Boy Scouts of America Surveying Merit Badge

Name:________________________Troop #_______Score__________Date:__________
Boy Scouts of America Surveying Merit Badge (#109) Quiz
1. Name 3 famous surveyors:
2. Identify the survey equipment set up:
a. GPS
b. Total Station
c. Level
d. Level Rod
e. Tape or Chain
f. Prism
g. Plumb Bob
h. Compass
3. Which tools and methods are best suited to measure:
1.A distance less than 100 feet?_____
a. GPS
2.A distance of about 2000 feet?_____
b. Total Station/EDM
3.A distance of more than 2 miles?_____
c. Level & Level Rod
4.The distance across a river about 3000
d. Tape or Chain
feet wide and having heavy tree cover?_____
e. Triangulation/Trilateration
5.The vertical distance between 2 points?_____
4. If you make a mistake in your field notes, what should you do? _______________
5. If the scale is 1”=300’, what is the distance between point A and point B?_______
6. When should you have a survey done? __________________________________
7. How long does it take to become a surveyor (hint: the minimum time required for
education and experience combined)?___________________________________
*Bonus: 1 Bonus Point for each correct answer!
Name as many jobs a surveyor may perform as you can:________________________
Evaluation Form
Instructor’s Name:__________________________________Date:__________________
On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, please rate the instructor’s
performance today.
1. Was able to explain surveying in a way that was understandable._____
2. Made the process of earning the Survey Merit Badge fun._____
3. Got my attention and kept it for the entire Merit Badge process._____
4. Did not make the Merit Badge too easy._____
5. Did not make the Merit Badge too difficult._____
6. Was well prepared for instructing the Merit Badge._____
7. Handouts were informative, helpful, and understandable._____
8. Was able to answer the questions asked._____
9. Made me interested in learning more about the surveying profession._____
Please feel free to make any comments or suggestions you may have in the space
provided (anything you liked? Disliked? Would have liked to do different? Would have
preferred not to do? Would have like to do additionally?)__________________________