Industry Effects on Firm and Segment Profitability Forecasting: Do Aggregation and Diversity Matter?† David Schröder, Birkbeck, University of London Andrew Yim, Cass Business School, City University London 29 August 2014 Abstract. This paper analyzes the incremental advantage of industry-specific models of profitability forecasting, over economy-wide models, for business segments and firms. Prior research suggests that industry-specific analysis has no advantage over economywide analysis in forecasting firm profitability. This seems puzzling because many studies in economics and strategic management have documented the importance of industry effects in explaining firm profitability. We reconcile this apparent inconsistency by showing that industry effects on profitability forecasting can exist at the more refined business segment level and can yet be obscured by aggregated reporting at the firm level. Industry-specific forecasts can be significantly more accurate in predicting profitability for segments and undiversified firms. (JEL L25, G17, M21, M41) Key words: Segment profitability, Earnings predictability, Earnings persistence, Aggregation, Diversity, Industry membership D. Schröder. Postal: Department of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Birkbeck, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, UK. Phone: +44 20 7631-6408. E-mail: . A. Yim. Postal: Faculty of Finance, Cass Business School, City University London, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ, UK. Phone: +44 20 7040-0933. Fax: +44 20 70408881. E-mail: / . † First version: June 2012. We thank Eli Amir, Art Kraft, Peter Pope, and participants of the 50th Annual Conference of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) for their useful feedback. All remaining errors are ours. Industry Effects on Firm and Segment Profitability Forecasting: Do Aggregation and Diversity Matter? 1. Introduction The return on equity (ROE) as a measure of firm performance, or its unlevered counterpart, the return on assets (ROA), plays an important role in firm valuation models.1 More accurate forecasts of profitability, or of the underlying earnings, are useful to market participants in valuing firms, contributing to the price formation in the stock market. Prior research shows that the predictability of earnings is due to the mean reversion of profitability (Fama and French 2000). Therefore, market participants, such as financial analysts, can more accurately forecast earnings by incorporating the mean reversion in profitability. Yet, it remains an open question how to optimally exploit the mean reversion property. In particular, if the mean reversion differs significantly across industries, an industry-specific forecasting model should outperform an economy-wide model. A large body of economic and strategic management research suggests that inter-industry differences can affect firm performance systematically (e.g., Schmalensee 1985, McGahan and Porter 1997, and Bou and Satorra 2007). Motivated by the literature, Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009) examine the relative forecast accuracy of mean reverting models at the industry and economy-wide levels. Surprisingly, they find no significant improvement in forecasting profitability with an industry-specific model, compared to its economy-wide counterpart. This paper proposes an intuitive reconciliation of the seemingly inconsistent findings 1 See, e.g., Frankel and Lee (1998), Gebhardt, Lee, and Swaminathan (2001), and Penman (2003). 1 of the economics and strategic management literatures and the Fairfield et al. (2009) study. Many firms are conglomerates operating in different industries. They have various lines of business organized into units reported as business segments. When the segments of such diversified firms are associated with different industries, no single industry accurately represents the whole firm. A firm-level industry-specific forecasting model therefore may not be appropriate for forecasting the profitability of diversified firms. In contrast, individual business segments of a firm are by definition more homogenous than the firm itself, and often operate mainly in one industry. Hence, for a firm’s business segments, industry-specific forecasting models should generate more accurate profitability forecasts. In sum, we conjecture that industry effects on profitability forecasting exist and are clearer at the segment level, but can be obscured when data are aggregated to the firm level. Using both firm and segment data up to 2011, this study finds solid empirical support for the conjecture. Following the literature, we employ various versions of the persistence model to predict future profitability. We show that compared to economy-wide predictions, industry-specific forecasts can be significantly more accurate in predicting profitability for individual business segments and for undiversified firms (with only one business segment). With regard to economic significance, the forecast improvements (in terms of absolute forecast error) for large industry sectors can be as high as around 10% of the actual profitability to be forecast. Yet, segment reporting standards have changed considerably in 1998, with the new Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131 (SFAS 131) superseding SFAS 2 14.2 While SFAS 131 has brought various advantages to investors and financial analysts, this study shows that the new standard has had a mixed effect on the quality of industryspecific profitability forecasts. For undiversified firms, there is moderate evidence suggesting that the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts has improved following the introduction of SFAS 131. However, the new standard has adversely affected the advantage of industry-specific forecasts of segment profitability. We are able to document a significant advantage of industry-specific forecasts at the segment level only for the pre-SFAS 131 period. In addition to the ROE and ROA, we consider two other measures, the return on net operating assets (RNOA) and the return on sales (ROS). The ROA, RNOA, and ROS are common alternatives to the ROE as profitability measures. Most important, they are among the main drivers of the ROE. According to the Du Pont analysis, what drive the ROE are the asset-to-equity ratio (a leverage measure) and the ROA, which can be further broken down into the asset turnover ratio and the ROS. An alternative way to decompose the ROE traces to the RNOA and two leverage-related measures as the main drivers, namely the financial leverage ratio and the operating spread (see Penman 2003). Analyzing the predictability of these alternative profitability measures provides an additional route to understanding the predictability of the ROE. This additional route is particularly important and necessary when one uses a bottomup approach to understand the performance of a firm through the performance of its individual segments –– the typical approach used by financial analysts. The importance 2 Under SFAS 14, firms were asked to disclose segment information according to the industry classification of the segments. Most important, reported segment profits must conform to the US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This guarantees certain level of comparability across firms. With the implementation of SFAS 131, firms are only required to align the segment reporting with the internal structure and accounting. Hence, segment profit data are not as comparable across firms as before. Due to concerns like this, some studies focus the analysis on the pre-SFAS 131 period (e.g., Hund, Monk, and Tice 2010). 3 of segment disclosures to analysts is evident in the change of the segment reporting standard from SFAS 14 to SFAS 131. The change was partly a response to analysts’ complaints about the flexibility of the old standard that was exploited by some firms to avoid providing segment disclosures (Botosan and Stanford 2005). At the segment level, one cannot use the ROE and RNOA measures to assess performance. They are either undefined or the required data for constructing the measures are not disclosed to the public. Hence, the ROA and ROS measures become the remaining alternatives for measuring profitability at the segment level (e.g., Berger and Ofek 1995). Our analysis reveals that unlike the other profitability measures, the ROS can be more accurately forecast with industry-specific models even at the firm level, without focusing on undiversified firms. Consistent with our conjecture, the ROS forecast improvement is even larger when considering individual business segments and undiversified firms. Taken together, our results show that aggregation and diversity matter in revealing the industry effects on profitability forecasting. Besides reconciling the seemingly inconsistent findings of prior research, this study is also related to the growing literature that examines the usefulness of providing less aggregated segment-level data to the public. Several studies find that segment data allows stakeholders such as analysts, investors, and researchers to anticipate future earnings more accurately (e.g., Ettredge et al. 2005, Berger and Hann 2003, Baldwin 1984, and Collins 1976). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we explain the hypotheses developed from our conjecture and the research design. Section 3 describes 4 the data and the sample construction procedure. Section 4 discusses the evidence from the firm- and the segment-level analysis, considering the effect of the SFAS 131. Concluding remarks are given in section 5. 2. Hypotheses and Research Design 2.1 Hypotheses Inspired by studies in the diversification and segment reporting literatures (e.g., Berger and Ofek 1995, Campa and Kedia 2002, Berger and Hann 2007, and Hund, Monk, and Tice 2010), we conjecture that industry effects on profitability forecasting exist and are clearer at the segment level but can be obscured when segment-level data capturing the effects are aggregated to the firm level. To verify the conjecture, we examine several implications of the conjecture. The first hypothesis is about single- and multiple-segment firms. Multiple-segment firms are firms that have more than one segment; single-segment firms are those have only one segment. To the extent that single-segment firms on average are less diversified (more homogenous) than multiple-segment firms, we can find industry effects at the firm level for single-segment firms but not for multiple-segment firms. H1: Industry-specific profitability forecasts are more accurate than economy-wide forecasts for single-segment firms, but not for multiple segment firms. The introduction of SFAS 131 in 1998 arguably has given firms less discretion in segment aggregation. In line with this, some firms have changed the number of reported segments from one in 1997 to more than one by 1999, suggesting that they might not be genuinely single-segment firms prior to 1997. If many of such “change firms” indeed are multiple-segment firms, they should look more like multiple-segment firms than single5 segment firms. In particular, “change firms” and multiple-segment firms should be quite similar in terms of the advantage of the industry-specific profitability forecasts over their economy-wide counterparts. Therefore, we are interested in testing the following hypothesis. H1a: Between change firms and multiple-segment firms, there is no difference in the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts over economy-wide forecasts. Another way to examine the effect of SFAS 131 is to compare the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts over economy-wide forecasts before and after the shift to the new standard. Before the new standard, “change firms” are part of the asreported single-segment firms. They are no longer part of that group after the introduction of the new standard. Given that “change firms” might not be genuinely single-segment firms, we expect the following hypothesis to hold. H1b: For as-reported single-segment firms, the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts over economy-wide forecasts is stronger after the introduction of SFAS 131. We also examine the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts at the segment level. By definition a segment of a firm is more homogeneous in activities than the firm itself. If as conjectured it is mainly because of aggregated reporting at the firm level that obscures the industry effects on profitability forecasting, then we should see the effects re-appearing at the segment level. This gives the first of our second set of hypotheses: 6 H2: At the segment level, industry-specific profitability forecasts are more accurate than economy-wide forecasts. Although SFAS 131 arguably has reduced the discretion in segment aggregation, there is less consistency in defining segment profits under the new standard (Berger and Hann 2007). Less uniform segment profits reduce the data quality of the samples composed of segments from different firms, increasing the difficulty in forecasting segment profitability. Note that the within-industry samples used for estimation under the IS approach are much smaller than the all-industry sample used under the EW approach. Hence, the data quality problem is likely to have a greater impact on the accuracy of the IS approach than the EW approach. We therefore expect the following hypothesis to hold: H2a: At the segment level, the advantage of industry-specific profitability forecasts over economy-wide forecasts is weaker after the introduction of SFAS 131. 2.2 Research Design We measure the advantage of industry-specific (IS) profitability forecasts over economy-wide (EW) forecasts in terms of the absolute forecast error from the EW analysis minus its IS counterpart. For ease of reference, we call this the forecast improvement (of IS over EW analysis). Among the many models that may be used to forecast profitability, the persistence model (i.e., first-order autoregressive) is a parsimonious choice. Unlike higher-order autoregressive models, the persistence model does not require long earnings histories and therefore minimizes the survivor bias. The limited availability of segment-level data also prevents us from using sophisticated models to forecast profitability at the segment level. 7 We use the standard first-order autoregressive model (the baseline specification), as well as two augmented specifications, to forecast profitability. The IS and EW models for the baseline specification are: IS model: xi,t = αj,t + βj,t xi,t–1 + εi,t, EW model: xi,t = αt + βt xi,t–1 + εi,t, where xi,t is the profitability of firm/segment i in year t, j is the industry of the firm/segment, and εi,t is the error term. The IS model estimates a regression for each industry j separately, whereas the EW model pools all observations into one regression. The model coefficients are indexed by a year subscript t because they are re-estimated each year based on the most recent 10 years of data. The estimated coefficients from these in-sample regressions (Step 1) are used to compute the profitability forecasts and the forecast errors used for out-of-sample tests (Step 2). Further details of this two-step procedure will be provided shortly. The first augmented specification is obtained by adding to the baseline specification a dummy variable capturing nonlinear mean reversion of profitability. Specifically, the dummy variable Dj,i,t in the IS model for the first augmented specification is equal to 1 if in year t – 1 the profitability of firm/segment i is below the mean profitability of all firms/segments in the same industry j, and 0 otherwise. In the EW model in this specification, the dummy variable Di,t is the counterpart of Dj,i,t for all firms/segments in any industry. These dummy variables allow the mean reversion of profitability to differ for firms/segments with above- and below-average profitability. Fama and French (2000), among others, have documented a non-linear pattern of the mean reversion of profitability. 8 Penman (2003) and Lundholm and Sloan (2007) suggest that predicted sales growth is important to profitability forecasting. Therefore, the second augmented specification is obtained by further adding the predicted sales growth of a firm/segment, PREDGSLi,t, as follows: IS model: xi,t = αj,t + βj,t xi,t–1 + γ j,t Dj,i,t xi,t–1 + λ j,t PREDGSLi,t + εi,t, EW model: xi,t = αt + βt xi,t–1 + γt Di,t xi,t–1 + λt PREDGSLi,t + εi,t. Similar to the profitability forecasts from the baseline specification, PREDGSLi,t is the predicted value of a first-order autoregressive model of sales growth, defined as the percentage change in sales of firm/segment i from year t – 1 to year t. The estimation of this model is carried out for each industry j separately because Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009) have documented a significant industry effect on sales growth forecasting. In the in-sample regressions, we estimate the year-indexed coefficients of the three specifications on a rolling basis. The baseline and the first augmented specifications require the most recent 10 years of data. For example, to estimate the coefficients for year t like αt and βt, we use profitability data of all firms/segments from year t back to year t – 9 and their lagged values from year t – 1 back to year t – 10. The second augmented specification requires the most recent 20 years of data because it uses the predicted sales growth as an explanatory variable (which itself requires 10 years of data). To obtain reasonably reliable estimates, we require a minimum of 100 observations for each rolling regression. Some industries are excluded from the analysis owing to too few observations. For equal-footing comparisons, we estimate the EW model using only observations that are included to estimate the IS model. In the out-of-sample tests, we use the estimated coefficients of the in-sample 9 regressions and the observed profitability of last year to forecast the firm/segment profitability of the current year. For the baseline specification, this means calculating the forecasts as follows: IS model: EIS[xi,t]= aj,t + bj,t xi,t–1, EW model: EEW[xi,t]= at + bt xi,t–1, where a and b are the estimates of the model coefficients α and β. The forecasts from the two augmented specifications are calculated analogously. To perform an out-of-sample test on the relative accuracy of the IS and EW models, we first calculate for each observation the absolute forecast error defined as the absolute difference between the profitability actually observed and the profitability forecast: AFEIS = | xi,t – EIS[xi,t] |, AFEEW = | xi,t – EEW[xi,t] |, where AFEIS and AFEEW are the absolute forecast errors for a firm/segment of a year based on the IS and EW models, respectively. Next, we calculate the forecast improvement (FI) of the IS over EW model by deducting AFEIS from AFEEW: FI= AFEEW – AFEIS. If IS analysis can improve the accuracy of profitability forecasting compared to EW analysis, the FI measure should be positive on average. 3. Data and Sample Selection In this section, we give an overview of the data used and the sample constructed, followed by a discussion of the summary statistics. The firm and business segment data come from the Compustat annual fundamentals and Compustat segments databases of the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). 10 Business segment data are available from as early as 1976. Because the data coverage in the initial year is not good, we use the segment data from 1977 onward. Recall that the second augmented specification requires 20 years of data to estimate the model coefficients. This prevents us from using the specification in the segment-level analysis for the effect of SFAS 131 and leaves only a relatively short period for doing out-of-sample tests for other segment-level analyses. For simplicity, we do not consider this specification in all the segment-level analysis. For the baseline and the first augmented specifications, only 10 years of data are needed to estimate the model coefficients. Hence, the forecasts for the out-of-sample tests in the segment-level analysis are available from 1987 onward. To ease the comparison with the segment-level analysis, we also construct the forecasts in the firm-level analysis from this year onward. Given the longer time series of firm level data, we are able to use the second augmented specification in all the firm-level analysis. To construct the forecasts in the firm-level analysis, the second augmented specification uses firm data from 1967 onward, whereas the other two specifications use firm data from 1977 onward. Panel A of table 1 gives an overview on the data included in this study. We use the two-digit primary Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code to define the industry to which a firm or business segment belongs.3 Observations with missing SIC codes are excluded from the sample. To avoid distortions caused by regulated industries, we exclude all firms and segments in the financial service and utilities sectors (i.e., with SIC between 6000 and 7000, or between 4900 and 4950). In addition, the U.S. 3 For robustness checking, we have conducted the firm-level analysis using three other industry classification systems: Fama-French Classification System (FF), North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), and Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). The results based on the FF are very similar to those based on the SIC, sometimes even stronger. Though qualitatively similar, the results based on the NAICS and GICS are generally weaker. Some studies (e.g., Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn 2009) classify industries using the GICS codes, which are often unavailable for segment-level data. 11 postal service (SIC 4311) and non-classifiable establishments (SIC above 9900) are excluded. Because firm assets might not be fully allocated at the segment level, segment assets do not always add up to the firm assets. Similar discrepancies, though not as severe, exist between firm sales and aggregated segment sales. Such discrepancies can lead to measurement errors in segment ROA and ROS. To mitigate the problem, we follow Berger and Ofek (1995) and Berger and Hann (2007) to adjust the segment assets and sales as follows: First, we exclude segment observations with the aggregated segment assets deviating from the firm assets by more than 25%; similarly, we exclude those with a deviation of 5% for segment sales. Second, if a deviation is within the limits above, we allocate the deviation proportionally to each segment based on the segment assets to firm assets ratio (its counterpart for sales). To construct the time series of a segment, we rely on the segment ID (SID) provided by Compustat. Firms sometimes change the internal structure, leading to changes in the number of disclosed segments, and possibly their SIC codes. Such a restructuring requires firms to restate previous segment information to make them comparable across years. We utilize the restated information in the in-sample regressions. To prevent a lookahead bias, we do not utilize the information in the out-of-sample tests. In the firm-level analysis, we distinguish between single- and multiple-segment firms. To do so, we match the sample of firm profitability forecast improvements with the business segment data. As in the segment-level analysis, we exclude observations with a 25% deviation between the firm assets and aggregated segment assets (or for sales, a 5% deviation) to alleviate the data quality concern. 12 Occasionally, some firm/segment has two observations per calendar year. We drop identical duplicate entries. If the data of duplicate observations are diverging, e.g., due to reasons like shortened fiscal years, we exclude them from the sample.4 To mitigate the impact of small denominators on firm profitability measures, we exclude firm observations with total assets, net operating assets, and sales below USD 10mn and book value of equity below USD 1mn. For segment data, we exclude observations with total identifiable assets and sales below USD 1mn. To avoid the influence by outliers, observations with the absolute value of firm/segment profitability exceeding one are excluded. To reduce the influence by mergers and acquisitions, we remove observations with growth in operating assets, net operating assets, book value of equity, and sales above 100%. Recall that our analysis has an in-sample regression step and an out-of-sample test step. Before the in-sample regressions, we further exclude observations with the profitability measure in concern falling in the top or bottom one percentile. However, we do not apply such an extremevalue exclusion criterion before the out-of-sample tests to avoid any look-ahead bias in the analysis.5 Panel B of table 1 summarizes the definitions of the four profitability measures considered and the variables used to compute the measures. Panel A of table 2 summarizes the number of observations after applying each exclusion criterion described above. For consistency, only observations with all four profitability measures available are used in the firm-level analysis and only those with both ROA and ROS measures 4 The deletion of double observations per calendar year reduces the sample size by 4 observations in the firm-level analysis and by 2,114 observations in the segment-level analysis. 5 All exclusion criteria are similar to those in Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009). 13 available are used in the segment-level analysis. Panels B and C of table 2 give an overview of the firm and segment data used to compute the average forecast improvements reported in section 4. The firm-level analysis uses 40,010 firm-year observations of 5,977 unique firms; the segment-level analysis is based on 77,443 segment-year observations of 14,979 unique segments. For firms, the ROE on average is 7.5%, while the mean ROS and ROA are slightly higher at around 8.5%. With 14.3%, the mean RNOA is considerably higher. These statistics are similar to those in prior studies, such as Fama and French (2000) and Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009). The average levels of segment profitability are somewhat lower than their firm profitability counterparts. The mean segment ROA and ROS are 7.95% and 6.93%, respectively. Panel C reports for each industry the number of observations, as well as average profitability. With 3,751 firm-year and 6,891 segment-year observations, electronic & other electric equipment (SIC 36) constitutes the largest industry in the sample. Other important industries are chemicals & allied products (SIC 28), industrial machinery & equipment (SIC 35), instruments & related products (SIC 38), and business services (SIC 73). There is substantial variation in average profitability across industries, ranging from 2.1% to +22.8%. For firms, transportation services (SIC 47) and communications (SIC 48) are the industries with the highest levels of profitability. The lowest levels come from motion pictures (SIC 78), hotels & other lodging places (SIC 70), auto repair, services & parking (SIC 75), and food stores (SIC 54). The highest levels of segment profitability are from pipelines, except natural gas (SIC 46) and communications (SIC 48). Similar to 14 firm profitability, motion pictures (SIC 78) and food stores (SIC 54) exhibit the lowest levels of segment profitability. 4. Results on Forecast Improvements of IS over EW Models This section discusses the results of the firm- and segment-level analyses,6 followed by an extension of the analyses to sales growth forecast improvements. We assess the magnitude of the firm/segment profitability forecast improvement using two notions of the mean and the median. The pooled mean and pooled median are respectively the mean and median forecast improvements computed from all firm/segment observations pooled together. In addition, we report the grand mean, which is the mean of the yearly mean forecast improvements, and the grand median, which is the median of the yearly median forecast improvements. Along with the pooled and grand means and medians, we report the p-values for the significance levels of the tests of these statistics. Tests of the pooled and grand means are based on a t-test. Tests of the pooled and grand medians are based on a Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test. For the pooled mean, the t-test is on the estimated coefficient of a regression on only the intercept term, using the sample of all the forecast improvements and with the standard errors corrected for the clustering by firm and year following Rogers (1993). For the grand mean, the t-test is based on a similar regression using the sample of the yearly mean forecast improvements, with the standard error adjusted following Newey and West (1987). The Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for the pooled and grand medians are on the median of all the forecast improvements and the median of the yearly median improvements, respectively. Similar to Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009), we also report the number of 6 For brevity, we report only the results for the two augmented specifications. The results for the baseline specification (available upon request) are similar. 15 industries (or years) in which the industry (or yearly) mean forecast improvements is significantly positive / negative at the 10% level. 4.1 Firm-level Analysis Table 3 shows that Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn’s (2009) no industry effect result for profitability forecasting by and large holds for our out-of-sample test period (1987-2011). Two profitability measures, ROE and RNOA, are analyzed in their study. For these two measures, nearly all the firm profitability forecast improvements (of IS over EW analysis) are not significantly different from zero. The only exception is the pooled median under the second augmented specification, which is a statistic not considered in their study. Aside from this, the no industry effect result holds regardless of the specifications or the way the forecast improvements are computed. Further evidence of the no industry effect result is obtained when using ROA as the profitability measure. Including ROA in the firm-level analysis facilitates comparison with the results from the segment-level analysis (where ROE and RNOA cannot be computed owing to data limitations). The evidence based on ROA is similar to those for ROE and RNOA. The only difference is the marginally significant grand median under the second augmented specification.7 Table 3 also shows an interesting new finding: In terms of ROS, the firm profitability forecast improvement is highly significantly positive, regardless of the specifications or forecast improvement measures. This suggests that Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn’s (2009) no industry effect result for profitability forecasting may be sensitive to the profitability measure used. Notwithstanding this, the new finding can be completely 7 Unlike Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn’s (2009) original analysis, table 3 includes only firms for which there is segment data available. In an untabulated analysis including all firms in our test period, we are able to replicate the no industry effect result for ROE, RNOA, and ROA. 16 consistent with our conjecture that industry effects on profitability forecasting are stronger at the segment level than at the firm level. The results of our tests to be presented below provide evidence supporting both the conjecture and the consistency with the new finding based on ROS. We argue that the lack of (or weaker) industry effects at the firm level is due to aggregated reporting that obscures the relation between profitability and industry-specific characteristics. When the segments of a multiple-segment firm are associated with different industries, no single industry can closely represent the whole firm. Describing a multiple-segment firm with a primary industry ignores the relation between its profitability and the other industries to which its segments belong. In contrast, for firms with a single business segment, the firm-level reporting does not distort the truth – the only segment of a single-segment firm is effectively identical to the whole firm. If the advantage of IS over EW analysis exists at the segment level, it should also be observed at the firm level when confining to single-segment firms. However, for multiple-segment firms, the advantage may remain indistinguishable from zero. To test this hypothesis (H1), we partition the forecast improvements into subsamples for single- and multiple-segment firms. Owing to the doubt in correctly classifying firms that changed the number of reported segments from one in 1997 to more than one by 1999, the forecast improvements of these firms are separated into a third group called “change firms”. The results presented in table 4 generally support the hypothesis. Under the first augmented specification in panel A, all the forecast improvements for multiple-segment firms are statistically indistinguishable from zero, or non-positive. As predicted, the IS 17 analysis still has no advantage over the EW analysis in forecasting firm profitability for these firms. The results for multiple-segment firms under the second augmented specification (panel B) are similar, though with a few exceptions (two occasions for the pooled median and one for the grand median). The results for single-segment firms under the two augmented specifications strongly support the hypothesis for three of the four measures, except the ROE. Nearly all the forecast improvements measured in terms of RNOA, ROA, and ROS are positive at the 5%, or even 1%, significance level. In terms of ROE, the forecast improvements for single-segment firms are insignificant under the first augmented specification. However, two of the statistics (the pooled mean and the pooled median) become significantly positive at the 10%, or even 1%, level under the second augmented specification. Overall, apart from the limited support from the ROE, the evidence from the other three measures firmly support the prediction that IS analysis is useful for profitability forecasting even at the firm level when confining to single-segment firms. Although the forecast improvement for single-segment firms on average is not large, the economic significance of the improvement is material for certain industries, even in terms of the ROE. For example, one of the largest industry sectors is communications (SIC 48). This industry sector has an ROE forecast improvement of 1.3%. Given that the single-segment firms in this sector on average have an ROE of about 13.8%, the forecast improvement of 1.3% means IS forecasts on average being 9.4% (= 1.3% / 13.8%) closer to the actual ROE than EW forecasts. Other industries with material forecast improvements for single-segment firms include chemicals & allied products (SIC 28), railroad transportation (SIC40), and transportation services (SIC 47). 18 We also test whether the difference in the forecast improvements between single- and multiple-segment firms is statistically significant. The results are shown in the “Difference SS-MS” column of table 4.8 The results for the ROE continue to be an exception. For the other three measures and for both augmented specifications, nearly all the differences in the forecast improvements between single- and multiple-segment firms are significantly positive at the 5%, or even 1%, level. Following the introduction of SFAS 131, many firms have changed the number of reported segments from one in 1997 to more than one by 1999. These “change firms” might actually be disguised multiple-segment firms in prior to 1999. If this is true, they should be similar to multiple-segment firms in terms of the firm profitability forecast improvements. The “Difference MS-Change” column of the table 4 shows the results. Consistent with our prediction H1a, almost all the differences in the forecast improvements between multiple-segment and change firms are statistically indistinguishable from zero. The few exceptions are the grand mean and pooled median for the ROA. Finally, hypothesis H1b predicts that the firm profitability forecast improvement for as-reported single-segment firms is stronger after the introduction of SFAS 131 than before. Table 5 presents the results for this hypothesis. Given the complexity of the hypothesis, we report only the results for the pooled and grand means. The single- and multiple-segment firm type contained in the table are as reported, i.e., simply based on the reported number of segments. So the “change firms” are part of the as-reported single-segment firms before 1998 but are no longer part of them after 1998. To mitigate 8 Tests of the difference in the pooled (or grand) means are based on a t-test on the estimated slope coefficient of a regression on the dummy for multiple-segment firms, with the standard error corrected for the clustering by firm and year following Rogers (1993). Tests of the difference in the pooled medians are based on an unpaired-sample Mann and Whitney (1947) U test (also called a Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Tests of the difference in the grand medians are based on a paired-sample Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test. 19 the contamination by major macroeconomic events like the aftermath of the September 11th attack, we compare only the three years after and before the introduction of SFAS 131 in 1998. The findings provide moderate support to the hypothesis. In terms of the ROA and ROS, the firm profitability forecast improvements for the as-reported single-segment firms are indeed significantly stronger in the three years after than the three years before 1998. This holds for the two profitability measures regardless of the specifications. For the other two measures, namely ROE and RNOA, the results are statistically insignificant. However, the point estimates are still in line with the hypothesis. Consistent with the intuition behind the hypothesis, one would expect the difference in the forecast improvements between as-reported single- and multiple-segment firms to be more pronounced after the introduction of SFAS 131. We examine this implication in the “Difference” column of table 5. Unfortunately, we are unable to obtain statistically significant results to confirm the implication. Yet, it should be noted that the statistics reported in the “Difference” column are not simply a difference-in-difference test. It involves three differences because the forecast improvement itself is a difference in the absolute forecast errors between the IS and EW analysis. Given the difficulty in empirically measuring a triple difference, the insignificant results seem unsurprising. 4.2 Segment-level Analysis If industry effects on profitability forecasting exist at the segment level, we should also observe forecast improvements of IS over EW analysis for segment profitability. Table 6 shows the results for testing this hypothesis (H2). As explained in section 3, we do not consider the second augmented specification in the segment-level analysis because of insufficient segment data. 20 In terms of ROS, the findings provide solid support for H2. The segment profitability forecast improvements are significantly positive, regardless of the statistics used to measure the forecast improvements. However, in terms of ROA, only the pooled median of the forecast improvements is significantly positive. We conclude that overall the evidence provides moderate support for H2. The difference between the results for ROS and ROA highlights an issue about segment data in the post-SFAS 131 period recognized in the literature. Arguably, ROS is more reliable than ROA as a profitability measure since sales, unlike assets, can be correctly assigned to segments without ambiguity. The reliability of ROA decreases in the SFAS 131 period because firms are only required to align the segment reporting with the internal structure and accounting. Consequently, segment profits become less comparable across firms owing to non-uniform definitions adopted by different entities (Berger and Hann 2003 and Berger and Hann 2007). In contrast, SFAS 14 asked firms to report segment information according to industry classification. Most important, the segment profits reported must conform to the US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), ensuring certain level of comparability across firms. Although this problem also affects ROS, the impact is likely to be less severe because the denominator, segment sales, can be more reliably measured than its counterpart in ROA, the identifiable assets of a segment. Thus, the results in table 6 are consistent with the well-recognized problem of segment profit data in the post-SFAS 131 period. Table 7 provides a test of H2a, analyzing the difference between pre- and post-SFAS 131 forecast improvement. In line with the hypothesis, all the segment profitability forecast improvements in the pre-SFAS 131 period are significantly positive, regardless 21 of the two profitability measures or the statistics used for measurement. For the ROA, the significance levels of the forecast improvements vary from 10% to 1%. However, for the ROS, which arguably is the more reliable profitability measure, the significance levels are uniformly at 1%. Strongly supporting H2a, the differences in the forecast improvements between the pre- and the post-SFAS 131 period are significantly positive at the 1% level, with one exception at the 5% level. The negative forecast improvements in the post-SFAS 131 period are consistent with the expectation that the data quality issue is likely to have a greater impact on the accuracy of the IS approach than the EW approach. As in the analysis for single-segment firms, communications (SIC 48) is the industry sector with the largest forecast improvements. For instance, the segment ROS and ROA forecast improvements are 1.0% and 0.5%, respectively. The segments in this sector on average have an ROS of about 19% and an ROA of about 10%. Therefore, IS forecasts on average are around 5% and 6% closer to the actual ROS and ROA, respectively, than EW forecasts. Other industries with material forecast improvements are railroad transportation (SIC40) and food stores (SIC54). 4.3 Sales Growth Forecasting The second augmented specification considered in the firm-level analysis uses a firm’s predicted sales growth (PREDGSL) as an explanatory variable. As explained in section 2.2, this variable is itself constructed from an IS forecasting model because Fairfield et al. (2009) has documented a significant industry effect on sales growth forecasting. However, it is a priori unclear that such an effect also exists in our sample. Besides, it is important to know whether our conjecture on profitability forecasting also applies to sales growth forecasting, i.e., whether industry effects on sales growth forecasting exist and are clearer at the segment level, but can be obscured when data are 22 aggregated to the firm level. To examine these questions, we repeat some of the firm- and segment-level analysis on sales growth forecasting, using exactly the same empirical approach and dataset as in the analysis on profitability forecasting. The results presented in table 8 underline the importance of using IS models to forecast firm and segment sales growth. Panel A of the table summarizes the results from the firm-level analysis. Similar to Fairfield et al. (2009), we find a significant forecast improvement of IS over EW model for the period from 1987 to 2011 for three of the four statistics considered. This justifies the inclusion of PREDGSL as an additional explanatory variable in forecasting firm profitability in section 4.1. Next, we partition the sample of firms into single- and multiple-segment firms, as well as change firms. Panel B of table 8 shows the forecast improvements for the three subsamples. While for single-segment firms, the forecast improvement of IS over EW model is highly significant at the 1% level, sales growth forecasts for multiple-segment firms cannot be significantly improved using IS analysis. Furthermore, the differences in the forecast improvements between the multiple-segment and change firms are statistically indistinguishable from zero. The findings support the extension of H1 and H1a to sales growth forecasting. Finally, panel C shows that at the segment level the sales growth forecast improvement of IS over EW model is significantly positive for three of the four statistics considered. This last result supports the extension of H2 to sales growth forecasting. 5. Concluding Remarks The future performance of a firm may depend on economy-wide or industry-specific factors. Several studies in the economics and strategic management literatures have documented the importance of industry effects in future changes in profitability and earnings. Against the backdrop of these studies, recent research often favors industryspecific more than economy-wide forecasting models. For example, Gebhardt, Lee, and 23 Swaminathan (2001) propose a residual income model that explicitly incorporates industry-specific paths of expected long-term profitability.9 Yet, the preference for industry-specific forecasting models does not go unchallenged. Fairfield, Ramnath, and Yohn (2009) find that there is no significant forecast improvement of industry-specific over economy-wide analysis in predicting firm profitability. The finding questions the suitability of the valuation model by Gebhardt et al. (2001), which has enjoyed great popularity in the finance literature.10 This paper proposes an intuitive reconciliation of the seemingly conflicting findings, based on the observation that many firms have multiple business segments operating in different industries. When segment-level data are aggregated to the firm level for external reporting, industry effects on forecasting profitability are obscured at the firm level. Our analysis shows that IS models are indeed significantly more accurate than EW models in predicting segment profitability for the pre-SFAS 131 period and segment sales growth for the whole sample period. For three of the four profitability measures considered, we also find higher accuracy in predicting profitability at the firm level when confining to single-segment firms, which operate in one industry only. Taken together, the evidence strongly supports our conjecture that industry factors have an impact on profitability and sales growth forecasting but the aggregated nature of firm-level data can prevent the industry effects from standing out in the firm-level analysis. Our findings on the impact of SFAS 131 on profitability forecasting highlight a potential drawback of the new reporting standard. The new standard has brought various 9 Although firm-specific factors might be useful for forecasting, a firm-specific forecasting model is undesirable because of the survivor bias resulting from the long-history data requirement (see Fama and French 2000, p. 162, for more discussion). Indeed, Esplin (2012) shows that long-term growth forecasts obtained from industry-specific prediction models are more accurate than firm-specific forecasts. 10 The residual income model by Gebhardt et al. (2001) has been used extensively in the finance literature to compute a firm’s implied cost of capital, see e.g., Pastor, Sinha, and Swaminathan (2008), Chava and Purnanandam (2010), Lee, Ng, and Swaminathan (2009), and Chen, Da, and Zhao (2013). 24 benefits, such as an increase in the number of reported segments and a higher informative value of the segment data. However, under SFAS 131 the segment data are less comparable across firms. The increased noise in the segment data limits the usefulness of the data in predicting profitability and hence reduces the accuracy of industry-specific forecasting models at the segment level. Besides the results above, we document that when profitability is measured in terms of ROS, industry effects on profitability forecasting can be clearly seen at the firm level even without focusing on single-segment firms. This interesting new finding strengthens the conclusion that industry characteristics are indeed important to profitability forecasting. The finding also serves as a support for the conventional wisdom that sales convey valuable information about a firm’s future prospect. The results of this study are also relevant to the accounting disclosure literature. Since we find that segment-level data can improve a firm’s profitability forecasts, this can be taken as evidence for the usefulness of less aggregated accounting disclosure. 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Besides utilities and financials, we also exclude the U.S. postal service (SIC 43), non-classifiable establishments (SIC 99) and observations without SIC code. For variable definitions, see table 1. Single-segment firms are firms that report only one segment; multiplesegment firms are those reporting more than one segment. Firms with missing segment data or where the aggregate segment data deviate substantially from firm data are excluded in the outof-sample tests. For more details, see section 3. 31 TABLE 2 (Continued) Sample selection and descriptive statistics Panel B: Descriptive statistics Variable Mean Std. dev. Firm-level: 5,977 firms (40,010 firm-year observations) OPINC 297.9 1,224.7 NI 155.2 830.1 TA 3,431.0 13,376.9 SALES 3,200.2 11,790.4 BV 1,313.4 5,265.6 NOA 2,007.7 7,996.1 ROA 8.62% 7.61% ROS 8.47% 9.04% ROE 7.50% 15.05% RNOA 14.30% 13.88% Segment-level: 14,979 segments (77,443 segment-year observations) OPINC 121.3 550.4 TA 1,279.1 5,131.1 SALES 1,408.4 6,369.9 ROA 7.95% 13.29% ROS 6.93% 12.74% First quartile Median Third quartile 5.0 1.1 101.4 124.9 50.4 63.1 4.35% 3.26% 2.40% 6.66% 27.4 11.3 363.8 430.9 173.4 226.1 8.68% 7.37% 9.81% 13.41% 139.7 66.9 1,612.6 1,675.0 691.8 994.3 13.19% 12.60% 16.02% 21.38% 0.6 32.8 42.2 2.33% 1.66% 9.8 150.5 184.0 8.58% 6.79% 61.1 664.7 751.5 14.93% 13.01% Panel B gives an overview on the firm and segment data used to compute the average forecast improvements in the out-of-sample tests for the period from 1987 to 2011. OPINC (operating income), NI (income before extraordinary items), TA (total assets), SALES (total sales), BV (common shareholder’s equity), and NOA (net operating assets) are reported in USD million. 32 TABLE 2 (Continued) Sample selection and descriptive statistics Panel C: Descriptive statistics by industry Twodigit SIC 01 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Firm-level data Description Agricultural production-crops Metal mining Coal mining Oil & gas extraction Nonmetallic minerals General building Heavy construction Special trade contractors Food & kindred products Textile mill products Apparel & other textile Lumber & wood Furniture & fixtures Paper & allied products Printing & publishing Chemicals & allied products Petroleum & coal Rubber & plastic products Leather Stone, clay & glass Primary metal products Fabricated metal products Industrial machinery & equipment Electronic & other electric equipment Transportation equipment Instruments & related products Misc. manufacturing industries Railroad transportation Segment-level data Obs. ROA ROS ROE RNOA Obs. ROA ROS 272 4.88% 9.10% 4.04% 7.50% 16.35% 12.13% 14.71% 10.59% 15.47% 13.52% 16.55% 18.00% 14.28% 16.51% 17.04% 12.64% 12.12% 15.04% 13.78% 12.21% 196 307 177 2,051 219 643 303 339 2,470 763 864 703 715 1,415 1,453 4,773 590 1,533 415 894 1,806 2,177 6,593 6,891 6.53% 3.81% 6.73% 6.15% 12.22% 5.36% 6.52% 6.67% 11.00% 7.61% 9.34% 8.12% 8.84% 10.66% 11.28% 10.71% 8.08% 11.21% 6.70% 9.66% 8.38% 11.14% 6.74% 6.04% 9.19% 6.41% 8.99% 12.43% 14.23% 4.10% 3.43% 3.51% 7.88% 5.31% 6.41% 5.91% 5.46% 9.58% 9.85% 9.47% 4.86% 7.72% 4.17% 8.96% 6.23% 7.84% 4.88% 4.56% 941 11 395 48 6.17% 10.12% 8.24% 7.12% 13.38% 9.55% 7.58% 5.18% 5.85% 11.28% 9.85% 7.05% 9.26% 15.64% 11.38% 15.14% 1,615 467 597 354 464 845 774 2,658 462 688 213 407 1,067 1,077 2,991 3,751 10.21% 8.50% 9.74% 6.73% 9.97% 9.17% 10.63% 10.62% 8.73% 10.61% 10.25% 8.72% 8.03% 9.50% 7.87% 6.92% 7.77% 6.37% 7.48% 5.99% 6.57% 9.19% 10.32% 11.36% 8.15% 8.02% 6.33% 9.20% 7.12% 8.06% 6.97% 6.43% 11.08% 3.98% 7.32% 4.98% 9.00% 8.93% 9.71% 10.80% 10.23% 8.36% 7.09% 9.00% 6.22% 8.48% 6.60% 4.55% 1,472 2,731 555 342 8.86% 8.98% 7.82% 7.07% 7.81% 9.28% 6.62% 17.06% 9.22% 7.25% 4.52% 9.74% 15.64% 15.09% 12.89% 11.67% 2,590 5,357 902 350 10.04% 6.80% 7.05% 7.22% 7.19% 5.93% 5.73% 16.71% 33 Panel C: Descriptive statistics by industry (Continued) Twodigit SIC 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 70 72 73 75 78 79 80 82 83 87 Total Firm-level data Segment-level data Description Obs. ROA ROS ROE RNOA Obs. ROA ROS Trucking & warehouse Water transportation Transportation by air Pipelines, except natural gas Transportation services Communications Electric, gas & sanitary services Wholesale trade-durable products Wholesale trade-nondurable goods Building materials General merchandise stores Food stores Automotive dealers & services Apparel & accessory stores Furniture stores Eating & drinking places Miscellaneous retail Hotels & other lodging places Personal services Business services Auto repair, services & parking Motion pictures Amusement & recreation services Health services Educational services Social services Engineering & management services 568 237 454 8.96% 5.99% 6.15% 6.16% 14.22% 7.15% 8.04% 5.04% 5.49% 14.87% 8.02% 11.93% 55 2,014 181 1,592 840 10.78% 10.39% 5.42% 7.79% 7.87% 9.97% 20.39% 10.21% 4.74% 4.81% 8.94% 11.99% 3.40% 6.97% 8.37% 21.16% 15.84% 8.03% 12.43% 13.96% 881 568 855 21 416 3,193 657 2,908 1,618 8.90% 6.28% 4.97% 6.72% 9.74% 9.58% 5.64% 7.36% 8.55% 5.82% 13.55% 4.96% 22.80% 8.60% 18.56% 9.10% 3.55% 4.50% 129 596 598 138 632 341 972 923 233 18 2,412 11 162 453 655 8.01% 8.80% 9.18% 7.54% 9.86% 8.09% 10.20% 8.47% 4.79% 5.11% 7.68% 6.28% 5.25% 8.74% 10.64% 3.96% 4.73% 3.26% 3.48% 4.98% 4.36% 7.64% 5.04% 9.37% 8.95% 8.13% 9.18% 5.34% 12.89% 10.45% 3.23% 8.04% 8.59% 6.29% 8.38% 5.05% 7.41% 6.25% 1.19% 5.02% 5.87% 3.02% -2.10% 4.12% 7.76% 12.17% 14.50% 15.84% 10.21% 20.04% 15.32% 14.62% 13.98% 6.48% 8.95% 15.82% 9.23% 8.39% 12.48% 15.23% 593 8.22% 6.68% 6.25% 15.49% 267 846 777 335 1,026 577 1,689 1,641 478 193 6,426 192 537 981 1,335 173 48 1,316 7.20% 7.37% 8.71% 7.28% 10.90% 5.95% 7.78% 8.10% 5.89% 9.63% 5.46% 4.94% 3.22% 7.45% 8.67% 14.75% 12.86% 8.45% 3.68% 3.83% 2.82% 4.00% 5.21% 3.25% 5.34% 4.28% 10.13% 10.10% 5.31% 7.23% 3.88% 9.77% 7.82% 12.20% 9.97% 6.19% 40,010 8.62% 8.47% 7.50% 14.30% 77,443 7.95% 6.93% Panel C reports the number of observations and the average firm and segment profitability by industry (in two-digit SIC). 34 TABLE 3 Firm profitability forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis (firm-year observations: 40,010) In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy Value ROE Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years RNOA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROS Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years p -Value AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL Value p -Value 0.0076% 0.0068% -0.0120% 0.0102% 15 / 13 4/4 0.687 0.662 0.814 0.968 0.0905% 0.0929% 0.0385% *** -0.0139% 14 / 11 9/6 0.103 0.123 <0.001 0.968 0.0095% 0.0094% 0.0087% -0.0003% 0.512 0.450 0.101 0.696 0.0191% 0.0184% 0.0195% *** 0.0176% 12 / 5 7/4 0.378 0.381 <0.001 0.192 0.785 0.763 0.316 0.397 0.0163% 0.0168% 0.0172% *** 0.0113% * 16 / 7 6/6 0.259 0.254 <0.001 0.098 0.0568% 0.0561% 0.0535% 0.0568% <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 12 / 8 5/3 0.0025% 0.0025% 0.0059% 0.0040% 12 / 8 6/5 0.0373% 0.0366% 0.0248% 0.0224% *** *** *** ** 19 / 8 10 / 1 0.002 0.002 <0.001 0.016 *** *** *** *** 18 / 4 15 / 1 This table summarizes the firm profitability forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis. The firm profitability forecast is the out-of-sample predicted value based on the in-sample estimation on a rolling basis using the most recent 10 years of data. Three specifications are used for the in-sample estimation: (i) the baseline AR(1), i.e., the first-order autoregressive model of firm profitability; (ii) an AR(1) model augmented with a dummy variable (NL dummy) for observations with below-average firm profitability; (iii) an AR(1) model augmented with both the NL dummy and the predicted sales growth (PREDGSL ), where PREDGSL is the predicted value of the first-order autoregressive model of sales growth estimated on a rolling basis using the most recent 10 years of data (for more details, see section 2.2). For brevity, the results for the baseline AR(1) model are not reported but are available on request. The pooled mean (median) is the mean (median) forecast improvement based on all the firm-year improvements pooled together. The grand mean (median) is the mean (median) of the yearly mean (median) forecast improvements for all the firms in a year. For the pooled mean, the p-values are based on the standard errors corrected for two-way clustering by firm and year following Rogers (1993). For the grand mean, the standard errors are adjusted following Newey and West (1987). The p-vales for the pooled and grand median improvements are obtained from a one-sample Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test using the pooled data and the yearly medians, respectively. “No. industries” is the number of industries (out of 50) for which the mean improvement from using the industry-specific model is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). “No. years” is the number of years (out of 25) that the yearly mean improvement is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). 35 TABLE 4 Firm profitability forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis by firm type Panel A: In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy Firm type Observations Single-segment (SS) firms 19,756 Value ROE Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years RNOA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROS Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years p -Value Multiple-segment (MS) firms 13,003 Value p -Value Change firms Difference SS-MS 7,251 Value p -Value Value p -Value Value p -Value 0.0035% 0.0034% 0.0207% -0.0014% 0.917 0.894 0.126 0.638 0.0122% 0.0114% -0.0023% -0.0153% 0.743 0.686 0.805 0.619 0.011 0.005 0.010 0.510 -0.0038% -0.0024% 0.0060% 0.0422% 0.894 0.913 0.720 0.288 0.0116% 0.0107% -0.0051% -0.0118% 10 / 11 2/2 0.610 0.539 0.201 0.882 0.0081% 0.0072% -0.0258% -0.0104% 13 / 10 3/2 0.781 0.761 0.377 0.619 -0.0040% -0.0042% -0.0235% 0.0050% 14 / 9 1/1 0.901 0.875 0.644 0.840 0.0397% ** 0.0388% ** 0.0206% *** 0.0225% 10 / 6 8/1 0.023 0.011 0.001 0.221 -0.0214% -0.0200% -0.0017% 0.0097% 0.322 0.258 0.581 0.757 -0.0176% -0.0176% -0.0076% -0.0324% 11 / 5 4/2 0.496 0.418 0.387 0.242 0.0611% ** 0.0588% *** 0.0222% *** 0.0128% 7/9 1/4 Difference MS-Change 0.0214% ** 0.044 0.0206% ** 0.031 0.0216% *** <0.001 0.0212% ** 0.032 10 / 8 9/0 -0.0241% * -0.0229% ** -0.0142% *** -0.0075% 7/9 1/8 0.062 0.040 0.002 0.192 -0.0013% -0.0004% 0.0059% 0.0085% 13 / 6 3/3 0.935 0.976 0.788 0.657 0.0455% 0.0435% 0.0358% 0.0286% *** *** *** *** 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 -0.0228% -0.0225% * -0.0200% ** -0.0160% 0.156 0.068 0.037 0.150 0.0749% *** 0.0740% *** 0.0512% *** 0.0478% *** 15 / 4 12 / 0 -0.0002% -0.0002% 0.0076% 0.0029% 12 / 6 3/2 0.988 0.986 0.651 0.677 0.0024% 0.0048% -0.0126% -0.0053% 14 / 6 4/4 0.911 0.811 0.551 0.493 0.0751% 0.0742% 0.0436% 0.0449% *** *** *** *** <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 -0.0027% -0.0050% 0.0202% 0.0082% 0.909 0.794 0.461 0.353 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 36 Panel B: In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL Firm type Observations ROE Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years RNOA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROS Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Single-segment (SS) firms 19,756 Value p -Value 0.0956% * 0.068 0.0898% 0.101 0.0417% *** <0.001 -0.0112% 0.904 11 / 9 7/2 0.0452% 0.0411% 0.0340% 0.0134% ** ** *** * 8/5 6/0 0.044 0.049 <0.001 0.083 0.0303% ** 0.017 0.0283% ** 0.021 0.0278% *** <0.001 0.0133% ** 0.015 12 / 8 7/0 0.0932% *** 0.0907% *** 0.0784% *** 0.0798% *** 16 / 3 16 / 0 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Multiple-segment (MS) firms 13,003 Value p -Value Change firms Difference SS-MS 7,251 Value p -Value Difference MS-Change Value p -Value Value p -Value 0.0028% -0.0053% 0.0079% -0.0116% 0.943 0.867 0.397 0.737 0.0203% -0.0021% -0.0091% -0.0084% 0.652 0.945 0.782 0.757 0.0928% 0.0951% 0.0338% *** 0.0004% 12 / 8 7/3 0.193 0.185 0.005 0.968 0.0726% 0.0972% 0.0429% ** 0.0088% 15 / 7 6/0 0.175 0.121 0.013 0.313 -0.0146% -0.0139% 0.0075% 0.0078% 10 / 7 5/4 0.640 0.624 0.455 0.677 0.0084% 0.0190% 0.0140% 0.0157% 0.760 0.516 0.337 0.288 0.0598% ** 0.0550% *** 0.0265% ** 0.0056% 0.014 0.008 0.025 0.174 -0.0230% -0.0329% -0.0065% -0.0079% 0.416 0.173 0.758 0.696 -0.0062% -0.0050% 0.0022% -0.0189% 12 / 8 4/9 0.759 0.794 0.924 0.600 0.0183% 0.0264% 0.0188% * 0.0159% 12 / 3 5/3 0.372 0.264 0.061 0.201 0.0365% 0.0333% 0.0256% 0.0321% ** ** *** ** 0.016 0.015 0.000 0.023 -0.0245% -0.0314% ** -0.0166% -0.0347% 0.109 0.021 0.157 0.211 0.0141% 0.0139% 0.0320% *** 0.0248% ** 11 / 4 4/2 0.483 0.455 0.002 0.048 0.0341% 0.0408% * 0.0249% ** 0.0218% 15 / 3 8/2 0.131 0.079 0.012 0.242 0.0792% 0.0768% 0.0464% 0.0551% *** *** *** *** <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 -0.0200% -0.0269% 0.0071% 0.0030% 0.388 0.188 0.984 0.581 8/3 4/3 37 This table summarizes the firm profitability forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis for three sub-samples of firms. Single-segment firms are firms that report only one business segment; multiple-segment firms are firms that report more than one business segment. Change firms are firms that have changed the number of reported segments from one in 1997 to more than one in 1999, suggesting that they might not be genuinely single-segment firms prior to the introduction of SFAS 131 in 1998. Owing to the doubt in correctly classifying these firms, they are excluded from the sub-samples of single- and multiple-segment firms but form a category on their own (see section 3 for details). The three columns on the right present the differences between the three sub-samples. Panel A reports the out-of-sample tests when the in-sample estimation is based on an AR(1) model augmented with a dummy variable (NL dummy) for observations with below-average firm profitability. Panel B reports the results for an AR(1) model augmented with both the NL dummy and the predicted sales growth (PREDGSL). For brevity, the results for the baseline AR(1) model are not reported but are available on request. See the footnote of table 3 for details on the calculation of the p-values for the mean and median forecast improvements. The p-values for the difference between the forecast improvements for two groups of firms are calculated as follows. For the pooled mean, the p-values are based on the standard errors corrected for two-way clustering by firm and year following Rogers (1993) using a regression on a constant and a firm-type dummy (e.g., a multi-segment firm dummy when comparing single- and multiple-segment firms). For the grand mean, the p-values are based on a paired t-test on the yearly means. For the pooled median, the p-values are calculated using a two-group Mann and Whitney (1947) rank-sum test. For the grand median, the p-values are based on a two-sample, paired Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test of the yearly medians. ***,**, and * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. “No. industries” is the number of industries (out of 48 for single-segment and change firms and 50 for multiple-segment firms) for which the mean improvement from using the industry-specific model is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). “No. years” is the number of years (out of 25) that the yearly mean improvement is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). 38 TABLE 5 Firm profitability forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis by firm type and around the introduction of SFAS 131 Panel A: ROE Firm type Single-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Multiple-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Difference Value p -Value In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0123% -0.0129% -0.0020% -0.0024% 0.0103% 0.0105% 0.779 0.783 0.944 0.939 0.819 0.844 -0.0821% -0.0857% 0.0225% 0.0202% 0.1046% 0.1059% 0.314 0.395 0.750 0.797 0.272 0.372 0.0698% 0.0728% -0.0246% -0.0226% *** -0.0944% -0.0954% 0.168 0.254 0.699 0.749 0.181 0.283 0.598 0.628 0.688 0.710 0.458 0.535 -0.1357% -0.1377% 0.0252% 0.0220% 0.1609% 0.1597% 0.105 0.226 0.788 0.834 0.148 0.260 0.1082% *** 0.1091% * -0.0168% -0.0143% -0.1250% -0.1235% 0.007 0.069 0.828 0.867 0.101 0.205 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0276% -0.0286% 0.0084% 0.0076% 0.0359% 0.0362% Panel B: RNOA Firm type Single-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Multiple-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Difference Value p -Value 0.0725% 0.0704% 0.0222% 0.0245% -0.0503% -0.0460% 0.132 0.228 0.796 0.800 0.507 0.651 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0416% * -0.0424% 0.0227% 0.0236% 0.0643% 0.0661% 0.094 0.205 0.584 0.620 0.134 0.229 -0.1142% ** -0.1129% 0.0005% -0.0008% 0.1146% * 0.1120% 0.109 0.227 0.708 0.722 0.111 0.204 -0.1611% -0.1592% -0.0085% -0.0098% 0.1527% 0.1494% 0.017 0.116 0.993 0.988 0.070 0.164 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0467% -0.0474% 0.0105% 0.0110% 0.0572% 0.0584% *** <0.001 * 0.060 0.849 0.844 *** 0.008 * 0.067 0.1144% *** <0.001 0.1118% ** 0.030 0.0190% 0.763 0.0208% 0.769 -0.0955% 0.133 -0.0910% 0.233 39 Panel C: ROA Firm type Single-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Multiple-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Difference Value p -Value 0.0411% 0.0403% 0.0512% 0.0527% 0.0101% 0.0124% 0.240 0.323 0.243 0.345 0.842 0.826 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0187% -0.0191% 0.0502% 0.0506% 0.0689% 0.0697% 0.204 0.284 *** 0.002 * 0.083 *** <0.001 ** 0.027 -0.0598% * -0.0593% -0.0009% -0.0021% 0.0588% 0.0573% 0.073 0.184 0.978 0.956 0.171 0.273 -0.0860% *** -0.0853% * 0.0017% 0.0005% 0.0877% ** 0.0858% 0.006 0.094 0.961 0.991 0.039 0.131 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean -0.0208% -0.0211% 0.0408% 0.0410% 0.0616% 0.0621% 0.125 0.226 *** <0.001 ** 0.016 *** <0.001 *** 0.010 0.0652% ** 0.0642% 0.0391% 0.0405% -0.0261% -0.0237% 0.019 0.115 0.305 0.394 0.540 0.623 Panel D: ROS Firm type Single-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Multiple-segment (as reported) Value p -Value Difference Value p -Value In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean 0.0462% 0.0464% 0.1164% 0.1159% 0.0702% 0.0695% *** <0.001 ** 0.013 *** <0.001 ** 0.018 *** <0.001 ** 0.014 -0.0122% -0.0122% 0.0074% 0.0061% 0.0196% 0.0183% 0.338 0.139 0.853 0.892 0.593 0.670 0.0584% 0.0586% 0.1090% 0.1099% 0.0506% 0.0512% *** ** *** * 0.001 0.030 0.001 0.067 0.106 0.182 -0.0396% -0.0381% 0.0341% 0.0330% 0.0737% * 0.0710% 0.168 0.298 0.306 0.426 0.057 0.174 0.0839% *** 0.008 0.0827% 0.108 0.0880% *** <0.001 0.0885% ** 0.034 0.0040% 0.900 0.0057% 0.874 In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy + PREDGSL 3 years before 3 years after Change Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled mean Grand mean 0.0444% 0.0446% 0.1221% 0.1214% 0.0777% 0.0768% *** 0.003 * 0.068 *** <0.001 ** 0.018 *** 0.001 ** 0.021 This table compares the firm profitability forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis before and after the introduction of SFAS 131 in 1998. The observations of 1998 are excluded from the out-of-sample tests to account for the transition year. In this table, the grouping of the firms into single- and multiple-segment is as reported: Firms that changed the number of reported business segments from one to more than one following the introduction of SFAS 131 are classified as single-segment in the 3 years before (1995 to 1997) and as multiple-segments in the 3 years after (1999 to 2001). Panels A to D report the results for the four profitability measures considered: ROE, RNOA, ROA, and ROS. For brevity, only the results for the pooled and grand mean forecast improvements are reported. The results for the pooled and grand median improvements and those using the baseline AR(1) model for in-sample estimation are not reported but are available on request. The p-values for the difference between the forecast improvements for the single- and multiple-segment firms are calculated as follows. For the pooled mean, the p-values are based on the standard errors corrected for two-way clustering by firm and year following Rogers (1993) using a regression on a constant and a multiple-segment firm dummy. For the grand mean, the p-values are based on a paired t-test on the yearly mean improvements for the single- and multiple-segment firms. ***,**, and * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. 40 TABLE 6 Segment profitability forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis (segment-year observations: 77,443) In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy ROA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROS Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Value p -Value 0.0214% 0.0167% 0.0096% *** -0.0111% 0.428 0.542 <0.001 0.861 16 / 13 7 / 12 0.0643% 0.0580% 0.0573% 0.0154% ** ** *** * 0.012 0.029 <0.001 0.083 23 / 6 10 / 2 This table summarizes the segment profitability forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis. The segment profitability forecast is the out-of-sample predicted value based on the in-sample estimation on a rolling basis using the most recent 10 years of data. Two specifications are used for the in-sample estimation: (i) the baseline AR(1), i.e., the first-order autoregressive model of segment profitability; (ii) an AR(1) model augmented with a dummy variable (NL dummy) for observations with below-average segment profitability. For brevity, the results for the baseline AR(1) model are not reported. They are available on request. The pooled mean (median) is the mean (median) forecast improvement based on all the segment-year improvements pooled together. The grand mean (median) is the mean (median) of the yearly mean (median) forecast improvements for all the segments in a year. For the pooled mean, the p-values are based on the standard errors corrected for two-way clustering by segment and year following Rogers (1993). For the grand mean, the standard errors are adjusted following Newey and West (1987). The p-vales for the pooled and grand median improvements are obtained from a one-sample Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test using the pooled data and the yearly medians, respectively. “ No. industries ” is the number of industries (out of 55) for which the mean improvement from using the industry-specific model is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). “No. years” is the number of years (out of 25) that the yearly mean improvement is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). 41 TABLE 7 Segment profitability forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis by reporting regime In-sample estimation AR(1) + NL dummy Period Observations ROA Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years ROS Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Pre-SFAS 131 (1987-1997) 39,624 Post-SFAS 131 (1999-2011) 34,860 Value p -Value Value p -Value Value 0.0965% 0.1081% 0.0705% 0.0717% ** 0.029 ** 0.049 *** <0.001 * 0.091 20 / 8 7/1 -0.0602% -0.0576% -0.0400% -0.0295% *** <0.001 *** <0.001 *** <0.001 ** 0.016 6 / 10 0 / 11 0.1567% 0.1657% 0.1105% 0.1012% *** *** *** ** <0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.026 0.1423% 0.1513% 0.1319% 0.1136% *** <0.001 *** 0.004 *** <0.001 *** 0.006 30 / 4 9/0 -0.0231% ** 0.042 -0.0201% * 0.071 -0.0212% *** <0.001 -0.0193% 0.101 16 / 8 0/2 0.1654% 0.1715% 0.1530% 0.1329% *** *** *** *** <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Difference p -Value This table summarizes the segment profitability forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis for the pre-SFAS 131 period (1987-1997) and the post-SFAS 131 period (1999-2011), as well as the difference between the two periods. The observations of 1998 are excluded from the out-of-sample tests to account for the transition year. The table reports the out-of-sample tests when the in-sample estimation is based on an AR(1) model augmented with a dummy variable (NL dummy) for observations with below-average firm profitability. For brevity, the results for the baseline AR(1) model are not reported. They are available on request. See the footnote of table 6 for details on the calculation of the p-values for the mean and median forecast improvements. The pvalues for the difference between the forecast improvements for the two periods are calculated as follows. For the pooled mean, the p-values are based on the standard errors corrected for two-way clustering by segment and year following Rogers (1993) using a regression on a constant and a post-SFAS 131 period dummy. For the grand mean, the p-values are based on a paired t-test on yearly means. For the pooled median, the p-values are calculated using a two-group Mann and Whitney (1947) rank-sum test. For the grand median, the p-values are based on a two-sample, paired Wilcoxon (1945) signed-rank test of the yearly medians. ***,**, and * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. “No. industries” is the number of industries (out of 54 for the pre-SFAS 131 period and 55 for the post-SFAS 131 period) for which the mean improvement from using the industry-specific model is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). “No. years” is the number of years (out of 11 for the pre-SFAS 131 period and 13 for the post-SFAS 131 period) that the yearly mean improvement is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). 42 TABLE 8 Sales growth forecast improvements of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis Panel A: Firm-level analysis (firm-year observations: 40,010) Value p -Value 0.0589% ** 0.011 0.0609% ** 0.016 0.0261% *** <0.001 0.0193% 0.143 9/3 8/3 Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Panel B: Firm-level analysis by firm type Firm type Observations Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Single-segment (SS) firms 19,756 Value 0.0840% 0.0864% 0.0495% 0.0555% p -Value *** 0.002 *** 0.005 *** <0.001 ** 0.028 10 / 4 9/0 Multiple-segment (MS) firms 13,003 Value 0.0287% 0.0291% -0.0013% 0.0046% p -Value 0.402 0.399 0.556 0.861 4/3 5/4 Change firms Difference SS-MS Difference MS-Change 7,251 Value p -Value 0.0449% 0.258 0.0340% 0.394 0.0269% * 0.070 -0.0165% 0.778 10 / 3 7/1 Value p -Value 0.0553% 0.171 0.0573% 0.178 0.0508% *** 0.001 0.0509% ** 0.032 Value -0.0162% -0.0048% -0.0282% 0.0211% p -Value 0.711 0.912 0.271 0.382 Panel C: Segment-level analysis (segment-year observations: 77,443) Pooled mean Grand mean Pooled median Grand median No. industries No. years Value p -Value 0.0964% *** 0.001 0.1022% *** 0.002 0.0458% *** <0.001 0.0257% 0.109 14 / 0 14 / 2 This table summarizes the sales growth forecast improvement of industry-specific analysis over economy-wide analysis. The sales growth forecast is the predicted value of the first-order autoregressive model of sales growth estimated on a rolling basis using the most recent 10 years of data. Panel A reports the sales growth forecast improvement for all firms. Panel B reports the sales growth forecast improvement for single- and multiple-segment firms and change firms separately, along with the differences between the groups. Panel C reports the sales growth forecast improvement for all segments. See the footnotes of tables 3, 4, 6, and 7 for details on the calculation of the p-values. ***,**, and * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, “No. industries” is the number of industries (out of 50 for all firms in panel A; out of 48 for single-segment and change firms and 50 for multiple-segment firms in panel B; out of 55 for all segments in panel C) for which the mean improvement from using the industry-specific model is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). “No. years” is the number of years (out of 25) that the yearly mean improvement is significantly positive / negative (at the 10% significance level). 43