1st International - Systems Plus College Foundation

1st International
January 29, 2016
8:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Systems Plus College Foundation
Angeles City, Philippines
Shared Ambitions, True Results
Leaders’ Forum: Leading Organizations for Productivity
Program Agenda (Morning Session)
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:30 Opening Ceremonies
1st International Leaders’ Forum 2016
The Philippine National Anthem
SPCF Video Presentation
KMAS Video Presentation
9:30 - 9:45 Opening Remarks
Mr. Francis R. Bustamante
Conference Overall Chair
Grace F. Tyler, PhD
Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Lean Happie L. Bustamante
Vice President for Administration
Christopher V. Manaois
Carlito S. Antonio
Systems Plus College Foundation
Irene M. Mungcal
Marlon I. Tayag
Felma N. Balboa
Irene Mae L. Manabat
Engr Ernesto Del Rosario
Larry R. Garcia
Regidor A. Bonifacio
Alvin M. Caragdag
Jose Maria D. Pelayo III
Faye N. Buiza
Lula S. Elica
Maribeth G. Bernardino
Sandie Guerra
Joshua Jerome Salazar
Jesus Lorenz Mago
Vincent Lagmay
Abigail Wong
Sinamar Naidas
Maebelle Elaine Samson
Allaine G. Bernardo
Judith Salenga
Arcel Catap
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
Dr. Grace Fabros - Tyler
Director, External Relations and Development
Systems Plus College Foundation
Keynote Address
Dr. Caridad Oli Abuan, CESO III
Director IV
Commission on Higher Education Region 3
9:45 - 10:15 Organizational Progress
Dr. Ali Qassem (Jordan)
Chief Operations Officer, K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation
10:15 - 10:45 Directive Communication
Arthur Carmazzi (Italy)
Global Top 10 Leadership Guru
Associate Consultant, K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break and Networking
11:15 - 11:45 Operational Risk and Productivity Enhancement
Stephen Allen (Australia)
FCPA Australia (Accounting, Finance & Risk Management)
Associate Consultant, K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation
11:45 - 12:00 Information Technology in Education
Daniel Kumar
Deputy CEO, K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation
12:00 - 1:00
Working Committee
Lunch and Networking
Master of the Ceremony
Leaders’ Forum: Leading Organizations for Productivity
Program Agenda (Afternoon Session)
1:00 - 2:00 Breakout Session
S. Nandakumar
Stephen Allen
Arthur Carmazzi
Dr. Ali Qassem
Dr. Rosalina J. Ora’a - Fuentes
Dr. Grace Fabros - Tyler
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Development and a Master’s Degree in Computer
Education, Dr. Tyler is a result-driven person who is committed to the development of
Information Technology Education. She has eighteen years of experience in the academe
and ten years in management as Dean of the College of Information Education of Systems
Plus College Foundation, Angeles City. During her administration, the College was chosen
by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as one of the Centers of Development
(COD) in Information Technology Education in the Philippines. She spearheaded the
Graduate School Program “Master in Information Technology” (MIT), a pioneer in
Information Technology Graduate Study in Region III. She established the IT Research
Development Center (ITRDC) which led to the development of the Information
Technology Infrastructure Plan of Systems Plus College Foundation proving her
commitment to the improvement and growth of her Alma Mater.
Her strong commitment to leverage the computing education in the country is evident in
her active linkages to different academic and industry-based partners such as the Philippine
Society of Information Technology Educators (PSITE), where she is a Board Member and
Chair on Research Committee in Region 3. She also served as Secretary and Vice President
of Internal Affairs in the PSITE National Board and a member of the National Pool of
Technical Assessors in Information Technology. She is also part of the Regional Quality
Assurance Team (RQAT- R3) since 2003 and was the founding Secretary of the IT Council
of Deans in Region III. She was the Secretary and Treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of
Angeles City in 2008-2010 and 2010-2012 respectively, which helped foster her interest in
community service.
She has authored, presented and published researches to both national and international
conferences in the U.S., Greece, Belgium, Singapore and Thailand. She was the first
recipient of the Outstanding I.T. Educator Award in 2013 given by the Philippine Society
of I.T. Educators in Region 3. Currently, she is the External Relations and Development
Director of Systems Plus College Foundation, Angeles City.
2:00 - 2:30
Panel Discussion: L eading Organizations for Productivity
Panel Members
S. Nandakumar
Arthur Carmazzi
Stephen Allen
Jerry E. Durant
Dr. Caridad Oli - Abuan
Dr. Rosalina J. Ora’s - Fuentes
Dr. Ali Qassem
Dr. Bjorn C. Martinoff
Panel Moderator
Dr. Perla U.S. Bernardo
3:00 - 3:30 Awarding of Certificates of Recognition to Speakers,
Panel Members, Facilitators and Moderator
Mrs. Lourdes R. Bustamante
President, Systems Plus College Foundation
Dr. Grace Fabros-Tyler
Event/Program Chair
Director, External Relations and Development
Systems Plus College Foundation
Closing Remarks
Dr. Egdar G. Galang
Vice President for Academics and Research
3:30 - 4:00 Socialization and Networking
Master of the Ceremony
Panel Discussion Moderator
PEARL is a freelance consultant in the field of organization development. A
chemist turned HR-OD practitioner, her career started at the now Department of
Science and Technology followed by a long stint at the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP). As Deputy Director at the BSP Institute, she helped in the
transition of the training function from menu driven training programs to a
strategic and learner-focused competency-based training and
After retiring from government service, she worked as a part-time consultant at
Assessment Analytics, where she honed her competency in Executive
Assessment. Her consulting experience involved organizational assessment,
competency modelling, leadership
development, strategic planning, executive
coaching, and team synergy interventions with bias on positive organization
development. She is a resource person on Appreciative Inquiry, Leadership,
Coaching and Mentoring and other OD topics. Presently, she promotes quantum
OD, particularly, Quantum Leadership.
She earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of San
Agustin, Master in Business Administration from UP and PhD in Organization
Development from SAIDI GSOD
Panel Discussion Member / Facilitator
Dr. Rosalina J. Ora’a-Fuentes is the President of the Southeast Asia
Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI) Foundation since January
2010 and at the same time the Dean (18 years - to date) of the School of
Organization Development in the same institute. Presently, she is also the
Director in the newly-established Rural Bank of Aurora in the Quezon
province, a Trustee for ABS-CBN Bayan Academy for Social
Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Development (BASE-HRD).
Currently, she is a Managing Partner/Senior Trainer & Facilitator at
Consulting; and CEO of SOPHIA. As an Instructional
Development Consultant with a total of 28 years of traditional academic
work (1967 –1995) at the Ateneo de Naga for 15 years and at the Ateneo de
Manila University for 13 years, Dr. Ora’a-Fuentes has also designed a
Reading Program for High School learners. This program has been in place
for over three decades now at the Ateneo de Naga. She had also packaged
learning materials in: Business Writing, Planning and Decision-making,
Internal Consulting, Community-building, Cultural Induction and Positive
Organization Development.
She co-authored a book in teaching English to High School students and
some learning modules for DECS use. She wrote books on teacher training
and OD consultant to government agencies. Her work on Organizational
Development spans across
contracting, assessing, and planning;
designing, training and facilitating and
Of late, she had spent focused attention on training and consulting in
Appreciative Inquiry.
It is my happy privilege to welcome all the
participating delegates from the different higher
education institutions and partner industries in the
Region into this highly affluent community of
scholars, the Leaders’ Forum: Leading Organizations
for Productivity, which is hosted by Systems Plus
College Foundation, one of the progressive institutions
of higher learning in the Region, in tandem with
K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation and the
Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III.
What the world needs now and in the future are innovative leaders and
managers with able minds and willing hands to contribute their share in the
improvement of humanity. This Leaders’ Forum is therefore a concrete step in
the right direction.
Peter F. Drucker, a world-renown management guru and philosopher who
coined the term “knowledge worker” back in 1959 helped pioneer the paradigm
of “knowledge work productivity.” According to him, effective leadership is
not about making speeches or being liked, leadership is defined by results not
attributes. He further emphasized that management by objectives will only
work if we know the objectives. Honestly, he shared that ninety percent of the
time, we don’t.
It is therefore my fervent hope that through this forum we can be able to plan
together and immediately translate these plans into hard work so that we can
push together the wheels of progress in the Region, in particular, and the
country, in general.
Director IV
Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III
Systems Plus College Foundation is honored to be a
partner with K-MAS Management Brunei
Corporation and the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) Region 3 in holding the
seminar/workshop entitled “Leaders’
Leading Organizations for Productivity”.
Thomas Aquinas quoted, “If the highest aim of a
captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it
in port forever”. Unmindful of the risk, good
leaders are not afraid to sail so that they can reach
the direction they aim for. Good leaders are vision-oriented and are continuously
confronted with their abilities to innovate and re-engineer.
In our pursuit towards excellence in this fast changing world, it is imperative that we
steadily and continuously stimulate innovations and awareness in the industry
dynamics of our organization for advancement and leverage them in a global
As the event host, let me express my most sincere appreciation to our highly
esteemed speakers, delegates and guests. This forum is not only a platform for
expansion of
competency and leadership skills but also a venue for strong
partnerships and friendships.
My congratulations go to the organizers of this important event headed by Dr. Grace
Fabros-Tyler, Director of SPCF External Relations and Development, for taking the
On behalf of SPCF, I wish for the success of all. Thank you.
Systems Plus College Foundation
Panel Discussion Member
With over 30 years of Information Technology experience, Jerry Durant provides
maturity to Red Core’s strategic corporate development and operations. Jerry,
formerly Chairman Emeritus of the International Institute for Outsource
Management, is a recognized leader in the outsourcing industry and a board
member in various international outsourcing councils. A well-known innovator and
leader in setting standards and advancing improvements in the outsourcing,
information technology, and business process sectors, Jerry’s agile and forward
thinking has helped develop companies around the globe. This is probably why he
ranks as one of the Top 25 Most Influential Global Outsourcing Leaders according
to IAOP (2011) Globalization Today. Jerry obtained his M.S.- Computer Science at
New Hampshire College Graduate School. He also serves on Advisory Board for
Outsource Malaysia and is President of The People’s Right, a humanitarian effort
in Bangladesh.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to this timely
It is timely because leaders of all organisations,
public or private, are seeking for ways to succeed in
this turbulent and harsh environment coupled with
the influence of globalisation facilitating the Human
resources mobility.
Panel Discussion Member
Bjorn C. Martinoff is the author of the book ‘ Develop Exponential Power, a
thought-leader, with nearly 20 years of experience as a CEO Coach, executive
coach, organizational development consultant, trainer and facilitator of top
multinational, regional and global teams. In his work, Bjorn applies insights
from the behavioral
sciences, action learning, and integral development to
help the world’s greatest leaders rapidly and exponentially expand their
individual and organizational capabilities and performance.
His expertise lies in maximizing Senior Executive potential and performance
through his coaching, consulting, and participant centric training services. He
focuses on coaching senior and high performing executives and executive teams
for the world’s largest
corporations and in various areas including creating
breakthrough business results, team performance, organizational development,
on-boarding, and whatever business challenges life presents. He brings to the
table a unique blend of proficiency backed up by extensive experience in
providing people management solutions to famous global corporations, helping
individual executives and teams deal with work and personal issues such as
leadership, authenticity, stress, career development and transition, interpersonal
relationships, work-life balance, strategic planning, team-building, health,
spirituality, among many others.
You have made the right choice to spare your
valuable time to be here with us. Let us share our
thoughts on this important topic for the betterment of
ourselves and our organisations.
As a new entrant in the Philippines, K-MAS Management Brunei Corporation brings
in vast amount of experience, knowledge and skills through unique and modern
concepts to lead organisational development. Our approach, stemming from the
works of many researchers, is aimed at “Organisational Progress” instead of change.
These concepts have produced success for us in our consulting, mentoring and
coaching services to clients in Brunei and Sri Lanka.
We go further to introduce our friend and associate Arthur Carmazzi’s concept of
Directive Communication Psychology and works of other researchers in systems
thinking, harnessing individual and organisational strengths to progress, images of
organisations, root cause analysis, use of accounting and finance the fun and
practical way. These concepts are simple, practical and timely and can support you
in your progress may it be personal or organisational.
So, dear guests, please do interact with our team and the other participants to seek
the best solutions for your selves and your organisations.
Last but not the least it is my duty to thank Madam Lourdes R. Bustamante,
President of Systems Plus College Foundation, who enthusiastically agreed to
partner with us and assigned her staff to organise this perfect event, Dr. Grace
Fabros-Tyler, Director of External
Relations and Development of Systems Plus
College Foundation, who without any hesitation coordinated all aspects of this event
and Dr. Caridad Oli Abuan, Director IV CHED Region 3, who graciously
consented to endorse this event.
My sincere appreciation also goes to the members of K-MAS family and students of
Systems Plus College Foundation who volunteered to help us.
We at K-MAS are ever willing to work with you in pursuit of progress and we look
forward to meeting you in your den at your convenience. It is our heartfelt obligation
to strive to make organisations progress to the top of the ladder.
Managing Director
K-MAS Management
Shared Ambitions, True
Panel Discussion Member / Facilitator
S. Nandakumar is an engineer, visionary entrepreneur, coach, mentor and
trainer with over 33 years of work experience where he served large
organizations in both the
government and the private sectors.
He is the co-founder and the Managing Director of K-MAS Management Sdn.
Bhd. and Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology and spearheads
the strategic business development and management of K-MAS group.
Currently, he is very much involved in providing consultancy to Brunei
Government Ministries and private companies. He is passionate about educating
and coaching the youth to enhance their competencies.
He has an MBA from the University of Queensland, also a Chartered Engineer
and a Corporate Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers in London, a Fellow
Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management also in London, and a
Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute – London
Plenary Speaker / Panel Discussion Member / Facilitator
Keynote Speaker / Member Panel Discussion
Ranked as one of the Global Top 10 Most Influential Leadership Gurus by
Gurus International, Arthur F. Carmazzi has 21 years of experience
specializing in psychological approaches to leadership and corporate culture
transformation. He is a renowned motivational leadership keynote speaker and
trainer in the Asian Region and has advanced corporate training expertise with
innovative techniques and tools that have been acknowledged by some of the
world's greatest organizations. He is a bestselling author with book titles like:
"The 6 Dimensions of Top Achievers", “The Colored Brain Communication
Field Manual”, "Identity Intelligence", "Lessons from the Monkey King" and
“The Psychology of Selecting the RIGHT Employee”.
Arthur is the developer of the CBCI (Colored Brain Communication Inventory)
and HDMA Emotional profiling tools used for "Psycho-Productivity"
management as well as the CCEE (Corporate Culture Evolution Evaluation).
These tools have been implemented across a variety of HR and Leadership
disciplines by numerous multinationals to generate greater efficiency of human
capital. The unique "linked implementation" structure of Arthur's training tools
and methods have earned him the Directive Communication methodology
accreditation from the prestigious American Institute of Business
Dr. Caridad Oli Abuan or Dr. Caring as others would call her, is the incumbent
Regional Director of the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III.
She has earned vast experiences in the academe, as a high school teacher, a
college instructor and graduate school professor. She joined the CHED family in
1989 as Education Supervisor II. From then on, she rose from the ranks as
Senior Education Program Specialist and then Chief Education Program
Specialist. She was awarded as the Best Technical Chief in the National Level
by the Commission on Higher Education on May 18, 2010.
In 2009, she was the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Office of the Director IV
which became concurrent with her role as OIC-President of North Luzon
Philippines State
College in Candon City from June 2010 to July 2012. In
2011, she was appointed as Acting Director IV and eventually, the Director IV
on July 2, 2012. She inspires everyone by her charm and leadership abilities.
Living with the CHEDRO III tagline, “Your Partner in Making a Difference,”
Dr. Abuan is definitely a true leader and an achiever whom everyone can
depend on.
Plenary Speaker / Member Panel Discussion / Facilitator
Plenary Speaker / Facilitator / Member Panel Discussion
Dr. Ali Qassem who has a PhD in Human Resource Management, is a leading
international motivational speaker, consultant, trainer and author on various
management and personal development topics. He has developed and
conducted seminars and courses on leadership and key organizational
management and skills, helping thousands of people from CEOs to students in
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak, Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan), Indonesia, Cambodia,
the Philippines, Brunei, and the Middle East.
He is fluent in Arabic, English and Bahasa Melayu, and an active member of
the of the Global Speakers Federation, the Malaysian Association of
Professional Speakers, the Society for Human Resource Management, the
American Society for Training & Development and a Certified Trainer by
the Human Resources Ministry in Malaysia. He is also a Directive
Communication Certified Trainer.
Those who experienced his trainings and/or participated in his programs and
mentorship often described him as knowledgeable, excellent communicator,
interesting, humorous, highly engaging and motivating.
Dr. Stephen Allen is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a practicing accountant and
auditor, risk assessor and consultant. He has post graduate qualifications in
accounting, finance and risk management from the University of Tasmania in
He is the principal of his own consultancy firm which provides services to
numerous Australian and international private and public sector organizations.
Through his demonstrated expertise in the area of strategic management,
organizational development, business planning, financial management, business risk
analysis, he has been asked to consult and train for several large international
Stephen has particular expertise in strategic management and organizational
development and has high level skills to advise organizations in their strategic
planning and development. In providing these services, Stephen brings to bear his
superior knowledge of a range of business, financial and risk analysis techniques
including: ratio and trend analysis; creation of projections and detailed analysis of
cash flows; assessment of business related risk and management ability.
Overarching these skills are Stephen’s ability to apply financial and business
modelling techniques through the use of spreadsheet and statistical computer
Stephen has high level communication skills, both written and verbal. He is able to
apply both his superior technical skills in the credit analysis area specifically and the
finance area
generally, in order to meet the high standards of his clients. He also
has high level facilitation and training skills and often uses business simulation
training techniques in his high impact training sessions.