Sue Bagshaw SYHPANZ Clinical Skills Day 2011 HEADSS Home Education Employment Eating Exercise Activities Drugs Sexuality Suicide Spirituality Safety Strengths Berman, Goldenring and Cohen Risk Areas Mental health – depression, grief, suicide, anxiety, early psychosis, eating disorders Alcohol and other drug misuse Early sexual activity, STIs, Sexual abuse Unsupported Pregnancy Driving Resiliency, Protection People to talk to Groups belong to School completion, qualifications Responsible use of Alcohol and other drugs Healthy sexuality and relationships Participation in and contribution to the community Move from the less sensitive to the more sensitive Move from the third person approach to the personal Avoid Dunno (Descriptions) Be keen to get to know this person Link Questions What is important? What stage of cognitive development – future thinking, concrete/abstract thought, complexity of thought Where in journey of becoming an adult – home, education, employment They don’t care what you say until they know you care about what they say Be aware: Culture Developmental stage Sexual orientation Religious values CRAFFT Car – drive/drunk Relax – need it to feel better Alone – use with no friends Forget – what you did what happened Family and Friends tell you to stop Trouble – use get you into BEARDS Bite your tongue Express empathy Avoid argumentation Roll with resistance Deploy discrepancy Support self-efficacy