STUDY GUIDE FOR TEST ON CHAP.2 VIRUSES AND BACTERIA Vocabulary Virus Asexual Reproduction Host Sexual Reproduction Parasite Binary Fission Bacteriophage Conjugation Bacterium (singular), bacteria (plural) Cell Wall Respiration Cytoplasm Endospore Ribosome Decomposer Flagellum Infectious Disease Antibiotic Vaccine Concepts give reasons why viruses are considered to be nonliving describe the basic structure of a virus explain how viruses multiple compare and contrast cell with virus (Venn Diagram) Describe how bacterial cells are different from the cells of all other organisms list the positive and harmful roles that bacteria play in people's lives name the two kingdoms of bacteria tell how bacteria reproduce and survive distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction, and give examples of each (asexual - binary fission and sexual conjugation) describe how infectious diseases spread from person to person explain some ways in which infectious diseases can be treated or prevented