Innovative DataDriven Decision Making James Frazee San Diego State University John Fritz University of Maryland Baltimore County Ellen Wagner WCET John Whitmer Blackboard Outline Introductions & Brief Overviews Context: Big Data Aspirations & Limited Implementations Panel Discussion Audience Discussion Bios John Fritz James Frazee Ellen Wagner Assistant Vice President for Instructional Technology in UMBC's Division of Information Technology Senior Academic Technology Officer and Director of Instructional Technology Services (ITS) at San Diego State University Chief research and strategy officer and co-founder of the PAR (Predictive Analytics Reporting) Framework Introductions & Brief Overviews Guiding Question What are the most important things that you’ve learned so far? The Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) Framework PAR is a “massive data” analysis effort using predictive analytics to identify drivers related to loss and momentum and to inform student loss prevention efforts in US postsecondary education PAR institutional members voluntarily contribute de-identified student records to create a single federated database built around open published data definitions, using data tools already in use in .edu Results of descriptive, inferential and predictive analyses create benchmarks, localized institutional predictive models and tools to inventory, map and measure student success interventions On track to becoming an independent 501(c)(3) provider of learner analytics as a service by the end of 2014 PAR Framework per the Institute for Higher Education Policy ( SP2014 Course Accesses Grades Grade Center as Proxy for Design Learning Analytics Pilot Interventions # Students Receiving >0 Interventions: PSY: 177 (84%) STAT: 165 (70%) Significant Effect for PellEligible Students in PSY 101 100% 90% 80% 70% Relationship: Receive Interventions & Course Pass 23% (Pell-Eligible vs. Overall Students) PSY: Pearson chi2(1) = 6.4007 Pr = 0.011 9% 91% 77% 18% 83% 14% 87% 60% 50% Not Pass 40% Pass 30% 20% 10% 0% No Interventions (PSY, Pell-Eligible) Interventions (PSY, Pell-eligible) No Interventions (Overall) Interventions (Overall) Context: Aspirations & Limited Implementations Source: Educause and AIR, 2012 (2012), Source: Educause and AIR, 2012 (2012), Source: Educause and AIR, 2012 (2012), Source: McKinsey: “Big Data” Report (2011), Source: McKinsey: “Big Data” Report (2011), Source: McKinsey: “Big Data” Report (2011), Panel Discussion Q1 What is the most exciting thing you’re working on right now? Q2 What has been the impact of analytics at your campus? Improvements in learning and teaching? Improvements to business or organizational processes? Q3 Are you seeing changes in leadership and organizational factors that will contribute to an increased rate of analytics adoption? Q4 What emerging technologies (or standards) will contribute to an increased rate of analytics adoption? What current problems are being solved? Q5 What current problems are not being addressed by emerging technologies (or standards) that we should be paying attention to? Q6 Words of wisdom? What do you know now that you wish you had known when you got started? Parting Note * Used with permission by my daughter, Zoe Fritz. Discussion @johncwhitmer Resources Learning Analytics Listserv SOLAR - Society for Learning and Knowledge Analytics Predictive Analytics Reporting Project Blackboard Analytics More resources