Health Education Final Exam Review Sheet Nutrition: BMI & why it

Health Education Final Exam Review Sheet Nutrition: ­ BMI & why it isn’t always accurate ­ Empty calories ­ Why all calories are not the same ­ Importance of eating breakfast ­ How to eat breakfast on a busy schedule ­ How to write a nutrition SMART goal ­ Positive and negative ways to lose, gain, and maintain weight ­ 6 major nutrients and what they do for the body ­ What is MyPlate? ­ Basic nutrition label information ­ How to eat healthy when eating out ­ Obesity Social and Mental Health: ­ Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder ­ Signs of depression ­ How the body handles stress (fight or flight, stressors) ­ Ways to reduce stress ­ Anxiety and how it affects the body ­ How to help someone who may suffer from a mental health disorder ­ Types of stressors and types of stress ­ Where to go for help ­ When is it time to ask for help for yourself or someone else Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs: ­ Tolerance ­ Withdrawal ­ Hangover ­ Addiction (stages, definition) ­ OTC ­ Prescription ­ Abuse, misuse, and proper drug use ­ Types of refusal skills ­ How to use refusal skills ­ Where can someone go for help (addict, family, children) ­ Effects of marijuana and alcohol on the body, society, financial, legal, and mental ­ Alcohol laws ­ Types of dependency ­ Roles the family plays in an addiction household ­ BAC Safety and Injury Prevention: ­ Correct CPR position and steps ­ Laws regarding CPR ­
How to use an AED and where they are Heart attack vs. cardiac arrest Universal precautions Healthy vs. unhealthy relationships Cycle of abuse How to help someone who’s in an abusive relationship How to care for an injury Online safety What to do if you’re in an abusive relationship Types of wounds Disease Prevention: ­ Most common STIs ­ How to treat STIs ­ Difference between viral, bacterial, and parasitic STIs ­ How does cancer affect the body ­ Tumor (which is non­cancerous vs. cancerous) ­ Treatment for cancer ­ Warning signs of cancer ­ Most common risk factors for cancer ­ Cardiovascular disease (what is it, how common/deadly is it) ­ Skin cancer facts and how to prevent ­ Asymptomatic ­ Vaccine ­ Infertility ­ Biopsy ­ How to find a valid website ­ Where can you go for information on medical exams, vaccines, and treatment ­ How to find out which disease run in your family ­ STI myths vs. facts Sexual Health: ­ Parts of the male/female reproductive system ­ Common diseases of the reproductive systems ­ How to talk about sexuality and abstinence ­ Where to find information on sexual health ­ Most effective forms of contraception ­ Abstinence ­ Fetal development and effects on the body ­ Risk associated with being sexually active ­ How to set personal goals regarding abstinence ­ Who influences us to make decisions regarding sexual health ­ Respecting sexual identity 