Microorganism WebQuest: What's the Difference Between Viruses

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: ____________
Microorganism WebQuest: What’s the Difference Between Viruses and Bacteria?
Go to Website #1: http://archives.microbeworld.org/microbes/virus_bacterium.aspx
As you read through the webpage, complete the table below comparing and contrasting bacteria
and viruses:
Larger or smaller?
More or less complex?
Cell membrane and/or cell wall?
If not, what kind of coating do they
Reproduce independently (on their
Cause disease?
Sketch a diagram of a bacterium
and a virus in the respective
columns to the right 
What is a bacteriophage?
Go to Website #2: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/index.html
Look at the “Relative Sizes and Detection Devices” image at the top of the page. Answer the following
Can bacteria or viruses be seen with the naked eye?
Can bacteria be viewed with a light microscope?
Which kind of microscope is needed to view a virus?
Go to Website #3: http://archives.microbeworld.org/microbes/bacteria/
What kinds of useful jobs do bacteria perform?
• Under which category of life are bacteria classified?
Do bacteria contain nuclei?
Which two life forms are classified as prokaryotes?
How Long They’ve Been Around:
• How did ancient bacteria shape our planet?
Why are cyanobacteria important?
On the left toolbar, under the heading “Bacteria”, click on “What They Look Like”
What are the three main bacterial shapes? Provide examples for each shape (look under the
heading “Shape” for examples)
1. _______________________________________ example:
2. _______________________________________ example:
3. _______________________________________ example:
Are bacteria unicellular or multicellular?
What is the size of the largest bacterium? Size of the smallest bacterium? (look under
On the left toolbar, click on “Where They’re Found”
Where are some common places bacteria are found?
What is the name of the type of bacteria that can live in extreme environments?
How many bacteria are found on one square centimeter of your skin?
Go to Website #4: http://archives.microbeworld.org/microbes/virus/
What They Are:
• What are the three main parts that comprise a virus?
What are viruses unable to do that all other living things can do?
How have viruses shaped life on our planet?
What types of human diseases do viruses cause?
Single-Minded Mission:
• For what purpose do viruses exist?
On the left toolbar, under the heading “Viruses”, click on “What They Look Like”
How much smaller are viruses than bacteria?
Some viruses are covered by an envelope and may also be studded with spikes.
What is the envelope made of?
What is the purpose of spikes?
On the left toolbar, click on “Where They’re Found”
Where are viruses found?
Do viruses infect every organism they come into contact with? Why or why not?
Do all viruses cause disease and kill the host?