Jumlah Kewajiban Lancar KEWAJIBAN TIDAK LANCAR Kewajiban pajak tangguhan - bersih Kewajiban imbalan kerja Laba ditangguhkan atas penjualan dan penyewaan kembali - bersih Kewajiban jangka panjang - setelah dikurangi bagian jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang usaha Pinjaman bank CURRENT LIABILITIES Short- term bank loan Trade payables Third parties Related parties Other payables Unearned revenue Customers’ deposits Accrued expenses Taxes payable NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Deferred tax liabilities - net Employee benefits obligation Deferred gain on sale and leaseback - net 15 19,34 70.951.860.463 1.563.421.715.388 189.452.485.758 1.365.755.000.000 2h,2i,20 2n,21 2.339.278.887.117 646.147.255.946 644.702.476.923 643.257.697.900 Long-term loans - net of current maturities Trade payables Bank loans Obligation under financing leases Bonds payable Jumlah Kewajiban Tidak Lancar 4.337.372.315.331 2.416.075.094.005 2.288.434.186.643 Total Non-Current Liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban 6.399.344.186.851 3.463.920.842.893 2.788.955.195.284 Total Liabilities Hutang sewa pembiayaan Hutang obligasi Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements. 2 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NERACA 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan / Notes 2009 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures as of December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2008 2007 EKUITAS Modal saham Nilai nominal EQUITY Capital stock Par value Common shares series A Rp200 Common shares series B Rp100 Authorized shares Common shares series A 10,000,000,000 shares Common shares series B 32,111,652,195 shares Saham biasa seri A Rp200 Saham biasa seri B Rp100 Modal dasar Saham biasa seri A saham Saham biasa seri B 32.111.652.195 saham Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh Saham biasa seri A 5.751.502.450 saham Saham biasa seri B 22.730.915.129 saham pada tahun 2009 dan 2008 saham pada tahun 2007 Tambahan modal disetor Saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali Agio saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali Laba investasi jangka pendek yang belum terealisasi Cadangan lindung nilai Defisit Ekuitas - Bersih JUMLAH KEWAJIBAN DAN EKUITAS 22 23 3.423.392.002.900 3.423.392.002.900 Issued and fully paid shares Common shares series A 5,751,502,450 shares Common shares series B 22,730,915,129 shares in 2009 and 2008, 13,202,174,417 shares 2.470.517.931.700 in 2007 33.870.502.548 Additional paid-in capital 2p,24 ( ) (68.942.550.000 ) - Treasury stock 2p,24 50.623.174.275 20.943.398.108 - 2c,4 2o,12 2.514.674.254 41.849.654.706 (611.615.214.441 ) 5.950.137.230 269.599.531.383 (710.057.326.632 ) Premium on treasury stock Unrealized gain on short-term investments Hedging reserve Deficit 612.896.738 (846.869.953.697 ) 5.036.930.861.904 1.875.208.599.402 Equity - Net 11.436.275.048.755 8.545.972.606.092 4.664.163.794.686 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements. 3 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk LAPORAN LABA RUGI UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan / Notes PENDAPATAN USAHA Pendapatan usaha - kotor Jasa telekomunikasi Jasa interkoneksi PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2009 2008 2007 2d,2e,2q,25,32 OPERATING REVENUES Operating revenue - gross Telecomunication service Interconnection service 3.117.869.172.435 317.686.351.629 2.503.861.351.672 301.447.743.551 1.503.389.726.938 168.642.356.823 Jumlah pendapatan usaha Beban interkoneksi Potongan harga 3.435.555.524.064 ( ) (451.863.954.523 ) 2.805.309.095.223 (284.354.144.186 ) (318.662.914.791 ) 1.672.032.083.761 (244.690.894.770 ) (137.452.336.168 ) Total operating revenue Interconnection expenses Discount Pendapatan Usaha - Bersih 2.742.577.398.252 1.289.888.852.823 Operating Revenue - Net 979.223.308.028 506.131.042.222 224.929.155.256 290.964.770.046 451.466.447.807 1.444.779.023 432.360.984.762 536.557.325.851 241.030.386.481 423.926.465.794 11.763.024.057 267.908.591.748 112.585.995.762 153.807.586.045 10.824.415.219 OPERATING EXPENSES Depreciation Operating and maintenance General and administrative Personnel Sales and marketing Other operating 2.454.159.502.382 1.823.659.287.835 971.599.871.852 Operating Expenses 288.417.895.870 378.632.748.411 318.288.980.971 OPERATING INCOME 8.010.910.090 OTHER INCOME (CHARGES) Gain (loss) on foreign exchange - net BEBAN USAHA Penyusutan Operasi dan pemeliharaan Umum dan administrasi Karyawan Penjualan dan pemasaran Usaha lainnya 2e,2q,32 2h,10 26 27 28 29 Beban Usaha LABA USAHA PENGHASILAN (BEBAN) LAIN-LAIN Laba (rugi) selisih kurs - bersih Amortisasi laba ditangguhkan atas penjualan dan penyewaan kembali Beban keuangan - bersih Penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu Lain-lain - bersih 2s,30b 97.894.615.112 (44.487.670.117 ) 2i 30a 2d,5 5.616.152.243 (220.448.539.580 ) (10.604.128.332 ) (15.161.570.396 ) (131.760.182.179 ) (12.490.675.694 ) (11.837.968.749 ) Amortization of deferred gain on sale and leaseback (89.858.989.534 ) Financing charges - net (17.384.783.050 ) Provision for doubtful accounts 636.481.822 Others - net (142.703.470.953 ) (200.576.496.739 ) (98.596.380.672 ) 145.714.424.917 219.692.600.299 INCOME BEFORE TAX EXPENSE 47.272.312.726 41.243.624.607 75.423.611.426 TAX EXPENSE Deferred 98.442.112.191 136.812.627.065 144.268.988.873 NET INCOME 3,456 5,190 7,652 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE - 5,188 7,423 DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE Beban Lain-lain - Bersih LABA SEBELUM BEBAN PAJAK BEBAN PAJAK Tangguhan 2t,31e LABA BERSIH LABA BERSIH PER SAHAM DASAR 2u,35 LABA BERSIH PER SAHAM DASAR DILUSIAN 2u,35 Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. Other Charges - Net The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements. 4 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk LAPORAN PERUBAHAN EKUITAS UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan/ Notes Saldo 1 Januari 2007 Laba Investasi Jangka Pendek yang Belum Terealisasi/ Unrealized Gain on Short-term Investments Agio Saham Beredar yang Diperoleh Kembali / Premium on Treasury Stock Saham Beredar yang Diperoleh Kembali / Treasury Stock Tambahan Modal Disetor/ Additional Paid-in Capital Modal Saham/ Capital Stock PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Cadangan Lindung Nilai/ Hedging Reserve Defisit/ Deficit Ekuitas - Bersih/ Equity – Net 2.456.762.114.500 29.055.966.528 Penerimaan dari penerbitan waran 22,23 13.755.817.200 4.814.536.020 - - Rugi investasi jangka pendek yang belum terealisasi 2c,4 - - - - 2o,12 - - - - - - Hedging reserve - - - - - - 144.268.988.873 144.268.988.873 Net income in 2007 2.470.517.931.700 33.870.502.548 - - 612.896.738 1.875.208.599.402 Balance as of December 31, 2007 2.938.389.007.682 Proceeds from stock issuance Cadangan lindung nilai Laba bersih tahun 2007 Saldo 31 Desember 2007 743.210.928 - - - - - - (130.314.190 ) (991.138.942.570 ) (846.869.953.697 ) 1.495.422.349.386 Balance as of January 1, 2007 18.570.353.220 Proceeds from exercise of warrants (130.314.190 ) Unrealized loss on short-term investments Penerimaan dari setoran modal saham 22,23 862.648.683.600 2.075.740.324.082 - - - - - Penerimaan dari penerbitan waran 22,23 90.225.387.600 31.555.743.580 - - - - - 121.781.131.180 Proceeds from exercise of warrants - - - - (68.942.550.000 ) 20.943.398.108 - - - 20.943.398.108 Premium on treasury shares Saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali 24 - - Agio saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali 24 - - Laba investasi jangka pendek yang belum terealisasi Cadangan lindung nilai (68.942.550.000 ) - Treasury stock 2c,4 - - - - 5.337.240.492 - - 5.337.240.492 Unrealized gain on short-term investments 2o,12 - - - - - 52.522.309.270 - 52.522.309.270 Hedging reserve - - - - - - 136.812.627.065 136.812.627.065 Net income in 2008 Laba bersih tahun 2008 Saldo 31 Desember 2008 3.423.392.002.900 20.943.398.108 5.950.137.230 269.599.531.383 Balance as of December 31, 2008 Saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali 24 - - 57.942.550.000 - - - - 57.942.550.000 Treasury stock Agio saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali 24 - - - 29.679.776.167 - - - 29.679.776.167 Rugi investasi jangka pendek yang belum terealisasi Cadangan lindung nilai Laba bersih tahun 2009 Saldo 31 Desember 2009 (68.942.550.000 ) 2c,4 - - - - 2o,12 - - - - - - - - - - - 3.423.392.002.900 50.623.174.275 2.514.674.254 41.849.654.706 ( ) Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. (3.435.462.976 ) (227.749.876.677 ) (710.057.326.632 ) - (3.435.462.976 ) - (227.749.876.677 ) 98.442.112.191 (611.615.214.441 ) 98.442.112.191 Premium on treasury shares Unrealized loss on short-term investments Hedging reserve Net income in 2009 5.036.930.861.904 Balance as of December 31, 2009 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements. 5 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk LAPORAN ARUS KAS UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2009 ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS OPERASI Penerimaan kas dari pelanggan Pembayaran kas kepada pemasok Pembayaran kas kepada karyawan Kas yang dihasilkan dari operasi Penerimaan bunga Penerimaan restitusi pajak Pembayaran bunga Pembayaran pajak Pembayaran untuk aktivitas operasi lainnya Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari Kegiatan Operasi ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS INVESTASI Penurunan (kenaikan) bersih investasi jangka pendek Penerimaan dari penjualan aset tetap Penurunan (kenaikan) uang muka pembelian aset tetap Pembelian aset tetap Kas Bersih Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Investasi ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS PENDANAAN Penerimaan dari pinjaman bank jangka pendek Penerbitan kembali saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali Penerimaan dari pinjaman bank jangka panjang Pembayaran atas hutang sewa pembiayaan Pembayaran pinjaman bank jangka panjang Penerimaan dari setoran modal saham Penerimaan dari penerbitan waran Saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali Penerimaan dari hutang obligasi Pembayaran biaya penerbitan obligasi Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari (Digunakan untuk) Aktivitas Pendanaan 2008 2007 2.628.468.952.536 2.507.444.107.162 (936.783.355.602 ) (1.265.506.569.691 ) (250.802.462.775 ) (210.839.178.871 ) 1.520.955.125.886 (669.904.662.352 ) (128.075.551.793 ) 1.440.883.134.159 101.325.971.329 4.114.935.328 (335.585.800.375 ) (39.391.550.480 ) 89.740.731.111 7.022.349.321 (216.709.985.460 ) (33.142.965.852 ) 722.974.911.741 16.381.338.058 4.046.887.654 (45.164.610.614 ) (23.905.553.678 ) ( ) (277.952.137.802 ) (169.856.239.306 ) 600.056.349.918 504.476.733.855 521.789.067.444 390.000.000.000 (977.658.790.870 ) - 136.852.224.327 (215.943.985.113 ) (1.579.914.155.606 ) (2.214.560.873.256 ) (531.272.863.835 ) (3.408.163.649.239 ) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash receipts from customers Payments to suppliers Payments to employees Cash receipts from operating activities Receipt of interest Receipt of tax restitution Payment of interest Payment of taxes Payments of other operating activities Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Activities CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Net decrease (increase) in short-term (45.516.346.093 ) investments - Cash received from sale of fixed assets Decrease (increase) in advances for (522.982.351.714 ) purchase of fixed assets (1.401.515.156.257 ) Acquisitions of fixed assets (1.970.013.854.064 ) Net Cash Flows Used in Investing Activities CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES - - Receipt from short-term bank loan 87.622.326.167 - - Reissuance of treasury stock 697.814.221 1.913.175.873 1.333.610.459.697 Receipts from long-term bank loans - - Payment of finance lease (662.773.459.227 ) (58.298.310.399 ) - 2.938.389.007.682 121.781.131.180 (47.999.151.892 ) - (397.751.629.238 ) Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. (473.181.001.665 ) 18.570.353.220 650.000.000.000 (7.223.895.107 ) 1.521.775.916.145 Payment of long-term bank loans Proceeds from stock issuance Proceeds from exercise of warrants Payment for treasury stock Proceeds from bonds issuance Payment for bonds issuance cost Net Cash Flow Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of the financial statements. 6 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk LAPORAN ARUS KAS UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2009 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2008 2007 KENAIKAN BERSIH KAS DAN SETARA KAS 214.032.983.808 205.976.863.522 56.238.795.936 NET INCREASE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS KAS DAN SETARA KAS AWAL TAHUN 501.639.725.742 295.662.862.220 239.424.066.284 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR KAS DAN SETARA KAS AKHIR TAHUN 715.672.709.550 501.639.725.742 295.662.862.220 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR Informasi Tambahan untuk Aktivitas Arus Kas: Aktivitas yang tidak mempengaruhi arus kas: Penambahan aset tetap melalui hutang sewa pembiayaan 3.151.339.703.374 Reklasifikasi aktiva dalam penyelesaian menjadi aset tetap 2.494.567.588.820 Reklasifikasi uang muka pembelian aset tetap ke aset tetap 41.226.988.126 Additional Information of Cash Flow Activities: Activities not Affecting Cash Flows: - - 1.922.470.011.428 11.590.422.867 514.152.133.525 Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan. Additions in fixed assets under finance lease obligation Reclassification of constructionin-progress to fixed assets Reclassification of advance for purchase fixed assets to fixed assets The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of the financial statements. 7 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 1. 1. UMUM a. Pendirian Perusahaan GENERAL a. The Company’s Establishment PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (dahulu PT Radio Telepon Indonesia) (“Perusahaan”) didirikan di Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 13 Agustus 1993 berdasarkan Akta No. 94 dibuat dihadapan Muhani Salim, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta, sebagaimana diperbaiki dengan Akta Pembetulan No. 13 tanggal 5 November 1993 dan diubah dengan Akta No. 129 tanggal 27 November 1993, keduanya dibuat dihadapan Abdurachman Kadir, S.H., Notaris pengganti dari Muhani Salim, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta dalam rangka Undang-undang Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri No. 6 tahun 1968, yang kemudian diperbaharui dengan Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 1970. PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (previously PT Radio Telepon Indonesia) (the “Company”) was established in the Republic of Indonesia on August 13, 1993 based on Notarial Deed No. 94, of Notary of Muhani Salim, S.H. in Jakarta as amended by Amendment Deed No. 13 dated November 5, 1993 and amended by Deed No. 129 dated November 27, 1993, both by Notary Abdurachman Kadir, S.H., substitute of Notary Muhani Salim, S.H., in Jakarta within the framework of the Domestic Investment Law No. 6 Year 1968, as amended by Law No. 12 Year 1970. Status Perusahan mengalami perubahan menjadi perusahaan terbuka sebagaimana tertuang dalam resolusi para pemegang saham yang berkekuatan sama dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham yang dituangkan dalam Akta No. 6 tanggal 3 Februari 2006 yang dibuat oleh Agus Madjid, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta. Dimana perubahan tersebut telah disampaikan kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dan telah diterima dan dicatat oleh Direktur Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum sebagaimana tertuang dalam surat No. C-03880 HT.01.04. TH.2006, tanggal 13 Februari 2006. The Company’s status has been changed into a public company through the resolutions of the Company’s shareholders as notarized by Deed No. 6 of Agus Madjid, S.H., Notary in Jakarta dated February 3, 2006. This change was reported to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and was accepted and recorded by the Directorate General of General Law Administration through letter No. C-03880 HT.01.04.TH.2006 dated February 13, 2006. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan dan terakhir seluruh anggaran dasarnya telah disusun kembali untuk disesuaikan dengan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan Keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) No. Kep-179/BL/2008 tanggal 14 Mei 2008. Peraturan No. IX. J.1 sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Akta No. 30 tanggal 11 Agustus 2008 dibuat dihadapan Agus Madjid, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta. Perubahan Anggaran Dasar tersebut telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. AHU-71025.AH.01.02 tahun 2008. Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan keuangan, pengumuman dalam Lembar Berita Negara mengenai perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan masih dalam proses. The Company’s Articles of Association have been amended several times, the most recent being based in accordance with the law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and Regulation of Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) No. Kep-179/BL/2008 dated May 14, 2008. Regulation No. IX.J.1 through Notarial Deed No. 30 dated August 11, 2008 of Agus Madjid, S.H., Notary in Jakarta. The Company’s amended Articles of Association have been approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia based on decision letter No. AHU-71025.AH.01.02 of 2008. As of the completion date of the financial statements, publishing in State Gazette related with the amended Company’s Articles of Association is still in process. 8 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 1. 1. UMUM (Lanjutan) GENERAL (Continued) Ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan meliputi penyediaan jaringan dan penyelenggaraan jasa telekomunikasi dengan daerah operasi mencakup Jakarta, beberapa wilayah di Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali, Sumatera, Sulawesi dan Kalimantan. Perusahaan berdomisili di Jakarta dengan kantor pusat berlokasi di Wisma Bakrie, Lantai 2, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-1, Jakarta Selatan dan memulai beroperasi secara komersial pada tanggal 1 November 1995. The scope of activities of the Company comprises of providing fixed digital radio cellular telecommunication network and services. The Company’s operational areas are located in Jakarta, some regions in West Java, Banten, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Sumatera, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. The Company is domiciled in Jakarta with its head nd office located at Wisma Bakrie, 2 Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-1, Jakarta Selatan. The Company started its commercial operations on November 1, 1995. Berdasarkan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2008, ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan telah diperluas yang meliputi; merencanakan, membangun dan menyewakan sarana/fasilitas telekomunikasi, melaksanakan kegiatan pemasaran dan penjualan jaringan dan/atau jasa telekomunikasi, melakukan pemeliharaan, penelitian dan pengembangan sarana/fasilitas telekomunikasi, serta memperdagangkan perangkat/produk telekomunikasi. Based on the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on August 11, 2008, the scope of activities of the Company was modified to comprise as follows; plan, develop and lease of telecommunication equipment/facilities, perform marketing and sales activities of telecommunication network and/or services, perform research and development of telecommunication equipment/facilities, and also sell telecommunication product/utilities. Pada tanggal 15 Juni 2007, Perusahaan memperoleh izin operasional untuk Jaringan Tetap Lokal Tidak Bergerak dengan mobilitas terbatas berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 298/KEP/M.KOMINFO/6/2007. Izin tersebut diberikan untuk (i) Jaringan Tetap Lokal Tidak Bergerak dengan mobilitas terbatas dengan frekuensi Band 800 Mhz dengan nomor saluran 37, 78 dan 119 (ii) Jasa Teleponi Dasar dengan jangkauan nasional. Izin regional No. KP.282 tahun 2004 tidak berlaku lagi sejak penerbitan izin nasional ini. On June 15, 2007, the Company was granted an Operational License for Local Fixed Wireless Network with Limited Mobility based on the Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 298/KEP/M.KOMINFO/6/2007. The license was given for (i) Local Fixed Wireless Network with limited mobility frequency bandwith of 800 Mhz with canal number 37, 78 and 119 (ii) Basic Telephone Service with nationwide coverage. The regional license No. KP.282 year 2004 is no longer valid upon the issuance of this nationwide license. Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2009, Perusahaan memperoleh izin prinsip untuk penyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan langsung jarak jauh (SLJJ), berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 31/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/01/2009 yang telah disetujui oleh pemerintah tanggal 16 Desember 2008 sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika No. 379/KEP/M.KOMINFO/12/ 2008 tentang penetapan pemenang seleksi penyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan langsung jarak jauh. On January 23, 2009, the Company received a principal license for fixed direct line direct long-distance connection, based on Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31/KEP/M.KOMINFO/01/2009; this was also approved on December 16, 2008 based on Minister Decree No. 379/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/12/2008, which indicates the selected service providers for fixed direct line long-distance connection. 9 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 1. 1. UMUM (Lanjutan) Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2009, Perusahaan memperoleh izin untuk menyelenggaraan Jaringan Tetap Sambungan Internasional (SLI) dan jasa teleponi dasar, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 59/KEP/M.KOMINFO/02/2009 tentang izin penyelenggaraan Jaringan Tetap Sambungan Internasional PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Izin penyelenggaraan SLI akan dievaluasi setiap tahun dan dievaluasi secara menyeluruh setiap 5 (lima) tahun. b. Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana GENERAL (Continued) On February 12, 2009, the Company received a license for International Fixed-Line Direct Connection (SLI) and basic telephone service, based on Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 59/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/02/2009 about license for International Fixed-Line Direct Connection PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. The SLI lisence will be evaluated annually and will be fully evaluated every five (5) years. b. Initial Public Offering Pada tanggal 3 Februari 2006, Perusahaan mencatat sahamnya pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (dahulu Bursa Efek Jakarta) melalui Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham Seri B Atas Nama Tahun 2005 sebanyak lima miliar lima ratus juta (5.500.000.000) saham dengan nilai nominal seratus rupiah (Rp100). On February 3, 2006, the Company listed its shares on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (previously Jakarta Stock Exchange) through Initial Public Offering (IPO) of five billion five hundred million (5,500,000,000) registered shares Series B with nominal value of one hundred Rupiah (Rp100) per share. Dalam rangka penawaran umum perdana ini, Perusahaan secara bersamaan juga menerbitkan sebanyak satu milyar seratus juta ( lembar waran seri I diberikan secara cuma-cuma yang menyertai seluruh saham Seri B atas nama. Waran seri I memberikan hak kepada pemegangnya untuk melakukan pembelian saham Seri B atas nama dengan harga pelaksanaan sebesar seratus tiga puluh lima rupiah (Rp135) setiap saham yang dapat dilakukan selama masa berlakunya pelaksanaan yaitu mulai tanggal 3 Agustus 2006 sampai dengan tanggal 2 Februari 2009. For the purposes of this public offering, the Company also simultaneously issued one billion one hundred million (1,100,000,000) series I warrants which are issued at no cost (noted warrants) accompanying the registered Series B shares. Seri I warrants give a right to its holder to purchase Series B shares at an exercise price of one hundred and thirty-five Rupiah (Rp135) per share, which may be exercised within the period of August 3, 2006 to February 2, 2009. Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana tersebut disetujui oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa pada tanggal 23 September 2005 dan dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris No. 39 oleh Agus Madjid, S.H. The IPO was approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting held on September 23, 2005 and notarized by Deed No. 39 of Agus Madjid, S.H. 10 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 1. 1. UMUM (Lanjutan) c. Penawaran Umum Terbatas (PUT) GENERAL (Continued) c. Right Issues Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2008, Perusahaan memperoleh surat pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) melalui surat No. S-944/BL/2008 tanggal 14 Februari 2008 atas Penawaran Umum Terbatas sebanyak-banyaknya delapan miliar enam ratus tiga puluh delapan juta tujuh puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus lima puluh dua (8.638.079.352) Saham Seri B dengan nilai nominal sebesar seratus rupiah (Rp100) setiap saham yang ditawarkan dengan harga penawaran sebesar tiga ratus lima puluh rupiah (Rp350). PUT tersebut telah disetujui oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa pada tanggal 15 Februari 2008 dengan Akta Notaris No. 38 oleh Agus Madjid, S.H. dan pada tanggal 29 Februari 2008, PUT tersebut telah dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. d. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Karyawan The Company obtained the effectivity notice of its Rights Issue maximum of eight billion six hundred and thirty-eight million seventynine thousand three hundred and fifty-two (8,638,079,352) Shares Series B with nominal value one hundred rupiah (Rp100) per share, which were offered at three hundred and fifty rupiah (Rp350) per share, from the Chairman of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) in his letter No. S-944/BL/2008 dated February 14, 2008. The Right Issue was approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting held on February 15, 2008 and notarized by Deed No. 38 of Agus Madjid, S.H. and was listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange on February 29, 2008. d. Employees, Boards of Commissioners and Directors Susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: The composition of the Company’s Boards of Commissioners and Directors as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was as follows: Board of Commissioners President Commissioner Independent Commissioner Independent Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Dewan Komisaris Komisaris Utama Komisaris Independen Komisaris Independen Komisaris Komisaris Gafur Sulistyo Umar Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Raj Mitta Nalinkant A Rathod Ambono Janurianto Dewan Direksi Direktur Utama Deputi Direktur Utama Deputi Direktur Utama Direktur Direktur Direktur Anindya Novyan Bakrie Frederik Johanes Meijer Muhammad Buldansyah Juliandus A Lumban Tobing Rakhmat Junaidi Jastiro Abi Susunan anggota Komite Audit dan Sekretaris Perusahaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: Komite Audit Ketua Anggota Anggota Sekretaris Perusahaan Board of Directors President Director Deputy President Director Deputy President Director Director Director Director The composition of the Company’s Audit Committee and the sole Corporate Secretary as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was as follows: 2009 2008 dan/ and 2007 Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Yansen Pasaribu Leo J. Susilo Harry Prabowo Ai Mulyadi Mamoer Yansen Pasaribu Bachril Bachtarudin Harry Prabowo Audit Committee Chairman Members Members Corporate Secretary 11 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 1. 1. UMUM (Lanjutan) Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing adalah sebesar Rp16.816.270.886, Rp15.824.341.131 dan Rp13.097.484.842. The remuneration of the Company’s Board of Commissioners and Directors for the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was Rp16,816,270,886, Rp15,824,341,131 and Rp13,097,484,842, respectively. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 jumlah karyawan tetap Perusahaan masing-masing adalah 1.753, 1.665 dan 1.485 karyawan. As of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, the Company had 1,753, 1,665 and 1,485 employees, respectively. e. Pembelian kembali (buy-back) Saham Perusahaan 2. GENERAL (Continued) e. Buy-Back of Company’s Shares of Stock Berdasarkan Keputusan Di Luar Rapat Direksi Perusahaan tanggal 15 Oktober 2008, Direksi menyetujui pembelian kembali saham yang beredar Perusahaan sampai jumlah maksimum sebanyak Rp1. atau 20% dari modal disetor Perusahaan. Pembelian kembali saham tahap pertama akan dilakukan sebesar-besarnya Rp100.000.000.000 (seratus milyar rupiah) dan pembelian kembali saham tahap kedua akan dilakukan sesuai dengan keperluan dan kondisi Perusahaan. Based on the decision of the Board of Directors’ Meeting on October 15, 2008, the Board of Directors approved the buy-back of the Company’s shares up to a maximum of Rp1,100,000,000,000 or 20% of the paid-up capital of the Company. The buy-back of shares of stock in first phase up to Rp100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion rupiah) and second phase will be done according to the availability needs and condition of the Company. Pembelian kembali dilaksanakan dalam periode Oktober dan November tahun 2008, dimana sebanyak 689.425.500 lembar saham telah dibeli kembali, dan pada tahun 2009, 579.425.500 lembar saham telah terjual (Catatan 24). The buy-back was undertaken during the period of October and November 2008, during which time 689,425,500 shares were bought back, and in 2009, 579,425,500 shares were reissued (Note 24). IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING Laporan keuangan telah disajikan sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia, yaitu Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK), yang dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) dan Pedoman Penyajian dan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK). Kebijakan akuntansi signifikan yang telah diterapkan secara konsisten adalah: 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Indonesia (“Indonesian GAAP”), which are covered by the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) and Guidelines for Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements set out by the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (“Bapepam-LK”). The significant accounting policies applied consistently are as follows: 12 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) a. Dasar Penyajian Laporan Keuangan SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) a. Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements Laporan keuangan disusun berdasarkan konsep nilai historis kecuali untuk akun-akun tertentu yang dicatat berdasarkan basis lain seperti yang diungkapkan pada kebijakan akuntansi di masing-masing akun tersebut. The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for certain accounts that are measured on the basis described in the related accounting policies. Laporan arus kas disajikan dengan metode langsung dan dikelompokkan ke dalam aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. The statements of cash flows are prepared using the direct method, cash flows being classified into operating, investing and financing activities. Mata uang pelaporan yang digunakan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan adalah Rupiah (“Rp”). The reporting currency used in the preparation of the financial statements is Indonesian Rupiah (“Rp”). b. Kas dan Setara Kas b. Cash and Cash Equivalents Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari saldo kas dan bank, serta deposito berjangka yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu tiga bulan atau kurang dan tidak digunakan sebagai jaminan atau dibatasi penggunaannya. Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and in banks, and time deposits with maturities within three months or less and not pledged as collateral or restricted in use. Rekening bank dan deposito berjangka yang dibatasi penggunaannya disajikan sebagai aset tidak lancar. Cash in banks and time deposits that are restricted in use are presented under noncurrent assets. c. Investasi Jangka Pendek Efek diklasifikasikan atas investasi sebagai berikut: c. Short-term Investment dasar tujuan Investments in securities are classified based on the purpose or intention of maintaining such investments as follows: 1) Dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo Efek dalam kategori ini dinyatakan berdasarkan biaya perolehan yang disesuaikan dengan jumlah amortisasi premi atau diskonto sampai tanggal jatuh tempo. 1) Held to maturity Marketable securities under this category are stated at cost, adjusted for the amortization of premium or discount to maturity. 2) Tersedia untuk dijual Efek yang diklasifikasikan sebagai tersedia untuk dijual dinyatakan berdasarkan nilai pasar. Laba atau rugi yang belum direalisasi akibat kenaikan atau penurunan nilai pasar disajikan dalam komponen ekuitas. 2) Available for sale Marketable securities classified as available for sale are stated at market value. Any unrealized gain or loss arising from increase or decrease in market value is presented under equity. Harga pokok efek yang dijual ditentukan berdasarkan metode identifikasi khusus. Cost of marketable determined on the identification method. securities sold is basis of specific 13 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) d. Piutang Usaha Piutang usaha diakui dan disajikan sebesar nilai tagihan dikurangi penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu. Perusahaan menetapkan penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu berdasarkan penelaahan manajemen terhadap kemungkinan tidak tertagihnya piutang pada akhir tahun. Penghapusan piutang dilakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan manajemen atas tidak tertagihnya piutang, sedangkan pemulihan penyisihan piutang ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah yang dapat tertagih atas piutang yang sudah disisihkan tersebut. e. Transaksi Pihak Hubungan Istimewa SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) d. Trade Receivables Trade receivables are recognized and carried at original invoice amount less an allowance for doubtful accounts. The Company provides an allowance for doubtful accounts based on the assessment of the Company’s management on the collectibility of the accounts at the end of the year. The written-off of receivables is based on management’s judgment on the recoverability of the accounts and for the recovery of allowance for doubtful accounts. e. Transaction with Related Parties Perusahaan melakukan transaksi dengan pihak-pihak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa, sebagaimana yang didefinisikan oleh PSAK No. 7, “Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak yang Mempunyai Hubungan Istimewa.” The Company has transactions with certain parties, which have a related party relationship, as defined in PSAK No. 7 “Related Party Disclosures.” Semua transaksi yang signifikan dengan pihak-pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa, baik yang dilakukan dengan syarat dan kondisi yang sama dengan pihak ketiga ataupun tidak diungkapkan dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan. All significant transactions with related parties whether or not conducted under the same terms and conditions as those with unrelated parties, are disclosed in the notes to financial statements. f. Persediaan f. Inventories Efektif tanggal 1 Januari 2009, Perusahaan menerapkan PSAK No. 14 (Revisi 2008), “Persediaan” (“PSAK 14 Revisi”), yang menggantikan PSAK No. 14 (1994), “Persediaan”. Penerapan PSAK 14 Revisi ini tidak menimbulkan dampak yang signifikan terhadap laporan keuangan. Effective January 1, 2009, the Company applied PSAK No. 14 (Revised 2008), “Inventories” (“Revised PSAK 14”), which supersedes PSAK No. 14 (1994), “Inventories”. The adoption of Revised PSAK 14 had no significant impact on the financial statements. Persediaan dinyatakan sebesar nilai terendah antara biaya perolehan dan nilai realisasi bersih, dimana biaya perolehan ditentukan dengan metode rata-rata. Penyisihan persediaan usang ditentukan berdasarkan hasil penelaahan atas keadaan persediaan pada akhir tahun. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, whereby cost is determined by the weighted-average method. Allowance for inventories obsolescence is provided based on a review of the condition of inventories at the end of the year. g. Biaya Dibayar Di Muka Biaya dibayar di muka diamortisasi sesuai masa manfaat masing-masing biaya dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus. g. Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses are amortized over the period benefited using the straight-line method. 14 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) h. Aset Tetap SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) h. Fixed Assets Perusahaan menerapkan PSAK No. 16 (Revisi 2007), “Aset Tetap” (“PSAK 16 Revisi”). Berdasarkan PSAK 16 Revisi, suatu entitas harus memilih antara model biaya dan model revaluasi sebagai kebijakan akuntansi pengukuran atas aset tetap. Perusahaan telah memilih untuk menggunakan model biaya sebagai kebijakan akuntansi pengukuran aset tetapnya. The Company applied PSAK No. 16 (Revised 2007), “Fixed Assets” (“Revised PSAK 16”). Based on Revised PSAK 16, an entity shall choose between the cost model and revaluation model as the accounting policy for its fixed assets measurements. The Company has chosen the cost model as the accounting policy for its fixed assets measurement. Penyusutan dihitung dengan metode garis lurus selama umur manfaat aset. Taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis aset sebagai berikut: Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the useful lives of the assets. Estimated useful lives of the assets are as follows: Tahun / Years Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi: Perangkat telepon Peralatan komunikasi data Terminal pemancar Sentral pemancar Stasiun pemancar 20 15 15 15 10 - 15 10 - 15 Building Telecommunication equipment: Telephone equipment Data communication equipment Central relay Switching Relay station Fasilitas telekomunikasi: Sistem manajemen penagihan Menara pemancar Fasilitas dan perangkat listrik Aset sewaan Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor 10 - 15 10 - 15 10 - 15 10 5 4-5 Telecommunication facilities: Billing management system facilities Tower relay Electrical equipment and facilities Leased assets Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures Masa manfaat ekonomis aset tetap dan metode depresiasi ditelaah dan disesuaikan, jika layak, pada setiap tanggal neraca. The assets’ useful lives and methods of depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. Tanah dinyatakan sebesar nilai perolehan dan tidak disusutkan. Land is stated at cost and is not depreciated. Aset dalam penyelesaian dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan dan disajikan sebagai bagian dari “Aset Tetap” di neraca, yang mencakup biaya pinjaman untuk membiayai aset selama periode pembangunan aset yang bersangkutan. Akumulasi biaya perolehan akan dipindahkan ke masing-masing akun aset tetap yang bersangkutan pada saat aset tersebut selesai dikerjakan dan siap untuk digunakan. Construction-in-progress is stated at cost and presented as part of “Fixed Assets” in the balance sheets, which includes borrowing costs incurred to finance the construction during the period of development. The accumulated costs will be reclassified to the appropriate fixed assets account when construction is completed and ready for their intended use. 15 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) Beban perbaikan dan pemeliharaan dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi pada saat terjadinya; biaya penggantian atau inspeksi yang signifikan dikapitalisasi pada saat terjadinya dan jika besar kemungkinan manfaat ekonomis di masa depan berkenaan dengan aset tersebut akan mengalir ke Perusahaan, dan biaya perolehan aset dapat diukur secara andal. Aset tetap dihentikan pengakuannya pada saat dilepaskan atau ketika tidak ada manfaat ekonomis masa depan yang diharapkan dari penggunaan atau pelepasannya. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari penghentian pengakuan aset dimasukkan dalam laporan laba rugi pada tahun aset tersebut dihentikan pengakuannya. i. Sewa SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) The cost of repairs and maintenance is charged to statements of income as incurred; replacement or major inspection costs are capitalized when incurred and if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company, and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. An item of fixed assets is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset is included in statements of income in the year the asset is derecognized. i. Leases Perusahaan menerapkan PSAK No. 30 (Revisi 2007), “Sewa” (“PSAK 30 Revisi”). Menurut PSAK 30 Revisi, sewa yang mengalihkan secara substansial semua risiko dan manfaat yang terkait dengan kepemilikan aset kepada lessee diklasifikasikan sebagai sewa pembiayaan. Pada awal masa sewa, sewa pembiayaan dikapitalisasi sebesar nilai wajar aset sewaan atau sebesar nilai kini dari pembayaran sewa minimum, jika nilai kini lebih rendah dari nilai wajar. Pembayaran sewa minimum dipisahkan antara bagian yang merupakan beban keuangan dan bagian yang merupakan pelunasan kewajiban sehingga menghasilkan suatu tingkat bunga periodik yang konstan atas saldo kewajiban. Beban keuangan dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi. Aset sewaan yang dimiliki oleh lessee dengan dasar sewa pembiayaan dicatat pada akun aset tetap dan disusutkan sepanjang masa manfaat dari aset sewaan tersebut atau periode masa sewa, mana yang lebih pendek, jika tidak ada kepastian yang memadai bahwa lessee akan mendapatkan hak kepemilikan pada akhir masa sewa. The Company applied PSAK No. 30 (Revised 2007), “Leases” (“Revised PSAK 30”). Under Revised PSAK 30, leases that transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item to the lessee are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalized at the inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased assets or at the present value of the minimum lease payments if the present value is lower than the fair value. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are recorded in the statements of income. Leased assets held by the lessee under finance leases are included in fixed assets and depreciated over the estimated useful life of the assets or the lease term, whichever is shorter, if there is no reasonable certainty that lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. Dalam hal transaksi jual dan sewa-balik merupakan sewa pembiayaan maka transaksi tersebut harus diperlakukan sebagai dua transaksi yang terpisah yaitu transaksi penjualan dan transaksi sewa. Selisih lebih hasil penjualan dari nilai tercatat ditangguhkan dan diamortisasi selama masa sewa. In the case of sale and leaseback results in a finance lease, this is to be treated as two separate transactions, that is, sale and lease. The excess of sales proceeds over the carrying amount is deferred and amortized over the lease term. 16 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) Sewa yang tidak mengalihkan secara substansial seluruh risiko dan manfaat yang terkait dengan kepemilikan aset diklasifikasikan sebagai sewa operasi. j. Penurunan Nilai Aset Nilai aset ditelaah terhadap kemungkinan adanya penurunan nilai pada saat kejadiankejadian atau perubahan-perubahan keadaan mengindikasikan nilai tercatatnya mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan kembali. Apabila nilai tercatat aset melebihi jumlah yang dapat diperoleh kembali, maka selisihnya dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi tahun berjalan. Nilai yang dapat diperoleh kembali adalah nilai tertinggi antara harga jual neto dengan nilai pakai suatu aset. k. Kapitalisasi Beban Pinjaman Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 26 (Revisi 1997), “Biaya Pinjaman”, beban bunga, selisih kurs yang terjadi akibat transaksi pinjaman dan biaya-biaya lain yang digunakan untuk pemasangan aset, dikapitalisasi sampai dengan aset tersebut selesai dikerjakan dan siap digunakan. l. Jaminan Jaminan merupakan uang jaminan yang dibayarkan untuk sewa lokasi untuk menara BTS, sewa gedung kantor dan apartemen sesuai dengan perjanjian dan akan dikembalikan kepada Perusahaan pada saat berakhirnya perjanjian. m. Biaya Ditangguhkan Biaya yang timbul sehubungan dengan pengembangan proyek telekomunikasi yang memiliki masa manfaat ekonomis di masa depan ditangguhkan dan diamortisasi sesuai perkiraan masa manfaat ekonomis dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus selama tiga (3) tahun sampai delapan (8) tahun. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Leases that do not transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item are classified as operating leases. j. Impairment of Asset Value Asset values are reviewed for any impairment and possible write down to fair value whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. Whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized in the current year statements of income. Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s net selling price and its value in use k. Capitalization of Borrowing Costs In accordance with PSAK No. 26 (Revised 1997), “Borrowing Costs,” interest charges and foreign exchange differences on borrowings and other costs incurred to finance construction in installation of major facilities are capitalized until the construction and installation is substantially completed and the asset is ready for its intended use. l. Security Deposits Security deposits represent guarantee for field rental of Base Transceiver Stations, office building rent and apartment rent in accordance with the agreements, which will be returned to the Company at the end of agreements. m. Deferred Charges Costs incurred in connection with the development of telecommunication projects that have future benefits are deferred and amortized using the straight-line method over the range of three (3) to eight (8) years. 17 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) n. Biaya Penerbitan Obligasi Biaya yang terjadi sehubungan dengan penerbitan obligasi ditangguhkan dan diamortisasi dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus selama jangka waktu obligasi, yaitu 5 tahun. Diskonto obligasi diamortisasi dengan menggunakan metode tarif bunga efektif selama jangka waktu obligasi, yaitu 5 tahun. Saldo biaya emisi obligasi ditangguhkan dan diskonto obligasi dikurangkan langsung dengan nilai nominal obligasi dan jumlah bersihnya disajikan dalam hutang obligasi. o. Instrumen Derivatif SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) n. Bonds Issuance Cost Costs incurred in connection with the issuance of bonds are deferred and amortized using the straight-line method over the term of the bonds of five years. Bond discount is amortized using the effective interest method over the term of the bonds of five years. The balance of deferred bonds issuance cost and bond discount is deducted from the nominal value of the bonds and the net amount is recorded in bonds payable. o. Derivative Instruments Instrumen derivatif dicatat sesuai dengan PSAK No. 55 (Revisi 1999), ”Akuntansi Instrumen Derivatif dan Aktivitas Lindung Nilai”. Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 55, selisih nilai wajar instrumen derivatif (termasuk derivatif yang melekat) dicatat pada neraca baik sebagai aset atau kewajiban. PSAK No. 55 mengharuskan setiap perubahan pada nilai wajar tersebut diakui pada laporan laba rugi tahun berjalan kecuali lindung nilai tertentu mengijinkan laba atau rugi derivatif saling hapus dengan hasil yang terkait dengan kontrak yang dilindung nilai pada laporan laba rugi, dan entitas harus mendokumentasikan secara formal, mengindentifikasi dan menilai keefektifan dari transaksi yang memenuhi syarat sebagai akuntansi lindung nilai. Derivative instruments are accounted for in accordance with PSAK No. 55 (Revised 1999), “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities.” In accordance with PSAK No. 55, difference in fair value of every derivative instrument (including embedded derivatives) recorded on the balance sheets as either an asset or liability. PSAK No. 55 also requires that the changes in a derivative fair value be recognized currently in earnings unless a specific hedge allows a derivative gain or loss to offset related results on the hedged item in the statements of income, and that an entity must formally document, designate and assess the effectiveness of transactions that meet hedge accounting. Perusahaan menggunakan instrumen keuangan derivatif seperti swap mata uang untuk melindungi arus kas dari risiko perubahan kurs mata uang asing. Instrumen keuangan derivatif diakui pada nilai wajar pada tanggal dimana Perusahaan melakukan kontrak derivatif dan kemudian diukur kembali pada nilai wajar. The Company uses derivative financial instruments such as currency swaps to hedge its cash flows from foreign currency risks. Such derivative financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Untuk tujuan akuntansi, transaksi lindung nilai Perusahaan diklasifikasikan sebagai lindung nilai atas arus kas. Instrumen lindung nilai disajikan pada nilai wajar. Bagian efektif dari laba atau rugi yang belum terealisasi dari instrumen lindung nilai disajikan pada akun cadangan lindung nilai di bagian ekuitas. For the purpose of hedge accounting, the Company’s hedge transaction are classified as cash flow hedges. Hedging instrument is stated at fair value. Effective portion of unrealized gain or loss of hedging instrument is presented under hedging reserve account in the equity section. 18 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) p. Saham Beredar Yang Diperoleh Kembali Saham yang dibeli kembali (treasury stock) untuk dikeluarkan lagi dikemudian hari dicatat dengan metode nilai nominal atau par value method. Berdasarkan metode ini, saham yang dibeli kembali dicatat sebesar nilai nominalnya dan disajikan sebagai pengurang akun modal saham. Apabila saham yang diperoleh kembali tersebut semula dikeluarkan dengan harga di atas nilai nominal, akun tambahan modal disetor akan disesuaikan. Selisih lebih harga perolehan dari harga penerbitannya akan dikoreksi ke agio saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali. q. Pengakuan Pendapatan dan Beban SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) p. Treasury Stocks Reacquisition of capital stock to be held as treasury stock for future reissuance is accounted for under the par value method. Under this method, treasury stock is presented at the par value as a reduction from the capital stock account. If the treasury stock had been originally issued at a price above par value, the related additional paid-in capital account is adjusted. Any excess of the reacquisition cost over the original issuance price is adjusted to premium on treasury stock. q. Revenue and Expense Recognition Pendapatan telepon tidak bergerak Fixed telephone revenue Pendapatan dari jasa penyambungan diakui pada saat jasa atau instalasi tersebut selesai dilaksanakan. Pendapatan dari pemakaian pulsa diakui pada saat pulsa digunakan. Revenue from connection services is recognized as income at the time the service or the installation is completed. Revenue from usage charges is recognized as earned. Pendapatan telepon bergerak terbatas Limited mobility telephone revenue Untuk pelanggan pasca bayar, pendapatan dari jasa penyambungan diakui pada saat aktivasi oleh pelanggan sedangkan pendapatan pulsa serta pendapatan bulanan diakui pada saat terjadinya. For post-paid subscribers, revenues from connection services are recognized as income at the time the connections take place, while usage airtime and monthly subscription charges are recognized when earned. Pendapatan kartu pra bayar, yang terdiri dari penjualan kartu perdana, yang dikenal sebagai kartu Removable User Identification Module (RUIM), dan kartu pulsa isi ulang diakui sebagai berikut: Revenue from pre-paid cards, which consists of sale of starter packs, known as Removable User Identification Module (RUIM) cards and pulse reload vouchers, are recognized as follows: • • Penjualan kartu perdana diakui sebagai pendapatan saat penyerahan kepada agen penjual atau penjualan langsung kepada pelanggan akhir. Penjualan kartu pulsa isi ulang (pra bayar) diakui sebagai pendapatan diterima di muka dan diakui secara proporsional sebagai pendapatan pada saat pemakaian pulsa atau pada saat kartu telah habis masa berlakunya. • Starter pack sales are recognized upon delivery of starter packs to dealers or directly to customers. • Pulse reload vouchers (pre-paid) sales are initially recorded as unearned revenue and then proportionately recognized as usage revenue based on successful calls made by the subscribers or whenever the unused stored value of the voucher has expired. 19 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Pendapatan Interkoneksi Interconnections revenue Pendapatan dari interkoneksi, yang didasarkan pada perjanjian interkoneksi dengan penyelenggara telekomunikasi dalam negeri dan internasional, diakui berdasarkan tarif sebenarnya yang tercatat dan disajikan sebesar pendapatan kotor (gross). Revenues from network interconnection, which are based on agreements with other domestic and international telecommunication carriers are recognized based on the actual recorded traffic and are presented on a gross basis. Pendapatan Lain-lain Other Revenues Pendapatan jasa lainnya diakui pada saat penyerahan jasa tersebut. Revenues from other services are recognized when the services are rendered. Beban Expenses Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya. Expenses are recognized when incurred (accrual basis). r. Imbalan Kerja Perusahaan menerapkan PSAK No. 24 (Revisi 2004), “Imbalan Kerja” (“PSAK 24 Revisi”) untuk menentukan kewajiban imbalan kerja sesuai dengan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13/2003 (“Undangundang”) tanggal 25 Maret 2003. Sesuai PSAK 24 Revisi, beban imbalan kerja berdasarkan Undang-undang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode aktuarial “Projected Unit Credit”. Keuntungan atau kerugian aktuarial diakui sebagai pendapatan atau beban apabila akumulasi keuntungan atau kerugian aktuarial bersih yang belum diakui pada akhir tahun pelaporan sebelumnya melebihi jumlah yang lebih besar diantara 10% dari nilai kini imbalan pasti dan 10% dari nilai wajar aktiva program pada tanggal neraca. Keuntungan atau kerugian diakui atas dasar metode garis lurus selama rata-rata sisa masa kerja karyawan yang diharapkan. Beban jasa lalu yang terjadi ketika memperkenalkan program imbalan pasti atau mengubah imbalan terhutang pada program imbalan pasti yang ada, diamortisasi selama periode sampai imbalan tersebut menjadi hak. r. Employee Benefits The Company adopted PSAK No. 24 (Revised 2004) on “Employee Benefits” (“Revised PSAK 24”) to determine its employee benefits obligation under the Labor Law No. 13/2003 dated March 25, 2003 (“the Law”). Under Revised PSAK 24, the cost of employee benefits based on the Law is determined using the “Projected Unit Credit” actuarial valuation method. Actuarial gains or losses are recognized as income or expense when the net cumulative unrecognized actuarial gains and losses at the end of the previous reporting year exceeded the higher of 10% of the defined benefit obligation and 10% of the fair value of plan assets at that date. These gains or losses are recognized on a straight-line basis method over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees. Past-service cost arising from the introduction of a defined benefit plan or changes in the benefits obligation of an existing plan are required to be amortized over the period until the benefits concerned become vested. 20 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) s. Transaksi dan Saldo dalam Mata Uang Asing SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) s. Foreign Currency Transactions and Balances Transaksi dalam mata uang asing dicatat ke dalam Rupiah berdasarkan kurs pada saat terjadinya transaksi. Pada tanggal neraca, aset dan kewajiban moneter dalam mata uang asing disesuaikan ke dalam Rupiah menggunakan kurs tengah yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia pada tanggal terakhir transaksi perbankan pada tahun tersebut. Laba dan rugi yang timbul dikreditkan atau dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi. Transactions involving foreign currencies other than Rupiah are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing at the time the transactions are made. At balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than Rupiah are adjusted to Rupiah to reflect the middle exchange rate published by Bank Indonesia at the last banking transaction date of the year. The resulting gains or losses are credited or charged to the statements of income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007, kurs yang digunakan masing-masing sebesar Rp9.400, Rp10.950 dan Rp9.419 untuk USD1. As of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, the exchange rates used were Rp9,400, Rp10,950 and Rp9,419 to USD1, respectively. t. Pajak Penghasilan t. Income Taxes Beban pajak kini ditetapkan berdasarkan taksiran laba kena pajak tahun berjalan. Current tax expense is provided based on the estimated taxable income for the year. Aset dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan diakui atas perbedaan temporer antara aset dan kewajiban untuk tujuan komersial dan untuk tujuan perpajakan setiap tanggal pelaporan. Aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk seluruh perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan, sepanjang besar kemungkinan perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi laba fiskal pada masa yang akan datang. Kewajiban pajak tangguhan diakui atas semua perbedaan temporer kena pajak. Manfaat pajak di masa mendatang, seperti saldo rugi fiskal yang belum digunakan, diakui sejauh besar kemungkinan realisasi atas manfaat pajak tersebut. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for temporary differences between the financial and the tax bases of assets and liabilities at each reporting date. Deferred tax asset are recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Future tax benefits, such as the carry-forward of unused tax losses, are also recognized to the extent that realization of such benefits is probable. Aset dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan diukur pada tarif pajak yang diharapkan akan digunakan pada periode ketika aset direalisasi atau ketika kewajiban dilunasi berdasarkan tarif pajak (dan peraturan perpajakan) yang berlaku atau secara substansial telah diberlakukan pada tanggal neraca. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Perubahan terhadap kewajiban perpajakan diakui pada saat Surat Ketetapan Pajak (“SKP”) diterima dan/atau, jika Perusahaan mengajukan keberatan dan/atau banding, pada saat keputusan atas keberatan dan/atau banding tersebut telah ditetapkan. Amendments to tax obligations are recorded when an assessment is received and/or, if objected to and/or appealed against by the Company, when the result of the objection and/or appeal is determined. 21 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING (Lanjutan) u. Laba Per Saham SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) u. Earnings Per Share Laba bersih per saham dasar dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa yang beredar selama tahun yang bersangkutan. Basic earnings per share are computed by dividing net income by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the year. Laba bersih per saham dilusian dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa yang beredar selama periode pelaporan setelah disesuaikan dengan efek yang sifatnya berpotensi dilutif. Diluted earnings per share are computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding as adjusted for the effects of all potential dilution. v. Kontinjensi Kewajiban kontinjensi tidak diakui dalam laporan keuangan, namun diungkapkan kecuali kemungkinan arus keluar sumber daya sangat kecil. Aset kontinjensi tidak diakui dalam laporan keuangan tetapi diungkapkan apabila terdapat kemungkinan besar arus masuk manfaat ekonomis akan diperoleh. w. Informasi Segmen Informasi segmen disajikan menurut ketentuan PSAK No. 5 (revisi) tentang Akuntansi Segmen. Perusahaan melaporkan segmen usaha sebagai bentuk pelaporan primer dan segmen geografis sebagai bentuk pelaporan sekunder. x. Penggunaan Estimasi Penyusunan laporan keuangan berdasarkan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia mengharuskan manajemen untuk membuat estimasi dan asumsi yang mempengaruhi jumlah yang dilaporkan dalam laporan keuangan. Karena adanya ketidakpastian yang melekat dalam penetapan estimasi, maka jumlah sesungguhnya yang akan dilaporkan di masa mendatang mungkin berbeda dari jumlah yang diestimasi tersebut. v. Contingencies Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the financial statements, but are disclosed unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote. Contingent assets are not recognized in the financial statements, but are disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable. w. Segment Information Segment information is presented based on PSAK No. 5 (revised) regarding Segment Accounting. The Company’s primary reporting segment information is based on business segment, while its secondary reporting segment information is based on geographical segment. x. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in Indonesia requires management to make estimations and assumptions that affect amounts reported therein. Due to the inherent uncertainty in making estimates, actual results reported in future periods may be based on amounts that differ from those estimates. 22 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 3. 3. KAS DAN SETARA KAS Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Kas Rupiah Dolar AS Jumlah Kas Kas di bank Rupiah PT Bank Mega Tbk PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia PT Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Deutsche Bank Indonesia Standard Chartered Bank PT Bank Capital PT Bank NISP PT CIMB Niaga Tbk PT Bank Syariah Mandiri PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Ekonomi Sub-jumlah Dolar AS Deutsche Bank Indonesia PT Bank Mega Tbk PT Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia Sub-jumlah Jumlah Kas di Bank Setara kas Deposito bejangka Rupiah PT Bank Capital Deutsche Bank Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Mega Tbk CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2008 2007 1.683.767.750 89.807.600 1.406.713.802 110.660.700 505.802.355 91.552.680 1.773.575.350 1.517.374.502 597.355.035 44.415.383.367 35.542.700.845 4,498,005,620 116.909.537.941 48.528.582.067 5.341.705.262 765.243.905 12.899.141.825 17.346.602.174 2.360.549.058 2.085.622.043 4.491.900.038 2.085.712.043 6.006.970.099 10.531.307 1.779.911.332 3.394.746.551 2.152.713.999 1.342.852.402 564.541.826 1.300.838.570 1.197.329.701 623.937.667 251.879.736 229.366.493 148.680.176 143.818.318 40.325.567.018 587.390.423 186.228.346 89.731.240 121.854.987 568.342.207 8.470.951 131.558.268 57.785.948 247.788.130 27.435.937 26.867.933 26.139.635 4.962.726 4.150.140 4.165.844 63.236.808 96.019.304.005 224.511.331.098 42.094.353.874 Cash on hand Rupiah US Dollar Total Cash on Hand Cash in banks Rupiah PT Bank Mega Tbk PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia PT Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Deutsche Bank Indonesia Standard Chartered Bank PT Bank Capital PT Bank NISP PT CIMB Niaga Tbk PT Bank Syariah Mandiri PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Ekonomi Sub-total 228.057.340.950 47.056.660.756 194.468.097.749 - 535.262.273 - 1.236.729.110 80.988.390 69.155.428 1.204.903.468 1.025.474.179 17.569.449 698.318.198 526.136.048 95.915.626 814.822.351 443.750.282 356.688.475 701.878.449 468.825.357 231.242.855 US Dollar Deutsche Bank Indonesia PT Bank Mega Tbk PT Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia 278.876.004.156 197.189.821.426 2.023.933.811 Sub-total 374.895.308.161 421.701.152.524 Total Cash in Banks Cash equivalents Time deposits Rupiah PT Bank Capital Deutsche Bank Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Mega Tbk 250.301.388.889 74.400.000.000 849.235.483 - 846.448.716 - 6.693.877.000 23 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 3. 3. KAS DAN SETARA KAS (Lanjutan) 2009 Dolar AS PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia Deutsche Bank Indonesia Jumlah Setara Kas Jumlah 2008 13.453.201.667 - 15.658.500.000 1.916.250.000 - 25.596.132.500 5.557.210.000 339.003.826.039 78.421.198.716 250.947.219.500 Total Cash Equivalents 715.672.709.550 501.639.725.742 295.662.862.220 2009 4. 2007 US Dollar PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank DBS Indonesia Deutsche Bank Indonesia Kisaran tingkat bunga tahunan deposito berjangka adalah sebagai berikut: Tingkat bunga tahunan: Rupiah Dolar AS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (Continued) 3,5% - 10% 2,67% - 5,00% INVESTASI JANGKA PENDEK Total The annual interest rates of time deposits were as follow: 2008 2007 3,50% - 13,50% 1% - 5,20% 4. Akun ini terdiri dari: 7,75% - 9,50% 4,20% - 5,20% Interest rates per annum: Rupiah US dollar SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS This account consists of: 2009 2008 2007 Efek tersedia untuk dijual PT Recapital Asset Management PT Asia Kapitalindo Securities PT Samuel Asset Management PT Danatama Makmur 508.769.706.571 46.466.215.642 - 630.504.781.413 420.086.301.370 32.431.516.444 Sub-jumlah 555.235.922.213 Available-for-sale securities 52.931.567.865 PT Recapital Asset Management PT Asia Kapitalindo Securities - PT Samuel Asset Management PT Danatama Makmur 52.931.567.865 Sub-total Deposito bejangka PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Deutsche Bank Indonesia 2.562.146.595 - - Time deposits PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Deutsche Bank Indonesia Sub-jumlah 2.562.146.595 - Sub-total 557.798.068.808 100.026.567.865 Total Jumlah a. Penempatan pada PT Recapital Asset Management, PT Asia Kapitalindo Securities, PT Samuel Asset Management dan PT Danatama Makmur, sebagai manajer investasi, merupakan penempatan dalam efek yang tersedia untuk dijual. a. Investments at PT Recapital Asset Management, PT Asia Kapitalindo Securities, PT Samuel Asset Management dan PT Danatama Makmur, investment managers, represent investment in availablefor-sale securities. b. Investasi jangka pendek di PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk merupakan deposito berjangka dengan jangka waktu lima (5) bulan dalam Rupiah dengan tingkat bunga 7,0% per tahun. b. The short-term investment in PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk represents time deposits with a term of five (5) months in Rupiah with an interest rate of 7.0% per annum. c. Investasi jangka pendek di Deutsche Bank Indonesia merupakan deposito berjangka dengan jangka waktu enam (6) bulan dalam Dolar AS dengan tingkat bunga 4% per tahun. c. The short-term investment in Deutsche Bank Indonesia represents time deposits with a term of six (6) months in US dollar with an interest rate of 4% per annum. 24 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 4. 4. INVESTASI JANGKA PENDEK (Lanjutan) Mutasi laba (rugi) yang belum terealisasi sebagai berikut: 2009 Saldo awal tahun Laba (rugi) yang belum terealisasi tahun berjalan Saldo akhir tahun 5. 5.950.137.230 Movements in unrealized investments are as follows: 2008 2007 612.896.738 743.210.928 (130.314.190 ) 2.514.674.254 5.950.137.230 612.896.738 Ending balance of the year 5. 2008 65.839.700.499 81.527.328.706 82.041.340.203 58.238.421.633 Usage service Connection service 115.193.860.748 147.367.029.205 140.279.761.836 (20.724.887.463 ) (26.396.142.509 ) ( ) Total Less allowance for doubtful accounts 120.970.886.696 102.985.581.076 94.468.973.285 2008 2007 77.688.339.860 12.814.025.226 9.537.422.815 80.728.118.703 19.906.915.859 12.185.919.024 34.546.075.619 102.565.848.030 3.447.404.604 10.374.701.946 23.891.807.256 Up to 30 days Over 30 days - 60 days Over 60 days - 90 days Over 90 days 115.193.860.748 147.367.029.205 140.279.761.836 Total 2009 Saldo akhir tahun Net The aging schedule of trade receivables was as follows: Mutasi penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu atas piutang usaha adalah sebagai berikut: Saldo awal tahun Penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu Penghapusan piutang ragu-ragu 2007 52.462.914.270 62.730.946.478 2009 Jumlah TRADE RECEIVABLES This account consists of: Analisis umur piutang usaha adalah sebagai berikut: Sampai dengan 30 hari Lebih dari 30 hari - 60 hari Lebih dari 60 hari - 90 hari Lebih dari 90 hari on 5.337.240.492 2009 Bersih (loss) (3.435.462.976 ) Akun ini terdiri dari: Jumlah Dikurangi penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu gain Beginning balance of the year Unrealized gain (loss) during the year PIUTANG USAHA Jasa pemakaian Jasa penyambungan SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (Continued) Movements in the allowance for doubtful accounts of trade receivables were as follows: 2008 2007 26.396.142.509 10.604.128.332 (16.275.383.378 ) 12.490.675.694 (23.388.713.945 ) 55.204.782.526 17.384.783.050 (35.295.384.816 ) Beginning balance of the year Provisions during the year Written-off allowance 20.724.887.463 26.396.142.509 Ending balance of the year Piutang usaha pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp94.468.973.285, Rp120.970.886.696 dan Rp102.985.581.076 digunakan sebagai jaminan atas pinjaman jangka panjang dari Credit Suisse (Catatan 19). The outstanding trade receivables as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 were used as collateral for a long-term loan from Credit Suisse amounting to Rp94,468,973,285, Rp120,970,886,696 and Rp102,985,581,076, respectively (Note 19). 25 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 5. 5. 6. PIUTANG USAHA (Lanjutan) TRADE RECEIVABLES (Continued) Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi No. 485/SK-Dir/FINANCE/XII/2009, tertanggal 2 Desember 2009, Perusahaan telah melakukan penghapusan piutang usaha atas tagihan pulsa dan biaya pemasangan/instalasi perangkat telekomunikasi telepon Ratelindo, Esia dan Wifone untuk tahun 2007 sebesar Rp16.275.383.378. Based on Decision Letter of Directors No. 485/SK-Dir/FINANCE/XII/2009, dated December 2, 2009, the Company has written-off receivables from pulse usage and installation expense of telecommunication equipment with trade mark Ratelindo, Esia and Wifone amounting to Rp16,275,383,378. Berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan No. 36/ PEND/HKM/PH/2008 PN JAK SEL pada tanggal 19 Desember 2008, Perusahaan telah melakukan penghapusan piutang usaha atas pemakaian pulsa dan jasa penyambungan untuk peralatan telekomunikasi dengan merek Ratelindo, Esia dan Wifone sebesar Rp23.388.713.945. Based on jurisdiction decision No. 36/PEND/ HKM/PH/2008 PN JAK SEL dated December 19, 2008, the Company has written-off receivables from pulse usage and installation expense of telecommunication equipment with trade mark Ratelindo, Esia and Wifone amounting to Rp23,388,713,945. Berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan No. 149/ PEND/HKM/PH/2007 PN JAK SEL pada tanggal 27 Desember 2007, Perusahaan telah melakukan penghapusan piutang usaha atas pemakaian pulsa dan jasa penyambungan untuk peralatan telekomunikasi dengan merek Esia sebesar Rp35.295.384.816. Based on jurisdiction decision No. 149/PEND/ HKM/PH/2007 PN JAK SEL dated December 27, 2007, the Company has written-off receivables from pulse usage and installation expense of telecommunication equipment with trade mark Esia amounting to Rp35,295,384,816. Seluruh saldo piutang usaha pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah piutang kepada pihak ketiga dalam mata uang rupiah. The outstanding trade receivables as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 are all receivables to third party and denominated in rupiah. Berdasarkan hasil penelaahan terhadap status akun piutang masing-masing pelanggan, manajemen Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan kerugian atas tidak tertagihnya piutang usaha. Based on the results of the examination of each receivable, the Company’s management believes that allowance for doubtful accounts as of Desember 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was adequate to cover the possibilities of losses on trade receivables. PERSEDIAAN 6. Akun ini terdiri dari: INVENTORIES This account consists of: 2009 2008 2007 Pulsa isi ulang dan kartu perdana Perangkat telekomunikasi 27.403.327.289 259.735.178 32.544.514.456 3.213.462.934 15.803.828.662 2.623.089.281 Voucher and starter pack Telecommunication equipment Jumlah 27.663.062.467 35.757.977.390 18.426.917.943 Total Persediaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp27.663.062.467, Rp35.757.977.390 dan Rp18.426.917.943 digunakan sebagai jaminan atas pinjaman bank jangka panjang dari Credit Suisse (Catatan 19). The outstanding inventories as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 amounting to Rp27,663,062,467, Rp35,757,977,390 and Rp18,426,917,943, respectively, were used as collateral for a long-term loan from Credit Suisse (Note 19). 26 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 6. 6. PERSEDIAAN (Lanjutan) Persediaan diasuransikan kepada beberapa perusahaan asuransi dalam satu paket dengan aset tetap (Catatan 10). Seluruh persediaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 dijadikan jaminan atas pinjaman Perusahaan (Catatan 19). 7. UANG MUKA Inventories and fixed assets were insured in one blanket policy with various insurance companies (Note 10). All of the outstanding inventories as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 were used as collateral for the Company’s loans (Note 19). 7. Akun ini terdiri dari: 2008 2007 Operasional departemen Sewa dan pembelian 12.823.925.283 4.928.689.310 17.756.978.758 4.928.689.310 18.350.638.253 30.604.518.501 Department operation Rent and purchases Jumlah 17.752.614.593 22.685.668.068 48.955.156.754 Total Uang muka operasional departemen merupakan uang muka yang belum dipertanggungjawabkan oleh departemen yang bersangkutan. Sedangkan uang muka sewa dan pembelian uang muka untuk sewa lahan Base Transceiver Stations (BTS). BIAYA DIBAYAR DI MUKA Department operation represents advances that are not yet liquidated by related departments, while advances for rent and purchases consists of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS). 8. Akun ini terdiri dari: Lisensi Sewa ruangan dan lahan BTS Iklan dan promosi Biaya provisi bank Gerai Lain-lain Jumlah 2008 135.496.167.147 178.639.336.011 6.326.052.281 3.663.788.509 150.842.808.384 35.661.403.956 7.949.735.949 7.560.079.734 4.588.496.557 License Building and BTS area rental Advertising and promotion Bank provision fee Outlets Others 114.655.247.894 334.291.480.640 206.602.524.580 Total 9. Akun ini terdiri dari: ADVANCES FOR PURCHASE OF FIXED ASSETS This account consists of: 2009 Jumlah 2007 63.921.306.102 17.182.934.650 13.303.865.427 13.780.970.397 4.277.498.655 2.188.672.663 UANG MUKA PEMBELIAN ASET TETAP Pihak Ketiga Huawei Tech Investment Co. Ltd. Hong Kong Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapura PT Lumbung Dwipratama Lain-lain PREPAID EXPENSES This account consists of: 2009 9. ADVANCES This account consists of: 2009 8. INVENTORIES (Continued) 2008 130.375.142.795 242.765.574.588 8.939.154.344 2.722.535.248 67.497.803.987 9.104.802.146 327.378.215.300 2007 Third Parties Huawei Tech Investment Co. Ltd. 120.367.401.863 Hong Kong Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore 2.657.251.191 PT Lumbung Dwipratama Others 123.024.653.054 Total 27 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 9. 9. UANG MUKA PEMBELIAN ASET TETAP (Lanjutan) Uang muka pembelian aset tetap merupakan uang muka untuk pembelian peralatan dan fasilitas telekomunikasi. 10. ASET TETAP ADVANCES FOR PURCHASE OF FIXED ASSETS (Continued) Advances for fixed assets are intended for the puchase of telecommunication equipment and facilities. 10. FIXED ASSETS Rincian atas akun ini adalah sebagai berikut: The details of this account were as follows: 2009 Saldo Awal 1 Januari / Beginning balance January 1, Harga Perolehan Pemilikan langsung Hak atas tanah Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor Penambahan / Additions Pengurangan / Deductions - Indirect ownership Leased assets Telecommunication equipment and 3.151.339.703.374 facilities 11.164.935.500 33.761.373.062 4.756.692.782.937 354.777.193.452 (12.632.229.792 ) 2.092.962.835.081 6.939.167.467.494 11.160.858.180 (239.357.817.876 ) 364.316.892.594 490.897.126.350 5.040.400.000 - 415.000.000 14.549.515.391 100.369.579.674 8.321.267.933 - 25.311.421.508 1.907.506.377.764 Pemilikan tidak langsung Aset sewaan Peralatan dan fasilitas telekomunikasi Sub-total 2.255.728.500 9.305.711.137 1.467.931.993.132 Sub-jumlah 8.504.413.468.988 (2.132.729.829 ) (190.360.000 ) 6.724.553.623.340 Akumulasi Penyusutan Pemilikan langsung Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor - - Sub-jumlah Jumlah Harga Perolehan 880.870.782.076 Acquisition costs Direct ownership Land rights Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures Construction-inprogress 11.041.936.829 24.646.021.925 Aset dalam penyelesaian Pemilikan tidak langsung Aset sewaan Peralatan dan fasilitas telekomunikasi Saldo Akhir 31 Desember / Ending balance December 31, Reklasifikasi / Reclassification - 3.151.339.703.374 6.724.553.623.340 5.185.512.686.519 (254.313.137.497 ) (254.313.137.497 ) (2.494.567.588.820 ) - 11.655.753.172.362 Total Acquisition Cost 3.630.773.134 1.501.400.772 (125.281.152 ) - 5.006.892.754 1.285.395.803.965 664.414.226.814 (2.324.500.237 ) - 1.947.485.530.542 80.454.677.752 48.466.165.768 (56.970.988.903 ) - 71.949.854.617 3.847.027.440 1.893.976.083 - - 5.741.003.523 47.944.094.401 - - 65.955.228.660 Accumulated Depreciation Direct ownership Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures 1.421.272.376.692 734.286.903.696 - Sub-total - 244.936.404.332 Jumlah Akumulasi Penyusutan 1.421.272.376.692 979.223.308.028 Nilai Buku 5.303.281.246.648 (59.420.770.292 ) (59.420.770.292 ) - Indirect ownership Leased Assets Telecommunication equipment and 244.936.404.332 facilities 2.341.074.914.428 Total Accumulated Depreciation 9.314.678.257.934 Net Book Value 28 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 10. ASET TETAP (Lanjutan) 10. FIXED ASSETS (Continued) 2008 Saldo Awal 1 Januari / Beginning balance January 1, Harga Perolehan Pemilikan langsung Hak atas tanah Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor Aset dalam penyelesaian Jumlah Harga Perolehan Akumulasi Penyusutan Pemilikan langsung Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor Jumlah Akumulasi Penyusutan Nilai Buku Penambahan / Additions Pengurangan / Deductions Saldo Akhir 31 Desember / Ending balance December 31, Reklasifikasi / Reclassification 1.467.931.993.132 Acquisition costs Direct ownership Land rights Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures Construction-in progress 6.724.553.623.340 Total Acquisition Cost 7.334.257.329 - - 3.707.679.500 12.383.900.862 11.041.936.829 24.646.021.925 2.913.353.384.780 94.423.188.172 - 1.748.916.209.985 4.756.692.782.937 205.505.876.174 15.881.343.604 - 133.389.973.674 354.777.193.452 4.430.515.391 4.663.600.000 - - 59.390.902.318 16.906.429.949 - 100.369.579.674 1.093.836.407.207 2.296.565.597.353 - 2.428.440.159.078 - (1.922.470.011.428 ) - 2.713.951.541 916.821.593 - - 3.630.773.134 889.516.307.539 395.879.496.426 - - 1.285.395.803.965 55.688.693.094 24.765.984.658 - - 80.454.677.752 635.812.294 - - 3.847.027.440 37.781.224.610 10.162.869.791 - - 47.944.094.401 Accumulated Depreciation Direct ownership Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures 988.911.391.930 432.360.984.762 - - 1.421.272.376.692 Total Accumulated Depreciation 5.303.281.246.648 Net Book Value 3.307.202.072.332 2007 Saldo Awal 1 Januari / Beginning balance January 1, Harga Perolehan Hak atas tanah Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor Aset dalam penyelesaian Jumlah Harga Perolehan Akumulasi Penyusutan Bangunan Peralatan telekomunikasi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Peralatan pengangkutan Peralatan dan perabot kantor Jumlah Akumulasi Penyusutan Nilai Buku Penambahan / Additions Pengurangan / Deductions Saldo Akhir 31 Desember / Ending balance December 31, Reklasifikasi / Reclassification 4.031.706.300 398.809.091 - 80.427.486.214 6.487.047.469 - (27.523.631.365 ) 59.390.902.318 465.431.027.415 1.787.410.196.951 - ( ) 1.093.836.407.207 Acquisition costs Land rights Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures Construction-in progress 2.326.924.717.155 1.969.188.747.107 - - Total Acquisition Cost 2.277.552.803 436.398.738 - - 2.713.951.541 665.257.945.829 202.241.877.170 - 22.016.484.540 889.516.307.539 9.497.129.310 - (12.872.569.287 ) 55.688.693.094 3.517.257.329 7.731.364.863 3.817.000.000 - - 4.530.756.200 7.334.257.329 1.606.074.999.186 - 2.913.353.384.780 159.710.875.848 33.892.513.656 - 11.902.486.670 205.505.876.174 2.900.565.467 310.649.679 - 3.754.054.710 - 772.671.282.323 - 1.554.253.434.832 - (9.143.915.253 ) - 4.430.515.391 37.781.224.610 Accumulated Depreciation Building Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication facilities Transportation equipment Office equipment and fixtures 988.911.391.930 Total Accumulated Depreciation 3.307.202.072.332 Net Book Value 29 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 10. ASET TETAP (Lanjutan) 10. FIXED ASSETS (Continued) Aset tetap pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 digunakan sebagai jaminan pinjaman yang diperoleh dari Credit Suisse dan hutang obligasi (Catatan 14, 19 dan 21). As of December 31, 2009 2008 and 2007, fixed assets are used as collateral for loans from Credit Suisse and bonds payable (Notes 14, 19 and 21). Beban penyusutan yang dibebankan ke beban usaha untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggaltanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007, masing-masing sebesar Rp979.223.308.028, Rp432.360.984.762 dan Rp216.240.109.607. Depreciation expense charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, amounted to Rp979,223,308,028, Rp432,360,984,762 and Rp216,240,109,607, respectively. Pada tanggal 14 Mei 2009, Perusahaan menandatangani perjanjian jual beli dengan PT Solusi Tunas Pratama (STP) untuk penjualan 543 menara BTS dan fasilitas pendukungnya (Catatan 41). On May 14, 2009, the Company and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama (STP) signed a sale and purchase agreement for 543 telecommunication towers and its supporting facilities (Note 41). Kapitalisasi beban pinjaman bank dan hutang obligasi yang terjadi pada tahun 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp38.401.066.044 dan Rp82.782.442.146 (nihil pada tahun 2009). Total capitalize borrowing cost of bank loan and bonds payable in 2008 and 2007 amounted to Rp38,401,066,044 and Rp82,782,442,146, respectively (nil in 2009). Aset dalam penyelesaian pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 merupakan peralatan telekomunikasi dan fasilitas yang sedang dipasang dengan persentase penyelesaian sebagai berikut: Construction-in-progress as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 represents telecommunication equipment and facilities that were being installed with the following percentage of completion: 2009 Deskripsi Peralatan telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Timur Jawa Barat Sumatera Jawa Tengah Kalimantan & Sulawesi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Timur Jawa Barat Sumatera Jawa Tengah Kalimantan & Sulawesi Penyelesaian / Completion % Nilai Tercatat / Book Value 88% Estimasi Penyelesaian / Estimated Completion Maret / March 2010 177.957.505.816 53.616.542.477 52.627.331.229 42.696.288.697 28.582.085.064 22.705.775.046 Telecommunication equipment Jabodetabek East Java West Java Sumatera Central Java Kalimantan & Sulawesi Telecommunication facilities Jabodetabek East Java West Java Sumatera Central Java Kalimantan & Sulawesi 880.870.782.076 Total 242.085.434.447 71.591.661.430 52.150.822.335 38.881.678.190 27.772.627.279 88% Jumlah Description Maret / March 2010 2008 Deskripsi Peralatan telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Timur Jawa Barat Sumatera Jawa Tengah Kalimantan & Sulawesi Penyelesaian / Completion % Nilai Tercatat / Book Value 73% Estimasi Penyelesaian / Estimated Completion Juni / June 2009 465.853.887.768 130.152.668.463 126.361.814.042 103.195.481.468 68.235.379.583 Description Telecommunication equipment Jabodetabek East Java West Java Sumatera Central Java Kalimantan & Sulawesi 30 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 10. ASET TETAP (Lanjutan) 10. FIXED ASSETS (Continued) 2008 Deskripsi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Timur Jawa Barat Sumatera Jawa Tengah Kalimantan & Sulawesi Penyelesaian / Completion % Nilai Tercatat / Book Value 73% Jumlah Estimasi Penyelesaian / Estimated Completion Juni / June 2009 Description 62.889.007.325 51.138.692.799 49.649.216.310 40.546.859.986 26.810.576.806 Telecommunication facilities Jabodetabek East Java West Java Sumatera Central Java Kalimantan & Sulawesi 1.467.931.993.132 Total 2007 Deskripsi Peralatan telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah Jawa Timur Sumatera Kalimantan & Sulawesi Fasilitas telekomunikasi Jabodetabek Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah Jawa Timur Sumatera Kalimantan & Sulawesi Jumlah Penyelesaian / Completion % Nilai Tercatat / Book Value 89% Estimasi Penyelesaian / Estimated Completion Juni / June 2008 Description 81.575.898.833 77.047.830.331 32.925.913.952 32.925.913.952 32.925.913.952 472.108.987 Telecommunication equipment Jabodetabek West Java Central Java East Java Sumatera Kalimantan & Sulawesi Telecommunication facilities Jabodetabek West Java Central Java East Java Sumatera Kalimantan & Sulawesi 1.093.836.407.207 Total 264.449.033.581 249.770.147.341 106.737.728.288 106.737.728.288 106.737.728.288 1.530.461.414 89% Juni / June 2008 Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa tidak ada hambatan berarti yang dapat mengganggu penyelesaian atas aset-aset tersebut. The management believes that there are no hindrances to the completion of the above noted assets. Aset tetap diasuransikan dalam satu paket dengan persediaan terhadap risiko fisik, alam dan risiko usaha lainnya berdasarkan suatu paket polis tertentu kepada beberapa perusahaan asuransi (Catatan 6), dengan nilai pertanggungan masing-masing sebesar USD650.000.000 dan Rp4.740.500.000 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, USD534.279.957 dan Rp3.890.500.000 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan USD329.903.530 dan Rp1.627.000.000 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007. Fixed assets as well as inventories are insured against risk of physical, natural and other business risks based on certain blanket policies with various insurance companies (Note 6) with total sum insured of USD650,000,000 and Rp4,740,500,000 as of December 31, 2009 and USD534,279,957 and Rp3,890,500,000 as of December 31, 2008 and USD329,903,530 and Rp1,627,000,000 as of December 31, 2007. Manajemen Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa nilai pertanggungan tersebut adalah cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan kerugian atas aset yang dipertanggungkan. The Company’s management believes that this sum insured is adequate to cover the possibilities of loss on insured assets. Berdasarkan evaluasi manajemen, tidak terdapat kejadian-kejadian atau perubahan-perubahan keadaan yang mengindikasikan adanya penurunan nilai aset Perusahaan. Based on the evaluation of the management, there are no events or changes in circumstances that indicate an impairment in the value of the Company’s assets. 31 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 11. BEBAN DITANGGUHKAN 11. DEFERRED CHARGES Akun ini merupakan biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam pengembangan proyek telekomunikasi CDMA 2000 1X, pengembangan merek Esia dan Wifone. Beban ditangguhkan dari pengembangan merek dan penjualan serta pengembangan teknologi adalah sebesar Rp10.318.245.034 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 (nihil pada tahun 2009 dan 2008). This account represents expenses for the development of telecommunication CDMA 2000 1X project, Esia and Wifone brand. Deferred charges from brand development and selling and technology development amounted to Rp10,318,245,034 as of December 31, 2007 (nil in 2009 and 2008). Amortisasi beban ditangguhkan masingmasing sebesar Rp10.318.245.034 dan Rp10.824.415.219 untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007 dicatat sebagai bagian dari “Beban Operasional Lainnya” dalam laporan laba rugi. Amortization of deferred charges amounted to Rp10,318,245,034 and Rp10,824,415,219 for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, and were recorded as part of “Other Operating Expense” account in statements of income. 12. ASET DERIVATIF 12. DERIVATIVE ASSETS Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Jumlah yang Dilindung Nilai/ Hedged Amount (USD) Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap Jumlah Nilai Wajar/ Fair Value (Rp) 48.414.042 52.150.758 38.310.400 25.756.562.894 32.405.509.463 11.816.430.965 Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap 138.875.200 69.978.503.322 Total 2008 Jumlah yang Dilindung Nilai/ Hedged Amount (USD) Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap Jumlah Nilai Wajar/ Fair Value (Rp) 50.549.243 54.450.757 40.000.000 178.755.293.182 207.497.556.124 137.486.222.381 Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap 145.000.000 523.739.071.687 Total 2007 Jumlah yang Dilindung Nilai/ Hedged Amount (USD) Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap Jumlah Nilai Wajar/ Fair Value (Rp) 50.549.243 54.450.757 40.000.000 82.785.077.330 94.707.036.758 71.729.648.328 Amortization Swap Call Option Swap Collar Swap 145.000.000 249.221.762.416 Total 32 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 12. ASET DERIVATIF (Lanjutan) 12. DERIVATIVE ASSETS (Continued) Berikut ini adalah rincian kontrak Swap: The following are the details of the swap contracts: a. Amortization Swap a. Amortization Swap Pada tanggal 28 Juni 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani kontrak amortisasi swap dengan Credit Suisse dengan jumlah nosional sebesar USD50.549.243 dan kurs Rp9.062/USD. Berdasarkan kontrak amortisasi swap, Perusahaan menyetujui untuk membayar sesuai dengan IDR Amortization Notional Schedule setiap tiga (3) bulan pada tanggal 2 Juli, 2 Oktober, 2 Januari dan 2 April setiap tahun, dimulai pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009 sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012. Berdasarkan kontrak tersebut, Perusahaan akan melakukan pembayaran bunga setiap tiga (3) bulan yang dimulai pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2007 dan berakhir pada tanggal penyelesaian dengan tingkat bunga 3,35 % per tahun, yang dapat disesuaikan dengan hari kerja. b. Call Option Swap On June 28, 2007, the Company entered into an amortization swap contract with Credit Suisse with the notional amount of USD50,549,243 at initial foreign exchange rate of Rp9,062/USD. Based on the contract, the Company agreed to pay using the IDR Amortization Notional schedule in quarterly intervals, every July 2, October 2, January 2 and April 2 in each year, commencing on October 2, 2009 until the termination date of July 2, 2012. The contract provided for the Company to make quarterly interest payments commencing on October 2, 2007 and ending on the termination date at 3.35% per annum, subject to adjustment in accordance with the business day convention. b. Call Option Swap Pada tanggal 19 Juli 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani ”Call Option Swap” dengan Credit Suisse dengan jumlah nosional sebesar USD39.450.757. Berdasarkan kontrak call option swap, Perusahaan dapat menggunakan call option swap pada tanggal yang tertera di skedul nosional (tanggal pelaksanaan). Jika kurs sesuai dengan “Reference Foreign Exchange Rate’’ (RFER) sama dengan atau lebih besar dari Rp9.100/USD (strike rate); Credit Suisee akan membayar “Reference Currency Option Amount” (amortisasi USD) dan Perusahaan membayar “IDR Option Amount” (Reference Currency Option Amount x Stike Rate); jika RFER lebih rendah daripada strike rate, tidak ada pembayaran untuk kedua belah pihak. On July 19, 2007, the Company entered into a call option swap with Credit Suisse with the notional amount of USD39,450,757. Based on the contract, the Company may exercise the call option swap at the dates listed in the notional schedule (exercise date). If the exchange rate on the “Reference Foreign Exchange Rate” (RFER) is equal or greater than Rp9,100/USD (strike rate); Credit Suisse pays the “Reference Currency Option Amount” (USD amortization) and the Company pays the “IDR Option Amount” (Reference Currency Option Amount x Strike Rate); if the RFER is lower than the strike rate, no payment is required by either party. Berdasarkan kontrak, pembayaran bunga dilakukan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan dimulai pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2007 dan berakhir pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012 dengan tingkat bunga 3,75% per tahun. The contract provided for the making of quarterly interest payments commencing on October 2, 2007 and ending on the termination date of July 2, 2012 at 3.75% per annum. 33 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 12. ASET DERIVATIF (Lanjutan) 12. DERIVATIVE ASSETS (Continued) Pada tanggal 11 Desember 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani “Call Option Swap” dengan Credit Suisse dengan nilai nosional sebesar USD15.000.000. Dalam kontrak tersebut dinyatakan bahwa pembayaran bunga dilakukan setiap tiga (3) bulan dimulai pada tanggal 2 Januari 2008 dan berakhir pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012 dengan tingkat bunga 4,70% per tahun, yang akan disesuaikan dengan hari kerja. c. Collar Swap On December 11, 2007, the Company entered into Call Option Swap with Credit Suisse with the notional amount of USD15,000,000. The contract provided for the making of quarterly interest payments commencing on January 2, 2008 and ending on the termination date of July 2, 2012 at 4.70% per annum, subject to adjustment in accordance with the business day convention. c. Collar Swap Pada tanggal 19 September 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani “Collar Swap” dengan Credit Suisse dengan jumlah nosional USD40.000.000. Berdasarkan kontrak tersebut, Perusahaan menggunakan collar swap pada tanggal yang tertera di skedul nosional (tanggal pelaksanaan). Jika “Reference Foreign Exchange Rate” (RFER) sama dengan atau lebih besar dari Rp9.200/USD (strike rate) atau jika RFER sama dengan atau lebih kecil dari Rp9.000/USD (strike rate); Credit Suisse akan membayar “Reference Currency Option Amount” (amortisasi USD) dan Perusahaan membayar “IDR Option Amount” (Reference Currency Option Amount x Strike Rate). On September 19, 2007, the Company entered into a collar swap contract with Credit Suisse with the notional amount of USD40,000,000. Based on the contract, the Company may exercise the collar swap at the dates listed in the Notional schedule (exercise date). If the “Reference Foreign Exchange Rate” (RFER) is equal to or greater than Rp9,200/USD (strike rate) or if the “Reference Foreign Exchange Rate” (RFER) is equal to or less than Rp9,000/USD (strike rate); Credit Suisse pays the “Reference Currency Option Amount” (USD amortization) and the Company pays the “IDR Option Amount” (Reference Currency Option Amount x Strike Rate). Berdasarkan kontrak, pembayaran bunga dilakukan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan dimulai pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2007 dan berakhir pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012 dengan tingkat bunga 4,10% per tahun. The contract provided for the making of quarterly interest payments commencing on October 2, 2007 and ending on the termination date of July 2, 2012 at 4.10% per annum. Nilai wajar instrumen lindung nilai yang belum mempengaruhi laba rugi disajikan pada cadangan lindung nilai di bagian ekuitas. Kontrak amortization swap, call option swap dan collar swap Perusahaan memenuhi kriteria dan dinilai sangat efektif sebagai lindung nilai arus kas untuk pokok pinjaman jangka panjang dari Credit Suisse, sehingga laba yang belum terealisasi masing-masing sebesar Rp41.849.654.706, Rp269.599.531.383 dan Rp217.077.222.113 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 dicatat sebagai bagian dari ekuitas. The fair value of the hedging instrument. which has not yet affected the profit and loss is presented under hedging reserve in the equity section. The Company’s amortization swap, call option swap and collar swap contracts are designated and assessed to be highly effective as cash flow hedge for longterm loan principal from Credit Suisse, thus the net unrealized gain of Rp41,849,654,706, Rp269,599,531,383 and 217,077,222,113, as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, were included as part of equity. 34 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 13. KAS YANG DIBATASI PENGGUNAANNYA 13. RESTRICTED CASH IN BANK Kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya yaitu saldo bank di Credit Suisse yang dibentuk sehubungan dengan fasililitas kredit yang diperoleh Perusahaan. Akun ini akan digunakan untuk membayar angsuran pokok pinjaman termasuk bunga untuk jatuh tempo kurang atau lebih dalam satu tahun (Catatan 14 dan 19). Jumlah kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp 39.745.869.788, Rp31.856.593.772 dan Rp27.402.489.199. 14. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PENDEK Restricted cash in bank pertains to balance of bank accounts in Credit Suisse that are required to be made available for the purposes of the credit facilities obtained by the Company. This account will be used for principal installments including interest for current maturity (Notes 14 and 19). The total outstanding balance of restricted cash in bank as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 amounted to Rp39,745,869,788, Rp31,856,593,772 and Rp27,402,489,199, respectively. 14. SHORT-TERM BANK LOAN Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Credit Suisse AG, Singapore Branch 2008 2007 - - Credit Suisse AG, Singapore Branch Perjanjian Pinjaman dengan Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Facility Agreement Pada tanggal 16 Desember 2009, Perusahaan menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman dengan Credit Suisse AG, cabang Singapura (Credit Suisse) dengan jumlah pinjaman sebesar USD25.000.000 untuk jangka waktu dua belas (12) bulan sejak tanggal penarikan pinjaman. Pinjaman ini dikenakan bunga 9% p.a. ditambah LIBOR untuk bulan Januari sampai dengan Juni 2010 dan 11% p.a. untuk bulan Juli sampai dengan Desember 2010. On December 16, 2009, the Company entered into a loan agreement by Credit Suisse, Singapore branch (Credit Suisse) with an aggregate amount equal to USD25,000,000 payable in twelve (12) months. This loan is subject to interest of 9% p.a. plus LIBOR for January up to June 2010 and 11% p.a. for July up to December 2010. Pinjaman tersebut hanya digunakan untuk hal-hal sebagai berikut: The loan proceeds may only be used for the following: 1. Membayar jasa dan biaya-biaya sehubungan dengan fasilitas kredit; 1. Payment of any fees and expenses under or in connection with the credit facility; 2. Mendanai Debt Service Accrual Account (DSAA) sampai dengan jumlah yang sama dengan jumlah Debt Service Accrual Required Amount (DSARA) tersebut; 2. Funding of the Debt Service Accrual Account (DSAA) up to an amount equal to the Debt Service Accrual Required Amount (DSARA) amount; 3. Mendanai pengeluaran modal Perusahaan. 3. Funding capital Company. expenditures of the Sesuai dengan perjanjian pinjaman, Perusahaan diwajibkan untuk memenuhi batasan-batasan tertentu, antara lain batasan rasio keuangan. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, manajemen Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa seluruh batasan telah dipenuhi. In accordance with loan agreement, the Company is required to comply with certain covenants, such as financial rasio covenants. As of December 31, 2009, the Company’s management believes that all covenants of the loan are fully complied with. Aset tetap Perusahaan digunakan jaminan untuk fasilitas pinjaman ini. Fixed asset of the Company’s used as collateral for the credit facility. sebagai 35 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 15. HUTANG USAHA 15. TRADE PAYABLES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Pihak ketiga Mata uang asing PT Huawei Tech. Investment (Catatan 39a) Huawei International Pte. Ltd. Huawei Tech. Investment Co. Ltd. PT Nortel Networks Indonesia Nortel Networks (NTT) PT NEC Indonesia PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia PT Packet Systems Indonesia Telesoft Neutek Pvt. Ltd. PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya PT Datacraft Indonesia Redknee (Ireland) Limited ONmobile Global Ltd PT Media Intertel Graha PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering PT Berca Hardaya Perkasa White & Case PC Ceragon Network Inc. (Catatan 39k) PT Wahana Cipta Sinatria Terrabit Networks Pte. Ltd. PT Sisindokom Lintas Buana Fresnel Microwave Systems Ltd. Intervoice Ltd PT Dwinet Utama PT Emerson Indonesia PT Subur Sakti Putera PT Dwiwarna Metalindo PT Altrak 1978 Lain-lain (dibawah Rp 500 juta) Sub-jumlah Rupiah PT Dian Mentari Pratama PT Solusi Tunas Pratama PT Huawei Tech Investment PT Nortel Networks Indonesia Ditjen Postel PT Dunia Tehnik PT Sempurna Delapan PT NEC Indonesia PT Pura Barutama CV Waluyo PT Indomedia Outdoor PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia PT Aquarius Musikindo PT Trinity Optima Production PT Kreatif Bersama PT Alpine Cool Utama PT Tower Bersama PT Sony BMG Music Entertainment Indonesia 2008 2007 176.939.823.058 161.303.856.434 7.467.036.144 69.758.196.776 24.574.556.990 - 107.527.831.942 93.405.325.324 89.549.268.910 44.506.966.845 30.114.600.101 128.200.907.375 67.918.929.840 7.080.612.299 - 10.721.741.182 3.849.919.965 3.842.664.976 3.593.330.600 3.263.425.129 3.200.813.558 3.064.994.641 834.270.000 304.684.229 6.375.485.584 6.063.523.418 2.542.008.401 2.096.845.841 3.931.829.990 - - 1.303.272.000 1.038.620.000 17.248.884.984 274.793.978 - 16.047.737.489 - 831.928.473 1.411.332.170 1.977.133.398 678.361.165 - 678.361.165 1.482.898.932 1.455.255.000 1.344.384.371 788.400.000 664.217.807 574.585.475 678.361.165 - 19.347.859.731 53.543.645.408 56.920.658.525 739.024.114.361 406.511.965.181 113.342.583.284 29.889.727.873 12.673.906.356 12.365.135.333 10.663.474.552 63.769.168 534.193.550 - 11.968.323.313 8.503.232.064 6.906.281.350 6.628.759.469 5.338.011.770 3.629.470.209 3.423.497.500 3.260.858.661 1.796.949.400 4.488.278.726 6.227.786.524 1.261.631.250 5.348.954.669 1.562.179.800 2.445.834.115 941.380.000 3.371.073.901 132.370.000 3.309.112.427 2.639.573.713 2.353.827.253 2.478.560.865 2.527.872.581 2.352.503.084 1.208.789.919 1.047.953.025 940.917.638 1.891.662.951 151.744.986 879.137.970 2.312.071.305 398.869.537 - Third parties Foreign currencies PT Huawei Tech. Investment (Note 39a) Huawei International Pte. Ltd. Huawei Tech. Investment Co. Ltd. PT Nortel Networks Indonesia Nortel Networks (NTT) PT NEC Indonesia PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia PT Packet System Indonesia Telesoft Neutek Pvt. Ltd. PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya PT Datacraft Indonesia Redknee (Ireland) Limited ONmobile Global Ltd PT Media Intertel Graha PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering PT Berca Hardaya Perkasa White & Case PC Ceragon Network Inc. (Note 39k) PT Wahana Cipta Sinatria Terrabit Networks Pte. Ltd. PT Sisindokom Lintas Buana Fresnel Microwave Systems Ltd. Intervoice Ltd PT Dwinet Utama PT Emerson Indonesia PT Subur Sakti Putera PT Dwiwarna Metalindo PT Altrak 1978 Others (each below Rp500 million) Sub-total Rupiah PT Dian Mentari Pratama PT Solusi Tunas Pratama PT Huawei Tech Investment PT Nortel Networks Indonesia Ditjen Postel PT Dunia Tehnik PT Sempurna Delapan PT NEC Indonesia PT Pura Barutama CV Waluyo PT Indomedia Oudoor PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia PT Aquarius Musikindo PT Trinity Optima Production PT Kreatif Bersama PT Alpine Cool Utama PT Tower Bersama PT Sony BMG Music Entertainment Indonesia 36 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 15. HUTANG USAHA (Lanjutan) 15. TRADE PAYABLES (Continued) 2009 Deparpostel PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa PT Raba Komunikatama PT Musica Studio's PT Code Jawa PT Lumbung Dwi Pratama PT Idea Kreasi Indonesia PT Warner Music Indonesia Koperasi Karyawan Mitra Usaha Dinamika PT Jaring Citra Media PT Listakwarta Putra PT Sakabaja Panelindo PT Widya Wahana Pers Kopnatel Mekatel PT Batra Langgeng Nusantara PT Solusindo Kreasi Pratama PT Isopanel Dunia PT Citra Protecta Semesta PT Fero Prima Abadi CV Pro & Coo PT Arthamas Karya Mandiri PT Bali Telekom PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya PT Mycom Networks PT Naga Swarasakti PT Ayama Cahaya Mandiri PT Indomitra Global PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering PT Emerson Indonesia PT Master Cipta Nusantara PT Putranusa Telecom (P-Com) PT Empat Trans Aksara PT Media Intertel Graha PT Nuansa Mitra Sarana Nusantara PT Biang Gambar PT Ciptakarya Mitra Mandiri PT Geoactive Indonesia PT Pos Indonesia PT Wahana Prestasi Logistik PT Sarana Inti Persada PT Krida Cakti Swasana PT Telenet Internusa PT Cahaya Arif Abadi PT Infimedia Solusi Pratama PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera PT Integrated Cards Solution PT Binatek Reka Energi PT Kausyar Rizki Lestari PT Tri Ahmadi Karya PT Westindo Esa Perkasa PT Nasio Karya Pratama PT Gayatri PT Dawamiba Engineering PT Megah Makmur PT Tower Capital Indonesia PT Mitracomm Ekasarana PT Grahamitra Lestarijaya PT Trend Communications International PT Nextindo Agranusa PT Wahana Cipta Sinatria PT Global Muda Mandiri PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia 2008 2007 2.165.314.320 2.004.480.000 1.971.414.171 1.869.293.841 1.844.335.248 1.755.890.933 1.679.133.142 1.578.792.591 2.004.480.000 350.776.006 2.151.765 3.228.944.677 - 2.663.121.792 - 1.416.989.765 1.333.960.650 1.115.327.483 1.167.646.520 1.162.566.000 1.139.737.250 1.100.628.000 1.108.488.000 1.097.679.263 1.096.631.050 1.022.983.048 979.509.404 912.087.000 16.500.000 334.313.300 148.452.500 1.143.767.962 159.677.419 1.118.610.000 626.804.933 556.319.911 807.321.774 446.105.000 1.384.401.700 218.700.000 173.127.428 385.045.650 669.025.000 866.913.326 813.507.813 807.539.882 793.731.000 724.906.627 304.684.229 1.162.669.563 439.571.941 780.172.500 1.937.415.912 107.354.727 1.596.351.287 456.224.085 667.617.848 633.677.882 610.795.562 337.654.966 458.338.265 617.704.869 - 608.023.800 584.002.007 578.373.233 663.390.000 1.467.071.582 501.974.499 - 560.602.200 483.326.250 470.822.948 440.775.000 385.199.011 463.968.000 320.501.500 275.882.570 290.063.900 231.087.199 266.469.500 414.010.296 236.044.900 383.376.465 349.380.000 338.594.643 325.172.571 324.000.000 305.856.000 300.809.905 300.069.000 275.462.853 266.490.000 252.720.000 252.577.136 237.835.073 237.231.111 232.079.287 218.965.710 193.860.000 181.444.260 151.505.500 383.376.465 204.033.334 854.212.112 232.585.714 545.962.500 736.812.000 617.727.900 371.954.000 283.067.472 911.495.500 353.847.000 1.091.599.278 410.193.538 699.631.600 232.079.287 435.187.500 299.250.000 450.045.065 213.854.231 105.289.000 359.279.287 526.652.308 - 151.200.000 137.717.890 123.943.274 101.584.800 207.255.834 291.090.589 274.793.978 569.229.235 211.884.492 - 4.796.084.147 858.745.161 Deparpostel PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa PT Raba Komunikatama PT Musica Studio's PT Code Jawa PT Lumbung Dwi Pratama PT Idea Kreasi Indonesia PT Warner Music Indonesia Koperasi Karyawan Mitra Usaha Dinamika PT Jaring Citra Media PT Listakwarta Putra PT Sakabaja Panelindo PT Widya Wahana Pers Kopnatel Mekatel PT Batra Langgeng Mekatel PT Solusindo Kreasi Pratama PT Isopanel Dunia PT Citra Protecta Semesta PT Fero Prima Abadi CV Pro & Coo PT Arthamas Karya Mandiri PT Bali Telkom PT Harrisma Informatika Jaya PT Mycom Networks PT Naga Swarasakti PT Ayama Cahaya Mandiri PT Indomitra Global PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering PT Emerson Indonesia PT Master Cipta Nusantara PT Putranusa Telecom (P-Com) PT Empat Trans Aksara PT Media Intertel Graha PT Nuansa Mitra Sarana Nusantara PT Biang Gambar PT Ciptakarya Mitra Mandiri PT Geoactive Indonesia PT Pos Indonesia PT Wahana Prestasi Logistik PT Sarana Inti Persada PT Krida Cakti Swasana PT Telenet Internusa PT Cahaya Arif Abadi PT Infimedia Solusi Pratama PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera PT Integrated Cards Solution PT Binatek Reka Energi PT Kausyar Rizki Lestari PT Tri Ahmadi Karya PT Westindo Esa Perkasa PT Nasio Karya Pratama PT Gayatri PT Dawamiba Engineering PT Megah Makmur PT Tower Capital Indonesia PT Mitracomm Ekasarana PT Grahamitra Lestarijaya PT Trend Communications International PT Nextindo Agranusa PT Wahana Cipta Sinatria PT Global Muda Mandiri PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia 37 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 15. HUTANG USAHA (Lanjutan) 15. TRADE PAYABLES (Continued) 2009 PT Meridian Sinergi Pratama PT Vidyanusa Hutami Sentosa PT Tridaya Karya Perkasa PT Infokom Elektrindo CV Nobelindo PT Dwi Pilar Pratama PT Indonusa Mega Global Telecom PT NTT Indonesia Ang Tiong Liem/ Halim Wijaya PT Inka Lima PT Tanjung Putra Pertiwi PT Mas Persada Jaya PT Tri Habta Dana PT Tritech Consul PT Caturdaya Perkasa Pratama PT Salwa Anugerah Semesta PT Mandana Jati Mandiri PT Global Sarana Sukses PT Dwiwarna Metalindo PT Binareka Tata Mandiri PT Himada Karya PT Nusa Infotech Sejahtera Fresel Microwave System Ltd PT E Titik Tiga Komando CV Studio 190 PT Tri Pura Sakti PT Hotel Indonesia Natour PT Netra Setya Waskita PT Blubiru Aktivasi Media PT Indomax Mediacom Lain-lain (dibawah Rp100 juta) Sub-jumlah Beban interkoneksi (Catatan 37) PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk PT Indosat Tbk PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Smart Telecom Sub-jumlah Jumlah pihak ketiga Hubungan istimewa PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR PT Bakrie & Brothers PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari PT Rasuna Caturtama Corporation PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna PT Bakrie Corrugated Metal Industry Jumlah hubungan istimewa Jumlah 2008 2007 - 3.575.000.000 1.461.491.500 871.128.000 764.742.660 655.575.920 640.839.600 - 608.081.695 537.495.000 - 500.000.000 461.125.000 451.500.000 408.348.000 378.314.820 377.360.000 - 374.346.344 35.562.025.319 362.259.000 316.710.948 316.029.658 311.767.692 297.864.129 280.260.000 258.600.600 257.590.800 248.771.364 243.040.000 232.880.682 225.000.000 212.362.276 209.776.349 200.079.660 19.806.975.930 205.399.871.954 114.527.420.356 - PT Meridian Sinergi Pratama - PT Vidyanusa Hutami Sentosa PT Tridaya Karya Perkasa PT Infokom Elektrindo CV Nobelindo PT Dwi Pilar Pratama PT Indonusa Mega Global Telecom 175.034.713 PT NTT Indonesia Ang Tiong Liem/ Halim Wijaya PT Inka Lima PT Tanjung Putra Pertiwi PT Mas Persada Jaya 665.386.074 PT Tri Habta Dana PT Tritech Consul PT Caturdaya Perkasa Pratama PT Salwa Anugerah Semesta PT Mandana Jati Mandiri 222.715.011 PT Global Sarana Sukses PT Dwiwarna Metalindo PT Binareka Tata Mandiri PT Himada Karya PT Nusa Infotech Sejahtera - Fresel Microwave System Ltd PT E Titik Komando CV Studio 190 PT Tri Pura Sakti - PT Hotel Indonesia Nataour PT Netra Setya Waskita PT Blubiru Aktivasi Media PT Indomax Mediacom 38.443.818.797 Others (below Rp100 million) 59.040.520.730 Sub-total Interconnection expense (Note 37) 27.643.279 PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk 85.119.870 PT Indosat Tbk - PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk PT Telekomunikasi 14.076.716.909 Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 6.989.165 PT Smart Telecom 458.496.807 86.363.450 58.273.820 27.643.279 86.363.450 1.776.838.536 - - 603.134.077 1.890.845.265 14.196.469.223 945.027.120.392 522.930.230.802 186.579.573.237 1.354.333.730 390.534.134 127.163.279 48.484.423 10.312.180 10.193.774 1.252.743.270 829.200 127.163.279 48.484.423 417.307.655 10.193.774 7.568.648 3.613.500 7.568.648 16.931.936 - 13.500.000 1.952.203.668 1.894.722.185 4.867.117.654 Total related parties 946.979.324.060 524.824.952.987 191.446.690.891 Total Sub-total Total third parties Related parties 4.724.310.523 PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara 829.200 Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR PT Bakrie & Brothers 50.513.530 PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi 10.000.000 PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama 10.802.889 PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari PT Rasuna Caturtama 7.568.648 Corporation 49.592.864 PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna PT Bakrie Corrugated 13.500.000 Metal Industry 38 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 15. HUTANG USAHA (Lanjutan) 15. TRADE PAYABLES (Continued) Hutang usaha kepada PT Huawei Tech Investment merupakan hutang atas pengadaan peralatan telekomunikasi dengan rincian pembayaran sebagai berikut (Catatan 39a): 2009 Saldo hutang Dikurangi bagian jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Trade payables to PT Huawei Tech Investment represent supply of telecommunication equipment with payment schedule as follows (Note 39a): 2008 2007 60.908.437.400 219.974.392.211 (60.908.437.400 ) (149.022.531.748 ) Bagian hutang jangka panjang - 70.951.860.463 Analisis umur hutang usaha adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 261.822.064.536 (72.369.578.778 ) 189.452.485.758 Outstanding payable Less current maturities Long-term portion The aging schedule for trade payables was as follows: 2008 2007 Sampai dengan 30 hari Lebih dari 30 hari - 60 hari Lebih dari 60 hari - 90 hari Lebih dari 90 hari 217.485.006.618 83.324.022.439 112.606.082.512 533.564.212.491 68.656.775.129 264.441.348.663 95.185.690.807 96.541.138.388 71.510.437.621 73.344.312.307 3.526.337.760 43.065.603.203 Up to 30 days Over 30 days - 60 days Over 60 days - 90 days Over 90 days Jumlah 946.979.324.060 524.824.952.987 191.446.690.891 Total 16. HUTANG LAIN-LAIN 16. OTHER PAYABLES Akun ini terdiri atas hutang kepada beberapa pemasok individu adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 This account consists of payables to various individual vendors as follows: 2008 2007 Dalam mata uang Rupiah Dalam mata uang asing 2.065.363.058 5.597.066.026 1.372.727.094 7.509.868.346 2.450.336.723 In Rupiah currency In foreign currencies Jumlah 8.068.617.691 6.969.793.120 9.960.205.069 Total Analisis umur hutang lain-lain adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 The analysis of aging schedule for other payables was as follows: 2008 2007 Sampai dengan 30 hari Lebih dari 30 hari - 60 hari Lebih dari 60 hari - 90 hari Lebih dari 90 hari 4.989.899.527 1.315.364.090 223.390.233 1.539.963.841 2.775.009.596 2.543.963.561 171.628.624 1.479.191.339 4.645.132.258 3.981.745.686 55.876.465 1.277.450.660 Up to 30 days Over 30 days - 60 days Over 60 days - 90 days Over 90 days Jumlah 8.068.617.691 6.969.793.120 9.960.205.069 Total 17. UANG MUKA PELANGGAN Uang muka pelanggan masing-masing sebesar Rp34.212.754.408, Rp55.830.572.733 dan Rp41.518.821.506 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 merupakan uang muka yang diterima dari agen dan dealer untuk pembelian voucher elektronik. 17. CUSTOMERS’ DEPOSITS Customers’ deposits amounting to Rp34,212,754,408, Rp55,830,572,733 and Rp41,518,821,506 as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, mostly represent guarantee deposits received from the agents and dealers for purchasing electronic vouchers. 39 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 18. BEBAN MASIH HARUS DIBAYAR 18. ACCRUED EXPENSES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Interkoneksi Bunga Royalti konsesi kepada Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Direktorat Jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi Persediaan Jasa profesional Retensi Listrik dan air Pemasaran dan promosi Sewa Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah Rp100 juta) Jumlah 2008 2007 49.063.743.077 33.508.356.880 90.540.903.105 50.649.627.584 60.229.690.895 49.485.925.495 16.914.502.323 13.906.751.065 10.940.187.643 8.503.204.208 3.090.893.877 696.125.893 12.709.802.898 4.674.413.696 12.141.639.488 10.220.868.084 1.699.344.729 6.997.001.130 12.470.939.299 304.909.785 5.590.858.453 847.365.457 2.072.603.115 21.351.634.346 19.110.345.687 6.317.546.752 5.674.438.249 Interconnection Interest Concession royalty to the Department of Communication and Informatics - the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunication Inventory Profesional fee Retention Electricity and water Marketing and promotion Rent Others (each below Rp100 million) 165.852.158.369 158.028.365.094 Total Perusahaan telah mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama interkoneksi dengan beberapa operator telepon dimana Perusahaan diharuskan membayar beban interkoneksi sesuai perjanjian (Catatan 37). The Company made interconnection network agreements with certain telephone operators under which the Company is obliged to pay interconnection expenses based on the agreements (Note 37). Royalti konsesi kepada Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika - Direktorat Jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi merupakan royalti atas penggunaan Biaya Hak Penyelenggaraan (BHP) telekomunikasi dengan tarif sebesar 0,5%, 1% dan 1% dari pendapatan bersih setelah dikurangi beban penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu masingmasing pada tahun 2009, 2008 dan 2007, ditambah dengan Kontribusi Kewajiban Pelayanan Universal (KKPU) atau Universal Service Obligation (USO) sebesar 1,25%, 0,75% dan 0,75% dari pendapatan bersih setelah dikurangi beban penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu masingmasing pada tahun 2009, 2008 dan 2007. Concession royalty to the Department of Communication and Informatics - the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunication represents the royalty for using Expense of Rights Management (ERM) Telecommunications at a rate of 0.5%, 1% and 1% of net income after the deduction of allowance for doubtful accounts expense in 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, plus an additional Universal Service Obligation (USO) 1.25%, 0.75% and 0.75% of net income after the deduction of allowance for doubtful accounts expense in 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively. 19. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PANJANG 19. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 2008 2007 Credit Suisse PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 1.305.426.880.000 2.610.990.095 1.587.750.000.000 1.913.175.874 1.365.755.000.000 - Credit Suisse PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Jumlah 1.308.037.870.095 1.589.663.175.874 1.365.755.000.000 Total Dikurangi bagian jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Credit Suisse PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 240.164.984.820 842.529.850 25.729.531.436 511.929.050 - Less current maturities Credit Suisse PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Jumlah 241.007.514.670 26.241.460.486 - Total 1.563.421.715.388 1.365.755.000.000 Long-term portion Bagian jangka panjang 40 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 19. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PANJANG (Lanjutan) a. Credit Suisse PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 19. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS (Continued) a. Credit Suisse Pada tanggal 25 Juni 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman dengan beberapa lembaga keuangan asing yang dikoordinir oleh Credit Suisse, cabang Singapura (Credit Suisse) dan PT Danatama Makmur (Danatama) dengan jumlah pinjaman USD145.000.000 untuk jangka waktu lima (5) tahun dengan tenggang waktu selama dua (2) tahun dan masa pembayaran angsuran pokok selama tiga (3) tahun. Pinjaman ini dikenakan bunga 4% diatas LIBOR per tahun untuk tahun pertama dan kedua dan 4,5% diatas LIBOR per tahun untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya. Bagian dari pinjaman ini digunakan untuk melunasi pinjaman dari PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk dan sisanya digunakan untuk belanja modal. Seperti yang disyaratkan dalam perjanjian pinjaman, Perusahaan mengadakan perjanjian lindung nilai dengan satu lembaga keuangan (Catatan 12). On June 25, 2007, the Company entered into a loan agreement with foreign financial institutions. which was arranged by Credit Suisse, Singapore branch (Credit Suisse) and PT Danatama Makmur (Danatama) with an aggregate amount equal to USD145,000,000 payable in five (5) years, with a two (2) years grace period and three (3) years of installment payments. This loan is subject to interest of 4% plus LIBOR per annum for the first and second year and 4.5% plus LIBOR per annum for the years thereafter. Part of the proceeds from this loan were used to settle the outstanding loan balance from PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk and the residual balance was used for capital expenditures of the Company. As a requirement of the loan agreement, the Company entered into various hedging contracts with a financial institution (Note 12). Pinjaman tersebut hanya bisa digunakan untuk hal-hal sebagai berikut: The loan proceeds may only be used for the following: 1. Mendanai pembayaran kembali semua pokok pinjaman dan semua jumlah terhutang lainnya yang jatuh tempo yang diperoleh dari fasilitas Bank Mandiri; 1. Funding of the prepayment by the Company of all principal outstanding and all other amounts due and payable under the Bank Mandiri facility; 2. Membayar jasa dan biaya-biaya sehubungan dengan fasilitas Bank Mandiri; 2. Payment of any fees and expenses under or in connection with the Bank Mandiri facility; 3. Mendanai Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) sampai dengan jumlah yang sama dengan jumlah Debt Service Reserve Required serta Debt Service Accrual Account (DSAA) sampai dengan jumlah yang sama dengan sepertiga dari jumlah Debt Service Accrual Required (DSAR) tersebut; 3. Funding of the Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) up to an amount equal to the Debt Service Reserve Required Amount and the Debt Service Accrual Account (DSAA) up to an amount equal to one third of the Debt Service Accrual Required (DSAR) amount; 4. Mendanai pengeluaran modal Perusahaan. 4. Funding capital Company. expenditures of the 41 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 19. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PANJANG (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 19. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS (Continued) Sesuai dengan perjanjian pinjaman, Perusahaan diwajibkan untuk memenuhi batasan-batasan tertentu, antara lain batasan rasio keuangan. Manajemen Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 seluruh batasan telah dipenuhi. In accordance with loan agreement, the Company is required to comply with certain covenants, such as financial rasio covenants. As of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, the Company’s management believes that all covenants of the loans are fully complied with. Rincian aset yang digunakan sebagai jaminan atas pinjaman yang diperoleh dari Credit Suisse adalah sebagai berikut: The loan obtained from Credit Suisse is collateralized by the following assets: 1. Jaminan fidusia atas piutang usaha (saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp94.468.973.285, Rp120.970.886.696 dan Rp102.985.581.076) (Catatan 5). 1. Trade receivables were used as collateralized as Fiducia (outstanding balances as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 amounted to Rp94,468,973,285, Rp120,970,886,696 and Rp102,985,581,076, respectively) (Note 5). 2. Jaminan fidusia atas persediaan (saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp27.663.062.467, Rp35.757.977.390 dan Rp18.426.917.943) (Catatan 6). 2. Inventories were used as collateralized as Fiducia (outstanding balances as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 amounted to Rp27,663,062,467, Rp35,757,977,390 and Rp18,426,917,943 respectively) (Note 6). 3. Nilai buku aset tetap (Catatan 10) dijadikan jaminan fidusia setelah disisihkan untuk jaminan obligasi (Catatan 21). 3. Net book value of fixed asset (Note 10) were used as collateral for Fidusia after reserved as collateral for bond (Note 21). Pada tanggal 28 Juni 2007, 19 Juli 2007 dan 11 September 2007, Perusahaan mencairkan pinjaman sebesar USD50.549.243, USD39.450.757 dan USD55.000.000 atau sejumlah USD145.000.000, Perusahaan harus membayar pinjaman tersebut secara penuh tiap tiga bulan pada tanggal pembayaran kembali angsuran dan dengan jumlah seperti tertera dalam tabel berikut, dimulai pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009: On June 28, 2007, July 19, 2007 and September 19, 2007, the Company drew down the amounts of USD50,549,243, USD39,450,757 and USD55,000,000, respectively, or a total of USD145,000,000. The Company must repay the loans quarterly in full by paying repayment installments on the dates and in the amounts set out in the table below, commencing on October 2, 2009: Tanggal pembayaran angsuran Tanggal pembayaran ke 9 - 12 Tanggal pembayaran ke 13 - 16 Tanggal pembayaran ke 17 - 19 Tanggal pembayaran pada saat jatuh tempo Persentase pembayaran angsuran / Percentage of repayment installment Date on which the repayment installment is to be paid 1.724% 5.172% 17.241% The 9th - 12th payment date The 13th - 16th payment date The 17th - 19th payment date 20.693% The final maturity date 42 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 19. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PANJANG (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 19. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS (Continued) Tingkat suku bunga masing-masing pinjaman untuk setiap jangka waktu adalah tingkat persentase per tahun yang sama dengan jumlah marjin yang dapat diterapkan dan LIBOR. Perusahaan harus membayar bunga yang masih harus dibayar atas setiap pinjaman pada setiap tanggal pembayaran. The rate of interest on each loan for each term is the percentage rate per annum equal to the aggregate of the applicable margin and LIBOR. The Company must pay accrued interest on each Loan on each payment date. Selanjutnya, Perusahaan menandatangani perubahan perjanjian pinjaman dengan Credit Suisse mengenai persentase pembayaran angsuran. Berdasarkan perubahan perjanjian ini, pembayaran angsuran akan berubah sebagai berikut: Subsequently, the Company signed an amended loan agreement with the Credit Suisse regarding installment payment percentage. Based on the amendment, the installment payments will change as follows: Tanggal pembayaran angsuran Persentase pembayaran angsuran / Percentage of repayment installment Tanggal pembayaran ke 9 - 12 Tanggal pembayaran ke 13 - 16 Tanggal pembayaran ke 17 - 19 Tanggal pembayaran pada saat jatuh tempo Date on which the repayment installment is to be paid 4.224% 5.172% 14.741% The 9th - 12th payment date The 13th - 16th payment date The 17th - 19th payment date 18.193% The final maturity date Sampai dengan Desember 31, 2009, jumlah angsuran yang telah dibayarkan Perusahaan adalah USD6.124.800. As of December 31, 2009, total installment has been paid by Company amounted USD6,124,800. Saldo pinjaman ini pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masing-masing sebesar Rp1.305.426.880.000 (USD138.875.200), Rp1.587.750.000.000 (USD145.000.000) dan Rp1.365.755.000.000 (USD145.000.000). Total outstanding balances of this loan as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 amounted to Rp1,305,426,880,000 (USD138,875,200), Rp1,587,750,000,000 (USD145,000,000) and Rp1,365,755,000,000 (USD145,000,000), respectively. Pada tanggal 28 Mei 2009, Credit Suisse dan Perusahaan melakukan perubahan perjanjian pinjaman, perubahan tersebut sehubungan dengan transaksi sewa-balik yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan (Catatan 20). On May 28, 2009, Credit Suisse and the Company entered into amendment loan agreement, the amendment relating to sale and leaseback transaction of the Company (Note 20). 43 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 19. PINJAMAN BANK JANGKA PANJANG (Lanjutan) b. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 19. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS (Continued) b. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Pada tanggal 2 September 2008, Perusahaan menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman dengan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, yang digunakan untuk pembelian kendaraan, sebesar maksimum Rp10.000.000.000, dengan pembayaran cicilan selama empat (4) tahun. Pinjaman ini dikenakan bunga tetap sebesar 6,35% - 8,25% per tahun. 20. HUTANG PEMBIAYAAN On September 2, 2008, the Company entered into a loan agreement by PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, which was used for the purchase of vehicles, with a total maximum amount of Rp10,000,000,000 payable in four (4) years of installment payments. This loan is subject to interest of 6.35% - 8.25% flat per annum. 20. OBLIGATION UNDER FINANCING LEASES Pada bulan Januari 2009, Perusahaan mengadakan kontrak sewa untuk peralatan dan fasilitas telekomunikasi kepada berbagai penyedia sebesar Rp3.151.339.703.374, yang akan berakhir pada tanggal 30 Juni 2019. In January 2009, the Company entered into a lease contract for telecommunication equipment and facilities to various tower providers amounting to Rp3,151,339,703,374, which will expire on June 30, 2019. Pembayaran sewa minimum yang akan datang adalah sebagai berikut: Future minimum lease payments were as follows: Pembayaran Minimum sewa pembiayaan di masa depan / Future minimum lease payments Nilai kini pembayaran minimum sewa pembiayaan di masa depan / Present value of minimum lease payments Tidak lebih dari 1 tahun dengan 5 tahun Lebih dari 5 tahun 328.329.717.368 2.327.115.722.576 1.720.593.740.355 293.151.533.364 1.591.068.334.375 748.210.552.742 Not later than 1 year later than 5 years Later than 5 years Jumlah 4.376.039.180.299 2.632.430.420.481 Total Disajikan sebagai: Kewajiban lancar Kewajiban tidak lancar 293.151.533.364 2.339.278.887.117 Presented as: Current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Jumlah 2.632.430.420.481 Total 44 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 21. HUTANG OBLIGASI 21. BONDS PAYABLE Pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2007, Perusahaan menerbitkan obligasi Bakrie Telecom I dengan nilai nominal Rp650 milyar yang kemudian dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Surabaya (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia) pada tanggal 5 September 2007. Jangka waktu obligasi adalah lima (5) tahun sampai dengan tanggal 4 September 2012 dengan tingkat suku bunga 11,90% per tahun yang terhutang setiap tiga (3) bulan dimulai sejak tanggal 4 Desember 2007 sampai dengan tanggal jatuh tempo. Biaya yang timbul sehubungan dengan penerbitan obligasi tersebut adalah Rp7.223.895.107. Setelah satu (1) tahun, Perusahaan mempunyai opsi untuk membeli kembali setengah dari jumlah obligasi yang masih beredar sebelum tanggal pelunasan pokok obligasi. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007, nilai bersih obligasi masing-masing sebesar Rp646.147.255.946, Rp644.702.476.923 dan Rp643.257.697.900. Beban amortisasi untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggaltanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan 2008 sebesar Rp1.444.779.023, dan untuk 2007 sebesar Rp481.593.007 dicatat sebagai bagian dari akun “Beban Operasi Lain-lain” pada laporan laba rugi. Aset tetap sebesar Rp598.494.476.900, Rp649.431.427.512 dan Rp703.276.582.170 masing-masing pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 dijadikan sebagai jaminan atas obligasi yang diterbitkan oleh Perusahaan. On August 23, 2007, the Company issued Bakrie Telecom Bond I at the nominal amount of Rp650 billion, which was subsequently listed on the Surabaya Stock Exchange (Currently Indonesia Stock Exchange) on September 5, 2007. The term of the Bonds is five (5) years until September 4, 2012 and they bear interest of 11.90% per annum payable quarterly commencing on December 4, 2007 until the maturity date. The issuance cost related to bonds amounted to Rp7,223,895,107. After a year, the Company has the option to redeem half or all of the outstanding Bonds before the principal redemption date. As of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, the bonds payable net value amounting to Rp Rp646,147,255,946, Rp644,702,476,923 and Rp643,257,697,900, respectively. Amortization expense for the year ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp1,444,779,023, dan for 2007 amounted Rp481,593,007 was recorded as part of “Other Operating Expenses” account in statements of income. Fixed assets amounting to Rp598.494.476.900, Rp649,431,427,512 and Rp703,276,582,170 as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, were reserved as collateral for the bonds issued by the Company. Obligasi tersebut dijamin secara fidusia dengan aset tetap yang terdiri dari peralatan telekomunikasi dengan nilai tidak kurang dari 110% sebagai berikut: The Bonds are collateralized fiduciary with fixed assets that consist of telecommunication equipment with value of not less than 110% consisting of the following: 1. Base Transceiver Station; 2. Peralatan transmisi; 3. Mobile Switching Centre and Base Station Controller; dan 4. Peralatan pendukung telekomunikasi. 1. Base Transceiver Station; 2. Transmission equipment; 3. Mobile Switching Centre and Base Station Controller; and 4. Supporting telecommunication equipment. 22. MODAL SAHAM 22. CAPITAL STOCK 2009, 2008 dan/and 2007 Jenis saham Jumlah Saham Modal Dasar/ Number of Authorized Shares Saham biasa seri A Saham biasa seri B 32.111.652.195 Jumlah 42.111.652.195 Nominal/ Nominal (Rp) Jumlah/ Total (Rp) 200 100 Common shares series A Common shares series B Total Shares 45 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 22. MODAL SAHAM (Lanjutan) 22. CAPITAL STOCK (Continued) 2009 Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh/ Number of Shares Issued and Fully Paid Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership (%) Jumlah Modal/ Amount (Rp) Shareholders Saham biasa seri A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Masyarakat 4.454.895.515 1.296.606.935 77,46 22,54 890.979.103.000 259.321.387.000 Common shares series A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Public Sub-jumlah 5.751.502.450 100,00 1.150.300.490.000 Sub-total 6.820.385.523 14.834.014.358 30,00 65,26 682.038.552.300 1.483.401.435.800 1.076.515.248 4,74 107.651.524.800 Common shares series B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 22.730.915.129 100,00 Sub-total 16.130.621.293 39,59 56,63 1.573.017.655.300 1.742.722.822.800 1.076.515.248 3,78 107.651.524.800 Total common shares series A and B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 28.482.417.579 100.00 3.423.392.002.900 Total Saham biasa seri B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Sub-jumlah Jumlah saham biasa seri A dan B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Jumlah 2008 Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh/ Number of Shares Issued and Fully Paid Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership (%) Jumlah Modal/ Amount (Rp) Shareholders Saham biasa seri A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Masyarakat 4.454.895.515 77,46 890.979.103.000 1.296.606.935 22,54 259.321.387.000 Common shares series A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Public Sub-jumlah 5.751.502.450 100,00 1.150.300.490.000 Sub-total 8.719.208.369 38,35 871.920.836.900 12.935.191.512 56,91 1.293.519.151.200 1.076.515.248 4,74 107.651.524.800 Common shares series B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 22.730.915.129 100,00 Sub-total 14.231.798.447 46,25 49,97 2.044.352.204.500 1.271.388.273.600 1.076.515.248 3,78 107.651.524.800 Total common shares series A and B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 28.482.417.579 100,00 3.423.392.002.900 Total Saham biasa seri B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Sub-jumlah Jumlah saham biasa seri A dan B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Jumlah 46 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 22. MODAL SAHAM (Lanjutan) 22. CAPITAL STOCK (Continued) 2007 Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh/ Number of Shares Issued and Fully Paid Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership (%) Jumlah Modal/ Amount (Rp) Shareholders Saham biasa seri A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Masyarakat 4.454.895.515 596.606.935 390.706.260 309.293.740 77,46 10,37 6,79 5,38 890.979.103.000 119.321.387.000 61.858.748.000 Common shares series A PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Public Sub-jumlah 5.751.502.450 100,00 1.150.300.490.000 Sub-total 5.069.326.841 21.716.318 7.936.869.886 38,40 0,16 60,12 506.932.684.100 2.171.631.800 793.686.988.600 174.261.372 1,32 17.426.137.200 Common shares series B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 100,00 1.320.217.441.700 Sub-total 9.524.222.356 21.716.318 596.606.935 390.706.260 50,25 0,11 3,15 2,06 43,51 1.397.911.787.100 2.171.631.800 119.321.387.000 855.545.736.600 174.261.372 0,92 17.426.137.200 Total common shares series A and B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Public Conversion of warrants by retail investor 18.953.676.867 100,00 2.470.517.931.700 Total Saham biasa seri B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Sub-jumlah Jumlah saham biasa seri A dan B PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk CMA Fund Management Ltd. PT Bakrie Communications Richweb Investments Limited Masyarakat Konversi waran oleh investor retail Jumlah Pada tanggal 3 Februari 2006, Perusahaan mencatat sahamnya pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (dahulu Bursa Efek Jakarta). On February 3, 2006, the Company listed its shares on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (previously Jakarta Stock Exchange). Atas Penawaran Umum tersebut, Perusahaan telah menerima: In connection with the IPO, the Company received: a. Surat Pernyataan Efektif dari Ketua BAPEPAM pada tanggal 23 Januari 2006 sesuai dengan Surat No. S-123/PM/2006. a. The Effective Statement Letter from the Chairman of BAPEPAM on January 23, 2006 through Letter No. S-123/PM/2006. b. Persetujuan tertulis dari Bank Mandiri sesuai dengan Surat No. CBG.TRE/RD9.069/2006 tanggal 12 Januari 2006 tentang perubahan persyaratan kredit atas negative covenant sehubungan dengan pembagian bonus, dividen dan/atau keuntungan lainnya sebagaimana tertuang dalam Perjanjian Kredit No. KP-COD/014/PK-KI/2004 dan Akta Notaris No. 52 oleh Imas Fatimah, S.H. pada tanggal 27 September 2004. b. A written approval from Bank Mandiri through Letter No. CBG.TRE/RD9. 069/2006 dated January 12, 2006 concerning the changes of credit terms regarding the negative covenants in relation to the distribution of bonuses. dividends and/or other benefits as stated in Loan Agreement No. KP-COD/014/PK-KI/2004 and Notarial Deed No. 52 of Imas Fatimah, S.H. dated September 27, 2004. 47 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 22. MODAL SAHAM (Lanjutan) 22. CAPITAL STOCK (Continued) Sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum di atas, sebelumnya Perusahaan juga telah melakukan perubahan atas nilai nominal saham sebagai berikut: Prior to the above IPO, the Company had changed the nominal value of its shares as follows: a. Setiap 1 (satu) saham seri A dengan nilai nominal semula Rp1.000 per saham menjadi 5 (lima) saham dengan nilai nominal Rp200 per saham. a. Each common share series A with nominal value amounting to Rp1,000 per share was converted into five (5) shares with nominal value of Rp200 per share. b. Setiap 1 (satu) saham seri B dengan nilai nominal semula Rp500 per saham menjadi 5 (lima) saham dengan nilai nominal Rp100 per saham. b. Each common share series B with nominal value amounting to Rp500 per share was converted into five (5) shares with nominal value of Rp100 per share. Susunan pemegang saham pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 berdasarkan catatan yang dibuat oleh PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar The composition of shareholders as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was based on registration by PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar. 23. TAMBAHAN MODAL DISETOR 23. ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL Melalui Penawaran Umum Perdana pada tanggal 3 Februari 2006, Perusahaan telah menerima sebesar Rp605.000.000.000 untuk penawaran lima miliar lima ratus juta (5.500.000.000) saham seri B atas nama dengan nilai nominal seratus Rupiah (Rp100) dengan harga penawaran seratus sepuluh Rupiah (Rp110). Through the Initial Public Offering on February 3, 2006, the Company received Rp605,000,000,000 for the offering of five billion five hundred million (5,500,000,000) share series B with nominal value of one hundred Rupiah (Rp100) and with offering price of one hundred and ten Rupiah (Rp110). Melalui Penawaran Umum Terbatas I (PUT I) pada tanggal 29 Februari 2008, Perusahaan menerbitkan sebanyak-banyaknya sejumlah delapan miliar enam ratus tiga puluh delapan juta tujuh puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus lima puluh dua (8.638.079.352) saham dengan nilai nominal seratus rupiah (Rp100) setiap saham yang ditawarkan dengan harga tiga ratus lima puluh rupiah (Rp350) setiap saham dengan nilai keseluruhan sebanyak-banyaknya sebesar Rp3.023.327.773.200 dan dengan selisih harga yang ditawarkan dengan harga nominal sebesar Rp2.156.621.709.000. Through the Right Issue I on February 29, 2008, the Company issued maximum of eight billion, six hundred and thirty-eight million, seventynine thousand, three hundred and fifty-two (8,638,079,352) shares with nominal value of one hundred rupiah (Rp100) per share, which were offered at three hundred and fifty rupiah (Rp350) per share with the total maximum amount of Rp3,023,327,773,200 and with the excess of offering price over nominal price amounting to Rp2,156,621,709,000. Sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum Terbatas I, Perusahaan telah melakukan penyesuaian harga pelaksanaan sebesar seratus dua puluh tujuh Rupiah (Rp127) setiap sahamnya dan menerbitkan sebanyak tiga puluh delapan juta lima ratus empat puluh sembilan ribu seratus tiga puluh satu (38.549.131) lembar waran seri I yang berlaku efektif mulai tanggal 27 Maret 2008. In accordance with Right Issue I, the Company had been adjusting the exercise price of one hundred and twenty-seven Rupiah (Rp127) per share and issued thirty-eight million five hundred and fourty-nine thousand one hundred and thirtyone (38,549,131) series I warrants that are to be effective on March 27, 2008. 48 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 23. TAMBAHAN MODAL DISETOR (Lanjutan) 23. ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL (Continued) Selisih bersih antara harga penawaran dengan harga nominal diakui sebagai tambahan modal disetor pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: Net excess of price over par value of shares between nominal price and offering price was recognized as additional paid-in capital and as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was as follows: 2009 dan/ and 2008 Selisih Lebih Harga Atas Nilai Nominal Saham/ Excess of Price Over Par Value of Shares Penerbitan 5.500.000.000 (dalam angka penuh) saham melalui penawaran umum (Catatan 1b) Penerbitan 8.626.486.836 (dalam angka penuh) saham Melalui Hak Pemesanan Efek Terlebih Dahulu Penerbitan 1.076.515.248 (dalam angka penuh) saham melalui pelaksanaan waran Jumlah Selisih Lebih Harga Atas Nilai Nominal Saham - Bersih/ Net Excess of Price Over Par Value of Shares Biaya Penerbitan Saham/ Issuance Cost of Shares 27.228.645.472 27.771.354.528 Issuance of 5,500,000,000 (full amount) shares through initial public offering (Note 1b) 2.156.621.709.000 80.881.384.918 2.075.740.324.082 37.654.891.600 - 37.654.891.600 Issuance of 8,626,486,836 (full amount) shares through right issue Issuance of 1,076,515,248 (full amount) shares through exercise of warrants Total 2007 Selisih Lebih Harga Atas Nilai Nominal Saham/ Excess of Price Over Par Value of Shares Penerbitan 5.500.000.000 (dalam angka penuh) saham melalui penawaran umum Penerbitan 174.261.372 (dalam angka penuh) saham melalui pelaksanaan waran Jumlah Selisih Lebih Harga Atas Nilai Nominal Saham - Bersih/ Net Excess of Price Over Par Value of Shares Biaya Penerbitan Saham/ Issuance Cost of Shares 27.228.645.472 27.771.354.528 - Issuance of 5,500,000,000 (full amount) shares through initial public offering Issuance of 174,261,372 (full amount) shares through exercise of warrants 27.228.645.472 33.870.502.548 Total 49 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 24. SAHAM BEREDAR YANG DIPEROLEH KEMBALI (Lanjutan) 24. TREASURY STOCK (Continued) Transaksi saham beredar yang diperoleh kembali adalah sebagai berikut: Transactions regarding treasury stock are as follows: 2009 Keterangan Periode/ Period Jumlah Saham/ No. of Shares Realisasi/ Realization (%) Harga Nominal/ Par Value Description Approved at Board of Directors Meeting (Note 1e) Disetujui Direksi (Catatan 1e) 2008 Pembelian kembali 2008 689.425.500 Penerbitan kembali 2009 (579.425.500 ) (57.942.550.000 ) 110.000.000 Jumlah 6,27% 68.942.550.000 Buy-back Re-issuance Total 2008 Keterangan Periode/ Period Jumlah Saham/ No. of Shares Disetujui Direksi (Catatan 1e) 2008 Pembelian kembali 2008 689.425.500 Realisasi/ Realization (%) 6,27% 68.942.550.000 Buy-back Net excess of price over par value of shares between nominal price and acquisition price was recognized as “Premium on Treasury Stock” in the balance sheets. 25. OPERATING REVENUES Pendapatan usaha meliputi pendapatan yang berasal dari telepon tidak bergerak dan telepon bergerak terbatas, sebagai berikut: 2009 Pendapatan jasa telekomunikasi Pra bayar: Esia Wifone Esiatel Pasca bayar: Esia Wifone dan regular Ratelindo Esiatel dan Ratelindo Wartel Description Approved at Board of Directors Meeting (Note 1e) Selisih bersih antara harga perolehan dengan harga nominal per lembar saham diakui sebagai “Agio Saham Beredar yang Diperoleh Kembali” dalam neraca. 25. PENDAPATAN USAHA Harga Nominal/ Par Value Operating revenues represent revenues from fixed line and limited mobility telephone revenues, with details as follows: 2008 2007 2.943.483.831.986 50.300.557.346 1.625.063.060 2.278.464.656.209 53.769.793.018 3.159.558.740 1.252.341.682.694 24.950.696.959 2.771.203.276 75.603.070.014 43.670.009.077 3.186.640.952 90.474.282.567 63.745.901.230 64.105.897.796 37.946.965.035 Jumlah pendapatan jasa telekomunikasi Pendapatan jasa interkoneksi 3.117.869.172.435 317.686.351.629 2.503.861.351.672 301.447.743.551 Jumlah pendapatan usaha Beban interkoneksi Potongan harga 3.435.555.524.064 2.805.309.095.223 1.672.032.083.761 ( ) (284.354.144.186 ) (244.690.894.770 ) (451.863.954.523 ) (318.662.914.791 ) (137.452.336.168 ) Bersih 2.742.577.398.252 Telecommunication services Prepaid: Esia Wifone Esiatel Postpaid: Esia Wifone and regular Ratelindo Esiatel and Ratelindo Wartel 1.503.389.726.938 Total telecommunication services 168.642.356.823 Interconnection services 1.289.888.852.823 Total operating revenue Interconnection expense Discount Net 50 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 25. PENDAPATAN USAHA (Lanjutan) 25. OPERATING REVENUES (Continued) Rincian pendapatan jasa telekomunikasi berdasarkan jenis jasa layanan adalah sebagai berikut: The details of revenues based on the service type were as follows: 2009 2008 2007 Pendapatan pemakaian pulsa Pendapatan jasa penyambungan Pendapatan langganan bulanan Lain-lain 55.578.433.728 28.948.901.792 29.239.498.271 2.388.438.822.979 50.740.089.356 35.029.488.678 29.652.950.659 1.317.542.889.908 104.458.110.934 36.716.543.400 44.672.182.696 Usage charge Connection service Subscription Others Jumlah 3.117.869.172.435 2.503.861.351.672 1.503.389.726.938 Total Transaksi pendapatan yang berasal dari pihak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 masingmasing sebesar Rp182.923.436, Rp180.376.172 dan Rp110.674.098 (Catatan 32). 26. BEBAN OPERASI DAN PEMELIHARAAN Revenue transactions from related parties for the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, amounted to Rp182,923,436, Rp180,376,172 and Rp110,674,098, respectively (Note 32). 26. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Lisensi Listrik Sewa Royalti konsesi kepada Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata, Pos dan Telekomunikasi Pemeliharaan dan perbaikan Asuransi Lain-lain (dibawah Rp100 juta) Jumlah 2008 233.655.838.213 127.636.776.831 86.800.000.741 146.156.954.378 74.235.438.765 253.139.819.025 34.000.899.735 32.682.840.577 47.038.668.391 5.895.994.687 5.103.763.359 38.055.615.135 21.385.052.884 3.509.156.819 21.955.385.690 7.936.676.062 2.634.209.633 - 75.288.845 457.468.847 License Electricity Rent Concession fees to the Department of Communication and Informatics the Directorate General of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication Repairs and maintenance Insurance Others below Rp100 million) 506.131.042.222 536.557.325.851 267.908.591.748 Total 27. BEBAN UMUM DAN ADMINISTRASI 27. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Jasa profesional Sewa Transportasi Beban pos Telepon, listrik dan air Hadiah dan sumbangan Perlengkapan kantor Perijinan, lisensi dan bea masuk Pemeliharaan kantor 2007 2008 86.922.787.127 35.731.775.587 33.481.494.823 21.049.889.416 8.425.114.609 8.383.522.564 7.184.950.608 19.756.520.505 24.596.781.663 15.162.518.635 13.662.061.986 4.708.796.127 9.847.721.466 6.952.526.096 5.805.519.426 7.726.219.290 2.779.654.793 2007 43.823.340.405 Professional fees 16.179.912.554 Rent Transportation 4.676.668.809 Postage Telephone, electricity and water 2.200.645.408 Gifts and donations 9.334.580.439 Office supplies Permits, licenses and 4.903.753.942 customs clearance Office maintenance 51 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 27. BEBAN UMUM DAN ADMINISTRASI (Lanjutan) 2009 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 27. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (Continued) 2008 2007 Rekreasi dan olah raga 2.819.515.671 863.735.902 692.012.617 Representasi dan jamuan Keamanan Iuran keanggotaan Seragam Uang makan Pajak Lain-lain (dibawah Rp500 juta) 1.645.745.482 1.611.121.529 1.071.694.964 934.069.083 616.813.930 79.168.590 2.213.445.751 1.164.586.710 1.376.920.784 586.042.385 2.727.433.005 790.020.404 189.543.533 856.293.930 1.298.961.208 609.982.217 850.556.444 695.191.860 703.829.671 1.036.841.170 Recreation and sport Representation and entertainment Security Memberships Uniform Meals consumption Tax Others (below Rp500 million) 224.929.155.256 112.585.995.762 Total Jumlah 28. BEBAN KARYAWAN 28. PERSONNEL EXPENSES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 2008 2007 Gaji dan upah Transportasi Tunjangan kesehatan Beban manfaat karyawan Pelatihan Tunjangan uang makan 228.686.854.909 29.291.851.445 13.451.676.520 6.875.541.286 6.439.445.221 6.219.400.665 187.947.526.367 26.686.603.035 9.415.851.737 6.577.659.310 5.657.347.327 4.745.398.705 119.094.965.217 19.640.327.399 5.449.954.385 4.633.354.956 2.851.685.650 Salaries and wages Transportation Medical allowance Employee benefits expense Training Meal allowance Jumlah 290.964.770.046 241.030.386.481 153.807.586.045 Total 29. BEBAN PENJUALAN DAN PEMASARAN 29. SALES AND MARKETING EXPENSES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 2008 2007 Iklan dan promosi Pameran Sewa Lain-lain 402.733.075.149 44.735.503.121 3.728.049.469 269.820.068 402.699.515.612 17.427.996.517 3.472.354.367 326.599.298 199.276.609.995 8.248.677.271 2.494.569.240 213.316.965 Advertising and promotion Exhibition Rent Others Jumlah 451.466.447.807 423.926.465.794 Total 30. PENDAPATAN (BEBAN) LAIN-LAIN 30. OTHER INCOME (CHANGES) a. Beban keuangan a. Financial charges 2009 2008 2007 Pendapatan bunga Beban bunga Administrasi bank 101.325.971.330 (318.444.529.671 ) (3.329.981.239 ) 89.740.731.111 (217.873.687.549 ) (3.627.225.741 ) 16.381.338.059 (93.318.327.258 ) (12.922.000.335 ) Interest income Interest expenses Bank charges Bersih (220.448.539.580 ) (131.760.182.179 ) (89.858.989.534 ) Net 52 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 30. PENDAPATAN (BEBAN) LAIN-LAIN (Lanjutan) 30. OTHER INCOME (CHANGES) (Continued) b. Selisih Kurs b. Foreign exchange 2009 Laba selisih kurs Rugi selisih kurs Bersih 2008 2007 276.154.742.028 ( ) 775.283.655.474 (819.771.325.591 ) 56.743.623.689 (48.732.713.599 ) 97.894.615.112 (44.487.670.117 ) 8.010.910.090 31. PERPAJAKAN Gain on foreign exchange Loss on foreign exchange Net 31. TAXATION a. Pajak dibayar di muka a. Prepaid taxes 2009 2008 2007 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Bea Materai 203.665.014.840 133.576.008 209.734.227.091 215.680.998 137.497.713.131 220.340.008 Value-Added Tax Stamp duty Jumlah 203.798.590.848 209.949.908.089 137.718.053.139 Total b. Taksiran Tagihan Pajak Penghasilan 2009 b. Estimated Claims for Tax Refund 2008 2007 Pajak penghasilan Pasal 22 Pasal 23 Fiskal 45.514.624.154 2.346.033 99.000.000 41.762.997.336 2.028.826.183 151.000.000 23.431.741.537 6.792.822.754 65.000.000 Income taxes Article 22 Article 23 Fiscal Jumlah 45.615.970.187 43.942.823.519 30.289.564.291 Total c. Hutang pajak c. Taxes payable 2009 2008 2007 Pajak penghasilan Pasal 4 (2) Pasal 21 Pasal 23 Pasal 26 2.854.926.301 4.698.681.745 1.116.920.359 1.206.647.218 3.549.827.954 1.708.898.495 2.664.009.860 917.547.379 1.990.209.392 1.905.559.627 Income taxes Article 4 (2) Article 21 Article 23 Article 26 Jumlah 8.670.528.405 6.465.373.667 7.477.326.258 Total 53 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 31. TAXATION (Continued) d. Pajak Kini d. Current Tax Rekonsiliasi antara laba sebelum beban pajak seperti yang disajikan dalam laporan laba rugi dengan taksiran rugi fiskal untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 Laba sebelum beban pajak menurut laporan laba rugi Reconciliation between income before tax expense as shown in the statements of income and the estimated fiscal loss for the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 was as follows: 2008 145.714.424.917 Beda temporer: Penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu Penyisihan imbalan kerja Aset tetap 10.604.128.332 5.518.128.149 (227.606.465.275 ) 12.490.675.694 5.786.413.639 (127.316.394.767 ) Penghapusan piutang ragu-ragu Transaksi sewa pembiayaan (16.275.383.378 ) (279.589.030.803 ) (23.388.713.945 ) - Jumlah (507.348.622.975 ) (132.428.019.379 ) 84.417.558.573 53.096.855.555 13.059.344.098 7.709.348.605 10.646.081.976 5.780.942.004 (101.325.971.330 ) 1.251.989.543 (89.740.731.111 ) 1.155.877.120 Beda tetap: Pajak dan pengembangan usaha Gaji, upah dan manfaat karyawan Jamuan, sumbangan dan representasi Pendapatan bunga yang telah dikenakan pajak final Lain-lain Jumlah 2007 219.692.600.299 Income before tax expense per statements of income Temporary differences: 17.384.783.050 Provision for doubtful accounts 4.633.354.956 Provision for employee benefits (61.834.557.771 ) Fixed assets Write-off of allowance for (35.295.384.816 ) doubtful accounts Finance lease transactions (75.111.804.581 ) Total Permanent differences: 30.338.268.873 Taxes and business development Salaries, wages and 5.210.754.975 employee benefits Entertainment, donation and 2.633.841.343 representation Interest income already (16.381.338.059 ) subjected to final tax 1.475.988.392 Others (21.997.707.827 ) 23.277.515.524 Total Estimated taxable income (fiscal loss) for the year Taksiran penghasilan kena pajak (rugi fiskal) tahun berjalan (353.585.195.198 ) 23.630.524.466 167.858.311.242 Kompensasi rugi fiskal Tahun 2003 Tahun 2004 Tahun 2005 Tahun 2006 (70.049.776.824 ) (228.917.428.771 ) - (122.348.002.661 ) (229.450.983.165 ) (30.372.059.495 ) (16.223.684.878 ) (227.049.747.075 ) (237.892.905.427 ) (30.372.059.495 ) Fiscal loss compensation of Year 2003 Year 2004 Year 2005 Year 2006 Jumlah kompensasi rugi fiskal tahun sebelumnya (298.967.205.595 ) (382.171.045.321 ) (511.538.396.875 ) Total fiscal loss compensation of the previous years 2.651.714.511 (49.584.596.461 ) 8.441.922.262 - Adjustments for fiscal loss 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Penyesuaian rugi fiskal 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 72.604.786.723 (2.114.519.246 ) 59.573.315.260 - Jumlah penyesuaian 70.490.267.477 59.573.315.260 (38.490.959.688 ) Total adjustments Taksiran Akumulasi Rugi Fiskal (582.062.133.316 ) (298.967.205.595 ) (382.171.045.321 ) Estimated Cumulative Fiscal Loss 54 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 31. TAXATION (Continued) e. Pajak tangguhan e. Deferred tax Pada bulan September 2008, Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1983 mengenai “Pajak Penghasilan” diubah untuk keempat kalinya dengan Undang-undang No. 36 Tahun 2008. Perubahan tersebut juga mencakup perubahan tarif pajak penghasilan badan dari sebelumnya menggunakan tarif pajak bertingkat menjadi tarif tunggal yaitu 28% untuk tahun fiskal 2009 dan 25% untuk tahun fiskal 2010 dan seterusnya. Revisi ini berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2009. In September 2008, Law No. 7 Year 1983 regarding “Income Tax” has been revised for the fourth time with Law No. 36 Year 2008. The revised Law stipulates changes in corporate tax rate from a marginal tax rate to a single rate of 28% for fiscal year 2009 and 25% for fiscal year 2010 onwards. The revised Law became effective January 1, 2009. Perhitungan beban pajak tangguhan sebagai berikut: Calculations of deferred tax expense were as follows: 2009 2008 2007 Rugi fiskal Imbalan kerja Transaksi sewa pembiayaan Aset tetap Pengaruh tarif pajak terhadap beda temporer Penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu 56.618.985.544 1.103.625.630 (55.917.806.160 ) (45.521.293.055 ) (39.909.512.198 ) 1.446.603.410 (31.829.098.692 ) (2.421.573.676 ) ( ) 31.772.892.436 (2.724.509.563 ) Beban Pajak Tangguhan (47.272.312.726 ) (41.243.624.607 ) Aset dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 2008 74.741.801.399 4.908.071.983 6.599.035.628 (203.615.662.311 ) - Kewajiban Pajak Tangguhan bersih (164.639.066.027 ) (117.366.753.301 ) Sesuai dengan Surat Ketetapan Pajak (SKP) atas pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 dan 2007, rugi fiskal Perusahaan telah ditetapkan masingmasing sebagai berikut: (75.423.611.426 ) Deferred Tax Expense 2007 116.412.426.663 4.144.977.493 (234.308.747.239 ) (55.917.806.160 ) f. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Fiscal loss Employee benefits Finance lease transactions Fixed assets Effect of tax rate on temporary differences (5.373.180.530 ) Allowance for doubtful accounts The deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 were as follows: Aset (kewajiban) pajak tangguhan Akumulasi rugi fiskal Kewajiban imbalan kerja Piutang usaha Aset tetap Transaksi sewa pembiayaan Manajemen Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa penghasilan kena pajak Perusahaan di masa yang akan datang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk merealisasikan saldo aset pajak tangguhan. (52.890.070.051 ) 1.390.006.487 (18.550.367.332 ) Deferred tax assets (liability) 114.651.313.597 Accumulated fiscal loss Employee benefits obligation Trade receivables (206.143.876.343 ) Fixed assets Finance lease transactions ( ) Deferred Tax Liabilities Net The Company’s management believes that sufficient taxable profit will be available to recover deferred tax assets. f. Tax Assesment Letter Based on Tax Assessment Letter (SKP) of income tax for the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, the fiscal loss of the Company has been assessed as follows: 55 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 31. TAXATION (Continued) Tahun 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Laba (Rugi) Per SKP/ Taxable Income (Fiscal Loss) Based on SKP (13.571.970.367 ) (276.634.343.536 ) (228.917.428.771 ) 28.667.701.371 (240.463.097.965 ) Laba (Rugi) Per SPT/ Taxable Income (Fiscal Loss) Based on SPT (16.223.684.878 ) (282.125.631.258 ) (237.892.905.427 ) (30.905.553.887 ) (167.858.311.242 ) Rugi fiskal tahun 2004 dan 2006 yang dicatat dalam laporan keuangan lebih kecil sebesar Rp55,1 miliar dan Rp533 juta dibandingkan dengan jumlah yang dilaporkan dalam Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (SPT) disebabkan oleh koreksi tambahan beda temporer dan beda tetap. Perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut telah disesuaikan. Year 2.651.714.511 5.491.287.722 8.975.476.656 59.573.255.258 (72.604.786.723 ) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal loss in 2004 and 2006 was lower than recorded in the financial statements by Rp55.1 billion and Rp533 million compared with the amount reported in Corporate Income Tax Return (SPT) because of additional correction of temporary and permanent differences. The differences have been adjusted. g. Administrasi g. Administration Berdasarkan Undang-undang Perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia, perusahaanperusahaan menetapkan dan membayar sendiri besarnya jumlah pajak yang terhutang, Direktur Jenderal Pajak ("DJP") dapat menetapkan atau mengubah kewajiban pajak dalam batas waktu sepuluh tahun sejak saat terhutangnya pajak, atau akhir tahun 2013, mana yang lebih awal. Ketentuan baru yang diberlakukan terhadap tahun pajak 2008 dan tahun-tahun selanjutnya menentukan bahwa DJP dapat menetapkan dan mengubah kewajiban pajak tersebut dalam batas waktu lima tahun sejak saat terhutangnya pajak. 32. TRANSAKSI DENGAN PIHAK-PIHAK HUBUNGAN ISTIMEWA Under the taxation laws of Indonesia, the companies submit tax returns on the basis of self-assessment. The Director General of Tax (“DGT”) may assess or amend taxes within ten years of the time the tax becomes due, or until the end of 2013, whichever is earlier. There are new rules applicable to fiscal year 2008 and subsequent years stipulating that the DGT may assess or amend taxes within five years of the time the tax becomes due. 32. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES Dalam kegiatan usaha yang normal, Perusahaan melakukan transaksi dengan pihak-pihak hubungan istimewa. 2009 Sewa ke (Catatan 39) PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Koreksi/ Correction In the normal course of business, the Company entered into transactions with related parties. 2008 2007 4.959.008.700 4.592.840.900 4.274.515.790 Rental to (Note 39) PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Pendapatan dari (Catatan 25) PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama PT Catur Swasakti Utama PT Bakrie Communications 178.881.917 4.041.519 - 179.644.922 731.250 108.199.098 2.475.000 Revenues from (Note 25) PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama PT Catur Swasakti Utama PT Bakrie Communications Jumlah 182.923.436 180.376.172 110.674.098 Total 56 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 32. TRANSAKSI DENGAN PIHAK-PIHAK HUBUNGAN ISTIMEWA (Lanjutan) 32. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (Continued) Sifat dan hubungan transaksi dengan pihak hubungan istimewa adalah sebagai berikut: Sifat Hubungan/ Nature of Relationship PT Bakrie Communications PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR PT Catur Swasakti Utama PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna PT Bakrie Corrugated Metal Industry PT Rasuna Caturtama Corporation PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk pemegang saham/ shareholder afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate afiliasi/affiliate pemegang saham/ shareholder Nature of relationship and transactions with related parties were as follows: Sifat Transaksi/ Nature of Transactions jasa/service PT Bakrie Communications jasa/service sewa/rental jasa/services sewa/rental sewa/rental jasa/services jasa/services PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Perhimpunan Penghuni ATR PT Catur Swasakti Utama PT Dinamika Nusantara Bestari PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna jasa/services PT Bakrie Corrugated Metal Industry jasa/services hutang usaha/ trade payable PT Rasuna Caturtama Corporation PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Persentase saldo akun-akun hubungan istimewa terhadap saldo akun keseluruhan terkait adalah sebagai berikut: Hutang hubungan istimewa terhadap jumlah kewajiban (Catatan 15) Beban kepada hubungan istimewa terhadap jumlah beban Pendapatan dari hubungan istimewa terhadap jumlah pendapatan usaha Percentage of balace of related party accounts to the total balance of related account were as follows: 2009 2008 2007 0,03% 0,05% 0,17% 0,20% 0,25% 0,44% 0,017% 0,01% 0,01% 33. KEWAJIBAN IMBALAN KERJA 33. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OBLIGATION Perhitungan kewajiban imbalan kerja karyawan dilakukan oleh PT Dian Artha Tama, aktuaris independen, yang laporannya bertanggal 11 Februari 2010, 12 Februari 2009 dan 20 Februari 2008, menggunakan metode “Projected Unit Credit” dengan asumsi-asumsi sebagai berikut: Tingkat diskonto per tahun Tingkat kenaikan gaji Tingkat pengunduran diri Due to related parties to total liabilities (Note 15) Expense to related parties to total expenses Revenue from related parties to total operating revenue Calculation of employee benefits obligation was based on the reports of PT Dian Artha Tama, an independent actuarial firm, in its reports dated February 11, 2010, February 12, 2009 and February 20, 2008. The calculation used was “Projected Unit Credit” method with the following assumptions: 2009 2008 2007 10% 6% 5% 12% 6% 5% 10% 8% 3% Beban imbalan kerja karyawan tahun berjalan dicatat sebagai “Beban Karyawan” dalam laporan laba rugi tahun. Discount rate per annum Salary growth rate Early retirement rate Employee benefits expense for the current year was recorded in “Personnel Expense” in the statements of income. 57 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 33. KEWAJIBAN IMBALAN KERJA (Lanjutan) Kewajiban imbalan sebagai berikut: kerja karyawan 33. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OBLIGATION (Continued) adalah 2009 Nilai kini kewajiban manfaat karyawan Kerugian (keuntungan) aktuarial yang belum diakui Kewajiban Bersih yang Diakui PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 27.195.995.520 (2.045.579.441 ) 25.150.416.079 Employee benefits obligation was as follows: 2008 16.819.741.697 2.812.546.233 19.632.287.930 Beban imbalan kerja karyawan adalah sebagai berikut: 2009 2007 18.936.485.899 (5.090.611.608 ) 13.845.874.291 2008 2007 5.303.807.485 1.681.974.170 (110.240.369 ) 3.991.244.638 2.272.378.308 314.036.364 4.129.630.711 654.624.596 (150.900.351 ) Jumlah 6.875.541.286 6.577.659.310 4.633.354.956 Mutasi kewajiban imbalan kerja karyawan adalah sebagai berikut: 2008 13.845.874.291 6.577.659.310 (791.245.671 ) Saldo Akhir Tahun 25.150.416.079 19.632.287.930 Jumlah Aset 9.303.911.121 4.633.354.956 (91.391.786 ) 13.845.874.291 Beginning balance Employee benefits expense Actual benefits payments Ending Balance 34. MONETARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES IN FOREIGN CURRENCY Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, 2008 dan 2007, Perusahaan memiliki aset dan kewajiban moneter dalam mata uang asing sebagai berikut: 2009 Total 2007 19.632.287.930 6.875.541.286 (1.357.413.137 ) Aset Kas dan setara kas Dolar AS Investasi jangka pendek Dolar AS Kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya Dolar AS Jaminan Dolar AS Current-service cost Interest cost Amortization of actuarial loss Movements of employee benefits obligation were as follows: Saldo awal tahun Beban imbalan kerja karyawan Realisasi pembayaran manfaat 34. ASET DAN KEWAJIBAN MONETER DALAM MATA UANG ASING Net Liabilities Recorded In Balance Sheet Employee benefits expense was as follows: Biaya jasa kini Biaya bunga Kerugian aktuarial yang diakui 2009 Present value of benefit obligation Unrecognized actuarial loss (gain) As of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, the Company had monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency as follows: 2008 2007 292.419.013.423 214.875.232.126 33.268.828.991 46.466.215.642 - 39.745.869.788 31.856.593.772 27.402.489.199 3.607.543.200 3.286.835.069 Assets Cash and cash equivalents US Dollar Short-term investments US Dollar Restricted cash in bank US Dollar Security deposits US Dollar 381.777.099.971 250.339.369.098 Total Assets 58 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. ASET DAN KEWAJIBAN MONETER DALAM MATA UANG ASING (Lanjutan) 34. MONETARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES IN FOREIGN CURRENCY (Continued) 2009 Kewajiban Hutang usaha Dolar AS dan lain-lain Hutang lain-lain Dolar AS Pinjaman bank Dolar AS 2008 2007 739.024.114.361 406.511.965.181 113.342.583.284 2.065.363.058 1.372.727.094 2.450.336.723 1.540.426.880.000 1.587.750.000.000 1.365.755.000.000 Liabilities Trade payables US Dollar and other curencies Other payables US Dollar Bank loan US Dollar Jumlah kewajiban 2.281.516.357.419 1.995.634.692.275 1.481.547.920.007 Total liabilities Kewajiban Bersih 1.899.739.257.448 1.745.295.323.177 1.370.494.766.748 Net Liabilities 35. LABA BERSIH PER SAHAM 35. EARNINGS PER SHARE Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 2009 Laba bersih Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham per saham dasar Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham per saham dasar dilusian 2008 2007 98.442.112.191 136.812.627.065 144.268.988.873 28.482.417.579 26.361.142.022 18.854.505.393 - 26.372.054.483 19.436.103.653 Net income Weighted average number of ordinary shares Weighted average number of diluted shares 3,456 5,190 7,652 Basic Earnings Per Share - 5,188 7,423 Diluted Earnings Per Share Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar Dilusian Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, tidak terdapat efek berpotensi saham biasa dilutif. 36. TARIF JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI As of December 31, 2009, there are no dilutable potential ordinary share securities. 36. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFFS Berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 36 tahun 1999 tanggal 8 September 1999 tentang “Telekomunikasi” dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 52 tahun 2000 tanggal 11 Juli 2000 tentang “Penyelenggaraan Telekomunikasi”, tarif untuk penggunaan jaringan dan jasa telekomunikasi ditentukan oleh operator berdasarkan jenis dan struktur tarif serta mempertimbangkan formula batasan harga yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Under the Law No. 36 Year 1999 dated September 8, 1999 concerning “Telecommunication” and Government Regulation No. 52 Year 2000 dated July 11, 2000 regarding “Provision of Telecommunication”, tariffs for the use of telecommunication network and telecommunication services are determined by providers based on the structure and tariff category with consideration of a price formula set by the government. Tarif Telepon Tetap Tanpa Kabel Dengan Mobilitas Terbatas Tariff of Telephone for Wireless Fixed Line with Limited Mobility Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. 35 Tahun 2004 tanggal 11 Maret 2004, tentang “Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Tetap Lokal Tanpa Kabel dengan Mobilitas Terbatas”, susunan tarif jasa telekomunikasi teleponi dasar jaringan tetap lokal tanpa kabel dengan mobilitas terbatas, terdiri dari: Based on Decision Letters of Minister of Transportation No. 35 Year 2004, dated March 11, 2004 regarding the provision of “Local Fixed Wireless Fixed with Limited Mobility”, the structure of tariffs for local fixed wireless fixed with limited mobility is as follows: 59 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 36. TARIF JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 36. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFFS (Continued) 1. Tarif jasa pasca bayar, terdiri dari: a) Biaya aktivasi b) Biaya bulanan c) Biaya pemakaian d) Biaya fasilitas tambahan 1. Tariffs for post-paid services are as follows: a) Activation fee b) Subscription fee c) Usage charge d) Additional facilities fee 2. Tarif jasa pra bayar, terdiri dari: a) Biaya aktivasi b) Biaya pemakaian c) Biaya fasilitas tambahan 2. Tariffs for prepaid services are as follows: a) Activation fee b) Usage charge c) Additional facilities fee Tarif telepon tetap dikenakan pada akses dan pemakaian jaringan. Biaya akses terdiri dari biaya aktivasi yang dibebankan satu kali dan biaya langganan bulanan. Biaya pemakaian diukur dalam rupiah per menit dan dikategorikan sebagai sambungan lokal atau jarak jauh. Besarnya tarif tergantung pada jarak percakapan, lama percakapan, waktu percakapan dan hari-hari tertentu dalam seminggu dan hari libur. The tariff for fixed line is charged to network access and usage charge. Access fee includes activation fee, which is charged only once and a monthly subscription fee. Usage charge is in Rupiah per minute and is categorized as local or long-distance calls. The tariff amount depends on call distance, call duration, call time and special days in a week and holidays. Besaran tarif telepon tetap didasarkan pada KM. 19/2001 tentang “Tarif Jasa Telepon Dalam Negeri dan Birofax Dalam Negeri”. Tata cara penyesuaian tarif dasar jasa telekomunikasi dalam negeri diatur berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan KM No. 12 tahun 2002 tanggal 29 Januari 2002 (KM. 12 tahun 2002) mengenai penyempurnaan Keputusan Menteri Pariwisata, Pos dan Telekomunikasi (sekarang Departemen Perhubungan) No. KM. 79 tahun 1995 (KM. 79 tahun 1995) tentang “Penyesuaian Tarif dan Jasa Telekomunikasi Dalam Negeri”. The tariff for fixed line was based on KM. 19/2001 concerning “Tariff for Domestic Call Service and Domestic Birofax”. The regulation for basic tariff for domestic telecommunication services is based on the Decision Letter of Minister of Transportation KM No. 12 year 2002 dated January 29, 2002 (KM. 12 year 2002) regarding the amendment of Decision Letter of Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication (currently Department of Transportation) No. KM. 79 year 1995 concerning (KM. 79 year 1995) “Adjustment for Domestic Telecommunication Tariffs and Services”. Selanjutnya Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia menerbitkan Surat No. PK.304/1/3/ PHB-2002 tanggal 29 Januari 2002 mengenai batasan kenaikan tarif jasa teleponi dasar. Berdasarkan surat tersebut, kenaikan tarif telepon tetap dalam negeri untuk waktu tiga (3) tahun adalah sebesar 45,49% dan untuk tahun 2002 kenaikan rata-rata adalah sebesar 15%. Kenaikan tersebut berlaku mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2002. Furthermore. the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia issued Letter No. PK.304/1/3/PHB-2002 dated January 29, 2002 concerning limitation for basic tariff increase in the telecommunication service. Based on the letter, the increase of tariff for domestic fixed line telephone for a 3-year period is 45.49% and for 2002 the average increase in tariff was 15%. The increase began on February 1, 2002. 60 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 36. TARIF JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 36. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFFS (Continued) Biaya pemakaian yang dibebankan kepada pelanggan yang menghubungi pelanggan lain, adalah sebagai berikut: Jenis Panggilan Lokal Jarak Jauh: Pasca Bayar Max (Rp/menit)/ Max Post Paid (Rp/minute) The usage charges to customers who make a call to other customers are as follows: Pra Bayar Max (Rp/menit)/ Max Pre Paid (Rp/minute) FWP Max (Rp/menit)/ Max FWP (Rp/minute) Type of Calls 250 250 250 - Zona dekat (<200 km) 1.290 1.290 1.290 - Zona sedang (200 - 500 km) 1.815 3.000 1.815 - Zona Jauh (>500 km) 2.270 3.000 2.270 Local Long-Distance: Short-Distance Zone (<200 km) Medium- Distance Zone (200 - 500 km) Long-Distance Zone (>500 km) 550 800 500 Mobile: Local Mobile: Lokal Jarak Jauh: - Zona dekat (<200 km) 2.100 2.100 1.700 - Zona sedang (200 - 500 km) 2.625 3.800 2.225 - Zona Jauh (>500 km) 3.080 3.800 2.680 Pada bulan April 2008, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika mengeluarkan Peraturan No. 15/Per/M.KOMINFO/4/2008 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan Tarif Jasa Teleponi Dasar Yang Disalurkan Melalui Jaringan Tetap, yang mencabut peraturan sebelumnya yaitu Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor: 09/Per/M.KOMINFO/02/2006 tentang Tata cara Penetapan Tarif Awal dan Tarif Perubahan Jasa Teleponi Dasar Melalui Jaringan Tetap. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut. penentuan Tarif Dasar harus berdasarkan formula biaya. 37. INTERKONEKSI Pada tanggal 8 Februari 2006, telah diterbitkan ketentuan mengenai interkoneksi tertuang pada Peraturan Menteri No. 08/Per/M.KOMINFO/02/ 2006 (PM. 08/2006) yang menetapkan tarif interkoneksi antara jaringan telekomunikasi selular dengan PSTN, jaringan telekomunikasi selular bergerak dan jaringan telekomunikasi selular dalam negeri lainnya, jaringan telekomunikasi internasional dengan PSTN dan PSTN dalam negeri lainnya. Long-Distance: Short-Distance Zone (<200 km) Medium-Distance Zone (200 - 500 km) Long-Distance Zone (>500 km) In April 2008, the Minister of Information and Communication issued regulation No. 15/Per/M.KOMINFO/4/2008 concerning “Procedure for Stipulation of Basic Telephone Service Tariff for Fixed Network, which revoked the previous rules of Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number: 09/Per/M.KOMINFO/02/2006 of Procedure and Initial Stipulation of Tariff Rate Change Basic Telephony Services for Fixed Network. Based on this regulation, the determination of basic tariff should be based on a cost-based formula. 37. INTERCONNECTION On February 8, 2006, Minister Decree No. 08/Per/M.KOMINFO/02/2006 (PM. 08/2006). the regulation regarding interconnection was issued. prescribing interconnection tariff structures between mobile cellular telecommunication networks and Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs), mobile cellular telecommunication network. and other domestic mobile cellular telecommunication networks. international telecommunication networks and PSTNs, and other domestic PSTNs. 61 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. INTERKONEKSI (Lanjutan) 37. INTERCONNECTION (Continued) Sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2007, Perusahaan menggunakan perhitungan tarif interkoneksi berbasis biaya untuk perhitungan transaksi interkoneksi yang mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri PM. 08/2006. Starting January 1, 2007, the Company used the cost-based computation for interconnection transactions in accordance with Minister Decree PM. 08/2006. Perhitungan tarif interkoneksi dari masing-masing penyelenggara dilakukan dengan menggunakan formula berbasis biaya sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam PM. 08/2006. Perusahaan mengadakan Nota Kesepakatan tentang kerjasama interkoneksi jaringan telekomunikasi dengan penyelenggara jaringan penyelenggara jaringan tetap lainnya maupun dengan jaringan selular. The computation of interconnection cost from each telecommunication operator is based on a cost-based formula as stated in PM.08/2006. The Company had an Agreement Note of cooperative interconnection between telecommunication networks with fixed network or cellular network. Berdasarkan Nota Kesepakatan tersebut, maka panggilan yang berasal dari Perusahaan ke operator lainnya (originasi) menimbulkan “beban interkoneksi” yang dibebankan kepada Perusahaan (originator) yang melakukan panggilan. Sementara itu, panggilan yang berasal dari operator lainnya ke Perusahaan (terminasi), menimbulkan “pendapatan interkoneksi” yang dibebankan kepada operator lain yang melakukan panggilan. Based on the Agreement Note, the calls from the Company to another operator (origination) will charge “interconnection expense” that is chargeable to the Company (originator) who made the call. On the other hand, the calls from another operator to the Company (termination), will charge “interconnection revenue” that is chargeable to the other operator who made the call. Beban Interkoneksi (Originasi)/ Interconnection Charge (Origination) Jenis Panggilan Pendapatan Interkoneksi (Terminasi)/ Interconnection Revenue (Termination) Type of Calls PSTN lokal Rp73 per menit / Rp73 per minute Rp73 per menit / Rp73 per minute PSTN SLJJ - Interkoneksi langsung - Melalui transit Rp174 per menit / Rp174 per minute Rp510 per menit / Rp510 per minute Rp174 per menit / Rp174 per minute Rp174 per menit / Rp174 per minute Long-distance call Direct interconnection Through transit - SLI - Rp549 per menit / Rp549 per minute International call Selular (Lokal) - Interkoneksi langsung - Melalui transit Selular SLJJ - Interkoneksi langsung - Melalui transit Rp361 per menit / Rp361 per minute Rp152 per menit / Rp152 per minute Rp453 per menit sampai Rp152 per menit / Rp152 per minute Rp807 per menit / Rp453 per minute until Rp807 per minute Rp471 per menit / Rp471 per minute Rp152 per menit / Rp152 per minute Rp563 per menit sampai Rp152 per menit / Rp152 per minute Rp807 per menit / Rp563 per minute until Rp807 per minute Mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri No. 08/Per/ M.KOMINFO/02/2006 tentang tarif interkoneksi antara jaringan telekomunikasi selular dengan PSTN, jaringan telekomunikasi selular bergerak dan jaringan telekomunikasi selular dalam negeri lainnya, jaringan telekomunikasi internasional dengan PSTN dan PSTN dalam negeri lainnya, pada tanggal 5 Februari 2008 Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesis (BRTI) melalui suratnya No. 009/DJPT.3/KOMINFO/II/2008 tentang evaluasi Dokumen Penawaran Interkoneksi (DPI) mengeluarkan acuan perubahan besaran biaya interkoneksi untuk tahun 2008. PSTN local Cellular (local) Direct interconnection Through transit - Cellular long-distance call Direct interconnection Through transit - Referring to Minister Decree No. 08/Per/ M.KOMINFO/02/2006 (PM. 08/2006) regarding interconnection tariff structures between mobile cellular telecommunication networks and Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs), mobile cellular telecommunication network, and other domestic mobile cellular telecommunication networks, international telecommunication networks and PSTNs and other domestic PSTNs. on February 5, 2008 Indonesian Telecommunication Regulation Body (BRTI) issued letter No. 009/DJPT.3/KOMINFO/II/2008 regarding evaluation of Interconnection Offerring Document (DPI) that stated the basis of changes in interconnection cost for year 2008. 62 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. INTERKONEKSI (Lanjutan) 37. INTERCONNECTION (Continued) Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi BRTI tersebut, besaran biaya interkoneksi untuk tahun 2008 adalah sebagai berikut: Based on BRTI evaluation, the interconnection cost for year 2008 is as follows: Jenis Panggilan Beban Interkoneksi (Originasi)/ Interconnection Charge (Origination) Pendapatan Interkoneksi (Terminasi)/ Interconnection Revenue (Termination) PSTN lokal Rp73 per menit / Rp73 per minute Rp73 per menit / Rp73 per minute PSTN SLJJ - Interkoneksi langsung Rp560 per menit / Rp560 per minute Rp137 per menit / Rp137 per minute - Rp612 per menit / Rp612 per minute SLI Selular (Lokal) - Interkoneksi langsung - Melalui transit Selular SLJJ - Interkoneksi langsung - Melalui transit Rp261 per menit / Rp261 per minute Rp203 per menit / Rp203 per minute Rp330 per menit sampai Rp203 per menit / Rp203 per minute Rp556 per menit / Rp330 per minute until Rp556 per minute Rp380 per menit / Rp380 per minute Rp203 per menit / Rp203 per minute Rp449 per menit sampai Rp203 per menit / Rp203 per minute Rp675 per menit / Rp449 per minute until Rp675 per minute 38. LISENSI JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI Type of Calls PSTN local Long-distance call Direct interconnection International call Cellular (local) Direct interconnection Through transit - Cellular long-distance call Direct interconnection Through transit - 38. TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE LICENSE Pada tanggal 30 Juni 2000, Perusahaan diperbolehkan untuk mengelola fasilitas sistem jasa sebagai “Penyedia Jasa Internet” berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Direktur Jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi, Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika No. 237/Dirjen/2006. On June 30, 2000, the Company was granted permission to organize service system facilities as “Internet Service Provider” based on Decision Letter of the General Director of Post and Telecommunication, Department of Communication and Information No. 237/Dirjen/ 2006. Pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2004, Perusahaan memperoleh jasa telekomunikasi tetap lokal dan lisensi jasa teleponi dasar “Lisensi untuk Jaringan Tetap Lokal dengan Akses Radio dan Lisensi Teleponi Dasar” berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia No. KP.282 tahun 2004. Lisensi diberikan untuk (i) Jaringan Tetap Lokal dengan akses radio frekuensi band 825 Mhz 835 Mhz dan berpasangan dengan 870 MHz 880 Mhz dan (ii) Jasa Teleponi Dasar dengan jangkauan di provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat dan Banten, Jasa Jaringan Tetap Lokal dengan akses radio dan jasa teleponi dasar ini sesuai dengan Peraturan No. 36/1999 tentang Telekomunikasi. On August 25. 2004. the Company obtained a local fixed telecommunication service and basic telephone service license “License for Local Fixed Network with Radio Access and Basic Telephone License” based on the Decision Letter of Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. KP.282 year 2004. The license was given for (i) Local Fixed network with radio access frequency bandwith of 825 Mhz 835 Mhz and pair-off with 870 MHz 880 Mhz and (ii) Basic Telephone Service covering DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten province. This Local Fixed Network service with Radio Access and Basic Telephone Service is in accordance with Law No. 36/1999 of Telecommunication. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi. Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika No. 16/Dirjen/2006 tanggal 23 Januari 2006. Perusahaan memperoleh suatu lisensi untuk mengoperasikan Jasa Telepon Internet untuk Keperluan Publik (ITKP) dengan jangkauan nasional. Lisensi pengaturan ITKP didasarkan pada Undang-undang Telekomunikasi No. 36/2000. Based on the Decision Letter from General Director of Post and Telecommunication. Department of Communication and Information No. 16/Dirjen/2006 on January 23, 2006, the Company obtained a license to operate Internet Telephone Service for Public Needs (ITKP) with national coverage. The license of organizing ITKP is based on Law No. 36/2000 regarding Telecommunication. 63 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 38. LISENSI JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 38. TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE LICENSE (Continued) Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2006, Perusahaan memperoleh izin prinsip untuk jasa jaringan tetap lokal dan jasa teleponi dasar dengan luas jangkauan nasional. berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 181/KEP/M. KOMINFO/12/2006 tentang Alokasi Saluran Frekuensi Radio 800 Mhz untuk Jaringan Telepon Tetap Lokal Tidak Bergerak Tanpa Kabel dengan mobilitas terbatas dan mobilitas jaringan selular. Hal tersebut juga telah disetujui oleh Pemerintah pada tanggal 12 Desember 2006 sesuai dengan surat No. 142/DJPT. 1/KOMINFO/ 12/2006. Sehubungan dengan hal itu. Perusahaan diberikan izin dalam penggunaan frekuensi band 800 Mhz dengan saluran nomor: 37, 78 dan 119, untuk mengatur (i) jaringan tetap lokal tanpa kabel dengan akses radio dan (ii) jasa teleponi dasar dengan jangkauan nasional. On December 12. 2006. the Company received a principal license for Local Fixed Network and Basic Telephone Service with nationwide coverage. based on the Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 181/KEP/M. KOMINFO/12/2006 about Canal Allocation of Radio Frequency bandwith 800 Mhz for Local Fixed Wireless Network with Limited Mobility and Mobility Network Cellular. This was also approved by the Government on December 12. 2006 based on letter No. 142/DJPT. 1/KOMINFO/12/2006. In accordance with this. the Company was given permission to use frequency bandwith 800 Mhz with canal number: 37, 78 and 119, to organize (i) local fixed network with radio access and (ii) basic telephone service with national coverage. Pada tanggal 15 Juni 2007, Perusahaan memperoleh izin operasional untuk Jaringan Tetap Lokal Tidak Bergerak dengan mobilitas terbatas berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 298/KEP/M.KOMINFO/6/2007. Izin tersebut diberikan untuk (i) Jaringan Tetap Lokal Tidak Bergerak dengan mobilitas terbatas dengan frekuensi Band 800 Mhz dengan nomor saluran 37, 78 dan 119 (ii) Jasa Teleponi Dasar dengan jangkauan nasional. Izin regional No. KP.282 tahun 2004 tidak berlaku lagi sejak penerbitan izin nasional ini. On June 15, 2007, the Company was granted an Operational License for Local Fixed Wireless Network with Limited Mobility based on the Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 298/KEP/M.KOMINFO/6/2007. The license was given for (i) Local Fixed wireless network with limited mobility frequency bandwith of 800 Mhz with canal number 37, 78 and 119 (ii) Basic Telephone Service with nationwide coverage. The regional license No. KP.282 year 2004 is no longer valid upon the issuance of this nationwide license. Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2009, Perusahaan memperoleh izin prinsip untuk penyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan langsung jarak jauh (SLJJ), berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 31/KEP/ M.KOMINFO/01/2009 yang telah disetujui oleh pemerintah tanggal 16 Desember 2008 sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika No. 379/KEP/M.KOMINFO/12/2008 tentang penetapan pemenang seleksi penyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan langsung jarak jauh. On January 23, 2009, the Company received a principal license of fixed direct line direct long-distance conection, based on Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31/KEP/M.KOMINFO/01/2009; this was also approved on December 16, 2008 based on Minister Decree No. 379/KEP/M.KOMINFO/12/ 2008. which indicates the selected service providers for fixed direct line long-distance connection. 64 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 38. LISENSI JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 38. TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE LICENSE (Continued) Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2009, Perusahaan memperoleh izin untuk menyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan internasional (SLI) dan jasa telephon dasar, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan dari Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia No. 59/KEP/M.KOMINFO/02/ 2009 tentang izin penyelenggaraan jaringan tetap sambungan internasional PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Izin penyelenggaraan SLI ini dilakukan evaluasi setiap tahun dan evaluasi secara menyeluruh setiap lima (5) tahun. On February 12, 2009, the Company received a license for International Fixed-Line Direct Connection (SLI) and basic telephone service, based on Decision Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 59/KEP/M.KOMINFO/02/2009 about license for International Fixed-Line Direct Connection PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. The SLI will be evaluated annually and will be fully evaluated every five (5) years. Izin tersebut berlaku selama tiga (3) tahun hingga habisnya kontrak. Kontrak ini mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk membuat fasilitas untuk membangun jaringan tetap sambungan langsung jarak jauh. The license granted is valid for three (3) years upon execution of the contract. This contract allows the Company to build facilities to establish fixed line direct long-distance connection. Seperti yang dituliskan dalam Perusahaan diperintahkan untuk beberapa persyaratan sebagai berikut: As stipulated in the contract, the Company is mandated to comply with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. kontrak, mentaati Menggunakan produksi lokal minimal 35%; Alokasi dana untuk pengembangan sumber daya senilai 1% dari pendapatan kotor (Gross Revenue); Alokasi dana untuk kebutuhan penelitian, pengembangan dan inovasi senilai 1% dari pendapatan kotor; Membayar Biaya Hak Penyelenggaraan (BHP) telekomunikasi dan kontribusi Universal Service Obligation (USO). 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN 1. 2. 3. 4. Use local production of a minimum 35%; Allocate funds for human resources development amounting to 1% of gross revenue; Allocate funds for research need, development and innovation amounting to 1% of gross revenue; Pay Biaya Hak Penyelenggaraan (BHP) telecommunication and contribution of Universal Service Obligation (USO). 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS Perusahaan memiliki perjanjian dan ikatan yang signifikan. sebagai berikut: The Company had outstanding significant agreements and commitments. as follows: Pihak Ketiga Third Parties a. PT Huawei Tech. Investment (Huawei) a. PT Huawei Tech. Investment (Huawei) 1. Pada tanggal 12 Maret 2007, Perusahaan dan Huawei menandatangani perjanjian Kontrak Pengadaaan Peralatan untuk CDMA tahap V-A Proyek Peralatan dengan jumlah kontrak sebesar USD34.261.629 untuk jangka waktu 1 tahun dari 12 Maret 2007 sampai dengan 12 Maret 2008. 1. On March 12, 2007, the Company and Huawei signed a Equipment Supply Contract for CDMA Phase V-A Equipment Project with a total contract price of USD34,261,629 from March 12, 2007 until March 12, 2008. 65 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) 2. Pada tanggal 3 Mei 2007, Perusahaan dan Huawei menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dimana Huawei akan menyediakan peralatan telekomunikasi kepada Perusahaan berdasarkan pembiayaan pemasok dengan jangka waktu lima (5) tahun dan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD124.917.548 selama tahun 2007 dan 2008. Perjanjian akan berlaku untuk periode satu (1) tahun kecuali diakhiri lebih cepat oleh salah satu pihak yang melakukan perjanjian melalui pemberitahuan tertulis kepada pihak lainnya dalam waktu enam puluh (60) hari sebelumnya, atau pihak-pihak terkait menandatangani perjanjian definitif untuk masing-masing tranche supply dan perjanjian definitif tersebut berlaku sah dan efektif (Catatan 15). b. PT Indosat Tbk. 2. On May 3, 2007, the Company and Huawei entered into a Cooperation Agreement, in which Huawei will supply telecommunication equipment to the Company on a vendor financing scheme over five (5) years term with the maximum value amounting to USD124,917,548 throughout year 2007 and 2008. The agreement shall enter in force for a period of one (1) year, unless terminated earlier by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party, or the parties have entered into a definitive agreement for respective tranche of supply and such definitive agreement is validly effective (Note 15). b. PT Indosat Tbk. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007, Perusahaan dan PT Indosat Tbk (Indosat) mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama No. INDOSAT 0003/C00-CC0/LGL/2007 dan No. BAKRIETEL 2392/EST-PKS/INDOSAT/XII/ 2007 dan Jaringan Tetap Indosat No. INDOSAT 0006/C00-CC0/LGL/2007 serta No. BAKRIETEL 2500/EST-PKS/INDOSAT/XII/ 2007 tentang Interkoneksi Jaringan Bergerak Jaringan Tetap Indosat. Perjanjian tersebut mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut : On December 18, 2007, the Company and PT Indosat Tbk (Indosat) signed a Cooperation Agreement No. INDOSAT 0003/ C00-CC0/LGL/2007 and No. BAKRIETEL 2392/EST-PKS/INDOSAT/XII/2007 and Interconnection of Indosat’s Fixed Line No. INDOSAT 0006/C00-CC0/LGL/2007 and No. BAKRIETEL 2500/EST-PKS/INDOSAT/ XII/2007 concerning “Mobility Network Interconnection of Indosat’s Fixed Line.” The agreement covers the following, among others: • Interkoneksi antara jaringan bergerak Selular Indosat dengan jaringan tetap lokal Perusahaan dan jaringan tetap Indosat dengan jaringan tetap lokal Perusahaan sehingga setiap pengguna masing-masing pihak dapat mengadakan atau menerima panggilan interkoneksi dan dapat juga mengirim dan menerima SMS ke atau dari setiap pengguna pihak lainnya; • Interconnection between mobility network interconnection of Indosat’s fixed line and the Company’s local fixed line also interconnection of Indosat’s fixed line with the Company’s local fixed line, whereby the users are being able to make and receive connection and also send and receive SMS to/or from other users; • Besarnya biaya interkoneksi adalah sesuai dengan lalu lintas interkoneksi antara Indosat dengan Perusahaan; • Total interconnection expenses are according to traffic interconnection between Indosat and the Company; • Perjanjian-perjanjian tersebut berlaku efektif sejak tanggal penandatanganan oleh para pihak. Dalam hal tidak ada perubahan atau pembatalan terhadap perjanjianperjanjian ini. maka perjanjian-perjanjian ini akan tetap berlaku secara otomatis. • The agreement is effective from the signing date by both parties. If there are no changes or termination upon this Cooperation Agreement, then it will be effective automatically. 66 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) Dengan telah ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Kerjasama tentang Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi dengan Jaringan Bergerak Selular dan dengan Jaringan Tetap Indosat tanggal 18 Desember 2007 tersebut, maka perjanjian-perjanjian interkoneksi yang telah ditandatangani sebelumnya dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi. c. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement regarding Interconnection Network Telecommunication by Mobility Network Celular and Indosat Fixed Line Netwok on December 18, 2007, the previous interconnection agreement was no longer effective. c. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi dengan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) No. TELKOM 148/HK.810/DCI-A1000000/ 2007 dan No. BAKRIETEL 2501/EST-PKS/ TELKOM/XII/2007, dimana masing-masing pihak menyetujui hal-hal sebagai berikut: The Company has Cooperation Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network with PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) No. TELKOM 148/HK.810/DCIA1000000/2007 and No. BAKRIETEL 2501/ EST-PKS/TELKOM/XII/2007, which each party agrees as follows: • Saling membuka seluruh prefiks dan/atau kode akses, sehingga setiap pelanggan dari masing-masing pihak dapat: memanggil dan/atau menerima panggilan dari nomor pelanggan pihak lainnya. memanfaatkan fitur-fitur atas panggilan interkoneksi. mengakses atau memanfaatkan berbagai jenis jasa telepon pada operator lainnya; • Opening all prefix and/or access code, so each customer can make call and receive call from other operator number. using features of interconnection call. accessing or using some telephone services in other operators; • Perjanjian dengan Telkom berlaku selama dua (2) tahun, efektif mulai tanggal 1 Januari 2008 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan dapat diperpanjang atau diakhiri sebelum masa berlakunya berakhir berdasarkan kesepakatan para pihak dalam bentuk amandemen/side letter; • Agreement with Telkom is effective for two (2) years. from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009 and can be extended or ended before the expiring date based on agreement from both parties in the form of amendment/side letter; • Dengan ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi tanggal 28 Desember 2007 antara Perusahaan dengan Telkom tersebut, maka perjanjianperjanjian kerja sama interkoneksi beserta semua perubahan/side letter/amandemen/ adendum atas perjanjian-perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani sebelumnya dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi. • With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network between Company and Telkom dated December 28, 2007, then the coorporation agreement of interconnection and all the amendment/side letter/addendum previously signed were no longer effective. 67 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) d. PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk d. PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk Perusahaan menandatangani Master Tower Lease Agreement (MLTA) dengan PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk (XL) tertanggal 16 Juli 2008 mengenai sewa ruang atas satu atau lebih menara telekomunikasi BTS untuk menempatkan peralatan telekomunikasi yang akan digunakan untuk sebagai operasional usaha wireless Perusahaan. The Company entered Master Tower Lease Agreement (MLTA) with PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk (XL) dated July 16, 2008, regarding lease of space on one or more BTS Towers and ground space of the property for the placement the Company communication equipment to be used in the operation of the Company’s wireless business. Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Tentang Interkoneksi Jaringan Excelcomindo dengan Jaringan Tetap Lokal Bakrie Telecom No. XL1420.A/XXXII.S.4620/ XL/XI/2007 dan No. BAKRIETEL 2336/ESTPKS/XL/XII/2007 tanggal 19 Desember 2007 yang mengatur sebagai berikut: The Company has Cooperation Agreement regarding Interconnection Network Exelcomindo by Fix Local Network Bakrie Telecom No. XL1420.A/XXXII.S.4620/ XL/2007 and No. BAKRIETEL 2336/ESTPKS/XL/XII/2007 dated December 19, 2007, which covers the following: • Interkoneksi langsung antara jaringan Bakrie Telecom dengan jaringan Excelcom sehingga setiap pengguna masing-masing dapat mengirim atau menerima panggilan atau SMS dari pelanggan masing-masing perusahaan; • Direct interconnection between Bakrie Telecom network and Excelcom network. so each user can send or receive call or SMS from each user of the company; • Perusahaan memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar pendapatan interkoneksi bersih Excelcom atas panggilan keluar melalui STBS milik Excelcom berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah; dan • The Company has an obligation to pay Excelcom for the net interconnection revenue from outgoing calls made through Excelcom’s network based on government regulation; and • Perjanjian interkoneksi berlaku efektif sejak tanggal 19 Desember 2007 dan akan berlaku terus menerus selama jangka waktu 5 tahun. • Interconnection agreement is effective for 5 years starting December 19, 2007. e. PT Telekomunikasi Selular e. PT Telekomunikasi Selular Pada tanggal 30 November 2007, Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan dengan PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel), anak Perusahaan PT Telkom, yang bertujuan mengganti perjanjian yang lama yang telah ditandatangani kedua belah pihak. Perjanjian ini mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut: On November 30, 2007, the Company and PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel), a subsidiary of PT Telkom, entered into an “Interconnection Agreement,” to revoke the previous cooperation agreement that had been signed by the parties, whereby each party agreed among others. on the following: • • Interkoneksi langsung antara jaringan Telkomsel dengan jaringan Perusahaan untuk menyediakan jasa panggil interkoneksi dan mengirim pesan pendek (SMS) dan menerima panggilan atau SMS dari pelanggan masing-masing perusahaan; Interconnection of the Company’s telecommunication network with Telkomsel network to make outgoing or receive incoming calls and short message service (SMS) through Telkomsel and the Company’s network from a customer of either party; 68 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) • Perusahaan mempunyai kewajiban untuk membayar kepada Telkomsel beban interkoneksi sesuai dengan peraturan Pemerintah atas pendapatan dari panggilan keluar melalui sambungan Telkomsel; dan • The Company has an obligation to pay interconnection expense to Telkomsel based on the government regulation from outgoing calls made through Telkomsel’s networking; and • Perjanjian pertama dengan Telkomsel tersebut berlaku untuk dua (2) tahun, efektif sejak tanggal 1 November 2007 sampai dengan 31 Oktober 2009 dan diperpanjang secara otomatis untuk setiap dua (2) tahun berikutnya. • The original agreement with Telkomsel. effective for a term of two (2) years from November 1, 2007 until October 31, 2009 will automatically be renewed and remain effective for the next two (2) years. f. PT Komuniksi Selular Indonesia dan PT Metro Selular Nusantara f. PT Komunikasi Selular Indonesia and PT Metro Selular Nusantara Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2004, Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan dengan PT Komunikasi Selular Indonesia (Komselindo) dan PT Metro Selular Nusantara (Metrosel) yang mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut: On January 30, 2004, the Company. PT Komunikasi Selular Indonesia (Komselindo), and PT Metro Selular Nusantara (Metrosel) entered into a Interconnection Agreement whereby each party agreed among others on the following: • Interkoneksi jaringan Perusahaan dengan Sambungan Telepon Bergerak Selular (STBS) Komselindo dan Metrosel untuk menyediakan jasa panggil dan mengirim pesan SMS dan menerima panggilan atau SMS dari pelanggan masing-masing perusahaan; • Interconnection of the Company’s telecommunication network with cellular lines of Komselindo and Metrosel network to make outgoing or receive incoming calls and SMS through Komselindo. Metrosel and the Company’s network from a customer of each party; • Perusahaan mempunyai kewajiban untuk membayar kepada Komselindo dan Metrosel biaya interkoneksi sesuai dengan peraturan Pemerintah atas pendapatan dari panggilan keluar melalui sambungan Komselindo dan Metrosel; dan • The Company has an obligation to pay interconnection charges to Komselindo and Metrosel based on the government regulation for outgoing calls made through Komselindo and Metrosel networking; and • Perjanjian dengan Komselindo dan Metrosel tersebut berlaku secara efektif sejak tanggal 30 Januari 2004 dan berlaku terus menerus sampai dengan adanya pemberitahuan tertulis untuk mengakhiri perjanjian selambat-lambatnya enam (6) bulan setelah pemberitahuan tertulis dari salah satu pihak atau dihentikan berdasarkan keputusan pemerintah yang mencabut izin masing-masing pihak. • The agreement with Komselindo and Metrosel effective from January 30, 2004 was valid and could be terminated at any time within six (6) months after written notice from either of the parties or terminated based on a government decree. 69 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) Sehubungan dengan telah efektifnya penggabungan usaha antara Metrosel, Komselindo dan Telesera ke dalam PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk. (Mobile-8) pada tanggal 31 Mei 2007 berdasarkan Surat Efektif Pemberitahuan Penggabungan dari Mobile-8 No. 054/M8-LGL/VI/2007 tanggal 22 Juni 2007, maka sejak tanggal efektif tersebut, seluruh hak dan kewajiban Metrosel. Komselindo dan Telesera berdasarkan Perjanjian Interkoneksi beralih secara hukum kepada Mobile-8. g. PT Hutchinson CP Telecommunications In connection with the effective business cooperation between Metrosel, Komselindo and Telesera into PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (Mobile-8) on May 31, 2007 based on Effective Announcement Letter of Cooperation from Mobile-8 No. 054/M8LGL/VI/2007 on June 22, 2007, all rights and liabilities of Metrosel. Komselindo and Telesera were transferred legally to Mobile-8 based on the Interconnection Agreement. g. PT Hutchinson CP Telecommunications Pada tanggal 22 Desember 2006, Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi dengan PT Hutchinson CP Telecommunications (“Hutchinson”), yang mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut: On December 22, 2006, the Company entered into a Cooperation Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network with PT Hutchinson CP Telecommunications (“Hutchinson”), which covers the following: • Interkoneksi antara jaringan telekomunikasi Perusahaan dengan jaringan telekomunikasi Hutchinson, sehingga setiap pelanggan Perusahaan dan Hutchinson dapat mengadakan atau menerima panggilan interkoneksi serta dapat menerima atau mengirim SMS; • Interconnection between telecommunication network Company and telecommunication network Hutchinson to provide interconnection call service and sending Short Message Service (SMS) and receive call or SMS from each Company customer; • Perusahaan wajib membayar biaya interkoneksi kepada Hutchinson dan menjaga kualitas pelayanan interkoneksi bagi pelanggannya; • The Company has obligation to pay interconnection charges to Hutchinson and maintain the quality of interconnection services for customer; • Perjanjian antara Perusahaan dan Hutchinson tersebut berlaku secara efektif sejak tanggal 22 Desember 2006 dan berlaku sampai dengan adanya pemberitahuan tertulis untuk mengakhiri perjanjian selambat-lambatnya enam (6) bulan setelah pemberitahuan tertulis dari salah satu pihak atau dihentikan berdasarkan keputusan pemerintah. • The agreement between the Company and Hutchinson. effective from December 22, 2006 was valid and could be terminated at any time within six (6) months after written notice from either of the parties. or terminated based on a government decree. h. PT Smart Telecom Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi dengan PT Smart Telecom (“Smart”) pada tanggal 11 Mei 2007 yang mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut: h. PT Smart Telecom The Company has Cooperation Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network with PT Smart Telecom (“Smart”) on May 11, 2007. which states the following: 70 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) • Interkoneksi antara jaringan tetap lokal Perusahaan dengan jaringan bergerak selular Smart agar dapat menyediakan jasa telekomunikasi yang lebih handal, sehingga Perusahaan dan Smart saling menyediakan layanan interkoneksi kepada pelanggannya; • Interconnection between Company telecommunication network and telecommunication network Smart is for providing good telecommunication services and the Company and Smart can provide interconnection services to its customers; • Perusahaan wajib membayar biaya interkoneksi kepada Smart sebagai akibat dari layanan ini dan juga sebaliknya; • The Company has the obligation to pay the cost of interconnection service to Smart and vice versa; • Perusahaan bersama-sama dengan Smart, memiliki kewajiban terhadap pembiayaan, pengadaan, pemasangan, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan perangkat interkoneksi. • The Company and Smart have the obligation in respect of the financing, supplies, operation, installation, and the maintenance of interconnection software. Pada tanggal 6 November 2007, Perusahaan dan Smart menandatangani amandemen pertama terhadap Perjanjian Kerjasama tentang Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi No. BAKRIETEL 2000/EST-Amd/SMART TELECOM/XI/2007 dan No. SMART: AMD.283/LO-BOD/ST/RAI/XI/2007 untuk mengubah ketentuan dalam Perjanjian Kerjasama Interkoneksi Jaringan Telekomunikasi, berkaitan dengan perubahan Izin Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Bergerak Selular Smart. i. PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia On November 6, 2007. the Company and Smart signed the first Amendment of Cooperation Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network No. BAKRIETEL 2000/EST-Amd/SMART TELECOM/XI/2007 and No. SMART: AMD.283/LO-BOD/ST/ RAI/XI/2007 to change consideration requirement in the Cooperative Agreement of Interconnection Telecommunication Network related with the amendment of license for Mobility Network Cellular Smart. i. PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia Pada tanggal 17 April 2007, Perusahaan mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama interkoneksi jaringan telekomunikasi dengan PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI) yang mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut : On April 17, 2007, the Company entered into a Cooperative Agreement of Interconnection Network with PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI). which covers the following: • Interkoneksi langsung antara jaringan STI dan jaringan Perusahaan dan masingmasing dapat saling menyediakan layanan interkoneksi dan dapat mengirim atau menerima SMS; • Interconnection between the Company telecommunication network and telecommunication network STI is to provide interconnection services and sending short message service or SMS from each Company customers; • Perusahaan wajib membayar biaya interkoneksi kepada STI dan sebaliknya; • The Company has the obligation to pay the cost of these services to STI and vice versa; • Perusahaan dan STI wajib menjaga kinerja dan kualitas layanan masing-masing sesuai parameter yang telah ditentukan; • The Company and STI have obligations to maintain the performance and quality of each service by determined parameters; 71 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) • Perjanjian antara Perusahaan dan STI tersebut berlaku efektif sejak tanggal 17 April 2007 sampai dengan adanya pemberitahuan tertulis untuk mengakhiri perjanjian selambat-lambatnya enam (6) bulan setelah pemberitahuan tertulis dari salah satu pihak atau dihentikan berdasarkan keputusan pemerintah. j. Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd. • The agreement between the Company and STI. effective from April 17, 2007 was valid and could be terminated at any time within six (6) months after written notice from either of the parties. or terminated based on a government decree. j. Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd. Pada tanggal 30 April 2002, Perusahaan dan Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Nortel Networks), Singapura, mengadakan Perjanjian Pengadaan dimana Nortel Networks akan memasok peralatan untuk CDMA 2000 1X Wireless Local Loop Network di Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabotabek) Indonesia dengan harga kontrak sebesar USD18.308.786. Peralatan tersebut akan meliputi perangkat lunak (software), bahanbahan dan jasa-jasa untuk membuat jaringan dengan jumlah sekitar 100.000 saluran langganan. Pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2004 dan 8 Juni 2004, Perusahaan mengadakan ekspansi dua belas (12) BTS sebesar USD98.885 dan tiga puluh dua (32) BTS sebesar USD1.154.401 di wilayah Jabotabek. On April 30, 2002, the Company and Nortel Networks Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Nortel Networks), Singapore, entered into a Supply Agreement whereby Nortel Networks will supply the equipment for a CDMA 2000 1X Wireless Local Loop Network in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabotabek), Indonesia for a contract price of USD18,308,786. The equipment shall include software, materials and services to implement a network with 100,000 anticipated aggregate subscriber lines. On October 19, 2004 and June 8, 2004, the Company constructed twelve (12) BTS with a contract price of USD98,885 and thirty-two (32) BTS with a contract price of USD1,154,401 in the Jabotabek area. Pada tanggal 24 Januari 2006, Perusahaan dan Nortel Networks telah menandatangani perjanjian pengadaan barang untuk kartu XCEM senilai USD2.249.486. On January 24, 2006, the Company and Nortel Networks signed an agreement of procurement for XCEM card for a contract price amounting to USD2,249,486. Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 7 Februari 2006, Perusahaan dan Nortel Networks menandatangani Perjanjian Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa untuk fase 1 atas STP Project dan 123 BTS Expansion Project dengan nilai kontrak sebesar USD1.117.842 dan Perjanjian Offshore Supply 123 BTS Expansion Project Tranche A Supplies senilai USD423.418, Tranche B Supplies senilai USD2.216.551 dan Tranche C Supplies senilai USD2.217.923. Subsequently, on February 7, 2006, the Company and Nortel Networks signed another Supply and Service Agreement for phase 1 of the STP project and 123 BTS Expansion project with a total contract amount of USD1,117,842, and Offshore Supply Agreement 123 BTS Expansion project amounting to Tranche A Supplies of USD423,418, Tranche B Supplies of USD2,216,551 and Tranche C Supplies of USD2,217,923. Pada tanggal 7 dan PT Nortel menandatangani BTS Expansion (Catatan 9). In addition, on February 7, 2006, the Company and Nortel Networks signed Local Supply Agreement 123 BTS Expansion Project amounting to USD594,332 (Note 9). Februari 2006, Perusahaan Networks Indonesia telah Local Supply Agreement 123 Project senilai USD594.332 72 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2007, Perusahaan dan Nortel Networks mengadakan Supply and Service Agreement untuk pengadaan perangkat telekomunikasi proyek Expansions to a CDMA1X Wireless Local Loop Network untuk area Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat dan lokasi lainnya di Indonesia. k. Ceragon Networks Inc. Pada tanggal 5 Februari 2007, Perusahaan dan Ceragon Networks Inc, (Ceragon) menandatangani perjanjian Kontrak Pengadaan dan Penyambungan PDH MW (247 hops), SDH MW (45 hops), MUX-STMI dan NMS (plus 2xLCT) untuk proyek ekspansi tahap VA dengan jumlah kontrak sebesar USD5.432.723 untuk jangka waktu tiga (3) tahun. l. Perjanjian Konsorsium, Konstruksi dan Pemeliharaan Palapa Ring Pada tanggal 10 November 2007, Perusahaan menandatangani Perjanjian Konsorsium. Konstruksi dan Pemeliharaan Palapa Ring dengan Perusahaan lain (seperti PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk, PT Infokom Elektrindo, PT Powertek Utama Internusa dan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk) untuk membentuk suatu konsorsium untuk membangun dan mengembangkan infrastruktur telekomunikasi dalam bentuk sistem jaringan kabel serat optik berkapasitas tinggi yang menghubungkan pulau-pulau di Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku dan Papua (“Jaringan Palapa Ring Indonesia Timur” atau Palapa Ring). Perjanjian tersebut terdiri dari komitmen konsorsium dengan investasi lokal sejumlah USD225 juta. Perjanjian tersebut akan berlaku efektif pada tanggal dan tahun seperti disebutkan di atas dan akan beroperasi hingga periode awal limabelas (15) tahun diikuti dengan tanggal pelayanan dan dapat diperpanjang untuk 5 tahun kedepan atas persetujuan antar pihak. m. PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Pada tanggal 28 November 2008, Perusahaan melakukan kerjasama dengan PT Mora Telematika Indonesia untuk menjual dan memindahkan fasilitas telekomunikasi dan peralatan yang dipasang antara Singapura Batam, Indonesia dan Batam-Jakarta Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan jaringan Perusahaan. On May 15, 2007, the Company and Nortel Networks entered into a Supply and Service Agreement to provide telecommunication software for the expansion project to a CDMA1X Wireless Local Loop Network for Jabodetabek area, West Java and other locations in Indonesia. k. Ceragon Networks Inc. On February 5, 2007, the Company and Ceragon Networks Inc. (Ceragon) entered into a Contract Agreement for Supply and Installation of PDH MW (247 hops), SDH MW (45 hops), MUX-STMI and NMS (plus 2xLCT) for Expansion Project Phase VA. with a contract price of USD5,432,723 for three (3) years. l. Palapa Ring Consortium, Construction and Maintenance Agreement On November 10, 2007, the Company signed Palapa Ring Consortium. Construction and Maintenance Agreement with other companies (i.e. PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk, PT Infokom Elektrindo, PT Powertek Utama Internusa and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk) in forming a consortium to construct and develop telecommunication infrastructure in the form of high capacity fiber optic cable network system connecting the islands of Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua (referred as “East Indonesia Palapa Ring Network” or “Palapa Ring”). The agreement consists of a consortium commitment with a total investment of USD225 million. The agreement shall become effective on the date and year first written above and shall continue in operation for at least an initial period of fifteen (15) years following the ready for service date and may be extended for another 5 years upon agreement of the parties hereto. m. PT Mora Telematika Indonesia On November 28, 2008. the Company engaged PT Mora Telematika Indonesia to sell and transfer telecom facilities and devices installed laying between SingaporeBatam, Indonesia and Batam-Jakarta Indonesia for the purpose of improving the Company’s network. 73 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) Perusahaan setuju untuk membeli fasilitas sebesar USD2.900.000 tidak termasuk PPN (Value-Added Tax). Termin pembayaran adalah sebagai berikut : The Company agreed to purchase the facilities for USD2,900,000 excluding ValueAdded Tax. Payment terms are as follows: 1. Berdasarkan perjanjian, Perusahaan harus membayar sebesar USD1.000.000. 2. Sisa saldo harus dibayarkan dalam 12 kali cicilan sebesar USD158,333 setiap bulan. 1. The Company shall pay USD1,000,000 upon execution of the agreement. 2. The remaining balance shall be paid in twelve (12) equal installments amounting to USD158,333 per month. Penalti untuk yang tidak dibayar harus sama dengan 1% dari sisa pembayaran untuk setiap hari pembatalan hingga maksimum 3%. Penalities for the non-payments shall be equal to 1% of the outstanding payment due for each day of delay up to a maximum of 3%. n. PT Cipta Inti Perkasa n. PT Cipta Inti Perkasa 1. Pada tanggal 14 Desember 2006, Perusahaan mengadakan Perjanjian sewa dengan PT Cipta Inti Perkasa (CIP) untuk jangka waktu tiga (3) tahun. Biaya sewa bulanan adalah sebesar USD812.500. CIP berkewajiban untuk menyediakan seluruh peralatan telekomunikasi, instalasi dan termasuk jasa pemeliharaan yang diperlukan oleh Perusahaan. 1. On December 14, 2006, the Company entered into a rental agreement with PT Cipta Inti Perkasa (CIP) for a term of three (3) years. The monthly rental fee is USD812,500. Under the agreement, CIP has an obligation to provide the Company with telecommunication equipment, installation, and also maintenance services. 2. Pada tanggal 19 September 2007, Perusahaan dan PT CIP menyetujui untuk mengakhiri perjanjian sewa dan membeli perangkat telekomunikasi CIP seharga USD49.270.000. 2. On September 19, 2007, the Company and PT CIP agreed to terminate the rental and purchased the telecommunication equipment from CIP amounting to USD49,270,000. Pihak-pihak Hubungan Istimewa Related Parties a. PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara a. PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara Pada tanggal 20 Februari 2006, Perusahaan dan PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara (MKN) telah menandatangani Perjanjian Pekerjaan dan Pemasangan Perangkat Antena IBS di 38 Lokasi dalam Rangka Pembangunan Sarana Telekomunikasi di Wilayah JABODETABEK dan Jawa Barat. Pada tanggal yang sama, Perusahaan dan MKN telah menandatangani Perjanjian Pekerjaan Pengadaan Civil Work & ME Procurement dalam rangka Pembangunan Sarana Telekomunikasi (Catatan 32). On February 20, 2006, the Company and PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara (MKN) signed an Agreement on Antenna IBS Equipment Working and Installation with thirty-eight (38) location in accordance with the Telecommunication Facilities Development on JABODETABEK Area and West Java. On the same date, the Company and MKN signed the Agreement of Civil Works & ME Procurement of Telecommunication facilities development (Note 32). 74 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 39. PERJANJIAN DAN IKATAN YANG SIGNIFIKAN (Lanjutan) 39. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (Continued) b. PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama b. PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama Pada tanggal 12 Januari 2007, Perusahaan memperpanjang perjanjian sewa dengan PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama dari tanggal 1 Januari 2007 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Agustus 2008, yang dapat diperbaharui kembali setelah tanggal perjanjian. Beban sewa dan service charge per bulan adalah Rp110.446.050 untuk lantai dasar, Rp80.948.400 untuk lantai dua, Rp111.442.500 untuk lantai lima dan Rp117.777.075 untuk lantai delapan dan lantai sembilan (Catatan 32). On January 12, 2007, the Company extended its rental agreement with PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama from January 1, 2007 until August 31, 2008, subject to renewal after the expiration date. The new rent and service charges per month are Rp110,446,050 for basement, Rp80,948,400 for second floor, Rp111,442,500 for fifth floor and Rp117,777,075 for eight and ninth floors (Note 32). Pada tanggal 4 Desember 2007, Perusahaan memperpanjang perjanjian sewa dengan PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama dari tanggal 1 November 2007 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 yang dapat diperbaharui kembali setelah tanggal perjanjian berakhir. Harga sewa baru dan jasa layanan untuk area lantai 2 per bulan adalah sebesar Rp59.362.160 (Catatan 32). On December 4, 2007, the Company extended its rental agreement with PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama from November 1, 2007 until October 31, 2008, subject to renewal after the expiration date. The new rent and service charges per month are Rp59,362,160 for the second floor (Note 32). Pada tanggal 1 September 2009, Perusahaan memperpanjang perjanjian sewa dengan PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama dari tanggal 1 September 2009 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Agustus 2010 yang dapat diperbaharui kembali setelah tanggal perjanjian berakhir. Harga sewa baru untuk luas area 5.769,75m2 adalah sebesar Rp346.185.000 (Catatan 32). On September 1, 2009, the Company extended its rental agreement with PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama from September 1, 2009 until August 31, 2010, subject to renewal after the expiration date. The new rent per month is Rp346,185,000 with 5,769.75m2 areas (Note 32). 40. KONTINJENSI 40. CONTINGENCIES Pada Tanggal 18 Juni 2008, Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) mengeluarkan keputusan No. 26/KPPU-L/2007 agar Perusahaan membayar denda sebesar Rp4.000.000.000 kepada Kas Negara atas pelanggaran Pasal 5 UU No. 5 tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. On June 18, 2008, the Business Competition Supervisory Commision (KPPU) issued Decision No. 26/ KPPU-L/2007 ordering the Company to settle fines amounting to Rp4,000,000,000 to the State Treasury (Kas Negara) for violating Article 5 of Law No. 5 year 1999 on AntiMonopoly and Unfair Competition. Perusahaan mengajukan keberatan atas keputusan KPPU pada tanggal 23 Juli 2008 kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan. Kasus ini masih belum dapat diselesaikan sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan keuangan. The Company filed a petition to object against KPPU’s decision on July 23, 2008 to the South Jakarta District Court. The case remained pending as of the date of completion of financial statements. 75 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 41. INFORMASI PENTING LAINNYA 41. OTHER SIGNIFICANT INFORMATION Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada tanggal 16 Desember 2008, seperti yang tertuang dalam Akta Notaris No. 27 oleh Notaris Agus Madjid S.H. di Jakarta. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham menyetujui rencana untuk menjual 543 menara telekomunikasi (BTS) dan fasilitas pendukungnya. Based on the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) dated December 16, 2008, as recorded in Notarial Deed No. 27 of Agus Madjid S.H. Notary in Jakarta. the Boards of Comissioners, Directors and Shareholders approved the plan to divest a maximum of 543 telecommunciation towers and their supporting facilities. Perusahaan memutuskan untuk fokus dalam menjalankan usahanya sebagai penyelenggara jasa telekomunikasi dan jaringan serta merencanakan untuk memindahkan pengelolaan menara telekomunikasi kepada tenaga ahli pihak ketiga pada tahun 2009. Untuk melaksanakan transaksi penjualan menara BTS, Perusahaan diminta untuk memperoleh persetujuan atau menyerahkan pernyataan tertulis kepada kreditur. The Company decided to focus its business operation as a network and telecommunication service provider and plans to transfer its telecommunication tower management to a third party professional in 2009. To perform the Tower Sale Transaction, the Company is required to obtain approval or submit written notification to the creditors in relation with the asset sale transaction. Pada tanggal 14 Mei 2009, Perusahaan menandatangani perjanjian jual beli dengan PT Solusi Tunas Pratama (STP) untuk penjualan 543 menara BTS dan fasilitas pendukungnya. Proses penyerahan aset tersebut akan dilakukan dalam 4 tahap. Pada tanggal 30 September 2009, Perusahaan telah menyerahkan seluruh menara BTS (543 BTS) dan fasilitas pendukungnya pada tahap ke 4. On May 14, 2009, the Company and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama (STP) signed a sale and purchase agreement for 543 telecommunication towers and their supporting facilities. The sales process will be divided into 4 batches. On September 30, 2009, the Company has delivered all telecommunication towers (543 Towers) and their supporting facilities for the fourth batch. 42. STANDAR AKUNTANSI YANG BARU 42. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS PRONOUNCEMENTS Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) telah menerbitkan revisi atas beberapa standar akuntansi yang mungkin berdampak pada laporan keuangan. The Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) has released revisions to several accounting standards that may have certain impacts on the financial statements. Revisi berikut ini berlaku untuk laporan keuangan yang periodenya dimulai pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2010: The following revisions are effective for financial statements for the period commencing from on or after January 1, 2010: - - - PSAK 26 (Revisi 2009) - Biaya Pinjaman. PSAK 50 (Revisi 2006) - Instrumen Keuangan: Panyajian dan Pengungkapan. PSAK 55 (Revisi 2006) - Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran. - PSAK 26 (Revised 2009) - Borrowing Costs. PSAK 50 (Revised 2006) - Financial Instruments: Presentation and Disclosure. PSAK 55 (Revised 2006) - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurements. Revisi yang relevan berikut ini berlaku untuk laporan keuangan yang periodenya dimulai pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2011: The following relevant revisions are effective for financial statements for the period commencing from on or after January 1, 2011: - PSAK 1 (Revisi 2009) - Penyajian Laporan Keuangan. PSAK 2 (Revisi 2009) - Laporan Arus Kas. - PSAK 25 (Revisi 2009) - Kebijakan Akuntansi, Perubahan Estimasi Akuntansi dan Kesalahan. - - - PSAK 1 (Revised 2009) - Presentation of Financial Statements. PSAK 2 (Revised 2009) - Statement of Cash Flows. PSAK 25 (Revised 2009) - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. 76 PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2009 (Dengan Angka Perbandingan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dan 2007) (Disajikan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 42. STANDAR AKUNTANSI YANG BARU (Lanjutan) PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (With Comparative Figures for the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007) (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 42. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS PRONOUNCEMENTS (Continued) - PSAK 48 (Revisi 2009) - Penurunan Nilai Aset. - - PSAK 57 (Revisi 2009) - Provisi, Liabilitas Kontinjensi dan Aset Kontinjensi. PSAK 58 (Revisi 2009) - Aset Tidak Lancar yang Dimiliki untuk Dijual dan Operasi yang Dihentikan. ISAK 10 - Program Loyalitas Pelanggan. ISAK 11 - Distribusi Aset Nonkas kepada Pemilik. - - - PSAK 48 (Revised 2009) - Impairment of Assets. PSAK 57 (Revised 2009) - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. PSAK 58 (Revised 2009) - Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operation. ISAK 10 - Customer Loyalty Programmes. ISAK 11 - Distribution of Non-Cash Assets to Owners. Selain itu, IAI juga telah mencabut beberapa standar akuntansi, yang tanggal efektifnya mengikuti ketentuan tanggal efektif dalam PSAK lain yang terkait, yang relevan adalah sebagai berikut: Moreover, IAI has revoked several accounting standards, the effective dates of which follow the effective date of the provisions of the other related PSAKs, the relevan one is as follows: PPSAK No. 5 - Pencabutan ISAK 06: Interpretasi atas Paragraf 12 dan 16 PSAK No. 55 (1999) tentang Instrumen Derivatif Melekat pada Kontrak dalam Mata Uang Asing. PPSAK No. 5 - Revocation of ISAK 06: Interpretation of Paragraphs 12 and 16 of PSAK 55 (1999) on Embedded Derivative Instruments in Foreign Currency Contract. Perusahaan sedang mempelajari dampak yang mungkin timbul dari penerapan standar-standar ini terhadap laporan keuangan. The Company is evaluating the potential impact on the financial statements as a result of the adoption of the above new accounting standards. 43. REKLASIFIKASI AKUN 43. RECLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNT Beberapa angka perbandingan dalam laporan keuangan tahun 2007 telah direklasifikasi agar sesuai dengan penyajian laporan keuangan tahun 2009. Reklasifikasi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: Certain comparative figure in the 2007 financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the 2009 financial statements presentation. These reclassification are as follows: 2007 Dilaporkan Sebelumnya/ Previously Reported Neraca Aset Lancar Pajak dibayar di muka Aset Tidak Lancar Taksiran tagihan pajak penghasilan 154.323.371.704 Reklassifikasi/ Reclassification (16.605.318.565) 13.684.245.726 44. PENYELESAIAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN Manajemen Perusahaan bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan laporan keuangan ini yang di selesaikan pada tanggal 15 Maret 2010. 16.605.318.565 Setelah Reklassifikasi/ After Reclassification 137.718.053.139 Balance Sheet Current Assets Prepaid Taxes 30.289.564.291 Non-Current Assets Estimated claims for tax refund 43. COMPLETION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that were completed on March 15, 2010. 77 This page is intentionally left blank 2009 Annual Report PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Wisma Bakrie I, 3rd Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-1 Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia Tel +6221 9110 1112 Fax +6221 9111 8888